3/1/2010 An Arthurian style romance first published in 1992 that forecasted the second war of Iraq,
the outrages of George Bush Jr., the battle in Afghanistan, and a "swarthy lad" successor who restores justice.
The book picks up where "Parzival" left off.
Romance of Anaïs
By Mel West
(July 1992)
Including the history of the rare elixer derived from the horn of the Unicorn,
as remembered by the West Family of Somersett and their estate of Lady Elizabethe la filroy de Poitiers
Author's Preface
This story was written for my daughter. It was written to explain to her how my unusual Quest, which led to Bodrum, Turkey on numerous occassions, resulted in my encounter of her beautiful mother and our subsequent love.
I travelled with many people along the way and carried only a small bag and a sleeping bag. I found that the further and longer I travelled the less I needed in baggage. I often slept on roofs wherever I could find a pension which offered those accommodations.
I loved Turkey so much I travelled the entire western half of the land, but was compelled to return to one city, a favorite tourist site of the Turks, called Bodrum. Bodrum is the home of the great historian, Herodotus, and the city, known as Halicarnassus in ancient times, had one of the seven wonders of the world, called the Mausoleum, within it. I lodged in a roof-top pension a few doors away from the Mosque which was situated in the center of the embarcadaro of its nicely arced harbor. A few doors away on the other side of my pension was the American Cafe, where I would hang out. My roof-top room faced the harbor. The owner was adding another story to the building and only the concrete block walls were up. There was no roof and the windows had not been installed in the openings of the wall.
On the right hand side of the harbor, as I viewed it from my rooftop suite, was a modern yacht harbor, and to the left, where a spit reached across the harbor, was a Castle. Along the embarcadaro were moored beautiful Turkish sailing vessels for the Tourist Trade. They were varnished, gleaming in the sun-light, and reminded me of Spanish Galleons. There were power boats of all sizes for charter there as well. The smaller power boats were used as taxis to take you to one of the many beaches nearby. Other beaches were accessible by Jeep. Bodrum was both picturesque and a nice town in which to live. I loved it so much I kept going back to it. On my last visit to Bodrum, through a series of unusual circumstances, I met the mother of my daughter. It was an extraordinary romance which began near the foot of a castle overlooking the bay of Bodrum and ended in Paris, France. But the Fates drove me out of France to write this book and others, and my yacht turned out to be a place where I could write without distraction, as in the Cave of the Unicorns.
Realizing that I may not be able to explain to my daughter what happened, from another point of view I wrote this story. I put it in French (poorly written I confess) just in case she would never learn English. It explains how I was separated from her to write cetain works, and much of what I came to write is on all the major religions, reconciling them as it were. My daughter is the Grail Princess in the story.
I published this work in a series of tiny books which could fit in a shirt pocket. These, along with others, I was giving to the homeless in San Francisco who used them to raise money for themselves. I had organized about 200 of them on Powell Street in San Francisco, and they wanted to set up a Tent and run it as a processing center where they could work with churches and other organizations to help those who wanted to get out of the pit do so. But our efforts were spoiled when Mayor Jordan of San Francisco introduced his "Matrix" plan, directed at cleaning the homeless off the streets. The materials were confiscated.
You can identify the segments of the book by a date at the end of each one. Because of the nature of publishing the segments, I reviewed what happened before in the story, so anyone picking up one of them could get a sense of where the story was coming from. That's the reason for the repetition.
The form of the story is a story within a story within a story and tends to involve a lot of digressions, perhaps familiar to the Children of India who have read the great collection of stories which included, The Lion King. The book is a history in its own way, mixing times and events together, reflecting back into the past and looking forward into history, switching back and forth to review the complicated details that formed Western Civilization, as we know it, and the complications involving our relationship with the Moslems and the Asians. The history stretches from Britain to Mongolia and China, and all of the dates and characters in each nation are pretty much accurate. As said, the characters of my family are from the Romances, and in that context they are true. King George of Quakin-bush, and Gory Vitellus are mythical characters I created, along with Ogmios of Ocoui. Ogmios is modelled after a true monk in the Middle Ages, although the name and character is also from Celtic mythology and may resemble a character of modern times. Princess Yuri-rita, is a person who worked at the print shop, where I printed my tiny books, who looked then as I described her, and claimed the ancestry I wrote about her. Gregori managed the print shop and is Italian. Sir Caldemore is a banker friend. The genealogies are accurate except where I injected these and some other characters.
The gods of the Heretics are distortions of historical figures who condemned the Jews, who helped formulate the Heretic views. To explain this condemning god, I created the god Antijude. Antijude is known in the book as the god who hates the poor and blesses the rich. Among all faiths in the world, discussed in this book, God, who is ineffable, defends the poor and encourages you to be charitable, honest, merciful, not to kill, not to steal; in a word, practice the Golden Rule. Antijude hates the Golden Rule. In reflecting back on the book I suppose King George, the Heretics, and their god, Antijude, now and then appear in the hearts of all people. This becomes evident where I review the conflicts, wherever they occurred, whether they took place in Kazakhstan, Byzantium, Jerusalem, Afghanistan or in China.
The book is written from the wacky view of the unicorn.
I wrote the book from the point of view of my mythical Arthurian heroes who, according to the criteria of the written legends, were of Jewish lineage and would thus have a point of view more akin to that of St. James. They would also be more likely to be able to reason with the Moslems.
In light of the events of September 11, 2001, I lament over the satirical line I took towards America. I had intended the romance to be a children's book, but because of the complex issues it addresses it turned more to an intellectual level.
Children can enjoy the book for many reasons. The colorful knights are an invitation to their parents and them to draw the characters and color them. To know their colors. They can try to find the places named in the geography of the work and draw the maps I might have provided.
The Book is a history in its own way and there are some distortions, as mentioned. The book is prophetic. One can look back over the last ten years and see things the book addressed. I would never have believed 9-11, however, had I seen it in a vision. Perhaps I saw it and didn't want to address it.*
* It was the last paragraph in the book. I have edited and made format changes but not altered anything from the original book. This Preface is the only change to the book.
Chapter 1
How Sir Gwain was enchanted and set off to rescue fair Anaïs &
her unicorn after King Arthur's odd tournament!
The Unicorn was first mentioned by the Bible, in the Books of Moses, then in the Psalms, and taken up by other prophets. In the Middle Ages the horn of the Unicorn was believed to have wonderful healing and protective powers. The horn was so rare affordable by only the wealthiest it was the prize of kings and rarely found outside their palaces; often traded king to king. Sometimes they used the Unicorn's horn in powder form and other times simply suspended it over their dining tables to protect all the people in their high palaces and castles. Connected with this legend is the tradition of the Horn of Plenty or Cornucopia, which is a horn shaped container filled with fruits and vegetables, still placed on tables during Thanksgiving, and signifying the promise of abundance and prosperity for all at the table.
The Unicorn is the most elusive beast in nature. Originally it was believed to have first been seen in Africa and also in India. Some of the first descriptions of this secretive creature were as multicolored animals with purple, red, blue and yellow markings sometimes with white horns, purple horns, red horns, etc. with feet like an elephant and a body of a hippo. The lengths of horn varied, from 2-3 feet to 6 feet and higher.
Other sightings described it as a more graceful creature like a gazelle, as it could leap and bound over high walls. Others. and the most recent of them, all involved sightings of the Unicorn with white coats and wings in the shape of a beautiful horse. Some sightings saw the Unicorn coming from the sea, others inhabiting the deepest recesses of the forests now endangered by man's beastly scourge of their habitats and other sightings are on the tops of the highest mountain peaks. Other descriptions say it can change shape and appear walking with men, eating and drinking, etc.
The Unicorn has been trapped only on a few occasions but unfortunately was killed by monarchs and princes for their horns (as vile men now kill elephants and rhinos for their horns). A sure way to trap a Unicorn was to place a virgin in the forest. If she were not false the Unicorn would quickly run to her and place his head in her lap, after which the king's nets would be thrown over it.
Although it is the most gentle of beasts and of the highest virtues never lying nor cheating, etc. it was most sensitive to falsehood and a phony virgin was immediately thrust through with its horn.
Sometimes through the lure of a false virgin it was possible to cause the Unicorn to charge and, at the last moment, cause it to impale itself in a nearby tree.
Protected Kings from Poison
Reports on its curative qualities vary but the mere possession of the horn promised long life, cure from illnesses of all kinds, and protection from poison. Its most treasured quality was its ability to sense and protect from poison and treachery in general. Often those who are false and accustomed to lying and cheating have their very own devices later come down upon their own heads soon after they come near the proximity of the Unicorn's horn or its powder. Creatures, sensing polluted waters in a stream, would pause at the stream to await the Unicorn to come for its first drink, thereby, at the same time, making the waters pure for others to drink. While the Unicorn powder could protect from poison it has never been known, by itself, to purify water or other substances except those wicked devices against which it protected kings. Monarchs always had the Unicorn's horn nearby their tables to foil any possible attempts to poison them. This was the most important reason the horn was rarely found outside of king's palaces.
Love Potion
It is believed that the powder taken by Tristan by mistake came from the horn of a Unicorn. At the time he was escorting from Ireland the lovely, lovely Isolde to her new husband, King Mark of Cornwall. Although Tristan loved Isolde beyond compare and would have wedded her, and she him, it was necessary that she marry King Mark, and Tristan's duty, above all his personal desires, was to his king, one of the most powerful kings in the days of King Arthur of Britain.
To assure that the marriage would be consummated (for King Mark had not yet gazed upon the delightful lady Isolde) Isolde's mother, the Queen of Ireland, gave a potion to Isolde's lady in waiting to be administered to King Mark the evening the two would consummate their marriage. Alas, as fate often interferes with the plans of men, on board the ship the magic elixir was given to Tristan by mistake, and poor, poor Tristan fell more hopelessly in love with Isolde. It was a sad, sad affair, for upon delivery of his lady to his uncle, King Mark, Tristan--who was named by King Mark as his sole heir to the realm of Cornwall--was day after day, night after night, compelled to visit his lover under a cherry tree in the garden, even that very tree below the tower of King Mark's very private chamber!
Protected God's Servant's
Sir Galahad, the son of Sir Lancelot, a cousin of Tristan and King Mark (all were cousins of King Arthur and sons of King David through Joseph of Arimathaea) was dusted with a slight, magical pinch of Unicorn Powder in the talcum powder applied to his bottom as a baby. That same powder was merely wafted over the Siege of Danger at the Round Table; and no one, from then on, except Sir Galahad then a babe suckling at his mother's breast would be able to sit in that chair, according to our story. Many died trying to sit in the Siege of Danger, frightening others away.
Protected from Foolishness
Poor, poor Parzival also was affected by the Unicorn Powder. Listen to this unusual tale! He was another cousin of King Arthur and son of David, through Gahmuret, the King of Anjou. Anjou was one of those realms under Sir Lancelot which was bequeathed to Gahmuret through Sir Dinas le Seneschal. There were few knights in France who were greater than Parzival's father. Witness just part of that epitaph written upon Gahmuret's cross upon his grave:
“..His fame shot up so high that none will ever reach its mark wherever men shall judge of knights hereafter..He gave help and manly counsel to his friends and never failed them. For women he suffered bitter love-pangs..The hero strove for fair renown in all his conscious days and so died a renowned Knight. He won the victory over all that is perfidious.”
Such was Sir Parzival's fine lineage. As he was on his Quest to find King Arthur, he saw a pavilion made of three-color samite (green, white, and sable) in the forest of Brizljan; and Lady Jeschute, the wife of Duke Orilus de LaLander, was inside sleeping, waiting for her knight to return. Parzival was overpowered by her beauty: seeing her sleeping there, with parted lips which wore the flame of Love's Hot Desire and the sable coverlet barely drawn below her smoothly carved Trojan hips! Her artful form was one no sculpture could nor dare we say, would? improve! Upon her finger were some rings, of which the naive lad's mother had told him to acquire as he pursued his errant mission. Being a youth (of beautiful form unequalled himself, whose chastity broke many a maiden's heart) and having not yet acquired the gift of prudence, he attempted to take her ring, leaping straight upon her silver brocade couch! Waking, and seeing herself in dishonor, she complained; and then the naughty boy--would not all youths be tempted to such indelicacy at such a sight?--attempted to kiss her, crushing his breast to hers. Then, although he had been taught to always treat ladies in the most delicate way, he spied a blue sapphire brooch with a gilt cameo on its reverse. It was on her right shoulder and he straight-away tore it off her shift! With the brooch (whose engraving carried the words, Faithful and True) came a small piece of the shift. The shift--made of the whitest virgin samite--was the very same shift she wore in the Grail Castle when she was a Grail Maiden. As all people then knew, the Grail Maidens wore underclothes dusted with Unicorn Powder and that same secret powder was used to dust the Holy Grail when raised at dinner by King Anfortas, Parzival's maternal uncle. King Anfortas was then the Grail King of the Grail Castle. This is according to the secret rite of the Holy Grail.
Life does have its odd quirks where foolishness often brings forth wisdom, and the feathered hats of fools, as it were, are used to point out the heads of anointed Kings. In this sense, Parzival's act of foolishness rubbed virtue into his breast. His act of foolishness left the afflicted lady for years in dishonor, but a small amount of dust rubbed off onto him and still remained on the brooch and its samite sheath, causing a miraculous change in his behavior.
The Lady Jeschute was one of the most virtuous ladies in all of the land of Britain and was found in shame, as a tatterdemalion, when her husband returned. Thereafter her unforgiving husband (how could he have known the youth's intentions?) made her walk behind her palfrey; and her richly beaded gown, made from the finest emerald samite to match her husband's armor, now became tattered, torn, and in disarray. In this way year after year, to court after court, she followed her husband in his quests and errands of knighthood.
The miracle happened when Parzival wrestled the Duchess, Lady Jeschute, to the carpet to attempt his kiss. As all those familiar with the Code of Chivalry know, a kiss is a pledge of service and trust, from which we have the tradition of fealty and the time of the Feudal Age. The untrained Parzival did not know that one couldn’t wrestle a lady to the carpet to earn her favor! Regardless, after that day he did pledge himself to her and did serve her-unbeknownst to her- sending many a knight defeated by his sword to her Pavilion to serve her on his behalf. In this way the lady in the end came to much honor despite her immediate plight caused by Parzival's impish, implacable behavior! Riding off from her pavilion he suddenly changed-as if a light descended down upon his helm-and from then on became known as one of the most virtuous knights at Arthur's Round Table. On the way to King Arthur he won the Red Knight's colors and armor and after leaving King Arthur went on, as the mysterious Red Knight, to join Sir Galahad and Sir Bors in their quest for the Holy Grail which was possessed by Jesus at the Last Supper. Since then only Grail Kings-sons of David we say- could posses the Holy Grail. At the end of his adventure Parzival himself became the Grail King, following after his uncle. Even though he always had the valuable brooch of Lady Jeschute upon his person, in its white virgin samite sheath-ripped, we say, from above the virtuous lady's wheezing breast, Parzival still did not have that one gift needed to assume his uncle's throne at the Grail Castle. Eventually, and only through the intercession of a Grail Maiden at the castle the last time Parzival visited the Holy Grail, did Parzival finally understand the gift: the question to the answer known only to the Kings of the Grail Castle! The Grail Maiden wafted the true dust of the Unicorn's horn over Parzival's helm and then and only then did he know the question and everything it represented. Since that day it has been a secret known only to the peerage of Unicorns-only hinted at by Wolfram von Eschenbach!
With the true Unicorn Powder you might know the answer to that important question only a Grail King would know! When you learn the answer it should change your life, as others were changed!
Soothes the Frightening Beast
Sir Gwain, the Green Knight, another cousin of King Arthur and the son of King Lot of Lothian, also had to find, per his mother's instructions, the Magic Fountain of Avilon (believed to be that very fountain called Joseph's Well near the grave of his ancestor, Joseph of Arimathaea). The well was attended by Chief Giant Ysbaddaden who, to ward off Sir Gwain, recreated those same marvelous horsemen conjured up by Sir Rhonabwy only years before. As Sir Gwain pierced the forbidden moors at the edge of the wasteland between Avalon and the sea, he met in succession those beautiful horsemen, and they each challenged his motives for seeking Joseph's Well. First in the succession came a young man with yellow-red hair, but neither beard nor moustache, cutting a noble figure on a great, broad withered horse. From the point of its withers and from its kneecaps down the horse was yellow, while its rider was dressed in red brocade sewn with yellow silk, and yellow fringes on the mantle; the yellow of his vestments and his horse was the color of broom, while the red was the color of the reddest blood in the world. This rider overtook Sir Gwain and asked him if he would accompany him to deliver his vermilion mantle to the beautiful and shy Olwen, daughter of Chief Giant Ysbadden. Sir Gwain kindly advised him that he was on a mission of mercy and could not be detracted and went on his way.
Having already crossed the plain of Argyngrog, Gwain next saw a marvelous joust and judging the joust was a lad sitting on a shining white mount. He wore a cloak of white brocade with jet-black fringes. His mount's kneecaps and legs were pure black, but everywhere else it was pure white, and above his helm upon his up-tilted lance was an ensign that was pure white with a pure black tip. He was approached by several men dressed in pure black, with salt-white fringes on their mantles. The kneecaps and legs of the horses were pure white, but everywhere else they were pure black, and the troops' standards were pure black with a pure white tip. Soon a rider arrived, armed in mail: its rings were as white as the whitest lily, its rivets as red as the reddest blood; the rider was careering through the host towards King Arthur and at another mount Sir Gwain knew as Sir Kay le Seneschal, the most handsome knight at Arthur's Round Table.
Then came Eiryn the Splendid son of Peibyn, Arthur's servant, who was a rough, ugly, red-haired man with a red moustache and combed hair; he approached on a big red horse, snorting and pawing the verdant grounds, with its mane parted on both sides of its neck, and carrying a pack of red leather containing a small black valise. This large red-haired man dismounted before Arthur, drew a gold chair and a ribbed brocade mantle from the pack, spread the mantle-there was a red-gold apple in each corner-and set the chair on it. Gwenn (white) was the name of the mantle, and one of its properties was this: a man wrapped in it could see everyone, but no one could see him, nor would it allow any color on it but its own. Having read a confidential message presented from the small black valise, King Arthur invited a majestic knight standing nearby, named Sir Owein, who was dressed in a Prussian blue cloak, to play chess with him. The men on the board were gold and the board was silver. As they played the red pennant-with a golden dragon embroidered on it- of Utependragon wafted above Arthur's sable and silver pavilion.
Deep into play they were interrupted by another rider coming from a white red-topped pavilion, with the image of a pure black serpent-bright-red poisonous eyes in its head and a flame-red tongue-who took off his brazen helm, revealing a young man with curly yellow hair and blue eyes and the beginnings of a beard. He wore a surcoat of yellow brocade, stockings of thin, yellow-green cloth on his legs, and on his feet buskins of mottled cordovan with gold buckles fastening them across his insteps; he carried a heavy-gold-hilted triple-grooved sword, and a black cordovan scabbard tipped with pure red gold. He approached the king's table and greeted Sir Owein as he was playing chess with King Arthur. Sir Owein brushed back his blue Prussian Cloak, being extremely uncomfortable, and gripped the silver, lapis-lazuli jewel laden hilt of his sword, named Mynyw, but the king soothed him saying, "Don't worry, he greeted me earlier.” The men continued playing at their game in spite of the fact that the rider had complained about the lads and servants of the king molesting his ravens. Arthur looked at Sir Owein, saying, "Your move,” and the intruder returned to his red-topped Pavilion.
Towards the middle of another game, a ruddy young man with curly auburn hair, sharp-eyed like a hawk and tall with a trimmed beard, came out of his pavilion of pure yellow with the image of a pure red lion on top. This man wore a tunic of yellow brocade reaching down to the small of his leg and sewn with red silk thread, stockings of thin white buckram, buskins of black cordovan with gold buckles; in his hand he carried a great heavy three-grooved sword, and a red deerskin scabbard with a gold tip. He also neglected to greet the king and complained that the kings' pages were stabbing the ravens! Arthur only answered, "Your move,” and the youth returned to his pavilion.
As the prudent King Arthur-no man in all of Britain was wiser than he nor ever sat on a more glorious throne-continued with another game of chess, another man was seen in the doorway of his spotted yellow pavilion being urged by the youth in the yellow tunic; and he came out onto the grounds and approached Arthur's table. His pavilion is noteworthy because it was the largest anyone had seen, and the image of a gold eagle with a precious stone in its head was emblazoned on the side of the tent. This youth with bright yellow hair, handsome and well-shaped, wore a mantle of green brocade like Sir Gwain's, with a gold brooch at the right shoulder as thick as a warrior's middle finger, stockings of fine linen cloth dyed the same color as Arthur's chess board, and shoes of mottled cordovan with gold buckles. This youth had a noble countenance, a white face with red cheeks and large hawk-keen eyes, and in his hand a stout speckled yellow spear with a freshly sharpened head and a prominent standard of a red lion gris mounting. Violently angry, he galloped towards Arthur and himself greeted Owein and told him how the noblest ravens had been killed and those that were not dead had been molested and wounded so badly there was not one that could lift its wings an inch off the ground. "If you please, play on," complained Arthur to his companion at chess. The flabbergasted lad returned to his pavilion, and as he approached the wounded ravens many rose up and began attacking the unruly pages, tearing out eyes, and ripping flesh until their vengeance had been satiated. As Arthur and Sir Owein were startled by the ruckus, a rider came forward. His horse was a remarkable color: dapple-grey, with a pure red right leg, and from the top of its legs to its hooves pure yellow; and both horse and rider were clothed in strange heavy armor. The horse was covered from the pommel up in pure red linen, and from the pommel down in pure yellow linen. The youth wore a great gold-hilted one-edged sword on his thigh, with a new pure green scabbard and a tip of Spanish brass, while the sword belt was of blackish-green cordovan with gilt crossbeams and a clasp of elephant ivory with a pure black tongue. On his head he wore a gold helmet, set with precious stones of great value-adamants and emeralds were most abundant-and on the crest a yellow-red leopard with two blood-red stones in its head, so that it was dreadful for any warrior, however stout-hearted, to look at the leopard's face, let alone the rider's. In his hand he carried a long heavy green-shafted javelin, blood red from the grip up and the blade was covered with raven's blood and feathers. Tired and angry he greeted the table, pleading that the ravens were mutilating the pages, leaving only a few of Arthur's pages and squires, and the sons of many nobles, alive. "Your move lord,” said Sir Owein.
