Indo-European Table with Sanskrit, Avestan, Slavic, Baltic, Greek, Latin, Tocharian, Anatolian, Gaelic, Latin, Italian, French & Etruscan
4.25.2022 Etruscan etymological relationships to other Indo-European languages; Proto-Indo-European (PIE):

Indo-European Table 1, Part 9

 by Mel Copeland
(from a work published in 1981)


 by Mel Copeland

(from a work published in 1981)

Table 1, section 1D: Indo-European words as they relate to Etruscan. Notes: *Armenian W = West Armenian; E = East Armenian.


Avestan, Persian, Georgian, Hurrian, Akkadian

Slavic, Baltic, Romanian,

Greek, Albanian, Armenian, Basque




vidatha, council;
pAriSada, the
attendants of a god,
vṛddhaḥ, elder person, jyeṣṭhaḥ, elder, adj., sanaj, sanaka (ablat.) adj. old, ancient; jIri, old age; azina, jurya, adj., aged;

hano, aged (Avestan) (bozorgtar,
بزرگتر elder, mehtar, elder, adj., kohan, sâlxorde, pir, پیر   old, adj.; bâstâni, dirine, adj., bâstâni, ancient anjoman, sowrâ, council, senâ, senate (Persian)

მოხუცს, mokhutss, old person,

სენატის, senat’is, senate (Georgian)

taršu-a-ni, taršuwan, person (Urartian)

edi, ed(i)-, person, body, self,

taršuvani, person (Hurrian)

rabû, elder,

of first rank, chief, principal, main, large, senior, adult, full-grown, important, massive, extensive, imposing fortified, huge, powerful, great, weighty, grievous, significant, majestic, grand, etc.,

šību, old, littūtu, extreme old age, *paršumu, to let live to old age, blessed with old age, nissatu, old age, weakness?,

š, old, firstborn, first in sequence, etc., kibrû, littu, old man, labīrūtu, to grow old, šībūtu, šâbu, to become old, šību, Perseus, the constellation “old man” (Perseus), witness, elders, old woman, old man   (Akkadian)


starejšyna, elder, стары чалавек, stary čalaviek, old person, сенат, sienat, senate (Belarusian)
stariji, elder,
stara osoba, old person, senat, senate (Croatian)
starszy, elder, stary człowiek, old person, senat, senate (Polish)
vecākais, elder, vecs cilvēks, old person, senāts, senate (Latvian)
mai mare, elder,
persoană în vârstă, old person, SENAT, senate (Romanian)
vanhempi, elder,
vanhus, old person, senaatti, senate (Finnish-Uralic) senaatti

Géronta, elder, γερουσία, παλιά άτομο, paliá átomo, old person, henne, aged, gerousía, senate (Greek)
ավագ, avag, elder,
հին մարդը,  hin mardy, old person, սենատ, senat, senate (Armenian)
i moshuar, elder,
person i vjetër, old person, vieç, aged, senat, senate (Albanian)

zaharrenaren, elder, nagusi, boss, adult, eldder, antzinako, ancient, former (Basque)

senatus-us [or-i] a council of elders, the Senate; senatus [senati] consultum, a formal resolution of the Senate; senex, senile, senectus-a-um,
old age, senecta-ae,  old age,
aetas-atis, age

elder, elder,
duine d'aois, old person, Seanad, senate (Irish)
Elder, elder,
seann duines, old person, aosda, aged, Seanadh, senate (Scott)
Elder, elder,
person oed, old person, senedd-au, senate, parliament; hynafgwr, old man, elde, hen, adj. old, ancient, aged (Welsh)
sambuco, elder, persona anziana, old person, senilita, senility;
vecchio, old
, senate house (Italian)
aîné, elder,
personne âgée, old person, sénile, adj. senile; vieux, vielle, old age, elderly sénat, senate  (French)
kozh, yen, aged (Breton)

jarāmaraṃ [B jarāmaraṃ] old age and death, ksaise, old (Tocharian)

mehuantah, miahuantah, to age, become  old,

mihuntadr/miahuantan, old age,

mehuant, miiahunte, mehuant, old, elderly, miyahwanz, to be old, elderly,
miyahhuwanta-, to get old,

mehuuandahh/ miiahuuantahh, to make old, miahunte, to make old, to age,
mehuantah, miahuantah, miahunte, to become old, to age,

witspant/wetspant, old, grown old, ŠU-GI, old,
MUNUS.ŠU.GI, old woman, annalla, old, maternal, annalli-, old, previous (Hittite)

elder [<OE eldra], council of elders, senate, old [<OE eald]
(Etruscan context is "council")

SeNATA, Script
SeNATE, Script
SeNATES, Script Q717, R584

snimo, Script N63
SeNATES, Script
Q717, R584
x x x x x x Snenar, Saenar (Senir,  Myrrh, Smyrna, from Mt. Hermon?, mother of Dionysus)
SNENAR (SNENAO) or SAENAR Script DR-1 (name over image of seated goddess)
x x x x

sentina-ae, bilge-water, rabble, dregs of the population


Sentinates,  name

Sentinates, Script LS-1

vi-yojayatix to separate, saptatha, saptama, the seventh, saptan, seven, bahuśaḥ, often, frequently

hapta, seven (Avestan)
â,  جدا    separate,  jodâyi, duri, gosixtegi,
, haft
هفت seven; aghlab, often (Persian)
განცალკევება, gantsalk’eveba, to separate, შვიდი,
shvidi, seven,
ხშირად, khshirad, often (Georgian)

šind(i), seven (Urartian)

šindi, seven (Hurrian)

jammin, seven?, šintarpu, adj., seven-year-old (Hurrian word), šintunnu, adj., seventh  (Akkadian)


addzialić, to separate, сем, siem, seven, часта, časta, often (Belarusian)
siem, seven (Belarus)

odvojiti, to separate,  sedam, seven,  često, often (Croatian)
seda, seven

oddzielić, to separate, siedem, seven,  często, often (Polish)
septyni, seven
atdalīt, to separate,
septiņi, seven,
bieži, often (Latvian)
a separa, to separate, sapte, seven, de multe ori, often (Romanian)
erottaa, to separate, seitsemän, seven,
usein, often (Finnish-Uralic)

να διαχωριστούν,
na diachoristoún, to separate, επτά, eptá, eseven, συχνά, sychná, often (Greek)
բաժանել, bazhanel, to separate, յոթ, yot’, seven, հաճախ, hachakh, often (Armenian)
për të ndarë, to separate, shtatë, seven, shpesh, often (Albanian)

zazpi, seven, bereizi, to separate, distinguish, detach, segregate  (Basque)

separo-aro, to sever, separate, consider or
treat separately;
septem, seven; diu, adv. by day, for a long time; rivus-i, stream; saepio, saepire, saepsi, saeptum, to hedge in, enclose, surround, confine;
saeptum-i, enclosure where the Romans voted at the comitis;
saepe, often,

a scaradh, to separate, seacht, seven, go minic, often (Irish)
a sgaradh, to separate, seachd, seven, gu tric, often (Scott)
i wahanu, to separate, saith, seven, aml, often (Welsh)
separare, to separate, to part, sette, seven; spesso, often; (Italian);
séparer, to divide,
sept, seven, souvent, often (French)

sibun, seven (Gothic)

yedi, seven (Turkish)

Жеті, Jeti, seven (Kazakh)
yetti, seven (Uzbek)

Ҳафт, haft, seven (Tajik)
жети, jeti, seven (Kyrgyz)
Долоо, Doloo, seven (Mongolian)

s.pät, sukt, seven (Tocharian)

mark/mrk, to divide, separate, unravel,

tuhs, tuhsana, tuhsani, tuhus, to separate, to cut off, to be  cut off, separated, satau, sapta, satua, number seven,
siptama, siptamiya, seven,
sptamintsu (saptmintsu), sevenfold,
satawartana, for seven rounds,
siptmia, seven-drink(s), siptmae, to seven? (Hittite)


seofan], seventh day or seventh river, enclosure;

sepi, Script Z1088
(possibly a name, Seprius or separate-not the word seven,
Septa, seven, Script L-60
Sifai (SIFAI), Script, S-18, S30, S43, seven, Person's name?

khan, khanati, -te, to dig, dig up, delve, bury; dha, dadhati, dhatte; dadhati, -te,to put, set, lay, think of, cause, bear, set upon (esp. the fire), hide, conceal, cover, cause to
be laid in, shut up,

nidadhāti, to bury, samādhiḥ, tomb

nikañte [ni-kan],
to bury;
daxma [-], grave (Avestan)
dafn kardan,
دفن کردن   to bury, bexâk sepordan, to bury; gur, گور  grave, tomb

დამარხვა, damarkhva, to bury, საფლავი, saplavi, sepulcher, tomb (Georgian)

gimaḫḫu, tomb,

kimāu, tomb, grave, qebēru, to bury the dead, to bury objects, to be buried, to hide, to roll up, etc., temēru, to bury, to conceal,  to be sunken, to be buried, aštu, pit, grave, hole,
šuttu, abbu, latu, pit, šuttatu, grave, pitfall (Akkadian)

закапаць, zakapać, to bury, грабніца, hrabnica, sepulcher, tomb (Belarusian)
pokopati, to bury, grobnica, sepulcher, grob, tomb (Croatian)
pochować, zakopac, to bury, grób, sepulcher, tomb (Polish)
aprakt, to bury, kapa piemineklis, sepulcher, kapenes, tomb,
bēres, funeral (Latvian)

a îngropa, to bury, mormânt, sepulcher, tomb
SĂPA, to hoe, to destroy, to ruin
haudata, to bury, hauta, sepulcher, tomb (Finnish-Uralic)

να θάψει, na thápsei, to bury, μνήμα, mníma, sepulcher, τάφος, táfos, tomb, nekrotafeio,
cemetery (Greek)

թաղել, t’aghel, to bury,  գերեզմանատուն, gerezmanatun, sepulcher, գերեզման, gerezman, tomb (Armenian)
për të varrosur, to bury, varr, sepulcher, tomb (Albanian)

ehortzi, to bury, larri, grave, hilobi, tomb (Basque)

sepelio-pelire-pelivi and pelti-peltum, to bury, ruin, destroy;

a adhlacadh, to bury, tuama, tomb (Irish)
gus adhlacadh, to bury, uaigh, tomb, sepulcher (Scott)
i gladdu, to bury, bedd, tomb, sepulcher  (Welsh)
seppellire, to bury,   sepolcro, sepulcher, tomba, tomb (Italian)
enterrer, to bury,
sépulcre, sepulcher; cimetière, cemetery, tombeau, tomb (French)

દફનાવી, Daphanāvī, to bury (Gujarati)
gömmek, to bury, mezar, tomb, lahit, sarcophagus, tomb (Turkish)

жерлеу, jerlew, to bury, қабір, qabir, көр, kör, tomb (Kazakh)
dafn qilmoq, to bury, qabr, tomb, grave, mausaleum (Uzbek)
дафн кунед, dafn kuned, to bury, қабр, qaʙr, tomb (Tajik)
kömüü, to bury, мүрзө, mürzö, tomb (Kyrgyz)
оршуулах, orshuulakh, to bury, булш, bulsh, tomb, grave  (Mongolian)

awah(a)i-: A awahai, D awahai/awahi awah(a)i, burial, ñtata-: N ñtata, A ñtatã/ñtatu, L ñtata, burial chamber, xupa-: N xupa, A xupã/xupu, L xupa, tomb (Lycian)
awasi-: D awasi, burial (Mylian)

ukturi, cremation site, constant, steady, firm, eternal, adj., hariya, to bury  (Hittite)

to bury [<OE
byrgan], to ruin, destroy, buried, tomb [<Gk. tombos],
grave, [<OE, gr


SEPeLES, Script
See also, "to bury, funeral,":

um, om (VM), Script Q754 "I bury"
uma, oma, (VMA), Script Q534, Q661, Q726, humat, "he buries"
umai omai, (VMAI), Script S30 (probably a name noted by "ai"suffix, as in AECAI, Aesacus, Elinai, Helen of Troy)
ume, ome (VME), Script Z92, Q512, humet. "he would bury"
umen, omen (VMEN) Script R381, R554 "omen"
umis, omis (VMIS) Script BT-14 (

xzis, zesati, to join, connect; samdhay,
yati, to put together, join with, make peace; mil, milati, to meet, assemble, join, mix, combine; yat, yatati, te, to join, connect, unite; tandra, series, line;
tatiḥ, mālā, series, kramaḥ, series in regular succession, avali, row, range, series; niyut, team of horses, series, row, gift; tantra, loom, the warp, anything
continuus, series

peyvastan, پیوستن to attach, join, etc.,
mottassel kardan, 
متحد کردن    to join, unite, reste, seri سری   series, mokham, محکم  tight, bastanبستن to tighten, close, etc., ettesâl  اتصال joint, link, yoke (Persian)

ერთად, sheuertdes ertad, to join together, გამკაცრდეს, gamk’atsrdes, to tighten, სერია, seria, series (Georgian)

emēdu, to be joined together, unite, support, tax, reach, assign, etc., kasû, to be joined together, unite, to inflict diseases, assign, etc., ratāqu, to join together,   kaṣāru, to join, to tire, to bind together, organize, concentrate, make compact, etc., ṣabātu, to be joined, to hold or touch an object, to connect, to think, to take over a province or city, etc., muttetendu, adj., joining forces, banding together, riksu, joint, bond, structure, strap, sash, tie, bandage, etc., raksu, joined, attached, tied, hired, itmudu, joint, collected, agglomerated, ištēniš, jointly, instantly, together, at the same time, etc., ullu, yoke, ṣamādu, to yoke, to make ready, harness, to drive, to put on a bandage, to tie, attach, to connect, to put on a bandage, to have harnessed, kiṣṣ uru, joined, linked, girt, braided (Akkadian)

abjadnoŭvacca, to join together,
zaciahnuć, to tighten, серыя,
sieryja, series (Belarusian)
pridružiti se, to join together, stegnuti, to tighten, niz, series (Croatian)
połączyć się, to join together, dokręcać, to tighten, seria, series (Polish)
apvienoties kopā, to join together, pievelciet, to tighten, sērija, series (Latvian)
să se alăture împreună, to join together,
a strange, to tighten, serie, series, ŞURUB, screw, bolt (Romanian)
liittyä yhteen, to join together, kiristää, to tighten,

sarja, series (Finnish-Uralic)

να συνεργαστούν,
na synergastoún, to join together, για να σφίξετε, gia na sfíxete, to tighten, σειρά seirá, series  (Greek)
միանալը, mianaly, to join together, խստացնել, khstats’nel, to tighten, սերիան, serian, series (Armenian)
për t'u bashkuar së bashku, to join together, për t'u shtrënguar, to tighten,  koleksion, seri, series (Albanian)

batu, elkartu, to join, segida, series, line, sequence (Basque)

sero-serere, serui, sertum, to join together, series-em-a, row, sequence, succession,
sero-ere,sevi, -satum, to sow, to plant, lit. to sow the seeds of, produce

páirt a ghlacadh le chéile, to join together, níos doichte, to tighten, sraith, series (Irish)
tighinn còmhla, to join together, gus teannachadh, to tighten, sreath, series (Scott)
i ymuno â'i gilydd, to join together,  ymuno, to join, unite, i dynhau, to tighten, cyfres, series (Welsh)
serrare, to tighten, close,
unirsi insieme, to join together, serie, series (Italian)
serrer, to press, to tighten, to squeeze, to crowd, close,
séries, series (French)

શ્રેણી, Śrēṇī, series, સજ્જડ, Sajjaḍa,  to tighten (Guarati)
dizi, sequence, series, row, seri, sequence, serial, sikmak, tighten, squeeze, crush (Turkish)
serïyası, series, тартыңыз, tartıñız, to tighten (Kazakh)
qatar, series, row, line, rank, siqmok, to tighten, clamp (Uzbek)
силсила, silsila, series, таранг бастан,
tarang ʙastan, to tighten  (Tajik)
катар, katar, series, кысуу, kısuu, to tighten (Kyrgyz)

цуврал, tsuvral, series, чангал, changal, to tighten, restrain (Mongolian)

ritwat ä r, [B ritte tär], to join, unite (Tocharian)

iukan, to yoke, #iúkán, yoke,  yug/yuga, yoke, pair, ishaur, yoke, plow set, hamenk-, attach, to marry, to  link,
kaleliya-, attach, to tie up, kaleliie/a, klelie/a, to tie up, tme(n)k, to join,
to stick to, affix, to attach, to have an affection for,
tame(n)k, tamenganu, tmenknu, to attach, tarmāi-, attach, to fix, hap, to join, attach,  arp-, to join with, hatku/hatkau, tight, stressed, htkues, hatkues, to become tight, hatk/ktk, istapinu, to close, shut,

hatku/hatkau, tight, stressed, htkues,

hatkues, to become tight, hatkesnu, hatganu, to tighten, wisurie/a, to tie up, to be difficult, to press together, to be pressing, to suffocate, to be tied up (Hittite)

to join [<Lat.
iungo, iungere,
iunxi, iunctum
, to join] together, put in a row, unite
[<LLat. unire]
tighten, tight, [<ME, of Scand. origin] series,
fix [<Lat. fixus, p.p. of figere, to fasten]


ser, Scripts
TC241, AT-13, S15
Seramo (SERAMVname, Seramus; Script Z64
SeRAN, TC28,
K79 –this may be a reflexive verb, "ran";
SeREN, Script Z-8, Z30, Z163, Z180, Z336, Z1021, Z1846, Z1861, AH-2
SEReN, Script L-1;
serev, sereb
, Script
N647, N738, N748;
seri, Script Z289, Z462, Z463, Z543, R359
sero (SERV) Script S50
serut (SERVT) Script L-2 (L.

serúit, 3rd. Pers. S. Perf.)

See also, "sower,"

See also,
4-103, "to bind, yoke,"

iuc, ioc (IVC) Script AE-6
iuce, ioce (IVCE), Script N476, Q53, Q162, Q209, Q243, Q416, R258
iuces, ioces (IVCES) Script N711
iuci, ioci (IVCI) Script AE-6, N-1, N357, N476, R306, K39
iucie, iocie (IVCIE), Script N435, N513, N638, R270, R286, R394, R505, K150
iuco, ioco (IVCV) Script K36, Q217
iuka, ioka (IVKA)
Script N505, N563

sodhayati, punāti, to clarify, prasanna, clear, śānta, serene, calm, quiet, prasphuta, manifest, clear; dharaputa, clear as water; suprakaza,
very bright or clear; cikit, visible, clear;
prasannatman, of
gracious or tranquil mind

roshan kardan,  روشن کردن to make clear, illumine, clarify, roušan, روشن clear, bright,  ârâm, adj.,  آرام serene, sâf, adj., صاف  clear, serene,  shining, âramesh, آرامش  serenity, bijonbes, بی جنبش ,

tranquil, serene

ნათელი გახადოს, nateli gakhados, to make clear, მშვიდი, mshvidi, serene (Georgian)

χežmə, clear, bright (Hurrian)

ebēbu, to clear oneself of an accusation, to make clean, to clean, become cleansed, murruqu, clear, intelligible, napardû, to make clear, explicit, to become pleased, to brighten, illuminate, etc., namāru, to clear up, to become clear, intelligible, to brighten, illuminate, etc., wuddi, adv., clearly, evidently, certainly, namāru, clearing, path, zūku, clarity , kupartu, purification, zakutû, clear and definite information, exemption, cleanliness (Akkadian)

каб ясна,  kab jasna, to make clear, ціхамірны, cichamirny, serene (Belarusian)
jasno, to make clear, spokojan, serene (Croatian)
wyjaśnić, to make clear,
spokojny, serene (Polish)
skaidrs, to make clear, mierīgs, serene (Latvian)

clarificăm, to make clear,
senin, serene (Romanian)
tehdä selväksi, to make clear,
seesteinen, serene (Finnish-Uralic)

για να καταστεί σαφές, gia na katasteí safés, to make clear,
γαλήνιος, galínios, serene (Greek)
պարզեցնելու համար, parzets’nelu hamar, to make clear, հանգիստ, hangist, serene (Armenian) për ta bërë të qartë, to make clear, i qetë, serene, tranquil (Albanian)

argitzeko, to make clear, lasaia, serene (Basque)


a dhéanamh soiléir, to make clear, serene, serene (Irish)
gus a dhèanamh soilleir, to make clear, serene, serene (Scott)
i wneud yn glir, to make clear, egluro, to explain, clarify; clirio, to clear, seren, serene (Welsh)
per chiarire, to make clear, sereno, serene
faire clair, to make clear, serein, serene, placid; sérénité, serenity (French)

āṣtär (adj.), clean, clear, pure (Tocharian)

prkua(i), paparkua, to cleanse, purify,

thusia? quiet, silent, to keep silent (Luvian)

misriwes, bright, to become full (said of the moon), misriwadr, brightness, luk-, to brighten, set ablaze, to light, to get light, parkunu, #parkunu, to clear,  lisae, to clear out, harki-, clear, white, karsi-, clear, without hindrance, free, without hesitation,  parku(i)e/a, to cleanse, to purify, to declare innocent, to justify, to castrate, to clarify, to clear up, to become pure, prkui, prkuwai, clean, pure, clear, free of, proven innocent, parkui, pure, clean (Hittite)

to make clear
[<Lat. clarus-a
, clear, bright], make bright, fair weather, eclair, a pastry [<OFr.
esclair, lightning]
[<Lat. quietus -a -um, resting]


SeREN, Script
Z-8, Z30, Z163, Z180, Z336, Z1021, Z1846, Z1861, AH-2
ReN, Script S22

mastu, whey, dadhidrapsa, whey, dugdham, milk, kṣīram, milk of animals and plants, of sour milk; gorasa, cows milk, milk, udhasya, milking, milk

shir, شیر   milk,
dusidan, to milk (Persian)

შრატში, shrat’shi, whey, რძე, rdze, milk, სერომი, seromi, serom  (Georgian)

ilpu, milk, ḫalāpu, milk, to milk, šizbu, zizibu, milk (Akkadian)

syrovatka, whey, малако, malako, milk (Belarusian)
surutka, whey,
mlijeko, milk (Croatian)
, whey,
mleko, milk (Polish)
sūkalas, whey,

piens, milk,
seroms, serom (Latvian)
zer, whey,
lapte, milk (Romanian)
hera, whey,
maito, milk (Finnish-Uralic)

ορρός γάλακτος, orrós gálaktos, whey, γάλα, gála, milk  (Greek)
շիճուկ,  shichuk, whey, կաթը,  kat’y, milk,
սերոմ, serom, serom  (Armenian)
hirrë, whey, qumësht, milk, SEROM, serom (Albanian)

esne, milk, jetzi, to  milk (Basque)

serum-i, whey lac-lactis, milk

meadhg, whey,
bainne, milk, serom, serom (Irish)
meud, whey, bainne, milk, seomar, serom (Scott)
maidd (meiddion), gleision, whey; blith
-ion, milk;
llaeth (lleithion), milk,
serom, serom (Welsh)
siero del latte, whey; latte, milk,
siero, serum; (Italian)
petit-lait, whey,
lait, milk; sérum, serum (French)

દૂધ, Dūdha, milk, સીરમ, Sīrama, serom, છાશ, Chāśa, whey (Gujarati)
Süt, milk, kesilmiş sütün suyu, whey (Turkish)
сүт, süt, milk, сером, serom, serom, сарысуы, sarıswı, whey (Kazakh)
sut, milk, serom, serom, zardob, whey (Uzbek)

шир, şir, milk, сером, serom, serom, зардоби, zardoʙi, whey (Tajik)
süt, milk, сару, saru, whey (Kyrgyz)
сүү, süü, milk, сером, syerom, serom, шар сүүний, shar süünii, whey (Mongolian)

malke, milk (Tocharian)

aswinan, mare's milk (Hittite)

whey [<OE
milk [<OE milc]


serom (SERVM),
Script Z1153
see also, "ser," .i.e., "we join together"







Seriphus, island in the western
Cyclades? See ser above.


