Indo-European Table with Slavic, Baltic, Greek, Latin, Tocharian, Anatolian, Gaelic, Latin, Italian, French & Etruscan Indo-European Table 1, Etruscan vocabulary, with Indo-European cognates
05.26.2021 Etruscan etymological relationships to other Indo-European languages

Indo-European Table 1, Part 8

 by Mel Copeland
(from a work published in 1981)

Table 1, Section 1C.1: Indo-European words as they relate to Etruscan. Notes: *Armenian W = West Armenian; E = East Armenian.

Avestan, Persian, Georgian, Hurrian, Akkadian
Slavic, Baltic, Romanian,
Greek, Armenian, Albanian, Basque

rājakīya, royal, belonging to a king or queen, ādhipatyam, authority, power, rājyam; viṣayāḥ, kingdom, country
xshi [-], to rule, govern, ahu [-], lord (Avestan)
saltanati, سلطنتی  royal, padshahy,   پادشاهی, kingdom (Persian)
samepo, royal, kingdom (Georgian)

ever-ni, king, lord,
šarri, šarr-a-šše, king (Hurriab)

kussû, royal property and service, throne, exta, a feature of the exta, rule, dominion, chair, sedan chair, name of a month, saddle, part of a chariot or a plow, kussû, in bīt kussi, royal property (real estate), royal service, ituru, royal standard, karallu, a term for happiness (Akkadian)

karalieŭski, royal, каралеўства, karalieŭstva, kingdom (Belarusian)
kraljevski, royal,
kraljevina, kingdom, realm (Croatian)
królewski, royal, Królestwo, kingdom, realm (Polish)
karaliskais, royal, karaliste, kingdom, realm (Latvian)
regal, royal (Romanian)
kuninkaallinen, royal, kuningaskunta, kingdom (Finnish-Uralic)

vasilikós, royal,
Βασίλειο, Vasíleio, kingdom, realm (Greek)
ark’unik’, royal, Թագավորություն, T’agavorut’yun, kingdom, realm, reign (Armenian)
mbretëror, royal, mbretëri, kingdom, realm (Albanian)

errege, royal, erresuma, kingdom (Basque)

regalis, regius-a-um,
of a king, royal, regal, splendid,
regno-are-avi- atum,  to be king, rule, be supreme,
regnum-i, kingdom, kingship, domain

ríoga, royal, Ríocht, kingdom (Irish)
rìoghail, royal, rìoghachd, kingdom (Scott)
brenhinol, royal,
deyrnas, teyrnas, kingdom(Welsh)
royal, regno, kingdom, reign, realm  (Italian)
royal, adj. royal,
réel, adj. real,

Royaume, kingdom, realm (French)

imtiyaz, royalty, kraliyet, royalty, kingdom (Turkish)
роялти, royaltï, royalty, патшалық, patşalıq, kingdom, корольдік, koroldik, royal,   (Kazakh)
qirol hokimiyati, royalty, royalti, royalty, qirollik, royal, shohona, royal, princely, queenly, (Uzbek)
роялти, rojalti, royalty, шоҳона, şohona, royal, салтанат, saltanat, kingdom, (Tajik)
роялти, royalti, royalty, падышанын,
padışanın, royal,
падышачылык, padışaçılık, kingdom (Kyrgyz)
нөөц ашигласны төлбөр, nööts ashiglasny tölbör, royalty, хааны, khaany, royal, хаант улс, vant uls, kingdom (Mongolian)
版稅, Bǎnshuì, royalty, 皇族, Huángzú, royal, 王国,Wángguó, kingdom (Traditional Chinese)

kākmärtune, rulership, sovereingnty, A,B, Walo, king (Tocharian)

xntawati(ye, royal, of the ruler, xntawata, xñtawata-: A xñtawatã, L xñtawata, G adj. L xñtawatahi/ kingship,

xñtawat(i)-: N/D xñtawati, AblI xñtawatedi,

G adj. N/Npl. xñtawatehi, Ntpl. xñtawataha, king

xñtabaime/i-: DL xñtabaimi, ruling, xñtaba-: A xñtabã/xñtabu, G adj. xñtabasi; xñtawaza-: N xñtawaza, kingship (Mylian)

saladr/salan, rulership, kingship, greatness, hantawadi, royal, hasuetsi, royal status, hasuetsna, royalty,
hassuiznāi- (LUGAL-uiznāi-), hassuwāi-, (LUGAL-uwāi-), to govern as king, hantawahit, kingdom, hantawadahit , kingship, hassueznae, to be king, hassuezziie/a, hassuuezziie/a, hassue, to become king  (Hittite)

real [<Lat. realis], royal, realm, [<Lat. regimen, goverment] kingship, kingdom, [<OE cyning, king]


rial, Script AM-9, AR-4
rials, Script BS-19

See also,
rek, Script Q500,
R542, R546
rekin (REKYN), Script XS-1

regl (REbL), Script Q534, Q661, Q726, R22;
regle (REbLE), Script Q784, Q805
reglo (REbLV)
Script Q754

See also,

roi (RVI) Script Z606, Z1161, Z1310, Z1334, Z1386, Z1578, Z1780, TC28, TC179, AT-10, L31, AM-3; MS-1, AF19, AM-3, FR-2, L17, RA-4, PQ-10
roial (RVIAL) Script AT-10?
rois (RVIS), Script Z1623, BT-10
roim (RVIM), Script Z1243

dhanin, rich, nabābaḥ,
bhogapatiḥ a rich man, sudhana, adj., very rich; tilvila, adj., fertile, rich;
puruvasu, adj., rich in goods.

servatmand, ثروتمند rich, wealthy, ghany, غنی,  adj., rich, sarvatmand, ثروتمند, rich, abundant, wealthy, puldâr, پولدار,  rich, wealthy, prosperous, well-to-do, fravany,  فراوانی, abundance, plenty, wealth, khosh,خوش happy (Persian)

mdidari, rich, ბედნიერი,
simravle, abundance, bednieri, happy (Georgian)

kubuttû, rich gift, abundance, abundan, kabātu, rich, to become painful, to honor a person, honored, to give honor, to be honored,etc., mašrītu, riches, maš, riches, prosperity, wealth, a descriptive name of the date palm, of Sirius, of excrement, šarûtu, wealth, lalû, riches, wealth, wish, desire, happiness, desirability, prime of life, pleasant appearance, charms (of a woman or man), luxury objects, sumptuous decoration, abundant vegetation, ḫadīš, joyfully, adj., ḫabāṣu, happiness, karallu, a term for happines, udû or ḫūdu, happiness, joy, lullû, hapiness, to provide with happiness, ḫaddû, adj., happy, lalā, happy, luxeriant, adû, happy person, adû, happyto be happy (Akkadian)

багатыя, bahatyja, rich, багацце, bahaccie, abundance, шчаслівы, ščaslivy, happy (Belarusian)
bogat, rich, obilje, abundance, sretan, happy (Croatian)
bogaty, rich,
obfitość, abundance, szczęśliwy, happy (Polish)
bagāts, rich, pārpilnība, abundance, laimīgs, happy (Latvian)
bogat, rich,
abundenţă, abundance, fericit, happy (Romanian)
rikas, rich, runsaus, richness, oppulence, abundance, onnellinen, iloinen, happy (Finnish-Uralic)

πλούσιος, ploúsios, rich, πλούτος ploutos, wealth, riches, opulence,
periousia, wealth, αφθονία, afthonía, abundance, χαρούμενος, charoúmenos, happy ευτυχής, eftychís, happy, felicitous (Greek)
հարուստ,  harust, rich, առատություն, arratut’yun, abundance, երջանիկ, yerjanik, happy (Armenian)
i pasur, rich,  të pasurit, pasanik,
bollëk, abundance, i lumtur, happy (Albanian)

aberatsa, rich, wealthy (Basque)

dives-vetis, rich, wealthy; rica-ae, a veil,
ops-opis, greatness, wealth, power, Ops, goddess of wealth, felix-icis, happy

saibhir, rich, raidhse, abundance, sásta, happy (Irish)
beairteach,  rich, pailteas, abundance, sona, happy (Scott)
cyfoethog, rich, wealthy, abl, adj. rich, well off, sufficient; aelaw, wealth, digonedd, abundance, hapus, happy (Welsh)
ricco, adj. rich, abbondanza, abundance, contento, happy (Italian)
riche, adj. rich,

abondance, abundance,  heureux, content, happy (French)

hapan, #hapan, wealth, bargain, to make a bargain (Palaic) sunatruant(i), rich in outpourings (Luvian)

hap, wealth,
#hap, wealth, bargain, to
make a bargain, hapina, hapinat,  wealth, rich, happines, to become rich, hapinah, to enrich, to become rich, happiness,
hapinant, rich, hapina, hapinat, wealth (Hittite)

rich, wealthy
rice, rich], happy [<hap, Fortune, chance, an occurance, <ON happ],
abundance, [<Lat. abundare, to abound], 


ric, Script Z100, Z308, Z378, Z842, Z1352, Z1825, Z1787, Au28, Au74, Au102, AN20, N462, R31, L20, L44
rica, Script TC190 –see rica below

See also,
op (VP) Script Q5, Q65, Q95, Q320, Q335, Q416, N31, R286, Aph29;

See also,

Script H-3, L-5 AVERAS (A8ERaS), Script CCH-3,
AVeRaS (A8eRaS)
M24,  M74
AVEROM (A8ERVM) , Script N100,

pratyākhyāti, reject, śeṣaḥ, refuse, znath (znathiti), pierce, perforate, push back, repel,

rad kardan, رد کردن reject, to refuse (Persian)
თქვას, uari tkvas, reject (Georgian)

*mâzu, to refuse,
zakāpu, to reject, nasāk, reject, to be rejected, to annul an order, remove an inscription, tablet, to hurl, to shoot, cast aside, etc.. šalū, to reject, hurl weapons, shoot arrows, throw away etc., tāru, to reject the 30th day, to recede, take back, to again, to respond, etc., nadû, to reject, stop working disregard an order, throw out a corpse, have a miscarriage, knock down a wall, erect a reed ht, place a stone in amounting, to load a boat, etc., ramû, to reject, let go, drop, leave behind, to untie, release, become weak, suspend, set free, etc.  (Akkadian)

адхіляць, adchiliać, reject (Belarusian)
odbiti, reject (Croatian)
odrzucać, reject, odpychac, repel
noraidīt, reject (Latvian)
respinge, reject (Romanian)
hylätä, reject (Finnish-Uralic)

απορρίπτω, aporrípto, to reject (Greek)
մերժել, merzhel, reject (Armenian)
hedh poshtë, reject, zmbraps, prapësoj,
zbyth, to repel

, errefusatu, to reject, uxatzeko, aldaratu, to repel (Basque)


diúltú, reject (Irish)
dhiùlt, reject (Scott)
gwrthod, reject, gwrthladd, to resist, repel, combat (Welsh)
rifiutare, reject, respinger, ripugnare, to repel, reject (Italian)
repousser, to repel, rejeter, to reject (French)

ma, to refuse, do not! (Tocharian)

mimma->, to refuse, reject,

mimma-, to refuse, to know anything of someone, to reject someone, mimma/ mimm, mima, mim  to refuse, reject, UL mema-, refuse, to say no, pasku, paskuuae, to reject, to ignore, to neglect, to remove, suai, rejection, pessiya-, reject, to dismiss, to project, to push, to throw, abolish,   (Hittite) 

throw back,
throw behind,
drive off,
reject, refuse [<Lat. refundere, to pour back]


See also Refuse, Deny, 7-59, 1-89

rica? Script TC190

raj, rajati, -te,
to reign, rule, direct, be master of, shine, glitter, be illustious or eminent, nayati, to lead, guide, adhitiṣṭhati, to conduct, . ādhipatya-), governorship, padeṣṭṭa, leader, advisor

xshi [-], to rule, govern (Avestan)
jelo raftan, ژله روفتن to lead, saxt, seft, rigid, adj sarrâst, râst, direct, adj., (Persian)
გაძღოლა, gadzghola, to lead, გამორიცხავს, gamoritskhavs, to rule, მიმართვა, mimartva, to direct (Georgian) 

arû,to steer a boat, to rule, lead, bring people/animals, guide, to have brought, send, guide safel (Akkadian)

весці, viesci, to lead, правіць, pravić, to rule (Belarusian)
voditi, to lead, vladati, to rule (Croatian)
prowadzić, to lead, rządzić, to lead (Polish)
vadīt, to lead, valdīt, to rule (Latvian)
a conduce, to lead, to rule,
RIGĂ, REGE, rex, king (Romanian)
johtaa, to lead,
hallita, to rule (Finnish-Uralic)

να οδηγήσει, na odigísei, to lead, archigos, leader,
κυβερνώ, kyvernó, to rule (Greek)
առաջնորդել, arrajnordel, to rule, կառավարել, karravarel, to rule (Armenian) te udheheqesh, to lead, për të sunduar, to rule, drejtues, leader, kryetar, head,
dirigjent, conductor,
 rol kryesor, main role (Albanian)

eramango, to lead, zuzendu, to lead, direct, rectify, address, amend, jaurri, to rule (Basque)

rigo-are, to lead;
rego, regere, rexi,
, to rule

a threorú, to lead, riail, to rule (Irish)
gu stiùir, to lead, gus riaghladh, to rule (Scott)
i arwain, to lead, lywio, to rule, govern, direct, steer;
rheoli, to rule, govern, control, manage (Welsh)
condurre, to lead, rigare, to rule, dirigere, to direct
mener, to lead, rigide, rigid, firm, strict, severe; diriger, to direct, gouverner, to rule (French)

kākmärtune, ruling, governorship,
āk-, lead, drive, kälā-, lead, bring (Tocharian)
nana, to lead, tbar, to rule, to govern, tbaraman, ruling,   governing, tbaramahit, ruling, position of ruling (Luvian)

tapariie/a, tbarie/a to rule, lead, decide, to reign, tbaria, ruling, order, saladr/salan, rulership, kingship, greatness,
watarnah-, lead, to command, to inculcate, to entrust, to order, to ask, to inform, pehute-, lead, to execute, to drive, realize, nāi-, lead, to guide, to turn, to turn oneself, to happen, edi, to lead to the other side, (to make rebel), to move, remove, -anda, to lead,  to take care, to bring?, to turn back (Hittite)

rigid, to lead [<OE lead]; to rule, to steer [OE stieran], govern [<Lat. gubernare], conduct [<Lat. conducere]


rik Script AF-1
rike, Script Q460,
Q726, Q837
rikes, Script Q671,
Q737, Q745, Q754

ambu, apas, ārdra, wet, dharya, var, water, uda, adj. water, udavaha, bringing water, udan, water,

âpa [ap], (duna) âfsh, water (Avestan)
اب water, byary kardan آبیاری کردن,  to water, irrigate, paryab kardan, پاریاب کردن, irrigate (Persian)
მორწყვა, morts q’va, to water, irrigate,  წყალი, ts’q’ali, water (Georgian)

šiye, šije, water, šijə, water, river (Hurrian)

mēma, water, lapātu, water, to apply water, to contact, to touch, to strike, to obscure, defeat, be defeated, dālu, irrigated field, irrigation, dālû, irrigator, water drawer, gardener, dālu, dīlu, irrigation, using water from a well, daluwātu, irrigated fields, irrigated by water drawn from wells, mikru, irrigation, flooding of fields, an irrigated or irrigable field, mēkiru, irrigator,  ēsip iki, irrigator, worker on irrigation ditches, šāqûtu, šiqītu, *zuriqtu, irrigation, riibutu, irrigated land, šaqītu, irrigated area  (Akkadian)

ў вадзе, ŭ vadzie, to water, вада, vada, water, абрашаць, abrašać, to irrigate  (Belarusian)
zalijevati, to water, voda, water, navodnjavati, to irrigate (Croatian)
do wody, to water, woda, water, nawadniać, to irrigate (Polish)
undan, water; apis, river (Baltic-Sudovian)
aplaistīt, to water, ūdens, water, apūdeņot, to water, irrigate, flood, 
upe, river (Latvian)
apă, to water,
apă, water, IRIG, I irrigate, IRIGA, to irrigate (Romanian)
veteen, to water, vesi, water, kastella, to water, irrigate, wet, douse  (Finnish-Uralic)

ποτίζω, potízo, to water, irrigate,   ύδωρ, ýdor, water (Greek)
ջուր, jur, water, to water, ոռոգել, vorrogel, to irrigate, flood (Armenian)
ujë, to water, ujë, water,  vadit, vadis, to  water, irrigate, dabble (Albanian)

ura, garaztatu, to water,
ureztatze, irrigation, ureztatzeko, to  irrigate,  ibai, river (Basque)

rigo-are, to water, aqua-ae, water,

potatum and
potum, to drink

chun uisce, to water, ujisce, water (Irish)
gu uisge (to water, uisge, water (Scott)
i ddŵr, to water, dŵr, water, dyfrio, watering (Welsh)
ad acqua, to water, acqua, water, irrigare, to irrigate (Italian)
eau, water, arroser, to water, abreuver, to drink (French)

wato, water (Gothic)
war, water, āp* [B āp], water, river, stream (Tocharian)
ap, water (Illyrian)

xba(i), 3rd pl. pret. xbait, to irrigate (Lycian)
hapna, hapa/i, river (Palaic)
hapi, a river, hapina/i, little river, stream (Luvian)

watar, #watar, wātar (Gen. sing.) wetenas, water, warsa, dew, wedanda (instr. sg.,) wadr/widen, wētt-, water, wida, wet,  water, widār, irrigation, water, wida, weten- root of water, wetenas, water, warsa, dew, sakuruue/a, to water animals, sagurue/a, sagrue/a, to water animals, to  drink, sragu, to give water to, sihill(iy)as, pure water, holy water (Hurrian word), siss(i)uriie/a, sisorie/a, sisiorie/a, to irrigate, sisor, irrigation,
hapas, hapa, river, (Hittite)

to water [<OE
waeter], irrigate, [<Lat. irrigare] wet [<OE wæt]


riges (RibES),
Script Q854;
rigo (RIbV),
Script R65;
ricu (RICF), Script MS24

See also,
7-22, "water, to drink:
pot (PVT), Script
pote (PVTE), Script Z84, Z211, Z214, Z308, Z953, Z117
Z1319, Z1797,
Script Z160,

See also,
"water, or to go away?):
ap, Script Q253, Q396, Q767, Q908
apa, Script AF-1;
ape, Script Q253, Q263, R121, R128, R142, R156, R294; S50
apen, Script Q460
api, Script N670, N700, N738; MS24

tand, tanda, to relax, give way; zithilay, -yati,
śithilayati or śithilīkaroti, to relax, loosen, slacken, to loosen, relax; iyasy, -syate,
to shrink, relax, dwindle, loṭ, let, allow

shol kardan, شل کردن to relax, sost kardan, سست کردن, to relax, shel kardan, شل کردن, to loosen, release,

pardakhtn, پرداختن, to relax, loosen, ejâze dâdan اجازه دادن to let (Persian)

moduneba, to relax,
gaatavisuplon, to release, მოხსნა, mokhsna, to loosen, უფლების მიცემა, uplebis mitsema, to let (Georgian)

kir-, to release (Hurrian)

indurāru, release, ašāru, to release,  išaru, loose (said of the bowels), correct, fair, just, in good condition, favorable, normal, regular, ordinary, prosperous, straight, aliktu, looseness, detachment of soldiers, uššuru, released, freed, unattached, to abandon, give up, make flow, leave fallow, leave  alone, to allow, permit, be sent, dispatched, etc., ḫabtu, released or runaway prisoner, zakû, to cleanse ritually, use fine materials, clear, wash, to free, release, etc. (Akkadian)


dlia adpačynku, to relax, вызваліць,
vyzvalić, to release, каб аслабіць, kab aslabić, to loosen, дазволіць, dazvolić, to let (Belarusian)
opustiti se, to relax, objaviti, to release, popustiti, to loosen, pustiti, to let (Croatian)
zrelaksować się, to relax, uwolnić, to release, poluzować, to loosen, pozwolić, to let (Polish)
atpūsties, to relax, atbrīvot, to release, atraisīt, to loosen, lauju, ļaut to let (Latvian)
a se relaxa, to relax, pentru a elibera, to release, să slăbească, to loosen, a pierde, to loose, a lasa, to let (Romanian)
rentoutua, to relax,
vapauttaa, to release,
löysää, to loosen, antaa, to let (Finnish-Uralic)

για να χαλαρώσετε,

gia na chalarósete,
to relax,
να απελευθερώσει,
na apeleftherósei, to release, να χαλαρώσει,
na chalarósei, to loosen, να αφήσει, na afísei, to let (Greek)
հանգստանալ, hangstanal, to relax, ազատ արձակել, azat ardzakel, to release, թուլացնել, t’ulats’nel, to loosen, թույլ տալ, t’uyl tal, to let (Armenian)
për t'u çlodhur, to relax,
për të liruar, to release, të liroj, to loosen, te lesh, to let, la, he let (Albanian)

lasaitu, to relax, calm, sedate, oharra, release, askatu,  to release, free, liberate (Basque)

relaxo-are, to relax, slacken,

luo, luere, lui, luiturus, to expiate,

a scíth a ligean, to relax, to let, a scaoileadh, to release, loosen, a mhaolú, to slacken, a leigeil, to let (Irish)
gus fois a ghabhail, to relax, a leigeil ma sgaoil, to release, a leigeil, to let, gus a dhol fodha, to slacken, gus a sguabadh às, to loosen,(Scott)
i ymlacio, to relax, loosen, i ladd, to slacken,  i ryddhau, to release, i adael, to let (Welsh)
rilassarsi, to relax, rilasciare, to release, allentare, to loosen, lasciare, to let (Italian)
se relaxer, to relax, relâcher, to release, desserrer, to loosen, laisser, to  let (French)

суст шудан,
sust şudan, to loosen (Tajik)

letan, to let, allow (Gothic)
tark, tarna, [B tarkana], to let go, to let, allow (Tocharian)

ha-: 3rd hadi, 3rd pl. hãti, 3rd pret. hade, 3rd pl. pret. hãt, 3rd imper. hadu, to release (Lycian)

lilai, to release,
lae, la, ladr/lan, to loosen, release, untie, relieve, remove, tarna-> trna/trn, tarnai/tarnanzi, to release, let go, let go, to leave something, to allow, to let loose,  tarna->, to let loose, tarna-, to let, allow, abandon, to leave, to forgive to put a spoon in a liquid, tarnai/tarnanzi, to release, let go, dala/dali, dala/dallet,
to leave, to let in peace, #harš, to loosen (Hittite)

relax [<Lat. relaxo-are], slacken, weaken, release, loosen [<ON lauss], liberate [<Lat. liberare], to let [<OE lætan],
pardon [<LLat. perdonare, to give wholeheartedly],
loosen, loose, [<ON, lauss]


RILiS, Script K54,

See also,
5-51, "to expiate":

lua (LVA), Script BT-35
lui (LVI)
, Script M-8;
luis (LVIS) or LVISNA Script TC103 Note: (3) (probably a name based on "NA" suffix)
luit (LFIT) Script XC-6
lur (LVR), Script Z582;
luri (LVRI),
Script Z463, HA-1;
Script M24, M32

lus (LFS) Script PL-29 (Note: this is an area of the Piacenza Bronze Liver used for divination. PL-29 undoubtedly refers to expiation)

dhārayati, to cling, to keep, anusandhatte, to pry, vic, vinakti, to separate, esp. grain from the chaff; try,
examine; tul, tolayati, to lift up, weigh, examine, compare; ci {cike3ti}, {cinoti},
{cinute} ({cayate}), to observe, perceive,
examine, try

chasbidan چسبیده می شود , to cling, âzmâyes, bâzjuyi,

გაჭრა გადატანა,

gach’ra gadat’ana, to cleave onto,

gasashukeblad, to pry (Georgian)

latāku, examine someone’s mood, to question, to check measurements, calculations, to check on work in progress, to test, to put to a test, to try, to try out, to try to do something, to investigate, to be circumspect, to attemp (Akkadian)

расшчапляць на,
rasščapliać na, to cleave onto,
padhliadvać, to pry (Belarusian)
da se usidrite, to cleave onto,
piti, to pry (Croatian)
rozszczepiać się, to cleave onto, podważać, to pry (Polish)
šķelties uz, to cleave onto, ievilkt, to pry (Latvian)
pentru a se desprinde, to cleave onto,
a invada spațiul personal, to pry (Romanian)
päästä kiinni, to cleave onto,
räpyttää, to pry, tutkia, to explore, examine, study (Finnish-Uralic)

για να διασπαστεί,
gia na diaspasteí,
to cleave onto,
για να ξεφύγουν, gia na xefýgoun, to pry (Greek)
kp’akvi, to cleave onto, փորձել,
p’vordzel, to pry (Armenian)
për t'u kapur, to cleave onto,
për të qarë, to pry (Albanian)

aztertu, to examine, analyze, take,
hausteko, to cleave onto, harrapatzeko, to pry (Basque)

rimore-ari, to cleave onto, probe, pry;
, to weigh, consider

chun dul ar aghaidh, to cleave onto, chun pry, to pry (Irish)
gus gluasad air, to cleave onto, gu pry, to pry (Scott)
i glynu ar, to cleave onto, i pry, to pry, profi, to prove, demonstrate, taste, try, examine probe; holi, to examine,
inquire, ask, query,
question (Welsh)
aggrapparsi, to cleave onto, fare leva, to pry  examinare (Italian)
s'attacher à, to cleave onto, prier, to pry,  examiner (French)

kappuwāi-, to examine, to pay, to control, to visit, to predict, reason, provide with (Hittite)

to pry [<ME prien] into, examine, inquire,


rimat, Script TC331

raj, rajati, -te,
; to reign, rule, direct, be master of,
shine, glitter, be illustious or eminent;
viraji, queen,
deva, divine,
heavenly; queen, princess;
rajan, king, ruler

ahu, ahura, god, lord (Avestan)
ملکه malake, sâh, ادشاه  pâdsâh, king; pâdsâhi, kesvar, kingdom, šâhân, شاه, king, soltân, king, baron, grand Turk,
sahbânu, sahrbânu, شهبانو, queen (Persian)
მეფე, mepe, king,
დედოფალი, dedopali, queen (Georgian)

evri, lord, evrenne, lord, king (Hurrian)

erešu, queen, ekallu, in *ša ekalli, wife of a ruling king, janzi (Kassite word), king, šarru, to make someone king, šarrūtu, to rule as king, šarru, (when reffering to foreigners, often petty king, tribal chief), Regulus, ammāmu, usurper king, ammā’u, usurper king, rebel,  šarrūtu, rule, royal status, reign, kingship, royalty, nīru, rule, domination, crosspiece, yoke, part of a door, etc., lītu, rule, power, triumph, victory, victorious deed, victorious might, bēlūtu, ridūtu, to rule, ma’û, ruler, prince?, ālu, in bēl āli, prince, šanukatu, queen, šarratu, queen, šarratuttu, queenship, position of a queen  (Akkadian)

каралева, karalieva, queen, кароль, karoĺ, king (Belarusian)
karaleva, queen,

kraljica, queen, kralj, king (Croatian)
kraljica, queen
dama, krolowa, queen, król, king (Polish)
karaliene, queen,
ķēniņš, king (Latvian)
regină, queen, rege, king (Romanian)

, queen, kuningas
, king (Finnish-Uralic)

βασίλισσα, vasílissa, basilissa, queen, Βασιλιάς, Vasiliás, Basilias, king  (Greek)
թագուհին, t’aguhin, queen, թագավորը, t’agavory, king (Armenian)
mbretëreshë, queen, mbret, king (Albanian)

errege, king, erregina, queen (Basque)

regnum-i, royal
rego, regere, rexi, rectum, to
guide, direct, rule, govern;
of a king, royal,
regal, splendid,
regina-ae, queen;
Rhenus-i, the
Rhine river

, king, ríocht, kingdom, réimse, realm, banríon, queen (Irish)
rìgh, king, bhanrigh, queen, rìoghachd, kingdom, realm (Scott)
brenin (brenhinoedd), king, monarch;
rhi, king, lord;
brenhines, queen, teyrnas
, kingdom,
realm (Welsh)
re, regno, king;
regina,  queen;
regno, kingdom
reggere, to reign (Italian)
reine queen; règne,  reign;
règner, to reign, rule, hold, sway, prevail; régir, to rule, govern, administer (French)

, rule, kingship, xntawata, ruler, king, xntawat(i), royal, of the ruler, xntawati(ye) (Lycian)

tbar, to rule, govern,
tbaraman, ruling, governing, tbaramahit , position of governing (Luvian)

hasusra, queen, ishasra, lady, mistress, isha, lord, master,  nasusara, a queen, LUGAL, hasu,
hassu- (LUGAL) king,
tbarna/tbarna, title of a king, hantawat, hantawad(i), king, supreme authority, royal, hassueznae, to be king, hassuezziie/a, hassuuezziie/a, hassue, to become king, hasuetsna, royalty, hasuetsi, royal status, hantawadahit, kingship, hantawahit, kingdom, saladr/salan, kingship, rulership, greatness, tapariie/a, to rule, tbaria, ruling order, (Hittite)

queen [<OE
cwen], king [<OE
cyning], kingdom, to rule; tyrant [<Gk. turannos, ruler]; note: S-22 is used as verb, "he reigns"


rin, Script Z1203,
rina, Script Z530, TC201, K-10, K31, K47, K70, K92, K101, K108, K147, K163, K181, S22, DA-9
rine, Script N21, N53, N553, N624, Q488
rines, Script Z1378
rino (RINV), N160,
N260, N254,| N417
rinor (RINVR), Script Z432
ryna Script J-1
rinu (RINF), Script Z960, K67
rinos (RINVS), Z1571,
the Rhine river?

