A strange phenomena occurred after I visited the site of Theresa
of Avila in 1970. Driving down the road from the city I could
see what was beyond the curve of the road ahead. Then, when I
arrived home, sitting in my office, doodling on a piece of paper,
my hand began to write. Out of that experience came several writings,
one of which was 200 pages long, and on the Koran
,which I threw into my fireplace (for personal reasons I cannot
relate here). In the beginning of the writings I was told certain
parables and shown certain images (precepts) which are among my
private papers. But some of the writings affected me so profoundly
I put them in my books. The first three parables and the Prayer
, on this page, I put in my 700 page book called, Hidden
Pavilions . The fourth parable I put in my 200 page book
called, The String of Pearls . Both books share
a common event, as I was going to pick up Hidden Pavilions
and drop off The String of Pearls at the printer
on October 17, 1989 , the day of the great San Francisco (Loma
Prieta) earthquake. In The String of Pearls I had
complained about how the people of San Francisco treat the homeless
and that they deserved to be shaken up a bit. Having just written
that statement in the closing thoughts of The String of
Pearls , followed by the subsequent earthquake, I went
back and added a chapter to The String of Pearls
called, "Lamentations". Suffer the prophet who, like
Jeremiah, must live through his own prophesies! Now I make this
small testimony because most people have no idea that knowledge
leads to grief, and the prophet truly becomes a man of sorrows,
knowing the suffering to come and, more importantly, how to mitigate
them. There is hope, which is what our pages are all about, for
we are also told [Isaiah 53.11] that by His knowledge He shall
justify many. It is a different angle on grace, I suppose.
The source of the writings called Himself "I am". In
the early stage of the writings I was not familiar enough with
the Bible (having not really read it) to know that YHVH spoke
to Moses with the same name. So in the beginning of the "automatic"
writings, I was surprised, firstly here, to discover that the
one who was dictating the direction of my writing was one called
"I AM" and the same signature used with Moses. This
was the beginning of many shocking surprises on my subsequent
journeys through the written word. As I progressed I found that
I had already known most of the precepts in the Bible before I
had ever read them.
Since writing Hidden Pavilions I was overcome with
a compulsion to search and write about certain things, all of
which became a progression, resulting in about 4,000 pages of
books and more books. I rarely now revert to the "automatic"
handwriting, as I soon discovered after Hidden Pavilions
was written that the "automatic" writing continued through
my computer keyboard. My thoughts and the thoughts of my father,
who calls Himself "I AM", have become somehow merged,
though I do try to express my opinions as much as I can.
During the course of my revelations, the "automatic"
writing, that is, I had a dream which I also placed in Hidden
Pavilions . I found myself in Heaven and entering an office
occupied by a very gentle lady who wore glasses. She was glad
to see me, as were others, and she told me that they would be
taking me into the great room where I would be shown certain things.
She told me that I would be tempted to want to take notes but
I am forbidden to do so, and that I would also have no memory
of the experience in the room.
Before the people came for me to take me into the great room (the
double doors were extraordinarily high), I did secret in my right-hand
pocket a pencil and paper, and I do know as I was in the great
room I did take certain notes which were very profound.
When I awoke the next morning I went immediately to search my
Jeans pockets, but the pencil and note were no where to be found.
To this day I cannot remember what I wrote on the note, but it
described the essence of everything that has subsequently appeared
on Maravot's_welcome.html. For as I wrote, I realized that
much of what I had written was stored in my memory. I did not
know it was there until it was "provoked" or "stimulated"
as it were. I have always felt as if I were programmed to write
certain things (which, as you will see in my writings, are not
things one would be overly happy to write). In truth, the cause
which I knew not I searched out.
Another, related dream happened before the "white tunnel
" and "alien abduction" phenomena became public.
I was laying on my couch, dozing, when I felt a sensation of sudden
acceleration through a tunnel. I could see the bars over the ceiling
whizzing by at ever increasing speeds. Then I found myself in
an operating room of sorts where there were people dressed in
white garments leaning around my body, which was on a table covered
with a white cloth. One had a device in his hand with which he
scanned my body. "He's fine", the being said, and I
was delivered to another room where I saw others, and then awoke
on my couch. The beings appeared much like those in the movie
This experience I wrote off as a strange dream until I began to
hear about alien abduction stories.
