Etruscan Phrases 5.html
LA (It. (1) la, definite article sing. f. her; it; (2) la, pron. sing. f. here, it; (3) la, m. music, la; (4) la, adv. there; Fr. (1) la, le, def. art. m. [l' before a vowel or a mute h], f. la, pl. les; the; pron. m. him, it; f. her, it; pl. them; pronoun; (2) là, adv. there; cet homme-là, that man; là-dessus, thereupon; là-haut, up there, là-bas, down there, over yonder. Found at: Z470, Z551, TC179, TC201, TC290, TC318, K58, M74, AH-1, Q21, Q521, R381)
Le (R339, R334, R653, K92, K107, K136, J8, J11, Au55, Au82, Au90, TC28, TC103, TC260, TC271,TC327 )
LE (It. (1) definite article, pl. f. the; (2) sing. pron. f. her, to her; (3) derential pron. m., f. to you; Le assicure, signore, che è cosi: I assure you, sit, that it is so; (4) le, pron. pl. f. them; Fr. le, def. art. m. [l' before a vowel or a mute h]; f. la, pl. les; the; pron. m. him; it [f. her, it, pl. them] Z572, Z638, Z1334, Z1853, K67, Q303)
LEI (K74)
LES (Fr. les, pl. of Le; elles, les, eus, them; It. essi, esse, loro, li, queli, quelle; K36, G21, R521, R584)
LI (It. (1) li, pron. pl. them; li odio, I hate them; (2) definite article m. pl. [archaic] the; (3) li, adv. there, over there; giu di li, thereabout; il per il, at first, at once; essere il il per, to be on the verge of; egli, pers. pron. he. TC-1)
LV (It. (1) lo, definite article m. sing, the; (2) pers pron. m. sing, it, him; egli lo è , he is. N311, Q152, Q202, Q224, R554, K113)
LACE (L. lacus-us, lake; lacero-are, to tear to pieces, malm, mangle, to squander money, to slander, pull to pieces a character; It. lago, m. lake; Fr. lac, m., lake)
LACeR (M67)
LaKA (L. laxo-are, to widen, loosen, extend, enlarge, to undo, slacken, relax, relieve, to release, to set free. Z432, Z1153, Z1161)
LAETI (L. laedo, laedere, laesi, laesum, to strike, knock; hence to hurt, injure, damage; to offend, annoy, to violate, outrage; Fr. lait, m. milk; laitage, m. dairy produce; laiterie, f. dairy, dairy-farming; It. latte, m. milk; latteria, f. dairy; latteo, adj. milky; latta, f. tin (Z516)
LAVeS ( L. laus, ladis, f. praise, fame, glory, commendation; transf. a praiseworthy action or quality. TC213)
LAFV (L. lavo, lavare, lavere, lavi, lautum or lotu or lavatum, to wash, bathe, to moisten, wet, to wash away. Hence partic. lautus-a-um, washed; hence fine, elegant, sumptuous, refined; adv. laute; laus, laudis, f. praise, fame, glory, commendation. Transf. a praiseworthy action or quality; lautia-orum, pl. entertainment given to foreign ambassadors at Rome; lautitia-ae, f. splendour, elegance, suptuous living; It. lavare, to wash; lavarsi, to wash [oneself]; Fr. laver, to wash, to bathe, to cleanse; on LV8: L. luo, lure, lui, luiturus, to loose, to expiate, atone for, make good,; luere poenam, to pay a penalty; of trouble, to avert; lupa-ae, f. a she-wolf, a prostitue; lupus-i, m. a wolf; a horse's bit with jagged points, a hook; It. lupo, m. wolf; lupa, f. she-wolf; Fr. lueur, f. gleam, glimmer, glow, flash, glare, ray; luire, to shine, to gleam; loup, m. wolf, mask, error. AN-42)
LAFES (L. lavo, lavare, or lavere, livi, lautu or lotum or lauatum, to wash, bathe, to moisten, wet, to wash away, hence, partic., lautus-a-um, washed; gener. fine, elegant, sumptuous, refined; adv. laute. TC120)