(SERPHVE), Script
x xshê [ta], for him, his, hvatô [-], himself, herself, thyself  (Avestan)
xod, himself, itself,
yrlnd, (ایرلند) herself (Persian) 

 თავად, tavad, himself, itself, თვითონ, tviton, herself (Georgian)

-ni, single, -na, pl., him, the (Urartian)

šâšu, to him, to her, that, the aforementioned, šuāšu, šuāti, to him, to her (m.f., singl. oblique), that the aforementioned (Akkadian) 

сам, sam, himself, itself, сама, sama, herself (Belarusian)
sam, himself,

ona sama, herself,
sebe, itself (Croatian)
samego siebie, himself, się, herself, samo, itself (Polish)
pats, himself,  pati, herself, pati par sevi, itself (Latvian)
se, himself, herself, în sine, itself (Romanian)
hän itse, himself,

oma itsensä, herself, itse, itself (Finnish-Uralic)
xο ίδιος, o ídios, himself, εαυτήν, eaftín, herself, εαυτό, eaftó, itself (Greek)
ինքը, ink’y, himself, ինքն իրեն, ink’n iren, herself, itself (Armenian)
vetë, himself, herself, itself (Albanian)

bere burua, himself, herself, bera, itself (Basque)

se, sese, pl. Acc., Abl, himself, herself, itself, himself, herself,

id, Acc. N.,  Sng himself, herself, itself, eius, sing., eis, iis, pl. eum (m) eam (f)

e féin, himself, í féin herself, féin, itself (Irish)
e fhèin, himself, herself, fhèin, itself (Scott)

ei hun, himself, herself, itself (Welsh)
si (Italian)
se (French

-(ä)ṃ, him, her, it (Tocharian)

ehbi(je)-, N/A/D ehbi, Nt ehbij, AblI ehbijedi, Npl. ehbi, Apl. ehbis, Ntpl. ehbija, DLpl. ehbije, G adj. DL ehbijehi, his (Lycian)

apasila, apāsila, pat, himself se, her, for her, him, it, si/sase, her, his, its (Hittite)

himself, herself, itself, it [<OE hit]

sese, Script Q424, Q661, Q767
se, Script Z77, Z102, Z1310, K11, K122, Q59, Q64, Q75, Q90, Q805, R26, R127, BT31, Au40, BB-3, J35-6,
Se, Script

MS13, S-2, K61, K125, Z24, R147, TC289, TC291, Au-102, J40-16
See also, 3-113:

eias, Q-8

eim, Script Z180,
Z347, Z1027,

See also,
it, Script CP44


Sastha, sixth; the sixth hour of the day

xshvash,  six,

xshtûm [xshtva], sixth (Avestan)
ششم sixth (Persian)

მეექვსე, meekvse, sixth (Georgian)

, šeše, six (Hurrian)

šadāšiu, sixth, šeššu, adj., sixth, šeššu, one sixth, šaššūtešu, for the sixth time, (Akkadian)

шосты, šosty, sixth (Belarusian)
šesti, sixth (Croatian)
szósty, sixth (Polish)
sestā, sixth (Latvian)
ŞASE, six,
şaselea, sixth (Romanian)
kuudes, sixth (Finnish-Uralic)

έκτος, éktos, sixth (Greek)
vets’erord, sixth (Albanian)
gjashtë, sixth

sei, sixth, seigarren, sixth (Basque)


séú, sixth (Irish)
an t-siathamh, sixth (Scott)
chwech, six,
sixth (Welsh)
sesto, sixth (Italian);
sieziéme, sixth (French)

s.äk, six (Tocharian)

six, six (Hittite)

sixth [<OE siex, six]


sesto, sestu (SESTV),
Script Q2-09, Q224

sad, sidati, to sit, seat one's self (esp. for a sacrifice), lie down, around or in wait for, be overcome, fall into trouble, distress or
despair, decay, vanish; stha, tisthati, -te, to
stand, stay, stop,
remain, wait;
as, aste, to sit, seat one's self on, settle down, keep quiet, rest, lie, dwell, stay, remain

âste [âh, åñh] to sit

nešastan, ستن to sit

დაჯდომა, dajdoma, to sit (Georgian)

naḫ-, sit down, to carry away (Urartian)

naḫḫ-, naxː- naḫḫ-⟩, to sit down, to set, to place (Hurrian)

ašābu, to sit down, wait, stay somewhere, reside, to live, ašbu, sitting, tenant, inhabitant, present (Akkadian)

сядзець, siadzieć, to sit (Belarusian)
sat, sate
, to sit
sjesti, to sit (Croatian)
usiąść, to sit (Polish)
sesta, seat; sestun,
to sit (Baltic-

sēdēt, to sit (Latvian)
a sta, to sit,  ŞEDE, he/she sits; SAT, SATUL, village, the village (Romanian)
istua to sit (Finnish-Uralic)

να καθίσει, na kathísei, to sit (Greek)
նստել, nstel, to sit (Armenian)
te ulesh, to sit

eseri, to sit (Basque)

sedeo, sedere, sedi, to sit

Suigh, to sit (Irish)
suidhe, to sit (Scott)
, to sit, seat
sedere, to sit (Italian)
s'asseoir, to sit,
siège, seat; (French)

બેસી, Bēsī,to sit (Gujarati)
oturmak, to sit (Turkish)
отыру, otırw, to sit (Kazakh)
o'tirmoq, to sit (Uzbek)

шиштан, şiştan, to sit (Tajik)
отуруу, oturuu, to sit (Kyrgyz)
суух, suukh, to sit (Mongolian)
Zuò, to sit (Traditional Chinese)

āsāṃ  [B asāṃ] seat (Tocharian)
aha-A to sit (Lydian)
asati, astti to sit (Lycian)
es, to sit (Nesian)

as- , #as, ēs-, ēsa, es/as, to sit, es, to sit down,

asas/ase/is, asa, to seat, ase/isanu, ases-, sit, to give a seat, to settle,
sēr d. to sit, to lay,
dāi-, tāi-, to sit, to lay, to put (Hittite)

to sit [<OE sittan]


seti, Script Z1835
setio (SETIV) Script CJ-9
setis, Script XB-16
, Script

, or, whether, prāṇa, whether

če, any, if, whether, because, etc., ', آیا if, whether, kh ̂ya, که آیا if, whether, agar, اگر  conj. if, (Persian)

თუ, tu, if (Georgian)

ai, if, ai(-), if, when,
alaše-, if, whether (Hurrian)

kīma, conj., if, in case, in the manner of, according to, as soon as, when, as, that, whether, because, on account of, so that (Akkadian)

калі, kali, if (Belarusian)
ako, if (Croatian)
gdyby, if (Polish)
ja, if (Latvian)
dacă, if,  SAU, or, or else (Romanian)
jos, if (Finnish-Uralic)

αν, an, if, whether, εάν, ean, if, whether, unless (Greek)
եթե, yet’e, if (Armenian)
nëse, if, whether, provided,
qoftë, whether (Albanian)

bada, if, baldan ba, if (Basque)

sive and seu, if, whether

, if (Irish)
ma tha, if (Scott)
, os, if, whether; pe, if, though, were, (Welsh)
se, if  (Italian)
si, if  (French)

જો, , if (Gujarati)

Eğer, if, whether, providing, ise, if, ama, but, if, however, yet  (Turkish)

егер, eger, if, unless (Kazakh)
agar, if, unless (Uzbek)
агар, agar, if, unless (Tajik)
эгер, eger, if (Kyrgyz)
хэрэв, kherev, if, unless, бол, bol, if (Mongolian)

kupre  [B kwri, krui], if, when, kupre-ne, if, if ever, when (Tocharian)

., if (Lycian)

, if (Mylian)

taku, if, when,

takku, takku, if (old Hittite)

man, if, whenever, whether....or, mān, if, in case where,

mānmān, if, or if, (Hittite)

if [<OE gif],
whether [<OE
hwhether], yet, [OE, giēt], at this time, remaining, still,


seo, seu (SEV),
Script Z359, Z396
si, Script Q53,
Q283, Q303,
R40, R53, R173,
R195, G14, G45,
TC170, K46, K52, M50, AB-6, AN-53, PG-1, ZB-1, Z79, Z104, Z139, R176, Q53, Q283, Q303, R39, R53, R173, R195, G13, G36, TC170, K46, K52, M50, AB-7, AN-53, PQ-2, XT-5




Ζεύς  Zeus (Greek)



Zeus, name of
Greek god?


Seus, Seos (SEVS),
Script Z336, Z446, Z1591, Z1861, P-2

siv, sivyati, -te, to sew

duxtan, دوخت   to sew (Persian)
duxt, to sew

კერვა, k’erva, to sew (Georgian)

kubbû, to sew, patch, kubbû, sewn, patched (Akkadian)

шыць, šyć, to sew (Belarusian)
,  to sew

šivati, to sew (Croatian)
siti, sew; vidi sev, sewn
szyć, to sew (Polish)
shut, to sew (Baltic
šūt, to sew (Latvian)

a coase, to sew (Romanian)
ommella, to sew (Finnish-Uralic)

να ράβω, na rávo, rabo, to sew (Greek)
կարել, karel, to sew (Armenian)
për të qepur, to sew; thur, to stitch (Albanian)

josi, josten, to sew (Basque)

suo, suere, sui, sutum, to sew, stitch, join
together; suesco-
suescere, suevi,
suetum, to be

chun sew, to sew, chun stitch, to stitch, fuaigh, to work, sew

gus sew, to sew, fuaigh, stitch, knit, connect (Scott)
i gwnïo, to sew, stitch (Welsh)
suturare, vi, to stitch, suture, cucire, vi. to sew (Italian):
coudre, to sew, piquer, to stitch; brocher, to stitch, suturer, to suture  (French)

સીવવા માટે, Sīvavā māṭē, to sew (Gujarati)
dikiş dikmek, to sew (Turkish)
тігу, tigw, to sew (Kazakh)
tikish, tikmoq, to sew (Uzbek)

дӯхтан, dūxtan, to sew (Tajik)
tigüü, to sew (Kyrgyz)
oyokh, to sew (Mongolian)

sr/srie/a, to sew, embroider, to truss

to sew [<OE
seowian], to
stitch, join
together; to
sweat, to toil?, tuck, to fold, turn in the edge of cloth, to draw in, contract, tug, to pull vigorously


su (sf), Script
AP-1; TC307 M50, DR-4; CP34
sua (sfa), Script
AF13, AJ-11, BT24
sue (sfe), Script
Z128, Z131, Z224, Z412, Z1809
suem (sfem), Script
Z656, Z1835,
suis (sfis),
Script AP-5; note (1)

khara, severe,

paruṣa, rough, harsh, dAruNa, to be hard, rough, harsh, cruel, severe

saxt, saxtgir, bipirâye, jeddi جدّیsevere

მძიმე, mdzime, severe (Georgian)

dannātu, severe words or orders (Akkadian)

цяжкі, ciažki, severe (Belarusian)
ozbiljan, severe (Croatian)
silny, severe (Polish)
smags, severe (Latvian)

sever, severe (Romanian)
vaikea, severe (Finnish-Uralic)

αυστηρός, afstirós, severe (Greek)
ծանր, tsanr, severe (Armenian)
i rëndë, severe (Albanian)

larria, severe, gogor, hard, tough, severe (Basque)

severus-a-um, grave, serious, strict, stern,
hard; adv. severe

dian, severe (Irish)
dona, severe, (Scott)
difrifol, severe (Welsh)
dygn, hard, severe,
savage (Welsh)
grave,  severo,
to deviate, avert, lead astray (Italian);
sévère, severe; éviter, to avoid, avert (French)

Severus, a name of an Etruscan queen / king; to be severe; to turn side, swerve [<OE
sweorfan], veer,


SeVERA (SeFERA), Script
K31; see
Script Q372, Q391,
which is also used in the context of a

Śūkaraka, pork,
śūkaraḥ, pig

gushte khuk

گوشت خوک
pork, khuk, خوک pig (Persian)
ღორის, ghoris, swine, pork (Georgian)

uzīru, hog, huzīrānu, pig-like (Akkadian)

xсвіння, svinnia, swine, pork (Belarusian)
svinja, swine, svinjetina, pork (Croatian)
wieprz, swine,
wieprzowina, pork (Polish)
cūkas, swine,
cūkgaļa, pork (Latvian)
porcine, swine,
porc, pork, pig (Romanian)
sika, swine,
sianliha, pork (Finnish-Uralic)

χοίρος, choíros, swine, xχοιρινό,
choirinó, pork (Greek)
խոզի, khozi, swine,
խոզի միս,
khozi mis, pork (Armenian)
derr, swine, mish derri, pork (Albanian)

txerri, pig (Basque)

sullus-a-um, a swine

muc, swine, muiceoil, pork (Irish)
muc, swine, muiceann,  pork (Scott)
moch, swine, porc, pork (Welsh)
suino, swine, maiale, pork, porco, pig
porc, swine, pork

domuz, pig, pork, swine (Turkish)
doňuz, pig (Turkmen)

шошқа, şoşqa, pig, hog (Kazakh)
cho'chqa, pig, hog (Uzbek)
хук, xuk, pig (Tajik)

чочко, çoçko, pig (Kyrgyz)
гахай, gakhai, pig, hog (Mongolian)
豬, Zhū, hog, swine (Traditional Chinese)

ŠAH, pig, mutn, mudan, pig food, humma-, piggery (Hittite)

Sulla, a name?
swine [<OE swin] pork [<Lat. porcus-i, pig], pig, [<ME, pigge]


sula, (SFLA), Script TC19

zus, zusati, to blow, hiss (of a snake); hiss, whistle, yell, gasp, exert one's self, endeavour;

śvasīt, zvas, zvasiti, zvasati, -te, to blow, bluster, hiss,
whistle, snort, breathe, sigh, gasp, groan


sut, سوت whistle,  nây, sut kasidan, to whistle (Persian)

მისია, misia, to hiss (Georgian)

ḫazû, to hiss,
napāḫu, to hiss, blow something, be bloated, swollen, etc., nazāqu, to hiss, squeak, to cause worries, to be upset, etc., nazzizu, hissing, zizzu, hiss, buzz (Akkadian)

шыпець, šypieć, t o hiss (Belarusian)
da zvižde, to hiss (Croatian)
syczeć, to hiss (Polish)
uz zagļiem, to hiss (Latvian)
la sunete, to hiss (Romanian)
hiljaa, to hiss (Finnish-Uralic)

μέχρι το σφύριγμα,
méchri to sfýrigma, to hiss, sfyrizo, whistle (Greek)
զգալով, zgalov, to hiss (Armenian)
për të fërshëlleu,  to hiss (Albanian)

txistu egin, hiss (txsistu, whistle) (Basque)


le sliabh, to hiss (Irish)
gu a chasan, to hiss (Scott)
i deuluoedd, to hiss, hisian (hisi-); hysian hysio), to hiss, set on, incite (Welsh)
sibilare, to hiss (Italian)
siffler, to hiss (French)

to hiss [<ME hissen], whistle [<OE hwistlian]?


sib (SI8), Script
N505, N563

atha-, therefore, moreover,

adas, thus, anā, thus, indeed,

asty evam, it is so

atha [-], so, thus (Avestan)
bedin tartib,
بدین ترتیب thus, banâbarin,

بنابراین   therefore

ამგვარად, amgvarad, thus,  ამიტომ, amit’om, therefore (Georgian)

anam-, anammi-, so, in this way (Hurrian)

akanna, kennam, thus, in the following way,

appitti, thus, just as, accordingly, šatti, in ana šatti, therefore, thereupon for this reason, kīšuma, thus, so, (Akkadian)

такім чынам, takim čynam, thus, таму, tamut, therefore (Belarusian)
tako, thus, stoga, therefore (Croatian)
a zatem, thus,  w związku z tym, therefore (Polish)

tādējādi, thus, tāpēc, therefore (Latvian)
prin urmare, thus,
therefore (Romanian)

täten, thus, 
siksi, therefore (Finnish-Uralic) tādējādi

έτσι, étsi, thus, επομένως, epoménos, therefore  (Greek)
այդպիսով, aydpisov, thus, հետեւաբար, hetevabar, therefore (Armenian)
kështu, thus,
prandaj, therefore (Albanian)

beraz, honela, thus, hortaz, therefore, (Basque)

sic, thus, in this way,

itaque, and so, therefore, for that reason,

proinde, proin, therefore, consequently

dá bhrí sin, thus, therefore (Irish)
mar sin, thus, therefore (Scott)
felly, thus, therefore,
cosi, thus,
perciò, therefore (Italian);
ainsi, thus, donc, therefore, thus (French)

-MA, so, thus, apēnissan, enissan, abinisan, (binisan?), inisan/enisan/eniesan, adv., thus, kisan/kinisan,  thus, as follows, kissan, adv/. thus, this way, nu n., thus, consequently, sēr, adv., thus, on top, up, consequently, appizza, apata, therefore, because of that (Hittite)

so [<OE swa], thus [<OE thus], in this way, like this, as follows, in
that case, to such a degree


sic, Script Z357, Z396, Z405, Z1417; TC150, TC179;
sik, Script XV-12,

See also,
7-30, "therefore,"

proita (PRVITA) Script XA-28, XE-4,

"therefore, for that reason,"
itek, Script Q899





Sicilia-ae [Siculi]-orum, Sicily; Siculus -a-um, Sicilian;


Sicilian, Sicily?