See also,
7-58, "king, queen":
rena, Script Aph 22, PA9
rene, Script Z42, K146
ReNI, Script AP-1,

roi (RVI) Script Z606, Z776, Z1161, Z1310, Z1334, Z1386, Z1578, Z1780, TC28, AT-10, L31, AM-3; MS-1, AF19, AM-3, FR-2, L17, RA-4, PQ-10, K177, BE-11, J42-7
roial (RVIAL), Script AT-10?
roim (RVIM), Script Z1243
rois (RVIS), Script Z1623, BT-10

nadī, river,

sarit, stream,
navya, adj., navigable
apas, wet,

âpa [ap],  water (Avestan)
, رود  river, stream, juyجوی, stream, brook, watercourse, rudxâne, river, nahr, نهر, river, stream, creek,  âbاب water, (Persian)
mdinare, river, ნაკატა, nak’at’a, stream, current (Georgian)

šijə, river, water (Hurrian)

ikišiītu, river, canal, kišādu, river, ditch, canal, bank, rim of a pot, edge of a well, sea shore, amulet or piece of jewelry worn around the neck, string of beads, throat (of a human being, a god, or an animal, ofen including the head and shoulders), neck, necklace, neck scarf, etc. (Akkadian)

рака, raka, river, паток, patok, stream, jet (Belarusian)
Rijeka, river, potok, stream, brook (Croatian)
rzeka, river, strumień, stream, torrent (Polish)
apis, river (Baltic-Sudovian)
upe, river, straume, stream (Latvian)
râu, river, stream, flood, apă, to water, apă, water, curent, stream, flow, tide (Romanian)
joki, river, puro, stream, brook, creek (Finnish-Uralic)

ποτάμι,  potámi, river, ρεύμα, revma, current, stream,  (Greek)
գետը, gety, river, հոսք, hosk’, stream (Armenian)
lumi, river, stream, rrymë, stream

ibai, river, errekasto,
korrontea, stream (Basque)

rivus-i, river, flumen-inis, river, stream, flood, current

abhainn, river, sruth, stream (Irish)
abhainn, river, sruth, stream (Scott)
-ydd, river, ffrwd, stream, brook, glan-nau (glennydd), bank, shore, brink, coast; traeth-au, strand, shore, beach (Welsh)

fiume, river, rio, river, ruscello, stream, brook (Italian)
rivière, river,
ruisseau, stream, creek, brook (French)
નદી, Nadī, river, ઞરણું, Ñaraṇuṁ, stream, brook (Gujarati)
nehir, river, dere, stream, brook (Turkish)
өзен, özen, river, ағын, ağın, stream (Kazakh)
daryo, river, oqim, stream, current,  ariq, stream, ditch, rivulet (Uzbek)
дарё, darjo, river, ҷараён, çarajon, stream  (Tajik)
дарыя, darıya, river, агым, agım, stream (Kyrgyz)
голын, golyn, river, урсгал, ursgal, stream (Mongolian)

kāṅk*, river, the Ganges?, āp* [B āp], water, river, stream (Tocharian)
ap, water (Illyrian)
hapna, hapa/i, river (Palaic)

xba(i), 3rd pl. pret. xbait, to irrigate (Lycian)
hapi, a river, hapina/i, little river, stream (Luvian)

hapa, hapas, apa, river, ÍD, river,

hapati, hapna, hapad(ai), river land?, wapu/wapau, wappu->, river bank, wappu-, river shore,   (Hittite)

river [<Lat. ripa, bank], stream [<OE stream] shore [<ME,
shore], bank [<of Scand. orig.],
current, [<Lat. currere, to run], jet, something emitted in or as if in a stream [<Lat. jactare, to throw]


rio, riu (RIV), Scripts Z317, Z386, Z439, Z508, Z1553, Z1571, TC307
rios (RIVS) Script PM-6
ryo, ruo (RYV),
Script M8,

See also,
"water, or to go away?):
ap, Script Q253, Q396, Q767, Q908
apa, Script AF-1;
ape, Script Q253, Q263, R121, R128, R142, R156, R294; S50
apen, Script Q460
api, Script N670, N700, N738; MS24

kūlam, shore, udakānta, bank, shore, tira, shore, bank, brim (of a vessel); roghas, beach, tata, slope, declivity, shore, bank; kula, slope, hill, shore, bank; rodha, obstruction,
restraint, blockade,
dam, bank, siege, shore

sâhel, ساحل shore, daryâkenâr, دریاکنار, coast, shore, strand,
کران beach, shore, coast, edge, bâr, shore, plazh, پلاژ, beach (Persian)
მდინარის ნაპირი,

mdinaris nap’iri, river bank, ნაპირი, nap’iri, shore,
სანაპირო, sanap’iro, beach  (Georgian)

aḫātu, shore, bank, aḫannā, aḫennā, shore or bank, this side, the nearer shore or bank (Akkadian)

бераг ракі, bierah raki, river bank, бераг, bierah, shore, пляж, pliaž, beach (Belarusian)
obala rijeke, river bank, poduprijeti, shore, plaža, beach (Croatian)
brzeg rzeki, river bank,
wybrzeże, shore, plaża, beach (Polish)
upes krastu, river bank, krasts, shore, beach, bank, coast,  (Latvian)
malul râului, river bank, ţărm, shore, beach, bank,  plajă, beach, shore (Romanian)
joen penkka, river bank, ranta, shore, beach (Finnish-Uralic)

τράπεζα ποταμών, trápeza potamón, river bank, ακτή, aktí, shore  revma, current, παραλία, paralía, beach, coast, shore  (Greek)
գետի բանկը,
geti banky, river bank, ափին,
ap’in, shore, ծովափ, tsovap’, beach, shore, coast (Armenian)
banka e lumit, river bank, breg, shore

urbazter, shore,
Ibaiertz, river bank, hondartza, beach (Basque)

aripa-ae, shore, bank

cladach, shore, bruach na habhann, river bank, trá, beach (Irish)
cladach, shore, banca aibhne, river bank, tràigh, beach (Scott)
lan, shore, glan yr Afon, river bank, afon-ydd, river;
glan-nau (glennydd), bank, shore, brink, coast,
traeth, beach (Welsh)
riva del fiume, river bank, ripa, shore, bank;  ripare, to protect, shelter, repair, spiaggia, beach, shore, sand (Italian)
rive, shore, berge de rivière, river bank,  abri, shelter, abriter, to shelter, cover; côte, shore, plage, beach, shore (French)

નદી કિનારો, Nadī kinārō, river bank, કિનારા, Kinārā, shore, બીચ, Bīca, beach (Gujarati) plaj, beach (Turkish)
жағажай, jağajay, beach (Kazakh)
plyaj, beach (Uzbek)
соҳили дарё, sohili darjo, river bank, соҳил, sohil, beach, coast, shore  (Tajik)
пляж, plyaj, beach (Kyrgyz)
далайн эрэг,
dalain ereg, beach, shore, coast (Mongolian)
Àn biān, shore, bank, coast, beach (Traditional Chinese)
wappu-> wapu/wapau, river bank, wappu-, river shore, (Hittite)

shore [<ME schore], bank [<of Scand. origin], to
shelter, bar (i.e., sand bar), beach, [<Orig. unknown)


rip, Script AE-8
riva (RIFA), Script Z1310
rifin (RIFYN) Script XC-1

see rio

kalahaḥ, to quarrel, kalahay, -yate, to quarrel, contend, vigraha,
separation, division,
isolation, discord,
contest, quarrel, war with, rtiy, -yate, to struggle, quarrel

daavâ, داوا quarrel, dava kardan, دعوا کردن, to quarrel, argue, setizidan,  ستیزیدن,  n. quarrel, challenge, struggle,

,ამათი, k’amati, to dispute, contest, argue, debate, ჩხუბი, chkhubi, to quarrel, brawl (Georgian)

ṣalûtu, dispute, to hold a disputation, gerû, to start a lawsuit, to be hostile, to open up hostilities, to make war (Akkadian)

сварыцца, svarycca, to quarrel (Belarusian)
svađati se, to quarrel (Croatian)
kłócić się, to quarrel (Polish)
strīdēties, to quarrel (Latvian)
să se certe, to quarrel (Romanian)
riidellä, to quarrel (Finnish-Uralic)

να διαμαρτυρηθούν,
na diamartyrithoún, to quarrel, να φιλονικία, na filonikía, to brawl (Greek)
վեճ, vech, to quarrel (Armenian) 
për të grindur, diskutoj, to quarrel

rixor-ari, to quarrel, queror--ri-stus, to complain, lament, sing (said of birds)

a rá, to quarrel (Irish)
a bhith a 'creidsinn, to quarrel (Scott)
quarrel; cynhennu,
to contend, quarrel;
ffraeo, to quarrel,
ymgecru, to quarrel,
wrangle, bicker
litigare, to quarrel (Italian)
se disputer, to quarrel, dispute, discuter, to dispute, guerre, conflict, war, battle (French)

kavga, quarrel (Turkish)
жанжал, janjal, to quarrel (Kazakh)
janjal, quarrel, altercation (Uzbek)
ҷанҷол, çançol, n. quarrel (Tajik)
uruş, a quarrel (Kyrgyz)
хэрүүл, kherüül, to quarrel (Mongolian)
吵架, Chǎojià, to quarrel, wrangle (Traditional Chinese)
mugai, to complain, oppose,
sullāi-, sulliya-, to argue, quarrel, scold rebuke, to become arrogant, sullātar, argument, quarrel, arrogance, idālawes- (HUL-ues-), to quarrel, become nasty, become bad, worsen,    (Hittite)

to quarrel
[<ME brall], strident [<Lat. stridere, to make a harsh sound], vex, to annoy, bother,to puzzle, to debate at length, [<Lat. vexare, to shake, trouble, distress]


riseras, Script M50

kriya, vidhiḥ, rite, āhuti, any solemn rite accompanied by oblations; grhya, adj. belonging to a house, the
house-fire, domestic rite or rule; dhaman, seat, home,
residence, law,
sacrifice, custom,
rite; karman, action, deed, sacrifice, rite

âyin, آیین  rite, marasem, مراسم ceremony, qorbani, قربانی sacrifice


rit’uali, ritual, შეწირო, shets’iro, to sacrifice (Georgian)

kikkiṭṭû, ritual act, liptu, ritual act, discolored spot, affliction, touch (in the physical sense), sense of touch, craft, creation (of human beings), handiwork, disease, epištu, ritual, manufacture, evil magic, crew, construction, agricultural work, handywork, tillage, act, kidudû, ritual performance, pilludû, taqribtu, taqrību, nāṭu, ritual,  paru, rite, ritual, temple office, divine authority, power, etc., purruu, to perform a rite, upšāšu, rite, ritual, magical action or procedure, evil machinations, sorcery, witchcraft, kišaḫû, a sacrifice, (Akkadian)

абрад, abrad, rite, ахвяраваць,
achviaravać, to sacrifice,
чысты, čysty, pure (Belarusian)
obred, rite, žrtvovati, to sacrifice, čist, pure (Croatian)
obrzęd, rite, ceremonia, ceremony, poświęcić, to sacrifice, czysty, pure (Polish)
rituāls, rite, upurēt, to sacrifice, (Latvian) RIT, rite, sacrifice, to sacrifice, (Romanian)
riitti, rite, uhrata, to sacrifice, (Finnish-Uralic)

ierotelestía, rite, ,
ritual; teleti,
επιστολ, epistol, letter, να θυσιάσει,
na thysiásei, to sacrifice,
σκέτος, skétos, plain, pure (Greek)
ծեսեր, tseser, rite, զոհաբերելու համար,
zohaberelu hamar, to sacrifice
ceremoni, rite, te sakrifikosh, to sacrifice,

garatzen, rite,
sakrifikatu, to sacrifice (Basque)

ritus-us, usage,
ceremony, rite;
holiness, sanctity,
holy awe, reverence,
religious usage,
sacred ceremony, devoveo -vovere vovi -votum, to
consecrate, devote,
sacer-ri, holy, sacred, devoted for sacrifice, sacro-are-avi- atum, to consecrate, dedicate, curse, doom, devote,

ara-ae, altar, refuge,

ghnás, rite, iobairt, sacrifice (Irish)
deas-ghnàth, rite, iobairt, sacrifice (Scott) defod-au, rite, aberth, sacrifice (Welsh)
rito, rite,
sacro, sacred, holy, sacrificio, sacrifice, sacrificare, to sacrifice (Italian)
rite, rite, sacré, adj., sacrifice, sacrifier, to sacrifice, (French)
સંસ્કાર, Sanskāra, rite, બલિદાન, Balidāna, sacrifice (Gujarati)
ayin, rite, ritual, sacrement, service, kurban etmek, to sacrifice (Turkish)
салт, salt, rite, құрбан ету, qurban etw, to sacrifice (Kazakh)
marosim, rite, qurbon qilmoq, to sacrifice (Uzbek)
маросим, marosim, rite, қурбонӣ, qurʙonī, to sacrifice (Tajik)
назири, naziri, rite, курмандык, kurmandık, to sacrifice (Kyrgyz)
зан үйл, zan üil, rite, тахил оргох,  takhil orgokh, to sacrifice (Mongolian)

ara, rite (Lycian)

ceremony, rite, law, custom, customary behaviour, rule, requirements,
sakniie/a, to anoint,
É karim(n)i-, ritual building, temple, (NA4)huwasi-,  (NA4ZI.KIN), ritual monument,  ritual stone, grindstone, mantli/maltli, ritual, negative?,
zāu-, ritual object, nior, niur, ritual, prestation,
iya-, (), to heal with a ritual, celebrate, to father, to realize, to do, tslhai, ritual vessel, vessel used in rituals  (Hittite)

in due form, with proper ceremony, [<Lat.caeremonia, religious rite],
rite, ritual [<Lat. ritualis, of rites] devotion [<Lat. devoveo -vovere vovi -votum, to
consecrate, devote], sacred ceremony [<Lat. sacro-are, to dedicate to a god, apostole, one of the 12 disciples of Christ [<Gk. apostolos, messenger]


rite, Script Z748
rito, ritu (RITV),
Script Q351

See also,
sakra, Script N311, N378,
, Script Q303, Q311, Q375, Q416, Q481, R258, R270, R405
sakreo, sakreu (SAKREV),
Script R40
sakreu, sacreb
Script N598

knuy, to wet,
moisten; ghr,
jigharti, to sprinkle, moisten;
klid, klidyati, to be or become wet, wet, moisten, soil; prus, prusnoti, prusnute, to wet, moisten, sprinkle anything on
oneself, sprinkle
limpati, to anoint

šabnam, شبنم dew, frost, hoarfrost, Žâle, ژاله dew, hoarfrost, tarkardan ترکردن, to bedew, moisten, namdâr kardan, نم دار .کردن  to moisten

ტენიანი, t’eniani, wet, moist, დატენიანება,
dat’enianeba, to moisten, ცხებული,
tskhebuli, to anoint, ნაცხი natskhi, to smear, (Georgian)

hâš-, ointment (Hurrian)

labku, adj., moistening of the soil, fresh (said of bread, of plaster), flexible (said of a bow), lapātu, to moisten with oil and other liquids, to play a stringed instrument, to strike a chord, to defeat, overthrow, to be defeated, to write down, to apply water or fire, to commit a sacrilege, etc., taāu, to soak, to moisten, sprinkle,
pašāšu, to anoint oneself, to smear, paššu, adj., anointed (Akkadian)  

намачыць, namačyć, moisten, paca, rasa, dew, памазаць, pamazać, to anoint (Belarusian)
ovlažiti, moisten, rosa, dew, pomazati,  to anoint (Croatian)
, moisten, rosa, dew,
pomazać, to anoint, smear, soil, namaszczać, to anoint, apply holy oil, smear   (Polish)
ROUĂ, dew,
umezi, moisten, a unge, to anoint  (Romanian)
kostuttaa, moisten, wet, dampen, kaste, dew, voidella, anoint, lubricate, smear (Finnish-Uralic)

να υγρανθεί, na ygraino, to moisten, χρίω, chrio, to anoint, αλείφω,
aleífo, to anoint,

πασαλείφω,  pasaleífo, to smear, (Greek)
խոնավացնել, khonavats’nel, to moisten, ցող, ts’vogh, dew, օծել, otsel, to anoint (Armenian)
vesë, dew, lag, wet, dampen, drench, njomet, to moisten,
për të vajosur, to anoint, lyej, to dye, anoint, lubricate, paint  (Albanian)

busti, to moisten, ihintz, dew, gantzutu, to anoint (Basque)

roro-are, to drop dew, drip, be moist;
ros, roris  dew,
ruo, ruere, rui, rutum, ruiturus, to rush down, fall, collapse, be ruined, to rush along, to hurl down,
ruro-are, and rurer-ari, to live in the country, rus, ruris, the country, farm, estate,
illino-inere-evi-itum, to smear over, cover, bedaub, ungo (unguo), -gere-unxi- unctum, to anoint, smear, grease

drúcht, dew, le hainmhí, to anoint (Irish)
dew, dew, a ungadh, to anoint (Scott)
, to wet,
moisten, bedew,
drench, dip; lleitho, to damp, moisten; mwydo, to moisten, soak, steep, irrigate, macerate,
i eneinio, to anoint (Welsh)
inumidire irrorare, to drop dew, moisture; rugiada ruiada, dew, ungere, to anoint (Italian)
humecter, humidifier; rosée, dew, oindre, to anoint (French)

watar (Gen. sing.), wetenas, water; warsa, dew,

sakniie/a, to anoint, hlina?, to anoint, clay, hapai-, to moisten,  hapae, to moisten, to wet (Hittite)

to drop dew [<OE
daew, dew], moisten [<Lat. mucidus, moldy]; humidify [<Lat. humere, to be
anoint, to apply oil, especially in a religious ceremony, [<Lat. inunguere],


See 8-5, "water, wet,"

ro, ru (RV),
Script Z1628, N268, N339, N357, N363, N738, BS-4, PO-14?
ror, rur (RVR) Script Z432;
roras, ruras (RVRAS)
Script K31, K109

See ror below

sindūraḥ, oak,
vanam, forest, a park

blut, بلوط oak, chub sakhat, چوب سخت hardwood, deræxt, درخت tree, bishبیشه forest (Persian)
, mukha, oak, ხისტი, khisti, hardwood,
ხე, khe, tree (Georgian)

elānu, oak, kanis oak,
allānkānis, oak, tatītu, a variety of oak and its wood, tirru, forest, argānu, conifer tree, girrillu, a word for tree, (Akkadian)

xдуб, dub, oak, цвёрдая драўніна, cviordaja draŭnina, hardwood, draŭnina, wood,
дрэв, dreva, tree (Belarusian)
hrast, oak tvrda  drvena građa, hardwood, drvena, wood, drvo, tree   (Croatian)
dąb, oak, drewno liściaste, hardwood, drewno, wood, tree (Polish)
ozols, oak, cietkoksnes, hardwood, koksnes, wood, koks, tree (Latvian)
stejar, oak, lemn de esență, tare, hardwood, lemn, wood, copac,tree (Romanian)
tammi-, oak, jalopuu, hardwood, puu, tree (Finnish-Uralic)

xδρυς, drys, oak, σκληρό ξύλο, skliró xýlo, hardwood, δέντρο, déntro, tree, ξύλο, xýlo, wood (Greek)
կաղնու մեջ
kaghnu mej, oak, kaghnu, wood, ծառատունկ, tsarratunk, hardwood,
անտառ, antarr, forest, (Armenian)
lisi, oak, dru i fortë, hardwood, dru, wood (Albanian)

haritz, oak,
hostozabalen, hardwood,
zuhaitz, tree, egurra, wood, (Basque)

rubor-oris, hardwood, oak, quercus-i, oak

darach, oak, crua-adhmaid, hardwood, foraoise, forest (Irish)
darach, oak, cruaidh cruaidh, hardwood, coille, forest (Scott)
derw, oak, pren caled, hardwood, goedwig, forest (Welsh)
quercia, oak,
legno duro, hardwood, foresta, forest (Italian)
chêne, oak, bois dur, hardwood, forêt, forest, bois, wood, timber (French)

ઓક, Ōka, oak, વૃક્ષ, Vr̥kṣa, tree, વન, Vana, forest, vલાકડું, Lākaḍuṁ, wood (Gujarati)
meşe, oak, orman, forest, Odun, wood, ağaç, tree (Turkish)
emen, oak,
ағаш, ağaş, tree, орман, orman, forest, wood  (Kazakh)
eman, oak
daraxt, tree, o'rmon, wood, forest,  (Uzbek)
нони, noni, oak, дарахт, daraxt, tree, ҷангал, çangal, forest, чӯб, cūʙ, wood  (Tajik)
дубдан, dubdan, oak, дарак, darak, tree, токой, tokoy, forest, жыгач, jıgaç, wood (Kyrgyz)
царс tsars, oak, ой, oi, forest, мод, mod, tree, wood (Mongolian)

taru, wood, tarwi(a), wooden beam (Luvian)

al-la-an-ta-ru, allon,
alantaru, oak, taru, taru-, wood (ĜIŠ), wood, tree, tarwi(a) , to turn to wood, GIŠsuruhha-, a kind of wood?, sisiama, wooden item that is in a meadow, luesr/luesn , wood shavings,  (Hittite)

hardwood, oak [<OE āc],
tree [<OE, treow],
wood, [<OE, wudu],
forest, [<Lat. foris, outside]


robaras (RV8ARAS), Script PL-15 (an area of the Piacenza Liver)
robris,(RV8RIS) Script AV-2

