5/23/2009 Etruscan Grammer, from Etruscan_Phrases Table 1, showing Etruscan conjugation and declension patterns

Etruscan Phrases -- Grammar (verbs continued)
by Mel Copeland
(from a work published in 1981)
This grammar of Etruscan words is selected from Indo-European Table 1 which is a map showing the relationships of the wor ds found in the Etruscan vocabulary. This table was consolidated as Etruscan Glossary, in Excel format, Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls, and the conjugation and declension patterns shown herein.
Etruscan_Grammar.xls, formed the basis of this work. To review the current state of the glossary and grammar use the Excel spreadsheets. See Etruscan_Grammar.html for our commentary on the grammar.
Sample Conjugation Table See Spreadsheet for the complete form
English, Verbs
References (L. = Latin, It. = Italian, Fr. = French, etc.)
fling, to hurl
L. iacio-iacere; It. tirare, Fr. tirer
TIR (I fling)
fling, to hurl
L. iacio-iacere; It. tirare, Fr. tirer
TIRI (you hurled)
have, to possess
L. habeo-ere; It. avere, Fr. avoir
HA (he/she has)
have, to possess
L. habeo-ere; It. avere, Fr. avoir
HE (you have)
have, to possess
L. habeo-ere; It. avere, Fr. avoir
have, to possess
L. habeo-ere; It. avere, Fr. avoir
HO (HV) (I have)
have, to possess
L. habeo-ere; It. avere, Fr. avoir
HOS (HVS) (you have)
heal, to cure
L. sano-are, sanus-a-um; It. sanare; Fr. sain, healthy
SANS (healthy? I cure)
heal, to cure
L. sano-are; It. sanare
SANA (he, she cures)
heal, to cure
L. sano-are; It. sanare
SANI (you cured)
heal, to cure
L. sano-are; It. sanare
SANO (SANV) (to cure)
sound, to celebrate
L. sono-sonar; It. sonare; Fr. Sonner; Welsh, swnio
SON (SVN) (I sound, celebrate)
sound, to celebrate
L. sono-sonar; It. sonare; Fr. Sonner; Welsh, swnio
SONA (SVNA) (he, she celebrates)
sound, to celebrate
L. sono-sonar; It. sonare; Fr. Sonner; Welsh, swnio
SONE (SVNE) (you celebrate)
immerse, to dip
L. merso, are
MERSO (MERSV) (to immerse)
immerse, to dip
L. merso, are
MERSOS (MERSVS) (we immerse)
rural, to live in the country (bedew?)
L. ruro-are
ROR (RVR) (See RO, bedew)
rural, to live in the country (bedew?)
L. ruro-are
rural, to live in the country (bedew?)
L. ruro-are
detach, to separate
It. staccare, stac, cliff
STAKAS (you detach, separate)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TEN (I hold)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENA (he, she holds)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENE (you hold)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENIN (they hold)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENO (TENV) (to hold?)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENeR (to hold)
quiet, to be silent
L. sileo-ere-ui; It. silenzio, silence; Fr. silence, silence
SILA (he/she is quiet)
quiet, to be silent
L. sileo-ere-ui; It. silenzio, silence; Fr. silence, silence
SILAR (to be quiet)
speak, to talk
It. raccontare; Fr. raconter; Belarus, raicca; Toch. rake
speak, to talk
It. raccontare; Fr. raconter; Belarus, raicca; Toch. rake
straighten, to tighten
L. stringo, stringere; It. stretta, tightening; Fr. serrer
STRETA (he, she makes straight)
straighten, to tighten
L. stringo, stringere; It. stretta, tightening; Fr. serrer
STRETER (to make straight)
collect, thicken, congeal
L. cogo, cogere
COGI (CObI) (you congealed)
collect, thicken, congeal
L. cogo, cogere
COKAR (CVKAR) (to congeal)
collect, thicken, congeal
L. cogo, cogere
COKE (you congeal)
collect, thicken, congeal
L. cogo, cogere
COKO (CVCV) (I congeal)
guard, to be on, be wary
L. caveo, cavere
CAVE (CA8E) (you are wary)
guard, to be on, be wary
L. caveo, cavere
CAVER (CA8ER) (to be wary)
beat, to combat
L. pugno-are
PUNE (PFNE) (you combat)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PREC (I beg) (See PREK)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PREK (I beg)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PRECE (you beg)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PRECER (to beg)
honor, to respect
L. honore-are; It. onorare; Fr. honorer; Polish, honor
ONOM (VNVM) (honored)
honor, to respect
L. honore-are; It. onorare; Fr. honorer; Polish, honor
ONOR (VNVR) (to honor)
find, to get again
L. reperio-reperie
REPIN (I honor)
find, to get again
L. reperio-reperie
REPINE (you honor)
arrange, to compose, tidy
L. como, comere
KOMA (KVMA) (he/she arranges)
arrange, to compose, tidy
L. como, comere
KOMO (KVMV) (I arrange)
arrange, to compose, tidy
L. como, comere