Sical, Script Q795, Q805
x x x x x x Sifai, name

SIFAI, Script S-15, S30, S40

cihnam, sign, mark, indication, karana, adj., cause, reason, motive, sign, mark, document, proof; ligga, mark, sign, emblem, badge, characteristic,
proof, idol, gender; cihva, sign, mark; cihvay, -yati, to mark, stamp, sign

alâmat, علامت, sign, signal, mark, nesân, نشان, seal, sign, mark, medal, nesâne, نشانه sign, to mark, symbol, etc., sharh, اشاره reference, sign, signal, action, tip, acknowledgement, gul, گول  trick, deceit,  magic, fool (Persian)
ხელი მოაწეროს, kheli moats’eros, to sign, ნიშანია, nishania, mark, badge, sign, მონიშვნა, monishvna, to mark, (Georgian)

ittu, mark, sign, feature, omen, ominous, sign, password, signal characteristic, diagram, giskimmu, sign, omen, ṣaddu, sign, signal, šarāḫu, to mark?, to pluck, šīru, ominous sign, meat, kin, flesh, iššū ru, to  augur, divine omens from  a bird, dāgil iššūre, diviner,observer of birds for divination purposes, kakku, sign predictin certain events, standard, warfare, troops, standard with divine symbol, etc., maššû, signal, sign, tiqun, insignia, ornament, embellishment,

paru, insignia, symbol, office, power, divine authority. etc., palû, insigne of kingship, hegemony, dynasty, reign of a king, etc.,, idû, to mark assign, identify, recognize, to be experienced, etc., šamātu, to mark, šendu, marked, branded, šāmitu, marker, brander, šimtu, mark, marking, glue, paint, branding iron, šikṣu, mark on the exta or the body


след, slied, to mark, падпісаць, padpisać, to sign,
Адзнака, adznaka, mark, aзнак, znak, sign (Belarusian)
trag, to mark,

potpisati, to sign, oznaka, label, mark, designation, oznake, insignia (Croatian)
cel, objective, markanota,
podpisać, to sign, znak, mark, sign, insygnia, insignia (Polish)

zīme, mark, sign, signal, zīmotnes, insignia, parakstīt, to sign (Latvian)
a MARCA, to mark, marcă, brand, mark, score,  a SEMNA, to sign, însemn, insignia (Romanian)
merkitä, to mark, allekirjoittaa, to sign, merkki, mark, sign, brand, arvomerkki, insignia (Finnish-Uralic)

να υπογραμμίσω, na ypogrammíso, to mark, σημάδι, simádi, mark, να υπογράψει, na ypográpsei, to sign, mark, εμβλήματα,  emblimata, insignia (Greek)
նշել,  nshel, to mark, նշագծել, nshagtsel, mark,  ի նշան, i nshan, insignia, ստորագրել, storagrel, to sign (Armenian)
për të shënuar, to mark, shenjë, mark, insignia, për të nënshkruar, to sign, lë gjurmë, trace (Albanian)

markatu, mark, to mark, sinatu, to sign, zeinu, sign, seinale, signal, sign (Basque)

marcus-i; designare,
notare, to mark,
, to sign, signum-i, sign, nota-ae, mark, sign, note, insigne-is, insignia, Marcus-i, name, Mark,

marc, mark, tag, a shíniú, to sign, suaitheantais, insignia (Irish)
comharra, mark, comharraidhean, insignia,  a shoidhnigeadh, to sign (Scott)
marc-iau, mark, i llofnodi (llawnodi), to sign, arwyddo, to sign, signify, connote, indicate,   to mark, arwyddluniau, insignia (Welsh)

marcare, to mark, score, marchio, mark, brand, firmare, to sign, segno, sign; segnare, to score, mark, sign, insegne, insignia (Italian)
marque, mark, marquer, to mark, signe, sign, signer, to sign, insigne, insignia (French)
sokjan, to search (Gothic)

Cihna, sign, mark (Gujarati)

sign, celestial flame (Tocharian)

sakiahh, sakiah, to sign, signal, to give a sign or omen, indicate,
sakiasr/sakiasn, sign, omen, sakiie/a, sakie/a, to give a sign, to give an omen, to reveal, to exemplify, sagai, sign, omen, miracle?, warning, feature, characteristic,
sakiah, signal, to give a sign or omen, indicate, guls-, to mark, write, scratch, gulsant-, marked, excellent

to mark [<OE

mearc], inscribe, to sign, a sign, mark, to sign, mark, insignia [<Lat. insigne],

gull, gullible [<Origin unknown]


sik, Script Z1787;
sikne, Script Z1835
("ne" suffix may be indication of name of people, as in RASNE); possibly Conj. Pres. 3rd Pers. S.

MARCE, J3-5, MARCA, M-8, probably the name Mark:
-a, Nom. Pl. N.
-e, Abl. Singl.

See also, "Omen, Sign,"

omen (VMEN) Script R381, R554

See also,


avis (AFIS), bird, bird of omen, omen,
S-10, S-30, PL-8, *ETP326

Avim, Script L71
(may be word for eternity, L. aevum)

maunin, silent,

maunam, silence, tusnibhava,
silence; nihzabda, adj. noiseless, silent; silence; avyahrta, not speaking, silence

sâket, ساکت silent, sekut, silence,
khamvsh, خاموش hush, silent, quiet, ârâm, آرام calm, silent, passive (Persian)

იყოს ჩუმად, iq’os chumad, to be silent, დუმილი, dumili, silence (Georgian)

qajalu, adj.,  taciturn, pius, attentive, eager, qūlu, silence, calm, stupor, qūltu, silence, dead of night, ḫesû, murrû, to be silent,

qâlu, to become silent, to keep

silent constantly, to stay quiet, to heed, to listen, qâliš, adv., silently, in silence, nuḫḫu, adj., quiet, nēḫ u, quiet, safe, calm, secure, undisturbed, slow, nēḫiš, adv., quietly, gently, nâḫu, to quiet a child, calm furor, rest, to pacify a country, people, etc., *sapu, to silence, to be silent, to subdue, etc., šiššu, silence, quiet, šaqummiš, adv., in silence, in consternation,

šarartu, deathly silence, devestation  (Akkadian)

maŭčać, to be silent, цішыня, cišynia, silence (Belarusian)
šutjeti, to be silent, tišina, silence, nijem, silent, (Croatian)
być cicho, to be silent, cisza, silence (Polish)
klusēt, to be silent, klusums, silence (Latvian)
a fi tacut, to be silent, tăcere, silence (Romanian)
olla hiljaa, to be silent, hiljaisuus, silence (Finnish-Uralic)

να είναι σιωπηλός, na eínai siopilós, to be silent, σιωπή, siopí, silence (Greek)
լռելու համար, lrrelu hamar, to be silent, լռություն, lrrut’yun, silence, տասիտ, tasit, tacit (Armenian)
hesht, to be silent, hesht, silence, qetësoj, resht, to be quiet; heshtje, qetësi, quiet (Albanian)

isilik, silent, isiltasun, silence, lasai, quiet, still (Basque)

sileo-ere-ui, to be still, silent

a bheith ciúin, to be silent (Irish)
a bhith sàmhach, to be silent (Scott)
i fod yn dawel, to be silent, tawedog, silent, taciturn, reticent; tewi, to be silent; distewi, to be silent, calm, quiet, to hush (Welsh)
essere silenzioso, to be silent, silenzio, silence,
quiet (Italian)
être silencieux, to be silent, silence, silence

મૌન, Mauna, silent (Gujarati)
suskun, silent, taciturn, sessiz, quiet, silent, mute (Turkish)
үнсіз, ünsiz, silent (Kazakh)
jim, silent (Uzbek)
хомӯш, xomūş, silent (Tajik)
үнсүз, ünsüz, silent (Kyrgyz)
чимээгүй, chimeegüi, silent (Mongolian)

thusia?, to keep silent, quiet (Luvian)

karussiianu, kari(a)nu, krinu/krianu, to silence,

krus(ie/a), to be silent,

krusiantili, silently, quietly, karussiya-, to watch quietly, silent, to be silent, kuwāliu-, silent, calm, duddumili, adv., silently, secrectly

to be still [<OE still], silent, [<Lat. silere, to be silent], quiet [<Lat. quietus -a-um], hush [Prob. <ME husht, silent], taciturn, [<Lat. taciturnus],
shush, interj. asking someone to be quiet [< origin unknown],


sila, Script K-12, TC213
silar, Script TC213?, PG-1?, PO-2

agniprastaraḥ, araṇiḥ, flint,
adri, rock, stone, esp. bruising or hurling stone; mountain, cloud;
zara, mottled, spotted, a stone used at games;

shishe, شیشه  glass,
chakhmaqy, چخماقی flint, silica, 
sang ̂tshaznah, سنگ آتشزنه flint, chert, xâre کوره rock, stone flint  (Persian)

ფლინტი, plint’i, flint, კენჭი, k’ench’i, pebble, ქვა, kva, stone, (Georgian)

ajaraḫu (see urijaḫu), a stone, mešēltu, flint, sharpened stone, blade  ṣurru, flint, flint blade, obsidian (Akkadian)

крэмень, kremień, flint, галька, haĺka, pebble (Belarusian)
kremen, flint, šljunak, pebble (Croatian)
krzemień, flint, kamyk, pebble (Polish)
krīts, flint, olis, pebble (Latvian)
cremene, flint, prundiș, pebble (Romanian)
piikivi, flint, kivi, pebble (Finnish-Uralic)

πυρόλιθος, kremieńpyrólithos, flint,
tsakmakopetra,  flint,
χαλίκι, chalíki, pebble, βότσαλο, vótsalo, pebble  (Greek)
շերտ, shert, flint, աղբը, aghby, pebble (Armenian)
gur stralli, stone, flint, stralli, flint, gurickë, pebble

harri, stone, harribil, pebble,  silex, flint (Basque)

silex-icis, flint,
saxum-i, rock, stone, 

breochloiche, flint, méaróg, pebble (Irish)
ailbhinn, flint, ceàrnag, pebble (Scott)
, flint; callestr,
carreg (cerrig),
stone (Welsh)
silice, flint,
ciottolo, pebble (Italian)
silex, flint,
caillou, pebble (French)

કાંકરી, Kāṅkarī, pebble,
ચકડોળ, Cakaḍōḷa, flint (Gujarati)
çakıl, pebble
aktaşı, flint (Turkish)

малтатас, maltatas, pebble, шөгінді, şögindi, flint (Kazakh)
toshli tosh, pebble, kremenlar, flint (Uzbek)
сангпушт, sangpuşt, pebble, флинт, flint, flint, (Tajik)
шагыл, şagıl, pebble, оттук, ottuk, flint (Kyrgyz) 
хайрга, khairga, pebble, цахиур чулуу, tsakhiur chuluu, flint (Mongolian)
卵石,Luǎnshí, pebble, cobble, shingle,  燧 石, Suìshí, flint, chert, silica (Traditional Chinese)

kärwañ* ( [B kärweñe], stone,  rock, pebble,(Tocharian)

(passilas), stone,

pasila, pebble, precious stone, gem, pasilant, stone, pebble, pasuela, stone object (Hittite)

hard stone, flint [<OE flint], chert, designating rocks like flint, [<origin unknown],


SILiCI, Script Z-1,
TC283, BT-1,

See also,
8-15, "rock, stone, pebble, flint":
rok (RVK),
Script TC170,
roca (RVCA) Script Z1314
roce (RVCE) Script J10-1
roco (RVCV)
Script Z1227,
rocio (RVCIV)
Script TC90:

See also,

petr, Script Z1854,
TC61, TC137
petro (PETRV),
Script TC-1, TC120;
petros, (PETRVS)
ScriptTC38, TC61, TC144, TC190,

See also,
sas, Script TC150;
sase, Au49;

zak, zaknoti, to be
able, assist,
īṣṭe, īś, to be able

vîs-to be, to become, to come (Avestan)
hastam man,
من هستم  I am, budan, بودن
  to be (Persian)

მე ვარ, me var, I am, ყოფნა, q’opna, to be (Georgian)

mann-, to be, tupp- to be, exist, be present, ur-, es, to be (Hurrian)

*kânu, to be (Akkadian)

я, ja, I am, быць, być, to be (Belarusian)
Ja sam, I am, biti, to be (Croatian)
jestem, I am,
być, to be (Polish)
ES esmu, I am, būt, to be (Latvian)
eu sunt, I am, a fi, to be, SUNT, they are (Romanian)
minä olen, I am, olla, to be,  (Finnish-Uralic)

εγω ειμαι, ego eimai, I am, να είναι, na eínai, to be (Greek)
ես եմ, yes yem, I am, լինել, linel, to be (Armenian)
unë jam, I am, te behesh, to be

izan, to be, ni naiz, I am (Basque)

sim, I am, sum, esse, fui, to be,  sumus, 1st pers. pl. sunt, third person pl.,

fio, fieri, factus sum, used as pass. of facio, to become,

, I am, a bheith, to be (Irish)
Tha mise, I am, Gu bhith, to be (Scott)
Dwi yn, I am, bod, i fod, to be, exist (Welsh)
sono, 1st pers. sing. to be; pl. siamo, essere, to be (Italian)
je suis, I am, être, to be,

suit, 1st pers. sing. sommes, 1st I am, we are, 3rd Pers. Pl. sont (French)

હોવું, Hōvuṁ, to be, હું છું, Huṁ chuṁ, I am (Gujarati)
olmak, to be, ben, I am (Turkish)
болу, bolw, to be, мен, men, I am (Kazakh)
ʙudan, to be,
ман мебошам, man meʙoşam, I am  (Tajik)
bolmok, to be, Menman, I am (Uzbek)
болуу, boluu, to be, Мен, Men, I am (Kyrgyz)
baikh, to be, Би бол, Bi bol, I am (Mongolian)
, to be (Palaic)

asa, to be (Nesian)

es-(/ah-): 3rd esi, 3rd pret. estte, 3rd imper., esu, to be (Lycian)

ēs- , es/as, # asa, sa es, to be, taksadniya- , to be, find oneself? (Hittite),

to be, 1st person sing., subj.,"I am,"
to be, [<OE beon]


sim, Script Z-1, Z897, Z1192, Q-3
som, sum, (SVM),
Script N522, N582;
some, sume, (SVME)
Script Q278, R339, R474, PQ-17

sont, sunt (SVNT),
Q701, See also,

fi, Script AP-1,
fia, Script Z1780

yathā yathā, however, in whatever way,

āstāñcakravartitā, to let alone

harchand, هر چند however, though  
ammâ, اما adv.,  but, however, though, 

ejâze dâdan, اجازه دادن  to let, bi بی , without (Persian) 

თუმცა, tumtsa, however,

მარტო რომ ვთქვათ, mart’o rom vtkvat, to let alone, გარეშე, gareshe, without (Georgian)

alla, but, rather, u, let go, to come to help, to come, ramû, to let go, drop, leave behind, discontinue work, become weak, go limp. to release, permit, allow, etc.,  illa, šalānu, without, la, without, no, not (Akkadian)

аднак, adnak, however, пакінуць у спакоі, pakinuć u spakoi, to let alone, без, biez, without (Belarusian)
međutim, however, da se pusti, to let alone, bez, without (Croatian)
jednak, however, pozwolić na sam, to let alone, bez, without  (Polish)
tomēr, however, atlaist vien, to let alone, bez, without (Latvian)
in orice caz, however,  SINE, self, să nu mai vorbim, to let alone, fără, without (Romanian)
kuitenkin, however, puhumattakaan, to let alone, antaa, to let, grant, give, ilman, without (Finnish-Uralic)

ωστόσο, ostóso, however, εν τούτοις, en toútois, adv., however, yet, για να μην ξεχνάμε, gia na min xechnáme, to let alone, χωρίς, chorís, without (Greek)
սակայն, sakayn, however, մենակ թողնել, menak t’voghnel, to let alone, առանց, arrants’, without (Armenian) megjithatë,
për të lënë të qetë, to let alone, pa, without (Albanian)

baina bada, but if, ordea, alabaina, however,  bakarrik uzteko, to let alone, gabe, without, (Basque)

sin; but if, if however; sine, prep., without,
sino, sinere, sivi, situm, to let alone

ach, however, gan trácht ar, to let alone, gan, without (Irish)
ge-tà, however, gun a bhith a 'leigeil leis, to let alone, às aonais, without (Scott)
hagen, conj. but,
moreover, however,

i sôn am sôn, to let alone, heb, without (Welsh)
sino, until, as far as, up to, down to, as much as, però, however, per non parlare, to let alone, senza, without (Italian)
sinon, else, or else, otherwise, if not, except, unless, toutefois, however, pour laisser seul, to let alone, sans, without, wanting (French)

tark, tama, [B tarkana],  to let go, let, allow (Tocharian)

km̃mt(i)-: Nt km̃m, Npl. km̃mti, Apl. km̃mtis, however, many (Lycian)

kmme/i, kmmet(i),  km̃mt(i)-, however many, -ma, -a-, but, and, ma?, ma-, but,  kuit imma kuit, however,

masi, how many, however many, however much, masianki, adv. masiant, adj. however many times,

dala/dali, dala/dal,

let, to leave, to let in peace, tarna->, let loose,  trna/trn, let go, to leave something, to allow,
tarna-, let, to allow, to abandon, to leave, to forgive, to let, put a spoon in a liquid, -pat, adv., however, besides, again, exactly, also, immediately, only, rather, (Hittite)

but if, if however;
without; to let alone, leave, [<OE lǣfan] allow, to let;


sin, Script Z19,
Z245, Z255,
Z289, Z396,
Z405, Z516,
Z1073, TC266;
sina, Script Z805, Z817; RA-2
sine, Script Z137

sinam, Script PC-12, Subj. 1st Pers. sinam, "I would allow,"
x x x x x x
Sinam, name of town, Sienna? -am suffix suggests sing.gen. noun

sinam, Script PC-12

ceṣṭā, often (action) parokṣe, curtain, tiraskariṇī, javanikā, curtain

bârhâ, adv. often,

aghiab, غالبا often, parde, پرده curtain (Persian)

ხშირად, khshirad, often, ფარდა, parda, curtain (Georgian)

daltu, in ša dalti, curtain for a canopy,

paruktu, curtain?, screen? (Akkadian)

часта, časta, often, заслону, zaslonu, curtain (Belarusian)
često, often, zavjesa, curtain (Croatian)
czesto, often,
kurtyna, curtain (Polish)
bieži, often,

aizkaru, curtain (Latvian)
de multe ori, often,
perdea, curtain (Romanian)
usein, often,
verho, curtain (Finnish-Uralic)

συχνά, sychná, often, κουρτίνα, kourtína, curtain (Greek)
հաճախ, hachakh, often, վարագույրը, varaguyry, curtain (Armenian)
shpesh, often, perde, curtain (Albanian)

saepe, often;
saepio, saepire, saepsi, saeptu, to hedge in

go minic, often, imbhalla, curtain (Irish)
gu tric, often, cùirteir, curtain (Scott)
aml (amal), adv. often, adj., frequent, abundant,

llen, curtain (Welsh)
, a curtain; spesso, often (Italian):
rideau, a curtain; souvent, often (French)

often [<OE oft], frequently; to enclose, hedge in, surround, confine, curtain [<LLat. cortina]


sip, Script ZB-1;
sipa, Script K25; see sep
sipo (SIPO) Script XM-8

ceriphalaṁ, cherry (fruit)

gilâs, گیلاس cherry (Persian)

ალუბალი, alubali, cherry (Georgian)

višniovy, cherry (Belarusian)
trešnja, cherry (Croatian)
, wisnia,
cherry (Polish)
visnaitas (Baltic-

ķirsis, cherry (Latvian)
cireașă, cherry (Romanian)
kirsikka, cherry (Finnish-Uralic)

κεράσι, kerási, cherry (Greek)
բալ, bal, cherry (Armenian)
qershi, cherry (Albanian)

cerasus-i, cherry

silíní, cherry (Irish)
siris, saoghail, cherry (Scott)
ceiriosen (ceirios
), cherry (Welsh)
cillegia, cherry (Italian)
cerise, cherry

cherry [<Gk.
kerasos, cherry tree]


sires, Script Z872

icchati, to wish, icchā, desire, wish, kāmanā,  kamita, abhāvaḥ, want, wish, desire, yācate, to ask, vanana, desire; ipsa, esti; varasya, wish, desiretama, longing, desire, durāśā, wish, hope, hayi, wish, desire, dhanaya; desire of wealth, covetnouss,

vas [-], to wish (Avestan)
xâstán, خواستن to desire, wish, seek, ârezu, آرزو n. desire, hope, wish, dream, 

ârezu kardan, ارزو کردن  to wish (Persian)

ვუსურვო, vusurvo, to wish, სურვილი, survili, to desire (Georgian)

šar-, desire, demand, wish,  ūr-, ur-, desire, want (Hurrian)

erēšu, izimtu,
uršu, wish, desire, erištu, ēreštu, wish, request, object of desire, ominous mark, mērešu, abiātu, wish, ašu, wish, need, mēreštu, wish, desire, request, supplies, etc., diglu, sight, mirror, gaze, object looked upon, ṣibûtu, to fulfill a wish, keṣēpu, wish?, account?, to plan, make plans, lalû, wish, desire, wealth, happiness, riches, prime of life, luxury objects, abundant vegetation, etc., panu, wish, choice, intention, past, past time, ranking position, looks, surface, etc., libbu, wish, intention, courage, thought, mind, desire, choice, (prep., in, among, from, belonging to, like, adv., therefore, therein, therefrom),  heart, etc., kipdū, wishes, plans, tabâtu, wish fulfilled, gratification, tazzimtu, wish, desire, grumbling, complaint (Akkadian)