śiloccayaḥ, rock, kūṭaḥ, crag, agniprastaraḥ, araṇiḥ, flint, ashma, ashman.h, stone, rock,
parvata, rocky,
rugged, mountain,
parvati, zila,
rock, stone 
śilā, stone, sila, block of stone, azan, stone, rock, sky; mahazaila, great rock or mountain, giripati, chief of the mountains, high mountain or rock; drsad, rock, large stone, esp. the nether mill-stone, zara, mottled, spotted, a stone used at games
asmanaca, stone, made of stone (Avestan)
سنگ rock, stone,  xâre کوره rock, stone flint, panāh,  پناه  rock, defense, refuge, sanctuary, gohar, گوهر gem, gemstone, jewel, pebble, stone, chakhmaq, چخماق flint, rig, ریگ,   gravel, pebble, stone, sand, grit  (Persian)
gar, stone (Yagnobian)
, rok’i, ქვა, kva, stone,
k’ench’ebi, pebble, ფლინტი, plint’i, flint (Georgian)

ajaraḫu (see urijaḫu), a stone, urūru, uruttu, urānu, urīzu, usātu, usû, zalāqu, stone, kurgarrānu, a stone, kurumtu, karašu, ezennû, stone amargirimḫilibû, amarḫilibû, antasurrû, elligu, ezennû, alpû, altu, abnu, û, elallu, ajarau (see urijau), agusīgu, ugusigû, gusīgu, usīgu, kusīgu, egizaggû, *ḫubbu, laqqiqu,
immanakku, janibu, jartu kurgarrānu, kurumtu, *maršittu, mašdû, manzeš, nagulû, naṣāṣu, nā’u, piriggunû, ruppu, šešmittu, šû, šumēnu, tubbānu, turullu, umeḫû, (all words for stone), ṣallamtu, a black stone, probably basalt, a plant, a tree, a bird, a snake, luludānītu, a multi-colored stone, ingabrû, a precious stone, carnelian?, azalwannu, elluku, elmešu, gamēsu, *girimillibû, girinnu, ḫalānu, ḫannaḫūru, precious stones, ḫaršanānu, ḫašenni, ḫerizzi, ilibû, ḫilipakku, ḫulālu, kakkussu, zarnanu, precious stones, marallu, muššaru, ukušû, a semi-precious stone, abašmû, a greenish, precious, stone, šubû, stone, perhaps agate?, esmekku, a stone, malachite, abattu, a sling stone,
pulukku, a sharp rock, a pointed tool, tor, boundary, boundary stone, boundary marker, mešēltu, a sharpened stone, flint, blade, nišru, stone block?, purkullu, a stone carver, purkulluḫuli, a stone cutter, purkullûtu, stone cutter craft, purkullu, stonecutter, stone carver, lapidary, parašû, designating a stone, possibly from Marhaši, parzillu, stone or bead, iron, iron stone, šamājâtu, adj. describing a stone,  kabšarru, stone mason, jeweler, takkassu, stone or metal slab, unworked block, maškartu, stone or piece of jewelry, ḫusīgu, zibtu, stone used as a charm, suqultu, stone weight, weight, kāpītu, stony ground, pallišu, stone borer, (a profession), housebreaker, burglar, drilling stone, pulukkiš, rocky outcrop, *uṣurtu, fortification, ilṣu, a type of fortification  (Akkadian) 
рок, rok, rock,
камень, kamień, stone, крэмень, kremień, flint, галька, halʹka, pebble   (Belarusian)
kamien, stone (Belarus)
stijena, rock, kamen, stone, kremen, flint, šljunak, pebble, gravel, boulder (Croatian)
kamenica, stone, stena, rock (Serbo-Croatian)
skała, rock, kamień, stone, krzemień, flint,
kryształ, górski, pebble, mountain gem, kamyk, shingle, pebble (Polish)
akmenis, rock, stabbas, rock (Baltic-Sudovian)
akmens, rock, stone, krīts, flint, olis, pebble (Latvian)
stâncă, rock, piatră, stone, pietros, stony, cremene, flint, prundiş, pebble, shingle, beach (Romanian)
rock, rock, kivi, stone, rock, pebble, calculus, piikivi, flint (Finnish-Uralic)

βράχος, vráchos, brachos, rock, πέτρα
pétra, stone, πυρόλιθος, pyrólithos, flint, χαλίκι, chalíki, gravel, grit, pebble  (Greek)
ռոք, rrok’, rock, քարը, k’ary, stone, շերտ, shert, flint, խճանկար, khchankar, pebble (Armenian)
shkëmb, rock, guri, stone, strall, flint, guralec, pebble  (Albanian)

arroka, rock, harri, stone, harribil, pebble,  (Basque)
rugus-i, funeral
pile, silex-icis, any hard stone, such as flint, crag, rock, cliff,

petram, rock, saxum-i, rock, boulder,
calculus-i, pebble, stone, counting stone,
scopulus-i, rock, crag, promentory,
rocky, lapis-dis, stone, millstone, precious stone

carraig, rock, cloch, stone, breochloiche, flint, méaróg, pebble (Irish)
creagcarriag, cairge, rock, carragh, rock, pillar, monument, clach, stone, ailbhinn, flint, molagan, pebble (Scott)
graig, craig (creigiau), rock, clegr-au, rock,
crag, cairn, stony
place; clog-au,
rock, precipice crag; tarren (tarenni -ydd), knoll, rock,
fflint, calestr, flint, carreg, pebble,

maen (meini), stone, maen hir, monolith, llabyddio, to stone,  (Welsh)
, rock; roccia, rock, fortress, distaff; roccioso, rocky,
pietra, stone, pietra focaia, flint, ciottolo, pebble (Italian)
roc, rock, roche, rock, boulder, stone, stony mass, rocheux, rocky,
pierre, stone, silex, flint, galet, pebble, stone, rock, caillou, stone, pebble (French)
maen, stone (Briton)

ખડક, Khaḍaka, rock, પથ્થર, Paththara, stone, કાંકરી, Kāṅkarī, pebble, ચકડોળ, Cakaḍōḷa, flint (Gujarati)
kaya, rock, taş, stone, rock, gem, gravel, flint, çakmaktaşı, flint, çakıl, pebble (Turkish)
таужынысы, tawjınısı, rock, тас, tas, stone, малтатас, maltatas, stone, pebble, шөгінді, şögindi, flint (Kazakh)
qoya, rock, cliff, fall, tosh, stone, kremenlar, flint,  tekis tosh, pebble (Uzbek)
санг, sang, rock, stone, флинт, flint, flint,  сангпушт,  sangpuşt, pebble, (Tajik)
аска, aska, rock, таш, taş, stone, оттук, ottuk, flint, шагыл, şagıl, pebble  (Kyrgyz)
рок, rok, rock, хад, khad, rock, cliff, reef, чулуу, chuluu, stone, цахиур чулуу, tsakhiur chuluu, flint, хайрга, khairga, pebble (Mongolian) 

kärwañ [B kärweñe] rock
, stone (Tocharian)

peruna, peru, perun, rock, NA4, peruna-, perunant, rocky, craggy,  peru, perun, rock, cliff, boulder, passilas, stone, pasilant, NA4,  passila-, stone, pebble, pasila, stone, pebble, gem, precious stone, pasuela, stone object, hekur, "mountain-house," (Sumerian/Hurrian word), 
HUR.SAG,  mountain, KÚR, enemy, hekur, rock, sanctuary, (Hittite)

rock [<ONFr. roque],
boulder [<ME
bulder], stone [<OE stan], cairn [<ME carne, of Celtic orig.,] mound of stones erected as a landmark or memorial, crag [<ME crag]
 flint [<OE], chert, designating rocks like flint, [<origin unknown], grit, {<OE, gr


rok (RVK),
Script TC170,
roca (RVCA) Script Z1314
roce (RVCE) Script J10-1
roco (RVCV)
Script Z1227,
rocio (RVCIV)
Script TC90:
See also  Petra and sas, stone,

PETR, TC70, TC146
PETROS (PETRVS),TC-2, TC44, TC66, TC151, TC197,

See also,

SILiCI, Script Z-1, TC283, BT-1

See also,
sas, Script TC150;
sase, Au49
x x x x rudis-e, rough, raw, uncultivated, unrefined, unskilled, awkward x Rudus, name
(probably rodos)

rodos, rudos (RVDVS) Script AG-1; see roros

rājā, king, rājārha, royal, king, queen,

rāṣṭram, realm,

rājakīya, belonging to a king, Asura, godlike, powerful

ahu, ahura, god, lord (Avestan)
pâdeshâh,پادشاهه  king, سلطنتیking, saltanati,سلطنتی king
sâh, ادشاه  pâdsâh, king, padshahy,   پادشاهی, kingdom (Persian)

šarru, to make someone king, šarrūtu, to rule as king, ammāmu, usurper king, ammā’u, usurper king, rebel,

lītu, rule, power, triumph, victory, victorious deed, victorious might, bēlūtu, ridūtu, to rule, ma’û, ruler, prince?, ālu, in bēl āli  (Akkadian)

кароль ,karoĺ, king, каралеўскі, karalieŭski, royal, вобласць, voblasć, realm  (Belarusian)
kraljevski, royal, carstvo, realm (Croatian)
król, king, królewski, royal, królestwo, realm  (Polish)
karaliskais, royal, valstība, realm (Latvian)
rege, king, regal, royal, tărâm, realm  (Romanian)
, king,
kuninkaallinen, royal, valtakunta, realm (Finnish-Uralic)

Βασιλιάς, Vasiliás, Basilias, king, βασιλικός, vasilikós, royal, βασίλειο, vasíleio, realm, αρχηγός, archigós, chief, head, commander, άρχων, árchon,  suzerain, archon, lord   (Greek)
, t’agavory, king,
արքայական, ark’ayakan, royal, տարածք, taratsk’, realm (Armenian)
mbret, king, mbretëror, royal, fushë, realm (Albanian)

rex-regis, king, ruler, prince, regno-are, to be a king, regnum-i, royal power, monarchy, kingdom, regius-a-um, royal, of a kingdom

, king, ríoga, royal, réimse, realm (Irish)
rìgh, king, rìoghail, royal, rìoghachd, realm (Scott)
reggere, to reign, re, reale, royal, regno, realm, kingdom (Italian)
roi,  king, régner, to reign, domaine, realm, royaume, kingdom (French)

xntawa, rule, kingship, xntawata, ruler, king, xntawat(i), royal, of the ruler, xntawati(ye) (Lycian)
tbar, to rule, govern, tbaraman, ruling, governing, Tbaramahit , position of governing (Luvian)

isha, lord, master, LUGAL, hasu, king, lbarna/tbarna, title of a king, hantawat, hantawad(i), king, supreme authority, royal, hassueznae, to be king, hassuezziie/a, hassuuezziie/a, hassue, to become king, hasuetsna, royalty, hasuetsi, royal status, hantawadahit, kingship, hantawahit, kingdom, saladr/salan, kingship, rulership, greatness, tapariie/a, to rule, tbaria, ruling order, (Hittite)

king, king, [<OE cyning] regent [<Lat.regere, to rule], realm [<Lat. regimen, government]


roi (RVI) Script Z606, Z1161, Z1310, Z1334, Z1386, Z1578, Z1780, TC28, TC179, AT-10, L31, AM-3; MS-1, AF19, AM-3, FR-2, L17, RA-4, PQ-10
roial (RVIAL) Script AT-10?
rois (RVIS), Script Z1623, BT-10
roim (RVIM), Script Z1243

See also,
rial, Script AM-9, AR-4
rials, Script BS-19

See also,
rek, Script Q500,
R542, R546
rekin (REKYN), Script XS-1

regl (REbL), Script Q534, Q661, Q726, R22;
regle (REbLE), Script Q784, Q805
reglo (REbLV)
Script Q754

See also,
8-1, "king, queen, kingdom,"



ram, rom, رم Rome, rumy, رومی Roman (Persian)
romshi, Rome, xრომან,
roman, Roman (Georgian)

Рым, Rym, Rome, рымлянін, rymlianin, Roman (Belarusian)
Rim, Rome,
rimski, Roman (Croatian)
rym, Rome,
, Roman (Polish)

Roma, Rome, Romiešu, Roman (Latvian)
ROMA, Rome,
român, Roman (Romanian)
Rooma, Rome, roomalainen, Roman (Finnish-Uralic) 

Ρώμη, Rómi, Rome, ρωμαϊκός, romaïkós, Roman  (Greek)
Հռոմ, Hrrom, Rome, Ռոման, Rroman, Roman (Armenian)
Roma, Rome,  romak, Roman

Rome, Roman (Basque)

Roma-ae, Rome
Rumina-ae, a
Roman goddess

Róimh, Rome, Rómhánach, Roman (Irish)
An Ròimh, Rome, Ròmanach, Roman (Scott)
Rhufain, Rome,

Rhufeinig, Roman (Welsh)
Roma, Rome, Romano,  Roman (Italian)
Rome, Rome, Romain, Roman (French)



Rom (RVM), Script Z1216, Z1310, Z1770, F-14, S40
, Script Z1641;
Romhe (RVMHE) or RVM HE, F15
Romi, (RVMI) Script Z1372, Z1533, K173
Romna (RVMNA), Script F11;
Romia, (RVMIA) Script Au13

avara, raksna, guard, protection, rakṣati, rakṣa, to guard against, watch, protect, guard, keep, save from, payu, guard, protector; vartula, adj. round, a circle; parijri, adj., running or spreading round; mandalI, to make or become round; vita, a small round pebble

pâsbân, پاسبان guard, police, watch, pāyīdan, پاییدن  eye, protect, oversee, watch,  pâsdâri, guard; pâs dâstan, pasdasht kardan, to safeguard, protect, reserve, gerd, گرد, adj, round, warrior, courageous, jasvsy kardan, جاسوسی کردن to spy, snoop, grass (Persian)

დაცვა, datsva, to guard, ყურება, q’ureba, to watch, რაუნდის გაკეთება, raundis gak’eteba, to make rounds, ჯაშუში,
jashushi, to spy

pid-, round, to turn around, rotate, dance (Hurrian)

maṣṣartu, guard (as an individual man and as a detachment), watch, garrison, watchhouse, post, “watch” (name of a feature of the lungs), maṣṣartu, in ša maṣṣarti, guard, watchman, chief of the guard, maṣṣaru, in rabi maṣṣarī, guardsmen, official in charge of the guardsmen, watch, a’āṭu, watchful, said of gods and demons, inspector, spyhole, ḫatānu, to protect, iṣnu, utnu, protection, andullu, andillu, protection, cover, canopy, lamassu, in awīl lamassi, divinely protected person, lucky, kidinnu, divine protection (mainly for the citizens of a city), divinely enforced security (symbolized by a sacred insigne), kidinnû, protection, adj., pertaining to kidinnitu-protection, kitru, in bēl kitri, protector, helper (Akkadian)

для абароны, dlia abarony, to guard, глядзець, hliadzieć, to watch, рабіць патроны, rabić patrony, to make rounds, кароль ,karoĺ, king, (Belarusian)
čuvati, to guard, gledati, to watch, napraviti runde, to make rounds, kralj, king, (Croatian)
chronic, to guard, gwardia, guard; oglądać, to watch,
robić rundy, to make rounds,
król, king, (Polish)
to guard,
skatīties, to watch, izdarīt kārtās, to make rounds (Latvian)
a păzi, to guard, a se uita, to watch,
pentru a face runde, to make rounds (Romanian)
vartioida, to guard, katsoa, to watch, tehdä kierroksia, to make rounds (Finnish-Uralic)

να φυλάω, na fyláo, to guard, να δω, na do, to watch, να κάνει γύρους, na kánei gýrous, to make rounds, Να κατασκοπεύσει, Na kataskopéfsei, to spy, (Greek)
պահելու համար,

pahelu hamar, to guard, Դիտել, Ditel, to watch, դարձնել տուրեր, dardznel turer, to make rounds (Armenian)
per te ruajtur, to guard, për të parë, to watch, për të bërë raunde, to make rounds (Albanian)

zaindu, to guard, babestu, to protect, txandak egiteko, to make rounds (Basque)

rotundare, to make round, caveo-ere, cavi, cautum, to beware of, guard against, to be on one's guard against, custodia-ae, watch, guard, sentry, custodio-ire-ivi and -ii, -itum, to guard, defend, keep watch on, to keep, runa-ae, a dart

chun garda, to guard, chun féachaint, to watch, chun babhtaí a dhéanamh, to make rounds (Irish)
gu dìon, to guard, a bhith a 'coimhead, to watch, a airson cuairtean a dhèanamh, to make rounds (Scott)
i warchod, to guard, i wylio, to watch, i wneud rowndiau, to make rounds (Welsh)
a guardia, to guard, guardare, to watch,  fare giri, to make rounds, ronda, rounds, watch (Italian)
garder, to guard, regarder, to watch,  faire des rondes, to make rounds, rond, adj. round, circular, rounds, (French)

રક્ષક, Rakṣaka, to guard (Gujarati)
korumak, to protect (Turkish)
қорғау, qorğaw, to protect, көру, körw, to watch (Kazakh)
qo'riqlamoq, to guard (Uzbek)
посбонӣ кардан, posʙonī kardan, to guard (Tajik)
коргоо, korgoo, to guard, protect, көрүү, körüü, to watch (Kygryz)
харуул, kharuul, to guard, харах, kharaka, to see (Mongolian)

zrtne/i-: N zrtni, Apl. zrtniz, protector (Mylian)
pa, to protect,(Luvian)

#pahsi, pahhas, to
protect, to graze, pahhas->  pahš-, pahhaš- pahs, pahsnu, to protect, defend, take care of, to be watchful, pahsanu-, to guarantee, to strengthen, reinforce, pahsnu, to protect, guard, defend, observe, take care of, to be watchful, to keep people safe, pahhas->, to protect, keep people safe, guard,  pahs-, (PAP) to go under protection, pahs, to protect, to guarantee, to strengthen, reinforce, senahha-, protection, measure, ramparts, barricade?, haliie/a, to watch over, haliyatalla-, temple guard, rounds, wartana, auartana, round, aikauartana, for one round, tierauartana, for three rounds,
aurila, auridla, weheskattalla-, n. guard, auri-, awari-, auriyala-, border guard, arha au(s)- , to watch, dahusiya, to watch quietly, katta au(s)-, to watch through,  (Hittite)

to guard [<OFr.
guarder], ward [<OE weard, a guarding] watch, [<OE wæccan], make the rounds, make round? [<Lat. rotundis]
gird [<OE gyrdan, to encircle with a belt or hand]; compass [<OFr. compasser],
detail, [<OFr. piece cut off], an item, military unit designed to do a special task

This word has yet to be resolved.


ron, run (RVN), Script Z123, Z224, Z530, Z1600
rona, runa (RVNA), Script Z1615, Z1623
rone, rune (RVNE)
Script Z1600
rons, runs (RVNeS), Script Z568, Z1430
ronem, runem
Z1438, Z1654
roni, runi (RVNI)
Script Z727, Z769
ronis, runis (RVNIS) Script BT-18
rono, runo (RVNV), Script R314
ront, runt (RVNT) Script Q453
ronto, runtv (RVNTV)  Script Q683,

See also,
1-132, "spy":







Ronai, woman's name?


Ronai (RVNAI), Script BS-6 see Apronia

śaknoti, pārayati, pramavati (bhū), īṣṭe (īś,), kṣamate, able, be
šodán, شدن to be, become, becoming, come to, budán, بودن be, being (Persian)

ისინი იქნებიან, isini iknebian, they will be (Georgian)

яны будуць, jany buduć, they will be (Belarusian)
oni će bit, they will be (Croatian)
oni będa, they will be (Polish)

viņi būs, they will be (Latvian)

acestea vor fi, they will be (Romanian)

he tulevat olemaan, they will be (Finnish-Uralic)

αυτοι θα ειναι, aftoi tha einai, they will be (Greek)

նրանք կլինեն, nrank’ klinen, they will be (Armenian)
ata do të jenë
, they will be (Albanian)

izango dira, they will be (Basque)

erunt, they will be

beidh siad, they will be (Irish)
bidh iad
, they will be (Scott)

byddan nhw, they will be (Welsh)
saranno, they will be (Italian)
seront, they will be

they will be,

ront, runt
(RVNT) Script Q453, J48

raktaka, adj., red, bloody; atilohita, very red; pratamra, adj. deep red; lohitay, -yati, to become or be red, piṅkam,
pāṭalaḥ,  pink

sorx, سرخ  ruddy, rose colored, red, blush, germez, قرمز  red,   surati, صورتی  pink (Persian)
წითელი, ts’iteli, red, ვარდისფერი, vardisperi, pink, ვარდი, vardi, rose (Georgian)

uššû, illurānu, adj., red, illuriš, of a reddish hue, kalgukku, red colored clay or mineral, ururatu, red dye, inzaurētu, red-dyed wool (Akkadian)

чырвоны,  čyrvony, red, ружовы, ružovy, pink, ружа, ruža, rose, медзь, miedź, copper  (Belarusian)
Crvena, red, ružičasta, pink, ruža, rose (Croatian)
czerwony, red, różowy, pink, Róża, rose, miedź, copper (Polish)
sarkans, red, sārts, pink, roze, rose (Latvian)
roșu, red,  ROZ, pink, Trandafir, rose, rose tree, roză, rose (Romanian)
punainen, red, vaaleanpunainen, pink, ruusu-, rose (Finnish-Uralic)

το κόκκινο, to kókkino red,
ροζ, roz, pink, rose (Greek)
կարմիր, karmir, red, վարդագույն,
vardaguyn, pink, վարդը, vardy, rose (Armenian)
i kuq, red, rozë, pink (Albanian)

gorri, red, arrosa, pink, rose (Basque)

rufus-a-um, red,
rosa-ae, a rose;
roseus-a-um, rose colored, rosy

dearg, red, bándearg, pink, rós, rose (Irish)
dearg, red, pinc, pink, rós, rose (Scott)
, red,  pinc pink, Rhosyn, rose (Welsh)
rosso, red, rosa, pink,  rose (Italian)
rouge, red, rose, rose, pink (French)

લાલ, Lāla, red,
ગુલાબ, Gulāba, rose (Gujarati)
kırmızı, red, scarlet, gül, rose (Turkish)
қызыл, qızıl, red, Роза, rosa, rose (Kazakh)
qizil, red, rosy, scarlet, ko'tarildi, rose (Uzbek)
сурх, surx, red, бархост, ʙarxost, rose (Tajik)
Кызыл, kizil, red, роза, roza, rose (Kyrgyz)
улаан, ulaan, red, сарнай, sarnai, rose (Mongolian)
紅色, Hóngsè, red, 赤, chi, red, scarlet, 玫瑰, Méiguī, rose (Traditional Chinese)

kāṣārṣi, reddish, having the colour of a monk’s robe (Tocharian)

mita, miti, mitas,
mīti-, (SA5), red, esharuahh, to make blood-red (Hittite)

red [<OE read],
ruddy [<OE rudig]; rose, [<Lat. rosa],
pink [<OE pincen], carmine, [<Med.Lat. carminium]


roph, ruph (RVΦ),
rose, ruse (RVSE)
Script Z865

rufas (RVFAS), Script Au33

x x x x x x Rositia, probably a person's name based upon the "ia" suffix

Rositia (RVSITIA), Script PO-11

grāmya, jānapada, rural, tiligga, nepala,
balhi, of
a country; uzinara, of a people or a country;
mānuṣaḥ, man, videza, a foregin country, abroad; paradeza, foreign or hostile country, pṛthivī, earth (globe),
dharā, earth,
kṣetrasambanghaḥ, agrarian


dah'yunãm [dah'yu], country, people, land, region, rauuah, open space, zam [-] , earth, land (Avestan)
rus, روستا countryside, country, plowman, rōstāki, روستایی country, countryman, peasant, مملکت country, kešvar, کشور country, soil, territory, mardom,  مَردُم people,  zamin, زمین earth, kešâvarzi  کشاورزی agrarian (Persian)

სოფლის, soplis, rural, ქალაქგარე, kalakgare, countryside, აგრარული, agraruli, agrarian (Georgian)

qi(u)ra-, qəwr-ā, qīr-ā, earth, land (Urartian)

eše, earth, kawr-, χawr- earth, land (Hurrian)

išru, rural district,  edurû, rural settlement, hamlet, kiūru, earth (sacred place), mātu, country, home country, population of a country, flat space, ḫabḫaja, adj., coming from the country, kīdu, open country, region outside a city, outside, lullû, man, širraḫu, man?, gardu, describing a man, padattu, form of a man, figure, mu’āru, murušû, man, hero,  zakru, man, male, zikaru, male, human and animal, ram, a specific quality of stones and plants used as drugs, a cloud formation, (Akkadian)

сельская мясцовасць,
sieĺskaja miascovasć, rural, краіна, kraina, country, людзі, liudzi, people, чалавек, čalaviek, man, аграрны, ahrarny, agrarian (Belarusian)
ruralna, rural, zemlja, country, narod, people, čovjek, man, Zemlja, earth, agrarni, agrarian (Croatian)
wiejski, rural, kraj, country, ludzie, people, człowiek, man, human, person, rolny, agrarian (Polish)
lauku, rural, valsts, country, cilvēki, people, cilvēks, man, zemnieks, peasant, zeme, earth, agrārs, agrarian (Latvian)
rural, rural, ţărănesc, rustic, rural, country-like,  țară, country, țăran, peasant, oameni, people, om, man, agrar, agrarian (Romanian)
maaseudun, rural, maa, country, earth, ihmiset, people, mies, man, agraarinen, agrarian  (Finnish-Uralic)

agrotikós, rural, Χώρα, Chóra, country, χωρικός, chorikós, peasant, Ανθρωποι, Anthropoi, people (Greek)
երկիրը, yerkiry, country, land, earth,
գյուղական, gyughakan, rural,  Ժողովուրդ, Zhoghovurd, people, ագրարային, agrarayin, agrarian (Armenian)
fshatar, rural,
vend, country, njerëz, people, njeri, man, agrar, agrarian  (Albanian)

roro-are, to drop dew, be moist;
ruro-are, and rurer-ari, to live in the country, rus, ruris, the country, farm, estate, terra-ae, earth, dry earth, land, country, homo-inis, human being, man, people,
agrariae, agrarian

tuaithe, rural, daoine, people, fear, man, tír, country, talúntais, agrarian (Irish)
dùthchail, rural, daoine, people, dhuine, man, dùthaich, country (Scott)
gwledig, rural, countrified, country, agrarian,
pobl, people, dyn, man, gwlad, country, ddaear, earth, amaethyddol, agrarian, (Welsh)
rurale, rural,
persone, people, nazione, country, paese, country, village, land, region, uomo, man, agraria-o, agrarian (Italian)
rural,  rural,
gens, people, pays, country, land, nation, home, agraire, agrarian (French)

tkaṃ ākāś, earth and atmosphere (Tocharian)

hrm̃ma-: NA hrm̃mã, Collpl. hrm̃mada, land section (Lycian)

im(a)ra/i,  open country (Luvian)

kimra, countryside, outdoors, field, miltary campaign,
gimra pāi-, to go to the country, gimra-, (. LÍL), kuera-, kura-  (A.KÀR), countryside, udniant, people, population, udne/udni, utnē->, land, country, udnē, (KUR-e), land, also for the name of towns, kitsuwatna? watna, land, KUR, land, territory, KUR.KUR, lands, apēz KUR-az, out of your land,  pesnas, man, gen. sing., pesan, pesn, pisen, man, male person, psnadr/ pisnan, manhood, virility, male parts, pesnili, manly, in a manly way, (Hittite)

rural [<Lat. rus. country], people [<Lat. populus]
terrace, porch, patio, veranda, [<Lat. terra],
people, [<Lat. populus],
agrarian, [<Lat. ager, land], man, [<OE],


ror (RVR), Script, Z432
roras (RVRAS), Script K31, K109;
roros, rurus (RVRVS)
Script AG-1,