My personal view of extra-terrestrials has nothing in common with
modern myths. That Ezekiel saw something which certainly does
not resemble anything but our common perceptions of a space ship
is food for thought. But I believe that the Spirit which is in
me is not handicapped in travelling through space and time, being
needful of a space ship for transportation. And I also know that
the Spirit which is in me is not of this world.
I might also note that the prophets, when they introduced their
prophesy with the words, "the spirit of the Lord is upon
me", etc. it was in the context as if the Lord had taken
them by the arm and moved them to another place to show them something.
In Ezekiel's case he was litteraly snatched up and moved to another
During the course of my writings I had two profound visualizations.
One was that of a spider's web, leaving me with the horrifying
thought that God 's image may resemble a spider. Was I shocked
when the Internet came into being and how I came to find a place
in the web.
The other visualization was that God is a body snatcher of sorts.
It is clear from the Scriptures that He intends to live within
us, as Jesus also pointed out. In contrast, so does Satan, the
Scriptures tell us. For those who may be confused as to the difference
between God and His Angel(s) of Light, who succor the Children
of Light, and Satan, note that Satan is also called the King of
the Children of Pride (see Job 40-41) and has dedicated himself
to destroy the Children of Light. The LORD's light is for life
and that you should have life more abundantly, for the poor and
the humble in spirit and of contrite heart; He is the spirit of
truth, mercy, justice, charity, good will, and long-suffering
kindness. The Children of the King of Pride, who are also called
the Children of Darkness, are the opposite, being thick-skinned,
and do not come to the light lest their sins be reproved (see
John 3.19 ff.).
My writings speak for themselves and it is for the reader to decide
their worthiness towards facilitating the Hope (and Promise) which
is of God: that all men would receive Him and understand Him perfectly.
As one pulling a weed here and there, I have worked towards that
end, or to put it another way, to shed a little light here and
a little there. It is after the manner of selling pearls, or Hope.
Those who purchase such things know their value and beauty. In
the case of Hope, the down-trodden, the desolate, the forlorn
and lost come to it first. Those who are their persecutors are
hard-hearted, almost like robots, and have no need for Hope. Nor
do persecutors believe that God has any knowledge or that God
can bring them to account for their wicked ways.
There were Two men sitting atop a large ball of string. The one
man said to the other, "I wonder where the end of the string
is?" The other responded, "Probably on the outside of
it". Then, curious about the ball of string, as to where
the two ends of it were, they decided to search for them beginning
on the outside of the ball, working towards the center. Finally,
they met in the center of the ball, completely flabbergasted and
confused, having found neither end of the string. And what was
worse, the string was completely disarrayed about them. They looked
at one another and concluded that they must have overlooked the
ends of the string somewhere on the outside of the ball. But then
they became totally lost in themselves, realizing that the only
way they could properly retrace their steps towards the outside
of the ball would be to put the disarrayed mess back in order
again. And thinking about this they despondently realized that
in putting the string back in order they did not know where to
begin. And were forever and hopelessly lost. Therefore, should
you inquire into something which has neither an end nor a beginning
be sure that you do not make a mess of things as you make your
search. For it is certain that you shall become lost forever in
your own entanglements like those two men.
A man found himself in Heaven waiting to be brought before his
God. And when the day came that he was brought before the Lord
of Heaven and Earth, the Lord asked the man to go out and get
Him some Cow's Milk. So the man went out, saw a cowherd, and purchased
some milk from him, returning it to God. When God drank of it,
He spat it out, saying, "Fool, this is not Cow's Milk; this
is Goat's Milk!" And then He had the man sent out again to
get for Him the right thing.
The man was confused, for sure, for He knew that the milk had
been taken from a cow. But then, walking down the street of Heaven,
he realized that perhaps everything in Heaven is the opposite
of earth. So he sought out a goatherd and thought to purchase
his milk. But first he tasted of it and found it to be, sure enough,
the milk of a cow. Being proud of his deduction, he quickly returned
unto the house of the Lord and offered Him his Cow's Milk. The
Lord, taking of it, smiled and said, " Man, thou were wise
to think that everything in heaven may be the opposite of that
on earth; however, if thou followeth this reasoning thou shalt
be mislead". Then He frowned and waved His arm telling them
in Heaven to send the man back to earth to learn the true substance
of Heaven and God. And the man was whisked off the porch of Heaven
as one sweeps dust off one's steps into the street.