пажадаць, pažadać, to wish,
на жаданне, na žadannie, to desire (Belarusian)
poželjeti, to wish, željeti, to desire (Croatian)
życzyć, to wish, chec, pozadanie, desire, pożądać, to desire (Polish)
vēlēties, to wish,
to desire (Latvian)
a dori, to wish, desire (Romanian)
toivottaa, to wish, haluta, to desire (Finnish-Uralic)

να ευχηθώ,  na efchithó, to wish,
να επιθυμούν, na epithymoún, to desire (Greek)
ցանկություն, ts’ankut’yun, to wish, ցանկանալ, ts’ankanal, to desire (Armenian)
te uroj, dëshirë, to wish, për të dëshiruar, to desire (Albanian)

nahi, wish, nahia, to desire desira, wish, lust, disiratu, to wish, lust, irrits, desire,  irrikatu, to desire, crave (Basque)

si vis; see volo; volo, velle, volui [vin = visne]; sis = si vis; sultris = si vultris,

aveo-are, to long fore, desire

ar mian leo, to wish,
dúil, desire (Irish)
a dh 'iarraidh, to wish, miann, desire (Scott)
i ddymuno, to wish, deisyf (deisyfu), to desire, wish, crave, supplicate, beg, awydd-au, desire, appetite, avidity (Welsh)
augerio, wish, greeting, augury, omen,
desiderare, to wish, desiderio, to desire (Italian)
souhaiter, vouloir, to wish, désirer, to desire (French)

ઇચ્છા, Icchā, wish, ઇરછવું, Irachavuṁ, to want, desire, wish (Gujarati)
istemek to want, wish, request, dilek, wish, desire, request (Turkish)
qalaw, to want, wish, тілек, tilek, wish, desire,  (Kazakh)
tilamoq, to wish, istak, wish, want, desire (Uzbek)
xostan, to wish, хоҳиш, xohiş, desire, wish, will (Tajik)
kaaloo, wish (Kyrgyz)
khüsneмөрөөдөх, möröödökh, to wish, dream, хүснэ, khüsne, desire, wish (Mongolian) 

kulypā- [B kulypā-], desire, ākāl [B akālk], wish, desire, [B. Yenta], want (Tocharian)

kupri-, 3rd kupriti, to desire, kuprime-, Nt kuprimẽ, desired, (Mylian)

ilalija, #ilalija, to,  wish, ilaliya-, to desire, envy, wek, to desire, to ask for,  to wish, wek-,  (IR), to wish, to claim, to ask, to demand, tsartia, to wish, kardiyas, desire (it of the heart), ZI-as arnu, to fulfill desires, take away, to bring, bring, to pay, replace, rsnadl(a), envier, rsne/rsn, to be envious, angry, arsaniya- , to envy, arsanezzi/ arsananzi, arsaniie/a, arsane/arsan, to be envious, arsanatalla-, envious, jealous   (Hittite)

to be willing, to wish [<OE
wyscan], to want, [<ON, vanta, to be lacking]
desire [<Lat.
desidero-are, to long for, wish for], adore, [<Lat. adorare], to like very much, worship as divine, to love, avid, [<Lat. avidus]


sis, Script TC56, R45, AN43, T-11, BT-23
sisi, or sise Z68,

See also,
av (A8), Script N100, N112, N160, Q863;
avim (A8IM), (probably bird) Script L71

saṁsthitiḥ, site, position, grāmaḥ, village

mahal, محل  site, location (Persian)

საიტი, sait’i, site (Georgian)

maškanu, site of a building, normal location, emplacement, agricultural settlement,

residence, position, tent, canopy, fetter for a slave,etc.,

alā’u, situated,

to lie, to abort, miscarry, throw off, to cast, set down etc. (Akkadian)

сайт, sajt, site (Belarusian)
mjesto, site (Croatian)
teren, site (Polish)
teren, site, SAT, village (Romanian)
paikka, site (Finnish-Uralic)
xιστοσελίδα, istoselída, site (Greek)
կայքը, kayk’y, site (Armenian)
faqe, site, fshati, village (Albanian)
 situs-us, place,

pono, ponere, posui, positum [postum], to lay, put, place, set,
suíomh, site (Irish)
làrach, site (Scott)
safle, site (Welsh)
luogo, site, posto, sito,  posizione, place, situare, to place, situate, locate, site, be located (Italian)
site, emplacement, site (French)

સાઇટ, Sā'iṭa, site (Gujarati)
yer, place, location, site (Turkish)

сайты, saytı, site (Kazakh)
sayt, turgan joy, site (Uzbek)

сайт, sajt, site (Tajik)
сайт, sayt, site (Kyrgyz)
sait, site (Mongolian)

pddãt-: L pddãti, G adj. D pddãtahi; pddn-: NA pdd, DLpl. pddne, place, pdexba, Hepat, local (Lycian)

pida?ta, pida?tant, place (Luvian)

peda, location, place, locality, #pedan, pieti, pídi, pēda-, pedant, a place, #guta, enclosed place, peda, place, location, position, locality, pedi-ssi, at his place, pdden, place, precinct (Hittite)

site, [<Lat. situs, place situation, to put [>ME putten],

sitos (SITVS) Script F9

See also,
7-12, "to put":

pone (PVNE), Script N-1, N100, N112, N123, N160, N206, N341, N553, Q127, Q152, Q202, Q209, Q893, R56, R278, R370, R542, R619
pones (PVNES)
, Script Q209, Q906, R633
poni (PVNI)
, Script N21, N63, N216, N280, N333, N444,
N483, N522, N582, N624, N660, N725,
Q74, Q194, Q273, Q311, R278, R314,
R325, R394, R437, R447

kṣipati, to throw, prahati, stroke,
throw, prAsa,
cast, throw, spear;
vap, vapati, -te, to
strew, scatter (esp.
seed), sow, throw orcas, kunta, spear, lance, asyati, to throw

neyze, نیزه lance,  javelin, spear,

andâkhtan, انداختن to throw, cast, launch, etc., part kardan,  پرت کردن to throw (Persian)

გადაგდება, gadagdeba, to throw, დაიწყოს, daits’q’os, to launch (Georgian)

kunz-, throw oneself down, prostrate (Hurrian)

karāru, to cast, throw, to set (Akkadian)

кінуць, kinuć, to throw, Для запуску, Dlia zapusku, to launch (Belarusian)
baciti, to throw, lansirati, to launch (Croatian)
rzucić, to throw, Wystrzelić,
to throw (Polish)
mest, to throw, uzsākt, to launch (Latvian)
a arunca, to throw,
a lansa, to launch (Romanian)
heittää, to throw,
käynnistää, to launch (Finnish-Uralic)

να πετάξουν, na petáxoun, για την έναρξη, gia tin énarxi, to launch (Greek)
նետել, netel, to throw, գործարկել, gortsarkel, to launch (Armenian)
të hedh, to throw, për nisjen, to launch (Albanian)

bota, to throw,
jaurti, to throw, launch (Basque)

lancea-ae, a light spear or lance; lancino-
, to tear to pieces, to squander;

  ēicit, Ind. Pres. 3rd Pers. Single, to throw

Caith, to throw, a sheoladh, to launch (Irish)
a thilgeil, to throw, a chur air bhog, to launch (Scott)
taflu, to throw, lluchio, to throw, fling, pelt, drift, rain (Welsh)
slanciare, vt., to throw (Italian)
lancer, to throw, rush, dart (French)

pēssiya->, (pesiezi), ūssiezzi, to throw, pesie/a, pesiana, pesiani,x pessiianna, pessiianni, pessiiae, pessie/a, to throw away, abandon, to cast, to shove, to cast off,

ishuuanna/ishuuanni, to throw, hoap/hop, throw, to hurl, to heap, pile up,

hopa, heap, hopae, to heap, to pile up (Hittite)

to throw [<OE
thrawan, to twist], thin out, taper, to rush, venture; to launch [<LLat.
lanceare, to wield a lance], to cast, [<ON kasta]


slanso (SLANSV)
Script TC108,

See also,
eic, Script, Q551
eice, Script Z981,
eik,? Script Q433, R22, R114

eiser, Script Z357, Z396, Z405

eisi, Script BT-3







an initial, like CN


SN, Script Z489
x x x x x x Sneogr rig, Sennacherib, son of Sargon, 702-680 B.C.


sāhāyyaṁ, to help, asssist, zaka, help, assistance; zakbhan, help, aid; zisti, help, aid, sahya, assistance, help; jinv, jinvati, to be lively, hasten, put in motion, quicken, favour, bring or help

komak kardan, کمک کردن, to help, yâri kardan,  یاری کردن to help, comfort, succor (Persian)

წარმატების მისაღწევად, ts’armat’ebis misaghts’evad, to succor, შველა,

shvela, to help (Georgian)

rēsu, to help, usâtu, to give help,

*naqāmu, to succor  (Akkadian)


каб дапамагай,
kab dapamahaj, to succor (Belarusian)
da pomaže, to succor (Croatian)
do pomocy, to succor (Polish)
lai palīdzētu, to succor (Latvian)

pentru a ajuta, to succor (Romanian)
auttaa, to succor (Finnish-Uralic)

να βοηθήσει, na voithísei, to succor (Greek)
օգնելու համար, ognelu hamar, to succor (Armenian)
për të ndihmuar, to succor

lagundu, to help, contribute, support, suzteko, to succor (Basque)

; to run
beneath, go under, undergo, aid, succor; socio-are, to unite, combine,

chun succor, to succor (Irish)
airson cuideachadh, to succor (Scott)
i gynhyrfu, to succor,
achlesu, to succor,
shelter, protect,
manure; adeinio, to succor, fly; swcro, to succor; ymgeleddu, to
cherish, succor,
befriend (Welsh)
soccorrere, to succor, help (Italian)
secourir, to succor, soucier, to trouble, to bother (French)

waria, to help,

warhitasa/i, being of help,   (Luvian)

uarissa/uariss, to help,
wari/warai, warhitasa, helpful, being of help, warra-, help, aid,
uarrae, warisa/waris, warae, to come to help, helpful, being of help,
warressa-, to help, to hasten, warri-, helpful, helper, assistant, wara hltsai, to cry for help, srdi, help, srdiadr/ srdian, help, alliance, srdia, helper, ally, supporter, sardiya-, help, reinforcements,
appanda u., to help,
arp-, to help, leave a side for another, to join with (Hittite)

to run beneath, to help [<OE helpan; ON hjalpa], succor, [<Lat. succurrere, to be useful for]


sok (SOK), Script XM-3;
soci, suci (SVCI)
Script Z665, Z719, K-1, K-39, K148

zvazu, mother-in-law; zuzu, mother; matrsvasr, a mother's sister; nana, mother

mâdare zan, مادرزن mother-in-law (Persian)

სიდედრი, sidedri, mother-in-law (Georgian)

emētu, mother-in-law (Akkadian)

мачыха, mačycha, mother-in-law (Belarusian)
punica, mother-in-law (Croatian)
teściowa,  mother-in-law (Polish)
māte likumā, mother-in-law (Latvian)
SOCRI, mother and father-in-law pl.), SOACRĂ, mother-in-law), SOCRU, father-in-law (Romanian)

anoppi, mother-in-law (Finnish-Uralic)

πεθερά, petherá, mother-in-law (Greek)
սկեսուր, skesur, mother-in-law (Armenian)
vjehrra, mother-in-law (Albanian)

amaginarreba, mother-in-law (Basque)


Máthair chéile, mother-in-law  (Irish)
màthair-chèile, mother-in-law (Scott)
mam yng nghyfraith, mother-in-law,  chwegr, mother-in-law  (Welsh)
suocera (Italian) belle-mère,

mother-in-law  (French)

(annas), anna- , ana, ana, mother (Hittite)



socri, sucri
Script Z798

See also,
5-59, "mother"
mamu or mami (MAMY) Script XM-5

mater, XB-8 XB-10, XB-12
, Script R426,
matro, matru,
Script R487

matrob (MATRO8), Script R459

ravi, mihira, sura,
surya, the sun;

sūryāhaḥ, solar, niśāntaḥ, dawn, daybreak, ekākin, eka, ekakin, adj., alone, sole, single,
solitary; vijana, adj., destitute of people, desert, solitary,
loneliness, upari, upward, divālokaḥ, daylight,

[hvar], sun,  (Avestan)

xoršid خورشید the sun, oftob, آفتاب sunlight, the sun,  fajr, فج dawn, aurora, âğâz šodán, آغاز شدن  dawning of the day, ghaz, اغاز dawn, aurora, daybreak, tanhâ تنها alone, yegâne, tak, adj.,تک alone, single, etc. (Persian)

მზე, mze, the sun, გამთენიისას,
gamteniisas, dawn,

მარტო, mart’o, alone (Georgian)

simigi šimigi⟩, sun, asni [azan], day, χurrə, χurwə, morning, east (Hurrian)

kararû, sun's brilliance at midday, midday, nipu, sun disk, boss, disk, anpḫu, sun, star, rising sun, shining, blazing fire, kindled, šamšu, sun, sunlight, day, sun disk (a synonym for gold), šamšatu, sun disk, mock sun (parhelion), or moon (paraselene,
šamšiš, šarūriš, like the sun, šarūru, sunlight,     brilliance, radiance, tendril, shoot of a plant šalāmu, sunset, erebu, sunset, west, mountain pass, šaššānš, like the sun (Akkadian)

Сонца, Sonca, the sun, світанак,
svitanak, dawn, толькі, toĺki, alone (Belarusian)
sunce, the sun, sam, alone,
zora, dawn, (Croatian)
słońce, the sun,
świt, dawn, wschód słońca, sunrise sam, alone,  lekki, lit, light, (Polish
saule, the sun (Baltic-Sudovian)
saule, the sun,
rītausma, dawn, vienatnē, alone (Latvian)
soarele,  SOARE, the sun,
ușoară, light, LUCI, to light, singur, alone, zori de zi, dawn, (Romanian)
aurinko, the sun, yksin, alone,
auringonnousu, sunrise, valo, light, (Finnish-Uralic)

Ο ήλιος. ilios, sun, αυγή, avgí, dawn, μόνος, mónos, alone, Έρεβος Érevos, Erebus, personification of darkness, born of Chaos  (Greek)
Արեւ, Arev, the sun, լուսաբաց, lusabats’, dawn, արեւածագ, arevatsag, sunrise, լույսը, luysy, light, միայնակ, miaynak, alone (Armenian)
dielli, the sun, agim, dawn, sunrise, vetëm, alone (Albanian)

eguzkia, sun, ilunabarra, ilunsenti, sunset, egunsentian, dawn, argia urattu, to dawn, mafiaren, underworld, bakarrik, alone (Basque)

sol, solis, the sun; Aurora, dawn,
solus-a-um, alone,
only, sole, solitary,
uninhabited; solo-are, to make solitary,
Erebus-i, god of the underworld; the underworld;
Ops, goddess of plenty
lux, lukis, daylight, light,

to burn, cinis-eris, ashes;

an ghrian, the sun, breacadh an lae, (break of day), dawn, breacadh an laeéirí gréine, sunrise, solas, light, ina n-aonar, alone (Irish)
a 'ghrian, the sun, dbriseadh an latha, dawn, èirigh na grèine, sunrise, soillse, light, ray of light, aonar, alone (Scott)
haul (heuliau),
huan, the sun; wawr, dawn, sunrise,
lleu, llug, bright, cynnau, to kindle, light, ignite unig, adj., only, sole, mere, lonely, alone (Welsh)
sole, the sun; alba, aurora, dawn solo, only one, alone (Italian)
sol, the ground, soil; soleil, the sun; aube, aurore, dawn, solo, adj. solo (French)

સૂર્ય, Sūrya, sun, પરો., Parō, dawn, sunrise (Gujarati)
Güneş,sun, şafak,dawn (Turkish) 
күн, kün, sun, таң, tañ, dawn (Kazakh)
quyosh, sun, tong, dawn (Uzbek)

офтоб, oftoʙ, sun, субҳ, suʙh, dawn\ (Tajik)
күн, kün, sun, жарык боло баштоо, jarık bolo baştoo, dawn (Kyrgyz)
nar, sun, үүр цайх, üür tsaikh, dawn (Mongolian)

koṃ [B kauṃ] day, sun

koṃ-ñkät, [B kauṃ-ñäkte],  the sun, opärkā (adv.), in the morning, at sunrise, lyokat, it dawns, light, luks, to illuminate,

tiat, sun-god (Palaic)

ddeweze-, adj., sun-god, N/D ddewezehi, sun, luga, to burn

tiwadama(i), sun-blessed,

tiuad, tiuad(i), sun-god,

tiualia, tiuaria, of the sun-god (Luvian)

mara/mari, sunlight,

istanus, the sun, lukat, dawn, next morning, lukta, at dawn, next morning, lukkatti, adv., at dawn, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, lalukima, light source, lalukkiuwant-, light, splendid, lukkai, to light,
luke/is, light, to become light,
lukk, to get light, luk-, to get light, to set ablaze, to brighten, laluke/is, light up, to luminous, laluke/isnu, to give light, to illuminate,  #lukkái, to light, to shine, luk, to light up, dawn, lukkanu, luknu, to make light, har(ua)nae, hru(wa)nae, to dawn, kreuriur, daybreak, upp, sunrise, of the sun to come up (Hittite)


the sun [<OE
sunne], a day;
dawn [<OE dagian],  alone [<ME,
alone], solitary,
sole, up, [<OE up, upward, uppe, on high]
auf, up, (German),

light [<OE leoht],

luster [<Lat. lustrare, to brighten],
incinerate, [<Med. Lat. incinerare]


sol, sul (SVL), Script Z308, Z1250;
sola, sula (SVLA)
Script Z598;
solo (SVLV)
Script Z1161, R49, R65
solos, sulus
Z1177, Z1334,

Arepes, Script N31, N500, N561, N598, N632,

See also,
los (LVS) Script TC71, PL-6, PL-20, R123, Z147
los (LOS) Script XE-6, XQ-3
losa (LVSA) Script BB-2
losan (LVSAN), they light, Script Z543;
(Note: Script PL is the Piacenza Liver),

See also,
cina, Script, TC46, N41, N491, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N689, N711, Q435, Q422, Q481, PQ-4
cinas, Script N18, N22, N47;
cinat, Script TC57
cine, Script N139
cini, Script R447
cino, cinu (CINV),
Script N53,
N216, N483, N624, Q84, Q127, R370, R447, R607. R619, Aph-7?
cinos, cinus (CINVS), Script N230, N244

svanita, adj.,sounding, sound; svana, sound, noise; kvana, sound

be nazar, به صدا to sound, sot, صوت sound (Persian)

ისმის, ismis, to sound, ხმა, khma, sound (Georgian)

rigmu, sound,

voice, noise, call, proclamation, thunder, wailing, lamentation, complaint, request, legal complaint (Akkadian)

гучаць, hučać, to sound, гук, huk, sound (Belarusian)
zvučati, to sound, zvuk, sound (Croatian)
brzmieć, to sound, dźwięk, sound (Polish)
skaņu, to sound, skaņa, sound (Latvian)
a suna, to ring, to sound, to jingle, to call, sunet, sound (Romanian)
kuulostaa, to sound,
ääni, sound (Finnish-Uralic)

ακούγομαι, akoúgomai, to sound, ήχος, íchos, sound (Greek)
հնչեցնելու համար, hnch’ets’nelu hamar, to sound, ձայնը, dzayny, sound (Armenian)
të shëndoshë, to sound,  tingull, sound (Albanian)

soinua, sound, soinua egiteko, to  sound (Basque)

sono-sonare, sonui,

chun fuaim, to sound, fuaime, sound (Irish)
gu fuaim, to sound, fuaim, sound (Scott)
i sain, to sound,
resound, enunciate;
swnio, to sound,
per suonare, to sound, sonare, to blow, suono, sound (Italian)
paraitre, to sound, sonner, to ring, du son, sound (French)

käln- [B käln-], sound, resound, to make a sound (an instrument) (Tocharian)

to sound [<Lat.
, make a noise, celebrate


son, sun (SVN),
Script Z1417, XB-41

sona, suna (SVNA)
Script Z530
sone, sune (SVNE),
Script Z64
sonoi (SVNVI) Script A101

supti, sleep; svapna svapa, sleep, dream; svap, svapiti, to sleep, fall asleep, lie down, repose, be dead, make to sleep, bring to rest, kill; dra, drati, drayate, to fall asleep

xâbâlud, xâbâvar,
adj. drowsy, xâb,
خواب, sleep, xâbidan, خوابیدن, xoftan, to sleep (Persian)

დაძინება, dadzineba, to put to sleep, ძილიანობა, dzilianoba, drowsiness, ოცნება, otsneba, dream (Georgian)

dullupu, sleepy, heavy-eyed, allūtu, šittu, sleep, alālu, in la alālu, sleeplessness, restlessness, naṭālu, to have a dream, to inspect, let see, to observe, to be attentive to, to witness, to have eyesight, to look, to look on, to look at a person, to look kindly on, to look at the light, the sun, etc., iltu, mašarrû, dream, utūlu, lie down, to sleep  (Akkadian)