See also,
tera, Script N349, N357, N363
teri, Script Z1216
terim, Script Q806,

See also,

aker, Script N173, N435; S-18
akro (AKRV) Script R65
akrare, akrara, CAB-2?,

See also,

popla (POPvLA), Script XA-22
Script N11, N41, N404
Script N100, See also, 6-134:
pesnim, Script
N500, N660
pesnimu, (PESNIMV) Script, N21, N290, N320, N444, N529, N553, N598, N632, Q162, Q171, Q194,

deśaḥ, country, a tract of land,
kṛṣakaḥ, peasant, grāmaḥ, village, pṛthivī, earth, the globe, dharā, earth, tiligga, nepala, balhi, of a country; uzInara, of a people or a country; videza, a foregin country, abroad; paradeza, foreign or hostile

zam [-] , earth, land (Avestan)
kesvar, milhan,
rus, country, zamin, زمین earth (Persian)

, kalakgare, countryside, ქვეყანა, kveq’ana, country, გლეხი, glekhi, peasant, დედამიწა, dedamits’a, earth (Georgian)

qi(u)ra-, qəwr-ā, qīr-ā, earth, land (Urartian)
eše, earth, kawr-, χawr- earth, land (Hurrian)

kiūru, earth (sacred place), erṣetu, earth (in a cosmic sense), kīdu, open country, region outside a city, outside, eperu, earth, loose earth, debris, dust, scales, ore, mortar, territory, soil, area volume, immunusu, a kind of earth (lit. female earth), imnitûa, a kind of earth (lit. male earth)  (Akkadian)

сельская мясцовасць, sieĺskaja miascovasć, countryside, краіна, kraina, country, сялянскі, sialianski, peasant, зямля, ziamlia, earth (Belarusian)
selo, countryside,  zemlja, country, seljak, peasant, Zemlja, earth (Croatian)
wieś, countryside,  kraj, country, chłop, peasant, Ziemia, earth (Polish)
laukos, countryside,

valsts, country, zemnieks, peasant, zeme, earth (Latvian)
mediu rural, countryside,
țară, country, țăran, peasant, pământ, earth (Romanian)
maaseutu, countryside,
maa, country, earth, talonpoika, peasant (Finnish-Uralic)

εξοχή, exochí, countryside, Χώρα, Chóra, country, patrida,
ypaithro, country;
agrotikos, rural,
χωρικός, chorikós, peasant, γη, gi, earth (Greek)
գյուղում, gyughum, countryside, երկիրը, yerkiry, country, earth, գյուղացի, gyughats’i, peasant (Armenian)
fshat, village, fshatar, peasant, bujqësor, agricultural,
vend, country, tokë, earth  (Albanian)

rus, ruris, the
country, farm,
rudise-e, rough, raw,
rusticus-a-um, country, rural, paganus-a-um, belonging to a village, rural, rustic, a villager, countryman, terra-ae, earth, land, soil

tuath, countryside, tír, couuntry, tuathánach, peasant, talamh, earth (Irish)
dùthaich, countryside,  country, tuath, peasant, talamh, earth (Scott)
gwlad, country, gwledig, rural, countrified, country, agrarian, gwerin, peasant, ddaear, earth (Welsh)
campagna, countryside, rurale, rural, farm; rustico
farmhouse, rustic,
nazione, country, contadino, peasant, paese, country, village, land, paesano, villager, peasant, rural, country, terra, earth (Italian)
campagne, countryside, rural, rural; rustique, rustic, pays, country, paysan, peasant, terre, earth (French)

im(a)ra/i, country, open country (Luvian)

kimra, countryside, outdoors, field, military campaign, udne/udni, utnē->, land, country, kitsuwatna? watna, land? KUR, land, KUR.KUR, lands,  (Hittite)

country [<LLat.
countryside, peasant [<LLat. pagensis], earth [<OE eorthe]
rustic [<Lat. rusticus]

Note: See "to sacrifce" below (Sakra), for Hittite word
wattani(ya)-, "sacred holding," in which case the place called Kitsuwatna would refer to "open land that is a sacred holding."


ros, rus (RVS) Script R542, AT-2;
rusa (RFSA) Script TC108; probably resa
RUSTA (RVSTA), Script F-6

rathanemi, the rim of a chariot-wheel; rathacakra, chariot wheel, cakram, wheel

chaxra, wheel (Avestan)
charx, carxe چرخ wheel, gardiš, گردش wheel (Persian)
dewr, wheel,
circle (Kurdish)

საჭე, sach’e, wheel (Georgian)

atartu, wheel disk (of a wagon), uppu, wheel, metal tire, metal ring, allak (Kassite word), wheel rim, felly, umbu, wagon wheel, wagon dray, wazuḫru, describing wagon wheels (Akkadian)

кола, kola, wheel (Belarusian)
kolo, wheel (Croatian)
koło, wheel (Polish)
kelan, wheel

ritenis, wheel (Latvian)
roată, wheel, ROTA, ROTI, to rotate (Romanian)
pyörä, wheel (Finnish-Uralic)

ΡΟΔΑ, roda, wheel, τροχού, trochoú, wheel, γυρίζω, gyrízo, turn, veer, rotate (Greek)
անիվ, aniv, wheel (Armenian)
rrotë, timon, wheel

gurpil, wheel (Basque)

rota-ae, wheel

roth, wheel (Irish)
cuibhle, roth, wheel (Scott)
-ion, wheel, cycle; rhod-au, wheel, orbit, ecliptic  (Welsh)
ruota, wheel  (Italian)
roue, wheel  (French)

ચક્ર, Cakra,  wheel (Gujarati)
tekerlek, wheel (Turkish)
doñğalaq, wheel (Kazakh)
g'ildirak, wheel (Uzbek)
чарх, carx, wheel (Tajik)
дөңгөлөк, döŋgölök, wheel (Kyrgyz)
dugui, wheel (Mongolian)
輪, Lún, wheel (Traditional Chinese)

[B cākkär
] wheel (Tocharian)

hurgi/horgi, wheel (Hittite)

a wheel [<OE,
hweol], chariot
[<Lat. carrus-i, a four-wheeled
[<MDu. wagen]
hoop, [<ME hop], a circular band used to bind together staves of a barrel, something that resembles a hoop, rotary, of or involving rotation [<Lat. rota, wheel]


rot, rut (RVT),
Script Z138;
rota (RVTA), Script Z1168, Au22;
rotas (RVTAS), Script K124
rotas (RVTaS), Script BT-11
rote (RVTE), Script Z89;
roteu (RvTEF)
Script M24,
See also,
carra, Script Z1641

kaṇṭakigulmaḥ, bramble, nāśaḥ, ruin, nāśayati, to destroy, annihilate, defile, injure, overthrow, balaṁ harati, weaken, waste, remove, dhvr, dhvarati, to bend, cause to fall, ruin; bhramz, bhrazate, bhrazyate, to fall, drop, bounce against, sink, decline, decay, disappear, be lost; cause to fall, throw down, ruin, destroy; lup, lumpati (-te), to break, harm, injure, attack, plunder, consume,
destroy, ruin

xarob, خراب ruined, khâr,خار bramble 
kharâbi, ruin,
kharâb kardan, خراب کردن,  to destroy, raze, ruin, etc., faj'h, فاجعه catastrophe, disaster (Persian)
ჩაშლის, chashlis, to ruin, დანგრეული, dangreuli, ruined,  განადგურება, ganadgureba, to destroy, კატასტროფა, k’at’ast’ropa, catastrophe (Georgian)

labīru, ruined (said of private buildings, past, customary, ruins, offerings, used, etc., gamāru, to be annihilated, to spend, to bring to an end, to be settled, etc., amaridu, bramble, arbūtus, ruin, devastation, flight, rout, abtāti, ruins, abātu, destroy buildings, objects, lay waste, ruin a region, epû, ruin, to smash, repudiate, wreck, destroy, injure, etc., alūqu, a ruin, arību, ruin, deserted place,
namû, to become ruined, lie in ruins, be abandoned, to lay waste, etc., *karmu, ruined?, karmu, ruin, heap, karmūtu, namûtu, ruins, to fall into ruins, abut, ruined, decayed, ūmu, ruined, to see the day of one’s ruin,
dāšu, destroy, to trample upon, thresh barley by stomping on it,  damtu, destruction?, šagāšu, to be ruined, to murder, to be murdered, slaughter, etc., šagšu, ruined, slain, afflicted,
šulputu, ruined, defiled, desecrated, šaluqtu , ruin, destruction, disaster, catastrophe,  šuḫḫû, ruined?, destroyed?, ruin, to destroy, naharmuṭu, to destroy enemies, crumble, to melt, to dissolve, (Akkadian)

ажына,  ažyna, bramble, спатыкнецца,
spatykniecca, to ruin, 
знішчыць, zniščyć, to destroy, катастрофа, katastrofa, catastrophe (Belarusian)
kupina, bramble, uništiti, to ruin,
uništiti, to destroy, katastrofa, catastrophe (Croatian)
cierń, bramble,
zrujnować, to ruin,
niszczyc, ruina,
ruiny, rujnowac,
niszczyć, to destroy, katastrofa, catastrophe (Polish)
bramble, bramble?
pazudināt, to ruin, iznīcināt, to destroy, katastrofa, catastrophe (Latvian)
mărăcine, bramble, a ruina, to ruin, distruge, to destroy (Romanian)

karhunvatukka, bramble, pilata, to ruin,  tuhota, to destroy (Finnish-Uralic)

βάτος, vátos, bramble, να καταστρέψω,
na katastrépso, to ruin,
να καταστρέφω,  katastréfo, to destroy (Greek)
բախում, bakhum, bramble, կործանում,
kortsanum, to ruin,

արյուն թափելու համար, aryun t’ap’elu hamar, ոչնչացնել, voch’nch’ats’nel, to destroy, աղետ, aghet, catastrophe (Armenian)
taçe, bramble, për të shkatërruar, to ruin,,
rrënim, destruction,
rrënoja, ruins,

për të shkatërruar, to destroy, katastrofë, catastrophe (Albanian)

ruina, ruin, suntsitzeko, to destroy (Basque)

rubeus-a-um, of a bramble; rubor-oris, redness,
modesty, shame,
disgrace; rubeta
, bramble,
thickets; ruina-ae, falling down, collapse, ruin, destruction,

haurio, haurire, hausi, haustum, to draw up, out, in; drink up, shed blood, empty, weaken, waste, exhaust,

bramble, bramble, scrios, to ruin, a mhilleadh, to destroy, tubaiste, catastrophe (Irish)
bramble, bramble, a thilgeil, to ruin, a sgrios, to destroy, mòr-thubaist, catastrophe (Scott)
miaren (mieri), bramble, briar,, adfail (adfeilion), ruin; murddun-od, ruin, ruins; andwyo, to spoil, ruin, undo, harm, mar,
i ddinistrio, to destroy, trychineb, catastrophe (Welsh)
roveto, bramble
bush; rovinare, to
ruin, to crumble
distruggere, to destroy, catastrofe, catastrophe (Italian);
ronce, bramble, ruiner, to wreck, ruin, détruire, to destroy, catastrophe, catastrophe  (French)

kat [B keta], destruction, kärṣtā [B kärstā-], to destroy, cut off
qã(n)-: 3rd pl. qãti/qãñti,  3rd qastti, 3rd pret. qastte, 3rd imper. qasttuto, to destroy (Lycian)

hrgnu, deleo, to destroy, harknu, to ruin, hargadr, destruction, #hara, destroy, to pound, harra'i, to destroy, harganu-, destroy, to throw down, ruin, conquer, defeat, overcome, harnink->,
, destroy, to throw down,
lawar(ia), to despoil, pipa/pip, destroy, to knock down, to tear down, to overturn, to turn up, to throw up, dannattah-, to devestate (Hittite)

ruined, [<Lat. ruina],  bramble
[<OE braembel]; mar [<OE mierran, to damage, deface or spoil]
scatter [<ME scatteren],
catastrophe, sudden calamity, disaster, [<Gk. katastrophē],
harry [<OE hergian, to raid, sack, to disturb or annoy by constant attacks], harass, [<OFr. harer, to disturb or irritate persistently, to wear out, exhaust,

rovato, ruvato
Script Q139,

See also,

hare, Script Z953, Z1006, Z1057; Ind. Pres. 3rd Pers. Single, haurit = Etr. hauri, hare.
hara, Q244
HARiR, Script Z308, Z378, Z1825,
hareo (HAREV), K130
, Script Z308, Z378, Z18
haus (HAVS)
Script Z1300; Ind. Perf. 1st Pers. Single, hausi = Etr. haus.  (I draw out, shed blood."





Robigo (Rub) -in,
Robiscus (Rub) -i
, a diety invoked
to preserve grain
from mildew
rubeo-ere, to be red, to blush,


Rub-i, a diety
invoked to preserve grain


rub (RV8) Script N268, N476, N607
rub (RF8), PL-16 (this is an area of the Piacenza Liver)


u râ, -as, him, her,
pron.; ân, ân,
ân ciz, pron. it

go, jego, jemu, mu,
him; ja, jej, her; ono,
to, it (Polish)
SA, herself, to her (Romanian)

i tij, e tij, të tija, i
tiji, e tija, të tijtë, të tijat, his, pron.;
atë, asaj, i saj, e saj, të saj, her, pron.; i tij, i saj, i veti, e vetja, its, pron. (Albanian)

se or sese

suo, sua, suoi, sue, refl. pron. (Italian)
, poss. adj. his,
her, its, one's

reflexive pronoun
or poss. adj.


sa, ScriptZ522, Z842, Z1317, TC12, TC28, TC201, TC307, K103, Au17, AN30, TC103


hvatô [-], himsdelf, herself, thyself (Avestan)
خود  himself, itself, myself, oneself, thyself, xodas, xodas râ, himself, herself,

თვითონ, tviton, himself, herself, itself, themselves,  თავად, t'avad, you, yourself (Georgian)

 '-ni (sing.), -na (plur.), him, them, the (Urartian) man-, man-e (3rd person. pers. Pron. single) (Hurrian)

šâšu, to him, to her, that, the aforementioned, šuāšu, šuāti, to him, to her (m.f., singl. oblique), that the aforementioned (Akkadian)

самога сябе, сама, sama, herself (Belarusian)
sam, himself, ona sama, herself (Croatian)
samoha siabie, się, herself, himself, itself, themselves, yourself, samo, (Polish)
pats, himself, yourself itself, myself,
pati, itself, sev, sevi, yourselves, themselves, ourselves, itself, himself, myself (Latvian)
se, it, they, themselves, one, itself, himself,

însuşi, himself, oneself, singur,yourselves, yourself, himself, itself, herself (Romanian)
hän itse, himself, herself, itse, itself, themselves, himself, myself (Finnish-Uralic)

ο ίδιος,  o ídios, himself, εαυτό, eaftó, himself, itself, εαυτήν, eaftín, herself (Greek)
ինքը, ink’y, himself, itself, herself, oneself (Armenian)
ai vetë, himself, vetë, yourself, ourselves, itself, themselves,himself, myself,  ajo
vetë, veten [e saj],
vetes [së saj], vetë,
herself; vetë, itself,
pron. (Albanian)

bere burua, himself, herself (Basque)

se or sese, acc. sing. and pl. sui, genit. sibi, dat., se or sese, abl. or reflex. pron. 3rd pers., himself,
herself, itself,

id, Acc. N. himself, herself, itself, eius, sing., eis, iis, pl. eum (m) eam (f) id, Acc. Single, himself, herself, itself, se, sese, pl. Acc., Abl, himself, herself, itself

é féin, himself (Irish)
e fhèin, himself (Scott)
ei hun, hunan,
himself, herself,
itself (Welsh)
se, if, conj. whether, provide, in case, providing; , itself, himself, him, herself,  it, oneself reflex.pron.; si,one, itself, themselves, himself,  herself, oneself, (Italian)
se, reflex. pron., themselves, himself, herself, elle, it, she, her, herself

, -(ä)ṃ, him, her, it (Tocharian)
ehbi(je)-: N/A/D ehbi, Nt ehbij, AblI ehbijedi, Npl. ehbi, Apl. ehbis, Ntpl. ehbija, DLpl. ehbije, G adj. DL ehbijehi, his (Lycian)

apasila, apāsila,
himself (Hittite)

reflexive pronoun,
himself, herself,
itself, oneself,

See 3-113, "himself"

se, Script Z77, Z102, Z1310, J23, K11, K122, Q805, R26, R127, BT31, Au40, BB-3
Se, Script MS13, S-1, K117, K130, Z24
sese, Script Q424,
Q661, Q767
si, Script Q56, Q283, Q303, R40, R53, R195, G13, G45, TC170, K46, K52, M50, AB-6, AN-53, PG-1, ZB-1, Z79, Z104, Z139, R176, Q53, Q283, Q303, R39, R53, R173, R195, G13, G36, TC170, K46, K52, M50, AB-7, AN-53, PQ-2, XT-5





Sabelli-orum, the Sabines; vellus-eris, a fleece, skin or hide


Sabines? Reflexive sa + vellus?


sabels (SA8ELeS)
Script TC103

bāluḥ, sand, cumbanam, cumbati, to kiss, kurpa, sand; saikata, sandy, sandy soil, sandbank;
pamsu, dust,
sand; sikata,
sand, gravel;
nims, to kiss

mâse,  ماسه gravel, sand, rig, ریگ gravel, pebble, sand, stone, gumption, shen,
شن sand, buse بوسه  kiss (Persian)

ქვიშა, kvisha, sand,
კოცნა, k’otsna, to kiss (Georgian)

turbu’tu, sand dune, dust, dust heap, našāqu, to kiss, to kiss each other, to make a kiss,   (Akkadian)

пясок, piasok, sand, цалаваць, calavać, to kiss (Belarusian)
piasek, sand, 
pocałować, to kiss (Polish)
smiltis, sand, noskūpstīt, to kiss (Latvian)
nisip, sand, a săruta, to kiss,  (Romanian)
hiekka, sand,

suudella, to kiss (Finnish-Uralic)

άμμος, ámmos, sand, να φιλήσει, na filísei, to kiss (Greek)
ավազ, avaz, sand, համբուրել, hamburel, to kiss (Armenian)
rërë, sand,  për të puthur, to kiss (Albanian)

harea, sand, musu, kiss (Basque)

saburra-ae, sand used as ballest;
savior-ari, to kiss

gaineamh, sand, póg, to kiss (Irish)
gainmheach, sand, gus pòg, to kiss (Scott)
tywod, sand, i cusanu, to kiss (Welsh)
sabbia, sand,
bacio, kiss, baciare, to kiss  (Italian)
sable, sand, baiser
, kiss, embrasser, to kiss  (French)

રેતી, Rētī, sand, ચુંબન, Cumbana, kiss (Gujarati)
kum, sand, öpücük, kiss (Turkish)
құм, qum, sand, поцелу, pocelw, kiss (Kazakh)
qum, sand,
o'pish, kiss (Uzbek)
рег, reg, sand, бӯса, ʙūsa, kiss (Tajik)
кум, kum sand, өбүү, öbüü, kiss,  (Kyrgyz)
элс, els, sand, үнсэлт, ünselt, kiss (Mongolian)

kuas, kiss, kuuass, kuuasnu, to kiss (Hittite)

sand [<OE sand]
to kiss [<OE
rock, [<ONFr. roque]


sabo; savo (SA8V), Script K58
saf ( SAF), Script CF41

goṇī, canvas sack, puṭam, bag, bhastra, bag, sack, bellows; topara, small bag, purse, meṣaḥ, sheep, meṣacarman, sheepskin

guni, گونی sack; jib, kif, purse, kise, کیسه bag, sack, billfold, purse (Persian)

ჩანთა, chanta, bag, ტომარა, t’omara, sack, ჩანთაში,
chantashi, purse (Georgian)

azamillu, sack (netlike), kursinnu, leather sack, imtu, kunzu, luppu, leather bag, kīsu, bag, leather bag for stone weights and for a merchant’s silver, capital, silver kept in a bag for deposit banking, treasury, gurābu, bag, reinforcement around an earthenware jar,
naruqqu, bag, sack, a dry measure, etc., kaniktu, kanīku, sealed bag, mašqītu, leather enema bag, naruqqu, sack, bag, dry measure, a type of business investment society,  patnu?, sack,  takaltu, bag, pouch, stomach, part of the exta, udû, sack, container, equipment, term for household or luxury goods, zurzu, double pack sack made of goat hair, item of apparel  (Akkadian)

мяшок, miašok, sack,

сумка, sumka, bag, кашалёк, kašaliok, purse (Belarusian)
vreća, sack, torba, bag, torbica, purse (Croatian)
worek, sack,
torba, bag, portmonetka, purse (Polish)
maisas, bag, sack, (Lithuanian)

maiss, sack, soma, bag, maku, purse (Latvian)
kalikis, bag, 
SAC, sack, bag,
pungă, purse (Romanian)
säkki, sack, laukku, bag, kukkaro, purse (Finnish-Uralic)

σάκος, sákos, sack, τσάντα, tsánta, bag, πορτοφόλι, portofóli, purse (Greek)
պարկ, park, sack, տոպրակ, toprak, bag, քսակը, k’saky, purse (Armenian)
thes, sack, çantë, bag, qese, purse (Albanian)

poltsa, bag, zakua, sack, poltsan, diruzorro, purse (Basque)

sacculus-i, sack

sack, sack, mála, bag, sparán, purse (Irish)
sac, sack, bag, bag, sporan, purse (Scott)
ffetan-au, sack, bag,
sach-au, sack, pwrs, purse (Welsh)
sacco, sack, borsa, bag, purse (Italian)
sac, sack, bag, bourse, purse (French)

થેલી, Thēlī, કોથળો, Kōthaḷō, sack, bag, પર્સ, Parsa, purse (Gujarati)
sırt çantası, bag,
çuval, sack, çanta, purse, kese, bag, purse (Turkish)
bag,  сөмке, sömke, bag, қап, qap, sack, әмиян, ämïyan, purse (Kazakh) sumka, bag, qop, sack, hamyon, purse (Uzbek)
халта, xalta, bag, sack, ҳамьён, hamʹjon, purse (Tajik)
sumka, bag, мүшөк, müşök, sack, капчык, kapçık, purse (Kyrgyz)
цүнх, tsünkh, bag, шуудай, shuudai, sack, түрийвч, türiivch, purse (Mongolian)     

maisas, bag, sack (Hittite)

sack [<Gk. sakkos],
purse [<Gk. bursa,
bag [<ON baggi]<
gunny, gunny sack [<Skt. goni], a coarse fabric made of jute or hemp],


sac, ScriptZ317, Z328, Z1139, Z1825, Z2192, Z290, Z317, Z386, Z463, Z540, Z638, Z842, Z872, Z922, Z937, Z960, Z1065, Z1106, Z1292, Z1662, CP56
sacev, saceu (SACE8), Script N100
saco (SACV) Script CP-57

Note: based on the Welsh declension,
sach-au, "E8;" this may be the case -ibus in Latin. 

yajati, to sacrifice,

śuddha, pure, clean, pungha, holy

ýaozhdâ-, ýaozhda dhâiti [ýaozhdâ] purify, to cleanse, purification for a sacrifice, ýaozhdå [ýaozhdâ-], purity (Avestan)
sacrifice, قرباني كردن  qrbany kardan, to sacrifice, hâdoxt, sacrifice,  espand, pâk, پاک  sacred, pure, virginal immaculate (Persian)

shets’iro, to sacrifice, წმინდა, ts’minda, pure (Georgian)

itki, pure, clean, it-a-lzi (from itk, be clean), šeḫl-, clean, to be clean,
*šehel, to purify, ašh-, sacrifice (Hurrian)


ellu, sacred, holy, free, noble, clean, pure, šuluḫḫu, purification rite, markasu, sacred object, designation of a sacred object, center, link, bond of a wall, rope, cable of a boat, closure of a door, kiūru, sacred place, earth, amru, sacred precinct, sacrifice, gištaggû, meštagû, kišaḫû, a sacrifice, ḫitpu, a type of sacrifice, kapru, a type of sacrifice and the platter for it, alpu-a, to sacrifice a bull, immeru, to sacrifice or slaughter a sheep, niqê-a’, to establish sacrifices, naqû, to sacrifice, to offer sacrifices repeatedly, to shed blood, tears, pour a libation, etc., nadānu, to offer a sacrifice, a gift, hand over a document, to create, surrender, extradite, sell, to be sold, do business, take an oath, deliberate, etc., niqû, sacrifice, offering, tatiptu, sacrificial slaughtering,  zebû, to slaughter, sacrifice, elliš, in a pure fashion, brilliantly, ellu, pure, sacred, noble, free, holy, clean, ebbu, pure  (religiously), polished, shining, lustrous, clean, holy, trustworthy, proper, elēlu, to become pure, become free of debt by royal decree, to purify, make pure, keep pure, to consecrate to a diety, to make free, cleanse oneself, to be purified, ellūtu, purity, ella-mê, pure rites, divine garment, kupartu, purification, išippūtu, purify, to perform a ritual purification, kapāru, to purify magically, to rub, to be rubbed, to clean objects, to smear on (a paint or liquid), to be smeared, to wipe off, (Akkadian)

achviaravać, to sacrifice, чысты, čysty, pure (Belarusian)
žrtvovati, to sacrifice, čist, pure (Croatian)
zrtva, zrtvovati, to sacrifice

poświęcić, to sacrifice, czysty, pure (Polish)
sventas, sacred

upurēt, to sacrifice, tīrs, pure (Latvian)
sacrifice, to sacrifice, pur, pure (Romanian)
uhrata, to sacrifice, puhdas, pure, pyhä paikka, holy place, (Finnish-Uralic)