LAIS (L. laesio-onis, f. an oratorical attack; laetitia-a, (1) fertility; hence richness, grace; (2) joy, delight; Laius-i, m. father of Oedipus; It. lai, m. pl. lamentations; Fr. laisser, to leave to, let, to allow, to permit; to quit, to abandon; laisse, f. leash. TC220; See Z1334 for Roi Lais)
LANE (L. lana-ae, f. wool; also the down on the leaves, fruit, etc.; laena-a, f. a cloak; laneus-a, woolen or of wool, soft as wool; It. lana, f. wool; Fr. laine, f. wool. Z455)
LANSV (It. lanciare, vi., to throw, fling, pitch, hurl; fig. to launch, to cast, set, to bring out; lanciarsi, vt., to throw, fling, hurl onself, to launch; Fr. se lancer, to rush, to dash, to dart K108)
LANTeS (L. lanatus-a-um, wool-bearing, wooly; It. lanoso, wooly; landa, f. moor, heath; Fr. lainaux, wooly; lande, f. moor, wasteland, heath. Z1562)
LAR (L. Lar, Laris, m. usually plur. Lares, Roman tutelary deities, esp. household deities; meton., hearth, dwelling, home. TC61, TC71, TC80, TC108, TC120, TC201, TC231, TC260, TC283, TC327, M60, AF-1, K58)
LARE (TC231, K-1)
LARI (N670)
LARIS (TC19, TC71, TC127, TC137, TC213, TC248, TC271, TC290, TC327)
LARV (L. arua [larua]-ae, f. a ghost, spectre, a mask. TC108, K43, AN-31)
LAS (L. lasso-are, to make weary, to exhaust; Au86)
LASIV (L. laesio-onis, f. an oratorical attack. R359)
LATE (laodo-are, to praise, extol, commend, to name, mention, cite, quote; partic. laudatuss-a-um, praiseworthy, esteemed. AK-1)
LATINA (L. Latinus-a-um, Latium; Latium, Latium-i, n. a district of Italy in which Rome was situated; adv. latine, in Latin (TC213, TC338)
LATO (L. Lato-us, f. and Latona -se, f. the mother of Apollo and Diana; lateo-ere, to lie hid, be concealed; to live in obscurity or safety; to be unknown; Hence partic. latens-entis, concealed, hidden; latus-a-um, broad, wide, extensive; of style: diffuse, full, rich; hence, adv. late, broadly, widely, extensively; longe lateque, far and wide; latus-eris, the side, flank; of persons in pl., the lungs; milit., a latere, on the flank; lator-oris, m. the proposer of a law )
LATE (L. laodo-are, to praise, extol, commend, to name, mention, cite, quote; partic. laudatuss-a-um, praiseworthy, esteemed. AK-1)
LAV (L. Latium-i, a district of Italy in which Rome was situated; adj. Latius and Latinus-a-um; adv. Latine, in Latin; laus-laudis, f. praise, fame, glory, commendation; transf. a praiseworthy action or quality; legatum-i, and legatus-i, m. a legacy, bequest; laodo-are, to praise, extol, commend, to name, mention, cite, quote; partic. laudatuss-a-um, praiseworthy, esteemed)
LE (See LA)
LEC (L. lego-are, to ordain, appoint; of persons: to make a deputy, delegate authority to; of property: to bequeath, leave as a legacy; legatus-i, a deputy; lego, legere, legi, lectum, to collect, gather, pick, pick up; of places: to pass through, traverse, coast along; with the eyes: to survey, scan, read, peruse; out of a number: to pick out, choose, select. Hence, partic. lectus-a-um, chosen, selected; choice, excellent; lex, legis, f. a set form of words, contract, covenant, agreement; leges pacis, conditions of peace; esp. a law, proposed by a magistrate as a bill, or passed and statutory; legem ferre rogare, to propose a bill; legem iubere, to accept or pass a bill; in gen., a precept, rule)