Finding himself back on earth, the man decided to study everything
he could find concerning God and Heaven. And in this he traveled
to all parts of the world, studying with the greatest masters.
He even went to Nepal and the day came that He was considered
himself a master of God's Wisdom and became a guru himself. So,
believing that he had finally learned all that had to be learned,
He put in his request to be readmitted into the presence of God
in Heaven. He waited for what seemed to be an awful long time
and the day finally came when He was brought up again to the steps
of God's House. He waited there for what seemed to be an eternity
and the day came when he was brought before the Lord.
The Lord frowned again at the man, saying, " Man, thou still
hath no knowledge of the true substance of Heaven". And with
a wave of His arm He was again whisked off the porch of God without
having even a chance to defend himself; nor having any knowledge
as to how he had failed to learn the Substance of God and Heaven.
What, therefore, was his mistake? He asked to be with God; and
having asked he acknowledged that He was not with God. And to
be with God you are either with Him or you are not. So the gates
of Heaven and hell are right here. Those who enter the narrow
gate to heaven do not have to ask permission to enter.
There was an old peddler who went from house to house selling
fine copper wares upon his old grey sway backed mare. But as he
reached each door a robot would answer. In those days all the
homes were served by robots who had long vacuum cleaner hoses
for noses, can opener tongues, arms with whisk brooms and other
apparels upon them, and were completely outfitted to attend to
all the duties of maintaining the people's homes. And these robots,
because of all the things in them, were terrible things to look
Now in those days the people used throw away dishes and pans made
from plastics and other discardable items. So their robots had
no use for copper wares, no matter how finely they were made.
For this reason whenever the peddler reached a door it was usually
slammed in his face by the cruel robots.
While sitting upon a park bench one night, dejected and without
hope, a Good Fairy descended near Him and inquired why he was
in such grief. He told her about the copper wares and the fact
that they were now of no use in a society which is served by the
cruel robots who cook and serve upon throwaway wares.
The Good Fairy waved her magic wand at him and instantly, marvelously,
there appeared before him a small crystal dish with a silver lid
upon it made from a Silver Samovar from a Russian invalid. Then
she told him to look inside the ware. And before his eyes, as
He lifted its silver samovar lid, he saw everything he had ever
dreamed for: he saw Hope. And as the Good Fairy began to disappear
in the mist of the early morning she told him to go out into the
world and sell the contents of the dish. "But first,"
she said, "Thou must sell it to the kings and counts",
and she disappeared.
The man was delighted, for he surely knew that people would buy
what he had in his dish. For if it was marvelous before his eyes
would it not be marvelous before their eyes also?
He went back to the homes of the cruel robots. And as he reached
the porch and knocked with great trepidation the door opened before
the cruel robot. The robot, seeing that it was the pesty peddler
again, was about to slam the door on his face, but the peddler
offered it his crystalline dish, begging it to look inside. The
robot looked inside the dish, saying, "Fool, I see nothing
in there" and threw the old man off the porch.
The old man found himself again upon the park bench wondering,
wondering, what would he do. How would he get through those cruel
robots? He pondered on this, that perhaps if he could find a way
to get past them he could show the dish to the people inside the
house: surely they would buy the hope that was in his crystalline
"Zounds! I have it!" he exclaimed to himself and the
mare, leaping up off the bench. He would dress up like the cruel
robots! So he went to the mare and took out the copper wares and
put them upon him, covering his head with an old brazened pan.
Then he took the mare over to the house, hiding her behind the
bushes, and went up to the porch to knock upon the door. The robot
appeared once again and smiled with his can opener tongue tasting
the mist, seeing one of his own kind. But as the old man stepped
forward to show the robot his crystal ware, the pan slipped a
bit off his head and exposed his graying hair. The robot, seeing
this, lost his smile and exposing his razor sharp, garbage disposal
teeth, let out a terrifying growl and threw the poor old man banging
and clanging into the bushes.
He picked himself up, got upon the mare, and rode off. "I
shall never get by those cruel robots," he thought. On the
way out of town he met a small boy and seeing him orphaned took
him with him upon the old grey sway backed mare. He rode and rode
and finally came upon a castle near the river Thames. Seeing it
he realized where he had been making his mistake, for the good
Fairy had told him to go out to sell it to the Kings and Counts.