ўсыпляць, ŭsypliać, to put to sleep, дрымотнасць, drymotnasć, drowsiness, сон, son, dream,

марыць, maryć, to dream,


spavati, to put to sleep, mamurluk, drowsiness, san, dream (Croatian)
uśpić, to put to sleep, senność, drowsiness,  drzemac, drzemka,
drowse; sen, slept,
spac, sleep,
marzenie, dream, marzyc, to dream (Polish)
gulēt, to put to sleep,
miegainība, drowsiness, sapnis, dream (Latvian)
dormi, to put to sleep, somnolenţă, drowsiness, vis, dream (Romanian)
nukkumaan, to put to sleep,
uneliaisuus, drowsiness, unelma, unta,  dream (Finnish-Uralic)

να κοιμηθείς, na koimitheís, to put to sleep, υπνηλία, ypnilía, drowsiness, όνειρο, óneiro, dream (Greek)
քնել, k’nel, to sleep, քնկոտություն, k’nkotut’yun, drowsiness,  երազանք, k’nkotut’yunyerazank’, dream (Armenian) gjumë, fjetje, sleep, qenët i, përgjumur, drowsiness,  për të fjetur, to sleep, ëndërr, dream (Albanain)

loaren, lo, sleep, lo egin to sleep, amets, dream, amets egin, to dream (Basque)

sopio-ire; to put to sleep; dormio-ire, to sleep, somnus-i, sleep, sloth,

somnio-are, to
dream; revereor
vereri-veritus, to revere
,  respect, fear,

a chodladh, to put to sleep, codlatacht, drowsiness, aisling, dream (Irish)
a chuir gu cadal, to put to sleep, trioblaid, drowsiness, bruadar, dream (Scott)
i fynd i gysgu, to put to sleep, cysgu, to sleep, nap, huno, to sleep, drowndid, drowsiness, breuddwyd, dream (Welsh)
mettere a dormire, to put to sleep, sopore, drowsines assopirsi, to drowse, sognare, dream (Italian)
sommeiller, to drowse go to sleep; dormir, to
rêver, dream (French)

rüya görmek, hayal etmek, to dream, uyumak, to sleep (Turkish)
армандау, armandaw, to dream,
uyıqtaw, to sleep (Kazakh)
orzu qilmoq, to dream, uxlamoq, to sleep (Uzbek)

кыялдануу, kıyaldanuu, to dream, уктоо, uktoo, to sleep (Kyrgyz)
möröödökh, to dream, унтах, untakh, to sleep (Mongolian)
做夢, Zuòmèng, to dream, 睡覺, Shuìjiào, to sleep (Traditional Chinese)

spam [B spane], sleep (Tocharian)

sup, supparija,

#šupparija, to sleep,

suppiie/a, suppariie/a, suprie/a, suppariya-  to sleep, supruant, sleepy,
tesha, tesha-, sleep, dream, teshali?, sleepy?,
teshaniya-, to sleep, to dream, ses/sas, seszi, to sleep, ses/ss, to sleep, to rest, to lie down, sst(a), sleep, bed, sasnu, ssnu, to sleep with someone,
armah-, to sleep with, pregnant, to make pregnant,
alaktrae, klaktrae, drowsy, to make drowsy (Hittite)

to put to sleep,
quieten, stun, render senseless;
drowse [<OE


sopa, supa (SVPA)
Script N522,
N582, R54, R511
sopes, supes
Script Q713
sopo, supo (SVPV),
Script Q784

See also,

rev (RE8) PL-33
reva (RE8A), Script Au17, Au74, Au20
revo (RE8V), Script N216
revi (RE8I) or revio (RE8IV), Script K136

nanāndṛ, sister-in law; svasr, bhaginī, sister

khâhar, خواهر sister, senhar (snhar), سنهار daughter-in-law (Persian)

დის, dis, sister, მული, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law (Georgian)

ēl-a, ela, sister (Hurrian)

aḫātu, sister, aḫātûtu, adopted sister, talimtu, close or beloved sister, kallatu, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, bride

сястра, siastra, sister, нявестка, niaviestka, sister-n-law (Belarusian)
, sister

sestra, sister, šogorica, sister-in-law (Croatian)
siostra, sister, szwagierka, sister-in-law  (Polish)
seser, sister (Baltc

māsa, sister, pusmāsa, svaine, sister-in-law (Latvian)
SORĂ, sister,
cumnată, sister-in-law (Romanian)
sisko, sister, käly, sister-in-law (Finnish-Uralic)

αδελφή, adelfi, sister, κόρη, kóri, girl, daughter, maiden, κορίτσι, korítsi, girl (Greek)
քույրը, k’uyry, sister, sister-in-law (Armenian)
motër, sister, kunata, sister-in-law (Albanian)

soror-oris, sister,
nurus-us, daughter-in-law

deirfiúr, sister (Irish)
sier, sister
(Old Irish)
piuthar, sister (Scott) chwaer (chwiorydd), sister  (Welsh)
c'hoar, -ezed, sister (Breton)
suora, nun, sorella, sister, nuora, daughter-in-law  (Italian)
soeur, sister (French)

બહેન, Bahēna, sister, નાની બહેન, Nānī bahēna, little sister (Gujarati)
kardeşNānī bahēna

kardeş, sister, baldiz, sister-in-law (Turkish)

әпке, äpke, sister, қарындас, qarındas, younger sister (Kazakh)
opa, sister,
qayin-opa, sister-in-law (Uzbek)

хохар, xoxar, sister, хоҳари шавҳар, xohari şavhar, хоҳарарӯс, xohararūs, sister-in-law (Tajik)
эже, eje, sister, балдыз, baldız, sister-in-law (Kyrgyz)
эгч, egch, sister, хадам эгч, khadam egch, sister-in-law (Mongolian)
姐姐, Jiějiě, sister, 嫂子,  Sǎozi, sister-in-law (Traditional Chinese)   

әпке, sister (Tocharian)

nere/i, sister (Lycian)

neri(je)- , sisterly (Mylian)

MUNUS KU, nega, #nega, neka, ananeka, nanasri, NIN, sister, nekadr,
sisterhood, nanasria, of a sister, sopinika, pure sister (Hittite) 

sister [<OE


sor, sur (SVR) Script Z170, Z197,
Z272, Z327, Z347,
Z357, Z378, Z412,
Z1016, Z1040, Z1797, Z1825, AN12, N738, R286
sorom, surom
Script N670,
SVRvM, Script

See also,
6-54, "daughter-in-law,":
nor, nur (NVR) Script L25
(NORA) Script AH10
nora (NVRA), Script
TC61, BS-10

nore (NVRE)
, Script TC201,

See also,

SNENAR (SNENAO) or SAENAR Script DR-1 (name over image of seated goddess)

smayana, smiling, a smile, smitam, smile,  smile smita, smiling, expanded, blown, a smile; smi, smayate, -ti, to
smile, blush, be proud or arrogant,

jaṅghāyā māṁsalaḥ paścādbhāgaḥ, calf of the leg

bâzvô [bâzû], limb, arm,, foreleg (Avestan)
pasht sac,
پشت ساق calf of the leg, pâ پا leg, labkhand لبخند smile, labkhand zadan, لبخند زدن  to smile, (Persian)

ღიმილი, ghimili, to smile, ფეხი ფეხი, pekhi pekhi, calf of the leg (Georgian)

qurə, leg, foot (Urartian)
u-krə, leg, foot (Hurrian)

kimṣu, calf of the leg, knee, shin, leggings, a measure of length, support, part of a lock, kursinnu, lower leg of animals and humans, fetlock (Akkadian)

ŭsmichacca, to smile, цяля ногі, cialia nohi, calf of the leg (Belarusian)
nasmiješiti, to smile, teleći nogu, (teleći, calf) calf of the leg (Croatian)
usmiechac sie,
łydka nogi, calf of the leg (Polish)
smaidīt, to smile, kājas teļš, calf of the leg (teļš, calf) (Latvian) SURÂDE, to smile; SURÂS, smile, vițelul piciorului, calf of the leg (vițelul, calf) (Romanian)
hymyillä, to smile, jalka vasikka, calf of the leg (Finnish-Uralic)

να χαμογελάσει, na chamogelásei, to smile, μοσχάρι του ποδιού, moschári tou podioú, calf of the leg, damalaki, calf  (Greek)
ժպտալ, zhptal, to smile, ոտքի հորթ, votk’i hort’, calf of the leg (Armenian)
për të buzëqeshur, to smile, viçi i këmbës, calf of the leg (këmbës, leg) (Albanian)

hankako txahal, calf of the leg, irri egin, to smile (Basque)

sura-ae, the calf of the leg; risor-oris,
laughter, smile

aoibh gháire, to smile, lao an chos, calf of the leg (Irish)
a 'gàire, to smile, laogh a 'chas, calf of the leg (Scott)
i wenu, to smile, llo'r goes, calf of the leg (Welsh)
sorridere, to smile,
polpaccio della gamba, calf of the leg (gamba, leg) (Italian)
souire, to smile, to be favorable to,
veau de la jambe, calf of the leg (jambe, leg) (French)

htal(a)i, smile (Luvian)

egdu, leg, pdala, leg wrapping,

pad/pd/pda, leg, foot,  padiali, foot, leg of furniture, paduma?, foot of a bed, hapis, limb, member,  (Hittite)

calf of the leg?  [<ON legger], to smile [<ME


sori, suri (SVRI),
Script TC161, AN31
soro, suro (SVRV),
Script R286;
sorov, surov (SVRV8),
Script N738

See also,
6-132, "foot":
pes, Script TC19, TC38, TC190, TC271, N63, N670, N700

dvi-, two-fold, double, dviguṇam, double, twice as much, dvaigunya, the double, double the amount, value,
measure; dvitaya, adj., consisting of two, twofold, double, pl. both; n. a pair; dvaya, twofold, double,
double nature

dobarrâbar دو برابر double (Persian)

ორმაგი, ormagi, double (Georgian)

eṣpu, adj., double, eṣēpu, to double, multiply,  šunnû, adj., double, šutašnû, adj., doubled (Akkadian)

двайны, dvajny, double (Belarusian)
dvostruko, double (Croatian)
podwójnie, double

dubultā, double (Latvian)
dubla, SOSIE, double (Romanian)
kaksinkertainen, double (Finnish-Uralic)

διπλό, dipló, double (Greek)
կրկնակի, krknaki, double (Armenian)
dyshe, double

bikoitza, double (Basque)

duplex, double; sub = under;
pig, boar, hog, sow? L. sus, suis

dúbailte, double (Irish)
dùbailte, double (Scott)
(dyblau), double (Welsh)
doppio, sosia, double; suisare, to misrepresent, alter (Italian)
double, double, sous, prep. under, beneath, on, upon (French)

kbijt(i)-, A kbijti,  double (Lycian)

danhasti, double-bone, body parts of cows and sheep (Hittite)

double [<duplex]?


sos, sus, (SVS),
Script ZB-2, Z981, Z1027, Z1853, XB-9, XB-29

See also,
suis, AP-5

koṭabh, coat, celaḥ, colaḥ, jacket, kajcuka,
coat of mail, bodice, jacket; kavaca, armour, mail, jacket,
the bark of a tree;
kurpasak, jacket, bodice

pâlto, پالتو coat, khastvanhخستوانه
cassock, kot کت jacket, jabah, جبه caftan, cassock, tunic (Persian)

ქურთუკი, kurtuk’i, coat, overcoat, jacket, კაზაკთა, k’azak’ta, cassock (Georgian)

epartu, gulēnu, a coat, eriptu, a multicolored coat, ullulu, leather coat or cover, ulpānu, leather coat (Akkadian)

паліто, palito, coat, шынель, šynieĺ, overcoat, куртка, kurtka, jacket, рыза, ryza, cassock, туніка, tunika, tunic (Belarusian)
kaput, coat,
ogrtač, cloak, cape, overcoat, šinjel, overcoat, jakna, jacket,  mantija, cassock, tunika, tunic (Croatian)  płaszcz, coat, overcoat, kurtka, jacket,  sutanna, cassock, tunika, tunic (Polish)
mētelis, coat, overcoat,  jaka, jacket, kazaki, cassock, tunika, tunic (Latvian)
haină, coat, pardesiu, overcoat, sacou, jacket, SUTANĂ, cassock, tunică, tunic (Romanian)
takki, coat, jacket, tunic,
päällystakki, overcoat,
kasakka, cossack, tunika, tunic (Finnish-Uralic) 

παλτό, paltó, coat, overcoat, βαρύ παλτό, barý paltó, coat, overcoat, πανωφόρι, panofóri, overcoat, great coat,  σακάκι, sakáki, jacket, ράσο, ráso, cassock (Greek)
բուրդ, burd, wool, coat, fur, պիջակ, pijak, jacket, coat, բաճկոնը, bachkony, jacket, զամբյուղ, zambyugh, cassock (Armenian)
shtresë, coat, xhaketë, jacket, veladon, cassock

amarria, soineko, coat, berokia, overcoat, sotana, cassock (Basque)
tunica-ae, a sleeved garmet, jacket, coat, sagum-i, military cloak, woollen mantle
cóta, coat, overcoat, seaicéad, jacket, caiséad, cassock (Irish)
còta, coat, overcoat,
seacaid, jacket, casag, cassock (Scott)
cot, coat, cot fawr, overcoat, siaced-i, jacket; casul-iau, chasuble, cassock, casog, cassock (Welsh)
sotana, cassock; cappotto, coat, overcoat, giacca, jacket (Italian)

manteau, coat, pardessus, overcoat, tunique, tunic, veste, jacket,  soutane, cassock,   (French)

કોટ, Kōṭa, coat, જેકેટ, Jēkēṭa, jacket, કassસockક, Kaasssaockka, cassock (Gujarati)
ceket, coat, jacket, palto, overcoat,
cüppe, cassock (Turkish)
пальто, palto, coat, куртка, kwrtka, jacket, кассок, kassok, cassock (Kazakh)
palto, coat, kurtka, jacket, kassa, juba, cassock (Uzbek)
курта, kurta, coat, jacket, палто, palto, overcoat, кассоб, kassoʙ, cassock, туник, tunik, tumic (Tajik)
жүн, jün, coat, пальто, palto, overcoat, пальтокемсел, kemsel, jacket (Kyrgyz)
цув, tsuv, coat, cape, палөто, palөto, coat, overcoat, хүрэм, khürem, jacket, кассок, kassok, cassock (Mongolian)
塗 層, Tú céng, coat, 大衣, Dàyī, overcoat, 夾克, Jiákè, jacket, 護套, Hù tào, jacket, 衲, Nà, cassock,     

seknu/seknau, cloak (Hittite)
coat [<OFr. cote],
kazagand, padded
jacket]? a long,

chasuble [LLat.
casubla, hooded
tunic, pelt, [<ME], animal skin with hair or fur on it,

sotanas  (SVTANAS)
Script Z263, Z405

vahati, to sustain, support, carry,

dhārayati, to keep, hold, contain, maintain,
dharuna, bearing, supporting, holding, bearer, supporter, support, foundation, receptacle; bharman, support,
nourishment; sah,
sahate (-ti), to
overpower, win
battles, be victorious, hold out, endure, sustain, withstand, resist, bear, suffer

hemâyat kardan حمایت کردن  to support, uphold, defend, sabat kardan, اثبات کردن to support, verify,   postibâni, پشتیبانی  support, backing, relief (Persian)
mkhardach’era, to support,
shenarchuneba, to sustain (Georgian)

emēdu, to support, join, unite, to lean, load, stand by, etc., rēûtu, support, help, rēṣu, supporter, helper, ally, ṣābit pūti, supporter,  napištu , sustenance, provisions, livelihood, breath, body, self, animals (Akkadian)

для падтрымкі,
dlia padtrymki, to support,  для падтрымання,
dlia padtrymannia,
to sustain (Belarusian)

podržati, to support, suzdržati, to sustain (Croatian)
wspierać, to support, utrzymać, to sustain (Polish)
atbalstīt, to support, 
uzturēt, to sustain (Latvian)
a sustine, to support, sustain (Romanian)
tukea, to support,
ylläpitää, to sustain (Finnish-Uralic)

για να στηρίξει, gia na stiríxei, to support,  να υποστηρίξει, na ypostiríxei, to sustain (Greek)
աջակցել, ajakts’el, to support,
պահպանելու համար,
pahpanelu hamar, to sustain (Armenian)
per te mbeshtetur, to support,  te qendrosh, to sustain (Albanian)

suesco, suescere, suevi, suetum, to become accustomed; suetus-a um, customary, usual;
sustineo tinire -tinui tentum

chun tacú leis, to support, a chothú, to sustain (Irish)
gus taic a thoirt, to support, gus cumail suas, to sustain (Scott)
cefnogi, to encourage,
support, back,
amwyn, to contend, seize, defend, support, cynnal, to sustain, maintain, operate,
undertake, uphold, keep (Welsh)
sostenere, to support, sustain (Italian)
soutenir, to support, to
sustain, to hold up, maintain, affirm; (French)

ālambaṃ [B ālambaṃ], support, basis, ground (Tocharian)

har-, har(k)-, anda har(k)-, to hold,to have, 
harzi, to hold,
pe har(k), hold, to have, to keep, har(k)-, to keep, maz-, mazas-, to support, mat-, to support, resist, to be able, parā au(s)-, to  ignore, look without acting, to overlook, au(s)-, sustain, to see, feel, lulu aus-, sustained, to be sustained, (Hittite)

to support [<Lat. supporto-are, to carry], to sustain [<Lat. sustineo tinire -tinui tentum, to hold up]


soten, suten (SVTEN),
Script R426;

adhaḥ, under, adhas, below

adhairi [-], under, below (Avestan)
زیر under, below, tabaq, طبق  under, with, according to,  pâyin, پایین  adv., below, beneath, lower part, jhan khaky, جهان خاکی underworld (Persian)   (Persian)

ქვეშ, kvesh, under, ქვევით, kvevit, below (Georgian)

-pei, -pi, -pai, -pie, under (Urartian)

turi, below (Hurrian)

šaplān, under, below, downstream, šaplānis, adv., below, underneath, šaplānu, adv., below, in secret, inwardly, downstream, beneath, underneath, šapliš, underneath, below, downstream, downward, lower in value, etc. (Akkadian)

пад, pad, under, ніжэй, nižej, below (Belarusian)
pod  ispod, under, below (Croatian)

pod, under,  ponizej, below (Polish)
zem, under, zemāk, below (Latvian)
sub, under, below, de mai jos, below (Romanian)
alla, under, below (innish-Uralic)

κάτω από, káto apó, under (kato, below) παρακάτω, parakáto, below (Greek)
ներքեւում, nerk’evum, under, ստորեւ, storev, below (Armenian)
nën, under, poshtë, below (Albanian)

beherako, under, behean, below (Basque)

subter, under, below

faoi, under, thíos, below (Irish)
fo, under, gu h-ìseal, below (Scott)
o dan, under, isod, below  (Welsh)
adv., prep., under, below

en dessous de, sous, under, au dessous de, below, soute, bunker (French)

nẽ, under (Lycian)

katanta, below (Luvian)

kattan, adv., underneath, under, down, kata, under, hence?, tagān,  underneath, on the ground, (GAM-an), under, with, at, near,
istarna, under, (where and where to), middle, in the middle, (Hittite)

under [<OE
under], below
[<ME bilooghe],
beneath [<OE


sothi, suthi (SVΘI),
Script A-2, AF-9;
(See Note 2)

spr, sprnoti,
sprnute, to loosen, free from, rescue, save, attract, win;
raks, raksati, -te, to protect, guard, keep, save from,
take care of,


ākṣipya gṛhnāti, to snatch,

rahâyi baxsidan,
nejât dâdán, نجات دادن  to save, rescue,  Pasandâz  پس انداز  saving,
gereftan, گرفتن to snatch (Persian)

მხსნელი, mkhsneli, savior, გაიქეცი, gaiketsi, to snatch (Georgian)

ēṭiru, savior, rescuer, ezēbu, to save a person, be saved, set aside, bequeath, etc., ḫabātu, to snatch, take away by force, rob,  abbutītu, snatcher,  šallu, adj., snatched away, deported, muballianu, savior, person who has kept someone alive, gamālu, to save, spare, to come to an agreement, to make mutual concessions, to perform a kind act, etc., šaṭāpu, to preserve life, to save, ukkumu, adj., snatching, name of one of Marduk's dogs. (Akkadian)

vyratavaĺnik, savior, выхапіць,
vychapić, to snatch (Belarusian)
spasitelj, savior,
da uhvatiti, to snatch (Croatian)
zbawiciel, savior, wyrwać, to snatch (Polish)
glābējs, savior,

noķert, to snatch (Latvian)
salvator, savior,
să smulgă, to snatch (Romanian)
pelastaja, savior,
napata, to snatch (Finnish-Uralic)