They continued into yet another game and in the middle of it another commotion of screaming men and falling armor to the piercing shrieks of flapping ravens, interrupted them. As they looked up a rider on a handsome black high-headed horse came from the only black pavilion on the grounds, which had a crimson pennant, dressed with white stripes. The top left leg of his unusual horse was pure red, and from the top of its right leg down to the hoof pure white, and both horse and rider were clothed in spotted yellow armor speckled with Spanish linen of the orange variety; his cloak and that of the horse were in halves, white and pure black with purple-gold fringes. He carried a gleaming gold-hilted three-grooved sword, with a belt of yellow gold-cloth and a clasp from the eyelid of a pure black whale with a tongue of yellow gold; on his head he wore a helmet of yellow linen with gleaming crystals, and on the crest the image of a griffin with a powerful stone in its head, while in his hand he carried a ridge-shafted ash spear colored with blue lime, the blade covered with fresh blood and riveted with pure silver. This man complained that all was lost, the pages, squires, and the sons of the nobles were dead, and the ravens were now feeding on their scattered remains. With this King Arthur told Sir Owein to call the ravens off.
Sir Gwain had never observed such a colorful show and, as the ravens began to return to their hutches, he clicked to his great steed, Gryngolet (with the red ears), and began to ride away. But Arthur heard his signal and stood up. All at the tournament, from the white pavilion with the red top near the bank of red heather at the ford to the north, to the yellow-speckled pavilion in the dusty southern end of the plain, rose to their feet in salute to Sir Gwain, beckoning him to join them. Next to Sir Lancelot, his senior, Sir Gwain was the greatest warrior in the land and commanded the respect of the greatest kings. Thanking them and graciously dipping his lance and horse to all of them he declined, saying, "I am on a mission of Mercy from which I cannot be distracted". He then rode off intending to ask in Caerleon where he might get a pair of the stockings worn by the youth with the green brocade mantle, who came from the spotted yellow pavilion. In further adventures that youth and he would be joined, with them the mantle named Gwenn, and the Magic Ring of Angelica, the enchanting daughter of the Lady of the Lake, who was a prophetess in her own right as well!
From here Sir Gwain went on to drink from Joseph's Well where he too, kneeling at the well, was blushed with Unicorn's Powder and transfigured both in water and dust and saw, with Gwenn, many adventures: to secure the Pearl and rescuing, as hoped, the fair Anaïsfille (Anaïs fille du roi, or Anaïsfille), niece of Queen Enide, sister of Bors of Gaunes, a daughter of King Bors. She was a cousin of Sir Lancelot of the Lake through the great line of Gurnemanz down to the young Kardeiz, even that son of Parzival who inherited the thrones of Brobarz, Anjou, Waleis and Norgals. Through her mother's estate of Kaylet of Hoskurast, she inherited all the lands of Spain and Castile and Champagne and the lands of the south of France centered in Toulouse. The petite young fille, was then not only a Grail Maiden but the direct heir of the Grail. Because of her dignity, and the keys she held to the Grail, though still a small child, she was abducted by a boorish servant of that same Headless Green Knight and his malevolent dragon whom Sir Gawain had previously fought (and beheaded several times we might add!). The Boor, whose lower canines reached above his lower lip when he was confused, kidnapped the fair Grail Maiden and used her to capture a unicorn. Then he cruelly locked both in that same tower in which Sir Lancelot was imprisoned and abandoned many years earlier. It had but one window, but far too high to reach by man or beast. This ends the first part of the long tale behind the Unicorn Powder which has come into our possession.
Local sightings of the rarest of all and most powerful-the Western Unicorn-have been rumored to descend into the thicket above People's Park and perhaps on a few occasions in Golden Gate Park, though Unicorn Hunters have not been able to confirm these sightings. The Unicorn is a solitary creature and jealous of other Unicorns, which makes them so much the more rare and difficult to sight. Never have they been seen together. They prefer the company of the poor when they descend to visit mankind.
Unicorns have an eternal nature; and if killed resurrect themselves from time to time, as a phoenix, and are often seen with unusual rainbows. Like other antlered beasts, they do shed their horns, but only in the sacred field of Aravat whose location is known to only a few.
The Unicorn is a conduit of wisdom and its phenomena will astonish you. More literature was written on this most unusual of God's creatures than any other.
A few Unicorn songs from the Bible
Numbers 23.22 God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of the unicorn.
24.8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn; he shall eat up the nations his enemies and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.
Psalm 18.14 Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings and discomfited them.
Isaiah 34.6 The sword of the Lord is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea.
34.7 And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks fat with fatness.
34.8 For it is the day of the Lord's Vengeance, and the year of recompense for the controversy of Zion.
34.9 And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch.
33.17 Now will I rise, saith the Lord; now will I be exalted, now will I lift up myself.
33.17 Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.
33.18 Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe?
Psalm 92.9 For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, for lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
92.10 But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.
Job 39.9 Will the Unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?
33.10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?
33.11 Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labor to him?
33.12 Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn?
As most pundits on this assert, the Unicorn is one of the strangest beasts ever conceived, whose gentleness and strength is as of God: it carries beauty, promise, good will, yet the fierceness and judgment of God's wrath. For the Unicorn is an allegory of the Messiah: not to be feared but understood!
Chapter 2
Why Sir Gwain destroyed the monestary at the Cave of the Harpies
on his way to rescue the Grail Princess Anais
In our last adventure we covered some of the history behind the powder of the Unicorn, how Sir Gwain had come to observe the strange Joust of the Ravens at King Arthur's camp and then went on in pursuit of the Grail Princess Anais who had been kidnapped by the vile servant of the Chief Giant Ysbadden. The servant was a fiend named Boors whose lower canines protruded above his lower lips when he was confused. He had kidnapped Anais and hid her in the same secret tower in which Sir Lancelot had been held captive because she held the Keys to the Grail Castle and its Holy Grail and the tower was impregnable. With the keys the vile steward, Boors, intended to control the Holy Grail for himself. He would obtain those keys, he thought; with the capture of the Grail Princess Anais and with her chaste and virtuous beauty win the rare and highly prized Unicorn. With the discerning power of the Unicorn he would then be able to locate the hidden keys to the Grail Castle and control it, and, as its Messiah, control the entire world and even alter the course of future events! Little did Chief Giant Ysbadden know his sinister servant's plan.
Chief Giant Ysbadden was the chief overseer of the magic fountain called Joseph's Well, and he lived in a castle nearby that well. Those drinking of that fountain, or even sprinkling (asparsio) a bit of it on their person, would be healed of their hurts and wounds. Understand then how highly prized a visit to the fountain was, since continuing visits could assure eternal life!
Sir Gwain had made many pilgrimages to Joseph's Well. On each occasion he had to fight the giant and each time he cut off the giant's head. Each time, after Sir Gwain passed beyond Chief Giant Ysbadden's castle, the giant would then go to Joseph's Well and renew himself!
As he spread the tops of the trees and peered through them, watching Sir Gwain approach from the distant plain, seeing that the train of knights and the Joust of the Ravens were not sufficient to deter Sir Gwain, Chief Giant Ysbadden had to invent a new ploy to prevent Sir Gwain from reaching the magic fountain. For it was certain that another joust with Sir Gwain would be fatal. As grisly as this tale may seem, the liberation of Joseph's Well depended upon separation of the Giant so that he could not return to its healing waters again.
Dangerous waters to fakers! To protect the well from unvirtuous adventurers who would use it for ill gain, the moment one would touch the healing waters there would be marvelous winds, thunders and lightning, followed by hailstones the size of walnuts and larger. Only the virtuous could survive such a storm and most adventurers were, if not deafened by the thunders or blinded by the flashes of lightening or worse struck dead would be driven off by the harrowing hailstorm which followed. No shield (except the Shield of Aravat), no matter how stout the timber from which it was fashioned, or the hardness of its steel covering, could protect from those hailstones. Helmets and shields would be shriven into chips in seconds once the storm ensued.
Unbeknownst to knights who were not Grail Knights the magic fountain could be easily approached (after Chief Giant Ysbadden were overcome) by means of a magic shield that shined so brightly that no one could see its owner. By day it would appear with a silver background and two black water-signs and midst a gold and silver checkerboard pattern the sign of a white Unicorn; at dusk the silver turned to a crimson color and the two water-signs became white as the wooly head and beard of the Father of the Ages and in the form of a Unicorn.
There are other means by which the magic fountain may be safely approached. With the mantle called Gwenn, as we saw in earlier, one could also approach the castle without fear. The white mantle was presented to King Arthur at the Joust of the Ravens, but also laid across the withers of the horse which carried the Green Knight (a Double Chief Giant Ysbadden created to confuse Sir Gwain) who delivered the mantle then appearing red to Lady Owen, the giant's beautiful daughter. The giant's principal power laid in his ability to create illusions (even his castle was an illusion), always leaving the magic mantle called Gwenn, in the possession of Lady Owen. Illusion, delusion; it made no matter! Sir Gwain had delivered Gwenn to her for safe keeping some years before! Anyone wearing that mantle, which is the same crimson, seamless robe worn by Christ, would be completely invisible! Another means of approaching the castle was with the Ring of Angelica, the daughter of the Lady of the Lake: hidden by the magic ring one could easily approach the magic fountain. The ring long ago was first in the possession of the Prussian Blue Armored Sir Owein, whom we saw at the Joust of the Ravens playing chess with King Arthur. He was given that ring by a maiden of a castle who was Angelica in disguise. With it he could not only make himself and his horse invisible; but also he had the ability to transport himself to any place and time he wished. This ring was now in the possession of Princess Anais, and she, the Unicorn, and the magic ring were being held captive by the Boor. Alors! She lost the Ring! As her cage was lowered by a unique engine made of a tripod and gears, into the high tower there was no way to enter it except through the high ceiling she dropped the ring to the precariously tipping and swaying floor, where it rolled off and tumbled down to the top parapet of the tower!
"Why,” many have asked, "didn't Princess Anais use the ring to escape the Boor's brutal hands?" The Boor had shrewdly tied the Unicorn in a separate cage, and neither Unicorn nor Grail Princess would abandon the other; only if she were mounted on the Unicorn could they escape this hellhole using the ring. Separated from one another the ring was useless and now rested in a tiny niche atop the high tower of the Boor. Compounding this problem was the fact that after the cages of the Virgin Anais and her Unicorn were lowered to the floor of the high tower, the Boor began raising the ceiling of the tower ever the more higher, adding ceiling upon ceiling, like the ceiling of the Great Pyramid! After he finished six more ceilings he rubbed his filthy hands and smirked at his own ingenuity, how any knight who tries to rescue the fair damsel will be thwarted by not only the beasts he sets to guard his high tower but more so by the confusion of the ceilings. Little did he know he had lost the ring somewhere in the niches of the ceilings! The only way to find that ring would be to dismantle the tower piece by piece!
How Chief Giant Ysbadden was foiled by the Harpies
Knowing that Sir Gwain possessed the Shield of the Unicorn, Chief Giant Ysbadden grew ever the more fearful. Now and then the giant's eyes would water from a flash from the plain, and he would lose sight of Gwain when he rubbed his eyes. The light flashing off of Sir Gwain's shield, called Lothian but is remembered as the Shield of Aravat, swung first this way then that, as a beacon in the wilderness. Bolts of Light zapped across the plain, from the giant's castle and Joseph's well below, eastwards across the Cave of the Harpies and off to the northeast to the high ridges where Anais and her Unicorn were held captive. As she struggled from her cage to calm her precious Unicorn tethered nearby, she saw a flash of light come through the high window of her tower, searing her ceiling. Then she knew that her knight in shining armor was on the way. She knew it because the light was unlike any other; for each beam had a flavor to it, as it seared the air of her dusty tower!
How Sir Gwain was outfitted. Sir Gwain made a striking figure mounted upon his great steed, Gryngolet. At the withers Gryngolet was 17 hands high and his shiny black hide bristled the closer he approached the forest through which the eyes of Chief Giant Ysbadden peered. Both horse and rider were covered with a gold trimmed, green samite mantle. The halter was of green cordovan, and the matching bridle was made of gold and red medallions to match the ears of Gryngolet. The tail of Gryngolet had a red band, at the haunches, causing the long flowing tail to have a perky air about itself. There was no greater, or prouder, high-stepper than Gryngolet! This charger sired many great steeds, not the least among them being the magnificent and faithful Bayard!
His rider was no less magnificent, adorned with a burnished gold and silver helmet with a flowing green samite scarf. On his hip, in a matching green case of Cordovan leather, with a silver tip, was the double-edged Sword of Aravat. Its hilt was solid gold with black sapphire inlays repeating the double water-marks the sign of the Unicorn and at the top of the hilt was a dark blue sapphire; three brilliant rubies decorated the cross bar of the hilt. To keep the straight path the sword had inscribed on it: faithful and true. The sword itself was so great it took two men to swing it; but Sir Gwain's huge frame could easily swing it with one hand, while the other, his left hand, gripped the equally heavy and matching Shield of Aravat. Beneath the helm of Sir Gwain were uncut, long flowing, auburn locks, framing the well formed and finely whittled features of a western, hazel-eyed highlander and the most chaste of Nazarites.
Beneath the gold rings of his mail coverlet was a black tunic and his stockings, bought in Caerleon, were of gold and silver checks; his high-calved boots were also of black cordovan leather with gold and silver spurs. His green javelin made of a rare hardwood from Ethiopia carried a red grip and had a burnished silver tip. At the point of the javelin was a red-fielded Pennant, with its white unicorn, like his shield.
As Sir Gain approached the forest where Chief Giant Ysbadden knelt, he saw a dark cloud descend over the valley, accompanied by the sound of Harpies, absolutely the vilest creatures ever found in heaven and earth. They sent out an ear piercing shriek and were covered with all kinds of filth: their own excrement, lice, fleas and even maggots which still held onto the decaying morsels of meat in their pockets! Because of their filth they carried diseases of all kinds. They had the figures of men but had claws like a Griffin, faces and wings of locusts, and voraciously fed only on dead animals. Their teeth could sever the limbs of the stockiest draught horse.
The Harpies were previously locked in a cave between Chief Giant Ysbadden's castle and the crossroad where one turned off to go to the Boor's Tower. Searching the high crags for the best stones in the area, which were found near the Harpies' Cave, the Boor's laborer's accidentally freed the Harpies as they removed a slab of granite from the northern side of their cave!
How the Heretics' Chapel Collapsed
Noting the gaping hole in the mountain as he passed the crossroad, and hearing the Harpies in the distance, Sir Gwain turned to inspect the cave with the intention to restore the escaping Harpies to it. He clicked to Gryngolet, gently twitching his right rein, and followed the northern road leading to the high scarp of the Harpies.
Nearby the Cave of the Harpies was a monastery which had been taken over by a mad sect of Heretics who for years had been feeding the Harpies, in spite of the law against feeding them (Long before even Julius Caesar himself had placed a bronze plaque on the face of the cave, forbidding feeding them). In defiance of the rule they hated all rules which were not invented by them in a fake pretense of feeding the poor, the Heretics had converted the monastery into a Retreat, for rest and relaxation; and to fund it they secured hordes of gold from kings under the guise of passing the Harpies off as the poor! Many Heretics even claimed the Cave of the Harpies as their orphanage to gain even more contributions of gold! No king could deny giving gold to support orphans!
Among the marvels of the 7th Century there was no more magnificent looking edifice than the sleazy monastery by the Cave of the Harpies. It was even ranked along with Solomon's Stables for being one of the wonders of the world. The Carriage House serving the monastery covered ten acres alone, and its thousand horses were of the finest Arabian breed; no carriages of any autocrats in their time were more ornate than theirs. The most famous artists of Europe were found to create these chariots, carrying their holy shepherds to retreat in the most regal Heretic Style.
Each carriage of the Heretics had doors painted with heavenly scenes and steps where ten footmen could ride. The trunk of each carriage could hold four armored knights (matching the colors of the carriage) and up front again another four. Each carriage was a formidable arsenal which only the most daring highwaymen would attempt to rob: over-wrought in gold and silver ornaments fit only for a king their racks alone held luggage and silver to support a household of ten and its armed guard!
The Heretic Monastery was perched on a high triangular bluff next to the cave. Between the bluff and the cave was a narrow bridge carved from the rock upon which one could usually see a long train of gas-masked pastors and priests in gold brocade, blood smeared robes, carrying smelly, putrid slabs of slaughtered victims. From the far side of the bridge they would throw down below them, into the cave's gaping mouth, a shoulder, a neck, a leg, etc. of a beast. Often they threw into the sinister cave's mouth wild pigs, one of the favorite foods of the Harpies. In addition, from their back pocket the Heretics would toss a rolled up document after the food; these were illuminated books not unlike modern comic books. To the Grail Knights like Sir Gwain the subjects of the Heretic's books and their characters were comically treated and anyone supposing them to be Holy Scriptures would instantly see them as charades. Hear now their preposterous beliefs and practices which infuriated Sir Gwain which we record for your edification and amusement!
Hating Jews and others Leads to Salvation!
They believed salvation depended upon hatred! Leading to their Abbey is a colonnade of their proof deities. Chief among them is Slues, followed by Turtolius, Cuprius, Orikinus, and many other historical deities who hated Jews and mankind; all ordered in succession of holiness to their creed. Above the chapel door, as the deity of Ports, is now a statue of Merthinius Loatherius whose niche was first occupied by statues of the gods Janus, then Vespasian and later Domitian.
Reformed Ancient Temple Rites. We know from the enclosure of the port, which was rebuilt in the 16th century after the purge of the West Country by Henry VIII, that this monastery was once a temple. Many of the heretics' churches were reformed temples. In this place in particular the statue over the portico was never changed, only repaired and given a new nose and bronze dedication. Janus was a god who had two faces. Today, under the name of Merthinius Loatherius, he stands pointing towards a bas relief of the Cave of Harpies with this inscription: “What shall we do with these damnable Jews?” and then it goes on to advocate the destruction of their homes, synagogues and places of employment. It further says one must not feed Jews nor give them any protection on the highways, with it being permissible to rob and murder them until not one of them is left alive. Pilgrims through time, for the names noted above, proudly recorded earlier, identical plaques. Where "Jews" is now written was once the word "Christians" and before this the word "Harpies.”
The inscription by the other face of Janus is the Golden Rule with the prayer, "Jesus, save me from the Jews, etc." As with the other inscriptions similar plaques have been dug up where the name "Jews" is substituted for Christians, Harpies, etc. as the whims of the Heretics churned.
Before the Harpies were lured into that cave, many Jews, even the sons of David, had been held captive there (from this site instead of fox hunts Domitian conducted weekend Jew Hunts, chasing foremost Jude and the surviving sons of David). Before they were thrown into the cave they were fried in cauldrons, placed upon steel chairs under which hot coals were stoked, searing their flesh until they suffocated from their own fumes; others were put on wracks, and many more, when caught, were simply tied between two bent over trees which were then released, flinging torn limbs the length of a Jousting Field. In the monastery's library were many livres coquere showing how to properly prepare Jews before and after the hunt. Later, when the Harpies, smelling blood, came to the cave, people were simply dismembered on wracks and their parts thrown into the mouth of the cave. Many people died there, but the Jews were the first to be fed to the Harpies in the cave.
Of all the places on earth there was no place more disgusting to Grail Knights than the Cave of the Harpies and its monastery. For the Grail Knights were Jews. Through their heritage from Joseph of Arimathaea, they carried on the Jewish teachings of Joseph's cousin from antiquity, Jesus the Christ, and were the original Christians of antiquity. Any attack against the Jews, the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament), Jesus or St. Peter was an abomination to them!
In this area, called the West Country from Caerleon and the tip of Cornwall north beyond the furthest reaches of the Severn the Christian Kingdom of the Grail Knights and their Round Table held St. Peter as the leader of their Church, after Jesus the Christ. Like St. Peter and the original apostles they were practicing Jews. They still circumcised their boys and many still would not eat pork in obedience to the law; however intermarriage with other peoples eroded the old Jewish laws, aggravated the more by persecutions from the heretic church which despised St. Peter, urging that everything in shambles should be eaten (Slues op. cit. 10.25). Heretics used this latter teaching to eat in shambles to justify pillaging city after city.
As one passes through the doors of the Heretic's Abbey one comes to gaze upon a bronze statue of an enthroned St. Peter, whose nose, ears, fingers and toes had been rubbed off. This was not one of the deities of the Retreat but called a type and shadow of a Paraclete. Of this false advocacy misusing St. Peter, their Saint Cuprius, said, "The Lord founded the Church upon Peter, [his rock and the one who held the keys to the Kingdom of God, ed. note] and taught and demonstrated that unity originated in him." Through these and earlier teachings St. Peter's chair (cathedra) of the church was confuted in a hocus pocus wave as the origin of unity in the church, removing thereby from St. Peter the headship or chairmanship of the church. Saying, Hocus Pocus waving at the chair the heretics chastised St. Peter, the eleven apostles who still adhered to Jewish Scriptures, and their Jesus. Condemning Jews was abominable to the Grail Knights, and seeing St. Peter's cathedra being wrongly rubbed used to feed Harpies and persecute Jews made Sir Gwain furious! Equally disgusting, by the colonnade was a Baptismal Fount carrying this hateful writ from Cuprius:
"Those who are baptized in the Church are brought before the bishops of the Church, and, by our prayers and the imposition of our hands, they receive the Holy Spirit and are made perfect by the Lord's Seal. It follows, dearest brother, that there is no need to suppose that we must yield to the heretics and hand over to them the baptism which was given to the one and only Church, and to no one else. It is we who, by divine permission, water the thirsty people of God, it is we who guard the boundaries of the fountains of life."
The writ on this fount marks the holiest site of the Heresy, checking even the Holy Sepulcher as the most sacred site of Christendom.
The waters for their holy fount came from a spring from the scarp, and from it pastors took vials back to their parishes to sell as anointing waters of Jesus. Wagons overloaded with five-gallon amphoras filled with holy water were often seen leading from the mount of the retreat. One amphora could reap in the black market over £20, a fortune in those days.