LECIN (Z289, Z990)
LEFE (L. levo-are, to raise, lift up, to make light, relieve, ease; to diminish, weak, impair; levo-are, to make smooth, polish; It. elevare, to elevate, lift, to exalt, to erect, raise; Fr. lever, to rise, to arise, to get up, stand up; to clear up. Z981, Z1013, Z1027, TC120)
LEFES (L. levis-e, light; milit., light-armed; in movement: rapid, swift; in value: light, trifling, unimportant; in character, fickle, captricious, unstable. Adv. leviter, lightly, softly, slightly. Z150, Z176)
LEI (L. lea-ae, & leaena, f. a lioness; leo-onis, m. lion. K74, Q297, TC144)
LEIS ( L. laedo, ladere, laesi, laesum, to strike, knock, hence to hurt, injure, damage; to offend, annnoy, to violate outrage; Fr. laisser, to leave, to let , to allow, to permit, to quit, to abandon. TC150)
LEITRVM (L. laetor-ari, dep., to rejoice, be joyful Z1274)
LEM (L. lemma-atis, theme, title, an epigram. Z572, Z1378, AG-1)
LENA (L. lena-ae, f. a procuress, bawd; It. lena, f. breath, wind; vigor, energy, zest; lenire, to allay. Z1292, Z1326 )
LeNE (L. leno-ire, to make mild, mitigate, relieve. Z64)
LENI (TC127, TC236)
LENEAR (L. lineo-are, to make straight; It lineara, adj., linear; Fr. linéare, adj. linear)
LER (L. laurus-i, f. the laurel or bay-tree; meten., triumph, victory;note: this word seems to be used as a title, lord. Z5, K13)
LeRE (K64)
LERE (N268)
LERES (Z155)
LERI (Z122, Z224, Z851)
LETV (L. leto-are, to kill, slay; Leto (a variant spelling; see Lato) is the Roman goddess Latona who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis; legere, to read; note: this word seems to be used as a name and does not decline; It. letto, (1) m. bed; (2) pp. of leggere, to read; lieto, adj. glad, merry; Fr. lire, to read; lut: third person singular praeterite. Z170, Q183)
LeTV (Q713, R306, R530, R633)
LIAE (L. laevus-a-um, left and as subst. the left hand, the left, n. as subst. the left side; transf. left handed, foolish, silly, unlucky, unpropitious, but in augury, favorable; adv. laeve, on the left hand, awkwardly)
LIMV (L. limo-are, to file, polish, finish off, to investigate, accurately, to file down, pare down, parte; limatus-a-um, refined, ellegant, comp. adv. limatius Au76)
LINA (L. lino, linere, livi and levi, litum, to smear one thing upon another, or to besmeear one thing with another, to rub out writing, to befoul, dirty; linea-ae, a linen thread, string, a fishing-line, plumb-line; lineo-are, to make straight; It. linea, f. line; lino, m. flax; Fr. lin, m. flax, linen)
LINIA (L. linea-ae, f. a linen thread, string, a fishing line, plumb line; ad lineau, perpendicularly; transf. a geometrical line, a boundary line, goal)
LINAS (person's name, AK-1)
LIVNTES (L. liveo-ere, to be bluish in colour, to be envious, envy; partic. livens-entis, bluish, livid, envious; It. livido, m. bruise; adj. livid, lurid; Fr. livide, adj. livid, ghastly; bleu, m. blue, bruise)
LIYNTeS (Note: the interchange with Y and V preceeded by a vowel seems to fit a pattern)
LIRI (Latin, lyra-ae, f. the lyre or lute, a stringed instrument; lyric poetry, song; lyricus-a-um, of the lyre, lyric; It. lira, f. lyre; also a coin; Fr. f. lyre, lyre)
LIS (L. lis, litis, f. a legal controversy, action, suit, in gen. contention, strife quarrel; Fr. lisse, adj. smooth, sleek, slick. TC190)