KOMIAU (KVMIA8) (arranged, composed)
rest, await, make a stand
L. resto-stare-stiti
RESTA (he/she rests)
rest, await, make a stand
L. resto-stare-stiti
rest, await, make a stand
L. resto-stare-stiti
RESTuM (RESTvM) (of the rest, rested)
conspire, to take an oath
L. coniuro-are; It. congiurare
KONA (KVNA) (he/she pledges) (See CONA)
conspire, to take an oath
L. coniuro-are; It. congiurare
CONA (CVNA) (he/she pledges) (See KONA)
conspire, to take an oath
L. coniuro-are; It. congiurare
CONO (CVNV) (I / to pledge)
fear, to quake
L. paveo, pavere; It. paura, fear; Fr. peur, dread
PAV (PAF) (I fear)
fear, to quake
L. paveo, pavere; It. paura, fear; Fr. peur, dread
PAVA (PAFA) (he/she fears)
fear, to quake
L. paveo, pavere; It. paura, fear; Fr. peur, dread
PAEVEIS (PAEFEIS) (see frighten)
harrow, to plow
L. occo-are; Welsh, ogedu; og-au, harrow
OCE (VCE) (you harrow) (See OK and UK)
harrow, to plow
L. occo-are; Welsh, ogedu; og-au, harrow
OCEM (harrowed)
harrow, to plow
L. occo-are; Welsh, ogedu; og-au, harrow
harrow, to plow
L. occo-are; Welsh, ogedu; og-au, harrow
OCI (you harrowed)
be able, to do
L. queo, quire, quivi
QISI (you did)
hope, to expect
L. sperare; spes-ei, hope; It. sperare; Fr. ésperer
SPE (you hope)
expiate, to loose, atone for
L. luo, luere, lui, luiturus
expiate, to loose, atone for
L. luo, luere, lui, luiturus
expiate, to loose, atone for
L. luo, luere, lui, luiturus
LUR (LVR) (see ghost)
expiate, to loose, atone for
L. luo, luere, lui, luiturus
expiate, to loose, atone for
L. luo, luere, lui, luiturus
expiate, to loose, atone for; probably light
L. luo, luere, lui, luiturus; lux, lucis, light
LUS (LFS) (Note: an area of the Piacenza liver)
dine, to
CEN (I dine)
dine, to
CENI (you dined)
dine, to
CENO (CENV) (to dine)
copper coating, to coat with copper
It. ramare
RAMA (he/she coats with copper)
copper coating, to coat with copper
It. ramare
RAMO (RAMV) (I coat with copper)
copper coating, to coat with copper
It. ramare
RAMOR (RAMVR) (to coat with copper)
go before, to excel
go before, to excel
go before, to excel
go before, to excel
use, to employ
L. utor, uti, usus; It. utilizzare; Fr. utiliser
OTOR (VTVR) (to use)
deny an oath, refuse oath
L. eiuro and eiero-are
EIS (I refuse the oath)
deny an oath, refuse oath
L. eiuro and eiero-are
EISER (to refuse an oath)
endure, to carry, bear
L. tolero-are; It. tollerare; Fr. tolerer
TOL (TVL) (I endure)
endure, to carry, bear
L. tolero-are; It. tollerare; Fr. tolerer
TOLERA (TVLERA) (he, she will endure)
endure, to carry, bear
L. tolero-are; It. tollerare; Fr. tolerer
TOLeRAN (TVLeRAN) (they endure)
endure, to carry, bear
L. tolero-are; It. tollerare; Fr. tolerer
TOLO (TVLV) (to endure)
go, to to have movement
L. ito-are; itus-us, movement
ITIS (you go)
go, to to have movement
L. ito-are; itus-us, movement
go, to to have movement
L. ito-are; itus-us, movement
ITON (ITVN) (they go)
go away, depart (See APA, priest, P-1)
L. abeo-ire
APA (he/she goes away)
go away, depart
L. abeo-ire
APE (you go away) (see water)
go away, depart
L. abeo-ire
APEN (they go away)
go away, depart
L. abeo-ire
API (You departed)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SAT (I satisfy) (See Sater)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SATA (he, she satisfies)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SATAN (they satisfy)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SATANE (satisfied?)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SATE (you satisfy)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SATI (you satisfied)
satisy, to fill
L. sator-oris
SATO (SATV) (to satisfy)
eat, to
L. pappo-are
PAPEN (they eat)
leisure, to be at leisure, rest
L. otior-ari, licet, licere, licuit; Fr. loisir
OTE (VTE) (you are at leisure)
leisure, to be at leisure, rest
L. otior-ari, licet, licere, licuit; Fr. loisir
OTIN (VTIN) (they are at leisure)
cook, to cook, meditate
L. coquo, coquere
COC (CVC) (I cook) (See KOCE)
cook, to cook, meditate
L. coquo, coquere
KOCE (KVCE) (you cook)
cook, to cook, meditate
L. coquo, coquere
KOCER (KVCER) (to cook)
cook, to cook, meditate
L. coquo, coquere
KOCOR (KVCVR) (a cook)
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
SER (I join)
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
SEReN (they join)
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
SERI (you joined)
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
SERO (SERV) (to join)
join, to connect together
L. sero-serere, serui
SERAMO (SERAMV) (joined?)
