2/19/2010 Phrygian language, translation showing conjugation and declension patterns and vocabulary.

The Phrygian language
Translation of Phrygian scripts (continued, Phrygian2.html)
by Mel Copeland
(Based on a related work, Etruscan Phrases,
first published in 1981)

The Midas City altars, buildings, Phrygian idols and pottery (Images of altars, buildings and pottery from "The Gordion Excavations (1950-1973), Final Reports, Volume II, The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli, Part II, The Inhumations," by Ellen L. Kohler, University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1995; images of the idols from "Phrygian Rock Cut Shrines," Susanne Berndt-Ersöz). More photos of these monuments can be found in "The Highlands of Phrygia sites and monuments," C. H. Eilie Haspels, Princeton University press, 1971.
Phrygian Idols
Stele with relief of double idol from Sincan, Ankara. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, (after Mein &Akaln, 2000)
Relief of double idol reused in a fountain at Faharet Cesme, Karayollari Park |
Stele with matar from Bahselievler, Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations |
Midas City idol that has (unclear) writing |
Below: Midas City monument with idol, matar |
Midas City monument with idol, possibly "matar" without lions |
Gordion (Images from "The Gordion Excavations, Final Reports, Volume II, The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli, Part II, The Inhumations," Ellen L. Kohler, University of Pennsylvania Museum, publisher, 1995)
The tumuli of Gordion, view from the air. Many of the graves in the complex had been robbed before the archeologists got to them.

Pitcher Tum B15. |
Shard Tum H22 |

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Updated: 4.21.07 ; 5.06.07; 5.27.07; 7.17.07; 2.19.10
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