1/15/2009 Etruscan Glossary, from Etruscan_Phrases Table 1, showing Etruscan conjugation and declension patterns

Etruscan Phrases – Glossary
by Mel Copeland
(from a work published in 1981)
This glossary of Etruscan words is selected from Indo-European Table 1 which is a map showing the relationships of the words found in the Etruscan vocabulary.
Because the Etruscan language is frozen in time (~500 B.C.), it is a good reference on the evolution of related Indo-European languages. Just as we now utilize maps of genetic movement through populations, so too can we map the flow of words through populations using a map similar to Table 1. The most current version of this glossary is in excel format: Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls.
A major effort is now being exercised in mapping languages. Thus, Table 1 follows, and is a part of, that effort. There are many discoveries in Table 1 which are fascinating and bear further investigation. This glossary augments that work.
What is shown in Table 1 is a map of three Indo-European linguistic strands: an Eastern (Blue), a Middle (Green), and a Western group (Red). The Slavic language group, which is in the main represented in Table 1 by Polish, appears in the "green" zone. Sanskrit, Avestan and Persian I placed in the "blue" zone. What is interesting about Table 1 is that some of the solid "green" and "red" zone languages have words that fall into the "blue," Sanskrit zone. German and Gaelic – including Old English – fall solidly into the (Green) zone, and French, Italian, Etruscan and Latin represent the strongest band in Table 1: the red zone.
This section of the glossary contains words from the following pages of Indo-European Table 1. To ascertain cognates that relate to this glossary click on the appropriate page and scroll alphabetically via the Etruscan word. Glossary is also in Excel format, download – sorted alphabeticaly by the Etruscan words (Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls) is the most complete version. See Etruscan Grammar for Etruscan declension and conjugation patterns, which is the working document used in translating the Etruscan scripts, together with Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls. This Glossary has been updated down to the yellow zone.
Indo-European Table 1 – Etruscan words / locations & etymological relationships to other Indo-European languages
Names of family, mother, father, etc. & numbers
mi through piviato (pi8iato)
A through boris
plak through reva (re8a)
ca through kfa (kua)
ri through semenies
ci through eos
senata through suvera (sv8era)
fac through itis
ta, te, ti, tu, table (tafle) through tvtin
la through meva (me8a)
oce through vra (8r, 8ra)
Q1, Q65, Q95, Q320, Q335, Q416, N31, R286, Aph29
Z317, Z386, Z470, Z701, Z1006, Z1065, Z1662, Z1800
Z290, Z872, Z937, Z999, Z1386, Z1807
Q424, Q775, R596, R607, R653, Z638, Z1345, Z1784 ;
TECUM (TECVM) (adorned) (see cover)
Aecai, name of Trojan hero
afraid, to fear, have respect for
VERIER (8ERIER) (to be afraid) (see true)
after, next |
after, next |
afterwards, then?
TC144, AH-1, AJ-1
Z530, TC71, TC127,| TC260, Au55
air, to air, ventilate, dry
Alexander, Prince of Troy
allow, to
allure, to wheedle
N216, Q701, Q745, R40, R94, R128, R142, R160, TC1, MS-1
Z54, Z432, Z1183, Au-1, TC46
and also, and indeed |
Z489, Z508, Z1139
Z10, Z54, Z245, Z606, Z1807, AP-1
Z19, Au102, N123, Q433, Q475, R306, R314, R437, R447, R521, R596
Q217, Q253, Q263, Q468, Q893, Q899
Apronai (name, see Ronai)
N417, R13, R72, R349, R417, G14, G30
TC127, TC236, TC260, PL-10
Argos, capital of Argolis
arrange, to compose, tidy
KOMA (KVMA) (he/she arranges)
N-1, N31, N149, N184, N391, N417, Q297, Q303, Q468, Q871
ask, to call upon, demand, pose
PROKIS (PRVKIS) (you demand)
assemble, collect together
CUA (CFA) (he/she assembles)
Z180, Z336, Z1137, Z1236, J18, Au35, Au49
ATHINEM (of Athens, Athena)
Atijeries, Atijerius gens
R100, R114, R219, R229, R238;
Q243, R88, R181, R195, R565, G21
avail, to have influence, pose
EFITOS (EFITVS) (we avoided)
Bacchus, Euhan, god of wine
N112, N349, N363, Q183, Q754, R447
MAV (MAF) (see unfortunate)
MEVA (ME8A) (he mistrusts)
Z347, Z439, Z470, Z561, Z572, Z784, Z1027, Z1378, Z1410, Z1438, TC61, N453,
N469, N607, N638, N676, N767, Q46, Q202, Q209, Q217, Q224, Q311, Q543,
R229, R619, R661, K43, Pl-2
RONT (RVNT) (they will be)
ESTE (he/she/it is, place name?)