darken, to defile
L. temero-are; It. timore, fear; Fr. timore, fear
TAME (you defile, darken)
darken, to defile
L. temero-are; It. timore, fear; Fr. timore, fear
TAMIR (to defile, darken)
come, to arrive
L. venio, venire; It. venire; Fr. venir
VeNES (8ENES) (you come)
come, to arrive
L. venio, venire; It. venire; Fr. venir
VENO (8ENV) (I come)
come, to arrive
L. venio, venire; It. venire; Fr. venir
VeNO (8eNV) (I come)
come, to arrive
L. venio, venire; It. venire; Fr. venir
VENOS (8ENVS) (we come; see Venus)
come, to arrive
L. venio, venire; It. venire; Fr. venir
VeNER (8eNER) (to come)
grind, to stir
L. molior-iri
MOLA (MVLA) (he/she grinds
grind, to stir
L. molior-iri
MOLE (MVLE) (you grind)
grind, to stir
L. molior-iri
MOLeS (MVLeS) (you grind)
escape by swimming
L. eno-are
ENA (he/she escapes)
escape by swimming
L. eno-are
ENAS (you escape)
escape by swimming
L. eno-are
ENE (you escape)
escape by swimming
L. eno-are
ENO (ENV) (I / to escape)
rise, to get up
L. orior, oriri, ortus
ORTES (VRTES) (you rise)
fasten, compose
L. pango, pangere
PANE (you compose)
fasten, compose
L. pango, pangere
PANES (you compose)
pollute, to commit a crime
L. scelero-are, scelus-eris; Fr. scélérat
SCELES (you pollute) (See SKeLES)
pollute, to commit a crime
L. scelero-are, scelus-eris; Fr. scélérat
SCeLOM (SCeLVM) (polluted)
err, to wander
L. error-are
ER (I err)
err, to wander
L. error-are
err, to wander
L. error-are
ERE (you err)
err, to wander
L. error-are
ERES (you err)
err, to wander
L. error-are
ERO (ERV) (to err)
design, to draw
L. designo-are; It. disegnare; Fr. desiner
TESeN (I design)
design, to draw
L. designo-are; It. disegnare; Fr. desiner
TESENA (he, she designs)
deserve, to merit
L. mereo-ere
MER (I merit)
deserve, to merit
L. mereo-ere
MERI (you merited)
deserve, to merit, merited
L. mereo-ere, meritus-a-um
MERITO (MERITV) (merited)
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
SAR (I hoe)
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
SARI (you hoed)
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
SARIS (you hoe)
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
SARO (SARV) (to hoe)
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
hoe, to weed, cultivate
L. sario-ire
SARROMvS (let us hoe? We hoe)
reserve, to save, keep
L. reservo-are; It. riservare; Fr.réserver
RESERI (you reserved, saved)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TEN (I hold)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENA (he, she holds)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENE (you hold)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENIN (they hold)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENO (TENV) (to hold?)
hold, to have, possess, keep
L. teneo, tenere; It. tenere; Fr. tenir
TENeR (to hold)
regent, to rule
It. reggere, to rule; Fr. régner, to reign
REN ( I rule)
regent, to rule
It. reggere, to rule; Fr. régner, to reign
RENA (he/she rules)
regent, to rule
It. reggere, to rule; Fr. régner, to reign
RENE (you rule)
regent, to rule
It. reggere, to rule; Fr. régner, to reign
RENeR (to rule, ruler?)
