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1) Each receives according to his/her (we refer hence to his/her as his ) ability;
2) God selects certain people to carry forth his message, and each is given his portion according to his ability to carry it;
3) To whom much is given, more is required; that is to say, the greater the burden of the message to the world, the greater the burden for the messenger carrying it.
4) God's mission with man is to teach him his ways, and, since God's Way is to become a Unity of Spirit in Him, and, since man is divided over that Unity of Spirit and more often than not harms his fellow man, in the final analysis much of God's Mission with man has to do with providing for the afflicted and those who cannot provide for themselves. This, of course, includes the creatures and even the land (Garden) itself. For God is a planter, as it is noted in the first words of Genesis: and he planted a garden...
5) When God chooses a prophet he separates him from the flock; his family, friends, etc., and carries him to a place where the two can be together. Often that place is a wilderness to the prophet, and he is totally dependent upon God to provide for him, often being in the midst of much personal privation. When that person has reached the moment of complete dependance upon God, he has obtained Unity with the Holy Spirit and now can be filled with the knowledge for the which God separated him into the wilderness. Such knowledge involves the need to be humble, the need to be just, the need to be charitable, the need to be merciful, the need to be faithful to the teachings of God, and the need to teach others these needs. Once knowing these particular needs, the prophet is then taught how to teach them.
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6) A prophet chosen by God, who knows the Wisdom of God's needs, and is in accord with those needs, is now prepared to receive the Revelation on Faith which allows him to teach the needs. The first thing he is taught is that he is to be discrete. The message entrusted to him by Heaven has a discrete purpose and can only be taught to the world through discrete measure. Understanding this precept, then, the prophet allows the Lord to direct his way to assure that his mission will be obtained in discretion. He moves when the Lord moves him; and he does not wander neither to the left nor to the right but directly as the Lord has led him. Even in the face of public humiliation and danger, the prophet must proceed, if that is the path laid out before him.
7) God confirms his prophets.
8) No prophet of God can overstep God's Word
No prophet of God can contradict the other prophets that went before him. He can neither add nor subtract from their message. Since the principal message of God is to bring all of mankind into Unity with His Holy Spirit, a oneness of being, it follows that he who receives the last Revelation on Faith must supply that portion entrusted by Heaven to him which those before him had promised.
A false prophet pretends to carry a message from God; since God confirms his prophets, it follows that a false prophet would tend to stray from the message of the earlier prophets and supply his own. The chain of precepts from Abraham to the last prophet cannot be broken. A false prophet attempts to break the chain so to establish his own message above God's. This is known as a prophet or spirit of Satan; and the impact of such messages does not look to the virtues we listed: of humility, justice, charity, mercy and Unity of Spirit in the Holy Spirit. The messages of false messengers tend to raise up a person or a group at the expense of another, being thus unjust; they tend to condemn others who do not accept their gospel. Such are the false messengers who attempt to undermine the blessings of God towards mankind. For God's blessings are to promote life and life more abundantly (God's wisdom is life to those who have it). The messengers of iniquity have as their ultimate goal to destroy life, and they do this by trying to undermine the wisdom of God, even suggesting that God has no wisdom (thinking He cannot reason with man). But we know that a fundamental precept in the introductory chapter of Isaiah 1.18 says all: come let us reason together, says God. It is this foundation to which all the prophets are led to teach, to speak of God's glory and wonders. And to warn those within hearing to repent of their ways (to the extent the message of which they were entrusted addresses this).