Standing before the colonnade of deities were several novices in shaved heads that sold their comical books to pilgrims. A popular book was entitled, "How the disciples of John the Baptist were fed to the Harpies.” It explained that the disciples of John the Baptist, being outside the church, did not have the blessing of the Holy Spirit and any baptism by John the Baptist's disciples was false, not approved by God; and one baptized by them must be re-baptized by the anointed priests of the monastery or fed to the Harpies! At first everyone in the West Country thought the entire cathedra of the heretics was completely ludicrous and paid them little attention, until they began to arrest Jews and others, feeding them to the Harpies. Before this Grail Knights riding their horses through the port of this abbey saw the whole thing as a comedy of error and its scriptures as buts of their jokes at board. The comic on John the Baptist's Heresy would be passed around the table while laughing at the guff that, because Jesus was baptized outside the church by John the Baptist, Jesus has to be re-baptized by the Heretic's Pope! The entire idea of using St. Peter's cathedra or chair to condemn the Jews and their Scriptures only added to the comedy. As sons of David, the Holiest thing to them was their Holy Grail, which affirmed, one day, through their blood, the Son of David, a Jew, would again walk on earth and reign from his throne in Jerusalem. At the center of this bloodline was Princess Anais. By her loins will the Son of David, Messiah, arise and [sic.] defend the Scriptures!
How Sir Gwain's fury overturned the Heretic's hateful temple. The power that was in Sir Gwain's sword and shield was unstoppable. One look at the white Unicorn of his shield causes heretics to shrivel as a flower in a hot wind; many merely collapse from heart failures, as more particularly witnessed some time later, when Rogero, a Paladin of Charlemagne, owned the shield, and an entire field Saracens and Christians alike died from fright by just looking at it out of the corners of their eyes!
Hear now how Sir Gwain destroyed the alter of the Heretics at the Cave of the Harpies: He charged Gryngolet up the steps breaking through the doorway of the Abbey with his lance in its rest and shield held near his chin-straps! A flash of light entering through the Clerestory hit the shield and beamed directly to the altar, melting all the gold and silver chests, cups and tongs of the service. The chapel was filled with 500 pastors singing praises to Jesu Antijude, their chief god. All rose out of their velvet lined seats in the chapel, mouths open and startled at the noise of the hoofs and the falling timbers of the doorway; to the tune of brass hinges clanging like cowbells upon the marble floor, the flash of the shield struck them dumb, fulfilling the saying, "False lips were struck dumb!"
As he galloped through the chapel and swung to his left to pass out through the side passageway, his Javelin swept across the top of the marble altar, sending molten ornaments flying everywhere, searing the flesh of the heretics; then the Javelin scraped the right pillar, bringing the entire structure down upon the heretics' heads! And behind the flying red hooves of Gryngolet huge blocks of stone from the chapel rolled in clouds of dust down the ravine, filling the new hole in the north wall of the cave.
With dust clouds rising behind him Sir Gwain then rode across the bridge at full gallop and down the trail on the scarp into the valley, where Chief Giant Ysbadden could be seen fleeing ahead of the Harpies. The Harpies had instantly gone after the giant, and to the giant, more so even than to men, they were not only filth of the worst kind, carrying every kind of lice and itch but also a host of plagues! Once they began crawling on a giant's flesh it was impossible to get them off!
Thus, Sir Gwain did not fight the pathetic giant whose voice boomed far off, being chased at the heals by shrieking, nipping Harpies.
Thus ends Chapter 2 of our history. From here we go on with the rescue of the lovely Princess Anaïs from her high prison and awful tower, where neither floor nor ceiling are discernible!
Chapter 3
Gryngolet's unusual encounter with the Hippogriff at Joseph's Well &
How King George of Quakin-Bush caused the abduction of the Grail Princess Anais
King Lionel, King of all France and the Franks, had just been laid to rest outside Paris at St. Denise. King Lionel was a younger brother of Sir Lancelot and his son, Constantine, now sat on the thrown. To secure the inheritance of the Grail Castle which would turn to King Lionel's family upon the death of the aging Parzival, King Lionel had arranged a marriage between Princess Ioceiles, daughter of King Aleric of the Visigoth Kingdom of Spain, and Constantine. This would achieve several things. First it would secure a treaty between all the lands of Aragon and Castile, which were not under Saracen rule, and France. Secondly, it would remove the tension between the Saracen Sultanates in the south of Spain and Europe, since Ioceiles' mother, Queen Anna, was the daughter of the Saracen, Sir Palomides, who was the Duke of Province; and Sir Palomides' wife was the Grail Princess Elethua, who was the sister of Sir Bors of Gaunes. There was no more holy marriage at that time they both were direct heirs of the greatest lineage known to man than the marriage between Prince Constantine and Princess Ioceiles. It was their daughter, Princess Anais, who was abducted by the fiend, Boors, on her eleventh birthday! He was the servant of Chief Giant Ysbadden, who guarded the magic fountain called Joseph's Well. We left Sir Gwain, uncle of Princess Anais, having just destroyed the Monastery of the Heretics at the Cave of the Harpies and now galloping down the canyon wall to the valley of Joseph's Well and then on to free Princess Anais from captivity.
The Harpies had escaped from their prison in the cave and Sir Gwain, as he careened down into the valley, could see them, blacker than any cloud of locusts, chasing after the horrified Chief Giant Ysbadden. Nothing was viler on earth than the Harpies who not only lived in filth but also carried it and every kind of disease known to man on them. To giants they were the greatest abomination, since no giant, once infected with Harpies, ever has been known to get them off or get rid of their itch! Because the giant was occupied with the Harpies the path to Joseph's Well laid wide open to Sir Gwain.
As Sir Gwain approached the well, he peeked into the Cave of the Unicorns where Unicorns molted and shed their horns every hundred years being careful to hold up the Shield of Aravat to ward off the lightning bolts at the entrance to the cave. Satisfied that nothing there had been disturbed he left his great, black steed, Gryngolet, tied nearby and proceeded down the foot-trail to the well, where he could hear the tiny stream sprinkling upon the rocks far below. The stream itself was about a foot wide and its waters clear as the finest looking glass: as it came from the Cave of the Unicorns, filtered through the gravels of the cave which were composed of the broken shards of the Unicorn's horns. Occasionally the shards washed from the cave down the ravine to Joseph's Well, making the sands of the well a multicolored Pool of Jewels, with gems of brilliant blue, red, purple, yellow, green, white and black. Many were shaped like moonstones.
While there were often all kinds of animals peacefully drinking at the well, the lion was never found there, for the lion and the Unicorn were mortal enemies. Hear this popular nursery rhyme:
The lion and the Unicorn
Were fighting for the crown;
The lion chased the Unicorn
All around the town.
The chief herald of the Grail Knights like King Arthur and Sir Gwain was the Unicorn, the mightiest beast in nature, and many knights contested for its herald, like old King James. Merlin had prophesied that one day the lion would supplant the Unicorn but in the Last Days, like the phoenix raising itself from its own ashes, the Unicorn the herald of the Son of David, the Messiah would again rein supreme. Most people of the seventh and, at this time, the cusp of the eighth century, believed that the Last Days would occur in 1,000 A.D.
In the Hercynian Forest, first reported by Julius Caesar, Sir Gwain did not fear any beast, as the Unicorn was there and supreme!
How the first winged Unicorn was conceived
As he reached down to cup the chilly waters of the magic fountain in his hand, spreading aside some small periwinkles whose colorful shells were glued together from the gem-like fragments of Unicorn Horns, Sir Gwain heard the cry of the Golden Fawn. "No,” he thought to himself, as he looked up the ravine, sipping the healing waters, "it was not the Golden Fawn or the Golden Stag; it was too low and had to be a Hippogriff!"
Normally Hippogriffs remain in the Riphæan Mountains during this time of the fall, when their mating season begins. Like a griffin they had the head of an eagle. This one, being female, had a white head with reddish brown neck plumage; its body was that of a mottled grey horse, (usually they are either black or white), with powdery white, red-tipped wing feathers and red hooves armed with extremely sharp black talons. The Hippogriff's body was the size of a horse, but its tail and mane was usually silkier and longer, usually reaching to the ground, and its unruly mane always flipped on both sides of its neck.
Alarmed, Sir Gwain grabbed the Shield of Aravat and his burnished gold and silver helmet with its green samite plume and rushed up the trail of the ravine back to Gryngolet. He expected the flying Hyppogriff and Gryngolet to be engaged in mortal combat when he arrived but lo and behold they were nuzzling each other, beak to muzzle! Then he realized that the two had just mated. He stealthily approached them from the downwind side, trying not to disturb them, but he broke a small twig, as he removed his steel gauntlet, placing it on the ground. Though a slight noise, the red ears of the Hippogriff straightened, and alarmed at the intrusion she leaped into the air and disappeared in the clouds above the forest canopy.
Gryngolet, with the true heart of an adventurer, was ready to get going anyway--eager to rescue the fair Princess Anais--and instantly trotted to his master when he appeared.
After Sir Gwain mounted Gryngolet and departed for the crossroad leading to the rescue of Princess Anais, the Hippogriff returned to the Hercynian Forest and sixty days later gave birth to a winged horse. In the third year after this incident its foal a stout withered charger with the body of his father, Gryngolet, and white wings of his mother returned to the forest to mate and found waiting a beautiful and gentle, powdery white mare Unicorn which itself had never mated. This occurred in the year 693 A.D., marking the forty-fourth Jubilee and the year in which the first winged Unicorns were conceived in the Hercynian Forest. Their foal would subsequently mate with that very same Unicorn now laying its head in the lap of the sweet Virgin Anais in their cruel and terribly gloomy prison. We now turn to tell the tale how the fiend Boors kidnapped her, and how the old and ugly King George of Quakin-Bush had a part in it in his desire to subvert the people where the high tower of her captivity was erected. For it was the vile King George who gave Boors the idea of kidnapping the fair Princess Anais!
How King George Bought His Throne
The Grail King Parzival assumed the lordship of the Grail Castle after his uncle, King Anfortas of the wounded thigh, went on to meet his maker. Parzival married into the family of old King Mark--of Tintagel fame (Sir Lancelot was born there) whose estates now included all of Cornwall, Dumnonia, Somerset, Dyfed, Powys and the countryside in Ireland around Dublin. Parzival's marriage added to the realms of the Grail Castle the estates adjacent to Joseph's Well, which included Quakin-Bush. This state was nestled in the pleasant Valle of Crucis beyond the ridge where the Cave of the Harpies stood. Rich it was in all kinds of produce, from wheat and oats to many kinds of vegetables and fruit.
Rude King George, as he was then called, had come into the area with two hundred well-armed knights from Saxony. He was unusually cruel and known for breaking his word, being unsurpassed in rude behavior in the civilized world of the time, having murdered, after taking power in Britain, two hundred thousand people once on a whim.
Before arriving in Britain, he had been thrown out of his Kingdom in Saxony for having misled the Saxon lords of that realm into a misadventure into Hungary, where all of his retinue, except himself and three of his cowardly men, were shamefully wiped out at a bohort. It was at the wedding of Queen Kriemhild and King Etzel (Atilla) the Hun in his castle near Buda, Hungary. Not understanding the courtesies of the east and being misadvised by the infamous murderer, Hagen, King George wiped his feet on the carpet below him when he first dismounted in King Etzel's hall.
This was a vulgar practice of the Greeks abhorred by the Huns and the Turks, for the Greeks required everyone passing either from Turkish or Hunish territories into Greece to wipe the foreign dust off their feet before touching Greek soil, showing how they despise Hungarian land! King George's rudeness was soon turned back upon him, for a dispute arose and the bohort contestants began to use unblunted lances, turning them first upon George! The first cause of the dispute involved the muddy carpet soiled at George's feet, and the other cause was Seigfried's murder. Siegfried's widow, Queen Kreimhild, now betrothed to King Etzel, was seeking revenge against Hagan, her husband's murderer. Seeing Kreimhild's legion turn towards him in accusation, Hagan struck back, first striking King George. At the first parry King George threw his sword, clanging like a cheap tambourine, to the white marble floor of the hall and bolted to the stables, where he and his squire saddled their horses and cowardly rode off, leaving his wife and men (and their families) behind him! When the survivor's of his retinue caught up with him at the first ford of the Rhine, he would have been beheaded there were it not for his favorite sister, Greunbilda, who met them at the ford and interceded on his behalf: she ransomed herself to the survivors among whom was brother Arnot to save George's unworthy life!
Hearing of the disaster and the shameful way King George conducted himself, all of Saxony refused to give him hospice, and he had to charter a ship to carry him and his small contingent across the channel to Britain. But words run faster than the quickest ships and before he and his men could disembark in London the ship was turned back because of his disgrace. They ended up in Caerleon where news of his misadventure had not yet been received.
He purchased twenty more soldiers at Caerleon from among some East Saxon workers on leave, on a pilgrimage to the holy temple of Freya at Bath, and then, after outfitting them, headed northwards, up the Severn to a place called Valle Crucis. While Rude King George may have lost his dignity and kingdom even his wife! In Hungary, he still held on to his main treasure, which was gold and silver coins! How he had acquired his enormous horde is a story too long to tell here, but you can guess by his nature that he was one who had not gained it ethically. He, in fact, had pilfered much of it from King Seigfried, after Seigfried had appointed him Duke over his Saxon estate now in East Prussia. It was Hagan who had recommended him for knighthood and his subsequent appointment as Duke of Seigfried's Saxon lands. While George was not in on the subsequent murder of Seigfried by the vile Hagan, George knew of it. He could have notified Siegfried’s wife, Queen Kreimhild, to beware of Hagan's ruse on the foxhunt, where Siegfried was to be murdered, but instead, because he owed Hagan a favor, he kept silent. He and many other close-mouthed fiends in history have much to account for at the Pearly Gates!
Hagan had him continually doing favors in return for his privileged estate under Siegfried. The new George, Duke of Saxony, began pilfering from Siegfried and extorting a double tax on the people, paying part back to Hagan. Rather than paying debts with income from Siegfried’s estate, he took out loans to pay them from Hagan and others, even the Bulgars, unbeknownst to Siegfried, and pocketed the difference, leaving the estate with unpaid debts and in financial shambles. By the time of Siegfried’s murder, George had amassed quite a fortune. After Siegfried’s murder, George extorted even more of Siegfried’s riches, accompanying Siegfried's most trusted troops, when they hid Siegfried’s Treasure Chests in the deep waters of the Rhine (another story). On their way to the site where the treasure would be hidden, George pilfered some priceless crowns, bracelets, brooches, torques and necklaces. Some of the diamonds and rubies from this collection are now in the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London! With the treasure he was able to buy the Crown of Saxony, with Hagan's lobby, and his title was changed momentarily from Duke of Saxony to King. As said, he soon lost his Kingdom of Saxony at Kreimhild's wedding the year after Siegfried's murder and his coronation.
Where George lacked in virtues he compensated himself with gold. After Kriemhild's wedding in Hungary his shameful conduct at the bohort and his disgusting reception in Saxony and later in London, as King George arrived in the lands of Quakin-Bush, he was more resolved to buy his way into power. He was taller than most people, looming over them in an intimidating sort of way, skinny but in good health, rich, and talked out of the side of his mouth quite convincingly, but had the most shallow, faded blue eyes ever seen. He told the people of Quakin-Bush he'd bring them peace. Little did they know they would be starved and stripped of all they own!
The lands, though rich and productive, were suffering at the lack of leadership resulting from the breakup of King Arthur's empire. All kinds of sleazy men like carpetbaggers came out of the cracks of the earth at that time to hack up the empire. Greed was the god of the times and net worth was measured not according to honesty, fealty or honor but one's Treasure Chest. Thus we account King George and the likes of Boors, Chief Giant Ysbadden's fiendish servant, and others who worshipped the irreverent and deceptive policies of the new King of Quakin-Bush.
In the contest for control of King Arthur's empire were still some of the old cohort of the Round Table, but most of them, like Sir Bors of Gaunes and Sir Parzival, were old men. King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, his son Sir Galahad, King of Saras, Queen Guinevere, and all of their generation except Sir Gwain were dead.
How Rude King George, the pilferer and liar, achieved sovereignty over the lands of Quakin-Bush we can briefly tell here. As Hagan did with him, he bought off with favors whom he could and repaid them through revenues raised by over-taxing the land, as he had in Siegfried’s Saxon estate. Hear now how, through the extortions of Rude King George, many lands were abandoned. The small landowners went first, because the taxes piled up against them made it impossible for them to make a living off the land. Once they abandoned the land Rude King George then claimed it for himself and then passed it on, as a favor, to one of his patrons. By then the land would be worth nothing unless there were good rock quarries or mines so the lands usually went fallow and in many places turned into marshes suitable only to the birds. The lords of those failing estates were still expected to bring the correct taxes to Rude King George's castle each year. This, in turn, forced those who had land and money to extort the poor ever the more, even looking into neighboring countries to see where they might be able to defraud them too!
The despair lo, the excesses! of Quakin-Bush gained a reputation for Rude King George which made him the scourge of Europe: all the kings of Britain and Europe avoided him like the plague, but it took them twelve years of penury to finally discover the truth about him! Just as he had lied about his accounts to Siegfried, so too did he keep false accounts with neighboring kings!
As said, King George was quite adept at keeping false accounts, and the State of the Kingdom which he delivered each year was each year more and more falsified to cover mounting debts which he now owed to many of the Kings of Europe, not to mention the least of which was fair Anaïsfille's father, Constantine, King of France. King George was then the world's greatest debtor!
At the time there was no one who cared in the land of Quakin-Bush about the people or their persecution. Search the history books! The only care anyone among all their people had was money, from the priests of Heretics atop the Mount of the Harpies to the merchants and city elders; the struggle for money became so fierce, millions rich and poor alike fell into poverty. There is no kingdom, which has represented greed and the dictum, every man for himself a creed abhorrent to the Grail Knights more than the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush under vile King George. As said, hiding his corruption Rude King George sent out false reports on the State of his Kingdom, citing how prosperous his Kingdom continued to be when, after a time, everyone knew the reports were false. Before long emissaries returning to Europe began to report how the land acutely suffered from poverty in contrast to George's phony State of the Kingdom reports. For instance, the numbers of the homeless victimized by the vicious king were beyond counting and the way they were being treated was unconscionable. For he had passed edicts in the land forbidding the poor to raise a shelter over their head, to keep out the rain, sleet, wind, and snow; other edicts turned off fountains where the poor could wash and drink; other more hateful edicts prevented them from being fed altogether. It was Rude King George's intention to cover up the poverty he had authored either through forcing his victims to find other lands, or casting them to the Harpies!
The despair of the poor in Quakin-Bush was obvious, and the treatment of them atrocious compared to world standards, but because everyone accepted Rude King's George's repulsive standards justifying his conduct against worse villains, there was no man who would intervene on the poor's behalf, except, of course, Sir Gwain!
A shocking plan which would turn back on him!
Hear now the heinous plan Rude King George had in using the Cave of Harpies to swallow the poor! The king had been subsidizing the Monastery of the Heretics (he knew that their Cave of Harpies was a ruse to defraud honest people). The time Sir Gwain destroyed the monastery, Rude King George had been negotiating with the Heretics to round up the homeless and put them in the Cave of the Harpies. To cover up the poverty in the land he would feed the innocent and helpless, stripped victims of Quakin-Bush to the Harpies. Since many of the rich Heretics of the Monastery had already sold out to King George long ago they controlled most of the enterprises of the kingdom thanks to him though repulsed by the idea, the elders of the Monastery actually agreed to begin the round up! By the time Sir Gwain arrived at the mount, several thousand men, women, and children had been collared in the wine cellar of the Monastery, waiting their turn to climb down the ladder into the mouth of the Cave of the Harpies. Here they would simply be allowed to starve, deep down in the cave, after which the filthy Harpies would swoop down upon their lifeless skin and bones, spread their black, lice ridden wings over them, and disembowel them. In this way all King George's accomplices, in this novel ghetto of the Cave of the Heretics, could claim innocence should anyone enquire.
Betrayed at the Bath!
When the fiend Boors kidnapped Princess Anais he had no way of knowing her great lineage. The King of France had sent Queen Ioceiles and her daughter, Princess Anais, on a sabbatical to the town of Bath, where they could partake of the healing mud baths and mineral waters of that place. In addition to having a heathen temple at the site, the town also was known for its wonderful church. Of course, everyone on a pilgrimage to Bath from France passed through Avalon and its famous Cathedral whose new wing was then being built in the innovative Gothic architecture of St. Denise.
Boors has been sent to Bath to secure some new samite fabrics for Chief Giant Ysbadden. While there, and negotiating with a vendor in its market, he heard that Rude King George - now in his seventies and fearing death had put out a reward for information which could lead to the seizure of a Unicorn, from whose horn, shaved into powder, he could extend his health and life.
In visiting the baths Boors spied an entourage, whom he did not know was of the Queen of Castile and Aragon, and overheard them inquiring after the finest virgin white samite. The material was needed for the fair Virgin Anasifile, they said. To make a long story short, the Boor rammed his bulbous chin into the midst of their group and offered to provide them a special samite, which, he claimed, was made by silkworms of the Oriental city, Saras, introduced there by Prestor John himself! "But,” he urged, "you must bring the fair damsel to me here for a color match to her skin; and then I can arrange for the necessary cords of fabric to be procured for her". Unsuspecting foul play, the next day near the eight columned temple of Freya of all places the shy princess was presented to Boors and his leather vested cronies, who instantly threw a special sack of samite over her and made off with her screaming and crying on their shoulders. Before the shocked mother and her ladies could respond the scoundrels had disappeared down the street. Later, moved from hide-out to hide-out, the unfortunate Princess was placed in the High Tower once occupied by Sir Lancelot in his long captivity and originally built by Chief Giant Ysbadden. As for Rude King George's offer for information on the Unicorn, Boors contrived a new plan and used the ivory skinned maiden in her new white samite sheaf to capture his very own Unicorn!