So he approached the guard and sought to get admittance to the
king of the castle. The guard looked at the crystalline dish and
said, "My, what have we here? What a fine dish! Indeed, what
a fine dish!:" Then he grabbed the dish and said, "The
Queen'll want it; how much be thy price?" The old man said,
"But sir, the dish is not for sale; only the contents thereof
are". And stammering he began to reach to repossess the dish.
The guard turned away from the old man and lifted the silver samovar
lid, looking inside. "What would be in here I would buy?"
he growled. He sneered, "Surely the Queen'll want the dish;
here, take this two pence and be off". The old man protested
and then the guard, towering over them, grabbed the boy, "Then
I'll take the boy; he's a fair price". The boy, frightened
beyond imagination, struggled away from the guard, and he at once
went up into the castle, carrying the crystal ware in his hairy
Then, crouching down in the bushes by the walls, the old man and
boy saw the Queen appear in the window high above, whilst holding
the finely wrought crystalline ware. As it was evening they could
see her hawk nosed profile perfectly silhouetted in the window;
and then the guard started backing towards the window. The Queen
shouted, "You fool; there's no hope in here! The only thing
I see in here is that which makes me thirst!" And in her
fury she threw the dish at the guard, but he stooped at the critical
moment and the dish sailed past his head and right out the window,
only to fall near the old man and boy in a myriad of pieces. The
old man and boy quickly gathered the pieces in the frosty moonlight
and went off on their old grey sway backed mare.
Finally they came unto a desert and crossing it they saw off in
the distance a near sighted matador swishing his cape at them.
The closer the nag got to the matador, the more he clicked and
swished his reddened and tattered cape. As they approached him,
seeing that he thought they were a bull, the old man admonished
the matador, telling him for sure that they were not a bull and
dismounted to show him his finely wrought crystalline dish and
the Hope that was in it..
The matador took the dish and lifted its silver samovar lid, asking,
"And what be the price for what's inside?' The old man stammered,
"Sir, 'tis not much, but still a fair price; all you have
to do is believe that Hope therein lies."
The near-sighted matador, blinded from the wind and sand in his
desert home, peered deeply into the dish. Upon his long, beak-like
nose was a wart, and as the tip of his warted nose plunged into
the dish it swished one way around the inside of the bowl and
then another, finally resulting in the near- sighted matador dizzily
falling to the ground. Rising, he giddily apologized that all
he could see in the dish was sand, and coming near to the old
man, leaning over him with his foul breath, he assured him that
he would pay his price.His breath was so foul, I suppose, because
there is not much water in the desert and he probably did not
brush his teeth. And one could see that he had been eating a lot
of white hares, or jack rabbits, owing to all the rabbits' feet
tied to his belt.
The peddler then told him that he had been told to sell the contents
of the dish to Kings and Counts; for it was for them to first
purchase the Hope. The matador argued, "But I'm a Count",
hoping that He would qualify in the endeavour. Nevertheless, all
he could see was sand, so the old man and boy left him there swishing
his cape like a whirling dervish in the dunes.
The desert flowed down to the sea and they came upon a great city.
Soon they were riding down a freeway, in the slow lane, with cars
speeding and honking in terrible confusion. Having been cursed
by one car after another, they sought to escape the freeway and
spied a small hovel of beggar's shacks down below the offramp.
That small town of the poor was placed on the side of a garbage
dump and its houses were made out of cardboard and other things
which could be gathered from the dump site. You may have seen
such a town yourself, near your city parks; I remember one in
particular under a bridge in Tijuana, Mexico. I wonder if it is
still there, as I passed by it nearly thirty years ago.
The old man came upon a shack and decided to dismount and see
if the people inside could put them up for the night. An old woman
inside welcomed them and offered to share her dinner with them,
just having been prepared, which was a insubstantial portion of
black beans. So they joined her and thanked her for her offer
of comfort.
That evening the moon showed full and lit up the tattered hamlet.
And as people were passing by the old grey sway backed mare, wondering
who had come to visit them, they spied the moonlight shining upon
the crystalline ware, making of it a perfect beacon in the darkness.
And as they passed by, each went to the knapsack of the mare and
lifted the brightened silver samovar lid and peered inside. Soon
the report of it had stirred the entire village, for they had
all seen Hope inside. And thereafter they decided to take the
things they had gathered out of the dump and sell them to the
rushing tourists passing by; and they called them antiques; and
the village soon became a sought out place for carrying the finest
selection of antiques in the land. And this is how the old peddler
overcame the cruel robots, causing people to appreciate fine copper
wares again.