να θυσιάσει,
na thysiásei, to sacrifice,
καθαρός,  katharos, pure,

σκέτος, skétos, plain, pure (Greek) զոհաբերելու համար,
zohaberelu hamar, to sacrifice,
մաքուր, mak’ur, pure (Armenian)
te sakrifikosh, to sacrifice, i pastër, pure (Albanian)

sacro-are, purus, pure, clear, purgo-are-avi-atum, to cleanse, purge,clear away, expiate, exculpate, justify, purify, pūrgā́mus, we purify,

a íobairt, to sacrifice, íon, pure (Irish)
airson ìobairt, to sacrifice, fìor-ghlan, pure (Scott)
i aberthu, to sacrifice;
affrymu, to offer,
sacrifice, immolate, pur, pure (Welsh)
sacro, sacred, holy, sacrificio, sacrifice, sacrificare, to sacrifice, puro, pure (Italian)
sacré, adj., sacrifice, sacrifier, to sacrifice, pur, pure (French)

āṣtär (adj.) [B astare], pure, apadāt, clean, pure, talke, [B telki], sacrifice (Tocharian)

xi-: xi, 3rd pret. xi[st]te, sacrifice, mrκκ- (?): 3rd mrκκdi, to sacrilize, mla-: A mlu; mle-: A ml, Apl. Mlez, sacrificial, ñtemle- (?): G adj. ñtemlesi, sacrificial installation,

laκre- (?): D laκri, NApl. laκra, sacrificial table,

axa-: A axã, animal sacrifice,  axãt(i)-; axãtaza-: N axãti/axut, axãtaza, sacrifice,
kumaza-: 3rd kumazati, to sacrifice, kumehe/i-: NA kumehi, AblI kumehedi, Ntpl. kumaha (s. holy), sacred, kumaza-: 3rd kumazati, to sacrifice, kumalihe-: DL pl. kumalihe + sacrificial offerings, pl. mla, Gpl. ml (Lycian) 

prkua(i), paparkua, cleanse, to purify, parkui, to purify (Luvian)

wattani(ya)-, sacred holding, watti-, divine mountain, sipantahhi, sacrifice, pure, sacred, #šipantahhi, I sacrifice, sopiah, sacrilize, to purify, sopa, sacrilized meat, sopi/sopai, sopiant, sacred, purified, sopies, to become purified, sopisrant, being purified, sopiesr/sopiasr, sopiadr/sopian, purity, sopi(e)sra, purified woman, #uppi, uppi, pure, sacred, suppi-, clean, suppiiahh, to purify, -suppaya, cleanly, in a clean place, suppiyah-, to cleanse, to expiate, suppies, to become purified, warpanla, sacrificial offering, sheep, to sun god and moon god, prkuali, parkui- pure, parkue, to be pure, prkue, to be pure or clear or to be high, #parkui, clean, pure, parkues, parkuuantariie/a, prkuantrie/a, parkus, parkues, to become pure, parkues-, to become pure, to prove onself innocent, prkues, to become pure, prkuiadr/ prkuian, prkuemr, purification, parkuyatar, purification, atonement, prkui, prkuwai, clean, pure, free of, proven innocent, parku(i)e/a,
to make clean, to clear up, to become pure, #parkunu, to clear, parkunu, haddulah-, to
cleanse, parkunu-, to cleanse, excuse,  prkunu, to cleanse, to to purify, to declare innocent, to justify, to castrate, to clarify, huisnu- (TI-nu-), to cleanse, to save, to make alive, to keep alive, (GU4)puhugari-, expiatory sacrifice of a bull or an ox, substitute ox (Hittite)

to sacrifice, [<Lat. sacro-are], offer [<Lat. offerro
oferre, obtuli,
purge [<Lat. purgo],


See also 6-40, Purify, "soap,"

sakra, Script N311,

, Script Q303, Q311, Q375, Q416, Q481, R258, R270, R405
sakreo, sakreu (SAKREV),
Script R40
sakreu, sacrev
Script N598

See also,

por (PVR), Script
ZB-1, Z834; N294, G30
pora (PVRA), Script Q171, R437, R447, R521, R596, R635
pore (PVRE), Script Z1006, N216, Q290,
R40, R49, R181,
R204, R459, G21,
pori (PVRI), Script

prājñaḥ, sage, wise, ṛṣiḥ, holy, kati, of an ancient sage; kenipa, a sage; surarsi, a divine sage, rajarsi, a royal sage; kavi; adj., wise, thoughtful, a
wise man, seer, sage, poet; siddhadeza, laksanika, fortune-teller, prophet

xratêush [xratu], wisdom (Avestan)  aghi, عاقل wisdom, kheradmand, خردمند wise, sage, xordخرد wisdom, understanding, intellect, payâmbar,
پیامبر  prophet, seer, haruspex, messenger, nabi, نبی prophet, Mahdi, مهدی a prophet who will be resurrected and save the world  (Persian)

brdzeni, wise,
ts’inasts’armet’q’veli, prophet, მნახველი,
mnakhveli, seer (Georgian)

madi, wisdom, mad-o-nni-, wise (Hurrian)

āšišu, sage, wise, igigallu, wise person, adapu, angallu, wise, eršu, ummuqu, adj., wise, eršūtu, wisdom, apkallu, wise man, palkû, wise, vast, learned, extensive, broad, emqu, wise, skilled, educated, experienced, wily,
nēmequ, skill, cunning, experience, knowledge, mērešu, wisdom, knowledge, mudûtu, wisdom, information, knowledge, mudû, wise, learned, competent, expert, expert in a specific craft, knowledgeable, person known, acquaintance,  itpēšu, kabzuzu, wise, expert, šalbābu, wise, furious, raging, ṭāmu, wise, knowing one, tašimtu, wisdom, common sense, prudence, practical intelligence, judgment, uznu, wisdom, handle, understanding, part of plant, attention, uznu, in ša uznē, wise person (Akkadian)

шалфей, šalfiej, sage, мудры, mudry, wise, прарок, prarok, prophet, празорлівец, prazorliviec, seer (Belarusian)
kadulja, sage, mudar, wise, prorok, prophet, vidovnjak, seer (Croatian)
szałwia, sage, mądry, wise, prorok, prophet,  
jasnowidz, seer  (Polish)
salvija, sage, gudrs, wise, pravietis, prophet, redzētājs, seer (Latvian)
salvie, sage, înţelept, wise, profet, prophet,
clarvăzător, seer (Romanian)
salvia, sage,  viisas, wise,  profeetta, prophet,
näkijä, seer (Finnish-Uralic)

σοφός, sofós, sage, wise, σοφία, sofia, wisdom, προφήτης, profítis, prophet, seer (Greek)
սալաքար, salak’ar, sage, տեսողուհին, tesoghuhin, seer, մարգարեն, margaren, prophet, իմաստուն, imastun, wise (Armenian)
i urtë, sage,
parashikues, seer, profet, prophet, i mençur, wise sherbelë (Albanian)

salbia, sage,
jakintsu, wise, zentzudun, wise, sensible, sane, considerate, profeta, prophet (Basque)

sagax-acis, keen, acute, shrewd, clever;
, a
prohetess, fortune teller; vates-is, a
prophet, seer,
catus-a-um, sharp, cunning

saoi, sage, ciallmhar, wise, fáidh, prophet, seoltóir, seer (Irish)
glic, sage, wise, fàidh, prophet, fiosaichean, seer (Scott)
, sage, doeth, wise, proffwyd-i, prophet, gweledydd, seer (Welsh)
saggiare, to try, test;
saggio, sage, wise, profeta prophet, seer (Italian)
sauge, sage, wise; assagir, to make wiser, to steady; prophète, prophet, voyant, seer (French)

bilge, sage, wise person, akilli, wise, clever, astute, falci, seer,
kâhin, seer, prophet, oracle (Turkish)
дана, dana, wise, көруші, körwşi, seer (Kazakh) 
dono, wise, ko'ruvchi, seer (Uzbek)
шале, şale, sage, доно, dono, wise, хирад, xirad, wisdom, бинанда, ʙinanda, seer (Tajik)
акылдуу, akılduu, wise, көрөгөч, körögöç, seer (Kyrgyz)
ухаалаг, ukhaalag, wise, үзмэрч, üzmerch, seer (Mongolian)

opäśśi (adj.)  [B epastye], clever, skilled (Tocharian)

tahs (dahs?), to predict, htant, clever, intelligent, wise, hattatar, wisdom, parā handātar, wisdom, care, kappuwāi-, to predict, to visit, to control, to examine, to pay, reason, to provide with, (Hittite)

a sage [<Lat.
sapere, to be wise];
prophet [<Gk. profitis],
to test, make wise [<OE wīs] seer [<ME], accord, to be in agreement or harmony, [<OFr. acorder],
fate, {<Lat. fatum]


sage (SAbE)
Script Q224
sagi (SAbI)
Script N573, Q162
saih, S-50

See also,

cate, Script Z1586, N216
cates, Script AN-20 AN-37;
cato (CATV), Script N41, N160, N280,
N417, N483, N553, N624;
catos (CATVS), Script N206, N254 |
kate, Script R238, R653
kati, Script N311,| N378
kato (KATV)
, Script Q334, Q512, R437, R521, R565, R584;
KaTO (KaTV),

susthaḥ, arogaḥ, aruj adj., free from disease, sound, healthy, well; aroga, health, healthy, viroga, health, healthy;
ayusmant, adj., healthy,
bhisajy, -jyati, to heal, cure, cintā, care, concern

sâlem  سالم   healthy, tandorosti, تندرستی  health, sâlamat, سلامت  health,
la behboodi, بهبودی to cure, ng-hdary, نگهداری  care, support, custody (Persian)

jansaghi, healthy, განკურნება, gank’urneba, to cure, მზრუნველობა,
mzrunveloba, care, მოვლა, movla, care (Georgian)

melammu, health, glow of good health, awe-inspiring sheen (inherent in things divine and royal), supernatural, radiance, namru, good health, in fine shape, healthy, etc., minītu, health, proportions, size, etc., našu, healthy, prosperous, lusty, bulṭû, to heal a disease, ḫesû, to heal, qâšu, to bestow good health, make a votive offering, etc.,
nablāṭu, healing, life-giving,

ḫasāsu, care for, to think of a person, to be pious, to study, investigate, to worry, etc., naāšu, to be in good health, prosper, etc., šalāmu, health, well-being, untruth, welfare of a country, etc., šulmānu, health,  gift, well-being, retaining fee, etc., šalmu, healthy, sound, in good condition, correct, safe, etc., šulmu, health, well-being, completeness, ceremony of greeting, peace, safety, etc. (Akkadian)

здаровы, zdarovy, healthy, для лячэння, dlia liačennia, to cure, апека, apieka, care  (Belarusian)
zdrav, healthy, izliječiti, to cure, briga, care, concern, trouble (Croatian)
zdrowy, healthy,

wyleczyć, to cure, opieka, care (Polish)
veselīgs, healthy, izārstēt, to cure, aprūpi, care, rūpes, care, concern, trouble (Latvian)
ÎNSĂNĂTOŞI, to heal, SĂNĂTOS, healthy, a vindeca, to cure, leac, remediu, cure, remedy, medicine, grijă, care, solicitude (Romanian)
terve, healthy, parantaa, to cure, hoito, care (Finnish-Uralic)

υγιής, ygiís, ygieinos, healthy,
να θεραπεύσει, na therapéfsei, to cure, Φροντίδα, Frontída, care, concern (Greek)
առողջ, arroghj, healthy, բուժել, buzhel, to cure, խնամք, khnamk’, care, custody, charge (Armenian)
shëroj, to heal/cure; i
shëndoshë, healthy, për të kuruar, to cure, kujdes, care, diligence, guard (Albanian)

osasuntsu, healthy, sound, wholesome, sendatu, to heal, cure, arreta, care, kontu, caution, care, precaution  (Basque)

sannus, healthy,
sano-are, to
heal, cure, restore,
repair, curo-are-avi-atum, to take care of, attend to, cura-ae, cure, trouble, concern
paean-anis, the healer, surname of Apollo

sláintiúil, healthy, a leigheas, to cure, cúram, care, stad, stop, stop (Irish)
fallain, healthy,
slàn, adj. whole, sound, healthy, slànaighear, saviour, healer, airson leigheas, to cure, cùram, care, stad, stop (Scott)
, healthy, yn dda, well,
i wella, to cure, gofal, ofal, care, aros, stay, remain, stop (Welsh)
sano, salutare, healthy, sanare, to cure, heal, reclaim, remedy, settle,
curare, to cure, arresto, stop, arrest, halt,  (Italian)
sante, health, sain, healthy, guérir, to cure, arrêt, stop, arrest (French)

Çare, cure, bakim, care (Turkish)
дәрі-дәрмек, däri-därmek, cure, medicine, қамқорлық qamqorlıq, care   (Kazakh)
табобат, taʙoʙat, cure, цамхорӣ, camxorī, care, нигоҳубин, nigohuʙin, care (Tajik)
dori-darmon, cure, medicine, parvarish, care (Uzbek)

дарылоо, darıloo, cure, камкордук, kamkorduk, care (Kyrgyz)
эм тан, em tan, cure,
арчилгаа, archilgaa, care, анхаарал, ankaaral, care, attention  (Mongolian)

darie/a, to heal, cure, an action to cure an ill person, latsiah, cure, to make right, to repair, to give a favorable sign,  iya-, (), to heal with a ritual,
celebrate, to father, to realize, to do, haddulatar, health, innarah-, to make healthy, sāktāi- to nurse back to health, ar-, to care for, to walk, to stand, to stay, arsiya-, to take care of oneself, eat well,  assianu, to care, make beloved, asnu, to take care of, snu, to take care of, to be donewith, to deliver, penna-, to take care of, build, -anda, to take care, lead, to bring, to turn back, parā handātar, care, wisdom  (Hittite)

healthy? health:
haelan], hale [<ON heill, sound in health], cure, [<Lat. cura, care], care, [<OE,caera], arrest,[<OFr. arester]


sains, Script TC170
sana, Script N660,
Script AF-17, XR-3
Script Q500, R270,
sans, Script AL-8,
R653, TB-1
sanvos (SAN8VS) Script K17
sanim, Script AN35

See also,
kar, Script J19-2,
kare, Script Q406,
kari, Script J2-10,
karim, Script PV-11,
karen, Script R129,
kareto (KARETV), Script N341

kor (KVR)

(probably "heart")
kore (KVRE), Script, N21

core,  (CVRE), Script Z96,

paniem, possibly Pania, a region near Chioso

śālā, hall, zala, hut, house, hall, room, stable; sabha, house or hall for public meetings, court or palace of a prince
mahāprāsādaḥ, palatial, palace

otâq, اتاق  room, chamber, pad, , جا  room, house, sâlon, سالن   hall, kušk, کوشک chateau, castle, mansion, kâkh, کاخ palace, castle (Persian)
დარბაზი, darbazi, hall, სასახლე, sasakhle, palace (Georgian)

appadānu(u), a colonnaded audience hall, nišū, a palace, or a person, household, retainers belonging to an estate, serfs, subjects of a king, population, inhabitants, soldiers, workmen, people, human beings, mankind, family, members of a family, ekallu, royal palace, royal property, main room of private house, ekallû, person attached to the palace, ekallu, in ša pān ekalli, palace overseer, ērib ekalli, palace official admitted to certain parts of the palace, qereb-ekalli, palace insider, eŝmāhu, a great palace, dašari, a type of palace, kalzu, palace area around or connected with the palace, ḫilānu, in bīt ḫilāni, palace room or portico (Akkadian)

зала, zala, hall, палац, palac, palace (Belarusian)
dvorana, hall, palača, palace (Croatian)
hol, hall, sala, room,
pałac, palace (Polish)
halle, hall, pils, palace, castle, chateau (Latvian)
hol, SALĂ, hall, palat, palace (Romanian)
sali, hall, palatsi, palace, mansion (Finnish-Uralic)

αίθουσα, aithousa,
diadromos, hall,
παλάτι, paláti, palace  (Greek)
դահլիճ, dahlich, hall, պալատ, palat, palace, chamber, house (Armenian) sallë, hall,  korridor, hallway, pallat, palace (Albanian)

aretoa, atondo, hall,  jauregi, palace (Basque)

qasr, قصر palace, sala, صالة  hall  (Arabic)

atrium-i, hall,
entrance, room:

halla, hall, Pálás, palace (Irish)
talla, hall, lùchairt, palace (Scott)
llys-oedd, law or royal court; neuadd -au, hall; plas-au, hall, mansion,
palas, palace (Welsh)
sala, hall, palazzo, palace (Italian;
salle, hall, palais, phalace (French)

હોલ,hōla, hall, મહેલ, mahēla, palace, રાજમહેલ,Rājamahēla, palace (Gujarati)
, hall, living room,
Saray, palace, court, seraglio, (Turkish)

zal, hall, chamber, сарай, saray, palace, shed, castle (Kazakh)

толор, tolor, hall, қаср, qasr, palace,   (Tajik)
zal, hall, room, assembly, saroy, palace (Uzbek)
зал, zal, hall,
, saray, palace (Kyrgyz)

tankhim, hall, auditorium, ордон, ordon, palace, castle (Mongolian)

tunnakessar,  (É.ŠÀ), inner chamber,
halentio, palace,
salli É-ir, palace, big house, sālasha-, palace servant (Hittite)

hall [<OE heall],
room [<OE rum];
corridor [<OItal.
corridore], salon
[<OItal. sala],
palace, [<Lat. palatium],


sale, Script AB-1
, Script K13;
salo, (SALV)
Script L25

lavaṇam, lavaṇa-, salt, to salt, akṣār, natural salt

namak, نمک  salt

marili, salt (Georgian)

ṭābtu, salt, ṭābtu, in sa ṭābti, salt dealter, amānu, red salt, šittu, salted, dried meat, šakānu, to salt, preserve, pledge, provide, place in fetters, appoint, dimension, weight, etc., midlu, process of salting meat, fish, ēṣūma, salt marsh (Akkadian)

соль, soĺ, salt (Belarusian)
, salic, v. imp. (Belarus)
sol, salt (Croatian)
slan, so, usoliti, salt

Sól, salt (Polish)
salis, salt (Baltic-

sāls, salt (Latvian)
SARE, salt (Romanian)
suola, salt (Finnish-Uralic)

άλας, álas, salt, alati, salt  (Greek)
աղ, agh, salt (Armenian)
kripë, salt; krip, kripos, to salt (Albanian)

gatza. salt (Basque)

sal, salis, salsus-a
, salted, salty, hence, sharp, biting, witty; adv.

salann, salt (Irish)
salann, salt (Scott)
halen, salt, hallt (heilltion), salt, salty, brackish, severe (Welsh)
holen, salt (Breton)
sale,  salt, wit
sel, salt, salé, adj.
salty (French)

Lūṇa, salt (Gujarati)
tuz, salt (Turkish)

Тұз, tuz, salt (Kazakh)
tuz, salt (Uzbek)
Намак, namak, salt (Tajik)
туз, tuz, salt (Kyrgyz)
Давс, Davs, salt (Mongolian)

sal, salt (Illyrian)
sále, salt (Tocharian)

salt [<OE sealt]


sal, Z1274, Z1282, Au25
salso (SALSV)
Script Z648)







Salini, person's


Salini, name? Script TC71, TC279
Salinis, Script TC290)

natana, dance, pantomine,
nṛtyati, dance, nartayati, to dance, tark, to turn, nayati, to lead, to guide
raghs, رقص dance, pâykubi, raqsidan, رقصیدن to dance, paridan,  پرش  jump, mhmany v ghyrh, (dvrh) (مهمانی و غیره) دوره whirl (Persian)

ცეკვავენ, tsek’vaven, to dance, ხტომა,
kht’oma, to jump,
წვიმა, ts’vima, to whirl, ჩართოთ, chartot, to turn, ირონია, ironia, to twist (Georgian)

pid-, dance, rotate, round, to turn around (Hurrian)

gâšu, dance, to whirl, gūštu, whirl-dance, kulu’u, dancing, performing dances and music, member of the temple-personnel (of Īštar), garāru, turn, to turn or roll over, to roll, to roll over, šaḫāṭu, to jump, attack, escape, twitch, etc., raqqidu, jumper, dancer, raquddu, dancer?, riqdu, riqittu, šuāru, dance,   (Akkadian)

танцаваць,  tancavać, to dance, скакаць, skakać, to jump, кружыцца, kružycca, to whirl, павярнуцца, paviarnucca, to turn, круціць, krucić, to twist   (Belarusian)
plesati, to dance, za skok, to dance, vrtjeti se, to whirl, okrenuti, to turn, da se uviti, to twist  (Croatian)
tańczyć, to dance, skakać, to jump, wirować, to whirl, skręcić, to turn, skręcić, przekręcić, to twist  (Polish)
daina, dance, dainot,
to dance (Baltic

dejot, to dance, lēkt, to jump, pavirpties, to whirl, pagriezties, to turn, vērsties, to twist (Latvian)
dansezi, to dance, sari, to jump,  SALT, jump, la vârtej, to whirl, a intoarce, to turn, să se răsucească, to twist (Romanian)
tanssimaan, to dance, hypätä, to jump, pyörrä, to whirl,  kääntyä, to turn, vääntää, to twist (Finnish-Uralic)
να χορέψουν,
na chorépsoun, to dance, για να πηδήσει, gia na pidísei to jump, γυρίζω, gyrízo, to turn, whirl, rotate, τορνεύω, tornévo, to turn  (Greek)
պարել, parel, to dance, ցատկել,  ts’atkel, to jump, շնչել, shnch’el, to whirl, շրջել, shrjel, to turn, հեգնանքով, hegnank’ov, to twist (Armenian)
për të kërcyer, to dance, to jump, rrotullohet, to whirl, për t'u kthyer, to turn, të kthesh, to twist  (Albanian)

dantza, dance, dantzatu, to dance,
salto egin, dance, jauzi egin, to dance (Basque)
salto-are, to dance,
torquo-, torquere, torsi, tortum, to twist, wind, curl, wrench, to distort, to hurl violently, whirl, to rack, torture, torment, plague, try, test,
damhsa, to dance, chun léim, to jump, casadh, to turn, twist  (Irish)
dannsa, to dance, gus leum, to jump, gus tionndadh, to turn, a 'giùlan, to whirl, airson gluasad, to twist, rotate (Scott)
i ddawnsio, to dance, neidio, to jump, leap, bound, throb, bounce, i droi, to turn, i chwistrellu, to whirl (Welsh)
ballare, to dance, saltare, vi. to jump, vault, explode; danza, dance, girare, to turn, whirl (Italian)
danser, to dance, danse, dance, sauter, to jump, leap, bound, explode, tourner, to turn, faire tournoyer, to whirl, (French)

નૃત્ય, Nr̥tya, to dance (Gujarati)
dans, dance (Turkish)

би, bi, dance (Kazakh)
raqs, dance (Uzbek)
рақс, raqs, dance (Tajik)
бийлөө, biylöö, dance (Kyrgyz)
бүжиглэх, büjiglekh, dance (Mongolian)

[B, tark,], to twist around (Tocharian)

tar(k)u, tarku, to dance,
tarueskla, dancer, uatku, uatkunu, to jump,
watku, jump, to jump out of, flee, to spring, watkunu, to jump, to make someone jump, flee, wahnu->, uahnu, ne, nēa, wehzi, to turn, nāi-, to turn to turn oneself, to lead, to guide, to happen, nai/ni, ne/nai/ni, to turn, turn to someone, turn oneself, send, (Hittite)

to dance [<OFr. danser], sing with gestures, vault [<Lat. volvere, to turn] to jump or leap over,
whirl,[<ON hvirfla], turn [<Gk. tornos, lathe], gyrate [<Lat. gyrare], to revolve, rotate, [<Lat. rotare], torque, [Lat. torquere, to twist], vertigo, [<Lat. vertere, to turn]

salt, Script (TC179)
jaṅghā, leg, pādaḥ, foot, ayatha, leg, foot; caritra, foot, leg, ūruḥ, sakthi, thigh 
frabdem [frabda], pad, foot, bâzvô [bâzû], limb, arm, forleg (Avestan)
pâپا  leg, foot,     panje, پنجه paw, rân, پنجه  thigh  (Persian)
ფეხი, pekhi, leg, ფეხით, pekhit, foot (Georgian)

uri, kurə, kure-,  ugri-, uri-, foot,  qurə, foot, leg (Urartian)
kur-e, kure-li,
uri ~ ur-ni, foot, feet, u-krə, foot, leg, ugri, foot (Hurrian)

kursinnu, leg, lower leg of animals and human beings, fetlock, *gudgudu, leg, lower leg part, of the lower leg of a quadruped, ḫameru, foot (Kassite word), kurṣû, foot fetters, links, kiru, in ša bīt kiri, footman (lit. man from the storeroom or pantry), (Akkadian)

ножка, nožka, leg, фут, fut, foot  (Belarusian)
noga, leg, foot (Croatian)
, leg, 
stopa, foot (Polish)
kāja, leg, pēda, foot (Latvian)
picior, leg, foot (Romanian)
jalka, leg, foot (Finnish-Uralic)