σωτήρας, sotíras, savior, να αρπάξει, na arpáxei, to snatch (Greek)
Փրկիչը, P’rkich’y, savior, գրավելու համար, gravelu hamar, to snatch (Armenian)
shpëtimtar, savior, ruaj, save, për të rrëmbyer, to snatch (Albanian)

gorde, to save, arretzu, salbatu, save,
harrapatzeko, to snatch (Basque)

soter-eris, savior; libero-are, to set free; eripo -ipere -ripui reptum, to snatch away tear out, servo are, to watch over, observe, keep, protect, save, to keep, salveo-ere, to be well, be in good health, salvus-a-um, safe, unhurt, well, all right; rapio-rapere, rapui, raptum to seize, snatch, tear away, to plunder

Slánaitheoir, savior,
a snatch, to snatch (Irish)
saoraidh, savior, a 'giùlan, to snatch (Scott)
gwaredwr, savior,
i ysgwyd, to snatch, arbedwr (arbedwyr), miser, savior (Welsh)
salvare, to save, salvatore, savior; sottrari, to snatch (Italian)
sauver, to save; saveur  saver, savior, arracher, to snatch (French)

assul-, salvation,
happiness, prosperity,
huisnu- (TI-nu-), to save, to make alive, to keep alive; to cleanse, husnu/huisnu/huesnu, rescue, recover  (Hittite)

savior? to save [<Lat. salvare;
, safe, unhurt, well, all right]; guard [<OFr. guarder]; spare [<OE sparian, to leave unharmed]


sotra, sutra (SVTRA)
Script Q139, Q171,
sotris (SOTRIS) Script L60
sotro, sutro, (SVTRV) Script Q117; see also arbiter

kirati, spread, strew, prasarpati, spread, prasārayati, stretch, spread,

visayi kr; vistarin,
adj. spread; prastirna, spread, extended, flat;
stirna, spread, scattered,

... vî ... jas, to spread

pahn kardan پهن کردن to spread, fashandan, افشاندن to spread, scatter, disseminate,


გავრცელება, gavrtseleba, to spread (Georgian)

kamā ru, to spread dates for sorting, to pile up, heap up, etc., muṣṣû, to spread,  rapāšu, to be spread out, to grow larger, to be enlarged, to enlarge, to become broad, to be widened, extend, ru’umu, to scatter?, nasāk, to drop, to deposit silver, to pile up barley, to throw into water, fire, prison, to throw to animals, to throw astragals, to throw into a river, to throw out, reject, throw off a person, to hurl, to shoot, to discard, nadû , to pour, to swoop down, to spit out, to cast down, to throw into water or fire, a pit, etc., scattered, strewn, etc., lapātu, to scatter, to scratch, to rub, to obscure, to make unclean, to moisten,  etc., parāru, to be scattered, crushed, confused, etc., u, span, half a cubit, idu, span or wing, side, fathom (a measure), bracelet, edge, border, arm, etc., šeû, adj., spread out, ṣarrišu, spreading, proliferating, etc., šuparruru, to spread, to spread out, broaden, tabāku, to spread, scatter, pour, spill, void, annul, collapse, pile up, stack, etc., tarṣu, adj.,  spread, tabubtu, spreading of wings, uṣṣû, tp s[read pit. open wide, strew (Akkadian)

raspaŭsiudžvacca, to spread,  пралёт,
praliot, span (Belarusian)
širiti, to spread,
pedalj, span (Croatian)
rozprzestrzeniać, to spread, przęsło, span (Polish)
platint, to spread (Baltic-Sudovian)

izplatīt, to spread,
span, to span (Latvian)
a imprastia, to spread, deschidere, span (Romanian)
levittää, to spread,
jänneväli, span (Finnish-Uralic_

να εξαπλωθεί, na exaplotheí, to spread, σπιθαμή, spithamí, span  (Greek)
տարածվել, taratsvel, to spread, թիզ, t’iz, hand, span (Armenian)
për t'u përhapur, to spread, hapësirë, span (Albanian)

zabaldu, spread, hedatu, to spread, extend, expand, broaden,
estaltzeko, to span (Basque)

spado-onis, an
spargo, sparger, sparsi, sparsum, to scatter,
sprinkle, spread,

a scaipeadh, to spread, réim, span (Irish)
sgaoileadh, to spread, rèis, span (Scott)
I wasgaru, to spread, rhychwant, span (Welsh)
spandersi, vt., spandare, vi., to spread, to diffuse, to send forth, campata, span (Italian)
répandre, to scatter, spread; envergure, span (French)

kätā-, to spread, disperse (Tocharian)

sēr, soha/soh, suhha-> ishuwa->, to scatter, ishuuai/ishui, ishuuae, scatter, to throw,
isparanna/isparanni, ispiianu, isprnu, to spread, to spray, to scatter, ispar-, to spread, to cover, to crush, tread on,  ispar/ispr, ispariie/a, to spread, isparra /isparr, to spread out, #pangarija, to spread, plha, to spread out, to flatten (Hittite)  

to spread [<OE
spraeden], to
diffuse, to scatter,
strew [<OE
span [<OE spann, a unit of measurement]


Script TC28,
spansa, Script
spantea, Script
spanti, Script
Q512, Q521, Q551
sparse, Script
TC150, TC170,

bhīṣayati, to frighten, scare,

tarj, tarjati, to threaten, menace, abuse, revile;
tarjayati,-te, to deride, mock, frighten, terrify;
tras, trasati (-te) &
trasyati (-te)
, to
tremble, quake, be
afraid of; shake,
agitate, frighten, scare; vip, vepate, to tremble, quake,
vibrate, take fright

tars ترس fright, tarsândan, to
frighten (Persian)

შეშინება, sheshineba, to frighten, შიში, shishi, fright (Georgian)

deraš- , to fear (Hurrian)
ug-, to fear (Hurrian)

gilittu, uttūtu, fright, terror,
šūduru, to frighten annoy, parādu, to become frightened, confused, to be restless, upset,  to disturb, etc., pardiš, adv., frightenly, purrudu, adj., frightened, palāu, to frighten, to frighten one another, afraid, to be afraid, to be afraid of, to fear, to be fearful, reverential, fearsome, to be fearsome, terrible, to reduce to fear, etc., puluḫḫi š frighteningly, awsomely,  mušādiru, frightening, rašubbatiu, frightful aspect, overwhelming impact, awesomeness   (Akkadian)

палохаць, palochać, to frighten (Belarusian)
zastrašiti, to frighten (Croatian)
przestraszyć, to frighten (Polish)
baidīties, to frighten (Latvian)
a speria, SPĂRIA, to frighten (Romanian)

pelästyttää, to frighten (Finnish-Uralic)

να τρομάζω, na tromázo, to frighten φόβος, fóvos, fobos, fear (Greek)
վախեցնելու համար, vakhets’nelu hamar, to frighten (Armenian)
për të frikësuar, to frighten (Albanian)

beldurtzeko, to frighten, izutu, to frighten, terrify, horrify, shock (Basque)

exterrere, to frighten; terror, pavor, fright, pavor-oris, dread

eagla ort, to frighten (Irish)
gu eagal, to frighten (Scott)
i ofni, to frighten,
brawychu, to frighten, terrify, terrorize; dychryn, to frighten; gwylltio, to frighten, enrage (Welsh)

spaventare, to frighten, spavento, fright, fear, terror, fobia, fear,  spaurire, vt., to frighten (Italian)
effrayer, to frighten, épouvanter, terrifier, to terrify (French)

hatuganu, htugnu, to terrify, nah-, to be afraid, to be respectful, to fear, to be cautious, nahh->, nāhi, fear, to revere, nahh->, nāhinah/nahh, nahhan-, nahsaratt-, fear, respect, nahsrie/a, to fear, become afraid, to show respect, (for a diety), revere, be careful,
nahsariie/a, to be afraid,
nahsariya-, to be afraid, to fear, to show respect  
nahuasa/i, fearful or fearsome, nahsrat, fear, fright, respect, reverence, awe, frightfulness, nahsrnu, fear, to make someone afraid,
nahsarnu, to make afraid, weriya, fear, n. weritema, fear, fright, uerite/uerit, werite/werit, werites, fear, to be frightened, pituliant, fearful, worried, intimidated (Hittite)

to frighten [<OE fyrhto, fright]?
worried], to be unneasy, troubled,  [<OE wyrgan, to strangle], phobia, a persistent fear,


spavo (SPA8V),
Script R147,

See also,

Phobia (ΦV8IA),
Script R9

paeveis (PAEFEIS), Script S-10;
pav (PAF), Script TC38;
pava (PAFA), Script DL-9
(Script DL is an engraving on a mirror of an augur reading a liver and warning King Tarquin to fear..)
pavapa (PAFAPA) Script XA-7 

āśāvat, entertaining hope, āśāvattā, hopefulness,
azas, wish,
expectation, hope;
zas, zasti, zaste
(zasati, -te), to
chasten, punish,
correct rule, govern, manage, direct, instruct, order, proclaim, fortell, wish,
pray, hope for, expect from

omid امید hopeful,  omidvâr budan, to hope (Persian)

იმედი მაქვს, imedi makvs, to hope (Georgian)

надзея дах,
nadzieja dach, to hope (Belarusian)
nadati se, to hope (Croatian)
mieć nadzieję, to hope (Polish)
cerēt, to hope (Latvian)
sperăm, to hope, SPER, I hope; SPERI, you hope (Romanian)
toivoa, to hope (Finnish-Uralic)

να ελπίζω, na elpízo, to hope (Greek)
հույս, huys, hope, trust, expectation, հույս ունենալ, huys unenal, to hope (Armenian)
për të shpresuarpër të shpresuar, to hope (Albanian)

itxaropen, hope, expectation (Basque)

sperare, to hope; spes-ei, hope, expectations, both good and bad

tá súil agam, to hope (Irish)

gu dòchas, to hope (Scott)
i obeithio, to hope
gobaith (gobeithion) hope  (Welsh)
sperare, to hope,
spendere, to spend; speso, pp.  (Italian)
ésperer, to hope

આશા, Āśā, hope (Gujarati)
umut, hope (Turkish)
ümit, hope (Kazakh)
umid, hope (Uzbek)
умед, umed, hope, умедворем, umedvorem, to hope (Tajik)
ümüt, hope (Kyrgyz)
итгэл найдвар,
itgel naidvar, hope (Mongolian)

spes, hope (Hittite)

expectation [<Lat.
expectare, to
[<OE hopian],


spe, (spe tri) Script
Z784, AD-4, K152 –see
Spetri below
spi, Script AJ-6;
spo (SPV) Script AV-8  (see spolare)

speso (SPESV),
Script N453

prerayati, to dispatch, send, hi, hinoti, hinute,
hinvati, to dispatch, naucara, going in a ship sailor

frestâdan فرستادن to send, 'zam kardan,  اعزام کردن to send, dispatch, (Persian)

გაიგზავნოს, gaigzavnos, to dispatch (Georgian)

pašš-, to send (Hurrian)

dekû, to dispatch, lift up, move troops, mobilize, etc.,

ēru, to send, to clear up, move straight ahead, march on, etc., namāšu, to dispatch, , to bring a lawsuit, to move, to set out, to defect (to an enemy), to depart, to give someone an order to depart, arû, guide safely, steer a boat, to rule, lead, bring people/animals, guide,  âru to send a message, to go, advance, turn against person, confront, oppose, attack, order, rule, redû, to escort persons, take along, to drive animals, to drive wagons, boats, to guide, control, etc., šūbuku, abāku, to send merchandise, staples, gifts, tablets, persons, kašādu, to send, to make prisoner, to raid, to make a journey, to approach, etc., amāṭu, to send quickly, promptly, etc., šalāḫu, to send off, dispatch, ṭarādu, to drive away, send, be sent, expel, etc. , uššuru, to send, dispatch, allow, permit, abandon, leave alone, set free, divorce, bequeath, etc.  (Akkadian)


для адпраўкі,
dlia adpraŭki, to dispatch (Belarusian)
otpremiti, to dispatch (Croatian)
wysłać, to dispatch (Polish)
nosūtīt, to dispatch (Latvian)

a trimite, a livra, to dispatch, a trimite, to send (Romanian)
lähettää, to dispatch (Finnish-Uralic)

για αποστολή,  gia apostolí, to dispatch, για να πάει, gia na páei, to make go  (Greek)
ուղարկելու համար, ugharkelu hamar, to dispatch,
ուղարկել, ugharkel, send    (Armenian)
për të dërguar, to dispatch, send


bidali, to send, remit, bidalzeko, to dispatch (Basque)

expedio-ire-ivi and -ii-itum, to free from a snare, disengage, to get things ready for action

seolta, to dispatch (Irish)
a thoirt seachad, to dispatch (Scott)
anfon, to send, dispatch, forward (Welsh)
spedire, to send (Italian)
expédier, to dispatch (French)

фиристед, firisted, to send (Tajik)

wiya->, wiya-, to send, dispatch, uija, uie/a,

#uija, uie/ui, wie/a, to send, to send here, ona, oni, to send here, to drive here, unn, unna, unni, unnaunn, oie/oi, to send here, uppa/uppi, uppa/upp, upa/upi, to send here, unna/unn, oie/oi, send here, upiesr, upiesn, uppessar, hatressar, sending, gift,   peie/a, peie/pei, piya-, uppa-, to send, pēda-, to send, to go by, to drive, uiya-, parā u., to send, − parā, to dispatch, send perservere, last, to delay, arha, to send back, arha u., to send here and there, arha u., send, to chase away, arha u., to send, to chase away, to drive away,  katta u. , to send down, to banish, arnu-, to send, address, menahhanda parā, menahhanda u., to send someone (Hittite)

to dispatch [<OFr.
despechier], to send, [<OE sendan] to ship, pass, to proceed, move over, transfer, to circulate, etc., [<Lat. passus, pp. of pandere, to stretch out], expedite, [<Lat. expedire, to make ready],


speto (SPETV) Script R219, R238,
Script R219, R238
spetri or spe tri, Script Z784





spina-ae, a thorn, prickle; difficulties,


name of the town, Spina – ruins near


Spina, Script R542;
Spini, Script R584;
Spinia, Script R574;
Spinaom, Spinaum
, Script R596

x x SPĂLARE washing, flushing, lavation (Romanian)
x x x unknown word;
probably "I hope (spo) by the god "lare"; -e, abl. single


spolare, (SPVLARE) or SPV LARE Script AV-8

meni, weapon,
thrust, punishment,
vengeance, anger,
wrath; see
sparayati, to loosen, separate,
save, win
bibha3rti, bha3rati, -te, bharti, bhrta3, to bear, bring forward, present, thrust; rs, rsati rsta, push, thrust put in, cover, fill; nud, nudati, -te, thrust, impel, drive away; gr, girati, swallow, spit out, eject

tof, tof kardan,
تف کردن to spit, brangykhatan, برانگیختن  to arouse, incite, inflame,
partâb kardan,
گستردن  to stretch, thrust; extend, jodā kardan, جدا کردن to separate (Persian)

წახალისება, ts’akhaliseba, to incite, ხელი შეუწყოს, kheli sheuts’q’os, to spur, კვირტი, k’virt’I, bud, განცალკევება, gantsalk’eveba, to separate (Georgian)

gubru, spit, needle, eburu, seed-grain, nadû, spit-out, laid (foundation) placed, fallow, uncultivated, uninhabited, abandoned, strewn, scattered, fallen, etc., rêtu, to spit?, nīd ru’ti (nīdu), spitting, kâ’u, spew, to vomit, arāmu, to separate, parāsu, to separate, alienate, to sever relations, to divide a number, a whole, to wean, etc., petû, to separate, to move off, to remove to a distance, to remove from office, reveal, etc., parsu, separated, divided, secluded, definitive, parāru, to be separated, scattered,  to become crushed, to become confused, distraught, etc., piru, separation, ransom, split, fissure, a part of the body, undoing (Akkadian)


padbuchtorvać, to incite, плявацца, pliavacca, to spit,
бутон, buton, bud, аддзяліць, addzialić, to separate (Belarusian)
poticati, to incite,
pljunuti, to spit, pączek, pupoljak, bud,
odvojiti, to separate (Croatian)
podżegać, to incite,  pluc, to spit, pączek, bud,
oddzielić, to separate (Polish)
iedvesmot, to incite, spļaut, to spit,  šaut, shoot,
atdalīt, to separate (Latvian)
spurgas, bud,
young shoot
pentru a incita, to incite, a scuipa, to spit, SPOR, gain, increase, growth, benefit, progress, mugur, bud,
a separa, to separarate (Romanian)
herättää, to incite, sylkeä, to spit,

nuppu, bud, erottaa, to separate (Finnish-Uralic)

ερεθίζω, erethízo, to incite, othisi, sproximo, thrust; σπορ σπορσπορspor, spor, seed, να διαχωριστούν, na diachoristoún, to separate (Greek)
խրախուսել, khrakhusel, to incite, թքելու համար, t’k’elu hamar,  to spit, բաժանել, bazhanel, to separate (Armenian)
për të nxitur, to incite,  shpoj, to prick,  peshtyj, to spit, për të ndarë, to separate (Albanian)

pizteko, to incite, zuritzeko, to spit, bota, to thrust out, bereizteko, to separate (Basque)

spuo, spuere, spui, sputum, to spit out; pars-partis, part, share, fraction, party, side, direction, , duty,
separare, to separate

το spreagadh, to incite, a scaradh, to separate (Irish)
spor, incite, spur on, instigate, το brosnachaidh, to incite, a sgaradh, to separate (Scott)
, to spit, expectorate; had-au, seed, issue; stwffio, to stuff, thrust, cram, το ysgogi, to incite, i wahanu, to separate (Welsh)
espurgare, to expurgate, sputtare, to spit; sporgere, to thrust out, protrude,
per incitare, to incite, separare, to separate (Italian)
pouser, to push;
espurgier, to purge, inciter, to incite, séparer, to separate (French)

w ätk-, to separate (Tocharian)

tatrahh, tatrah, to incite, stir up, (kattan) harnamniya-, incite, to bring into turmoil,

fermentation, stir up, saligai, to spit, tatrahh, tatra, to incite,

harb, separate oneself,

tuhs, tuhsana/tuhsani, tuhus, to separate, to cut off, to to be cut off, separated (Hittite) 

to thrust out, spit [<OE spittan] out; to seed? Spew out, to spur [<OE spura] parse, to describe a word or group of words, by stating its function or part of speech [<Lat. pars, part], separate {<Lat. separare], incite, [<Lat. incitare]


spor (SPVR),
Script Z1334;
spora (SPVRA),
Script Z470;
spore (SPVRE),
Script Z1065;
sporerim (SPVREIM),
Script Z317, Z386;
spores (SPVRES),
Script Z73, Z290, Z872, Z945, Z999
adhiṣṭhā, tiṣṭhati (sthā), to stand,  tisthati, -te,
stand, stay, stop,remain, wait;
avasthaatum, stha, sthaa, sthitah, situated, to stand up, sah, sahate (-ti), to endure, stand, ārohati,  to arise, mount, rise,

âstâya [â-stâ]  hishtahi [stâ], to stand (Avestan)
, ایستادن to stand, stay, stop, mândan, ماندن to stay, stop, rest, remain,
bâzmândan, بازماندن, to remain, ystadgy kardan, ایستادگی کردن to stay, stand, endure, perservere, sâbet, ثابت lasting, constant, changeless, (Persian)

დგომა, dogma, to stand, აწევა, ats’eva, to rise, (Georgian)

itussu, izuzzu, to stand,  našû, to arise, to rise up against someone, to wield a tool, weapon, etc., to take away, to be lifted, to transfer, etc. (Akkadian)

стаяць, stajać, to stand, Стойце, stojcie, stand firm,   (Belarusian)
stajac, v. imp. to stand (Belarus)
stajati, to stand,

stajati čvrsto, stand firm, ustati, to rise, (Croatian)

stac, to stand,
stojak, stand,

stat, stalet, to stand,

stāvēt, to stand (Latvian)
a STA, to stand; STAI, you stand, stop, hold on, halt; STARE, state, condition, situation,

a RĂMÂNI, to remain, stay, urca, to rise, ascend, go up, stati, stand firm (Romanian)
seistä, to stand, statiivi, to stand,   (Finnish-Uralic)

στέκομαι, stékomai, to stand, να μείνετε, na meínete, to stay,
μένω, méno, to stay, live, remain, keep, abide, stopίσταμαι, istamai, to stand, στάση, stasi, to stand, σταθείτε σταθερά, statheíte statherá, stand firm, (Greek)
կանգնել, kangnel, to stand, մնալ, mnal, to stay, մնում, mnum, to remain, (Armenian) 
për të qëndruar, to stand, stay, nis to initiate, to start,  begin, take up.  (Albanian)

zutik egoteko, to stand, egon, to stay (Basque)

sto, stare, steti, statum, to stand,
adsto-stare, to stand, persto-stare-stiti-statum, to stand firm, endure,   orior-iri-tus, to rise, maneo, manere, mansi, mansum, to remain, manto-are, to wait for,

chun seasamh, to stand, ardu, to rise (Irish)
seasamh, to stand, seas, to stand, endure, support, last (Scott)
i sefyll, to stand, stop, halt, pose; aros, to wait, await, stay, stop,
remain, continue;
trigo, to stay, abide, dwell,
inhabit, die (Welsh)
chom, to stay; war-sav, to be standing up,

stare, to stand, stay, stai fermo, to stand firm,
rimanere; to remain, stay,

alzarsi, to rise, heave, to spring up (Italian)

stationare, stationner, se tenir debout, to stand, rester, to remain, rester firm, to stay firm  (French)

રહેવા, Rahēvā, to stay (Gujarati)
kalmak, to stay (Turkish)

қалу, qalw, to stay (Kazakh)
qolmok, to stay (Uzbek)
истодан, istodan, to stay (Tajik)
калуу, kaluu, to stay (Kyrgyz)
үлдэх, üldekh, to stay (Mongolian)
Liú, to stay (Traditional Chinese)
lip, to stand,
[B käly-], käly-, to stand (Tocharian)

stta-, 3rd sttati, 3rd pl. sttãti; to stand, xuwa-: 3rd xuwati, participle N xuwama, to stand close by (Lycian)
ta, to stand, (Luvian)

anda ar-, arta, arhari, tatsa, to stand, 
ar, to stand by, to be stationed, to remain standing; to be present, to occur, sarā ar, to stand up straight, to be here, ar, to stand by, to be stationed, to remain standing; to be present, to occur,
ar-, to stay, to walk, to stand, to care for, sarā ep-, to stay in position, ass, to remain, as-to stay, tiie/a, tie/a, to go stand, to step, to place onself, to set in, istantae, to stay put,  istantaie/a, istantae, to stay put, linger, as, to stay, ses-, stay, to go to bed, to sleep (also for sexual intercourse), to rest, to enjoy rest, calmness, to establish the oracle of a dream, istandāi-, to remain, to hesitate, wait, tarry, sakuuantariie/a, to stay, remain, saguantrie/a, to stay, to remain, to rest, to be neglected, to be unvisited, to be untended, to be uncelebrated, piran t., to stay before someone (Hittite)

to stand [<OE
standan], stay
stare, to stand],

remain, [<Lat. remanere, to stay behind],


sta, Script N206, TA-2, AF-6
star, Script TC190;
STAReS, Script TC298:
stai, Script Z638;
ste, Script N139;
sti, Script Z47,
Z155, Z206,
Z245, TC238, K79
sto (STV),

Sto – See hundred?