Old king Carolingian was dying, and moments before he died an
angel appeared before his death bed. At first he was frightened,
thinking it was the angel of death. But then the angel spoke,
saying, What about the innocents? The king shuddered and began
to rise up from his bed. Again the angel asked, What about the
innocents? Then the angel disappeared from the vision and the
old king gave up the ghost.
At the foot of old king Carolingian's castle was a small town,
and in the center of the town was a pleasant looking church. Moments
after the old king died an angel appeared to the priest of the
church, asking, What about the weeds? The priest also rose up
from his bed, severely frightened, and then the angel evaporated
from his vision.
From that day the church yard began to be covered with weeds.
Before long the towns people began complaining to the priest about
the shoddy way he was keeping up the church yard. And the priest
responded that he spent day after day pulling the weeds but could
not seem to keep up with them. As soon as they had been pulled
new ones grew back in their place. Finally the day came when the
people all called a town meeting and resolved to replace the priest
with another who could be more attentive to keeping down the weeds.
So the priest found himself fired because he could not keep down
old king Carolingian's church yard's weeds.
A young priest replaced him. He also tried to pull up the weeds,
but they grew back ever the more stronger as soon as he pulled
them. It was not long before the towns people replaced him as
well. Then came another priest who failed and another after him.
The day came when no priest would desire to minister to the town
of old king Carolingian. The report of the weeds had blown far
and wide throughout the entire land. One day, however, a young
priest, being heavily filled by the Holy Ghost, thought to take
on the opportunity. It was not long before he also realized the
impossibility of keeping down the weeds in the church yard.
One evening, just before he was about to retire, he heard a knock
on his door and answering it saw a comely man standing before
him. At first the priest thought him to be a beggar and was about
to turn him away, thinking he would ask the man to come back on
the morrow. But the man was ahead of him and said, I have come
to pull the weeds. Of course the priest did not believe that the
man could pull them, but at least he felt any help at that point
would be welcomed. So he nodded at the man his consent and closed
the door.
The next morning the weeds were gone. Not a weed could be seen
in the church yard. The priest was flabbergasted. Impossible,
he thought. He had to rub his eyes to make sure his eyes were
not deceiving him. But the weeds were surely gone.
He looked around for the comely man who had come to his door the
evening before, but saw neither hide nor hair of him. Though happy
he was still a bit sceptical and kept his eye on the yard, waiting
for a weed to pop up out of the soil as before. He watched for
several days; still there were no weeds. And it was not long until
the towns people saw the now beautiful church yard with nary a
weed. They again called a meeting and all resolved to praise their
new priest, for they had finally found one who could keep down
the weeds. The next Sabbath the priest found his small church
overflowing with parishioners. He saw faces he had never seen
before. There were people standing even in the isles and many,
who could not get inside the church, were peeking at the proceedings
through the vestibule doors. All wanted to know how he managed
to pull the weeds.
The comely man who had pulled the weeds was at that time leaving
the town. As he walked down the road beyond the town's gate some
children spied him and queried him. They could see he was a stranger
and his garments were shriven and tattered. His hands were stained
and torn from pulling the weeds. They thought he was a vagrant,
however, and began to tease him. Some of the bigger children,
being more courageous, began even to throw rocks at his heels.
He continued walking, ignoring them, but seeing their persistence
turned to them and said, Now the sins of your fathers are on you.
The children laughed and giggled and returned back into their
own gate. That same day the weeds began to pop up in the church
yard again...
Be kindly to strangers, my son.
There was a prayer which was brought into the world which describes
the entire purpose of God. And the Words of that prayer were put
into a book and passed from one man to another; and the book became
the Bible. And the person who claims to have written that book
is God.
Now in writing that book He devised a plan which had a beginning,
a middle, and an end, just as all other books are wont to be written.
And He expressed this plan in terms of an Inheritance which shows
the Beginning, the Middle, and the End. And this is the end of
it, expressed unto all men, as encapsulated in the Lord's Prayer:
In that prayer was Promised a great and glorious day when God would rule over all men, as their one and only King, and bring eternal Peace unto the world. It is a day when all men would see God's Wisdom and glory and they and He would be as One in earth as it is in Heaven. And taking this prayer, for its word, I have prayed our Father in heaven this prayer, that this generation will see it come true:
If you all work for this prayer you will know that the Word
of God is true. And if your works are this prayer, you need not
ask to be admitted into heaven. For your soul will have passed
right through its gate right here.