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No prophet of God can overstep God's word. His word is truth and is carried in the Spirit of Truth. One thing God is not capable of doing, is to lie. Whilst He says of that prophet which has deceived a people, it is I who deceived that prophet, the fact is that God does not lie. He may allow the wicked to wander in the lust of their ways, and such people will always be attracted to a prophet who justifies their ways, thus, like the blind leading the blind, entreating them all into a pit. But this is not the way of the Most High God, whose will is that no one should die but rather have life and life more abundantly. But those who are wicked, He will cut off from the promise and, thus, He allows them to wander in the valleys of desolation and thorns with no one to help them. Sometimes the wicked become weary of wandering and call upon the Lord for Salvation. When he answers (He always answers but people tend not to discern it since they expect him to answer according to their particular desires) the message is always to turn aside and return back to me. Sometimes he will send a prophet to get a people out of the wilderness in which they have strayed. But a proud and wicked people who do not hearken to his voice, or will, God will turn away form, leaving them as strays to perish, because they did not listen when God called to them.
Since God confirms his prophets, it follows that his prophet carries with him certain truths, or signs and wonders, which will be confirmed according to their recital. Now the prophet is taught very early that patience and long suffering are characteristics of the Lord, and they have learned those ways in their separation. Thus they know that their message is entrusted to the moment in time in which they were conceived. A prophet of God, thus, often has no criteria of timeliness, or urgency. His existence in time was formerly conceived, and though he may wonder whether he had come too early or too late, because often a people reject their prophets, the prophet always knows by his training in the wilderness to do as he is directed and let God worry about the particulars of timeliness and enforcement of the message. Where men fail in faith is in this aspect, because they tend to assume a judgment of God pertains to them to enforce: i.e. people tend to assume they are God's divine arm designed to destroy another people (such as the Nazis presumed upon the Jews).
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All prophets exist for a particular moment in time. What they may know of may include messages which pertain to other matters and times, to be carried by another prophet. The note we make here is that one prophet leads to another (as one precept leads to another), and a prophet of God will only deliver that portion pertaining to him, leaving the other (which is within his perspective or knowledge) to the next prophet which God will raise up.
The next prophet confirms the former prophets of God. For God's Word is one Word. The first article in the faith of a prophet is that he is but an instrument (mouth) of God; and this, we mean to say, comes down to a thing which we can call a portion of the Word of God. God apportions His Word among his prophets, and these can be viewed in totality not only as His Word, but also a great army. The purpose of that army is to cause all of mankind to surrender to their righteousness, which is God's. Thus, a prophet is taught to say, not by my will, but by God's Will; my righteousness is of God.
Now faith in God and righteousness are one and the same thing. Righteousness involves helping others to life and life more abundantly, to seek good and do it, that one may gain in goodness. And goodness begets justice, charity, and mercy.
Often a people are sent a prophet when they least expect it. When they least expect it is often when they are in a period of darkness, where there is no light, and each man does according to his own way, leading to the persecution and affliction of other peoples and neighbors around him. When a prophet is sent to them to turn them aside, to lead them into the Light of God, the first order of business is to list their sins before them; and his Word, thus, is like fire to them. The prophet will tell the people to come hither, for I have something to show thee. But the people will more often than nought be afraid to come out into his light lest their sins be revealed. He calls them out into the light to show them their sins. And this leaves us with the final conclusion of this small revelation on faith. Those who come out at the prophet's bidding will shine forth as the light of seven suns; but those who fear the light lest their sins be revealed, will be left to wander midst the thistles and thorns. And they may be left to wander until a prophet arrives and they are worn down by their misadventure and afflictions and see him who calls as not one attempting to bare their sins but one who has come to save them....
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This is the final tribute to Faith in God. That he sends his prophets to save those who are tired of wandering in the canyons and thorns alone and without a shepherd, and those who are in such dark-laden valleys will thirst so much for the Word he carries, which now is like water unto them, they will come out and be saved.
Those who come out will then know that they had heard God calling to them all along, but they had not discerned his voice. When they have discerned God's voice, they are back on the trail to Unity with the Divine. As they rise up out of their dark valley towards the water we now speak of light they will bare their souls and be completely barren of their former pride and independence from God. And those who arise from the darkness of the valley to the heights of God's Holiness will be called the Children of Light. Of those who reach this perfection it can never be said of them, O ye of little faith.
There is much that has been written on this matter.
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