LVI (L luo, luere, lui, luiturus, to loose, to expiate, atone for, make good, luere poenam, to pay a penalty; of trouble: to avert. M8)
LVIS (L. lues-is, f. plague, pestilence, calamity;Fr. luis, first and second person present, etc. of luire, to shine, to gleam. TC103)
LVNE (L. luna-ae, f. the moon, night, a month, a crescent-shaped ornament; It. luna, f. moon; Fr. lune, f. moon. Z805, Z1835, R121, R133, R150)
LVR (Z582, Z582)
LVRE (L. luror-oris, m. ghastliness, paleness; lorica-ae, f. cuirass, corselet, breast plate; breastwork, parapet; lorum-i, n. a strap or thong of leather; plur., reins, bridle, scourge, whip; It. pallido, adj. pale, feint; loro, pron. pl. m. f. they, them, to them; poss. adj. their, poss. pron. theirs; Fr. paleur, paleness; leur, pron. them, to them; poss. adj. their; le leur, la leur, les leurs, theirs)
LVRI (Z463)
LVRuS (M24, M32)
LVS (L. lux, lucis, f. light, esp. daylight, day, a day; the light of life or of day; the eye, eyesight; illustration, elucidation, hope, encouragement, ornament; day; It. luce, f. light, window, mirror, span; lucido, m. shine, gloss, polish, tracing; adj. shining, glossy; fig. lucid; Fr. luire, to shine, to gleam; lucide, adj. lucid, clear-headed. TC71 )
LVSAN (L. luceo, lucere, luxi, to be bright, shine, glitter; to be clear, evident; impers., lucet, it is light, it is day. Z543)
LVTA (L. lutum-i, mud, mire, dirt; clay; this may be the name of a town; L. Lotus [us]-i, f. lotus tree, Lotis-a, nymph who gave her name to a tree. She was pursued by Priapus and transformed into a tree; G-9, G14, G39)
LVTV (LVYV; L. logos-[us] a word; lotos-i, f. = lotos, lotus [us]-i, f. the name of several plants, esp. of an African tree and its fruit)
MAC (L. macero-are, to soften, to make weak, reduce, to torment, tease, vex; macies-ei, leanness, thinness, poverty, barreness; macer-cra-crum, lean, thin, poor; macto-are, to slay, smite, to afflict, punish; macto-are, to magnify, honour, glorify; mactus-a-um, glorified, honoured; magis [or mage], more, to a greater extent; magnus-a-um, major, maius great, large, loud, high price or value, Transf. of time: long, old, of standing: great, mighty, powerful, important; magus-a-um, magical; It. magnificare, to exalt; Fr, macérer, to macerate; magnifique, adj. magnificent, splendid, glorious, generous. Z819)
MAF (Lemnos Script)
MA8V (L. Mavors-vortis, m. archaic and poet. for Mars; mavolo [malo] , malle, malui, to wish rather, prefer; with dative of person, to be more favourable to; Fr. mauvais, adj. evil, ill; wicked, bad, unpleasant, nasty, wrong, harmful, sharp [langue]; il fait mauvais, bad weather)
MAL (L. mala-ae, f. cheek-bone, jaw-bone, jaw, cheek; malus-a-um, unfavorable, unsuccessful, ugly; malum-i, an evil, harm disaster, punishment; as a term of abuse: scoundre. Adv. male, badly, ill; male audire, to be ill spoken of; male gratus, unthankful; malo, malle, malui, to wish, rather prefer; with dative of a person to be more favorable to; It. male, m. evil, ill, sin, illness, disease, swoon, harm, injury, damage, ache, pain, sorrow, misfortune, mishap; malo, adj. bad, wicked, evil; Fr. mal, m. evil, hurt, harm, pain, wrong, disease; adv. badly, ill, uncomfortable; mal au coeur, nausea; malade, adj. ill, sick, diseased; maladie, f. illness, sickness, malady, disease, ailment)