regent, to rule
It. reggere, to rule; Fr. régner, to reign
ReNI (you ruled, rulers)
regent, to rule
It. reggere, to rule; Fr. régner, to reign
RENO (RENV) (to rule)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
CAR (dear, cherished) (alt. heart) (See KARE, Karen)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
CARE (cherished, area of Piacenza liver)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
CARO (CARV) (dear, cherished)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
KARE (you care for)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
KAREN (they care for)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
KARO (KARV) (to care for)
care for, to cherish
L. curo-are; carus-a-um
hide, to
L. celo-are
CELA (you hide)
hide, to
L. celo-are
CELeRIM (of the hidden)
hide, to
L. celo-are
CELI (you hid)
hide, to
L. celo-are
CELO (CELV) (to hide)
hide, to
L. celo-are
CELTO (CELTV) (see Celts) (hidden)
disclose, to open, reveal
L. resero-are
RESA (he/she discloses) (see reserve)
disclose, to open, reveal
L. resero-are
RESAN (they disclose)
disclose, to open, reveal
L. resero-are
disclose, to open, reveal
L. resero-are
RESE (you disclose)
disclose, to open, reveal
L. resero-are
RESI (you disclosed)
lead, to conduct, guide
It. menare; Fr. mener
MENA (he/she leads)
lead, to conduct, guide
It. menare; Fr. mener
MENAN (they lead)
lead, to conduct, guide
It. menare; Fr. mener
MENAS (you lead)
lead, to conduct, guide
It. menare; Fr. mener
MENE (you lead)
lead, to conduct, guide
It. menare; Fr. mener
MENES (you lead, subj.?)
lead, to conduct, guide
It. menare; Fr. mener
MENIAR (to lead)
water, to irrigate, bedew
L. rigo-are; It. irrigare; Fr. arroser
RICU (RICF) (See RIC, RICA, rich)
water, to irrigate, bedew
L. rigo-are; It. irrigare; Fr. arroser
RIGES (RIbES) (you water) (see rich)
water, to irrigate, bedew
L. rigo-are; It. irrigare; Fr. arroser
RIGO (RIbV) (I water, to water)
lead, to
L. rigo-are; It. rigare
RIK (I lead) (see rich)
lead, to
L. rigo-are; It. rigare
RIKE (you lead)
lead, to
L. rigo-are; It. rigare
RIKES (you lead)
I, IE, IO, OU, OP suffix
Citlo, gens? Verb?
Citlo, gens? Verb?
Citlo, gens? Verb?
Citlo, gens? Verb?
cherish, fondle, pet
L. foveo, fovere; Fr. choyer
KUA (KFA) (he/she cherishes)
cherish, fondle, pet
L. foveo, fovere; Fr. choyer
KUE (KFE) (you cherish)
cherish, fondle, pet
L. foveo, fovere; Fr. choyer
KUE (KFE) (you cherish)
carry away or down
L. deveho-vehere
TEVRA (TE8RA) (he, she carries away)
carry away or down
L. deveho-vehere
TEVRE (TE8RE) (you carry away)
carry away or down
L. deveho-vehere
TEVRI (TE8RI) (you carried away)
bring out, produce, give birth
L. edo-edere-didi-ditum
ETA (he/she produces)
bring out, produce, give birth
L. edo-edere-didi-ditum
ETES (you produce)
bring out, produce, give birth
L. edo-edere-didi-ditum
ETO (ETV) (I produce)
bend, to ; to lead, leader
L. arcuo-are; Gr. archo, to command, rule; archon, leader
ARCAS (you bend, lead)
bend, to ; to lead, leader
L. arcuo-are; Gr. archo, to command, rule; archon, leader
ARCE (you bend, lead)
bend, to ; to lead, leader
L. arcuo-are; Gr. archo, to command, rule; archon, leader
ARCES (you bend, lead)
bend, to ; to lead, leader
L. arcuo-are; Gr. archo, to command, rule; archon, leader
ARCIS (rulers) (See LAR, LARIS)
bend, to ; to lead, leader
L. arcuo-are; Gr. archo, to command, rule; archon, leader
bend, to ; to lead, leader
L. arcuo-are; Gr. archo, to command, rule; archon, leader
look at, to visit, see
L. visio, visere, visi, visum; It. visione, vision; Fr. viser, to sight
VIS (8IS) (I look)
look at, to visit, see
L. visio, visere, visi, visum; It. visione, vision; Fr. viser, to sight
VISE (8ISE) (you look into)
look at, to visit, see
L. visio, visere, visi, visum; It. visione, vision; Fr. viser, to sight
VISIO (8ISIV) (seeing, appearance)