Learning of the kidnapping and suspecting foul play because of Rude King George's phony history the venerable king of France, Constantine, sent his Ambassador to Bath to inquire of his daughter's whereabouts. Disembarking in the Ilse of Avalon, they proceeded towards Bath but on the way heard reports from frightened Heretics how Sir Gwain had destroyed the Monastery of the Heretics. Noting the Emissary's pennant and expecting royal sympathy, the Heretics contrived another of their great lies, reporting that Sir Gwain was a thief whom they had given hospice and who made off with their gold and silver! They did not know that the King of France was Sir Gwain's cousin, admittedly a generation removed. The ambassador knew, of course, that Sir Gwain, above all men, was beyond false conduct. It was customary for all the people in Rude King George's land of Quakin-Bush to lie, and others to pass their lies aside, but Sir Gwain was one man who could always be depended upon for the truth, for an example of virtue, and a standard of humility. He was first among men, was he not? He was selected by King Arthur as the guard at his coronation long ago in London! In any event the uninformed King George's stooges, the Heretics of the Monastery of the Caves, led to George's undoing, directing the French Ambassador directly to Sir Gwain, sleeping not far from the crossroad where we left him. After waking him sleeping peacefully upon his helmet, they then, under Gwain's Oak, laid a plan to undo Rude King George and free Anais from the Boor whom he patronized. Sir Gwain would wear the gold brocade robes of the Heretics and accompany the royal mission to Rude King George's castle. With the ambassador's entourage, Sir Gwain, in disguise, entered the brass and iron doors of George's castle, and proceeded at leisure to the Scriptorium and library to examine the king's phony account books. There he found the precise location of Boor's Tower, which is our next topic.
Chapter 4
How Sir Gwain discovered the Ethiopian Grail King from Arabia &
how they together set up vile King George's defeat
Ma petite choue, my beloved, we approach in our history some terrible events which threaten even our own jubilee. Hateful King George, the tempter of all kinds of evil whose spirit agitates again to singe the world to come, caused many terrible events. Nevertheless, my spirit is lifted in my view from the Joyeuse Guard de la Mer and, as Sir Gwain before me, express my haunting grief over things yet to come, knowing that righteousness will shoot forth before long.
From father Joseph of Arimathaea to Sir Gwain is a long line of prophets of Judah and Aaron. Sir Gwain is unusual because he is not a prophet in the usual sense of the term. He is rather a Judge. Knowing the future and warning mankind, as in the case of Jonah, is the nature of a prophet. Sir Gwain, on the other hand, cannot say in warning to the wicked like King George and his people, if you continue on your evil path such and such will happen to you. Although he may know of their fate and may judge them he may not use his knowledge to intimidate them. Better it would be for them were he allowed to do so!
The next part of our story includes some prophecies, which came from small books, stored in the Cave of the Unicorns, leading to these. This part of our story includes events often recreated time and again, many of which are being recreated even as I speak. Knowing this we can now return to Sir Gwain, his encounter at the ruined Monastery of the Heretics, and the subsequent events leading to the rescue of Princess Anais.
The son of Mahomet freed
Among several thousand people collared in the wine cellar of the Heretics at the Cave of the Harpies, there was one wonderful lad named Nascien, given his name from a Saracen ancestor from Sarras. From the first Nascien was the line of the Grail Kings sons of David through Joseph of Arimathaea recorded. According to the tradition Sir Lancelot de Lac was eighth in line from Jesus Christ among the Grail Kings and Sir Galahad was ninth. Their part of the line died out, however, switching the Grail King into the houses of Gales and Anjou, which then filtered through the House of Burgundy and Valois, much later to be discussed. The King's heritage, my well beloved, comes from both houses of Gales and Anjou doubled, which we shall mention momentarily.
How the swarthy lad Nascien, fits into this petite histoire is a maze far too complicated to justify here, but must be summarized at the least since through him the Grail Mystery is revealed.
To appreciate the swarthy lad Nascien's story one must understand the motive of prophecy. One of the basic problems between God and mankind is man's lack of a baseline for judgment and vanity. In the scriptures, to combat this, a scenario a set of prophesies we say was created to demonstrate judgment: how God's Will would overcome man's will in the end. This entire story line reduces down to the creation of an anointed King, Messiah as God in the flesh we say to lead mankind to judgment and God.
The Messiah a manifestation of God has certain characteristics, which are engraved on his soul. Unlike man he is humble. Unlike that practiced by most religious zealots, His cause following the first twelve Psalms and the other prophets is with the poor, the afflicted and the meek of the earth: to defend them from those who puff themselves up at them. To distinguish Him from imposters he was given a name known only to himself, and he is identified as the Servant of God, who can only serve His Lord's Will in the most humble sort of way, always keeping in mind the needs of the oppressed, the orphan, and the downtrodden in heart. He sets free all who are collared by Vanity, as in the case of the people of the haughty, unfeeling King George and his people of Quakin-Bush.
In the paradox of the Unicorn, he works alone. As with the Unicorn the prophets God we say prevented him so that he cannot cry out, raise himself up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. As the Unicorn he carries with him discernment the judgment of God and he can see through the hearts of men. Because of his discernment, knowing the secrets of men, people tend to fear and avoid him, as they know in their hearts he has the ability to expose them.
He is merciful in all of his judgments. Where there is an exception in his Mercy is in those cases where someone has endeavored to rob God, or his crown. This exception harkens back to the old conflict between Lucifer (the angel of Light) and God. After a time Lucifer's knowledge got the best of him and he thought to be equal to his creator and God. For thinking to be equal to God he was thrown out of Heaven. One thing the Messiah is not is one equal to God. He stands in Service to God and cannot superimpose his will over that of God, something the heretic Slues did not understand.
The early Christians St. Peter and the original eleven Apostles we say knew this criteria, that the Messiah cannot be equal to God, or, as one might say, "another god who can compete with God." This understanding was normal to the Jews, from the Pharisees and their Oral Tradition, to the Essenes and their Monastery by the Dead Sea. This was the understanding Jesus had as he carried out the first mission of the Messiah (called Christ in Greek). Contesting this point of view were the Heretics led by Sleus who presented Jesus Messiah as a new god "who" he said, did not see it robbery to be equal to God"! [op. cit. Slues VI.2.5]. Under the disguise of this lie the name of Jesus was used to justify an entirely new set of Scriptures and Covenant.
Rebelling against this abuse of the Scriptures, the prophet Mohammed recorded in the form of the Koran not only the confirmation that the Jewish Scriptures were true (as opposed to the Heretic's condemnation of them) but also the reaffirmation that Jesus is the Messiah. For its view of Jesus see Koran IMRANS 3:45 and TheTable 5:44; for its view of the Jewish Scriptures see The Cow 2:116 and The Creator 35:25. Agreeing with the early Christian church in Jerusalem including the children of Joseph of Arimathaea and to rebut the heresy of Slues, the prophet Mohammed (Mahomet) rooted the Koran on the fact that God would not create another god who can compete with God, meaning that it opposed the Heretics cutting up scripture to their own purpose. As noted they used Scripture to kill and exploit others by making Jesus another god advocating the enslavement and murder of everyone who is not like them! In truth, we may entitle the Koran as a work perhaps better called, Against Slues and his Heretics.
At the core of Slues' New Covenant was the condemnation of the Jews and their Law, including the disciples of John the Baptist and St. Peter and the other original apostles in Jerusalem and later to include the disciples of the Koran of Mahomet. A forerunner of Mahomet was a sect called the Ebionites, meaning poor, who challenged the idea that Jesus is either a god or God, but rather a man, the Messiah, the Servant of God. They saw him as another Adam, from whose flesh a new man would be born, who would return from Heaven, as Enoch before him, to set up his Kingdom and Judge the quick and the dead. His return would be again in the flesh, as a man and as a Son of David. When he would return was clearly marked in prophecy, as was the Messiah's creation. He would return in the Latter Days, a day of darkness and gloominess, where there is no light, and lead the prisoners (in their dark prison house) out into the light. This would be on the 70th Jubilee after the first coming out of Egypt (1491 B.C.), which now is 1998. A Jubilee is a year of Mercy, tolerance, and forgiveness, where one forgives those who transgress them, who gives the land and its debtors a special rest every 50th year. The number 70 is a special number in the history of Israel, relating first to the seventy starving Israeli souls who were first led into Egypt, into their first captivity, to the time when the Jews were taken again into captivity to Babylon. Jeremiah and Daniel prophesied beforehand that the Jews would be in captivity in Babylon only seventy years.
History unfolded like a book. Because of the influence of the prophets God, we say on history one would be a fool not to understand them. Men like the sinister King George who thwart all attempts at truth would lead you to accept that neither the God of heaven and earth or his prophets have any affect on you. But my darling do not be deceived, for many there are who believe in God and the prophets from the days out of Egypt until now and, guided by prophecy seeing a prophecy can be fulfilled by them they fulfill it! The Bible is full of such instances, such as in the persons of Zerrubabel and Cyrus the Great, or even Mahomet, and to think that such men following scripture cannot influence history or the future of your loved ones is foolishness, as the people of the vile King George will soon note. They would be well advised to understand that regardless whether they believe God exists the prophecies themselves can be self-fulfilling! Thus, we write for their edification, which we know, owing to their own vanity of being greater than God, will give them no concern. Yet, as a book, as small as it is, we can stretch our words out in the Heavens and expect that the heretics and King George's people will not read it! Thus, understand why Sir Gwain need not warn them, as another Jonah, but is more like Noah who simply entered his ship in the judgment.
Because of the vain like the people of King George's estate, much of Scripture was revealed in parables, or stories, as with this one. For discussions of Scripture can wear down even the most acute minds; and we, I dare say, have surely now lost many of those who were following our tale to this part. But, my darling, our story is like playing chess with the wicked. Like Mahomet and others, my move as a simple pawn in prophesy can mean nothing to the likes of King George, until they see me standing on the square where the Bishop once stood! How this occurs is through the paradox of the wicked being caught in the same snare as they set for others, which is that story line we now approach. This principal is laid in the foundation of the Messiah's direction and judgment. The Messiah, as Sir Gwain, is glorified as he waits quietly, like a leopard, as the wicked walk into his or her own net!
These things are easy for the Grail Knights and their Princesses to understand, for they are already engraved on their souls.
Sir Gwain and his adventure with the Emissary of the French King
Sir Gwain was in his verdant armor, resting with head on his helmet, and was surprised by the ambassador, not knowing him who stood over him or how he knew Sir Gwain's name! He reached for the Sword of Aravat, fearing calamity ahead, but the ambassador, standing beside his fleur-de-lis standard, reassured him that no harm was intended and that his cousin, King Constantine of France and then Logres, would ask a favor of him. As Sir Gwain rose up, dusting himself off, the ambassador kneeled before him, saying, "My Lord sends you his greetings and begs you to intercede on his behalf on the urgent matter of the family's dauphine.”
Sir Gwain bid him to rise and answered, "My Lord, her plight has already come to my hearing, and I was on my way to the palace of King George to judge the matter."
The ambassador was dumbfounded that Sir Gwain would already know of the abduction, but dared not inquire, so he then proposed under Sir Gwain's oak tree a plan by which evil King George may be brought to judgment; as the ambassador believed that King George was behind the kidnapping of fair Princess Anais. Sir Gwain knew that the Princess had been abducted by the scoundrel Boors, servant of the Chief Giant Ysbadden, "whose thunders,” said Sir Gwain, "can be heard far off beyond the distant ridge as he is now being chased by the filthy Harpies.” The Harpies had just escaped from their cave near the Monastery of the Heretics. Gwain then told the ambassador what he knew about the matter, how the princess had been confined in the crumbled, yet high tower once used to confine Sir Lancelot during his trials as a Grail Knight. It had but one window, too high to reach by a man, and it was double walled out of both stone and brick. To ensure that there could be no escape from the tower this time, the fiend Boors added to it, using the best stone and hardest bricks, by which his lackeys, quarrying the best stone, accidentally opened a hole in the mountain of the Cave of the Harpies and unfortunately released them to once again scourge mankind (the event was prophesied beforehand). There was no man in those times that had not known of the Harpies, how they carried every filth and plague known to man. Even so, they were fed by the Heretics against all the laws of God and mankind! Those same heretics are now again feeding mankind with the great plague of the Harpies called "AIDS!”
"Lord," said the ambassador, "we met some of those Heretics who escaped from the Monastery of the Harpies told us of your wonderful exploits, how you brought down their chapel without drawing even your sword! But I have some terrible news, there were many thousands of captives in the wine cellar of the monastery and I am afraid they also may be lost."
Sir Gwain took up his helmet and quietly reached for the reins of his black steed, Gryngolet, and, beckoning to the ambassador's men for assistance, commenced to mount his horse. With all of his armor it was difficult to mount Gryngolet, as he stood over seventeen hands high at the withers; allowing for the extraordinary weight of Sir Gwain's armor an ordinary man could carry with difficulty, mounting his horse was a chore. His sword alone took two men to swing, but he managed it easily with one hand.
"Our first duty", Gwain said, "is to free the captives, then we will attend to the princess," so the entourage followed him back up to the mountain ruins of the Monastery of the Heretics.
Arriving there, and shifting through the dust and rubble, they could hear the muted suffering from the people below. Following the now open steps into the wine cellar, whose ceiling was still intact grace be to God the men discovered in the dark, waterless, putrefying cellar, several thousand different, people all collared into one mass of groaning, starving victims. Here, all signs of vanity had been completely erased. They all looked up to the horsemen entering their choking and wheezing hell, and neither said a word nor raised a hand. Sir Gwain could see from their marks that many of them were slaves from Africa and the Orient. Behind their tattered robes many held together with a piece of wicker rope there were princes and princesses, nobles and chiefs robbed of all dignity whose sole possession was now but the spirit of hope.
Sir Gwain placed the Shield of Aravat in the corner of the death chamber, as he entered hell to attend to them, reaching hand by hand to raise each of them up from their small place.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw his shield flashing. To most people it had the appearance of a mirror, but a few saw in it a red shield with a white unicorn, then changing to a silver shield with two black water-signs. His shield was now flashing out that red shield but with a white cross where the unicorn was!
A Swarthy Arab of la Croix Blanche
"I perceive,” Gwaine said to the ambassador, as he took off his gauntlet, searching the room with his eyes, "that there is a Grail Knight in this room besides myself or if not a Grail Maiden!"
Seeing a swarthy young man about the age of a page sitting next to the Shield of Aravat, Sir Gwain walked over to the shield, and looked at the boy, saying, "What is your name and who was your mother, boy?"
The young man attempted to jump to his feet, and swatted at his robe as if to create some kind of order in the actual mess that he was in. "My name is Nascien ibn Ali ben Abdullah and my mother was Bethule, daughter of the Queen of Zazamac, " he answered, being careful to keep his eyes looking downward.
Sir Gwain interrupted him, saying, "Was your grandmother that Queen of Zazamac named Belcane and your grandfather Sir Gahmuret?"
"Yes, my lord," he answered.
Sir Gwain turned to the ambassador, motioning him to come near and quietly told him that the boy is a Grail Prince, and while he explained who he was, the ambassador's men carried him out of the cellar out into the daylight and bathed and dressed him in the clothing of a squire ready for knighthood.
How a swarthy son of Mahomet came to carry the Grail. The boy's name, Nascien, was a name then unique and peculiar to the Grail Kings, beginning with the brother-in law of the King of Sarras, whose name was Evelech and after conversion to Christianity by Joseph of Arimathaea baptized Modrain, the afflicted king. In cementing their friendship Joseph of Arimathaea gave the hand of his daughter, Bethabara, in marriage to al-Ashraf, or Seraph, a brother of King Modrain and now brother-in-law to Joseph of Arimathaea. When Seraph was converted to Christianity principally through the influence of Bethabara he was baptized, Nascien, meaning, "newborn,” signifying one born again in the spirit of the Christ.
It began in 75 A.D., when Joseph and his band sought refuge in Sarras as a result of the destruction of Jerusalem and Judaea by Rome. After old Nascien, a Saracen and pagan, became a Christian and forswore the heathen law, he believed so zealously in God, and loved his Maker with such fervor, that he was a very pillar and mainstay of the faith. That he was an upright man and true was made apparent when our Lord gave him the vision of the high secrets and the mysteries of the Holy Grail, which no knight of his time had seen, except for Joseph, unless it were fleetingly, nor have they been contemplated since by any knight, save as it were in dream.
How Nascien and King Modrain came to be converted is too long to tell here, but essentially Modrain was being threatened by King Tholomar, and Josephus, the son of Joseph of Arimathaea, counseled him how to overcome Tholomar. Following Jospehus' prophesy Modrain rode out against Thalomar and all things came about exactly how Josephus had said. So when he saw himself in such a danger that he thought he must surely die, he uncovered his shield and beheld in the centre the bleeding figure of a man crucified. Then he spoke the words that Josephus had taught him and through them won victory and overcame Tholomer and all his men. When he re-entered the city of Sarras he proclaimed to all the people the truth that Josephus had shown him and bore such witness to Christ Crucified that Nascien was baptized. Now it happened that during his baptism a man passed by holding his severed hand, which had been smitten off at the wrist in the battle with Thalomar. He approached when Josephus called him, and directly as he touched the cross on the shield his hand was restored. Nor was this the end of the miracle. For the cross, which had been on the shield, imprinted itself on the arm of him that was healed, and the shield itself remained blank ever after. Then King Evelech himself was baptized and given the new name of Modrain.
Later, when Joseph and his son went to Britain they met with a cruel and wicked king who cast them into prison with other Christians in their community. Hearing their plight from abroad as Joseph of Arimathaea had worldwide fame King Modrain and his brother-in-law Nascien left for Britain with several hundred vassals and fighting men and routed the captors, not only freeing them but also laying the foundation for the Christian faith to be established throughout the land. These two so loved Josephus they never re-embarked but cleaved to him and followed him in all his journeying. As Josephus lay at last on his deathbed and Modrain realized that he must leave this world, he came to his chamber and said to him, weeping tenderly, "Sir, when you leave me, I who left my kingdom for your sake shall remain alone in this country. Since you must depart this life, for the love of God leave me some relic of yourself which will be a remembrance of you when you are dead!"
Josephus thought for a moment and then bade him to bring the shield he had given him to ward off the evil Tholomar. He did as bid and at the moment when he was given the shield, Josephus's nose began to bleed profusely and could not be staunched. He took hold of the shield at once and in his own blood traced the cross.
While the shield is normally blank to most eyes and shines as a mirror, before Grail Knights it reveals its secrets and often that of the cross drawn in Josephus' blood.
After explaining this story to the ambassador, he pointed upstairs, saying, "My Lord, there is no doubt that this boy will be the next Grail King, not only judged on this part because of the reaction of the Shield to him as it reacted to Sir Galahad, Grail King of Sarras but also as it reacted to myself, Sir Gahmuret, Sir Parzival and others. It is a truth, Sir, that this boy will be the next custodian of the shield."
Sir Gwain confided to the ambassador, that the Shield of Aravat is a means of tracing the Grail's Bloodline. Young Nascien's story will continue later, how the Shield of Aravat was maintained in his line and carried by Sir Rogero, whom we noted earlier, was a Paladin of Charlemagne.
The transfer of the Holy Grail from Lancelot’s House of Benwick to the House of Anjou
For some the following genealogy can be boring, but we must mention it because it shows why Sir Gwain knew that he must transfer the Shield of Aravat into the hands of the young Arab Nascien and how it influences modern prophetic events.
The ambassador knew of Nascien's sire, Sir Gahmuret of Anjou. Who hadn't? He, together with Sir Lancelot de Lac and Sir Bors of Gahnes, were that famous generation through which the Grail passed. In the direct line of descent Lancelot and his son stood first, because they inherited the Holy Grail through both sides of their family. There are eight sires from Joseph of Arimathaea, beginning with his grandson Celydoine to Sir Lancelot de Lac, with Sir Galahad being the ninth. Sir Galahad was born of Sir Lancelot (also called Galahad) de Lac, son of King Ban of Benwick. King Ban married Elizabeth, meaning the Oath of God, the sister of King Bors of Gahnes, and daughter of King Bric. King Bors--Sir Lancelot's uncle--was a son of King Elain le Gros, the younger brother of King Pellam. He married a daughter of King Ban, whose name was Helen, sister of Sir Lancelot de Lac, and produced two sons, King Bors and Sir Lionel, who later assumed the throne of France.
La Maison Haute
This includes two brothers containing the Premier Branch of the Grail, including two sons of King Jonaan: Pellam (Pelles I) and Elain le Gros. The first part of the Branch comes through the eldest son of King Pelles, King Ban, through his son, Sir Lancelot, and through his son, Sir Galahad. After Galahad's death the title of La Maison Haute passed to Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Lancelot's younger brother, and Sir Ector's descendents.
The other surviving part of the branch of La Maison Haute comes through King Bors, son of King Elain le Gros.
In memory of their Trojan ancestors King Ban and Elizabeth named their second son, Ector de Maris, after Hector, the great Trojan hero and prince who was slain by vain Achilles of the maimed heal outside the walls of Troy. After the death of Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad the shield of King Ban, which was silver with two black bends, passed to Sir Ector de Maris. From Ector was born two sons, Melias and Jonaan. Melias married the sister of Utependragon, whose name was Schoyes, and begat sons by the name of Clythe, Dyfed, Howell, Dwight and four daughters. One lass married the King of Denmark, begetting King Melias.
As with tradition, when Lancelot was born he was given over to a foster parent, the Lady of the Lake, sister of Merlin the Prophet, after whose name his is derived, who taught him all the traditions of the Grail and about his nobility. It is she who guarded the sacristies of the name of Joseph of Arimathaea and lived in a small castle near the tomb of Nascien. From Nascien's tomb came forth oracles and miracles of the most wonderful kind. For example, it was from Nascien's tombstone that Galahad, the son of Lancelot, was told, "..your coming must be compared to the coming of Jesus Christ, in similitude only, not in sublimity. And even as the prophets who lived many years before the advent of Our Lord had announced that he should come to earth and deliver His people from the chains of hell, even so did the hermits and the holy men foretell your coming fully twenty years ago. They predicted every one that the Kingdom of Logres would never be loosed from its bondage until you came. We have waited so long for you that now praise God, you are come."
Often when that voice was heard at various places and times there appeared the similitude of a man robed in white, of venerable age and bearing, with graying hair and beard, yet not a knight. Before he was seen often would come a lovely young lady, called the Damsel de Lac, of the fairest blonde hair ever seen and dressed in a pure white linen shift and riding on a white palfrey. In those days women were prized by their ivory white skin and fair hair, and those who carried these treasured, pallid features, were given the title of "blanche mains,” etc., referring to the whiteness of their flesh.
The Old Man made a particularly dramatic appearance in King Arthur's hall, at the Round Table, when Sir Galahad was anointed to take the Siege of Danger upon which was a curse against false knights and upon which no man dares sit under threat of instant death. Many tried to sit in the chair and met an unusual and horrifying death right after!