MALE (L. Adv. male, badly, ill; Z614, Z622, Z629, TC201, R370)
MALV (R370)
MAM (L. mamma-ae, f. breast; It. mama, f. mother; Fr. maman, mother; mamelle,f. breast. M67)
MANeRIFA (L. Minerva-ae, f. goddess of wisdom and patroness of arts and sciences. Transf.: wit, skill, art, esp. working in wool. M13)
MAN (M50)
MANI (L. maneo, manere, mansi, mansum, intransit. to remain, stay, stay the night, to endure, last, promise to abide by; transit. in gen. to wait for, await; R530)
MANV ((L. manus-us, f. hand; manus dare, to surrender; abl. manu, by hand; It. mano, f. hand, side, way, power, control, care, custody, workmanship, touch handwriting; Fr. main, f. hand, handwriting N206, Q219)
MAN8 (R596)
MANTeR (L. manto-are, to remain, wait, wait for; mando-are, to commit, entrust, of actions, to order, command, commission; n. of partic. as subst. mandatam-i, a commission, charge, order. R381)
MANTRA (L. mandra-ae, f. a stall, cattle-pen, a herd of cattle, a draught board; manto-are, to remain, wait, wait for.Q152)
MAR (L. mare-is, the sea; marinus-a-um, of the sea, marine; It. mare, the sea, seaside; marina, f. navy, sea, shore, beach; Fr. mare, f. pool, pond; mer, sea; marin, m. sailor, mariner, seaman; adj. marine, nautical; marine f. navy, sea-front. Z572, Z1236, Z1250, Q406, Q512)
MARAM (Note this may be: MAR AM, "the sea I love." Z40)
MARAZ (MARAS; Lemnos Script)
MAREM (Z1139)
MARCA (L. Marcus-i, a Roman praenomen, abbreviated, m. marceo-ere, to wither, droop, grow feeble. It. marcare, vt. to mark, to score, to emphasize, stress; marca, f. brand, mark. M8)
MARLE (L. merula-ae, f. a blackbird, a fish, the sea-carp; It. merlo, m. blackbird; [fig] dolt; [fort.] battlementFr. merle, m. blackbird;. Z592)
MART (L. Mars, Martis, m. [old form, Mavors], Mars, god of agriculture and of war. Transf. war, battle, fight. Adj. Martius and Mavortius-a-um, of Mars; adj. Martialis-e, of Mars; m. as subst. a priest of Mars or soldier of the Legio Martia; martius-a-um, adj. from Mars)
MARTEN (war, battle, fight, N11, N533)
MARTI (M60, N628)
MARTIES (N304, N324)
MARTIR (Fr. martyr, m. martyr; It. martire, m. martyre; Gr. martus, witness. Z598)
MASAN ([Au70] L. massa-ae, f. a lump, mass; It. massa, f. mass, bunch; Fr. masser, to mass, masse, f. mass, bulk, heap, crowd, mace [arme]; sledgehammer; maçon, m. mason, bricklayer; maçonner, to lay bricks, construct; It. mattone, n. brick; mattonare, to lay bricks. Au85)
MASaN (Z1164)
MASV (K74, K92
MATAM (L. madeo-ere, to be wet, to stream, to be drunk, to be boiled; transf. to be steeped in, about in; matta-ae, f. a mat of rushes; mattea (mattya)-ae, f. a dainty dish; madeo-ere, to be wet, to stream, to be drunk, to be boiled; transf. to be steeped in, abound in; It. matta, f. madwoman, joker [playing card] matto, madman; adj. mad, insane; meta-ae, f. a pyramidal column used as a turning-post or winning-post; any turning-point; a goal, end, boundary; Fr. mater, v. to checkmate [échecs]; to subdue; It. sottomettere, to subdue. Z761, Z1359, Z1647)
MATAN (Z1777)
MATRA (L. mater, matris, f. mother, source, origin; It. madre, mother; Fr. mère, f. mother; maternel, motherly; R426)
MATRV (R487)
MATRV8 (R459)