See also,

mano (MANV),
Scripts N206, Q219;
manu (MAN8), Script R596,

See also,
ast, VG-4
astin, XB-21

See also:
STATITA, Script Q183, Q174, R530, R664

See also,
persto (PERSTV),
Script R530,

See also, cease,
ces, Script TC327, AD-1;
cesa, Script Z1265,

ceso (CESV)
, Script Z489, TC170, TC298, F-13, AG-1, Q661, Q692, Q726, Q745, Q847, R661,

See also,
halt, Script Z583, Z1282?

mandurā, stable for horses, gośālā, stable for cattle, sthiraḥ, stable, firmvrajin, adj., being in a stable; vraja, fold, shed, stable, station of herds; herd, flock, troop, multitude

establ اصطبل stable, stalls, ostovâr پایدار stable, adj.,

სტაბილური, st’abiluri, stable,  ჩერდება, cherdeba, stall (Georgian)

atnannu, stable (Hurrian word),

kūdanu, in bīt kūdini, mule stable,

guzi, stableman, hostler, watiuru, stablehand (Hurrian word)  (Akkadian)

stabiĺny, stable, стойла, stojla, stall (Belarusian)
stabilan, stable,
odugovlačenje, stall (Croatian)
, stable
stoisko, stall (Polish)
stabils, stable, gulta, stall (Latvian)
grajd, stable, stand, stall, STABILI, to establish, stable, settle, determine, state   (Romanian)
vakaa,  stable, pilttuu, stall (Finnish-Uralic)

σταθερός, statherós, stable, αναβάλλω, anavállo, stall, stablos, stablizo, stable (Greek)
կայուն, kayun, stable, տաղավար, taghavar, stall (Armenian)
i qëndrueshëmstable, tezgë, stall (Albanian)

egonkorra, stable,
konpartimentu, stall,

txabola, shed (Basque)

stabilis-e, firm, steady, stable; stabulum-i,
habitation, quarters

cobhsaí, stable, stalla, stall (Irish)
stàball, stable, stall, stall (Scott)
au, stable, stall, stall (Welsh)
stabile, stable,
stalla, stall (Italian)
stable, stable,
stalle, stall (French)

stable, firm; a building, stable [<Lat. stabilis, stabulum], stall [<OE steall, cattle stall]


stabli (STA8LI),
Script N700

unnatatā, prominence, prapātaḥ, cliff, kūṭaḥ, crag, rock, cliff

tape تپه hill, synh kush, سینه کش  scarp, partgâh, پرتگاه  cliff, crag, scarp (Persian)

მნიშვნელობა, mnishvneloba, prominence, ციცაბო გორაკი, tsitsabo gorak’i, steep hill,  კლდეში, k’ldeshi, cliff, ნაცრისფერი, natsrisperi, scarp (Georgian)

babanə, mountainous region (Urartian)

kāpu, cliff, embankment,

mūlû, hill, height, high ground, ascent,

tabāku, to make stacks bricks, reeds, etc., to layer, to pour, to spill, to collapse, etc.   (Akkadian)

pratubieraniec, prominence,
строма, stroma, steep cliff (Belarusian)

neravnina, prominence, strme litice, steep cliff (Croatian)
rozgłos, prominence, strome urwisko, steep cliff (Polish)
izcilība, prominence, stāvā klintis, steep cliff

karpis, cliff;
aukara, crag
proeminenţă, prominence, stâncă abruptă, steep cliff,  (Romanian)
huomattava asema, prominence, jyrkkä mäki, steep hill (Finnish-Uralic)

προεξοχή, proexochí, prominence, γκρεμός,  nkremós, cliff, σωρός, sorós, stack; skopos, prothesi, blepsi, scope (Greek)
Հայտնի է, Haytni e, prominence, կտրուկ ժայռոտ, ktruk zhayrrot, steep cliff, ցրտահարություն, ts’rtaharut’yun, scarp, քարափ, k’arap’, alabaster (Armenian)  
rëndësi, prominence, shkëmb i pjerrët, steep cliff, rrëpirë, skarpat, a scarp
rafte, a stack (Albanian)

malkar, scarp, pila, stack, labar, ameldigi, cliff, haitza, crag (Basque)

scopulus-i, rock, craig, cliff, danger, ruin

feiceálach, prominence, cnoc géar, steep hill, crag, crag (Irish)
stac, steep cliff, hill, stack, creig, crag (Scott)
bryn serth, steep hill,  allt (elltydd), hill, hill-side, cliff, wood;
clogwyn-i-au, cliff, crag, precipice, bluff, beisgawn-au, stack of sheaves (Welsh)

staccare, vi., stacco [spicco] relief,
scarpata, bluff, cliff, scarp (Italian)
escarpé, adj. steep, precipitous, sheer,


peru, perun, rock, cliff, boulder, perunant, rocky, cragy,

#peruna, NA4,  peruna-, a rock, hekur, rock sanctuary (Hittite)


a cliff, [<OE clif], crag, [<ME],
stack? [<ON
a cape, scarp [<Ital. scarpa], dominance,
stack; raft
[<ON raptr, beam], prominence, pile, [<Lat. pillar]


stakas, Script
TC190, TC298,

See also,
PETR, TC70, TC146
PETROS (PETRVS),TC-2, TC44, TC66, TC151, TC19

ihastha, adj., standing or staying here

istâde, static, adj., (Persian)

სტატიკური, st’at’ik’uri, static (Georgian)

statyčny, static (Belarusian)
statički, static (Croatian)
stayczny, static

statisks, static (Latvian) STĂTUTĂ, old, decayed, tasteless, static, static (Romanian)
staattinen, static (Finnish-Uralic)

στατικός, statikós, static

ստատիկ, statik, static (Armenian)
i pandryshueshëm, static, zgjatem, linger  (Albanian)

estatikoan, static (Bassque)

sto, stare, steti, statum, static

statach, static (Irish)
stoidhle, static (Scott)
statig, static (Welsh)
statico,  static (Italian);
statique,  static (French)

સ્થિર, Sthira, static (Gujarati)
statik, static (Turkish)

статикалық, statïkalıq, static (Kazakh)
statik, static (Uzbek)

статикӣ, statikī, static (Tajik)
статикалык, statikalık, static (Kyrgyz)
, static (Mongolian)
Jìngtài de, static (Traditional Chinese)

istantae, istantaie/a, istantae, to stay put, to linger (Hittite)

static, [<Gk statikos] standing


Q183, Q174, R530, R664

gla, glayati, to be
loth, displeased, averse to, wearied, exhausted, fade away, wearied,
faded, withered; mla, mlayati, -te (mlati), to relax, languish, wither, fade, decay; zus, zusyati (-te), to
be dry, wither, fade, make dry up, parch, emaciate, afflict, destroy; pandu, adj., white, pale,

palita, grey, hoary,

z̄elh shadan, ذله شدن, to languish,
پژمرده شدن , to fade, languish, waste, whither, kam mag, کم رنگ pale, pallid, colorless,
زرد yellow, waxen, amber, aquamarine
ქრებოდა, kreboda, to fade, ფერმკრთალი,
permk’rtali, pale (Georgian)

знікаць, znikać, to fade, бледны, bliedny, pale (Belarusian)
izbljediti,  to fade,
uvenuti, to fade, whither, wilt, blijed, pale (Croatian)
zanikac, to fade,

blaknąć, to fade, become pale fade;

przekwitać, to fade, whither, decay, blady, pale (Polish)
izbalināt, to fade, izbalēt, to fade, discolor,
bāla, pale, pelēks, grey (Latvian)
decolora, to fade, discolor,
se ofili, to fade, languish, waste away, palid, pale, white, ashen, păli, to fade, turn pale, whither, whiten, alb, white  (Romanian)
haalistua, to fade,
kuihtua, to whither, wilt, waste away, kelmeä, pale, harmaa, grey (Finnish-Uralic)

ξεθωριάζω, xethoriazo, to fade, χλωμός, chlomós, pale, wan, sallow, ωχρός, ochros, pale, yellowish, haggard, chlomos,
të zbehet, to fade, zbehtë, pale, peaked,  fishkem, to whither, wilt, languish (Albanian)

desagertu, sinoti,to fade, hits, zurbil, adj., pale (Basque)

palleo-ere, to be pale or yellow; pallor-oris,
paleness, fading,  albico-are, to be white, albeo-ere, to be white, to dawn

céimnithe, to fade (Irish)
a theicheadh, to fade, bàn, pale (Scots-Gaelic)
i bylu, to fade,
gwelw, pale, dwi (edwino) to fade, wither, decay; gwywo, to wither, fade; (Welsh)
stingere, to fade; stinto, adj. faded, pallida-o, pale (Italian);
se faner, to fade, whither, decay, pâlir, to fade, turn white,  pâle, white, faint, blême, pale, haggard, ghastly  French)

harnu, to whiten,
harkies, to become white, harki-, white, clear, hargi/hargai, #harkiš, harkis, #alpa, white  (Hittite)

to fade [<OFr.
fader], faded, awful, awe, [<ON, agi],

hoary, [OE, hār],
pale, [<Lat. pallere]


stinto (STINTV),
Script Q376,
Q388, Q396,

shatam, hundred

saite [sata]
hundred (Avestan)

sad صد hundred (Persian)
ას, as, hundred (Georgian)

eman-am-h-a?, hundred (Hurrian)

meru, hundred, meat (Akkadian)

сто, sto, hundred (Belarusian)
stotina, hundred (Croatian)
sto, hundred (Polish)
sto, hundred
simtas, hundred (Baltic-Lithuanian)
simts, hundred (Latvian)
SUTĂ, hundred (Romanian)
sata, hundred (Finnish-Uralic)

, hundred (Greek)
հարյուր, haryur, hundred (Armenian)
njëquind, hundred,

, hundred

céad, hundred (Irish)
ceud hundred, (Scott)
cant (can) cannoedd,
, hundred

kant, hundred (Breton)
cento (Italian)
cent, hundred (French)

સો, , hundred (Gujarati)
yüz, hundred (Turkish)
жүз, jüz, hundred (Kazakh)
yuz, hundred (Uzbek)
jüz, hundred (Kyrgyz)
зуун, zuun, hundred (Mongolian)

百, Bǎi, hundred (Traditional Chinese)

känt [B kante], hundred

, hundred (Hittite)

hundred?, [<OE}


sto (STV)
Q303; or
cueto (CFETV)?
Script Z1137
see sta;hundred (Mongolian)

sarala, straight (making a line), saralā rekhā, straight, making the nose, nāsā (nose) parāvaram, straight, directly, samarekha, adj.,
straight-lined, straight; rju, straight, right, upright, honest; pragunay, -yati, to set right, make straight,
vistārayati, to extend, stretch, prasāritaḥ,  outstretched,
prasārayati, to stretch

râst راست straight dorost, yekrâst, straight, kešidan, کشیدن to stretch  (Persian)

სწორი, sts’ori, straight, მონაკვეთი, monak’veti, to stretch (Georgian)

ešeriš, straight,

išaru, straight, normal, regular, ordinary, etc.,

ešēru, straighten up, to go straight toward, to dispatch, put in good order, etc., šupšuqu, straight, narrow, distressed, painful,

tarṣu, straight, correct, appropriate,

elēpu, to stretch forth arm, etc.,

sprout, to send forth shoots, lengthen, flourish, be grown together, entangled, crossed,

šiddu, stretch,

reach, measure of length or area, property long side (of immovable property), a geometric figure, wall, road, etc., plank of an implement, šatāu, to stretch a measuring cord, to stretch out a limb, a hand, a finger, to stretch out, to be stretched,  to tether, to spread a cloth, a net, a string, etc., šatāu, to stretch, to extend, to become elongated, long, šadādu, to stretch, to pull taunt, to stretch, extend repeatedly, to extend, to pull or tear out, pull off, to pull the ear or nose, to pull a cart, etc., tarāṣu, to be stretched, to stretch a measuring cord, to stretch out a limb, etc., uṣṣû , stretching out (a part of the body), pointing, extent, extension of time   (Akkadian)

прамой,  pramoj,
расцягвацца, rasciahvacca, to stretch (Belarusian)
ravno, straight, rastegnuti, to stretch (Croatin)
proste, straight, rozciągać, to stretch  (Polish)
taisni, straight, stiept, to stretch (Latvian)
drept, straight, STRÂMTĂ, tight, STRÂMTA, to tighten, a întinde, to stretch (Romanian)
suoraan, straight, venyttää, to stretch (Finnish-Uralic)

ευθεία, eftheía, straight, τεντώνω,  tentono, to stretch, tighten (Greek)
ուղիղ, ughigh, straight,
ձգվել, dzgvel, to stretch (Armenian)
drejtë, drejt, adv. vijë drejtë straight, zgjas, to stretch (Albanian)

zuzen, straight, right, direct, correct, just,
luzatu, to stretch, prolong, lengthen (Basque)

sterno, stenere, stravi, stratum, to stretch over, spread, lie down, make smooth,
overthrow, calm, strew;
strictus, tight; stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum, to draw together, affect, draw weapon, touch upon

díreach, straight, síneadh, stretch (Irish)

dìreach, straight, sìneadh, stretch (Scott)
yn syth, stiff, erect, perpendicular, straight, ymestyn, estyn, to stretch, extend (Welsh)
dritto, straight, stretta, tightening hold streto, straight, narrow, tight, close, allungare, to stretch (Italian)
tout droit, straight, serrer, to tighten, étroit, straight, narrow, tendre, to stretch, tighten  (French)

to'g'ri, adj., direct, straight (Turkish)
Түзу, Tüzw, straight, созу, sozw, to stretch (Kazakh)
To'g'riga, straight, cho'zmoq, to stretch (Uzbek)
Рост, Rost, straight, дароз кардан, to stretch (Tajik)
түз, tüz, straight, чоюу, çoyuu, to stretch (Kyrgyz)

Чигээрээ, Chigeeree, straight, сунгах, sungakh, to stretch (Mongolian)

lazziie/a, straighten, to set straight, palzahae, to stretch out, pltshae, to stretch out a skin, lamb,

kunnahh, to set aright (Hittite)

straight, [<ME strecchen] to stretch [<OE streccan],
strew [<OE
extend, [<Lat. extendere], tension, {<Lat. tendere, to stretch)


streta, Script Z1571;
streter, Script Z500

racayati, to arrange, rac, racayati, to arrange, produce, form, make, contrive, arrange, produce, cause, effect, compose, write, nirmimīte, construct, sutray, -yati, to put together, arrange, make into a, perform, compose, drive away, remove; 

morrattab kardan, سازمند کردن to arrange, nazm, نظم arrangement, discipline,

ârâstan, آراستن to arrange, align, array, dress (Persian)

მოაწყოს, moats’q’os, to arrange, მშენებლობა, mshenebloba, construct (Georgian)

šid-(išt-), to build (Urartian)

pa-, to build, erect (Hurrian)

epēšu, to build, construct, cultivate, plant, ritual, practice witchcraft,

dājanûtu, (with

šûḫuzu) to arrange,

redû, to arrange, to confiscate, abut?,

to add words, entries in a tablet, etc., lamû, objects in a circle, to arrange decorations in a circular form, circle, etc.,

rakāsu, to arrange in order, bandage, to tie up a boat, etc. (Akkadian)

arhanizavać, to arrange, майстраваць, majstravać, construct (Belarusian)
organizirati, to arrange, izgraditi, construct (Croatian) zaaranżować, to arrange, zbudować, construct (Polish)
organizēt, to arrange, būvēt, construct (Latvian)
a aranja, to arrange,

construi, construct (Romanian)
järjestää, to arrange, rakentaa, construct (Finnish-Uralic)

να οργανώσει, na organósei, to arrange, κατασκευάσει, kataskevásei, construct, kanonizo, dieytheto, arrange, στροφή, strofí, strophe, stanza (Greek)
կազմակերպել, kazmakerpel, to arrange, կառուցել, karruts’el, construct (Armenian)
për të rregulluar, to arrange, ndërtoj, construct,  aranzhoj arrange (Albanian)

struo, struere, struxi, structum, to put together, arrange, pile up, build, erect, devise; stropha-ae, a trick, artifice;
strophium-i, a
breast-band, a
headband, chaplet,
stantia, stanza

socrú a dhéanam, to arrange, tógáil, construct (Irish)
a chuir air dòigh, to arrange, togail, construct (Scott)
i drefnu, to arrange,
order, organize,
marshall, adeiladu, construct (Welsh)
organizzare, to arrange, costruire, to construct,  (Italian)
organiser, arranger, to arrange, construction, construct (French)

prñnawa-: 3rd prñnawati, 1st pret. prñnawaxã, 3rd pret. prñnawat/ prñnawate, 3rd pl. pret. prñnawãtto construct (Lycian)

taninu-, to arrange,

hantae, to arrange together, handāi-, arrange, to set out, to gather, to prepare, to notice by an oracle, to create a matrimonial community, to happen, adapt, to turn out, to surrender, tksesr, arrangement, combination, settlement

taks-, takkis->, construct, contrive, use,

wetummar, construction work   (Hittite)

name; possibly
with the prefix: to put together, organize, [<Lat. organum, instrument]
arrange [<OFr.
arangier], pile up, build, erect, devise; a trick, artifice, construct; strophe [<Gk. strophe, movement of the chorus], stanza [<Lat. stantia]
Note: It. gli, to him, to them

strogla, (STRVbLA)
Script Q521, Q671;
(STRVΦbLA) Script
R370, R487; R498
ΦbLAS) Q543; see strophgla below.
construct, [<Lat. constuere]

ślokaḥ, strophe, verse, chalayati, trick, chadman,
disguise, plea, pretext, trick, deceit, fraud,
śvāsa-bhaṅgaḥ, treachery, viśvāsaghātaḥ, treachery, perfidy


kalak, حیله  trick, neyrang, râze kâr, neyrang zadan, to trick, khyant,  خیانت treachery, perfidy (Persian)

სტენზა, st’enza, strophe, stanza, შეასრულა, sheasrula, trick, ღალატი, ghalat’i, treachery (Georgian)

niklu, trick, ingenuity, deception, ikiltu, trick, ruse, treachery, nikiltu, trick, skillful work, cunning, deception, nakālu, to trick, play tricks, to act cleverly, to deceive, šiqbu, trick, stratagem, šibqû, stratagem, plot, trick,  pīgu, trickery, deceit, pirṣātu, trickery, deceit, lies, tašgirtu, deceit, treachery, muštappitu, muštaptu, šappitu, adj., treacherous, šapātu, to be treacheroujs, malicious, muštaptūtu, nullānūtu, aliptu, treachery, dāṣtu, treachery, dishonesty, wanā’u, to deceive, cheat  (Akkadian)