The Siege of Danger had been purposely covered with its own white mantle, so that no one could read the name inscribed on it, ever since the Round Table was first set up in Camelot. It fully had 150 chairs around it! arranged like other parliamentary halls. Escorting the young knight Galahad to the chair, the Old Man removed its covering. To everyone's surprise the name inscribed on it, destined to sit in it, was that of young Galahad himself! So the Old Man said, "King Arthur, I bring you the Desired Knight, he who stems from the noble house of King David and the lineage of Joseph of Arimathaea, through whom the enchantments on this and other lands are to be loosed and the marvels of this court, and of strange realms, shall be fully accomplished. Behold him here!"
Now the Old Man was referring to the prophesy of Haggai which said that God would shake the Heavens, the earth, and all the nations and the desire of all nations shall come and fill his house with glory. This is that sign of the return of Jesus Messiah the world had been expecting. From Galahad's similitude is seen the real Messiah in the end of days. At that time the people believed the end of days and the time of the Messiah was come; and the closer the clock moved to 1,000 A.D. the closer they believed they were to the Day of Judgment, the Last Day, called Dooms Day! So Galahad's Siege of Danger at the Round Table was serious prophesy being fulfilled!
After Sir Galahad took his place at the Round Table King Arthur toasted him, saying, "Sir, you are welcome, for you shall move many good knights to the quest of the Holy Grail and achieve that never knights might bring to an end." King Arthur then took Sir Galahad down to the lake where the stone with the Sword Excalibur hovered on the water, and Galahad removed it. Then, seeing Galahad needed a shield, Arthur said, "God has readied it and shall soon send it to you.”
A special joust was called on the greens after that to celebrate Sir Galahad's anointing and the transfer of the custody of all things treasured in the Holy Grail to Sir Galahad. Sir Galahad rode so magnificently and unhorsed so many knights, with spears splintering even into the stands, that all men wondered at him. Only two men were saved from the bruising experience of being tossed over the end of their saddle, and they were the naive youth Sir Parzival and Galahad's father, Sir Lancelot. Then came Damsel de Lac on a white palfrey and told Sir Lancelot that his days of glory must give way to Galahad and, turning to King Arthur, said, "Nascien himself willed King Arthur the greatest worship in the world, more than any king before or after.” This prophecy surely was true!
After that the Holy Grail appeared at the Round Table and miraculously fed every knight there! From that moment on Sir Galahad was charged with the Quest of the Holy Grail, upon which adventure the Damsel de Lac said he should die within the year after once possessing the Grail and looking into it.
As mentioned earlier, Lancelot's father, King Ban, was a son of Pelles I of Listinoise, who was also called King Pellam, who was maimed by the mysterious sword. Many Grail Kings after King Pellam carried an affliction in their days defending the Holy Grail, as exemplified in the latter case of Sir Galahad who himself was afflicted to death when He took possession of the Holy Grail. With Sir Galahad's death the Holy Grail passed out of the line of King Ban to King Ban's younger brother, Mazadan. Mazadan's seed by the name of Grail King Anfortas, with the maimed thigh, will momentarily possess the Holy Grail and its castle; and he will pass it on to his nephew, Sir Parzival, cousin of Sir Lancelot, only after Sir Parzival inquires about how he, the Grail King, had been wounded. Only, after many attempts to penetrate the Grail Castle did Sir Parzival, prompted by a Grail Princess, understand that to enter the sacred precincts of the Holy Grail he need only inquire of his uncle, Anfortas, how he was wounded. This follows the tradition from Grail King Pellam who was first maimed in defense of the Grail. When Parzival asked the right question many secrets of the Grail were suddenly revealed and the Holy Grail was transferred to Sir Parzival. Of course, he could not believe that entry into the presence of the Holy Grail could be that easy! We hesitate to say this at the risk of weak minds underestimating the challenge of the Grail; as there is much involved in the story of the afflicted Grail King, which we cannot take up here. We leave this legacy on the one note, which should be obvious to everyone: how caring for the Afflicted Soul brings forth the Salvation of God.
The tradition of the Afflicted Grail King began with King Pellam Pelles I who was maimed from the magic sword of evil King Balin le Savage who had just before killed his own brother Balan. It seems that Evil is more eager to enjoin prophesy than good, for it was prophesied that the Antichrist himself would die at the hand of his own brother. This comes from several precedents but ultimately starts with the curse placed on the evil son of Adam called Cain, after he killed his own and innocent brother Able. Now King George the Rude is following in the footsteps of Balin le Savage and we shall see shortly how the tables will be similarly turned against him!
King Pellam and his brother, Elain le Gros named after their ancestor were sons of King Jonaan, who was the son of Isaiah, who was the son of Elian, who was the son of Narpus, who was the son of Celydoine, the son of the Saracen Nascien and Bethabara, Joseph of Arimathaea's daughter. The shield of this family, carried by King Lancelot, the eighth in the succession, was known as a silver shield with two black bends or wavy bands, earlier described as water-signs, of the sign of Aquarius. That shield yet lives (through Ector de Maris) and is seen even today on the standards of a family from the West Country of Britain. Of this lineage said Queen Guinevere, inspired by the Holy Ghost as she toasted the marvel of the Holy Grail when it appeared at the Round table, "Sir Galahad is of all parties come of the best knights of the world and of the highest lineage; for Sir Lancelot is come but of the eighth degree from Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Sir Galahad is of the ninth degree from Our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore, I dare say they are the greatest gentlemen of the world!"
Proving this is easy, since their noble line of descent came from both sides of their family. On Galahad's mother’s side, the Holy Grail was passed through Elaine, granddaughter of King Elain and daughter of Pelles II of Ireland. We note here that in the tradition names were often passed from uncle to nephew, making it easy to trace their ancestry. Many names passed through the tradition, of course, kept the names of the Sons of David, such as Neri or Narbus, Joseph, Maath, Heli, Melchi or Maelegaunt, Cosam or Cus, Eri, Naason, Phares or Feres, Jacob, Jude, Booz or Bors, Sadoc, Dyfed, Melea or Melias, Jonaan, etc. Pelles II or Ireland passed his crown on to King Gurmon who married Queen Isolde, daughter of King Agwisance of Ireland, a son of King Elain le Gros and brother of King Bors of Gahnes. Their daughter Isolde, after her mother's own name fell in love with Tristram but married King Ban's other brother, King Mark of Cornwall and Wales. This was that King Mark who was Leoneise of high Roman nobility through the governors of Caerleon and took up his main residence in the famous castle of Tintagel in Cornwall, where Sir Lancelot and King Arthur were born. Because of Sir Lancelot's ties to both Cornwall and Brittany, Lancelot later became the chief of all the Gauls, leading the Lords of France in the main against his cousin, King Arthur, in the Battle of Dover. This was the first major battle--among many more to come--between the dukes of France and the dukes of England. Many cousins and sons of David died on that blood soaked ground that day. It was a day of remorse such that King Arthur and Sir Lancelot never recovered, nor dare we say, from which the Round Table itself recovered. For King Arthur went on--scarcely a year later--to engage himself with the encroaching Saxons in the battle of Mount Baden and, being mortally wounded, was buried at Glastonbury at the Isle of Avalon. So the Battle of Dover was a turning point in the History of the Grail. This battle was prompted as a result of the jealousy of King Arthur in an affair of Sir Lancelot's Liege Queen, Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. Queen Guinevere had noble Grail lineage from one King Leo de Grange.
It was rumored throughout Gales and Logres that Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere slept together. This comes from a deliberate rumor and fake evidence of Lancelot's blood on Guinevere’s bed sheets. Sir Lancelot had sneaked into Queen Guinevere’s room through the window and scratched his finger on the steel sill. Later, the rumor went, he threw Guinevere into bed and seduced her, leaving traces of blood from his finger upon the bed sheets. The blood was found in places where it ought not to have been!
Queen Guinevere was beyond that age of conception so everyone knew that the blood could not come from her monthly cycle. Knowing this and in preparation for the accusation to come, seeing the bloody bed sheets the morning after, she and Lancelot decided that she ought to scratch her finger, so Sir Lancelot took out his sword and lightly scratched her finger.
Well, my sweet one, if there is any lesson to be learned in life it is the lesson that the Sword of Truth cannot be used for deception; and the Sword of Sir Lancelot, being that of the Holy Grail and the highest place of truth, being used for such a purpose as he and his lover conceived, turned back on them. For now the two must face their accusers with both fingers scratched and still the dried blood on the bed sheets! So what happened is obvious.
Their accuser, Sir Meliagaunt, was one whose fame at deception and jealousy was widely known except in Arthur's own chambers. Only shortly before, at the time of the Lady of Astolat's funeral, he had lured Sir Lancelot into being his prisoner, hoping to kill him and transfer the Holy Grail into his possession (as the scabrous Boors planned again in Princess Anaïs' situation). It seems that in the treasure chests of every family there are things stored which recall both good and evil. The Holy Grail family was no different than any other, and it had its share of bad apples, of which Sir Meliagaunt was chief. In any event this unholy prince had noticed that Sir Lancelot had not been in his room and was eager to see what would happen when he and the King's Guard opened the door this produced nothing, for Arthur, losing heart, lost the Battle of Baden; Sir Lancelot, with a broken heart over his Lord and his Liege Lady, became a recluse in a monastery; Queen Guinevere ended up spending the rest of her life in a convent.
The man who stirred up all this trouble, Sir Meleagaunt, was of significant bearing. He was the son of King Bagdemagus of Gore, brother of King Urien who married Queen Morgan le Fay, sister of King Arthur. It is understandable by his close proximity to King Arthur that he would be dear to Arthur (how could anyone refuse his own sister's husband?). Next to the wrath of his own wife, there are few things worse to a man than the wrath of a sister, and sometimes a sister's wrath can bring a greater plague upon a man than his worst enemy. This ends the Premier Branch of the Grail in our family records.
House of Anjou
Hear now the lineage of King Gahmuret, to whom the shield passed after the death of Sir Galahad. As noted, there were four sons of King Pellam. The eldest son was King Ban, the next King Math (Mazadan), King Mark, and Utependragon. Math's fame rests as being the root of the four Branches of the Mabingini. We do not wish to create any false hearsay and so rest our petite histoire on his more popular name, Mazadan. He married Terdelaschoye, the daughter of the Lady of the Lake, who was believed to be Merlin's sister and a prophetess in her own right. The Lady of the Lake raised Sir Lancelot, and it is she who bequeathed the sword Excalibur to the floating stone of Camelot, to be drawn out (Mouses in Hebrew) by King Arthur, cousin of Lancelot. Galahad afterwards did likewise with the Sword, as we have seen, and later it was moused from its place of rest by Gahmuret's son Parzival. The Magic Sword is a sign of the earthly Kingdom and the Shield of Aravat is the sign of the Heavenly Kingdom. Both Sword of Aravat and Shield of Aravat converge in Nascien the younger, signifying the unity of both the Kingdoms of Heaven and earth in one house, that of the Messiah. At the moment of the Round Table, Sir Lancelot and his son, Sir Galahad, held the Celestial Crown and King Arthur the earthly crown. The Celestial Kingdom, as noted earlier, is rooted in Sarras, which was the New Jerusalem in the days after Jerusalem was destroyed.
There were Three Grail Knights in direct line for the Holy Grail Inheritance. Prompted by King Arthur, all three principal heirs were grouped together in the great Quest of the Holy Grail. Sir Galahad, with his cousin Parzival, son of Gahmuret, and his other Grail cousin Sir Bors of Gahnes, escorted the Shield of Aravat and its Holy Grail back to Sarras, where, as indicated earlier, Sir Galahad became King of Sarras. It was prophesied that he would die within a year of being anointed King. After Sir Galahad's death Sirs Parzival and Boors stayed in Sarras, whilst the Grail passed to Parzival's uncle, King Anfortas, who received the grail on the abdication of King Ector de Maris who was an adventurer of the first degree and desired not to be rooted to the responsibilities of the Grail.
Sir Galahad's death was sudden, although we must admit it was no surprise to Sirs Parzival and Bors. The entire city of Sarras and neighboring kingdoms turned out for his funeral, which was different for the area but yet familiar to them. The people of that area buried their dead in caverns, as Jesus Christ himself was buried. The British practice--then called the Barrow of Dancing Myrinê followed after the Trojan manner, where a shallow walk- in shaft was dug and lined with huge stones now called dolmens and the entire kingdom turned out in procession to escort its king into the shaft. The depth and breadth of the shaft varied. In Tuscany, Mycenae, Spain and Lydia (the land of King Midas with the golden touch) it was below ground. In the Baleric Isles, Brittany and Britannia where the land was rocky, the dolmens were often placed above ground.
The funeral procession would be led by a man crowned with laurel and dancing the Dance of Myrinê, after which all the people would join in. After the Dance of Myrinê, and escorted by seven vestals, Sir Galahad was laid to rest with flowers and other grave articles consisting of beakers and personal gold and silver affects he treasured as King. He was a simple knight and a modest King, and there were few treasures of this nature placed in his grave. After the eulogy was read and the ceremony ended, women in black, dressed as Morgana, the Lady of the Lake, grieved over his grave and then danced around the shaft as dirt and stones were heaped over it. Because of the height of the mound, people had to bring the dirt from the surrounding countryside. As they heaped dirt over the dolmans, they all enjoined in sport called War Games. This was like the funeral of Patroclos described in the Iliad, and practiced in Troy and Tuscany, except the body of Sir Galahad, following the Gaelic and Latin custom, was not burned on a funeral bier. During the sport many of the greatest knights in the kingdom competed not only in Jousting tournaments but also such games as Javelin and Disc throwing. For the more stout warriors, in addition to wrestling, there was the competition of stone and tree heaving; the stone was tied to a leather lanyard; and, as a whirling dervish with tunic flying, cast as far as one could; and the tree, testing the strength of the stoutest man, was lifted and tossed as far as one could enable it. Most men could play hard just to carry the tree, let alone toss it. Many of these practices, believed to have begun in Amydon by the river Axios, continue to be favorite sports among the Scots today. Some people say that the Scots are those same red-haired people called Scythians who started the practice of the Barrows long ago in the Crimea, along the Black Sea. The Scythian barrows contained not only the corpse of their dead king and his attendants but also his bodyguards and his favorite wives! Herodotus says that they would drive the chariot and armed guard to the shaft, move in the wagon and his personal guard usually a dozen or so arranging themselves around his wagon in a circle. Now hear something, which will startle you! The guards' throats would be slit and their horses also, and then, replacing the armed guard on their horses, both man and beast were stood up and secured together in eternity by means of stakes, taking the appearance of a carousel! This pagan practice was long ago abandoned by the civilized world, long before the time of the Round Table, but the tradition of the gathering of the knights in a holy circle continued and stays with us even to this day. Hitler's SS attempted to revive it under the guise of the Teutonic Knights, following a poor, misguided understanding of Siegfried's Saga.
Some notes on the House of Brutus.
About a year after Sir Galahad was placed in his cairn, because of his ailing uncle Anfortas who was anointed Grail King after Galahad's death, Sir Parzival was called back to Camelot and sent on his own Quest to the Grail Castle, and the Shield of Aravat and its Holy Grail then passed into the next House of the Grail, which was that of Sir Gahmuret of Anjou, soon to be discussed.
From Mazadan, the brother of King Ban, King Mark, and King Utependragon of Logres (King Arthur's father), came Lazaliez, King of Anjou. The great Trojan line of Bricus, of whose burial practices we were just discussing, came through Sophia, a daughter of Bricus; and a daughter from Sophia, named Helen, was Lazaliez's mother. The mother's side of the family, as in the case of Arthur's mother, Arnive, also passed from the House of Brutus. Being the Premier Branch of the House of Bricus, King Arthur, after his father, Utependragon, was chief and emperor of the British. Their ancestor, Brutus, a son of Priam, escaped from the ten year long privation of the Trojan War to the island, Britannia, now called after his name. Another son of Priam of Troy, carrying the name of Francus, settled in France, near Paris. Another settled near Rome, founding the Tyrhennian dynasties of Tuscany, whose center was at Cittivechia, and now is Florence, Italy. The Tuscans, or Etruscans, gave birth to the Roman civilization and empire and left us our alphabet. The ancient statesman, Cicero, claimed direct descent in Trojan ancestry, as well as several Roman emperors, such as Julius Caesar. The Etruscan Civilization that founded Rome and the Roman Civilization lasted a thousand years, which was prophesied in the sacred Etruscan Scriptures beforehand. They believed, according to the prophesy, their high civilization would be destroyed after a thousand years (counting from 1000 to 800 B.C.) and give way to another, being consumed as it were, by its own son. As a matter of fact, the civilization did last precisely a thousand years, and at the time of Cicero it was wheezing its last death rattle; for few Romans then knew either the names of Etruscan ancestors or the Etruscan language and system of writing.
At the core of the Etruscan prophesies was an old man named Tages who suddenly rose up out of the Tuscan Soil and revealed the future of the Trojan settlers near Rome. Tages was an Old Man who appeared as a child. In the pantheon of the Etruscans was a devil named Tuchulcha and his sidekick, Charon, whose images set the criteria for our own image of Satan. Tuchulcha would rattle snakes at you and death came when Charon hit you on the head with a huge mallet - and he did not discriminate as to whom he would hit first; nor was he affected by appeals for Mercy. He had pointed ears and chin, a long crooked nose, and a forked tongue not unlike King George of Quakin-Bush.
His priests continued to practice during the Roman Empire, and in the fifth century after Rome was Christianized they were among the first to lead the Sluecine Heresy of which we have been discussing and later initiated the Humanist way of destroying things, giving up the hammer in favor of simple ignorance, or as they maintained, not looking at the afflicted and avoiding culpability. A friend in the Philippines, as we were racing through the Makati District, told me that this was the best way to survive in their traffic. One must pull his car out into the street, careful not to look at the oncoming traffic either way. They will see that you are not looking at them, become frightened and toot their horn frantically, hoping you will stop. If you are convincing in appearing both blind and deaf they will slow down to let you in. This belief of entering traffic while looking the other way is not a practice peculiar to them. While dodging across the boulevard in front of the Coliseum at Rome, a short priest in a long brown robe showed me how to get across safely by crossing yourself and running like mad with one hand covering your eyes and the other covering the ear in the direction of the traffic. Fortunately the traffic around the coliseum only went in one direction - causing no suspicion - and, following his advise, I never had a mishap in the many times I crossed over to that place where so many pagans were burned and fed to lions, among whom were many Christians who, it was said, were godless and acting against the law. In contrast, the Romans, among all people, were very lawful.
When they were about to feed the martyr Polycarp of Smyrna to the lions the Roman Timekeeper of the Games charged the procurator that the games were now over and according to the law Polycarp's performance must be delayed to the following day. The games had a time limit, as even today, for the officials and their beasts need their rest. In any event the crowd carried on, insisting that the games go into over-time, but the governor, being obedient to the law, consented that Polycarp could be burned by the crowd, if they so wished, but it was time for the beasts to be sent down to their cages. The Nazis and many American leaders follow the law after this manner, so typed or shadowed by Mean King George of Quakin-Bush.
The Roman Legacy Continued
After the Etruscan legacy Rome adopted the thousand-year tradition and barely scratched through a history of a thousand Years. Then, as fate would have it, in the Book of Revelation another thousand year dynasty was prophesied being that of the King Messiah and this gave impetus for other kings following in the inheritance of Rome to repeat the record of a thousand years. Charlemagne, believed to be a Grail Prince, which we cannot attest for sure, followed in this path and set up the Holy Roman Empire, which through his sons revived another thousand years of empire in the old tradition. Then, a German pretender, by the name of Hitler, who had no claim by birth to the Millennium Kingdom, sought to set up the empire again and under the most gruesome terms imaginable. Fortunately he was defeated but at great expense of blood. He need not have happened.
Notice, my darling, how history repeats itself. The Trojan War began over Paris, the son of Priam, abducting the fair Helen, wife of Menelaos and daughter of the Spartan King Tyndareus. The equally beautiful specimen of a man and womanizer, Paris, seduced Helen whose beauty was of the fairest degree. No wonder he went for her while visiting Menelaos' palace at Sparta. Her beauty was a prize every man in the ancient world would have given up his soul for just to touch; and the suppleness of her lips tormented the hardiest of souls. Here again, in reflecting on the war between King Arthur of Logres and his cousin, Sir Lancelot of Brittany, we have a replay of Helen's tragedy. Is it no accident that the main players of our story continue to have Trojan blood in them? Witness, my darling, how the saga of the Holy Grail was recorded by men of the temple and New Troy!
The age-old repetition is wearing us down, for men battle either for beautiful women or the glory of a thousand year empire! No matter how they battle or for which cause, there can be only one King of the Millennium and he, alone among men, has already been selected by God himself through the Grail line!
How will the Holy Grail finally be delivered in the last days? Of course, it was prophesied all along! It will beam out of the temple of Gales itself! The other thing passed down upon which this bears mention is the marvelous tapestry of Dardanus, woven by Queen Helen of Troy herself! The fine purple filaments from that embroidery were treasured so much they now rest in the Millefleur Tapestries; and its two armies once waging war for Helen's sake or glory's sake metamorphosed into a thousand wild-flowers! Every now and then, when war looms on the horizon, affecting the Sons of Troy, some say the multicolored flowers of that tapestry turn to blood!
Here again, in our petite histoire, we find our hero, Sir Gwain, still engaged in that ever repeating scenario of rescuing fairy princesses--in our case the Princess Anais--from the towers of evil malefactors like King George who is no less evil than Balin le Savage.
Completing our genealogy, Mazadan the Great, (called Pellinor or Pelles II) begat King Titurel, eldest son in line for the Grail, King Lazaliez of Anjou, King Lamorak of Gales, King Meliodas or Melias of Liones, father of Tristram, a king of Brittany, and King Lot, of Lothian and the Orkneys, father of Sir Gwain.
The House of Anjou--Sir Gahmuret's line, King Laiziliez begat King Addanz and he married his cousin, Herzeloyde, sister of King Anfortas, who inherited the Grail Castle after King Galahad died, as Ector of Maris abdicated. Anfortas and Herzeloyde were begotten by Frimutel, son of Titurel, son of Mazadan.