ME (L. me, Acc. and Abl. me; It. me, I; me, myself; in quanto a me, as to me; Fr. me, pron. me, to me, myself. Z122, Z224, N149, N280, N357, N363, N391, N485, N582, Q311, Q360, Q551, R459, R474, R619)
Me (M45)
MEK (N74, N112, N139, N173, N206, N216, N230, Q311, Q326, Q452, Q521, Q784, Q795, Q806, Q813, Q829 [MeK], Q837, Q863, Q871)
MEK (It. meco, compound pronoun, with me, to me. TC213, Au22)
MI (It. mi, pers. pron. me, to me, at me; [refl.] myself, to, at myself. M-1, AD-1, L-11, L151)
MIA (Au-1)
MeTH (L. meto-metere, messui, messum, to reap, move, gather, harvest, to mow down, cut off. M38)
ME8A (Fr. adj. mauvais, evil, ill; wicked, bad, unpleaant, nasty, wrong, harmful, sharp [language]; il fait mauvais, it's bad weather; Fr. méfier [se] to mistrust; It. muffa, f. must, mold. Q117)
MEL (L. mel, mellis, n. honey; sweetness, pleasantness; Fr. miel, m. honey; It. miele, honey; mela f. apple, quince)
MELE (Z133, Z224)
MeLeFeR (L. mellifer-fera-ferum, producing honey; malifer-fera, ferum, apple-bearing; It. melato, honeyed, mellifino, adj. melliflous; Fr. adj. mielleux, honeyed.)
MEN (It. menare, to lead, to take, to deal, to bring; menar le mani, to resort to violence, to come to blows; Fr. mener, to lead, to conduct, to guide, to drive, to steer, to manage [enterprise]; mendier, to beg)
MENA (K131)
MENAS (Z805)
MENE (Z1835, M60)
MENES (N160)
MENAN (K131)
MENIAR (L. mendico-are and mendicor-ari, dep., to beg, go begging, beg for; It. mendicare; Fr. mendier.N428)
MENS (L. mens, mentis, f. mind, understanding, intellect; judgment; feelings, disposition, courage; opinion, thoughts, intention, resolve; It. mente, f. mind, intellect, understanding, memory. R349, R359)
MER (L. mereo, and mereor, to deserve, earn, obtain, esp. to earn pay as a soldier; serve as a solder; merso-are, to dip in, immerse; Fr. immerger, to immerse; immersion, f. immersion; It. immerger, to immerse; immersione, immersion; K100, L38)
MERI (Z92, Z317, Z386)
MERITV (L. mereo-ere -ui, itum and mereor-eri-itus, to deserve, earn, obtain; esp. to earn pay as a soldier, serve as a soldier. Hence perft. partic meritus-a-um, deserving; Abl. as adv. merito, deservedly, rightly; It. merito, n. merit; meritare, to merit; Fr. mérite, m. merit, worth; mériter, v. to merit, to deserve; méritoire, adj. deserving, praiseworthy, commendable; R437)
MERLVM (L. merula-ae, f. a blackbird, a fish, the sea-carp; It. merlo, m. blackbird, [fig. dolt; [fort] battlement; Fr. merle, m. blackbird; see also MARLVM. Z144, Z245, Z470, Z969, Z1016, Z1065, Z1602, Z1832)
MERS (L. merx, [mers] mercis, f. merchandise, goods, wares; Fr. marchandise, f. merchandise, goods, wares; It. mercanzia, f. merchandise, goods. N194)
MERSV (L. merso-are, to dip in, immerse. Q326, Q468)
MET8A (L. meto, metere, messui, messum; to reap, move, gather harvest; to mow down, cut off; meto-are, to measure off, lay out; metuo, to fear, be afraid; It. mettere, to put, place, to lay, to charge, to use, employ, to compare , to suppose; Fr. mettre, to put, to lay, to place, to set, to put on [clothes]; to devote. Z1216)
MIA (L. meus-a-um, my, mine. Au-1, Au90)
MiLaRuS (L. milarius (millarius)-a-um, containing a thousand; It. millanta, adj. a thousdand, a great many; Fr. millier, a thousand, about a thousand; K100)