fill again, to satisfy
L. repleo-plere
REPLIO (REPLIV) (filled)
sacrifice, to offer
L. sacro-are; It. sacrificare; Fr. sacrifier
SAKRA (he, she sacrifices)
sacrifice, to offer
L. sacro-are; It. sacrificare; Fr. sacrifier
SAKRE (you sacrifice)
sacrifice, to offer
L. sacro-are; It. sacrificare; Fr. sacrifier
SAKREO (SAKREV) (sacred? sacrificed)
sacrifice, to offer
L. sacro-are; It. sacrificare; Fr. sacrifier
SAKREU (SAKRE8) (Note suffix "eu" like Welsh)
rub, to
L. frio-ere; It. frizionare; Fr. frotter
VR (8R) (I rub)
rub, to
L. frio-ere; It. frizionare; Fr. frotter
VRA (8RA) (he, she rubs)
rub, to
L. frio-ere; It. frizionare; Fr. frotter
VRE (8RE) (you rub)
sail back
L. reveho-vehere
REVIO (REVIV) (to sail back) (see dream)
call, to summon
L. accio-aire
call, to summon
L. accio-aire
call, to summon
L. accio-aire
deny, to refuse
L. abnuo-nuere-nui
APNE (you deny)
deny, to refuse
L. abnuo-nuere-nui
APNI (I / you denied)
deny, to refuse
L. abnuo-nuere-nui
APNIS (you deny?)
burn, incinerate
L. incendo-cendere; It. incindiare; Welsh, cynnau
CINA (he/she burns) (See los)
burn, incinerate
L. incendo-cendere; It. incindiare; Welsh, cynnau
CINE (you burn) (See los)
burn, incinerate
L. incendo-cendere; It. incindiare; Welsh, cynnau
CINAS (you burn) (See los)
burn, incinerate
L. incendo-cendere; It. incindiare; Welsh, cynnau
CINI (you burnt) (See los)
burn, incinerate
L. incendo-cendere; It. incindiare; Welsh, cynnau
CINO (CINV) (I burn) (See los)
burn, incinerate
L. incendo-cendere; It. incindiare; Welsh, cynnau
CINOS (CINVS) (we burn) (See los)
veto, to forbid
L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum; It. veto, Fr. veto, veto
VETA (8ETA) (you forbid)
veto, to forbid
L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum; It. veto, Fr. veto, veto
VETES (8ETES) (you forbid)
veto, to forbid
L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum; It. veto, Fr. veto, veto
VETO (8ETV) (I, to forbid)
create, to beget
L. creo-are
CRA (he/she creates)
create, to beget
L. creo-are
CRE (you create) (See KRA)
create, to beget
L. creo-are
CRI (you created)
create, to beget
L. creo-are
KRA (he/she creates) (See CRA)
create, to beget
L. creo-are
KRE (you create) (See KRA)
create, to beget
L. creo-are
KRI (you created)
cite, to summon, quote
L. cito-are
CITA (he/she cites)
cite, to summon, quote
L. cito-are
CITI (you cited)? Need locater
cite, to summon, quote
L. cito-are
CITHO (CITHV) I (to cite)
cite, to summon, quote
L. cito-are
CITO (CITV) (to cite)
cause, to give reason
L. causor-ari
COSO (CVSV) ( I give reason)
cause, to give reason
L. causor-ari
COSOR (CVSVR) (to give reason)
cause, to give reason
L. causor-ari
COSOS (CVSVS) (causes, reasons)
cause, to pretend
L. causor-ari
CASE (you cause, a cause?)(See KASE)
cause, to pretend
L. causor-ari
KASE (you cause, a cause?) (See CASE)
cause, to pretend
L. causor-ari
CASI (you caused, causes?)
boundary, to speak
L. ora-ae; It. orio; Fr. orée; Gr. orio
OR (VR) (see speak)
boundary, to speak
L. ora-ae; It. orio; Fr. orée; Gr. orio
bewail, lament
L. queror, queri
CERE (you bewail)
bewail, lament
L. queror, queri
CEREN (they bewail)
bewail, lament
L. queror, queri
CERES (you bewail)
bewail, lament
L. queror, queri
CERI (you bewailed)
put, to place
L. pono, ponere
PONE (PVNE) (you put, place)
put, to place
L. pono, ponere
PONES (PVNES) (you put, place)
put, to place
L. pono, ponere
PONI (PVNI) (you placed)
ill-omened, unholy, unfortunate
L. nefas; It. nefasto; Fr. néfast
NAPH (I am unfortunate)
ill-omened, unholy, unfortunate
L. nefas; It. nefasto; Fr. néfast
NAPHAR (to be unholy)
body, carnal, flesh
L. caro, carnis
body, carnal, flesh
L. caro, carnis
body, carnal, flesh
L. caro, carnis
CARNIS (bodies)
body, carnal, flesh
L. caro, carnis
KARNE (you are carnal?)
body, carnal, flesh
L. caro, carnis
KARNOS (KARNVS) (we are--?)