King Addanz begat King Gandin who married in turn his cousin, Schoette of Anjou, who bore two sons, Galoes and Gahmuret. Gahmuret married Herzeloyde, called the Widow Lady of Camelot, daughter of Frimutel. It is said that she was one of the sisters of King Arthur. Another sister of Arthur, whose name was Margawse, called Queen of the Wasteland, married Lancelot's cousin, King Lot of Norway, Othian, now called Scotland, and Orkney. They begat Sir Gwain, whose two sons are Florence and Lovel. Florence had a daughter named Lovey who married a grandson of King Bors of Gahnes. Queen Margawse was the aunt of Parzival and it was she who attended to the dying King Arthur after the Battle of Mt. Baden near Bath; but she could not help him with her powerful elixirs.
Frimutel, the son of Titurel, cousin of King Ban through Elain le Gros, begat Herzeloyde's brother, King Anfortas, who was then, after the death of Sir Galahad, the Grail King. Of Herzeloyde and Gahmuret was born the last Grail King, after Galahad, whose name was Parzival. He had a brother named Agloval.
New Dynasty through Feirfez
Gahmuret was not finished with his dynasty! A brave knight and well beloved in Britain and Gaul, he found himself escorting a spice expedition to Babylon and while in the Orient fell in love with the Queen of Zazamac whose name is Belcane. Her beauty was unexcelled anywhere, and her swarthy polished dark Ethiopian features reminded one of the Queen of Sheba herself and instantly enraptured the defenseless Gahmuret, King of Anjou. From their union, was born Parzival's half white, half black mottled half-brother named Feirfez. He married Parzival's maternal aunt, Repanse de Schoye, sister to King Anfortas the Grail King. They had two children, the one a son named Prestor John, who set up a kingdom in the Orient, and a daughter named Bethule. Prestor John was one of the most famous kings of the Orient whose name still rings in the hearts of India and whose powerful army seated in Samarkand halted the most adventurous European spice expeditions to India. His father, King Feirfez, followed the Ebionite branch of Christianity--who are said to be disciples of John the Baptist and are more strict according to the Scriptures. At the time Islam was becoming the dominant force in the Middle East, and to shore up his alliance with the Hijjaz of Mecca, who ruled after their prophet, Mahomet (Mohammed), King Feirfez sent his daughter to Mecca to marry into that family. The Hijjaz family derived its name from the prophet's grandfather, Abd-al-Muttalib ibn Hashim. This family was the family and branch called Qoraish, which had by tradition been the custodians of the Temple of Abraham at Mecca, as the sons of David were entrusted with Abraham's Temple in Zion, at Jerusalem.
Quossay, leader of the Qoraish, reformed the decaying temple at Mecca and transferred his powers to his eldest son, Abd-al Dar (called the slave of the temple), after which the succession passed to his brother Abd-al-Manaf, now called the Shayba family. The son of Abd-al-Manaf, Amr-Hashim, held a principal position in governing the Temple at that time, as it was he who had the right of watering and feeding the pilgrims to the temple; and in so doing he controlled the routing of caravans. Unlike other governors before him, Hashim had the blood of an adventurer running in his veins and he often accompanied the caravans. He died, in fact, at Gaza, at an early age on his last caravan trip. On his last journey he married a lady in Medina and conceived Mahomet's grandfather, Abd-al-Muttalib ibn Hashim. After his father's death, Muttalib, Hashim's brother, adopted Hashim, by which means the young boy acquired the name Muttalib. Hashim was also called Abd, meaning "devotee," of Al Muttalib. When Hashim's uncle Muttalib died in Yemen, being the only and orphan son of his uncle, he inherited all of his estate and bore numerous sons, of whom one, named Abdulla, died early as his great grandfather before him, leaving in the year A.D. 571 another orphan Mahomet (Muhammad) in the family of the Qoraish and guardians of the Temple. Mahomet succeeded to the inheritance and like his famous ancestor Quossay began reforming the Temple. He, in fact, cleaned it out and dressed it up, as it had never shined before. Not being affected by Christianity and having lost the zealousness for the one God of Abraham, the people of Mecca had allowed the Temple at Mecca to become overgrown with weeds and congested with all kinds of idols.
About the age of twenty-five, because of his connection through Hashim of servicing caravans, Mahomet married a wealthy and strong-willed widow of Mecca, whose name was Hadija. He, in fact, had been conducting her caravans to the north into Palestine, and his marriage to her gave him leisure he heretofore had not had. He became involved with some reforming society called the Union of Grace, the Hilf al Fadhoul, which served the poor and the distressed, a good cause in the true spirit of the Bible. There were many of such people coming to Mecca, as there still are, who came there for healing but had not the money to sustain themselves. Thus, there were in Mecca many beggars.
Being disturbed over this, Mahomet sought isolation in a cave above Mecca, called al Hira, wondering how he could mitigate the suffering of the poor and, of course, clean up the over laden temple. No doubt in his caravans to the north he had come in contact with the Christian communities seeking solitude in the desert and was through them, perhaps even the last Ebionites, reminded of the one God of Abraham.
In the Solitude of the Cave
From that place Mahomet received revelations and began to write, not having the knowledge to do so, he claimed. We suspect he had some familiarity with accounts and bookkeeping in order to hold up his own in managing the caravans to and from Mecca and by then his own wife's accounts. Nevertheless, his testimony states, and there is good evidence of it, that the angels of God, principal among them being Gabriel himself, began dictating the Koran to him. The reason they were dictating the Koran to him, they said, was to do two things: 1) confirm that the Jewish scriptures were true and must be obeyed and 2) that Jesus is the Messiah. The picture they taught of Jesus was after the Ebionite understanding, which followed St. Peter's teachings. Mahomet admits in the Koran the book dictated by the angels of God which means "recital" that he had intercourse with Judaists.
He could not read the Jew's sacred book for himself, being more or less illiterate until late in life; nevertheless, moved certainly not by the Mecca Jews who saw only themselves as the apostles of God he heard the often repeated promise that the One God gives the Kingdom to whosoever will worship him in singleness. Mecca itself was the seat of an Abyssinian, Christian colony, and this message of apostleship being granted to nonJews (gentiles) is firmly rooted in the earliest Christian tradition. And on this note we can leave the Koran, knowing that it took no exception to the Jewish Scriptures but rather confirmed them and confirmed Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah of God. To a Christian after the following of St. Peter no stronger endorsement of Jesus or his teachings could be made. Followers of Slues the Heretics could not tolerate this kind of reconciliation, however, and denied the Koran's claim that Jesus is Messiah, justifying the killing of many Saracens and Christians over that issue. It is hard to believe but true, that the Heretics were able to pull off mass murders on an unheard of scale just by denying the Koran's simple claim that Jesus is the Messiah!
After the recital was completed--which took many years--one of the characteristics of the new sect founded out of it, called Islam (it claimed to bring Judaism and Christianity under one roof), was the practice of avoiding the making of images: Mahomet threw out all the idols in the Temple of Abraham and forbade the hanging of any kind of images in places of worship. The Temple is called the Ka'aba, meaning cube. The criteria on images also reinforces the Judaic practice in their synagogues and more importantly the practices of the early Christians in the first two centuries after Christ, during which time no images of Jesus or even his apostles were made, leaving only the followers in later centuries to guess how they looked.
The House of Bethule Camel trains often passed through Zazamac, in their trade from Mecca to Damascus and beyond to Baghdad, and it is said that this one carrying King Feirfez's daughter Bethule, sent to the prince of the Hijjaz in Mecca, was one of the largest ever. When loaded with Princess Bethule's gifts it exceeded over 600 camels! Four to five hundred camels were frequent in those times, though in these days one may just see forty camels in one train, and the challenge of mustering together a long chain of single-minded beasts in a new direction has been lost.
This brings us to a rest in the chain of the Holy Grail. From Princess Bethule's marriage to a prince of Mecca called the Fez in Europe was born that line which begat the swarthy lad named Nascien, whom Sir Gwain rescued from his captivity in the Monastery of the Heretics and adopted, as was the practice with the Grail Princes and the Temple of God.
The Umayyed's, a branch of those claiming title from Mahomet through Mahomet's grandfather Amr-Hashim, had just conquered Baghdad and were looking to expand into Spain, at Granada. The young Nascien had been sent there with his uncle, who had adopted him after his father had been killed in a skirmish between the Umayyad's and the Shiite (followers of Ali) descendents of Mahomet. When Mahomet died his title and his property went to his son-in law and nephew named Ali. Ali was married to Mahomet's daughter Fatima, and in the rivalry, as Ali was visiting Baghdad to take that throne, he was ambushed by the descendents of Umayya who were related to Mahomet directly through the male line, through Amr-Hashim, contesting the validity of Mahomet's daughter Fatima and her husband Ali as ruler of Islam. As a result of Ali's martyrdom in Baghdad, Nascien was hustled away to his uncle's house among the Umayyads in Damascus, Syria, where he spent the better part of his youth.
The Umayyad Caliphs were very powerful and had expanded their power after the death of Ali to Baghdad, across North Africa, and were setting themselves to occupy Spain. As the Umayyad dynasty extended its feelers into Spain, to set up their future capital in Cordova, Nascien's uncle, still associated with the caravan trade, was sent to Cordova and on to the north to formulate a new trade agreement with the Francs, hoping to cut off the Visigoth Kingdom of Spain. They were to meet the French ambassador near Pamplona, and on their way there they were bushwhacked. All the men in the caravan, including his uncle, were killed, and Nascien was captured and sold into slavery. Being on the swarthy side, because of his mixed heritage from King Gahmuret and the beautiful Queen of Zazamac filtered we say, through the Hijjaz of Mecca he found himself in the slave market of Lisbon in the midst of several thousand black African slaves who were being auctioned off to many kings, including one from Britain whose name was King Caracatus. At the time King George the Cheat was delinquent in some payments to several kings of Europe, including King Caracatus, and yet alleged that he needed labor to build a castle on the coast of Brittany, from which he could launch operations against the Duke of Provence and the lands of the Garonne River governed from the castle of Toles. King Caracatus saw some worthiness in the venture in Provence, and so he agreed to turn over a certain number of slaves, whom he had gotten at a bargain, in exchange for the Duchy of Burgundy when King George completes his conquest of Provence.
King Caracatus saw King George as a new Arthur, setting a new world order--he may be even the Messiah of the Millennium, as he was so eloquent and dynamic! He figured that in playing to King George's vanity he would get the better part of the bargain in any case. So King Caracatus made the purchase of the slaves and sent Nascien and a thousand other blacks and an assortment of massacred nations to Brittany for transport to Logres. The Heretics had just over-run a Cistercian Monastery there, and, based upon a bribe offered by King George le Savage, they agreed to transport the slaves to Quakin-Bush in exchange for the exclusive franchise of God in Provence. Keeping with his back stabbing nature, Quick-Fingered George sold the slaves while they were on the sea to raise funds to build a shoe factory in London. He kept the gold he raised for the shoe factory, abandoned the castle planned in Brittany to conquer Provence, and scuttled the slaves when they arrived in Caerleon. For a while the Heretics were stuck with the goods in Caerleon until the city fathers there drove them out, as they had neglected the slaves so much their begging was becoming a menace to the tin trade which had by then become important to the people of Cornwall and the West Country. There were so many begging, loose slaves ship captains began calling on other ports and shifted their main port of call to London. No wonder! The Bloody Beggars were lifting the tin hardware off the ships!
Finally the Heretics took their unwelcome chattel to their monastery in the sky by the Cave of the Harpies, thinking they would dispose of them there. Hearing of that plan, King George was happy, since the situation of poverty was beginning to undermine his own standing among the good people of Quakin-Bush. We know that this has been a long struggle to cover this part of the history, for both you and me, but you can see the particulars involving Nascien cannot be accounted for without mentioning his swarthy grandmother the beautiful Queen of Zazamac and his grandfather, the King of Anjou, through which, in the absence of a more direct heir to the throne of Anjou and France easily noting his ancestry as we have here he stands to hold title to the Grail and all of France and with it Jerusalem! As it turns out he becomes a key link in our petite histoire to the continued throne of France, because the royal line of France, the Valois, following the Burgundian side of our inheritance later to be mentioned under Louis XVI lost its throne and heads, leaving Nascien's seed first in line for that throne when revitalized! This involves not only Sir Gwain, the fair Princess Anais, but also his rich heritage through the marriage of his mother Bethule to the Prince of the Hajjiz! Sir Gwain knew this youth, expected by the Grail! Unfortunately for King George la Main Saleté what was going on in the Grail Romance was well beyond him, and little did he know that he Smart George of Quakin-Bush had been set up as the world's greatest fool!
One of the prophesies against George said, "If you hear the cock crow from the tower seven times know that the end of the usurpers is near!"
If The Cock Crows Seven Times
Sir Gwain and the Ambassador, with now an army of several thousand wheezing paupers, proceeded to move on Quakin-Bush. Beforehand Sir Gwain changed his dress, along with other paupers who could find the black monks' robes in the ruined Monastery of the Heretics. For himself and Nascien, Sir Gwain selected the gilded double brocade robes of a Heretic Prelate.
They returned to the Cave of the Unicorns, which was not far away from the crossroad, as mentioned earlier, to temporarily store both the war horse Gryngolet and armor, where they would be safe until needed. Looking into the Shield of Aravat Gwain could see his middle-aged features, slightly graying beard and hair, change to the whitened blue-eyed sage he was most comfortable with and would normally be were it not for his need to take up arms from time to time. Before he removed his armor, but with helm in hand and the Sword of Aravat in the other, he dubbed the kneeling boy before him Knight and Holy Prince of the Grail. He then walked Nascien alone down the trail to Joseph's Well where he baptized him in the name of God, the son, and the Holy Ghost.
As they turned back up the trail and carefully entered the Cave of the Unicorn, this oracle, which applied then and yet again today, was heard by the two Grail Knights. As the words resounded from every corner of the cave, Nascien watched miraculous colors and scenes of Unicorns, rainbows, and shafts of light blues, reds, purples, violets, yellows, greens and browns weaving midst streams of darkness playing upon the walls. It was a marvelous vision, which Nascien would never forget! Now hear the prophecy, which would guide them against King George le Bouffon:
“He who shall achieve this shall be known as a bronze man and through many eras upon his bronze horse he will safeguard London's gates.
Thereafter the red dragon shall turn back into his own customs and shall labor to save himself.
After will be many plagues and then the white dragon shall arise bringing his German daughter, and our estate will again be filled with foreign seed. Thereafter shall the Germanic worm be crowned and the bronze prince shall be interred. But barely shall the German dragon reach its caverns, for vengeance for its treason will overtake it. It will grow strong for awhile but a plague in Neustria will decimate it. For a people in linen and iron tunics will come, who will exact vengeance for his villainy. It shall restore the British mansions and the ruination of the aliens shall be visible!”
Equipped with this prophesy as the prophets Nascien before him, Sir Gwain and his Moorish protege and their army of paupers set out for the castle of the fiend of Quakin-Bush. Arriving there, they set up camp before King George's hardened, impenetrable walls, being sure to stay upwind from that place, and the ambassador and his two prelates entered the city. Since King George recognized the Fleur-de-Lis ensign of Constantine, son of King Lionel of France, and could see the two Heretic Prelates in the fore of the entourage, King George was at first suspicious of everything. He had already set his sights on King Cador's lands in Northumbria and suspected some new plot between Cador's son and the French was brewing. He was particularly alarmed because of his double dealing with King Caracatus only a few months before and suspected that the slaves posted outside his walls might be a way of him getting back for having abandoned building the castle in Brittany.
Although the multitude behind the embassy was not armed, he cautiously opened his gates for the ambassador and his small entourage. At the gate, which was a stolen Cathedral Door with heavy iron bars and trimmed in the finest brass, the ambassador sent a message that the people with him are refugees from the ruined monastery of the Heretics and, therefore, on behalf of the King of France is placing the refugees under King George's custody. As might be suspected, King George refused. While he might help another with such problems, these people, he believed, were not deserving of any kind of protection, as they were in large part Africans, worse ex-slaves and natives whose worth was better suited to food for the Harpies. "Well, then," answered the ambassador, "surely you will give hospice to our small entourage, even our two humble prelates of God, for the sake of peace between France and the great kingdom of Quakin-Bush?"
The begrudging king had the doors opened and a table of the finest linen and service arranged for them. He would feed the prelates and the embassy but no one else! The ambassador and Sir Gwain had expected this all along anyway, noting how stingy and heartless the wicked king was. This would prove to his undoing, however.
The emissary was entertained by King George in a responsible manner not graceful, but responsible. He was careful to provide adequate and polite hospice, primarily motivated in the hope that no rumors could follow the reception which might be taken as insulting the King of France. Because Sir Gwain and his protégé were dressed in Holy Robes (though still somewhat dusty) it was easy for them to obtain access to the Scriptorium and library, where, alleged Sir Gwain, he could continue research with his young protégé. He did not admit his true name and only announced himself as Padarn. King George had already heard of the conflict that saint had with King Arthur over possession of a tunic from the Patriarch of Jerusalem, which was reputed to be the tunic last worn by Jesus. "Any enemy of Arthur's,” thought duplicitous King George, "was a friend of mine.” So he gave Sir Gwain, as Saint Padarn, free access to the library and scriptorium, where Gwain saw many beautiful illuminated manuscripts, which had been brought from Ireland, which were being cut up into pieces! King George had asked for a new illuminated Bible and the Heretics of the Scriptorium were glad to give him one. Because of the dearth in the land and the hunger among the people of Quakin-Bush there were few chickens, and, seeing as how there were few chickens there were not enough eggs available to supply the egg whites necessary to the craft of illumination. Without the egg whites the scribes decided to cut and paste the old illuminated manuscripts into a new authorized Heretic edition. In the process Sir Gwain, being allowed to look over their shoulder, with hands clasped behind his back, mused over how cleverly they were able to make a bulky document out of so little scripture. "How well they weave their praise of God," he remarked to Sir Nascien. Sir Nascien could barely smother his smile, seeing with Sir Gwain's discernment that the New Bible they were illuminating was filled with double meanings and repeated verses, as so often heard even among the old Roman priests of Freya and Vespasian still carrying on at Bath!
Having plenty of free time on their hands, and sifting through ledgers and prophesies, they came across this one:
"When you hear the cock atop the tower crow seven times, know that the end of the usurper is near."
At that moment, to the northeast of the town they heard a cock crow seven times and knew that the tower holding Princess Anais was nearby. The ledgers confirmed its location, as many notes of supplies sent to the northeast were indicated and charged to the account of one Boors le Exasperer! Sir Gwain pointed the note out to Nascien and saying, "Now for the tower,” he clapped the leather covers of the ledger together with a resounding thunder, sending many plumes, from the scribes at their benches nearby, off their cursive courses! "Come," he said to Nascien, "I perceive our next adventure is to build a castle in the sky. This brings us to our next topic, how the Two Grail Knights and the French Ambassador killed two birds, as it were, with one stone falling from a castle in the sky and saved the brutally treated Princess Anais from her distress.
Chapter 5
How Sirs Gwain and Nascien befriended Chief Giant Ysbadden &
built a castle in the sky called La Tajma Halle
It is a truth that one could ride from Merlin's Rock at the tip of the peninsula of Cornwall, or even from Mouse Hole nearby, to the island of Lyonesse during the time of King Arthur. Some believe that the name of Mouse Hole came from the name Moses, meaning Drawn Out, because Moses was drawn out of the Nile river in Egypt by the Pharaoh's daughter when he was hidden there as a child. There was a rumor in Egypt at the time that a Messiah would be sent to the Jews, who were enslaved in Egypt, to save them and lead them back to the Holy Land. Actually it was more than a rumor, for it had been prophesied in their Holy Scriptures that such a man would come. To combat this belief, which was stirring up the Jews and causing the building of certain temple sites to be delayed, the heard-hearted Pharaoh a mild case, we hesitate to add, compared to King George Le Fastshoes ordered that all the newborn of the Jews be murdered. Not going along with the decree Moses' mother put her newborn babe in a reed basket and set him in the Nile, hoping that he would survive. As luck would have it, the pharaoh's daughter was that day bathing at the river and one of her handmaidens spotted the child and after that day the boy was given the name Moses and raised in the House of the Pharaoh, becoming a prime minister of Egypt, overseeing the building of pyramids, etc. which, in turn, put him in direct contact with the Jewish slaves. Now this man became that Messiah. Being reluctant to help the Jews out of their misery, though sympathetic to them, Moses was drawn into a struggle over their cause, out of which he murdered an Egyptian. Finding out Moses was a Jew at the same time, the pharaoh banished Moses into the Sinai desert, where many years later among the tents of Jethro the Medianite he heard a voice telling him to go rescue the Children of Israel out of Egypt.
Now Moses was a very skilled man in organizing people but he was extremely shy and argued with God that the Jews would not believe him. Besides that Moses could not believe how any of the Jews would be willing to follow this God who was now speaking out of the Cloud of Sinai. So he asked the voice, "Besides that, etc. etc. etc, who in the world should I say sent me?" He thought, in fact, of every argument, why he was the wrong man to fulfill the prophecy and save the Jews.
Now the world at that time was used to prophets who claimed to be the messengers of God, most of whom were either followed with fascination or passed by with hand over mouth, disguising a yawn. Those who were not well received usually carried a conscientious message which the people would not seem seemingly to come from a god, but which everyone knew in their hearts involved the cause of God. It is a paradox, we know, but what they relegated to the gods was the right to preach right from wrong but never the right to actually do good. People who were possessed by a devil believed to lack a conscience in those days were more easily accepted as devils. In the paradox those who imposed upon one's conscience were sometimes thought themselves to be from the devil! So Moses was concerned that the mission he was being asked to do could not be received wellfrom either side, of the House of the Pharaoh or the Jews. In answer to his most profound question, he was told to tell them that "I am that I am (spelled Jehovah) hath sent me," confusing both them and all history since then altogether. In any event, when Moses arrived back in Egypt he had to go through certain labors and miracles to cause the heard-hearted Pharaoh to let his people go out of Egypt; and the greatest miracle was that of the crossing of the Red Sea, where the waters parted before the million or so horde of Jews to allow them to pass over, while drowning the Egyptian army following behind them.
While it is easier to follow the Pharaoh or such a great leader who maintains his power through plundering, like King George it is harder to follow a leader whose constituency are the Angels of Heaven, who have other things on their minds beyond gold signets, burnished watches, and silver linings and focus their attention on the needs of the poor and gardening the earth.