πόδι, pódi, leg, foot (Greek)
ոտք, votk’, leg, foot (Armenian)
këmbë, leg, foot

hanka, leg, oin, oinez, foot (Basque)

crus, cruris, shin, shin- bone, leg, shank, leg of a bridge, pier, support; pes, pedis, foot

cos, leg, chos foot (Irish)
chas, leg, bonn, foot (Scott)
coes-au, leg, shank, droed, troed (traed) foot,  clun-iau, hip, haunch, thigh, leg;  hegl-au, leg, shank (Welsh)
zampa, leg; piede, foot (Italian)
jambe, leg, pied, foot (French)

પગ, paga, foot, leg (Gujarati)
ayak, foot, leg (Turkish)
аяғы, ayağı, leg, аяқ, ayaq, foot, leg (Kazakh)

oyoq. leg, foot, paw (Uzbek)
пой, poj, leg (Tajik)
бут, but leg, таман, taman, foot (Kyrgyz)
хөл, khöl, foot, leg (Mongolian)

pe, pai, paiyye, foot (Tocharian)
AblI  pededi, foot (Lycian)
pata/i,pada/i, foot (Luvian)

pad/pd/pda, foot, leg,
padiali, foot, leg of furniture, paduma, foot of a bed?,  pdlha, foot, soul of a foot, patas, #pata, pata- (GÌR), foot,
pdala, leg wrapping,
egdu, leg,
sakuta(i), thigh, tasku(i), thigh bone, wala/wali, thigh bone? (Hittite)

leg [<ON lleggr], paw [OFr. powe, of Gmc. orig.],
foot [<OE fōt]
pajamas, sleeping trousers with jacket [<Hindi pāejāma], shank, part of the leg between the knee and ankle, [<OE, sceanca], buttocks, the rump, [<ME butte]


sam, Script
Z842, Z1770, AN54

pavitrayati, to sanctify, pavitrīkaroti, to sanctify, consecrate, punāti, to hallow, sanctify, diks, diksate, to be consecrated, puṇgha, holy

ýaozhdâ-2] ýaozhdadhâiti [ýaozhdâ], purify, to cleanse, purification, state of purity for the sacrifice (Avestan) spanta, سپنتا holy, divine, sacred, maghaddas, مقدس holy, taqdysتقدیس consecration, santification, canonization (Persian)
gants’mendet, to sanctify, წმინდანი, ts’mindani, saint, წმინდა, ts’minda, holy (Georgian)

ašh-, sacrifice (Hurrian)

ebbu, holy, lustrous, shining, trustworthy, proper, pure (religiously), polished, clean, ellu, holy, sacred, free, noble, clean, pure, elliš, pure, in a pure fashion, brilliantly,  (Akkadian)

асвячаць, asviačać, to sanctify, святой, sviatoj, saint, holy (Belarusian)
posvećivati, to sanctify, svetac, saint, svet, holy (Croatian)
poswiecic, consecrate,
uświęcić, to sanctify, święty, saint, holy  (Polish)
svētīt, to sanctify, svētais, saint, svēts, holy (Latvian)
sfințească, to sanctify, sfânt, saint, holy (Romanian)
pyhittämään, to sanctify, pyhimys, saint, pyhä, holy (Finnish-Uralic)

να αγιάσει,
na agiásei, to sanctify, άγιος, ágios, saint, holy

սրբացնել, srbats’nel, to sanctifys, Սուրբ, Surb, saint, holy (Armenian)
për të shenjtëruar, to sanctify, shenjt, saint, i shenjtë, holy (Albanian)

santua, holy,

sagaratzeko, to consecrate,
santifikatzeko, to sanctify (Basque)

sancio, sancire,
sanxi, sanctum
[sancitum], to consecrate

a shaothrú, to consecrate,  beannaithe, sanctified, naomh, saint, naofa, holy (Irish)
a choisrigeadh, to consecrate,
gu bhith naomhachadh, to sanctify, naomh, saint, holy (Scott)
i gysegru, to consecrate
sancteiddio, to sanctify, hallow, sant, saint, sanctaidd, holy (Welsh)
consacrare, to consecrate, per santificare,  to
santo, saint, holy (Italian)
sanctifier, to sanctify, saint, saint, holy (French)

takdis, to sanctify, muqaddas, holy, sacred (Turkish)

qasïettew, to sanctify, киелі, kïeli, holy (Kazakh)
poklang, to sanctify, muquaddas, holy, sacred (Uzbek)
муқаддас намоед, muqaddas namoed, to sanctify, муқаддас, muqaddas, holy (Tajik)
ыйыкта, ıyıkta, to sanctify, ыйык, ıyık, holy (Kyrgyz)
ариусгах, ariusgakh, to sanctify, ариун, ariun, holy (Mongolian)

talke, [B telki], sacrifice (Tocharian)

kumehe/i-: NA kumehi, AblI kumehedi, Ntpl. kumaha, sacred, holy,

kumaza-: 3rd kumazati, to sacrifice,

axa-: A axã, animal sacrifice, axãt(i)-; axãtaza-: N axãti/axuti; axãtaza, sacrifice, kumalihe-: DL pl. kumalihe + sacrificial offerings, pl. mla, Gpl. mlẽ, kumezi(je)-: Nt kumezij, Ntpl. kumezija, holy, sacred (Lycian)
mrκκ- (?): 3rd mrκκdi, to sacrilize, mrκκasuwt(i)-: mrκκasuwti, sacred, holy, xi-: xi, 3rd pret. xi[st]te, sacrifice, mla-: A mlu; mle-: A ml, Apl. Mlez, sacrificial (Mylian)

sipantahhi, I
sacrifice; uppi, pure, sacred, s
opi/sopai, sopiant, purified, sacred, sopa, sacrilized, meat, suppiiahh, sopiah, to purify, to sacrilize, suppies, sopies, to become purified, sopisrant, being purified, sopiesr/sopiasr, sopiadr/sopian, purity, sopi(e)sra, purified woman, priestess, (GU4)puhugari-, expiatory sacrifice of a bull or an ox, substitute ox (Hittite)

to consecrate [<Lat. consecro-are],
sanctify, make
inviolable, ratify, holy [<OE hālig]


santi, Script Z1282;
santis, Script Z1337

svahastika, hoe, hatchet;
kuddālaḥ, hoe, uddharati, to weed, pick off, khanitram, mattock?  ṭaṅkaḥ, mattock, paraśuḥ, battle-axe

harze vash,  هرز واش weed, byl zadan, بیل زدن to hoe, mytynمیتین mattock, jodā kardan, جدا کردن  to separate, tabar, تبر axe, hatchet, battle-axe (Persian)
ჰოუ, hou, to hoe, გრეჩიხას, grechikhas, to weed, მატოკი, mat’ok’i, mattock, ცული, tsuli, axe, hatchet  (Georgian)

allu, kullu, narbaquhoe, hoe, apūtu, a light hoe, aḫzu, eḫzu, a thin hoe, šelliptu, a type of hoe,  arāru, to dig with a hoe, allu, in ša alli, hoe-wielder, rapāqu, to hoe, break up the soil, išin eqli, weed, išbabtu, weed or grass, šarāmu, to weed, trim, prune, cut to size, break open a seal, etc., kasmu, weeded, pulled, cut up, kāsimu, weeder, kismu, weeding, wabā’u, to be full of weeds, wabû, grown wild, full of weeds, alsudilû, mattock, primitive instrument for breaking up the soil, aṣṣinnu, ulmu, axe,  ārimānu, a type  of axe, kulpašu, a divine weapon, probably an axe, agû, agasalakku, agasalikku, agasilikku, kalappu, kibirru, nedintu, qulmû, an axe, kisītu, an axe or weapon, kalmakru, battle-axe, pāštu, double-handed axe, pāšu , axe or hatchet (Akkadian)

пушыць, pušyć, to hoe, палоць, paloć, to weed, матачка, matačka, mattock, сякера, siakiera, axe, hatchet (Belarusian)
za kopanje, to hoe,
na korov, to weed, pijuk, pickaxe, mattock, sjekira, axe, hatchet, battle-axe (Croatian)
do motyk, to hoe, do chwastów, to weed, graca, mattock, hoe, topór, axe, hatchet, adze   (Polish)
kaplis, hoe, ravēt, to weed, cirvis, axe, hatchet (Latvian)
să mănânci, to hoe, la buruieni, to weed, săpăligă, mattock, hoe, topor, axe, hatchet, cleaver (Romanian)
kuokka, hoe, mattock, kuokkia, to hoe, kitkeä, to weed, hakku, pickaxe, kirves, axe, hatchet   (Finnish-Uralic)
να σκαπάνη,
na skapáni, to hoe, σε ζιζάνια, se zizánia, to weed, αξίνα, axina, mattock, pickaxe, hoe  (Greek)
het’anosut’yun, to hoe, մոլախոտ, molakhot, to weed, դաստակ, dastak, mattock, կացին, kats’in, axe (Armenian)
për të kapur, to hoe, 
për të korrur, to weed, kazmë,  mattock, sëpatë, axe (Albanian)

zulatu, to hoe, aitzur, hoe,
belarrean, to weed, aizkora, axe (Basque)
sario [sario]-ire, -ui
and-ivi, to hoe, ascia-ae, axe, mason's trowel, dolabra-ae,, axe, mattock, pick-axe, pick

le fiaith, to weed, go hoe, to hoe, toit, mattock, tua, axe (Irish)
gu càil, to weed, gu h-àrd, to hoe, ceò, mattock, toit, tuagh, axe (Scott)
i hoe, to hoe, i chwyn, to weed, gaib, chaib, matog, mattock, bwyell, axe (Welsh)
zappare, to hoe, a erba, to weed,  sarchiare, to weed, ascia, axe, adze (Italian)
houe, to hoe,  sarcler, à l'herbe, to weed, hache, axe (French)

પાવડો, Pāvaḍō, n. hoe, shovel, નીંદણ, Nīndaṇa, to weed, મેટockક, Mēṭaockka, mattock, કુહાડી, Kuhāḍī, axe, hatchet (Gujarati)
çapa, n. hoe, kazma, mattock, digging, digger, pickaxe, balta, axe, hatchet, cleaver (Turkish)
кетік, ketik, n. hoe, матка, matka, mattock, балта, balta, axe (Kazakh)
ketmon, n. hoe, zambil, mattock, bolta, axe, hatchet (Uzbek)
хает, xaet, hoe, матбаа, matʙaa, mattock, табар, taʙar, hatchet, axe (Tajik)
кетмен, ketmen, hoe, mattock, балта, balta, axe (Kyrgyz)
зээтүү, zeetüü, hoe, матка, matka mattock, сүх, sükh, axe, байлдааны сүх, baildaany sükh, battle-axe (Mongolian)
锄头, Chútóu, to hoe, 锄, Chú, hoe, 斧,  Fǔ, axe, 斧頭, Fǔtóu, axe, hatchet, chopper (Traditional Chinese)

w ätk-, to separate (Tocharian)

hatara, hoe (Luvian)

, to separate,
sarpa, a sickle; sarh, to attack, t
uhs, tuhsana/ tuhsani, tuhus, separate, to cut off, to be cut off, separated,  tsahel(i), weeds, harb, to separate oneself, atis, axe, sumitant, axe, tekan, pickaxe (Hittite)
to hoe [<OFr. houe, of Gmc. origin], weed [<OE woed], herb, [<Lat. herba], harrow [<ME harwe], a farm implement to break up ground, mattock, [<OE, mattuc], axe, [<OE, æx], hatchet, {<OFr. hache, axe, of Gmc. origin], swastika, {<Skt., svastikah, a sign of good luck, a sign used by Nazi Germany],


sar, Script Z1853,
sari, Script Z981,
saris, Script Z776,
saro (SARV),
Script Z1282
sarrom (SARRVM),
Script Z572, Z1378;
sarroms (SARRVMS),
Script Z543;

Script R79 –
reflexive verb, ran? third person pl.?,

See also,
6-164 "pickaxe"
pikun (PIKVN)
Script Z1386







Sarina, name of a queen


Sarina, Script K46
See Note (1)

upalaḥ, round stone, pebble, parvati, rock, stone, parvata, rocky,
śilā, stone, śilā, block of stone, śiloccayaḥ, śilā, rock, zila, rock, stone, mahazaila, great rock or mountain (maha, “great”), stone, zara, mottled, spotted, a stone used at games, azan,, stone, rock, sky; mahazaila, great rock or mountain, giripati, chief of the mountains, high mountain or rock; drsad, rock, large stone, esp. the nether mill-stone, ragg, raggati, to move hither and thither, rock; pasana, stone; adri, rock, stone, esp. bruising
or hurling stone,
mountain, cloud,
ṣaṣ, six

asmanaca, made of stone, xshvash, six (Avestan)
سنگ stone, rock, gowhar, گوهر, gem, pebble, stone, kolux, stone, sangsâr kardan, to stone, pebble, rig, ریگ, gravel, pebble, stone, sand,,
chakhmaq, flint, shesh, شش  six (Persian)
gar, duru_t, stone

kva, stone,
კენჭი, k’ench’i, pebble, 
როკი, rok’i, rock, ექვსი, ekvsi, six (Georgian)

šeše, six (Urartain)
šeže, six (Hurrian)

ajarau (see urijau), abnu, û, stone, kurgarrānu, kurumtu, leek, karašu, marušuetc, a stone, *girimillibû, girinnu, ḫannaḫūru, a precious stone, asmanu, stone, blue-green color, šeššet, six, (Akkadian)

камень, kamień, stone, галька, haĺka, pebble, шэсць, Рок, rok, rock, šesć, six  (Belarusian)
kamen, stone (Belarus)
kamen, stone, šljunak, pebble, stijena, rock,
kremen, flint, šest, six (Croatian)
kamenica, stone, litica, stena, rock (Serbo-Croatian)
kamień, stone, kamyk, shingle, pebble,
krzemień, flint, crystał, sześć, six (Polish)
akmenis, stabas, rock

akmens, stone, rock, olis, pebble, seši, six (Latvian)
piatră, stone, pietros, stony, prundiș, pebble, stâncă, rock, ŞASE, six (Romanian)
kivi, stone, pebble, kallio, rock, solid rock,
piikivi, flint, kuusi, six (Finnish-Uralic)

πέτρα, pétra, stone, χαλίκι, chalíki, pebble, βράχος, vráchos, rock, έξι, éxi, six  (Greek)
քարը, k’ary, stone, ռոք, rrok’, rock, աղբը, aghby, pebble, վեցը, vets’y, six (Armenian)
guri, stone, guralec, pebble, guriçkë, pebble, grit, flint, strall, flint,  gjashtë, six (Albanian)

harri, stone, arroka, rock, harribil, harkozkor, pebble,  sei, six, (Basque)

lapis-idis , stone;
saxum-i, rock, stone,

silex-icis, any hard stone, flint, rugus-i, funeral pile,   sex, six

cloch, stone, méaróg, pebble,  carraig, rock, , six (Irish)
clach, stone, cladhach, pebble,  carraig, creag, cairge, rock; carragh, rock, pillar, monument, sia, six (Scott)
caregan (caregen,
), stone,
carreg (cerrig), stone,
caregu, to stone, petrify, maen (meini), stone; maen hir, monolith, chwech, six (Welsh)
maen, stone (Breton)
pietra, stone, ciottolo, pebble, roccia, rock, saasso, silice, flint, sie, six  (Italian)
pierre, stone,
caillou, pebble, roche, rock, boulder, stone, stony mass, rocheux, rocky, silex, flint, six, six, (French)

ખડક, Khaḍaka, rock,
પથ્થર, Paththara, stone, કાંકરી, Kāṅkarī, pebble, stone, ચકડોળ, Cakaḍōḷa, flint (Gujarati)

taş, stone, rock, gem, kaya, rock, flint, çakıl, pebble (Turkish)
тас, tas, stone, rock, аскатаужынысы, tawjınısı, rock, шөгінді, şögindi, flint, малтатас, maltatas, pebble (Kazakh)
tosh, stone, qoya, rock, cliff, fall, kremenlar, flint, chaqmoq tosh, flint,  toshli tosh, pebble, shag'al, pebble, sand, gravel (Uzbek)
санг, sang, stone, rock, флинт, flint, flint, сангпушт, sangpuşt, pebble, шацал, shatsal, pebble  (Tajik)
таш, taş, stone, аска, aska, rock,оттук, ottuk, flint, шагыл, şagıl, pebble  (Kyrgyz)
чулуу, chuluu, stone, рок, rok, rock,  цахиур чулуу, tsakhiur chuluu, flint, (tsakhiur, silicon), хайрга, khairga, pebble,  (Mongolian)
石, shi, stone, rock,
卵石,Luǎnshí, pebble, cobble, shingle (Traditional Chinese)

kärwañ*[B kärweñe], rock, stone (Tocharian)

#peruna, peruna, peru, perun, perunant-NA4, rock, peru, perun, rock, cliff, boulder, perunant, rocky, craggy, hekur, rock sanctuary, "mountain house," (Sumerian/ Hurrian word), passila,  pasilap, pasilant, NA4,  stone, pebble,  pasuela stone object, passilas, stone, pasila, stone, pebble, gem, precious stone, (Hittite)

stone [<OE stan],
cobble (<ME
cobelstan, a
naturally rounded
rock used for paving
streets], rock
[<ONFr. roque],

silica, quartz, sand, crystaline compound [<Lat. silex], crag, a rocky prominence [<ME], six [<OE siex],
chalk, [<Gk. kalix, stone],
flint, [<OE],

sas, Script TC150;
sase, Au49;

See also,

petr, Script Z1854,
TC61, TC137
petro (PETRV),
Script TC-1, TC120;
petros, (PETRVS)
ScriptTC38, TC61, TC144, TC190

See also,
SILiCI, Script B-25, TC273, TC283, BT-1, Z-1

pūrayati, abhidhi, to satisfy, fill, sanni kr, appease, satisfy, tarpayati, to satiate, bharita, adj., filled, full of; garbhavatī, pregnant, aṇḍam, egg, aṇḍa, an egg, the testicle

xshnaoma, satisfaction, ahm, aêm[-], egg, this, that (Avestan) erzâ kardan,
ارضا کردن‎ to satisfy,  por kardan, پر کردن  , âgadan, to fill, bârdârباردار, adj., pregnant, tokhmemorgh, تخم مرغ egg (Persian)
_akka, full (Yagnobian)
d.ak, full (Pushtu)

დააკმაყოფილოს, daak’maq’opilos, to satisfy, შევსება, shevseba, to fill,
k’vertskhi, egg

kapp-, to fill a vessel (Hurrian)

dapāru, to become sated, to satisfy, apālu, satisfy, to give satisfaction, satisfy a legitimate demand, šib’u, satiety, šabī’u, satisfied, sate person, šebû, to satisfy, to quench one's thirst, hunger, to fill, etc., šebû, adj., sated, šabī’u, sated person, satisfied, ṭakpāpu, to become full, sated, illu, egg membrane, nest, quiver, a meteorological phenomenon, (Akkadian)

zadavolić, to satisfy, запаўняць, zapaŭniać, to fill, цяжарная,  ciažarnaja, pregnant, яйка, jajka, egg (Belarusian)
zadovoljiti, to satisfy, ispuniti, to fill, trudna, pregnant, jaje, egg (Croatian)
zaspokoić, to satisfy, wypełnić, to fill, pelnia, pelny, full, w ciąży, pregnant, jajko, egg (Polish)
lai apmierinātu, to satisfy, piepildīt, to fill, grūtniece, pregnant, olu, egg (Latvian)
pentru a satisface, to satisfy, SAŢ, satiety,  SĂTURA, to saturate, a umple, to fill, gravidă, însărcinată, pregnant, OU, egg   (Romanian)
tyydyttääkseen, to satisfy, täyttää, to fill,  raskaana, pregnant, muna, egg (Finnish-Uralic)

να ικανοποιήσει,
na ikanopoiísei, to satisfy, να γεμίσω, na gemíso, to fill, έγκυος, énkyos, pregnant, αυγό, avgó, egg (Greek)
լրացնել, lrats’nel, to fill, բավարարել, bavararel, to satisfy, հղի, hghi, pregnant, ձու, dzu, egg, (Armenian)
për të kënaqur, to satisfy, plotësoj, to fill, vezë, egg (Albanian)

bete, to fill, occupy, fulfill, betea, to become full,
asetzea, to become sated, me barrë, pregnant, arrautza, egg (Basque)

satio-are, to satisfy, fill,

; repletus-a
; to fill again,
satisfy; amplus-a
, large,
spacious, ample, satis, sat, enough, sufficient, satisfacio, to satisfy,  praegnans-antisgravidtas-atis, pregnant,

ovum-i, egg

a shásamh, to satisfy, a líonadh, to fill, ag iompar clainne, pregnant, uibheacha, egg (Irish)
gus a bhith riaraichte, to satisfy, a lìonadh, to fill,  trom, pregnant, ugh, egg (Scott)
i fodloni, to satisfy, digoni, to suffice, satisfy,  i llenwi, to fill, beichiog, pregnant, wy-au, egg  Welsh)
saziare, to satiate, per soddisfare, to satisfy, riempire, to fill, pleno, completo, amplo, sazio, adj. full, incinta, pregnant, uovo, egg   (Italian)
satisfaire, to satisfy, remplir, to fill, plein, entier,  repu, adj. full,  enceinte, pregnant, oeuf, egg (French)

ભરવુ, Bharavu, to fill, સંતોષ, Santōṣa,  to satisfy, ગર્ભવતી, adj., Garbhavatī, pregnant, ઇંડા, Iṇḍā, egg  (Gujarati)
tam, full,
tatmin etmek, to satisfy, hamile, pregnant,, yumurta, egg (Turkish)
толық, tolıq, full, қанағаттандыру, qanağattandırw, to satisfy, жүкті, jükti, pregnant, жұмыртқа, jumırtqa, egg (Kazakh)
to'la, full,
qondirmoq, to satisfy, homilador, pregnant, expectant, ikkiqat, pregnant, tuxum, egg (Uzbek)
пурра, purra, full,
каноатманд, kanoatmand, to satisfy, ҳомиладор, homilador, pregnant, тухм, tuxm, egg (Tajik)
толук, toluk, full, канааттандыруу, kanaattandıruu, to satisfy, боюнда бар, boyunda bar, pregnant, жумуртка, jumurtka, egg  (Kyrgyz)
дүүрэн, düüren, full, хангах, khangakh, to satisfy,  жирэмсэн, jiremsen, pregnant, өндөг, öndög, egg, cyst (Mongolian) 

suna, suwa, to fill,
suaru, full (Palaic)

sunnae /sunnanzi, sunna/sunn, suue/a, sunniie/a, so, suna/sun, soa, sue/a,
#šuwái, sūniya-, sunna, to fill, sunatsiant, to fill to the brim, sumreske/a (somreske/a?), to become filled, because of pregnancy, sunumesr, filling?, suwant-, full, filled, suus, so, so/soau, full, soaru, full, complete, klank, gangadāi-?, to satisfy, hassik(ka)nu, to satiate, hassikk, to satiate oneself, hassik-, ispāi-, to eat one's fill,  ispāi->, ispai/ispi, ispae, ispiie/a, to be satiated, ispai/ispi, to get full, be filled, be satiated, ispan, ispiyātar, satiatian, abundance, ispan, satiation, ispiyatar, satiety, ispiianu, to saturate, ZI-as arnu, to fullfill desires, take away, to bring, to pay, replace, anku/nku, fully (Hittite)

to satisfy, [<Lat. satisfacere, to give satisfaction],  fill [<OE fyllan],
egg [<ON eggja]


sat, Script Z865,
sata, Script Z391, VG-3
sate, Script N324;
sati, Script Z865.
sato (SATV),
Script R554
sataro (SATARV) Script VG-3,

See also:
7-64, "to fill again":

replio (REPLIO) Script K43;

See also,
7-4, "full":
plenas, Script R-8, R107,

See also,
6-90, "egg":
ov (V8), Script N533, N563, N738, N767, Q821, R619, TC108
ove (V8E) Script TC120

paryāpta, enough

bas, بس enough, adequate, kâfi
کافی  enough (Persian)
საკმარისი, sak’marisi, enough (Georgian)

matar, in la matar, enough, no more, adv. (Akkadian)

dastatkova, enough (Belarusian)
dovoljno, enough (Croatian)
dosyc, enough (Polish)

pietiekami, enough (Latvian)
suficient, enough (Romanian)
tarpeeksi, enough (Finnish-Uralic)

αρκετά, arketá, eparkis, enough

բավական, bavakan, enough (Armenian)
mjaft, enough

nahikoa, enough (Basque)

satis or sat, enough, sufficiently, fairly,
quite; compar.
satius, better, more
advantageous; satine, satin = satisne, introducing questions, i.e., is it not right? satis (or sat) ago or satago -agere, to satisfy or pay a creditor, to have enough to do, have one's hands full

Go Leor, enough (Irish)
gu leòr, enough (Scott)
digon, adj., gwala, enough, filled (Welsh)

abbastanza,  sufficienza, quanto basta, enough
assez suffiisant, enough (French)

પૂરતૂ, Pūratū, પર્યાપ્ત, Paryāpta, enough (Gujarati)

кофӣ, kofī, enough (Tajik)
dala, enough! (Hittite)

enough, [<OE genōg]
[<Lat. sufficio-ficere-feci -fectum, to put under, supply]


satan, Script Q26
, Script Q30
satina, Script K148
satene, Script K100, K168, S-10, S32

vaptṛ, sower,
śūkarī, varāhī, to sow, vījam, bījam, seed,

kâštan, کاشتن to sow, kasht kar, کشت کار sower (Persian)
შთამომავალი, shtamomavali, sower, თესლის დათესვა, teslis datesva, to sow seed (Georgian)

mazrû, sowing basket, zarû, sow seed, broadcast, to scatter, sprinkle, to winnow, *zaru, grown from seed (said of the date palm), zarû,  scattering, inclined to squander, zērānu, seeding fee paid by a tenant for additional seeding (Akkadian)

xсейбіт,  siejbit, sower, пасеяць насенне, pasiejać nasiennie, to sow seed (Belarusian)
sejač, sower, sijati sjeme, to sow seed (Croatian)
siewca, sower, siać ziarno, to sow seed (Polish)
sējējs, sower, sēt sēklas, to sow seed (Latvian)
semănător, sower, a semăna semințe, to sow seed (Romanian)
kylväjä, sower, kylvää siemeniä, to sow seed (Finnish-Uralic)