Now the simple way to show that your works are this prayer is
to follow the New Commandment offered by Jesus Christ:
Now this commandment carries in it Hope. Hope for all men.
And in this there is no end.
Is there no one who would not buy it or eat of it? For it is manna
from Heaven. Its purchase is small, and verily has already been
paid for.
A simple test of loving one another as Christ loved you is to
be a friend. And ultimately a friend is one who will give his
life for his friend. And the divine plan of God, to found the
Kingdom, sent a Friend, in His own Being, to offer his life in
exchange for yours. For the Plan of God had a terrible curse in
it to prove that He alone is God, He exists, and there is no other.
That curse is a rain of fire upon the earth to consume all things
created upon the earth. And He put that fire into the hands of
a people whom He prophesied would go to and fro upon the earth
with fire and leave only behind them death and complete destruction.
This becomes the final, terrible, Truth of God, that this Great
and Terrible Day of the Lord would bring all men to their knees
in the knowledge and glory that He alone, there being no other,
planned it, arranged it, and did it, such that only a remnant
would be left upon the earth from which He would form His Kingdom.
Now that we can see that fire and its awful desire to consume
everything, threatening now to even leave No remnant, I ask you
to look at the Inheritance of Your Children. For your hands have
left nothing for them.
But I have a New Covenant for you, which was made long before
It is a Commandment because the Test of the Lord has now come. It is a Covenant because the Princes of this World are judged; for they have not been leading you away from the fire but into it. And as a basket of foul figs they are facing one who has turned them over. Be, therefore, meet unto the commandment and believe that thy Princes of Thy World have been turned over; for ye shall see the Kingdom Come. This is my covenant.
To avoid the Curse which has beforetime been laid upon you, as
all men, you have no choice but to take Salvation in your hands
and become, as per the Commandment, the Body of Christ. And in
this parable ye must see with His eyes, listen with His ears,
and speak with His Mouth. And if the world become this thing,
it will turn its Princes into Friends and Our Father in heaven
must repent of the Curse laid upon us all.
And as you all, one and all, look around you to see who will be
sacrificed in the fire above your heads, I say unto you, be not
like sheep awaiting the slaughter, but be friends; be a friend
of God and His Creation. And look unto me as a friend. For the
day has come when the hate of this world is refused. And for those
of you who read my words and still will not refuse the hate which
boils within you, I say unto you, as a friend, throw it my way,
if you must throw it at someone, for I have lived with hate from
the beginning and learned to overcome it.
I speak of Peace; I pray for Peace. yet, it is not enough to speak
it or pray for it, for ye must be Peace.
I write not to take Peace from the World, but to bring Peace
to the World. I, in my own way, just as you, in your own way,
must bring Peace to the World. If it is to survive, Peace must
Reside within us. And His Name is God.
So This is the Rest by which the Weary may rest. If ye are weary,
then come, let us reason together. Let me plead my case, as a
friend pleading for your life, my life, and the lives of our children.
For we stand like no others before us in a great valley, a Valley
of Decision; and in this, the Lord's Day, I have called us all
to account. By this we all stand accused. Not for thy sake, nor
mine, but God's sake: His Creation.
It is for the sake of God, His Creation, His Inheritance in the
earth, that I write you. I grieve, my soul is in sorrow, that
the works of His Hands, our World, is rushing blindly into a torch
so real to us today, but well beyond even the imaginations of
men eons ago, that there is no one who can save it. I pray that
you will save it, for its destiny is in your hands.
And to those of you who would save yourselves and care not to
save the world, I say unto you I have already accused you before
God, that you would save yourselves even at the expense of the
world. And in this I have written this book, and it shall be like
a millstone around your neck and ye shall cry out to be relieved
of its weight as it drags you down from the reaches of Heaven;
and it shall drag you down into the eternal fires of Hell.
Ye all stand accused. Your children even will be standing before
the door to accuse you. And I have accused you before them.
But I have not come to accuse you. Rather, I have come to show
you a Promise which was made long before me; and if you will believe
in it and do its works and repent of your ways that Promise must
come. Verily, it is here already.
This, then, is my prayer, not so much to God, for He knows it,
but to each and every one of you, that your hearts and souls will
bring us our Promise, a Kingdom in earth as it is in Heaven, in
truth. For I need not ask my God to intercede between you and
me; rather, I ask you to intercede between me and my God. I ask
you to do the Will of God, not just pray for it. I ask you to
be the Will of God and Live it.