Now no place on earth has a greater collection of gold or silver than Heaven. So the idea behind collecting gold and silver in Heaven is normal to the angel's life-style; the difference between Heaven and earth, however, is how the silver and gold is collected and used! In Heaven there simply are no poor! How this comes about is from the dictum, the gold is mine and the silver is mine, saith the Lord, signifying that the wealth of the Kingdom is not controlled by vain men and other panderers. This policy, of course, is obnoxious and downright horrifying to King George and his constituency in the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush.
Because Moses was not vain and exactly the opposite of the pharaoh and his types, like King George, Moses was a good man to set against the pharaoh and show the Jews how Heaven on earth can be delivered through humility. Following this recreation the conclusion of the Scriptures focused on a New Heaven and a New Earth after the model of Heaven and the heart of Moses. Moses became the model of the Messiah of whom we have been forecasting, who was under the charge of Sir Gwain. Bearing on this is the prophesy from Moses which said that in the Latter Days, after the Jews had been scattered to all the nations, God would raise up a prophet like me, etc. etc. to bring them to glory, etc. etc." When Jesus arrived on the scene in Judea he said to those doubting him that he was that prophet of whom Moses spoke, but no one really understood what he was talking about, because the Jews were then not ready to be returned from captivity (they hadn't yet been scattered to all the nations, fulfilling prophesy and thus needing another Moses). About thirty-seven years after he appeared to his people, in 70 A.D. the Jews were scattered as per prophesy and have only since been returned from that diaspora in 1946, being scattered to all the nations (as prophesied) for nearly two thousand years. Perhaps the Emperor Vespasian read their Scriptures. Josephus the Historian suggested that he might be the Messiah, since the Messiah comes out of Judea as had Vespasian, when he marched through Judah to Jerusalem to lay that city to siege. It burned without him laying a hand on it.
It was Passover and with its million or so pilgrims inside the starving Jews besieged inside, broke into factions, robbed and pillaged each other, and then set fire to their own Temple! The Roman army that was camped outside the city walls was astonished to watch the edifice fall. After the three-month's siege was over seeing 600,000 corpses thrown over the walls the emperor passed an edict (perhaps influenced by Scripture) that no Jew would be permitted to ever look upon Jerusalem again. Once again we have the plain fact that even in the absence of God, once a prophesy of God exists, men will go out of their way to fulfill it! Using scripture, the Heretics after that justified the murder and expulsion, from nation to nation, border to border, of the Jews, culminating in Hitler's version of the final solution of the Bible. Being influenced by one of the Greater Heretics in history, Mertherius Loatherius, mentioned earlier, Hitler realized that Mertherius' plan could not be achieved unless the Jews were exterminated altogether. Of course, the idea of the scriptures was to use the Jews as a vehicle of bringing forth God's Salvation of protecting the poor, the homeless, the orphan, and other downtrodden peoples mentioned in Psalm 12. The Heretics arrived at a conclusion opposite to the Scriptures. We wonder in our history whether the Jews and the people of Quakin-Bush might have been better off had the prophets kept their prophesies to themselves! At least, we say, there would not have been men like Slues, Domitian, Hitler, King George, and others who thought they were the agents of prophesy and as the agents of God mind you gave the world a new perspective on how to persecute the poor and murder the opposition!
The angels of Heaven were nonplused over this age-old conflict of good over evil how evil men called good evil and how good men confused evil with good. There needed to be some standard of justice. The Angels' standard is measured by the poor, their numbers and how they are treated. This is expressed in Heaven's Equation: the greater the numbers of the poor, the greater the injustice; injustice is inversely proportional to greed. Thus, inspiring man to be just for the kingdom on earth depended upon weaning him away from his greed. In the equation the Angels concluded that man must be literally snatched from the breast or, like a calf, chased from the stall. Slues saw this to mean raptured to Heaven.
As seen in the kingdom of Quakin-Bush and its King, the model of righteousness was in the dictum, "every man for himself; you're on your own kid!" Through this men who treasured gold and finely wrought watch bobs could accumulate as much as they wanted with no holds barred. All this boiled down to like a pot upon thorns, which soon runs out of fuel an anarchy of equal opportunity to steal from one another and murder whomever one seemed fit! This model known by the prophets is a progression from the corrupt model of Sodom in the days of the patriarch Abraham and Egypt. Through both paradigms the world learned right from wrong: in Sodom where there were no standards of justice and every kind of crime thinkable by man was permitted; likewise were the hardhearted pharaohs of Egypt. God concluded that Sodom and Egypt taken to their extreme would consume themselves; so His prophesies laid instructions how to speed that process up! What follows is our teaching that the wicked will be caught in the very same snare they laid for others, leading to a day when the paradigm of Sodom and Egypt would be recreated in Quakin-Bush itself and, with the world watching King George and his people, display a perfectly laid trap which would embrace them before the entire world, embarrassing as per prophesy all the kings and their wise men of the time! They would be astonished because they all patronized King George, hooked by their own parsimonious outrages! Thus we took the time here to recall the thoughts of Moses, which anticipated them beforehand.
Ysbadden's Jump
Here we show you some things to come. The worst thing in the world to King George, who kept himself neat and trim and went out of his way to promote his good health (even to the extent of cheating others), was a plague endangering his own health. His worst nightmare, we in confidence note, was the idea that the Harpies the filthiest beasts ever created might descend upon his castle.
King George had been feeding the Harpies by patronizing the Heretics who, it seemed fit, were a good means by which to dispose unwanted slaves and other pillaged peoples and nations not subscribing to his point of view. What happens next a perfectly logical and prophesied move against King George and his obnoxious patrons of Quakin-Bush was a double edged pariah: through the City's Poor; through Harpies feeding on their misfortune.
The lice ridden Harpies carrying every kind of filth and disease abhorred by man feed on the dead. They were last seen chasing Chief Giant Ysbadden, after having been accidentally released from their cave prison by Boors, the giant's egregious servant. There was nothing a giant feared more than Harpies, since once they get on you, it is impossible to get them off!
The Giant roared and screamed, thundered and cursed, as the Harpies bit at his ankles, hoping to weaken the unfortunate man. They would nip at him until he fell exhausted and died.
The worst thing in the world to Harpies who survived through liars and fed on death of course, is water, and the Giant was smart enough to know that his best chance was to jump in the sea. So he ran to the end of Cornwall where the sea was deepest, at Lyonesse, and, removing his Magic Pouch of Illusions seeing that they would be harmed by saltwater jumped from the cliff. It is true; the salt would ruin the illusions. A little bit of salt in good measure, like wisdom, is healthy, taken without measure it can be deadly!
When the giant hit the water he set off a terrible tidal wave and the land tipped. It tipped so much that parts of Europe sank and other parts rose up out of the sea. For instance, the great Roman City of Ephesus rose, turning its harbors into marshes, and forcing that city to be abandoned. The land in Saxony, on the other hand, sank, causing lands which were previously rich in wheat now to be submerged in the sea or covered with marsh. The malaria-laden marshes there, as in the city of Ephesus in Turkey, drove the inhabitants out. The Angles and the Saxons, plagued by mosquitoes and death, literally ran to their boats and headed in mass to Britain, to which some of their relatives had already been routed.
The effect on Cornwall from Ysbadden's Jump was equally disastrous, since the land there sank right from under him, where he landed, causing dry land to be submerged under the sea, leaving only the Heights (arimathaea in Hebrew) of Lyonesse exposed, now being an island.
Chief Giant Ysbadden was escaped of them; so the Harpies turned aside, and smelling the starving victims of King George, which Sir Gwain had left, encamped outside the castle walls of Quakin-Bush, the Harpies turned back towards George’s starving masses. Roosting in the trees by the camp, they hoped for the refugees of George's estate to die.
Sir Gwain and his protégé had located the Dolorous Tower, which the scoundrel Boors had reinforced to confine the Princess Anaïs and her Unicorn. Remarking that he would now build a castle in the sky, Sir Gwain and his protégé left the dying estate of Quakin-Bush and returned to the Cave of the Unicorn to obtain Gwain's horse and armor. He dressed Sir Nascien in the armor and sent him to Lyonesse to see whether the Giant might be willing to help them build their castle in the sky. Arriving there on Gringolet, the Green Knight Sir Nascien made an imposing picture overlooking the cliff at Mouses' Hole at the disheveled giant sitting wet and ashamed in the sea. For he shamefacedly saw Sir Gwain there sitting on Gryngolet holding the Magic Pouch of Illusions in his steel fisted hand!
Imagine, the thing the Giant most treasured of all items on earth, besides his daughter, the beautiful princess Owen, was his Magic Pouch.
In perfect sincerity and in concern for the giant's honor, Sir Nascien said, "Sir, your Magic Pouch has been leaking, but I perceive that only a few half truths escaped and one short truth and a long parable may be missing.”
The Giant rose up out of the sea and reached for the Magic Pouch, smashing the edge of the cliffs now called Mouse's Hole. As Sir Nascien handed it up to him from the cliff face, he explained how the Harpies had roosted themselves outside King George's vicious castle and, with the giant's help, the Harpies might be lured into their cave and, killing two birds with one stone, as it were, King George and his disciples could be locked in there with them. "All we need is one of your left over illusions which you were about to throw up against the Green Knight at Joseph's Well,” he said.
"What would that be?" asked Ysbadden.
"Ahikar's Illusion, called La Tajma Halle.”
The giant examined the Magic Pouch, seeing that no serious harm had been done to it, muttering, but still shaking a grove of trees nearby, "I can mend it later.” As he was running the Magic Pouch slapped so hard against his thigh that the purple, blue and red fabric nearly wore through at its bottom seam. He took a small dab of pitch off of a Pitch Pine, pinched the pouch at the parted pelage, and, signing to Sir Nascien, said in his familiar lisp, "Thir, Thay thine will: I'm thy thervant ath long ath the Harpieth thtay looth.”
The people inside the city of Quakin-Bush were not handling the problem of the refugees outside their walls very well. Many of the refugees were sneaking into the city and begging, upon which King George issued many decrees causing their arrest and filling up his dungeons. The captives were resistant to the plague they carried, having survived the worst of it inside the wine cellar of the Heretics, but the people of Quakin-Bush were not, and many began falling from the effects of the disease.
The disease was called the Spanish Plague, since it came with the slaves among whom Sir Nascien was grouped. When it hit the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush particularly blowing from the camp over the city walls more people died from it than all the people who had died from their wars. It wiped out entire families, and as each family was taken down, house to house like in Egypt with Moses' plagues against the pharaoh and the Egyptians families who survived the plague were run into the poorhouse. Many ended up in the camp outside the city, having been humbled to the needs of the poor to learn the salvation of God the hard way. Others, still thinking that King George and his cronies would not abandon them, hung on until they too had been stripped of everything they owned and many loved ones as well. This was only from the plagues. In the Magic Pouch of Ysbadden were an assortment of fires and earthquakes, not to mention a few wars, yet to descend upon the hard Kingdom of Quakin-Bush and its humana eating imposters. By then they were so desperate they ate chic peas which were often eschewed.
Because of the dearth in the land, owing to the now increasing exploitation of the Kingdom the patrons, encouraged by King George, were now capitalizing on the death in the land the people inside the castle now began to freeze. The weather was turning against them hail was beginning to be a problem and few could afford not only food but also even their homes. Fuel was at a premium and there became a good market in firewood, upon which, among many others like things, the merchants of King George were quick to capitalize. Between the merchants inside the city and the starving masses outside, the land around was also stripped naked of its forests. This created two problems. First, the tin mines, which King George owned, leached into the quickly eroding mountainside above the castle and followed the underground aquifers down into the well in the city's market. Many were poisoned from this alone, but no one knew what caused it.
From King George's balcony and perch above the town, he once had a rather nice view of the mountain to the southwest of him. Now the trees had been removed and he saw one morning a beautiful castle being built there, which he had not noticed before (because he could not see it through the forest). Inquiring of it, no one seemed to know about it, and his Prime Minister, Gory Vitellus, whose renown on many things was well respected, even himself did not, for the first time ever, have an explanation. Gory Vitellus was one of those people who was very eloquent and seemed to know quite a bit, and had a remarkable ability to write commentaries on other works off the top of his head without ever having read the books upon which he commented. He was one of the secular experts on the Bible who taught how it was a book designed to intimidate and murder mankind. Had he read the Old Testament he would have known that the theme he taught was the theme of the New Illuminated Bible from Slues and had nothing to do with the Old Testament prophets. Not having taken the time to read the Bible and seeing how it seemed to conflict with basic, accepted truths on good and evil most authored by him he had successfully confused the body politic sufficiently that they had no ideas on morality: that there is something wrong with starving peoples being left exposed in their camps outside a city. We mention this not to harp on those who harken to the Harpies but to illustrate the difference in the point of view between Sir Gwain and King George and his best advisors and ministers. Because Sir Gwain was created to defend the Holy Grail, which is the Inheritance of the Kingdom of God, he measures all things according to their service to the Inheritance. The inheritance is not a place of polluted streams, stripped forests, starving masses, cities besieged by thieves and murderers, and hard-hearted tyrants and their constituency whose dreams were of Gold, Glory, and Power but the opposite of that. In truth for Sir Gwain, riding upon Gryngolet's thundering red hoofs into the valley of Quakin-Bush was a descent into hell.
As noted earlier, unlike the prophets before him and even Moses, there was nothing to be gained by warning the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush of the things to come. This lesson had already been established in the case of the pharaoh who would not let my people go.
Following the prophets, Sir Gwain's idea was to cause the city to be vacated so that his people could go in. All this would be achieved through the plagues, the earthquakes, a few wars here and there, and by building a castle in the sky, which would also free Princess Anaïs.
As the woods around the camp of the captives were being converted to firewood, the Harpies had no place to roost. So they took to roosting on the walls of the city of Quakin-Bush.
Acchhh! Their filthy wings were full of lice and all kinds of itches! As they would become somewhat impatient and now and then compete for the best space on the parapet of the wall, they would get into a scuffle and their flapping wings sloughed down behind the wall onto the houses below. Well, as you might expect, the people began abandoning their homes adjacent to the wall, and soon found themselves being pressed into the ghetto of the city where there was no life, only decay and despair, to join those suffering from the excesses of King George and his patrons of greed. The place was more crowded than a winepress! So the people began to complain. The people were losing their tolerance for King George and now began to seriously plot a means to do a way with him. While they had been reduced to the same slough they once created and even scoffed, saying, it can never happen to me, their standards had not changed. Violence was their way of life and their solution to their problems, so murder was planned. In contrast, Sir Gwain had already made much progress in defense of his heritage without yet drawing the great Sword of Aravat! He ruined the Monastery of the Heretics and now had brought the despicable Kingdom of Quakin-Bush near to ruin, even without saying a harsh word! Far better than your father this man was, for he was gifted with a sword in his mouth and a very harsh tongue!
Prime Minister Gory Vitellus was sent out to investigate the Castle being built in the sky. He didn't notice it but it was being built right over the Cave of the Harpies and in the sky above were young children flying around on the backs of eagles, impatiently saying to the men down below, "We need better bricks and stones!"
Seeing Sir Gwain there, seemingly in charge, and still dressed in the Heretic Prelate's gilded, double brocade robe, he politely inquired of the operation, not having seen it authorized in the building plan of the Kingdom of George. Sir Gwain (known as Saint Padarn and was one the Kingdom venerated because he had reputedly rid it of snakes) told him that the building was intended as a surprise for King George, which the Prime Minister thought was quite nice, and seeing a favorable response, Sir Gwain added, "but we are running out of the prized white stone; do you think you can help?"
The Prime Minister scratched his razor burned skin and answered that he might know of a source, where there is an abandoned tower, called the Dolorous Tower, in which Sir Lancelot was once held captive. "One named Boors had been restoring it for some dubious purpose," he said, but he did know it was built of the very best stone and brick from the Kingdom. "I will see if the King will allow us to send up stones to your workmen in the sky from there.”
Soon thereafter wagons were pulling up to the high mountain place where the new Castle in the Sky was being built. And suddenly Princess Anaïs and her Unicorn were freed. This brings us to our next topic on Anaïsfille in the Dolorous Tower and how the Harpies were lured back into their cave.
Chapter 6
How King George the Ironheart fell out of grace &
into the Cave of the Harpies and what happened then
La belle fille du roi, deprived of her loving family as a result of her captivity by the evil Voleur Boors, at first crumpled up down on the bottom of her cage in the lowest level of the Dolorous Tower of the seven ceilings. Boors, the mad servant of Chief Giant Ysbadden, had thought to be equal to the heroes of the Holy Grail and contrived a plan by which he would secure the Holy Grail for himself, with it the Grail Castle, and from there control the entire world!
Chief among his patrons was, of course, the cruel and malicious king of the Valle de Crois above the Severn River. He also had plans to control the world and had no knowledge that the servile servant Boors was trying to cash in on his scam. For King George had planned to first ruin the world and bring its kings to their knees so they would then worship whatever he decided to throw their way. He had up to this point become the largest debtor among nations, borrowing money for dubious causes, never using the money for the specified cause, pocketing it for himself, and never paying back those from whom he connived the loan. After a while he was beginning to aggravate the kings of Europe, chief among whom was Constantine, son of Sir Lionel, King of France and Logres.
Following his scurrilous policies was a chain of poverty, policies of slavery, and general mayhem from the Heretics of the land. To combat George's evil designs, Sir Gwain decided to rise in the sky the most beautiful castle ever conceived by man, called La Tajma Halle. He took it out of Chief Giant Ysbadden's Magic Pouch of Illusions. Seeing the castle being raised from afar, from his perch above the city of Quakin-Bush, King George sent his misinformed Prime Minister Gory Vitellus to inquire of it. The minister returned, telling him of the glory of the palace and that it was being built in the king’s honor. The king, of course, was the most vain among men (he daily preened himself and was the most fit seventy year old man in the kingdom; he never admitted a wrong, and in his eyes he was perfect among all kings and, even like Caesar Augustus, above the gods). Naturally, la Tajma Halle appealed to him. Besides, the double-handed king thought to himself, "this place is going to the dogs; I need a new palace anyway.” So he approved the castle being built in the sky, which was located, incidentally, over the mouth of the Cave of the Harpies. The Harpies were the most evil beasts in creation, whose black, white tipped wings contained every disgusting disease, lice and itch ever conceived and were now roosting on the walls of Quakin-Bush. They had escaped from their cave and followed Sir Gwain's people, who were captives he freed from the Monastery of the Heretics. King George would not provide for them, so Sir Gwain left them outside the city walls and the Harpies in turn followed, hoping for the poor, starving people to die.
The very best stone and brick were needed for the castle (who would expect less for King George?), so King George was glad to help with the supply of stone to build the castle. Soon wagons filled with prized white Lamelablanche stone began appearing at the building site. The King had authorized the removal of that stone from the Dolorous Tower, where the boar-toothed Boors held Princess Anaïs and her Unicorn in captivity.
Seeing the wagons arriving, Sir Gwain then inquired whether the Prime Minister who eagerly stood by watching the enterprise would supervise the building project while he and Sir Nascien his protégé arranged the service of the hall, etc. etc., etc.
So Sir Gwain, dressed in the gilded, double brocade black robes of a Heretic Prelate, took staff in hand and began walking back down the ridge road from the building site to Joseph's Well, with Sir Nascien the Green Knight following behind. When they reached the crossroad, Sir Gwain suggested that he would return to the cave whilst the Green Knight looked into fair Princess Anaïs' situation, and to escort her back to her very much worried father and mother, the King and Queen of France, in Paris.
So the two parted, each to his particular mission in defense of the Holy Grail, and Sir Gwain returned to the Cave of the Unicorns to write up the next part of the history, always with respect to precedent precepts, linking light to light, as the prophets before him.
As for the beleaguered Prime Minister Gory Vitellus who managed the building site, no man was in his day more perplexed, for the children flying on the eagles were getting impatient, complaining that they had yet to receive the best bricks and stones! The Prime Minister's dilemma was how to get the stones and bricks up to the children waiting on the backs of the eagles.
He counseled all of the best architects in the land and even some foreign innovators from Spain. Some suggested that a scaffold could be raised up to meet the children on their eagles who flew around the lower part of the castle. But as they raised the scaffold the castle rose higher in the sky! The children began to get cross, as all children tend to do when they do not get their way. They slowed down their eagles, crossed their arms on their chests, and with their chins set in a "what do we do now mode?" they all agreed that if a stone did not come up soon they would all go home. They had hoped to build the most beautiful castle ever known and the people below were simply not cooperating.
The Prime Minister sent for the obnoxious King who surely, being the craftiest king then alive, could figure out a way to get the best stones and bricks up to the children on their eagles. The king, of course, whose popularity was beginning to sag because of the extreme poverty in the land from all of his extortions, was only happy to do it, serving the public good. The world will be proud of his castle in the sky when finished.
He rubbed his hands together at the site and licked his lips, as if he had just sat down for his favorite twenty-one-course meal (he cut down his daily supper to 18 1/2 courses in an austerity move, so to fast on behalf of the starving masses accumulating in his city who survived from his garbage). "Catapults,” he said, "we'll send them up with catapults.” He looked up at the children atop their eagles, and shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun, which was reflecting off of the polished white surface of the castle, he shouted, "Do you have a means to catch the stones as we catapult them up to you?"
"Send the bricks and stones quickly. Our eagles are tiring!" they all shouted back.
The king ordered the catapult moved up and loaded with the first grade best Lamelablanche stones. His engineers scurried around the first engine, sighting here and there to figure out the proper angle of the launch, and ordered that it be tipped back more. Precariously backing behind the engine towards the edge of the precipice, and stooping down with his thumb positioned between his eye and the equator of the castle, he complained, "It needs to be tilted more!" Finally the engine had the proper angle, its basket with its first perfectly white stone was loaded, and his best headsman stood by, with his axe raised over the catapult lanyard. "Fire!" cried the king, and the huge arm of the engine sliced through the air, moving the basket straight up, and its front wheels literally danced a two-step off the ground! The beautiful, unblemished stone, being a mite too low, missed the outstretched net of the children and fell directly to the place from which it was launched and exploded upon the rocky ridge beside the engine.
Everyone except the king, it seems, was prepared for the explosion, and when the missile was launched they all ran down into the wine cellar of the monastery. The king, being occupied with shielding his eyes from the sun, watching the children catch the stone, did not see those around him scatter, so he was the only one hit by the exploding perfectly white Lamelablanche stone! He wasn't hit by a large piece only the corner which was about the size of a baseball but it hit him right on the nape of his neck and pitched him forward, rolling down the bridge from the Monastery of the Heretics through the mouth of the Cave of the Harpies. He rose up, holding his head, muttering something which no one could cipher but seemed to indict minister Vitellus and fell backward into the mouth of the cave.