σπορέας, sporéas, sower, να σπείρουν σπόρους, na speíroun spórous, to sow seed,  σάτυρος, sátyros, Satyr  (Greek)
սերմեր, sermer, sower, սերմ ցանելու համար, serm ts’anelu hamar, to sow seed  (Armenian)
mbjellës, sower, për të mbjellë farë, to sow seed, satir, faun, Satyr (Albanian)

hazia ereiteko, to sow seed, hazi, seed, ereillebat, sower (Basque)

sator-oris, a sower, planter, begetter, father, producer, sero-serere, sevi, satum, to sow, set, plant, sata-orum, standing corn, crops, to beget, engender, bring forth, satus-a-um, sprung, born, in gen., to produce, give rise to, semino-are, to sow, plant, to beget, produce,
semen-inis, seed, seedling, slip, race, child, origin, instigator

sower, sower, chun síol a chur, to sow seed, siol, seed, (Irish)
sìol, sower, sìol a chur, to sow seed (Scott)
gwaredwr, heuwr, sower, i hau had, to sow seed, had, seed (Welsh)
seminatore, sower, seminare seme, to sow seed, satyro, Satyr (Italian)
semeur, sower, semer des graines, to sow seed, satyre, Satyre (French)

વાવો, Vāvō, to sow (Gujarati)
ekmek, to sow,
saçmak, to scatter (Turkish)
егу, egw, to sow,
шашырау, şaşıraw, to scatter  (Kazakh)
ekmek, to sow, plant, sepmok, to scatter, sow, sprinkle (Uzbek)
кошта, koşta, to sow, партофтан, partoftan, to scatter, throw  (Tajik)
эгин, egin, to sow, тыштоо, tıştoo, to scatter  (Kyrgyz)
тариалах, tarialakh, to sow, тарааж хаях, taraaj khayakh, to scatter, tarraj, to spread out (Mongolian)
播種, Bōzhòng, sowing, to sow seeds, seeds, 分散, Fēnsàn, to disperse, scatter (Traditional Chinese)

kätā-  [B kätā-], to spread, disperse (Tocharian)

sēr,   suhha->, to scatter, soha/soh, to scatter,  ishuwa->, ishuuai/ishui, ishuuae, to scatter, to throw, (Hittite

sower, [<OE sāwan, to sow] satyr? begetter? disseminate, to sow [<OE, wan], seed, cast, [<ON, kasta] seed, semen, seed


Script Z157
SATeR, PL-2 (area of the Piacenza Liver)

See also:

serev, sereb
, Script
N647, N738, N748;
seri, Script Z289, Z462, Z463, Z543, R359
sero (SERV), Script S50
serut (SERVT) Script L-2 (L.

serúit, 3rd. Pers. S. Perf.)

x x x x Sabelli-orum x Sabines, people of northern Italy

Saveles, Sabeles (SA8ELeS) Script TC103
kopaḥ, anger, rage, ṛghāya, to be passionate, impetuous, rave, rage; roṣa, anger, wrath, passion, fury rosaprati, to be angry with; , parikrudh, to fly into a rage,
kruddhaḥ, krodhaḥ, anger, krudh, kradhyati, to be angry with, krudhmi &{krudhmi3n} adj., wrathful, irritable, angry,
khashm, خشم rage, fury (Persian)
გაბრაზება, gabrazeba, rage, რისხვა, riskhva, fury (Georgian)

annāqu, rage, choking with rage, furious, labābu, to rage,  gaṣāṣu, to rage, to be raging, to bare the teeth, to gnash the teeth, kaduḫḫû, raging (lit. with the open mouth), ezzetu, fury,  mēzezu, fury, fierceness,  šalbābu, raging, furious, wise, nadru, nanduru, nalbubu,  šezuzu, raging, furious, nā’iru, raging, roaring, howling, ra’bu, furious, angry, overbearing, šamriš, furiously, fiercely, impetuously, šamru, adj., violent, fierce, šitmuru, raging, impetuous, high-mettled, šumru, fury  (Akkadian) 
xлютасьць, liutaść, rage, fury (Belarusian)
bijes, rage, fury, ljutite se, grow angry, (Croatian)
wściekłość, rage, furia, fury (Polish)
dusmas, rage, fury, niknums, fury (Latvian)
furie, rage, fury,
mânie, anger, wrath, rage, fury (Romanian)
raivo, rage, fury (Finnish-Uralic)

οργή, orgí, rage, μανία, manía, fury, ταρβος, tarbos, alarm, terror, awe, θυμός, thymos, anger, (Greek)
Zayruyt’y, rage, կատաղություն, kataghut’yun, fury (Armenian)
bujë, rage,
tërbim, fury (Albanian)

amorrua, sumin, rage, amorru, rabies, fury, cholera,  haserrea, fury (Basque)
saevio-ire, to be furious
torvus-a-um, savage, grim, fierce,
rabio-ere, to rave, rabide, adv., furiously, rabidus, adj., raving, mad, impetuous

buile, rage, fiúnach, fury (Irish)
boile, rage, fearg, fury (Scott)
cynddaredd, rage, fury, llid, fury (Welsh)
rabbia, rage, furore, fury, collera, anger, rage, wrath (Italian)
rage, rage, fureur, fury, violence (French)

öfke, anger, rage, fury, hiddet, anger, rage, fury, wrath, exasperation (Turkish)
qaharlı, fury,
ашу, aşw, anger  (Kazakh)
g'azab, anger, fury, qahr, fury, wrath, rage (Uzbek)

хашм, xaşm, fury, rage, malice, anger (Tajik)
каар, kaar, fury, ачуулануу, açuulanuu, anger (Kyrgyz)
уур хилэн, uur khilen, anger, fury, rage, passion, bait (uur, steam) (Mongolian)

httmi-: N httmi/ httemi, anger, httme/i-, angry (Lycian)
sttã-: 3rd stt[ã]ni, to become angry (Mylian)

arkui, anger, fury,
(TUKU.TUKU-att-), anger, (TUKU.TUKU), to be angry, kappilazza-, to get angry, to lose one's temper, krpi, anger, wrath, fury, karpi-, fury, rage, anger, wrath, karp, karpie/a, to be angry, karpes, krpiwala, furious, karpiwala-, angry, furious, karpes, karpiya-, to become angry, kartimmiyatt-, anger, kardimie/a, kartimiie/a kartimmies, krdimies, kartimmiya-, krdimiant, krdimiestokrdimi(a)nu, krdimiah, kardimiiahh, kardimi(a)nu, to make angry, krdimiat, anger, cause of  anger, tarkuualliie/a, trkuant, to look angry, trkualie/a, to look angrily, trkuliur, furious look trkua, adv. angrily, tarkuwa, angry, sāi-, to be angry, to go, sānt-, furious, sausiyar, rage, anger, sāuwar, anger, resentment, ishizziya-, to get angry, pāi-, to be angry (Hittite)
rage [<Lat. rabies] to be furious, fury, [<Lat. furere, rage], truculent, savage and cruel, fierce, pugnacious [<Lat. truculentus], boil,. to be excited, as with rage, vaporize water, etc., [Lat. buillere],

savo (SABV) Script K61,

See also,
4-111, "anger, irate":

ir, Al-5
ire, Script MS14
iri, Script Z10, Z54, Z61? Z245, Z606, Z1807, AP-2]
irecer, Script R128

sopan, sopānam, stairs, a ladder, a flight of steps

pellekân,پلّکان   stairs  (Persian)
k’ibeebi, stairs (Georgian)

лесвіца, liesvica, stairs (Belarusian)
stube, stairs (Croatian)
, stairs, shodek,
stair (Polish)
kāpnes, stairs (Latvian)
scară, stairs (Romanian)
portaat, stairs (Finnish-Uralic)

σκάλες, skáles, stairs, skala, ladder

աստիճաններ, astichanner, stairs (Armenian)
shkallët, stairs

eskailera, stairs (Basque)

scalae-arum, pl., a flight of stairs, ladder; milit. scaling ladders

staighre, stairs (Irish)
staidhre, stairs (Scott)
grisiau, stiars, ysgol-ion,
academy, ladder (Welsh)
scala, staircase, le scale, stairs (Italian)
escaliers, stairs (French)

stairs [<OE staeger], staircase, ladder [<OE hlaeder]


skal, Script Q767

jānāti, to know,
vid, vetti, to know,
understand, learn, perceive, experience,
feel, think;
, look, look at, view, perceive, know; budh, bodhati,

budhyate, to understand,

wake, awake, watch, notice, perceive,
learn, know
vid- [-], vaêdâ [vaêd, vid] to know, vîdvå [vîdhvangh] knowing, vaêdha, knowledge, information (Avestan)
دانستن   to know, senâxtan, âgâh
budan, to know


tsodna, to know (Georgian)

pal-, to know (Hurrian)

edû, to know, idû, to know something or someone, to take cognizance of, etc.,  edūtu, knowledge, akāmu, ro know, understand, inform, instruct, prescribe, etc., lamādu, to know sexually, to be knowledgeable, to become known, informed, to become informed, inform somebody, etc,  mudû, wise, learned, competent, expert, expert in a specific craft, knowledgeable, person known, acquaintance, mudûtu, knowledge, information, wisdom, medû, adj., known, inu, knowledge, technical lore of a craft, mērešu, knowledge, wisdom, kitimtu, hidden knowledge, secret, nēmequ, skill, wisdom, cunning, experience, knowledge, tāḫīzu, lore, learning, cunning, experience, knowledge, ṭāmu, wise, knowing one, tašimtu, wisdom, common sense, prudence, practical intelligence, judgment (Akkadian)

ведаць, viedać, to know (Belarusian)
znati, to know (Croatian)
, knew,
wiedziec, to know,
znac, know (Polish)
zināt, to know (Latvian)
știi, to know (Romanian)
tietää, to know (Finnish-Uralic)

για να ξέρεις,
gia na xéreis, to know (Greek)
իմանալ, imanal, to know (Armenian)
të dish, to know, njoh, know (Albanian)

jakin, to know, ezagutza, knowledge, ulertu, to understand (Basque)

scio, scir, scivi or scli, scitu; sciens-entis, knowing,
aware, capire, to understand

a fhios, to know (Irish)
fios a bhith agad, to know (Scott)
i gwybod, to know, gwybod-a, knowledge,
i nodi, to identify; (Welsh)
e, conoscere, to know, capire, to understand (Italian)
à savoir, connaître,
to know, comprendre,. to understand (French)

જાણવા, Jāṇavā, to know (Gujarati)
донистан,  donistan, to know (Tajik)

kärsā, [B kärsā-], A/B kärs/śars,  to know, understand, let know, tell, announce, kärsām, adj. knowing, kärsālune, knowledge, understanding, knānmune, knowledge, knā- (vb.)  [B knā-], to know, knānal, adj., knowing (Tocharian)

warpa/i, knowledge, craft, skill (Luvian)

sek-, sak-, to know, sākki, sakk/skk, sak/sk, to know (about), to experience, to heed, to pay attention to, to recognize, to remember, to be expert in, sak-, to know, to recognize, sakinu-?, to understand?, sekkant-, known, conscious,  isduwa-> to be known, isduwa-, well known, to become famous, parjanaza, #parjanaza, to know (Hittite)

to know, [<OE
cnawan] understand, edify, [<Lat. aedificare, to build], educate, to teach, stimulate, [<Lat. educare]


sce, Script TC-1, TC140, TC58, TC61, TC190, R173, R177, AH-11, Au9
scinir, Script K124;
scis, Script Q127, Q139,
sco ne (SCV) NE, Script K154, "know not."
skenem (SKENEM) Script XA-33,

See also,
2-22, "to understand":

cape, K74
caper, Z532, Z674
capere, Q297
caperi, ZB-4, Z842, Z1770
, Script, N689, N725, R286, R554, R633
kapirus (KAPIRVS) Script Q683

doṣaḥ, fault, crime, pāpam, offence, sin, khaṇḍitavṛtta, scoundrel, vṛṇīte, to choose,

jerm, جرم crime, germ, guilt, ganahkar, گناهکار guilty, gazidán, گزیدن to choose
ბოროტი, borot’i, scoundrel, დამნაშავე, damnashave, guilty,  არჩევა, archeva, to choose (Georgian)

gillatu, gullultu, crime, misdeed, sin, arnu, to commit a crime or sin,
sartu, to commit a crime, lemnu, crimes, to commit crimes, ḫābilu, criminal, evildoer, ardadu, criminal, thief, ḫīṭu, in ša ḫīṭi, criminal, ḫaû, to trespass, to commit an offense, to neglect, to make a mistake, to fail, miss, to damage, injure, masiktu, in bēl masikti, criminal, arnu, to commit a sin or crime (Akkadian)

zlačynstva, crime,
нягоднік, niahodnik, scoundrel, вінаваты, vinavaty, guilty, абіраць, abirać, to choose (Belarusian)
kriminal, crime, nitkov, scoundrel, kriv, guilty, izabrati, to choose (Croatian)
przestępstwo, crime,  łajdak, scoundrel, winny, guilty, wybierać, to choose (Polish)
noziegums, crime,
nelietis, scoundrel,
vainīgs, guilty, izvēlēties, to choose (Latvian)
crimă, crime, ticălos, scoundrel, vinovat, guilty,  a alege, to choose (Romanian)
rikollisuus, crime,
roisto, scoundrel, syyllinen, guilty,
valita, to choose (Finnish-Uralic)

έγκλημα, énklima, crime, αχρείος, achreíos, scoundrel, ένοχος, énochos, guilty, διαλέγω, dialégo, to choose (Greek)
հանցանք, hants’ank’, crime,  ցնցող, ts’nts’vogh, scoundrel, մեղավոր, meghavor, guilty, ընտրել, yntrel, to choose (Armenian)
krim, crime, faqezi, scoundrel, fajtor, guilty, per te zgjedhur, to choose (Albanian)

crimena, crime, errudun, guilty,
aukeratu, to choose (Basque)

scelero-are; scelus-eris, a crime,
calamity, scoundrel

coireacht, crime, villain, villain, ciontach, guilty, Roghnaigh, to choose (Irish)
eucoir, crime, sneachda, scoundrel, falach, villian, ciontach, guilty, a thaghadh, to choose (Scott)
trosedd, crime, adyn-od, wretch, soundrel, ffilin, villian, euog, guilty, i ddewis, to choose (Welsh)
crimine, crime, colpevole, guilty,  scégliere, to choose, select (Italian)
criminalité, crime, scélérat, scoundrel;
scéléatesse, villainy,
la  sceller, to seal up, fasten, confirm, coupable, guilty, choisir, to choose (French)

A pare, [B peri], guilt, [B triinkossu], guilty, kri, choice, will (Tocharian)

wastul, crime, sacrilege, sin, e. iya-, essa-, to commit a crime, to spill blood, QĀTĪ HI.A esharnu-, to become vile, paper, papres, to be proven guilty, papres/papras, guilty by ordeal (Hittite)

to pollute with guilt, [<OE, gylt], crime, {<Lat. crimen], scoundrel, to choose to
seal [<Lat. sigillum]
up, to choose [<OE cēosan],
culpable, [<Lat. culpare, to blame]


scela (SCeLA), Script PQ-13
sceles, Script Q837, R193
SKeLES, Script Q717
Script N462, Q183, Q335, Q406

yaṣṭiḥ,  yasti, staff, stick, stalk, daṇḍaḥ, danda, stick, staff, pole, cudgel, mace, club; stick, staff, rājadaṇḍaḥ, scepter, mace, vetra, a reed, staff;  rambha, prop, support, staff; vip, adj.,
agitated, inspired, switch, rod, staff (of an arrow),
Śākhā, branch

'sa, staff, rod, baton, stick, šâxe, شاخه arm, bough, branch, twig, chamaq,  club, mace, bat, qatdar, اقتدار scepter, sovereignty, diadem (Persian)
jokhi, stick,
კვერთხი,  k’vertkhi, scepter,
wand, ფილიალი, piliali, branch (Georgian)

gamlu, staff,  a hooked or curved staff, gamliš, like a hooked or curved staff, uṭāru, sacred staff, stick, aṭṭu, staff, stick, scepter, branch, twig, shelf, aṭṭu, in bēl aṭṭi, scepter bearer, lamû, branch, larû, branch, fork (Akkadian)

палка, palka, stick,
скіпетр, skipietr, scepter, філіял, filijal, branch (Belarusian)
štap, stick, žezlo, scepter, podružnica, branch (Croatian)
kij, stick, berło, scepter, gałąź, branch (Polish)
nūja, stick, scepteris, scepter, filiāle, branch (Latvian)
băț, stick, sceptru, scepter, ramură, branch, ram, antler, bough, ramuri, antlers, boughs (Romanian)
tikku, stick,
valtikka, scepter, haara, branch (Finnish-Uralic)

ραβδί, ravdí, stick, rod, staff, bar, wand, σκήπτρο, skíptro, scepter,  κλαδί, kladí, branch  (Greek)
փայտ, p’ayt, stick, արքայական գավազան,
ark’ayakan gavazan, scepter, մասնաճյուղը, masnachyughy, branch (Armenian)
shkop, stick,
skeptër, scepter, degë, branch (Albanian)

makila, stick, haga, stick, bar, zetro, scepter,
adar, branch, horn, shaft (Basque)

Scipio-onis, a
family of the gens Cornelia;
ramus-i, branch, twig; sceptrum-i, scepter, dominion

maide, stick, scepter, scepter, géaga, branch (Irish)
bata, stick, scepter, scepter, meur, branch (Scott)
ffoniwch, stick, ffon (ffyn), stick, staff, cudgel; paladr (pelydr), ray, beam, staff, stem; llath-au, yard, wand, sceptr, scepter, cangen, branch (Welsh)
bastone, stick, scettro, scepter, ramo, branch (Italian)
bâton, stick, mât, pole,
mast, sceptre, scepter,
branche, branch (French)

રાજદંડ, Rājadaṇḍa, scepter, શાખા, Śākhā, branch (Gujarati)
asa, scepter, sopa, stick, bat, club, baston, walking stick, staff, rod  (Turkish)
таяқ tayaq, scepter, stick (Kazakh)
hassa, scepter, stick, walking stick, tayoq, stick, walking stick, bludgeon, shoxcha, branch, twig (Uzbek)
асои, asoi, scepter, часпед, casped, stick (Tajik)
таягы, tayagı, scepter, таяк, tayak, stick  (Kyrgyz)
тахиа, takhia, scepter, мод, mod, tree, stick (Mongolian)

karke [cf. B karāk*], branch (Tocharian)

tura, to use a weapon/stick,
tura/i, stick, weapon (Luvian)

alkistan, branch,
paḫḫin,?, stick (Hittite)

staff [<OE staef],
wand [<ON vöndr], stick [<OE sticca]; scepter (sceptre) [<Gk. skeptronlath [<OE laett]; bat [<OE batt], family name?, branch, [<LLat., branca, paw], mast, {<OE mæst], a vertical pole


Scepis, Scripts
N194, Q854

See also,
ram, Script BS-26
s, Script Au7,
ramo (RAMV),
Script Au74, N216;
ramor (RAMVR),
Script Z817;
ramoer (RAMVER),
Script Z826

vidyālayaḥ, school, academy, śikṣayati, to teach, pāṭhaśālā, school
madrase, مدرسه  school (Persian)
sk’ola, school (Georgian)
школа, škola, school (Belarusian)
škola, school (Croatian)
szkoła, school (Polish)
skola, school (Latvian)
, school
koulu, school (Finnish-Uralic)
xσχολείο, scholeío, school (Greek)
դպրոց, dprots’, school (Armenian)
shkollë, school (Albanian)

eskola, school (Basque)
 schola-ae scoil, school (Irish)
sgoil, school (Scott)
ysgol, school (Welsh)
scuola, school (Italian)
école, school (French)
school [<Gk. skholē], debate

scol (SCVL) Script K38

vṛścikaḥ, scorpion

kazdom,کژدم scorpion, agharabعقرب  scorpion  (Persian)
მორიელი, morieli, scorpion (Georgian)

скарпіён, skarpijon, scorpion (Belarusian)
škorpion, scorpion (Croatian)
Skorpion, scorpion (Polish)
skorpions, scorpion (Latvian)
scorpion, scorpion, SCORPIE, dragon lady (Romanian)
skorpioni, scorpion (Finnish-Uralic)

σκορπιός, skorpiós, scorpion (Greek)
կարիճ, karich, scorpion (Armenian)
akrep, scorpion

eskorpioi, scorpion (Basque)

scorpio-onis and
scorpios [os] -i, a scorpion, military engine for throwing missiles

scairp, scorpion (Irish)
sgorpion, scorpion (Scott)
-au, scorpion
scorpione, scorpion
scorpion, scorpion

વીંછી, Vīn̄chī, scorpion (Gujarati)
akrep, scorpion (Turkish)
шаян, şayan, scorpion (Kazakh)
chayon, scorpion (Uzbek)

каждум, kaƶdum, scorpion (Tajik)
чаян, çayan, scorpion (Kyrgyz)
каждум, kaƶdum, scorpion (Mongolian) 



scorpi (SCVRPI),
Script A

likh, likhati (-te), draw a line, write, write down, engrave,
mudritaḥ, inscription, mudrayati, to inscribe, engrave
neveshtan,  نوشتن  to write, katybh, کتیبه , inscription (Persian)
წერა, ts’era, to write, წარწერა, ts’arts’era, inscription (Georgian)

alamgû, engraver of seals,
esēqu, incise a relief, apportion lots, to draw, lapātu, to write, record, to be written down, recorded, to paint a surface, to touch, to hurt repeatedly, strike a chord, commit a sacrilege, evil-portending, etc., *ḫurruru, deeply incised, našpartu, written order, instructions, message, letter, proxy, agency, service, miiṣtu, writing, cuniform wedge, stroke of the stylus, wound, meḫiu, cutting tool?, i’lu, written agreement, etc. , ekēku, to scratch, egirtu, letter, tablet, šaṭṭiru, scribe, šaṭāru, writing, copy, exemplar, text, inscription, to have a monument inscribed, record, assign, register, to have a legal document made, etc., šaru, adj., inscribed (stela, seal, etc), written, recorded, etc., mašṭaru, šiirtu, text, inscription, širu, document, inscription, text, narû, inscribed stone monument, temmennu, inscription, foundation, foundation document, musarû, inscription, object bearing a royal inscription, uppu, flat surface, board, inscribed tablet, ṭuppu, in mār bīt ṭuppi, scribe, member of the scribal profession, ṭupšarmaḫḫu, chief scribe, ṭupšarratu , female scribe, ṭupšarru, scribe, tablet writer, ṭupšarrūtu, status or employment of a scribe, literacy, scribal learning, scholarship, craft of the scribe, uṣṣuru, adj., drawn, engraved, incised, uurtu, divine design, plan, concept, ordinance, relief, picture, engraving, plan, drawing, document of obligations, etc.,      (Akkadian)
пісаць, pisać, to write, надпіс, nadpis, inscription  (Belarusian)
napisati, to write, natpis, inscription (Croatian)
pisać, to write,
napisał wrote, napis, inscription (Polish)
peisatuns, to write (Baltic-Sudovian)

rakstīt, to write, uzraksts, inscription (Latvian)
a scrie, to write,  SCRIITURĂ, composition, inscripţie, inscription (Romanian)
kirjoittaa, to write, kirjoitus, inscription (Finnish-Uralic)
να γράψω, xna grápso, grafo, to write, επιγραφή, epigrafí, inscription (Greek)
Գրել, Grel, to write, գրություն, grut’yun, inscription (Armenian)
te shkruash, to write, skalit, to inscribe Albanian)

idatzi, to write,
inskripzio, inscription (Basque)
scripo, scribere,
scripsi, scriptum
, to write; compono
ponere, posui
, to put
together, compose
chun scríobh, to write (Irish)
a sgrìobhadh, to write, sgriobtuir, scripture (Scott)
i ysgrifennu, to write, sgwennu, to write (slang); ysgythru, to etch, cut, carve, engrave, graze, prune, lop (Welsh)
scritta,  inscription;
scriver, to write (Italian)
écrire, to write, inscription, inscription (French)

ppuwe-: 3rd pl. ppuwti, to write, pu-: 3rd pret. pude/pud, 3rd pl. pret. puñtẽ, to inscribe (Lycian)

kuls, inscribe, to write, engrave, carve, decree, guls-, to write, to scratch, to mark, kultsi, engraving, kultsa, to draw, write,  kisa, to scratch, #hatura, to write, hatrae, hat, hatura, to write, to report, to declare, to order, hatrāi-, to write, assign name, hatuas, hatuars, a letter, siyāi-, to draw, to flatten, to stamp, to open by pushing, to seal, to cover with a seal, to run, flow, tbaria, to decree (Hittite)
to engrave [<OE
grafan], draw [<OE dragan], write [<OE
writan], compose,
indite [<Lat. indiceo dicere -dixi -dictum, to make publicly known, proclaim], to scratch, [<ME scracchen].to make a shallow cut or mark with something sharp

scriato, (SCRIATV)
possibly scria tu (N100)
apit, adj., barren, dry, jalahIna,
waterless, dry;
zyana, adj., dried, dry; tars, trsta, adj., dry, rough, harsh; dah, dahati (-te), to burn, consume, destroy, dry up; zus, zusyati (-te), to dry, wither, fade, dry up, parch, emaciate, afflict, destroy,
churitaḥ, to cut, kṛntati, to cut meat, vibhajati, to sever, seperate
, dry
xošk, خشک  dry, boridan, بریدن  to cut , zadan, زدن to cut, hit, cut off, etc., (Persian)
მშრალი, mshrali, dry, ჭრა, ch’ra, to cut (Georgian)

ablu, abiltu, adj., dry, dried, īūbulu, to dry up, mašṭû, drying place (used to spread fresh foodstuffs for drying), dried state, arurtu, drought, famine, ḫuddudu, adj., cut, deeply cut, indented, ḫarāpu, to cut, arû, to cut branches, erû, to cut trees, kašāṭu, to cut off, to cut down orchards, fruit trees, to interrupt, karā tu, to break off, to strike, kartu, adj., cut up, kaṣābu, to cut off, gaṣāṣu, to cut, trim, mutilate, kasmu, cut up, chopped, pulled, weeded, kaziztu, cutting off, kismu, cutting, weeding of green plants, ḫibištu, cuttings, cuttings of resinous and aromatic substances, plants of aromatic substances, fragrance, šēlūtu, cutting edge, blade, šēltu, cutting edge, blade, scrapper, šābulu, dry, dried out, withered, shriveled, šakāsu, to dry, dry out, rašāku, to dry, drip, na’āpu, to dry out, dry up, tābīlam, in a dry state, urruru, desiccate, to dry out, (Akkadian) 
сухі, suchi, dry,
рэзаць, rezać, to cut (Belarusian)
suho, dry, rezati, to cut (Croatian)
suchy, dry, uciąć, to cut
sausas, dry; sausint,
to dry (Baltic

sauss, dry, griezt, to cut (Latvian)
uscat, dry,  SEC, I dry, I empty, SICA, the dacian dagger,
a tăia, to cut (Romanian)
kuiva, dry, katkaista, to cut (Finnish-Uralic)
ξηρός, xirós, dry, τέρσομαι, tersomai, to become dry, να κόψω, na kópso, to cut, άδης, ádis, Hades, underworld, inferno (Greek)
չոր, ch’vor, dry, կտրել, ktrel, to cut (Armenian)
thatë, dry, te presesh, to cut (Albanian)

lehortu, to dry, moztu, to cut (Basque)
sicco-are, to make dry siccus-i-um, siccum, dry, thirsting, thirsty, of health, sound, sober, temperate, of style, plain, simple;
seco, secare, secui, sectum
, to cut, amputate, to wound, hurt, divide, part, make by cutting;
sica, dagger,

torero-, torrere, torrui, toastum, to burn, parch, dry up, torrens-entis, burning, hot, parched, rushing, a torrent
tirim, dry, a ghearradh, to cut (Irish)
tioram, dry, seac, wither, cause to wither, parch, fade, decay, a ghearradh, to cut  (Scott)
sych, dry, sychu, to dry, dry up, absorb, wipe, mop, drain, i dorri, to cut (Welsh)
asciugare, to dry, seccare,  asciutto, dry; tagliare, to cut (Italian)
sécher, to dry, sec, dry, couper, to cut (French)