Many yet ask, Is there no God? The day is come that ye shall see
God has decided He desires to live within us. His Wisdom says
that Through Culling there will be a number in whom He can have
everlasting life. He says He has the ability to cull from the
world those in whom he cannot live. We seem to be at a state where
His ability to Prove His Claim has greater probability than not.
For we are at the door of a World Wide Nuclear Holocaust. And
the Word seems set at pushing us through that door.
The Wisdom that comes through this process brings about another
observation. It doesn't make any difference now what you individually
believe. Whether God has the power to throw a fire upon this earth
by his own hand or by means of influencing another to do it, becomes
a consideration we can factor as idle speculation at this point.
For if we create that suffering or Tribulation by our own hands
or if by God the result is the same. That result says in all probability
there shall be no more a habitable place on this earth.
In the Precept we have but one thing left to consider, and that
is the Hope of God, which ought to be the Hope of Man. And this
leads us back to the option available in the first promise we
mentioned. If all is put to ruin, it means that there is nothing
in it worth saving, either for Heaven or for earth. And in following
this course of thought it becomes a reality that should the spirit
not die, the burden of all of us describes the horrible thought
of bearing His Everlasting Grief forever. Who among us, I may
ask, can stand the thought of facing Heaven knowing that forever
you will know and feel the Lord's Grief? For then you will not
only know the grief you experienced in your own suffering but
the Multitude's as well.
Now this is what Christ knew: The suffering of the Multitude.
And He was willing to let you watch him suffer in hope that your
abhorrence of his suffering might save the multitude waiting at
the door of tribulation.
There is a promise in this that those who are in Christ will be
saved from the Tribulation. But to be in Christ you have to fit
his guideline: you have to be of the meek of the earth; in other
terms you have to be a Peacemaker. And to be a Peacemaker you
have to forgive your enemies.
I do not have the eyes of God. But the eyes I do have can say
that though I have seen many saying, Peace, peace, unto the world,
few have been working for it. And because I am not alone in what
I see, I am the accusation of a multitude; and if we can see this,
surely God can see this. And as I know we cannot hide this fact,
nor hide from it, the observation draws a solemn conclusion: We
have not even the soundness of Abraham's argument before God to
save us, Our Children's Inheritance. And this has been the Wisdom
of God from the beginning. I pray others will see it that the
world can be turned around into a fruitful field rather than an
ever growing desert from destruction.
Now these times are much worse, more serious, than the times of
Christ. And the thought occurs to me that even the Sacrifice of
Christ again in our stead may not even save us. And I grieve over
this, because there is a possibility that Our Lord has thought
to do it again. I am speaking of Bands...
So I considered my world, and, behold, it was lost; and my universe,
and, behold, it was in danger, because of the devices of those
who had come into it.
What good can come of this, knowing beforehand these things? Even
that any Tabernacle I should create you would remove the stakes
thereof and cast their cords asunder? Have I failed in knowing
this beforehand and not having the power to persuade men of my
might and good will?
So it is that the words have gone out of my mouth. Like arrows
shot from my bow. What bowman can call back his arrows? Be meek,
therefore, lest ye are seen by one of my arrows and hit..
Cry not like a woman in despair, who, suffering under her tenth
child, complains to her husband because she could not bear them
all at once.
We can now witness what man has done unto the earth, saying in
the observation, that because of what he has done to the earth,
threatening this garden's very existance, it is probable he will
do likewise to the universe.
For as a robber who comes to rape and pillage the treasures of
a fortified city, he now looks to the heavens for other things
which he might pillage and plunder. And in all this no where is
there any sincere evidence that he would leave anything as an
inheritance for his children...
Therefore, who among you would ask me why it is that to save my
universe I have lost my world? What souls among you can stand
before my judge saying unto Him that He would keep you and bless
you knowing that you are the cause by which He lost His World?
Can you wring your hands dry, showing no blood in them? Look at
your hands! They are stained red! For just as you have not received
me and caused my blood to be shed, leaving me neither a door to
enter nor to go out, so too have ye done likewise unto others.
Even the beasts of the forest now stand against you and accuse
For this is the Wisdom of the Mighty: be meek lest I see your
Vanity. For I am pledged to destroy it.
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