VERB, I, IA, IAS suffix
become, to be made
L. fio, fieri, factus sum
FI (see make, do)
become, to be made
L. fio, fieri, factus sum
born, to be
L. nascor-I
Nasia, name, Nasia, Greece? Born?
L. nascor-I
born, to be
L. nascor-I
come, to arrive
L. venio, venita, veni, ventum; It. venire
FENI (you came)
come, to arrive
L. venio, venita, veni, ventum; It. venire
FENIAS (he/she came)
mass, to mass
L. massa-ae; It. massa; Fr. masse, masser
MaSaN (they mass)
mass, to mass
L. massa-ae; It. massa; Fr. masse, masser
MASAN (they mass, heap)
mass, to mass
L. massa-ae; It. massa; Fr. masse, masser
MASNIA Le [possible noun, Masnia there (le)]
mass, to mass
L. massa-ae; It. massa; Fr. masse, masser
MASO (MASV) (I / to mass, heap)
burn, to scorch
L. uro, urere, ussi, ustum; It. ustionare; Sanskrit, us, osati
OSE (VSE) (you burn)
burn, to scorch
L. uro, urere, ussi, ustum; It. ustionare; Sanskrit, us, osati
OSI (VSI) (you burnt)
burn, to scorch
L. uro, urere, ussi, ustum; It. ustionare; Sanskrit, us, osati
OSIA (VSIA) (possible nounsee Osia)
leave, to let alone
L. sino, sinere
SIN (I leave alone) (see if however)
leave, to let alone
L. sino, sinere
SINA (he, she leaves alone)
leave, to let alone
L. sino, sinere
SINE (you leave alone)
leave, to let alone
L. sino, sinere
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VO (8V) ( I devour)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VOI (8VI) (you devoured)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VORE (8VRE) (you devour)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VOIA (8VIA) (see Boii)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VOROS (8VRVS) (we devour)
VERB, _, A, E suffix
adopt, to
L. ascio-scire
ASA (he/she adopts)
adopt, to
L. ascio-scire
ASE (you adopt)
criticise, to pluck, taunt
L. vellico-are
please, to be agreeable
L. placeo-ere
PLAK (I am pleased)
return, to carry back, go back
L. refero, referre; It. riferire; Fr. réferer
jump, to leap
L. salto-are; It. saltare; Fr. sauter
avail, to have influence, pose
L. possum, posse, potui
POS (PVS) I pose
avail, to have influence, pose
L. possum, posse, potui
POSE (PVSE) (you pose)
L. debeo-ere; It. devere; Fr. devoir
TEB (TE8) (I owe)
L. debeo-ere; It. devere; Fr. devoir
TEBE (TE8E) (you owe)
cover, to bury (or decorate, adorn?)
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect (L. decoro-are; It. decorare; Fr. décorer)
TEC (I cover, bury)
cover, to bury (or decorate, adorn?)
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect (L. decoro-are; It. decorare; Fr. décorer)
cover, to bury (or decorate, adorn?)
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect (L. decoro-are; It. decorare; Fr. décorer)
cover, to bury (or decorate, adorn?)
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect (L. decoro-are; It. decorare; Fr. décorer)
TECE (you cover, bury)
cover, to bury (or decorate, adorn?)