King George's fall was not straight down, though the depth of the cave from top to bottom was perilous and would have cost him his life were it not for the scaly, itchy stuff from the wings of the Harpies, which still clung to the face of the cave opening. So like a fly sliding into the mouth of a pitcher plant, the king gripped and clung, smudged and smeared, all the way to the bottom where the floor had a smelly, powdery texture from the Harpie guano. His fall did not hurt him, except for the large knot at the base of his skull and, of course, his pride. For he was the first king ever to have fallen in Harpie dung!
The news of the king's debacle spread quickly, and every minister, every servant, and every panderer in his court soon came to the mountain. They all stood above the gaping cave mouth, which seemed at that moment to be opening wider so to gather more victims into its parched throat.
Everyone, of course, forgot the building project in the sky and now focused on how they might get their revered patron out of the cave, for many jobs and stolen fortunes depended upon him. The best experts and leaders of industry soon were brought to the site of King George's great fall to counsel Gory Vitellus. A paradox for you: how to get the king out of that very sepulcher he helped to create for the enemies of the state of Quakin-Bush! Many of the original designers of their inescapable cave, in fact, now stood upon the bridge of Hateful George, King of Quakin-Bush.
All of them rubbed their hands and licked their lips at their idol before them, they scratched their temples, and they pursed their lips in serious meditation. How would they get their king out of the heinous hole?
The original drawings of the cave were expressed (or upsed) to the mountain, and still they saw no way to get Dirty King George out. Someone suggested that they rig a gantry over the hole and drop a basket to the floor. The problem here was that anything, which was dropped to the floor, would bring up all those awful lice, itches, and diseases in the cave, which had sloughed off the wings of the Harpies and fallen into the guano. No one was about to get within a fair jousting distance of that basket! And this was only part of the problem, for the king himself would have to be cleaned somehow before he reached the surface of the cave!
Aaaach! The very thought of having to clean the king of his filth made the most faithful of them gag! Many became like novitiates on a moaning ship in a storm, who heaved and choked over the rails of the poop deck in confusion and their first bout of seasickness. It was awful!
By dusk, as the sun began setting behind the now polished, blue, pink and grey-cast castle in the sky, many began marching in complete disgust back down the road from the mountain. Walking together they made plans for their escape from the kingdom of Quakin-Bush, as it was evident to them that the impoverished and now unsightful population of the city might want the opportunity to play polo with their heads, as was the custom with deposed kings and their ministers. Truly, the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush at that moment was written off as history and, in the camps of the captives who heard the news of the King's Great Slide, there was much rejoicing. Surely, they all sang, toasting Sir Gwain with their sang-graals held high, "this is the day the lord hath made!" There was no doubt that Sir Gwain had brought forth the fall of the king of iron hearts George--le Roi Cour du fer-- with neither a sword nor harsh word! Sir Gwain's response to the matter was only that he had been a servant of God and his prophets, who had already set the plan in the first place. But Sir Gwain did have something to do with writing some of the prophecies, as we shall see in time.
Anaïs Departs the Dolorous Tower
Having been held captive only a few hours, when Princess Anaïs saw the beam of light come through the high window of her tower of captivity, she knew Sir Gwain was on his way.
She and her Unicorn - which had been used by now servile Boors to capture the princess had been lowered in separate cages from the roof of the tower to its floor by means of a tripod gantry, which had a curious arrangement of blocks, gears, and pulleys. The gantry itself was made of some long brass pillars King George had gifted to him by the Saracens who had found them in a mine near St. Katherine's Monastery at mount Sinai. They sent the brass to him as part of their agreement to aid in building George's Castle in Brittany, from which he would launch his war in Provence. He intended to melt the pillars some being about thirty feet long and others half that length into catapult shot, rigging for his ships, etc. for his next military campaign (which he secretly planned against the Arabs to conquer Mecca and Jerusalem). The pillars were laid like cordwood in huge heaps in the dungeon; some were about thirty feet long, and others were about half that length; all had wonderful impressions recounting in bas-relief the Exodus out of Egypt. In addition, they had red, blue, and purple samite still attached to their greenish-blue skin when Boors found them in the dungeon of the King's Castle. He threw the dusty fabric to the side of the dungeon, and had his servants haul the longer pillars to the tower, where he secured them together in longer lengths by means of some special brass bands he had manufactured especially for this purpose in the King's foundry. Those work orders, as noted, were listed in the account books of the king's exchequer, stored in the library and scriptorium, from which Sir Gwain was able to ascertain the location of Dolorous Tower. Ending this part on a positive note, the captives were able to secure the discarded red, blue, and purple samite with wires previously used to torture them, and the material was made into sorely needed blankets, as the heatless castle was come ever colder with the onset of winter.
The fiend Boors wasn't completely bad, just a bit stupid and greedy, which two traits often go together. He lowered some well-prepared meals to the beautiful princes and had provided for her comfort as reasonably as one might hope under the circumstances. She had a soft bed, stolen from Mother Theresa's room above the dungeon. Although it was simple in design, it was comfortable and its comforters were the best down-filled comforters in the castle. The mat of the lass was filled with a double portion of the finest cashmere wool from Samarkand, which had been gifted to Mother Theresa by the Queen Dowager, King George's wife, a well-respected patron of good causes. She was particularly noted for her compassion for animals, speaking out always against animal abuse, and had written a popular story about her own small puppy named "chips" which won her many national awards. She earned about a million pounds the first year of the book's publication, it is said. No one cared more for the cause of mistreated beasts than she.
Having heard the endless screams from the tortured prisoners below her room, and after the homeless began accumulating on the streets, and particularly seeing them suffering in their camp outside the city, Mother Theresa (then known as sister Theresa) gave up her position in the Castle's Chapel Choir and committed herself to the poor. Seeing Mother Theresa's great efforts to attend to them through her Salvation Kitchen called le Poteg et Salud Fou by the King's Ministry because they saw no profit in the operation the Dowager Queen nevertheless awarded Mother Theresa with the priceless boudoir saved for her favorite daughter. This included the privileged and rare, highly treasured Cashmere mattress she herself brought home from an expedition to Afghanistan, the source of the highly prized and sheepish Cashmere wool. Mother Theresa thanked the Dowager Queen kindly for the gift but never used it, since she had by then moved into the camp of the poor and had committed herself to fulfilling Psalm 12. After this many nuns followed in her footsteps, always tending to the poor in the Cistercian tradition, which followed their movement. Needless to say, Boors the opportunist was poking around in the rooms above the dungeon and saw the sorrowful saint's room and removed its affects, including not only the bed but a matching white antiqued, appliqué dresser, a multicolored herringbone assortment of matching linen and towels, wash basin; and last a bulky but coordinated rainbow-washed ceramic bath tub. The Dowager Queen gifted all of these in memory of Mother Theresa’s humanitarian works. Were it not for being stolen from the saint for the nicely appointed chambers in the Dolorous Tower where Princes Anaïs was held captive, the priceless gift could have been put to better use, such as funding jobs for the poor.
In any event, Princess Anaïs was quite comfortable in her high tower, and the food lowered down from the high window above was quite delicious and always included several courses. The cad Boors, of course, exploiting all of his connections in the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush, had arranged for the untouched left-over courses from the King's Supper to be delivered still steaming hot to the Princess's high keep. The rest of the food, following the king's Law all in his ministry acted to the strictest lawful degree was thrown to the large garbage containers behind the castle. Because of the pilfering that started in the garbage cans as a result of the captive's unlawful sneaking (and even begging!) in the streets for food, the food was diverted to the castle's incinerator after a time. This was done because the King and his ministers, hearing complaints from the Landfill Cartel, feared that the squalid beggars might be bringing lice and all kinds of diseases into the containers which might, in turn, infect the workmen. Burning the left over food seemed to be the most logical way to avoid the itch. Some of King George le Soufle's chief ministers blasted him with all kinds of dispersions unfit for ministers of their likes and insisted that all the poor be rounded up and thrown into the furnaces, resolving the problem of the itch altogether. Fortunately King George thought this was a bit too harsh, and this plan was abandoned, "Besides,” the scheming King admonished, "the Harpies are still sloughing upon the walls of the city. We still have to deal with them and those they continue to infect!" The King arrived at a more practical plan to placate his ministers with a spring-loaded engine like a mouse trap, placed in the bottom of the container which, being stepped on, would blast the paupers to kingdom come! It worked for a few days, until the captives discovered the trap.
The idea of throwing the captives to the furnace was not lost, however, for centuries later a prince of the Heretics, working from the frightening designs of Merthenius Loatherius, proposed the ovens of Dachau to Hitler, who would apply them to the Jews.
Fortknight's Four
At the end of the Valle de la Crois of the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush, where it fell into the sea, was a nice pub where the knights of the land would retreat after a hard days work fighting the enemies of King George the Iron heart. The watering hole was run by the very rich Hallépine family who had emigrated to Quakin-Bush from London, fleeing from the Saxons and now the plague which had spread, to London from Quakin-Bush. The site of Fortknight's Four was a more enchanting and remote spot in the kingdom and away from the butchery and the chaos then going on in the great cities. The Hallépines were gracious and good hosts, so their new pub by the sea became very popular to the knights passing through the area.
Many of the knights, seeing as how the place was becoming popular with them, sought Fortknights Four more and more, particularly as they became more disheartened by the way King George le Fou was running the Kingdom and in particular, his military campaigns. He had just launched a small skirmish with Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, hoping to cut off Mahomet's Legacy, which, as noted earlier, was beginning to take root there. What ended up in that skirmish was a complete massacre of the natives, leaving the equally devious Nebuchadnezzar still in power, but the country in ruin. This experience was later repeated in the thirteenth century when the crusaders stopped in Constantinople on their way to save Jerusalem from the Saracens and, having nothing better to do while waiting for their ships to be provisioned, sacked that city.
The knights visiting Fortknight Four had done well by the campaign, but it, together with
all the other blunders and the horrible state of the economy of the kingdom, was adding up to discontent and downright treason. Some of them actually lived in the City of Quakin-Bush and had already participated in treasonous dialogues on overthrowing the king.
The pub, besides having a remarkable view, was well ordered to the interests and desires of its patrons. Downstairs in the wine cellar was a room called La Salon Chagrine, where the knights hung up their armor and off-loaded the pain and sorrows of war. The bartender, Guenter Legrous, was attentive to their needs, and those who couldn't readily bring themselves to tears were served with their brandy, a large red onion and a knife.
Upstairs in the Haut Pavilion catering to disenchanted Saxons who liked it best, were the favorite seats of the house. Often seen there was a knight whose name was Sir Caldemore of Sauves, whose exploits in the campaigns of Quakin-Bush were well known, and who went on from his military career to found the Bank of Rhodes, whose family much later funded the Knights of the Temple.
It was this Sir Caldemore who was riding from the City of Quakin-Bush that met Sir Nascien on his way to the Dolorous Tower where Princess Anaïs was being held captive. He rode an aging charger whose back was rust red and flanks were silver; the hooves were polished black. His armor bore the color of purple, showing his sympathy for the cause of the captives. When he spied the Green Knight coming through the forest, seeing the opportunity to unseat this great knight, he put his lance in his rest and laid the point of it in the center of Sir Nascien's shield, only to splinter into a thousand pieces. Sir Nascien's lance caught the plume of his helmet and ripped the covering from his head. Recognizing unhelmed Sir Caldemore, Sir Nascien pulled up his stormy mount and said, Sir Caldemore, I cannot joust with you." He then explained his mission to save the sweet Princess of France, Anaïs, and the two together went on to the Dolorous Tower.
The cages containing the princess and her unicorn were left unlocked by Boors, so she soon discovered the opportunity to leave the cage and spent much time next to her Unicorn. The two were good company for each other, because the Unicorn could speak, as is true with all Unicorns. This one was particularly white and quite striking. It had blue eyes and beautiful, long blue eyelashes. Being discerning as it was, it reassured Anaïs that it would not be long before they would be rescued, as it was.
Soon they heard workmen outside their chamber and stone by stone, brick by brick, the roof was removed. When the workmen got to the next level, exposing the evening sky, the Magic Ring of Angelica fell to the floor, right at Princess Anaïs' feet. This taught her that good things always come; one must learn to wait.
Whether by coincidence or by magic, when the darling little Princess picked up the Magic Ring, Sir Nascien and Sir Caldemore halted their mounts at the tower. In our next adventure we shall discuss how she was returned to her mother and father in France and how King George le Siffler, the snake in the grass of the kingdom of Quakin-Bush, managed to get out of the Cave of the Harpies.
Chapter 7
How Sir Nascien freed Princess Anais, became Grail King &
joined Nebuchadnezzar's war with the Kings of Pansnance.
My how the world suddenly turned topsy- turvey for wicked King George of Quakin-Bush! Suddenly, and only because of his favor and generosity, he fell into the pit! We admit that he fell down when his people were trying to rise up a castle in the sky to his glory. Imagine the poor, miserable king now sitting at the bottom of the Cave of the Harpies with his elbows on his knees and a spectacle to everyone now looking down upon him!
Not one of Rude King George's ministers warned him of the possibility that building blocks launched to the eagles in the sky might fall short and return directly to their launch pad, where Spiteful King George was standing with his hands shielding his eyes. Knowing of the danger and neglecting to warn King George, his ministers and everyone working on the project ran down to safety behind the catapult into the ruined wine cellar of the Heretic monastery. The rock did explode, a baseball-sized chip hit him in the nape of the neck, and King George tumbled down his own hateful bridge into the Cave of the Harpies. Seated in the same filth he had been sowing through the Heretics and their Monastery of Hate, he could only complain, "Oh, woe is me,” while people gawked at him from above. He should have expected this, for on the face of the cave was a large bronze plaque with the admonition, "Do not feed the Harpies," placed there by Julius Caesar himself.
Ignoring the plaque the Heretics of the Monastery by the Cave used the Harpies to cajole proselytes to their god Antijude. Nothing on earth was feared more than the Harpies, since their black, white tipped wings, carried every kind of lice, itch, and disease known to man. Anyone who did not submit to Heretic dogma would be fed to the Harpies. Among the captives of the Harpies whom Sir Gwain freed was Prince Nascien. At the very moment of King George's fall into the Cave of the Harpies, Sir Nascien was sent to the Dolorous Tower to free fair Princess Anaïs, daughter of the omnipotent King Constantine of France.
The servile servant of Chief Giant Ysbadden, vile Boors, had captured Princess Anaïs and her Unicorn, intending to use them to control the Grail Castle, from which he would rule the world. His plans were foiled by Sousient King George's inebriation, drinking too much of his own glory; as King George le Fou du Monde ordered the perfectly white Lamelablanche stones for the Castle in the Sky from Boors' Dolorous Tower. Boors had earlier stolen the perfectly white-matched stones from the mountainside of the Cave of the Harpies. In a manner of speaking, by ordering the stones to their original and rightful place, Sir Gwain had formulated a plan not only to remove from the world the chief Corsair of Corruption, King George of Quakin-Bush, but the stones also freed Princess Anaïs from her terrible captivity. With this move came a bonus, for King George's fall into his own pit would serve as bait to lure the Harpies back into their own cave. All of this had been prophesied beforehand and Sir Gwain, being somewhat shy, mind you, was the first to admit that he was not the author of the plan, but only one who aided the prophesies.
When Sir Nascien and his mate, Sir Caldemore, arrived at the Dolorous Tower, the roof had already been opened. They were set to rig a gantry over the ceiling to free the princess and her unicorn when up jumped the unicorn with the princess on his back, hovering for a moment in the air above, then landing at the knights' feet.
From the ridge beyond, in a clearing, which had been made by the King's vandalizing woodsmen, was that very Unicorn foaled by the black and white mottled Hippogriff and Sir Gwain's black, red-eared steed, Gryngolet with the red hooves. This foal was the first of its kind ever, and it was pure white with pure white wings and fully resembled a horse. Whereas the Hippogriff had wings and the head of an eagle, with black claws in its hooves and the body of a horse, its foal had none of those characteristics except the wings. And the wings were greater in span by two cubits! Need we explain more? The Hippogriff's foal had the eagle eyes of its mother, it was mating season for both Hippogriffs and Unicorns, and it spied the Unicorn in the air at the Dolorous Tower, thinking it was another like itself. At the same moment the perfectly white, blue-eyed and blue-lashed Unicorn carrying Princess Anaïs discerned that there was another like it nearby and spied the Hippogriff's foal atop the nearby mountain. It was rearing to go right then and there, and were it not for Sir Nascien's powerful outstretched silver-mail gauntlet, the Princess might have been catapulted to the ground from her wonderful mount. As the Unicorn reared up, Sir Nascien caught the beautiful lass in his arm, put her behind him on Gryngolet, and, with Sir Caldemore, rode off to meet Sir Gwain at the Cave of the Unicorns. Princess Anaïs, in her long, pennant-like white samite shift, looked back as they galloped away and could see the perfectly white Unicorn bounding over fence and hedge towards the Hippogriff in the sky. From the mating of these two was born the perfectly white, blue-eyed, blue eye-lashed, winged Unicorn known to those in the West Country.
When they reached the Cave of the Unicorns the two horsemen and their chargé went to Joseph's Well to refresh themselves, and then entered the cave. Sir Caldemore had never seen such before, because of the colors, because of the revelations on the walls, because of the peace.
Seated at his captain's table was Sir Gwain le Souricière, who was then weaving more characters and events into the net of prophesy which laid before him. We mention this as a simile, since, as prophesied, he was really pressing truth with a terribly blunted reed onto smoking, flaxen paper. The rabbis say that he used the smoking flax to light his table, but one could clearly see that his abode was all light!
"Bonjour monsieur mon juge," said Sir Nascien (meaning "Good Day my lord") as he removed his polished mail gauntlet. " A louer se lot viene beintot," replied the Old Man, as he was thumbing through an old hermit's manuscript from the Kingdom of Laotzu, somewhere now in the Magic Mountains of south China. What he said is difficult to translate but was a congratulation, that one's fate often comes sooner than expected, and patience for the plan of God to run its course is always rewarded. God never abandons those who sow his seed.
Sowing Prophesy
Sometimes, because of the reluctance of men to look truth squarely in the eye, it takes several interacting agencies to accomplish good. Getting men together to witness truth can involve much planning, organizing, and, for many who might not otherwise serve God's desire, accident. We may see in Quakin-Bush a perfect example how people are arranged through accident to witness truth they ordinarily would refuse to see. Far too many people in Quakin-Bush, in fact, were those who served God through their mouth, if at all, while their hearts were far from him. They simply used God to justify their own evil plots. We see this in their service of King George, his corrupt officers, and particularly the Heretics who were singing praises to the god Antijude, as they threw their innocent victims to the Harpies! There was no kingdom ever, even surpassing Sodom and Gomorrah, which merited the Lord's cry in prophesy, " I looked down from heaven and no where did I see anyone doing good.” This place, above all places, was set for destruction. It was prophesied that these people would get the worst of the battle yet to come.
The battle, as prophesied, would become the womb of war itself, growing until it demolished the kingdoms of evil and produced an age of reconciliation to God. The war itself would be created through accidence, where unlikely allies former enemies would suddenly be gathered together in unlikely circumstances in enormous numbers to fight Nebuchadnezzar II, the King of the North. From this battle would come disaster for all involved. How the accidence woven into the web of this prophecy worked was through the mutual desires of the corrupt kings involved and their ministers, all vying to dominate the other and being easily bridled with their greed. King Nebuchadnezzar II, as shown on the walls of the Cave of the Unicorns, not only desired to reestablish the glorious Kingdom of Babylon as prophesied but also believed he had a Biblical mission, of ridding the world of the Jews. The Seven Kings of Pansnance had been molded by the hands of the Heretics and had no interest in the Jews except to use them against Nebuchadnezzar II. All of the parties called to Babylon's War through the voice of King George the Iron-heart sincerely believed because the Heretics had told them that their cause was fully justified by God. Sir Nascien, the bonnie lass Princess Anaïsfille, and Sir Caldemore, of course, could see all of these things as they flashed in their multicolored hues throughout the cave of the Unicorns.
When the Color Purple the color of the amethyst dominated the cave, one could see scenes of despair, of persecution, of the need for someone to rise up and stand for the persecuted, the meek, and the afflicted.
Following the heals of the Color Purple was the Color Green, after the Emerald, the stone at the foundation of the New City of Jerusalem, which was originally carried upon the right breast of Aaron the High Priest of Israel. The emerald was from the famous emerald mines at Mount Zabarah in Nubia and comes from the third place on Aaron the High Priest's Breastplate, over his heart. It represented the Salvation of God. We can now see why Sir Gwain wore the color Green and passed it on to Grail Prince Sir Nascien to carry.
Following these two colors in the cave was the fiery color of the Ruby. The owner of a brilliant ruby is assured that he will live in peace and concord with all men, that neither his land nor his rank will be taken from him, and that he will be preserved from all perils. It was most effective in a ring, bracelet, or brooch, if worn on the left side. Sir Caldemore rode on a red horse and wore red armor, signifying the mission of the ruby. The Ruby was placed in the first position of Aaron the High Priest's Breastplate.
What was shown on the walls of the Cave of the Unicorns is a scene from the Last Judgment, starting with the Daniel's prophesy:
7.13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near before him.
7.14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
Suggested reading on the Arthurian Romances, upon which this book is based.
Gododdin Welsh poem (c. 600)
Annales Cambriae (10th Century)
Le Roman de Brut, by Wace (1155; 12th Century)
Lancelot and Percival, by Chrétien de Troyes (late 12th Century)
Parsifal, by Wolfram von Eschenbach (13th Century)
Tristan and Isolde, by Gottfried von Strassburg (13th Century)
Sir Gwain and the Green Knight (14th Century)
Le Morte d'Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory
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Originally published July 1992;
Updated 5.27.2000; 2.24.02; 3.03.02; 3.17.02; 4.24.04; 6.14.04; 2.15.06; reformatted 11.15.08; 1.15.09; 3.01.10
Copyright © 1992-2010 Mel West. All rights reserved
Copyright © 1992-2010 Mel Copeland. All rights reserved