CAITIM (of the cutting, killing?)
ANTA (See go before, excel)
N435, N469, Q162, R31, R88, L65
before, in front of, for, like
belonging to, in power of
ARCIA (name, leader, archon)
N53, Q117, Q521, Q683, R499
N31, N290, N320, N341, N500, N529, N561, N598, N632, R278
N21, N53, N280, N476, N522, N660, Q65, R370, R457
N304, N333, N543, N582, N632 Q723, R270
betray, hand over, give up
IOKA (IVKA) (he/she binds)
N476, Q53, Q162, Q209, Q243, Q416, R258
IOKI (IVKI) (jockey, horseman?)
J25, AE-6, N-1, N357, N476, R306, K36
IOCIE (IVCIE) (jockeys, horsemen?)
birth, bringing forth young
FETRA (he/she brings forth)
FETURE (FETVRE) (See fetus)
N435, N513, N638, R270, R286, R394, R505
N63, N194, N268, N304, N324, N333, N483, N491, N505, N700, N725, Q488, Q500, R394
CACE (he makes blind, hides)
KARNOS (KARNVS) (we are--)
ZB-3, Z176, Z455, Z1006, Z1243, Z1386, TC260, TC271, AJ17, DL-7, N236, R661
OSUIS (VSFIS) (bony? ossuary?)
AH-3, Z263, Z432, Z1227, Z1591, Z1623, Au-1, Au55, Au74, L15
TC170, TC231, J35, K13, AD-1, AE-1, AK-1, AN-1, AN12, AN31, R5
Z308, Z421, Z1789, TC19, TC46, TC266, Q217, R-1, R-5, R108, Au85
Z5525, Z263, Z432, Z614, Z681, Z887, Z1080, Z1274, Z1410, Z1591, Z1864
LENA (see lioness, relieve)
bring out, produce, give birth
N74, N100, N149, N160, N254, N404, N417, Q65, Q84, Q95, Q107, Q320, Q326,
BRATROM (8RATRVM) (of the-)
BRATROS (8RATRVS) (fratres)
Q424, Q468, Q522, Q551, R229
bull-like, cow-like? Name?
Q424, Q468, Q521, Q551, R229
TC46, N41, N491, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N689, N711, Q435, Q422, Q481
OSIA (VSIA) (noun? See Osia)
bury, carry out (to grave)
N53, N216, N483, N624, Q84, Q127, R370, R447, R607, R619, Aph-7
KALI (you called) (See dropped)
callous, hard, possibly name
Q369, Q388, R56, R108, R121, R133, R150, G-1
CAR (I care for) (alt. heart)
CARO (CARV) (to care for)
care for, dear, high-priced
KARO (KARV) (to care for)
TEVRA (TE8RA) (he, she carries away)
TEVRE (TE8RE) (you carry away)
TEVRI (TE8RI) (you carried away)
Z5, Z929, TC161, TC236, TC266, Au67, AL-1
N41, N160, N280, N417, N483, N553, N624
Q334, Q512, R437, R521, R565, R584
CASE (you cause, a cause?)
KASE (you cause, a cause?)
CASI (you caused, causes?)
COSO (CVSV) ( I give reason)
COSOR (CVSVR) (to give reason)
COSOS (CVSVS) (causes, reasons)
TC127, TC241, TC271, TC279, TC307, AM-3
CELTO (CELTV) (see to hide)
CEPHII (gens, Cephii, plural)
chariot, two-wheeled cart
CISOM (CISVM) (see wagon)
COKIE (CVKIE) (see wagon)
Charon, ferryman of Hades
KUA (KFA) (he/she cherishes)
Z84, Z111, Z214, Z308, Z378, Z455, Z953, Z1057
Tomb inscription above his head
Z19, Z40, Z191, Z674, Z1250, Z1607, Z1623
CITHO (CITHV) I (to cite)
Q512, Q543, Q692, Q775, Q795, Q821, R437, R499
CLERI (he/she/it was clear)
Z317, Z380, Z960, Z1006, Z1065, Z1801
CN, abbreviation of a name
Z190,Z289, Z851, Z897, Z929, Z1168, Z1203, Z1236, Z1359, Z1372, K107, K136,
collect, thicken, congeal
COKAR (CVKAR) (to congeal)
KOLEM (KVLEM) (see cultivate)
PETeNA (see five, petition)
VeNeSI (8eNeSI) (see Venice, Veniti)
VENUS (8ENVS) (we come; see Venus)
conspire, to take an oath
CONA (CVNA) (he/she pledges)
KONA (KVNA) (he/she pledges)
CONO (CVNV) (I / to pledge)


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Copyright © 1981-2009 Mel Copeland. All rights reserved.