સુકા, Sukā, dry કાપવું,  Kāpavuṁ, cut (Gujarati)
kuru, dry, (Turkish)
qurğaq, dry (Kazakh)
quruq, dry (Uzbek)
хушк, xuşk, dry, arid (Tajik)
кургак, kurgak, dry (Kyrgyz)
хуурай, khuurai, dry (Mongolian)

āsar [B asāre], dry, ās-  [B ās-], to dry up, become dry, āslune, drying, āsam*, drying out, koṣt, cut, edge (Tocharian)

fa-karsed cut out, (Lydian)
kuar/ur, to cut,

kuar/kur, cutting, Kurama, kuratr/kuratn, kuri/kurai, cutter, kurana/i, cut in slices, kuri/kurai, island, kursauar /kursau(a)n, cut off, karsnu, kars, to cut off, cancel (Luvian)

hātanz, dry, haz- : (de hat-), arha hapai, to dry, hād-, hat/ht, hatnu, hād->  to dry up, htnu, to cause to dry up, hates, htes, to become dry, hattāi-, cut off, to put to death, htantia, dry land,  trs (tars), to become dry, to make dry, waksur, cut?, happesnāi-, cut up, to take to pieces, karsiie/a, cut up, karsesr/karsesn, cutting, karsat, cutting, removal, kuers/kurs, kuērzi, to cut, kuer/kur, kartae, kuers/kurs, to cut off, karsnu, kars, to cut off, to cancel, kurutsi, cutter, kuresr/ kuresn, cutting,  karsiie/a, karsa/kars, karsae, to cut, kartae, to cut off, kukurs, to cut up, to mutilate, kakkur(s?)-, to cut, maim,  kwa,  ark/rk, cut off, to divide, ark- , cut up, to split up, tuhhus->  tuhs, tuhus, to cut off, to separate, to be cut off, separate, tuhs-, to cut, to separate a girl from her lover, tuhsanna/ tuhsanni, cut off, separate, tksan sar, cut in half, divide, cut off, separate, tuhsant-, cut, shortened, mark-, to cut, distribute (Hittite)
to make dry [<OE, dryge], drain; to cut – Script MS18 is in the context of "cutting" grapes; chop, [ME choppen]
thirst [<OE thurst], Hades, the Nether World, Hell

sec, Script Z990;
sek, Script MS18
, Script Q63, Q84, Q416, Q442, Q452, Q460, Q717, Q775, Q795, Q805, Q821, Q829, Q847, R405, R574, R596, R609
Script N49,

See also,
1-54, "Hades":

See also,
1-53, "summer":

ait, XB-10; J23-6
aito, aitu (AITV)

Script N311, N378

asa, āsanam, seat, proximity, pitha, seat, stool, bench, pedestal;
garta, high seat, throne; the seat of a war chariot, carriage;
svasana, a fine
sitting, seat;
sitting down on the seat; dhasi, seat, home, raee, राई rye (Hindi), yavaḥ, barley, cūrṇam, meal, flour, dhānyam, grain, godhūmaḥ, wheat, plant and grain

vaêjahi [vaêjangh], seed, germ, xshudrå [xshudra], semen, seed, ýava, barley, corn, grain, the staff of life, grain; [ýavan] (Avestan)
sandali, صندلی   seat,
nimkat, seat, rye,  چاودار rye, siyâh, سایاوه  rye, dâne, دانه grain, ârd, آرد flour, meal  (Persian)
ადგილს, adgils, seat,
ჭვავის, ch’vavis, rye, ქერი, keri, barley, ხორბალი, khorbali, wheat, სიმინდი, simindi, corn, ფქვილი, pkvili, flour (Georgian)

gišgallu, seat, pedestal, durgarû, ornate chair, guzalû, chair bearer, guzalûtu, chair bearer official, abuhuru, arsu, ersuppu, gulbūtu, cereal, gajātu, a cereal and dish made from it, enninnu, a kind of cereal, dišarru, a kind of wild cereal, galteniwa, cereal dish, a preparation of cereals, eburu, seed-grain, abšu, apšu, seed, grass seed, of a vetch, ininu, seed used for seasoning, kullānu, seed or a plant, antu, barley ear, *gububtu, parched barley, galburḫu, unṭu, qualifying barley, jaraḫḫu, a fine quality of barley, inninu, irsuppu, a type of barley, ḫaršu, barley, cleaned, treated in a certain way, aldû, barley storage, karamu, pile of barley, karû, pile of barley prepared for storage, property held in common by several persons, laptu, roasted barley, maqqû, barley ration, ēdadû, flour offering (Akkadian)

сядзенне, siadziennie, seat, аржаны, aržany, rye, ячмень, jačmień, barley, пшаніца, pšanica, wheat, кукуруза, kukuruza, corn, мучной, mučnoj, flour  (Belarusian)
sjedalo, seat, raž, rye,
jedva, barley, pšenica, wheat, kukuruz, corn, brašno, flour, farina, hrana, food (Croatian)
siedzenie, seat, ziamo, grain,  zyto, rye,
jęczmień, barley, pszenica, wheat, kukurydza, corn, mąka, flour (Polish)
sēdeklis, seat,
rudzu, rye,
mieži, barley, kvieši, wheat, kukurūza, corn, milti, flour (Latvian)
scaun, seat,
secară, rye, orz, barley, grâu, wheat, porumb, corn, făină, flour, farina (Romanian)
istuin, seat, ruis, rye, ohra, barley, vehnä, wheat, maissi, corn, jauhot, flour, meal (Finnish-Uralic)

έδρα, édra, κάθισμα, kathisma, seat;
σίκαλη, sikali, rye, κριθάρι, krithári, barley, σιτάρι, sitári, wheat, corn,
σιτηρά, sitirá, grain, αλεύρι, alévri, flour (Greek)
nstavayry, seat, բադրիջան, badrijan, rye, գարի, gari, barley, ցորենը, ts’voreny, wheat, corn, ալյուր, alyur, flour, breadstuffs, հացահատիկ, hats’ahatik, grain (Armenian)
vend, seat,  thekër, rye, elb, barley, grurë, wheat, corn, misër, corn, miell, flour (Albanian)

eserleuka, seat, jarleku, seat, pew, zekale, rye, garagar, barley, gari, wheat, irina, flour (Basque)

sigilla-orum, pl., small figures, images, a seal; sedes-is,
seat, chair; sella-ae, seat, stool
siligo-inis, wheat, wheat flour, hordeum, barley, farina-ae, meal, flour, seges, cornfield, hordeum-i, barley, grano, grain, secale, rye, semen-inis, seed

suíochán, seat, seagal, rye, eorna, barley, cruithneacht, wheat, arbhar, corn, plúr, flour, gráin, grain (Irish)
cathair, seat, suidheachan, seats, seagal, rye, eòrna, barley, cruithneachd, wheat, arbhar, corn,
flùr, flour, gràn, grain (Scott)
sedd, seat,
seddi, to seat, install; eistedd, to sit, seren, rye, haidd, barley,  seat, rhyg, rye, gwenith, wheat, ŷd, corn, cereal, blawd, flawd, flour, meal, grawn, grain (Welsh)
seggio, seat, chair; segale  rye, orzo, barley, grano, wheat, grain, Mais, corn, Farina, flour, meal, farina (Italian)
siège, seat, chair; s'assoir, to sit; seigle, rye,
orge, barley, blé, wheat, corn, mais, corn, farine, flour, meal, farina, grain-e, grain (French)

રાઈ, Rā'ī, rye, ઘઉં, Gha'uṁ, wheat, લોટ, Lōṭa, flour (Gujarati)
Çavdar, rye, tahil, grain, cereal, buğday, wheat, corn, un, flour, tohum, seed, germ (Turkish)
қара бидай, qara bïday, rye, бидай, bïday, wheat, ұн, un, flour, дән, dän, seed, corn, grain (Kazakh)
javdar, rye, don, grain, corn, seed, bug'doy, wheat, un, flour (Uzbek)
nişast, seat, ҷавдор, çavdor, rye, гандум, gandum, grain, wheat, орд, ord, flour, тухмй, tuxmj, seed  (Tajik)
кара буудай, kara buuday, rye, буудай, buuday, wheat, ун, un, flour, тукум, tukum, seed (Kyrgyz)
хөх тариа,
khökh taria, rye, үр тариа, ür taria, grain, улаан буудай, ulaan buudai, wheat, гурил, guril, flour, үр, ür, seed, testical (Mongolian)

āsāṃ,  [B asāṃ], seat (Tocharian)

etri, a meal (Nesian)

asa, asana, chair, tsahurti, chair or couch, titnu, seat, to install, to put, to seat, asas/ase/is, asa, ase/isanu, sesnu/sisnu, seat, to settle, seli, grain pile, grain storage, halki-, grain, barley, cereal, field of cereal,  #halki, grain, bread, Hlk, barley, grain, barley-god, euan, grain, sumes, sepit, parhuena-, a kind of grain,
ēmal, memal, meal, coarsley ground meal, imiul, grain mix, horse feed, pak(us)want, grain, cracked, pakusur, grain implement, to crack grains and cereals, #aruni, a meal, (ZÍZ), wheat, kant-, wheat?, kars, emmer wheat, (Hittite)

seat [<ON saeti],
rye [<OE ryge], seal [<Lat.
wheat, [<OE hwæte], corn [<OE grain], grain [<Lat. granum], flour [<ME], meal [<melu], coarsely ground, edible grain, maize [<OE], corn,
meal, [OE, melu],
kernel, [<OE corn],


Script Q701

See also,
8-64, "seed":

Script Q-1

krsi, ploughing,
husbandry, field, harvest,
śasyam, crop, the produce of fields,  sāyakaḥ, arrow,

kârayeiti, to cultivate, sow (Avestan)
تولید، برداشت, produce, harvest, mahsul, محصول, crop, harvest, produce, darav kardan, درو کردن to reap, tir تیر    arrow (Persian)
mosavali, crop ,აიღე,
aighe, reap, ისარი, isari, arrow (Georgian)

kurummatu, crop, farm, to raise a crop for sustenance, urpu, an early crop, uplētu, late crop,  šeguššu, a cereal, a kind of apple tree, usaggû, an early grass, šegunû, crop, ṣaḫḫaru, a minor crop, mottled barley, ṣiḫḫirtu, a minor crop, scraps, rabû, to raise a crop, to rear children, etc., to become great, apellu, arrowhead, ēpiš qanâte, arrowmaker, urutūtu, arrows of some kind, apellu, arrowhead? (foreign word), mulmullu, ūṣu, arrow, šiltāḫiš, like an arrow, šiltāu, arrow, the Arrow, a constellation, like the star Sirius,  šukūdu, arrow, the star Sirius, sharp end of a spindle, (Akkadian)

культура, kuĺtura, crop, стрэлка, пажынаць, pažynać, reap, strelka, arrow (Belarusian)
usjev, crop, žeti, reap, strijela, arrow (Croatian)
przyciąć, crop, zbierać, reap, strzałka, arrow (Polish)
kultūraugu, crop, gūt, reap, bultiņa, arrow (Latvian)
a decupa, crop, culege, reap, SĂGEATĂ, arrow (Romanian)
sato, crop, niittää, reap, nuoli, arrow (Finnish-Uralic)

καλλιέργεια, kalliérgeia, crop, θερίζω, therízo, reap,
να καρπωθώ, na karpothó, to reap, βέλος, vélos, arrow
բերքը, berk’y, crop, քաղել, k’aghel, reap, Նետ, net, arrow (Armenian)
prodhim, crop,
fushë, field,
për të korrur, to reap, shigjetë, arrow (Albanian)

uzta, harvest, crop, uztarik, to reap, gezi, arrow (Basque)

seges-etis, crop,

meto-metere, messui, messum, to reap, harvest, sageta, arrow

barr, crop, buail, reap, saighead, arrow (Irish)
bàrr, crop, buain, reap, saighead, arrow (Scott)
cnwd (cnydau), crop, covering; crynnyrch
produce, product,
crop, medi, to reap,
rhy dda, reap, saeth, arrow (Welsh)
messe, crop, harvest, mietere, to reap, raccolto, crop,
raccogliere, reap, freccia, arrow (Italian)
surgir, crop, rècolte,
moisson, harvest, recueillir, moissonner, to reap, fièche, arrow, épée, sword (French)

uars/urs, wars, wawars,
wars-slurp, srebti, harvest, to reap,  wipe,
kuer-, to harvest (Hittite)

crop [<OE cropp,
ear of corn],
cornfield, field; arrow [<OE arwe], bolt [<OE heavy arrow]


segeta, Script R499;
segetes Script Q701

See also,
4-8, "grain, meal":
far, Scripts Z180, Z197, Z357, Z1027, Z1040, Z1097, Z1430, TC327, Au44,

See also,5-89, to reap, harvest":
MeTH, (MeΘ), Script M38
metva (MET8A)
Script Z1216
metua, metoa (METVA) Script CT-1
metin, Script CJ

paryāṇam, to saddle, vagka
palyāṇaya, to saddle; saparyāṇa, saddled


زین zin, saddle (Persian)

ხენის ადგილს,
tskhenis adgils, horse seat (Georgian)

kussû, saddle, rule, royal property and service, throne, exta, a feature of the exta, dominion, chair, sedan chair, name of a month, part of a chariot or a plow, matliḫšu, saddle, pack saddle?, tiritarāju, a saddle?, (Akkadian)

сядлаць, siadlać, to saddle, сядло, siadlo, saddle (Belarusian)
na sedlo, to saddle,  sedlo, saddle (Croatian)
siodła, to saddle, siodło, saddle (Polish)
sēžēt, to saddle,
sēdeklis, saddle (Latvian)
la șa, to saddle,  ŞA, ŞEA, saddle (Romanian)
satulaan, to saddle, satula, saddle (Finnish-Uralic)

σε σέλα, se séla, to saddle  (Greek)
թալանելու համար, t’alanelu hamar, to saddle (Armenian)
shaloj, to saddle, shalë, saddle (Albanian)

eserita, to saddle, jarlekua, zela, saddle  (Basque)

sella-e, seat, chair, stool; sterno,
sternere, stravi,
stratum, to stretch
out, spread, lie
down, saddle;
ephippium-i, a horsecloth, saddle

le diallait, to saddle (Irish)
gu dìollaid, to saddle (Scott)
i setlo, cyfrwyo, to saddle (Welsh)
sel, six;
sella, saddle; sellare, to saddle (Italian)
selle,  saddle, stool; seller, to saddle (French)

to saddle [<OE,
sadol], seat?


sela, Script Au87, PE-2
SeLA, Script Z1386, Z1397
sele, Script Au58

guptiḥ, cellar, krdara, store-room,
treasury, bursary, treasury,
bhūtikīla, a cellar for concealing wealth, koṣaḥ, storeroom

زیرزمین zire zamin, sardâb, سرداب cellar (Persian)
სარდაფში, sardapshi, cellar (Georgian)

ašlukkatu, storage chamber, ganūnu, illātu, turmu?, storage room or building, living quarters, ganūnmāu, main storehouse, gunû, storeroom, ganganu, storeroom for beer, potstand, garānu, to store, to pile up in heaps, ammušmu? ašahhu, esittu, ešittu, storehouse, arahhu, storehouse, granary, abūsu, storehouse of a temple, ganūngurru, storeroom in inner room of house, kalakku, storehouse, storeroom, raft (kelek), silo, truncated pyramid, a container, a box, a vessel, specific kind of chair, excavation (as a geometrical term), išittu, storehouse, treasury, karû, in bīt karê, kunukku, in bīt kunukki, māšartu, in bīt māšarti, ammušmu? storehouse, maškattu, storehouse, account deposit, kizalaqu, storehouse of a temple, īmu, storehouse, barn, uršu, storehouse, larder, uršu, in rab uršāti, storehouse keeper, bēl abūsi, storehouse overseer, ḫiburnu, in bīt ḫiburni, storehouse for beer, barley large containers, nakkamtu, šutummu, uṣṣāru, storehouse, treasury, udû, in bīt  udê, storeroom (Akkdian)

падвал, padval, cellar (Belarusian)
podrum, cellar (Croatian)
piwnica, cellar
tairas, cellar (Baltic-

pagrabs, cellar (Latvian)
pivniţă,  CELAR, cellar (Romanian)
kellari, cellar (Finnish-Uralic)

κελάρι, kelári, cellar (Greek)
նկուղ, nkugh, cellar (Armenian)
bodrum, cellar,
qilar, pantry (Albanian)

dudanez, storehouse, (Basque)

cellarius-a-um, cellar, store-room

cellar, cellar (Irish)
seilear, cellar (Scott)
-au-ydd-i, cellar (Welsh)
cantina, cellar (Italian)
cave, cellar, saillear, salt-cellar, cask cellier (French)

ભોંયરું, Bhōnyaruṁ, cellar, (Gujarati)
kiler, cellar, pantry, bodrum, cellar,basement, Halikarnassus (Turkish)
жертөле, jertöle, cellar, төле, töle, basement, cellar (Kazakh)
qabrlarga, cellar (Uzbek)

таҳхона, tahxona, cellar (Tajik)
вино сактоочу погреб,
vino saktooçu, pogreb, cellar (Kyrgyz)
zoori, cellar (Mongolian)

DUGharsiyali-, storage receptacle, pithos (Hittite)

store-room, cellar, [<LLat. cellarium, pantry


selur (SELFR)

prarakṣ, parirakṣ, paritrai, to save; nirvah, to lead out of, save from, tārayati, to save, rakṣati, to protect, deliver

nejat dadan, نجات دادن  to save (Persian)
, shenakhva, to save (Georgian)

gamālu, save, spare, perform a kind act, ezēbu, to save a person be saved, reserve, leave, neglect, desert, entrust, bequeath, ēṭiru, savior, rescuer, muballianu, person who has kept someone alive (Akkadian)

захаваць, zachavać, to save (Belarusian)
spremiti, to save (Croatian)
zapisać, to save (Polish)
saglabāt, to save (Latvian)
a salva, to save (Romanian)
pelastaa, to save (Finnish-Uralic)

να σώσω,
na sóso, to save (Greek)

pahpanel, to save (Armenian)
të ruaj, to save (Albanian)

arreeztu, salbatu, to save, Basque)

salveo-are, to save

sabháil, to save (Irish)
gus sàbhaladh, to save (Scott)
i achub, to save (Welsh)
salvare, to save
sauver, to save (French)

huisnu- (TI-nu-), save, to make alive, to keep alive, to cleanse (Hittite)

to save [<LLat. salvare]


selva (SELFA), Script PL-4, PL-27
(These are areas of the Piacenza Liver)

asti, grain ofseed; vapa, sower, scatterer,
scattering, seed; yoni, place of birth, origin; yoni-posana, seed, grain, bījam, seed

vaêjahi [vaêjangh], seed, germ, xshudrå [xshudra, semen, seed, zâtanãm [zâta], born (Avestan)
دانه  seed, toxm, تخم semen, spore, grain, seed, bazar, بذر true seed, spawn, spore, mellat,  nation, folk, country,
ommat, nation, people, nasyvnal, ناسیونال national,
zâyide, zâde, زاده  adj., born (Persian)
თესლი, tesli, seed, დაბადება, dabadeba, to be born, დაიბადა, daibada, born, ერი, eri, nation (Georgian)

ḫan-, to give birth (Hurrian)

eburu, seed-grain, abšu, apšu, grass seed, vetch, erištu, seedling, plantation, erēšu, to seed with a seeder plow, cultivate, plant a field, to be seeded, tarmiktu, shoot, cutting, alādu, walādu, to give birth, ēru, to give birth easily, charge, inject an enema, send, keep in good order, etc., *zaru, grown from seed (said of date palms), zēru, semen, seed of cereals and other plants, male descendants, arable land, acreage (Akkadian)

насеньне, nasieńnie, seed,нараджацца,
naradžacca, to be born,
нацыі, nacyi, nation (Belarusian)
sjeme, seed,
biti rođen, to be born, narod, people, nation, folk, nacija, nation, country  (Croatian)
nasienie, seed,
urodzony, born, nacja, nation, people, naród, people, nation, land (Polish)
sēkla, seed,
piedzimt, to be born, dzimis, born, tauta, people, nation, folk,  nācija, people, nation (Latvian)
sămânță, seed,
a fi nascut, to be born, născut, born, naţiune, nation, people, folk, popor, people, nation, folk  (Romanian)
siemen, seed,
syntyä, to be born, syntynyt, born, kansa, people, nation, folk (Finnish-Uralic)

σπόρος, spóros, sperma, sperno, seed, να γεννηθεί,
na gennitheí, to be born, γεννημένος, genniménos, born,
έθνος, éthnos, nation, race  (Greek)
սերմը, sermy, seed, ծնվել, tsnvel, to be born, ծնված, tsnvats, born, ազգ, azg, nation, people, family, race (Armenian)
farë, seed, fillim, beginning, për t'u lindur, to be born,  i lindur, born, popull, people, nation, folk (Albanian)

kimu, sprout, hazi, seed, jaiotza, birth, jaio, born, nazio,  nation (Basque)

semen-inis, seed, shoot,
nascor-i, natos and [gnatus], pluperf. 3rd pers. Pl, natierantto be born, to come into existence, arise, be produced;
natus-a-um, born, naturally, fitted or
constituted; natio-onis
being born, birth, a tribe, race, people

síol, seed, rugadh, born, náisiún, nation, pobal, community, nation, people  (Irish)
sìol, seed, a rugadh, born, nàisean, nation   (Scott)
Hedyn, had-au,
seed, issue; hedyn
(hadau), seed,
blaguryn (blagur), sprout, bud, shoot;  germ; hau, to sow,
geni, to be born, bear, eni, born, cenedl, nation (Welsh)
seme, semenza, seed, origin,
nascere; nascesfe, you arose, nato, born,  nazione nation (Italian)
la graine, seed, semis, sowing, seedling, sperme, semen, naître, to be born, née, born, nai, you are born,  nation nation (French)

akwam-pere, sprout and stalk, kom [B kaume], sprout, cmol [B camel], cmalune [B cmelñe], birth,  jāti  [B jāti], birth, (Tocharian)

hasmi, kin, kinship, war(u)walan, warwalan seed, progeny, muwita? seed, #hasmi, kin, kinship, anturia-, native, indigenous, mi, to be born, miyari, he is born, hassant-, born, legal,  own son, has/hss, hasnu, to give birth (Hittite)

seed, shoot [<OE
sceotan], seed [<OE saed], stock, race, semen [<Lat semen], sperm [<Gk. sperma], people, {<Lat. populus]


Script Q-1

(3rd Decl. Acc. pl; w/ TECURIES)

nac, Scripts
AH-5, Z17, Z263, Z432, Z1227, Z1591, Z1623, Au-41, Au53, Au74, L15, V-3, CP38 (verb)
nacim, Script AM-6 Noun, see note (3)
nacus (NAKFS), Script M32 Noun, see note (3)
nak, Script Z887,
Q303 (verb)
nakua, nakfa (NAKFA), Script Z522, Z905  Noun, see note (3)
nai, Script N100, N112, N469, XU-3 nas, Script TC170, TC231, J35, K14, AD-7, AE-1, AK-8, AN-2, AN12, AN35, R11, R110
NASeR, Script BS-29
nasc, Script AK-9 (verb)
nate (or nape) Script PC-1
nateran, Script XB-19
nati, Script XU-1
natim*, Script XU-1
natine, Script Q243,
R565; (see nac)
* "im" suffix 3rd. decl acc.


(1) The bust of this extremely beautiful Etruscan queen is in the Louvre Museum, Paris.
(2) Thanks to Constantin Cucu  for his contributions on the Romanian language.

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