страфа, strafa, strophe, трук, truk, trick, вераломства, vieralomstva, treachery (Belarusian)
strofa, strophe, trik, trick,
izdaja, treachery (Croatian)
strofa, strophe,  trik, trick,
zdrada, treachery (Polish)
strope, strophe, triks, trick,
nodevība, treachery (Latvian)
strofă, strophe, truc, trick,
trădare, treachery (Romanian)
säkeistö, strophe, temppu, trick,
petollisuus, treachery (Finnish-Uralic)

τέχνασμα, technasma, trik, apati, trick, στροφή, strofí, strophe, stanza, προδοσία, prodosía, treachery (Gtreek)
կախվածություն, kakhvatsut’yun, strophe, հնարք, hnark’, trick,
դավաճանություն, davachanut’yun, treachery (Armenian)
strofë, strophe, mashtrim, trick, iluzion, illusion,
tradhti, treachery (Albanian)

trikimailu, trick, traizioa, treachery (Basque)
stropha-ae, a trick, artifice; strophium-i, a
breast-band, a
headband, chaple,

artificium-i, trick, perfidia-ae, treachery, dishonesty, proditor-oris, traiter

strópach, strophe, trick, trick, feall, treachery (Irish)
strophe, strophe, cleas, trick, fealltachd, treachery (Scott)
strophe, strophe, sgil, ploy, strategem, skill; tric-iau, trick, hoax, brad, treachery (Welsh)
strofa, strofe, strophe, trucco, trick, tradimento, treachery (Italian)
strophe, strophe, truc, trick, traîtrise, treachery (French)

guhākune*[B kuhākäññe], deception, trickery (Tocharian)

warpa/i, skill, knowledge, craft (Luvian)

ulkisra/wlkisra, skilled, experienced, able,

apla, deceit, trap,

appalae, aplae, entrap, mrsant, deceitful,

dishonest, unholy,

mrsadr, deception, fraud, treachery   (Hittite)

strophe? name?
trick? [<ONFr.
trikier, to deceive]
strophe [<Gk. strophe, movement of the chorus], stanza [<Lat. stantia]Note: It. gli, to him, to them


, Script R370, R487, R498;
Script R633
sīvyati, to sew,
āsañjayati, to stitch

dukhtan, دوختن to sew (Persian)

კერვა, k’erva, to sew (Georgian)

kubbû, to sew, to patch, sewn, patched, šê’u, to upholster, layer, to pad (Akkadian)

шыць, šyć, to sew (Belarusian)
šivati, to sew (Croatian)
szyć, to sew (Polish)
šūt, to sew (Latvian)
coase, to sew, COASEM, we sew, SĂU, his, its;

ommella, to sew (Finnish-Uralic)
xνα ράψω,  na rápso, to sew (Greek)
կարել, karel, to sew (Armenian)
për të qepur, to sew (Albanian)

josi, to sew (Basque)
suo, suere, sui, sutum, to sew
suo, sua, his, its
chun stitch, to stitch (Irish)
gus sew, to sew (Scott)
i gwnïo, to sew (Welsh)
cucire, to sew, suo, his, its (Italian)
à coudre, to sew, soi, his, its (French)

sr/srie/a, to sew, embroider, to truss, #salp, sewage (Hittite)
sew, [<OE seowian] stitch, [<OE stice, sting] join; his, its

su (SF), Ind. Pres. 1st Pers. Singl. suo, Script TC307 M50, DR-4; CP34 (see sa)
sua (SFA), Conj. Pres. 3rd Pers. Singl. suat, Script AJ-11, BT24
sue (SFE), Ind. Pres. 3rd Pers. Fut., suet Script Z128, Z131, Z224, Z412, Z1809
sueitus (SFEITVS) (suo: Lat. Ind. Perf. 2nd Pers. Pl.
súitis, you sew]
Script HA-4
suem (SFEM), !st Pers. Conj. suam, "I would sew," Script Z656, Z1835, Z1770
suis (SFIS) (Ind. Pres. 2nd Pers. Single, you sew) Script AP-5;
This could be the word for pig, hog, boar, sow, L. sus, suis. The context suggests the word to join:

8eRVNIA Ce [Translation: of an ancestor, grandfather (L. avitus-a-um) wrath (L. ira-ae, f.) you reigned over (L. regno-are) of you (L. te; It. te); you join together (L. suo, suere, sui, sutum); of the Tyrrhini or Troinvi; of 8eRVNIA Ce; of Verona to us (It. ce).

das, dasyati, to suffer want, languish, exhaust, consume, be
wanting, fail; mRS, mRSyate, not heed,
forget, suffer, bear, put up with, endure, forgive, pardon

dastxose degarguni
sodan, degargun
sodan, to undergo ranj bordan, tan
dardâdan, dard
kasidan, dard d
âshtan, to suffer (Persian)

გაიაროს, gaiaros, to undergo, განიცდიან, ganitsdian, to suffer (Georgian)

ḫabātu, to suffer?,
inu, suffering (Akkadian)

prajsci, to undergo, пакутаваць, pakutavać, to suffer (Belarusian)
proći, to undergo,
trpjeti, to suffer (Croatian)
podlegać, to undergo, cierpieć, to suffer (Polish)
iet cauri, to undergo,
ciest, to suffer (Latvian)
să se supună, to undergo,
a suferi, to suffer (Romanian)
mennä, to undergo,
kärsiä, to suffer (Finnish-Uralic)

να υποβληθούν,
na ypovlithoún, to undergo,
να υποφέρουν, na ypoféroun, to suffer (Greek) անցնել,
ants’nel, to undergo, տառապել, tarrapel, to suffer (Armenian)
t'i nënshtrohen, to undergo, të vuajë, to suffer (Albanian)

pairatu, to suffer (Basque)

subeo-ire-li or ivi-itum

dul faoi, to undergo, ag fulaingt, to suffer (Irish)
gu bhith air a dhèanamh, to undergo, gus fulang, to suffer (Scott)
i ymgymryd â nhw, to undergo, i ddioddef, to suffer, bear, endure, wait; goddef, to bear, endure, tolerate, permit, let (Welsh)
subire, to suffer (Italian)
subir, to undergo,
souffrir, to suffer (French)

käl- [B käl-], to suffer, endure, klopaṣi, adj., suffering (Tocharian)

to undergo, suffer [<Lat. suffero, sufferre, to hold up, support, endure, suffer]


suba (SV8A), Script
R633, R644

mrdu, soft, tender, delicate, mild, gentle, weak, moderate;
madhya, adj., middle, central, moderate, indifferent, neutral,

durbalīkaroti, weaken, saumaya, soft, gentle

virân kardan, to undermine,  sast kardan, سست کردن  to undermine, enfeeble, weaken, miyâneravi,  میان واری moderation,
modârâ, moderation

დასუსტება, dasust’eba, weaken, ზომიერი, zomieri, moderate (Georgian)

ṣə, middle, in, within, -ṣi, in the middle of (Urartian)

ištani, middle, heart, inside (Hurrian)

paḫāḫu, to weaken?, rabābu, to weaken,

to grow soft,  to relax, to calm down, to calm someone down, to humble, to force into submission,

našāru, to weaken,

to subtract,  to reduce in size, number, intensity, to diminish in strength, to remove, to deduct, expropriate part of a holding, to cut off a piece of a land holding, etc.,

anšu, weakened,

šu, to be weakened, shaky,  to quake, to give way, to recede,  to move, to dislodge, to be shattered,
*šumu, weakened, diminished,
unnušu, weakened, dilapidated (Akkadian)

padryvać, undermine,
слабець, slabieć, weaken, ўмераны, ŭmierany, moderate, змякчыць, zmiakčyć, to soften (Belarusian)
potkopati, undermine,
oslabiti, weaken, umjeren, moderate (Croatian)

osłabiać, weaken, umiarkowanyc,
moderate (Polish)

apdraudēt, undermine,vājināt, weaken, vājinātmērena, moderate (Latvian)
submina, undermine, slăbi, weaken, sobru, sober, moderat, moderate (Romanian)
heikentää, to undermine, heikentää, weaken, kohtalainen, moderate (Finnish-Uralic)

υπονομεύω, yponomevo,
μέτριος, métrios, moderate , μαλακός, malakós, soft, mild (Greek)
թուլացնել, t’ulats’nel, undermine, չափավոր, ch’ap’avor, չափավոր, moderate (Armenian)
minojnë, undermine, mesatar, moderate  (Albanian)

ahultzeko, ahuldu, weaken, moderatua, neurritsu, moderate (Basque)

, to undermine;
sobrius-a-um, sober, moderate, frugal; modero-are, to
regulate, restrain, keep within bounds;
mollesco-ere, to soften

an bonn, undermine, lagú, weaken, measartha, moderate (Irish)
lagachadh, undermine, weaken, meadhanach, moderate, socair, gentle, sàmhach, quiet, gentle (Scott)
tanseilio, to undermine, gwanhau, weaken,
cymedrol, moderate (Welsh)
minare, undermine,
indebolire, weaken, sobrio, adj. temperate,
moderate, moderare, moderate (Italian)
saper, undermine,
affaiblir, weaken, sobre, adj. sober, moderate, temperate, modéré, modérée, moderate (French)

kulā- (vb.)  [B kulā-], weaken, cease (Tocharian)

miu/miau , smooth (Luvian)

mlisku/milisku, weak, light, unimportant,
mleskues, to become weak, mliskunu, to make weak, maleskues, to make weak, maliskunu, weaken, arha tarranu-, to weaken, discourage, ila-, wealness?, minu, mild, mies,to be mild, miu/miau, soft, smooth, mild, to be gentle, mius, smooth, minumr, gentleness, flattery, miumr, gentleness, kindness, istarnia, middle, central, istarna, in the middle, under (where and where to), sanezzi-, (KU7), soft, good,

to undermine,
destroy, weaken, [<ON veikr, weak],
moderate {<Lat. moderatus, pp. moderare, to regulate]


subra (SV8RA),
Script R142

See also,
molak (MVLAK),
Script ZB-2, Z54, Z206, Z805, Z859,

, Script Z254
Z446, M-1, M24

Script Z463

kampate, to shake, vepate, to trembl, kSud, kSodati, pound, shatter, shake, stamp upon, dash to pieces {kSoda3yati} shake, crush,

jonbândan, جنباندن to shake, larzes, larzidan, takân
dâdan, to shake

შერხევა, sherkheva, to shake (Georgian)
râbu, shake, to dislodge, to displace, to quake, tremble, ḫâšu, to shake, šu, to shake, to become shaky, to be shaken, to quake, to make quake, to be weakened, to give way, to recede,  to move, to dislodge, to be shattered, narāṭu, to shake, to cause to tremble, quiver, sway, enēšu, shaky, impoverished, to become dilapidated, weak, etc (Akkadian)


дрыжаць, dryžać, to shake (Belarusian)
tresti, to shake (Croatian)
wstrząsnąć, to shake (Polish)
kratīt, to shake (Latvian)
a scutura, to shake from beneath, to haul dust, to agitate (Romanian)
ravistaa, to shake (Finnish-Uralic)

να κουνήσει,
na kounísei, to shake (Greek)
t’ap’aharel, to shake (Armenian)
për të shkundur, to shake (Albanian)

, to shake from beneath

a chroitheadh, to shake (Irish)
a 'crathadh, to shake (Scott)
, to shake,
move; siglo, to shake, quake, rock, swing
scuotere, scroilare, to
shake (Italian)
secouer, branler,
trembler, to shake

by his, Kato; or to shake [<OE
sceacan], from

sukatv (SVKATV),
(possibly su Kato)

carmaprabhedikā, shoemaker’s awl

surâkh kon, سوراخ کن perforator, punch, awl
шыла шаўца,
šyla šaŭca, shoemaker's awl (Belarusian)
čarter obuće, shoemaker's awl (Croatian)
szydło szewca, shoemaker's awl (Polish)
apavu aukla,
shoemaker's awl (Latvian)
cizmarul, shoemaker's awl, SULA, Latin subula, tool used to make holes in leather to pass the thread (Romanian)
naskali, awl, suuhun, shoemaker's awl (Finnish-Uralic)
σουβλί, souvlí, awl (Greek)
շոեմակերի ոտքերը,
shoyemakeri votk’ery,
shoemaker's awl (Armenian)
këpucari i këpucëve,
shoemaker's awl (Albanian)
sullus-a, a swine
subula-ae, a shoemakers awl
awl greamair, shoemaker's awl (Irish)
awl greusaiche, shoemaker's awl (Scott)
awl cregyn, shoemaker's awl (Welsh)
punteruolo da calzolaio,
shoemaker's awl (Italian)
l'alène du cordonnier, shoemaker's awl (French)
Sulla, name?, shoemaker's awl? [<OE œl

Sula (SFLA) Script TC19

and, ﺁﻧها ﻴ they are (Persian)

ისინი არიან, isini arian, they are (Georgian)

aššunu, iššini (f.), iššunu, they (Akkadian)
яны, jany, they are (Belarusian)
oni su, they are (Croatian)
oni, they are (Polish)
viņi ir, they are (Latvian)
, they are

he ovat, they are (Finnish-Uralic)
xαυτοί είναι, aftoí eínai, they are (Greek)
նրանք են, nrank’ yen, they are (Armenian)
ata janë, they are (Albanian)

haiek dira, they are (Basque)
sunt siad, they are (Irish)
tha iad, they are (Scott)
Mae nhw, they are (Welsh)
loro sono, they are (Italian)
elles sont (French)

sumēs, -smas, -e, they (Hittite) 
they are

SUNT (SVNT) Script Q701
(See SONT)


atyeti, to go beyond, uparitana, upper, atiśobhana, superb, jyāyas, superior,

laggh, lagghati, -te, to leap, spring over, go beyond, travel over, mount, ascend, escape, transgress, surpass,

atikrāmati or -krāmyati, to surpass, upari, above

orto, up (Avestan)
âlâyi, بالایی upper,

âli, عالی superb, awesome, august, etc., باشکوه bâsokuh, adj., superb, balatar, بالاتر above (Persian)

შესანიშნავი, shesanishnavi, superb, ზედა, zeda, upper,

გადააჭარბოს, gadaach’arbos,  to surpass, ზემოთ, zemot, above (Georgian)

ašḫu, above, ašχu/o, upper, high (Hurrian)

el, above, on, beyond, eli, above, on, upon, over, towards, etc., elēn, elēnu, prep. over, upstream, in addition to, apart from, above, elēnû, elû, upper, elâniš, above, upward, lalēnu, adv., above (on a tablet), karpau, superb,
atāru, to surpass in importance, quality, exceed in number or size, be more important, richer, increase (Akkadian)

cudoŭny, superb, верхні, vierchni, upper, перасягнуць, pierasiahnuć, to surpass, вышэй, vyšej, above (Belarusian)
divan, superb, Gornji, upper, nadmašiti, to surpass, iznad, above (Croatian)
wspaniały, superb, górny, upper, prześcignąć, to surpass, powyżej, above (Polish)
lielisks, superb,
augšējais, upper, pārspēt, to surpass, virs, above (Latvian)
superb, superb, SUPRA, upper side, upon, superior, upper, să depășească, to surpass, mais sus, above (Romanian)
loistava, superb, ylempi, upper, ylittää, to surpass, edellä, above (Finnish)

ypérochos, superb, ανώτερος, anóteros, upper, να ξεπεράσει, na xeperásei, to surpass (Greek)
գերազանց, gerazants, superb,  վերին մասում, verin masum, upper, վերևում, verevum, above, գերազանցելու համար, gerazants’elu hamar, to surpass (Armenian)
superb, i sipërm, upper,
sipër, above, për të tejkaluar, to surpass (Albanian)

goian, above, goiko, over, bikaina, superb, gorako, over (Basque)


iontach, superb, Uachtarach, upper, dul thar lear, to surpass,
os cionn, above (Irish)
iongantach, superb, àrd, upper, a 'dol thairis air, to surpass,
gu h-àrd, above (Scott)
yn wych, superb, fry, adv. above, aloft rhagori, to excel, exceed, surpass, outdo, predominate, uchaf, upper, uchod, above (Welsh)
superare, to surpass, overcome, exceed,
pass, superbo, superb, superiore, upper, sopra, above (Italian)
superbe, adj. superb, surpasser, to surpass
plus haut, upper,
au dessus, above (French)

eṣäk [B eṃṣke], over, above (Tocharian)

hrzze/i-, A/L hrzzi, Nt hrzzhrtse/i, upper, hri, up, on top  (Lycian)
sara, upon, thereon (Luvian)

sratsiats, upstream, upperside, ser, above, on top,  sra, upwards, aloft, atop of, above, satsi, upwards, sari, up, above, for, sramnats, from above, -san, over, pranta, over to, across to, prian, over, across, beyond, over to, across to, in opposition to, in front (Hittite)

over, above,

besides, beyond,
moreover, upper [<?]


super (SVPER)
N417, Q805

supro (SVPRV)

khara, severe, niṣṭhuram, severely, nivārayati, to avert, prevent

bhRzadaNDa, adj., inflicting severe
punishment; dAruNa, to be hard, rough, harsh, cruel, severe

shahidan, شدیدا severely, saxt, saxtgir, bipirâye, adj. severe, bar gardândán, برگرداندن to avert (Persian)

მძიმე, mdzime, severe,

თავიდან აცილება, tavidan atsileba,  to avert (Georgian)

dannātu, severe, strict words or orders, maru, severe, impregnable, inaccessible, difficult, diseased, sick, grievous, bitter,  kabtu, severe, serious, influential person at the royal court, important, honored, grievous, dangerous, abundant, heavy, dense, substantial, venerable,  etēqu , to avert, transfer, go overland, to pass by, cause delay, etc., napalṭû, to avoid, passover, *imittu, evasion, amdātu, evasions, *imdu, adj. evasive, amādu, to be evasive  (Akkadian)

цяжкі, ciažki, severe, для прадухілення, dlia praduchiliennia, to avert (Belarusian)
ozbiljan, severe,
izbjegavati, to avert (Croatian)

silny, severe, zapobiec, to avert
smags, severe, novērst, to avert (Latvian)
sever, severe,
pentru a evita, to avert (Romanian)
vaikea, severe, estää, to evert (Finnish-Uralic)

αυστηρός, afstirós, severe, να αποφύγετε,
na apofýgete, to avert (Greek)
ծանր, tsanr, severe, կանխելու համար, kankhelu hamar, to avert (Armenian)i rëndë, severe, për të shmangur, to avert (Albanian)

larria, severe, banandu, to avert (Basque)

severus-a-um, grave, serious, strict, stern,
hard; adv. severe

dian, severe, a sheachaint, to avert (Irish)
dona, severe, gus stad a chur air, to avert (Scott)
difrifol, severe, dygn, adj. hard, severe, grievous, dire, pernicious; egr, adj. sharp, sour, severe, savage, i osgoi, to avert (Welsh)
grave, severe, severo, adj. strict, severe; sferrara, vt. to unshoe a horse; to deliver a blow; sviare, to deviate, avert, lead astray (Italian);
sévère, adj. severe; éviter, to avoid, avert

Severus, a name of
an Etruscan queen / king; to be
severe; to turn aside, swerve [<OE
sweorfan], veer, [<OFr. virer], avert [<Lat. avertere]


suvera (SV8ERA),
Script Q372, Q389, Q391, which is also used in the context of a name; see
Svera or suera,
, Script K31


English word Dictionary and English word origins from "The Concise American Heritage Dictionary," Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1987.
Latin Dictionary mainly used, Cassell's, Latin-English, English-Italian Dictionary, Collier Books, MacMillan Publishing Co., NY, 1963
Italian Dictionary, Mondadori's Italian-English, English-Italian Dictioanary, Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster, NY, 1961
French Dictionary, Larousse's French-English, English-French Dictionary, Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster, NY, 1971
Other dictionaries from online sources that have come and gone, as it were.
* Some Hittite words from; Most of the Hittite vocabulary is adapted from  Lia Pena, uploaded 3.06.18; Hittite words with #, from: (1/30.19)
Avestan words from:
Tocharian words were obtained through various online sources; however, we owe thanks to the following for enabling new additions in our current edition>: a dictionary recently uploaded to “A Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A Vol 1: Letters a-j,” By Gerd Carling In collaboration with Georges-Jean Pinault and Werner Winter.
Persian words are mainly from

(1) In "su" the use of "f" as a vowel has been translating with the consonant "s" as "su"; this would require that "v" with the consonant "s" translate as "so." Where this takes place we can see a fairly consistent shift in the Latin vowel "u" to "o" in Italian and French.

(2) A short inscription on Queen Thaniquil's tomb, Script A, uses the word, svthi, under, which indicates that her remains were under that monument. She was the wife of the first Tarquin kings of Rome.
(3) Thanks to Constantin Cucu for his contributions on the Romanian language.

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