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect (L. decoro-are; It. decorare; Fr. décorer)
TECUM (TECVM) (buried) (see adorn, or ten)
ask, to call upon, demand, pose
L. posco, poscere
POSC (PVSC) (I demand)
silent, to be quiet
L. taceo-ere; It. tacere; Fr. tacite, tacit
drink, to
L. poto-potare
POT (PVT) (I drink)
drink, to
L. poto-potare
POTE (PVTE) (you drink)
drink, to
L. poto-potare
POTeS (PVTeS) (drinks? You drink?)
purify, to cleanse, purge
L. purgo-are; purus-a-um, clean, pure
POR (PVR) (I purify)
purify, to cleanse, purge
L. purgo-are; purus-a-um, clean, pure
PORA (PVRA) (he/she purifies)
purify, to cleanse, purge
L. purgo-are; purus-a-um, clean, pure
PORE (you purify)
purify, to cleanse, purge
L. purgo-are; purus-a-um, clean, pure
PORI (PVRI) (you purified)
purify, to cleanse, purge
L. purgo-are; purus-a-um, clean, pure
PORIEMOS (PVRIEMVS) (we shall--)
deceive, to lead astray
L. fallo, fallere
FAL (I deceive)
deceive, to lead astray
L. fallo, fallere
FALE (you deceive)
eat, to ingest
L. vescor-i; ingere-gerere-gessi-gestum) Sanskrit, ghas, ghasti, to devour
VES (8ES) (I eat)
eat, to ingest
L. vescor-i; ingere-gerere-gessi-gestum) Sanskrit, ghas, ghasti, to devour
VESI (8ESI) (you ate)
speak, to talk
L. oro-are; Palaic, wer
OR (VR) (boundary, speak?)
speak, to talk
L. oro-are; Palaic, wer
ORA (VRA) (he, she speaks)
speak, to talk
L. oro-are; Palaic, wer
speak, to talk
L. oro-are; Palaic, wer
ORIM (VRIM) (spoken)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RON (RVN) ( I guard)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONA (RVNA) (he guards)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONE (RVNE) (you guard)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONEM (RVNEM) (guarded)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONI (RVNI) (you guarded)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONO (RVNV) (to guard)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONS (RVNS) (you guard)
guard, to round
L. runa-ae, a dart; It. ronda, rounds, watch; Fr. rond
RONTO (RVNTV) (guarded)
cover, to bury
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect
TEC (I cover, bury)
cover, to bury
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect
TECE (you cover, bury)
cover, to bury
L. tego, tegere; Scott, teagair, collect
TECUM (TECVM) (buried) (See BRATRVM)
desire, to
L. aveo-are
AV (A8) (I desire)
desire, to
L. aveo-are
cut, to part by cutting
L. seco, secare; It. seccare; Fr. sécher
SEC (I cut) (See SEK)
cut, to part by cutting
L. seco, secare; It. seccare; Fr. sécher
SEK (See SEC) (MS is about grape harvest)
cut, to part by cutting
L. seco, secare; It. seccare; Fr. sécher
SECA (he, she cuts)
cut, to part by cutting
L. seco, secare; It. seccare; Fr. sécher
SECOM (SECVM) (a cutting) (See BRATRVM)
move, mutate, change
L. muto-are
MUTIN (MVTIN) (they change)
move, mutate, change
L. muto-are
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VO (8V) ( I devour)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VOI (8VI) (you devoured)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VOIA (8VIA) (see Boii) Note IA suffix, gen. noun
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VORE (8VRE) (you devour)
devour, to eat greedily
L. voro-are; It. divorare, Fr. dévorer; Welsh, difa
VOROS (8VRVS) (we devour)
dream, to muse
L. sominio-are; reveror, to revere; It. sognare; Fr. rever
REV (RE8) (I dream) (area of Piacenza liver)
dream, to muse
L. sominio-are; reveror, to revere; It. sognare; Fr. rever
REVA (RE8A) (he, she dreams)
dream, to muse
L. sominio-are; reveror, to revere; It. sognare; Fr. rever
REVI (REVI) (word may be REVIVSE)
dream, to muse
L. sominio-are; reveror, to revere; It. sognare; Fr. rever
REVO (RE8V) (to dream)
drink, to
L. poto-potare
POT (PVT) (I drink)
drink, to
L. poto-potare
POTE (PVTE) (you drink)
drink, to
L. poto-potare
POTeS (PVTeS) (drinks? You drink?)
request, to require
L. requiro-quirere; It. requisire; Fr. requirer
REC (I request) (See retain)
request, to require
L. requiro-quirere; It. requisire; Fr. requirer
RECES (you request) (See retain)
drip, to drop dew, moisten, moist
L. roro-are
ROR (RVR) (to bedew)
drip, to drop dew, moisten, moist
L. roro-are
RORAS (RVRAS) (you bedew)
assemble, collect together
L. coeo, ire
assemble, collect together
L. coeo, ire
CUA (CFA) (he/she assembles) (See KUA)
assemble, collect together
L. coeo, ire
CUE (CFE) (you assemble)
avail, to have influence, pose
L. possum, posse, potui
POS (PVS) I pose
avail, to have influence, pose
L. possum, posse, potui
POSE (PVSE) (you pose)
bear, to carry
L. fero, ferre
FERE (you bear)
grind, to stir
L. molior-iri
MOLA (MVLA) (he/she grinds
grind, to stir
L. molior-iri
MOLE (MVLE) (you grind)
grind, to stir
L. molior-iri
MOLeS (MVLeS) (you grind)
bear, to carry
L. fero, ferre
FERE (you bear)
bear, to carry
L. fero, ferre
FERSOM (FERSVM) (carried)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PREC (I beg) (See PREK)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PREK (I beg)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PRECE (you beg)
beg, to ask
L. precor-ari
PRECER (to beg)
draw out, to empty
L. haurio, haurire
HARaR (to draw out)
draw out, to empty
L. haurio, haurire
HARE (you draw out)
draw out, to empty
L. haurio, haurire
HAUS (HAVS) (I draw out)
ask, to demand
L. proco-are
PROCO (I demand)
ask, to demand
L. proco-are; procer-eris, a chief, noble
PROKIS (PRVKIS) (you demand? Proceris?)
odour, to emit an odour, to oil
L. oleo-ere; It. oliare, Fr. huiler, to oil
OLA (it smells, he, she oils)
odour, to emit an odour, to oil
L. oleo-ere; It. oliare, Fr. huiler, to oil
OLES (VLES) (you smell, you oil)
odour, to emit an odour, to oil
L. oleo-ere; It. oliare, Fr. huiler, to oil
OLO (VLV) (I smell, to smell, I oil, to oil)
rule, to support
L. rego, regere; It. reggere; Fr. regler; Sanscrit, raj
REGL (REbL) (I rule)
rule, to support
L. rego, regere; It. reggere; Fr. regler; Sanscrit, raj
REGLE (REbLE) (you rule)
rule, to support
L. rego, regere; It. reggere; Fr. regler; Sanscrit, raj
REGLO (REbLV) (to rule)
rule, to support
L. rego, regere; It. reggere; Fr. regler; Sanscrit, raj
REK (I rule, support)
project, to jut out
L. minor-ari
MINAS (you project)
project, to jut out
L. minor-ari
spin, weave
L. neo, nere
NER (I spin)
spin, weave
L. neo, nere
NERIS (you spin)
spin, weave
L. neo, nere
L. nare, navi; It. nuotare; Fr. nager
NO (NV) (I swim)
L. nare, navi; It. nuotare; Fr. nager
NOA (he/she swims)
L. peior-us, peius
PEIU (PEIV) (badly)
L. peior-us, peius, pessime
avoid, to shun
L. evito-are
EFITI (you avoided)
avoid, to shun
L. evito-are
EFITOS (EFITVS) (we avoided)
rub, to smooth
L. tergeo-ere and tergo-ere, tersi, tersum
rubbed, smooth, neat, clean, perfect
L. tersus-a-um
VERB, to be
be, to be
L. erunt, they will be; Fr. Seront; It. saranno
RONT (RVNT) (they will be)
be, to be
L. sum, esse, fui, futurus It. sono; Fr. suit
SOM (SVM) (I am)
be, to be
L. sum, esse, fui, futurus
ES (you are)
be, to be
L. sum, esse, fui, futurus
EST (he/she/it is)
be, to be
L. sum, esse, fui, futurus); place name, Este?
ESTE (he/she/it is, place name?)
be, to be
L. sum, esse, sunt; Fr. sont
ISONT (ISVNT) (they are)
be, to be
L. erunt, they will be; Fr. Seront; It. saranno
RONT (RVNT) (they will be)
be, to be
L. sum, present, sim, subj.; It. sia; Fr. sois
SIM (I am)
be, to be
L. sumus; It. siamo; Fr. sommes
SOM (SVM) (I am)
be, to be
L. sumus; It. siamo; Fr. sommes
SOME (SVME) (we are)
be, to be
L. sunt; It. sono; Fr. sont
SONT (SVNT) (they are)
be, to be
L. sunt; It. sono; Fr. sont
SUNT (SVNT) (they are) (See SONT)
PREPOSITIONS, Conjunctions
for, by
L. per; It. per; Fr. par
thus, so, in this way, like this
L. sic
L. sive and seu; It. se; Fr. si
supposing that
L. si; It. se, Fr. si
L. sive, seu; It. sia; Welsh, ai, os; Fr. si que, soit que
if however, but if
L. sin; It. sino, as far as; Fr. sinon, otherwise
SIN (see leave alone)

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