MINAS (L. minax-acis, f. projecting, overhanging; transf. threatening. Adv. minaciter, threatening; minor-ari, dep. to jut out, project; transf. to threaten, menace; with dat. adv. from minanter, part. threatenly; minito-are and minitor-ari, dep. to threaten; It. minaccia, threatening; Fr. menace, f. threat, menace; menacer, to threaten, to menace [de, with] TC298)
MINIS (Au30)
MV (L. moveo, movere, movi, motum, to move, set in motion, stir, to remove, dispossess, dislodge; se movere, and in middle sense, moveri, to move [oneself]; milit., movere signa, movere castra, to march away; to move mentally, influence, affect, excite; to cause a result; to change, shake; politically, to arouse, disturb; It. mo', m. abbr. of modo, way; a mo' di, by way of, as; ma, conj. but, yet, still, why! who knows? ma no! why no! dove ma? where is he? ma che, you don't say! nonsense! muovere, to move, to displace, to stir [up], to drive, lead, to prompt, urge, to raise, vi. to go, to come, to move, to advance; Fr. moi, pron. me, to me; I [sujet] m. self, ego; c'est à moi, it is mine; moi-meme, myself; mû, pp. mouvoir, to move, to stir; mou, m. lights, lungs. Q521, Q813 )
MVCI (L. mucus-i, m. mucous matter; mugio-ire, to bellow, low, roar, rumble, groan; It. mogio, adj. crestfallen, downhearted; Fr. moche, adj. pop. rotten, lousy [conduire], shoddy [travail], ugly, dowdy [personne]
MVCVM (Z1578)
MVLA (L. molo-ere-ui-itum, to grind in a mill; mola-ae, f. a mill-stone; plur., a mill; transf. grits, coarse meal or flour; molaris-e, of a mill, to do with grinding; m. as subst. a millstone, a molar tooth, grinder; mollio-ire, to make soft, plieable, supple, to make gentle or effeminate; to alleviate trouble, to ease a gradient; molior-iri, dep.: transit., to stir, displace, work at; to construct laboriously, build, erect, contrive; to strive after, to destroy laboriously, undermine; intransit., to toil, struggle, exert oneself; moles, pier; mula-ae, f. a female mule; mulus-i, m. a mule; It. molino, m. mill, watermill; mola, f. grindstone, millstone; molare (1) adj. molar; (2) to grind, to bevel; molle (1) tongs f. pl., (2) adj. soft, flabby, wet, weak; mollare, to loosen, to let go, to drop, to give in, yield; molo, m. wharf, pier; mulo, m. mule; L. moles-is, f. a shapeless mass, e.g. of rock; a massive construction, e.g., dam, mole, large building; moles belli, large military machines; transf., a mass of men; greatness, might, power, trouble, difficulty; malacus-a-um, soft, pliable, delicate; Fr. moulin, m. mill; moudre, to grind; moulous, first & second person present singular, I grind, you grind; moulot, third person singular, he/she grinds; mou, molle, m. soft, weak, flabby, lax, spineless [fig]; môle. m. mole, pier, break-water; mouler, to cast, to mould, to found [fer], to fit tightly [robe]; mouiller, to wet, to moisten, to dampen, to cast, to drop [ancre]; mule, f. she-mule; mulet, m. mule. ZA-1, Z1282)
MVLE (Z40)
MVLeS (M19)
MVLAK (L. mollesco-ere, to become soft, or gentle; molliculus-a-um, soft, tender, effeminate; It. mollica, f. crumb; Fr. mollesse, softness. ZB-2, Z54,Z206, Z805, Z859, Z1049)
MvLAK (Z446, M-1, M24)
MvLAKE (Z463)
MYNI ( L. munio [moenio]-ire, to build, esp. to build a wall; also to surround with a wall; to fortify, to secure, defend, protect; munitio-onis, f. fortifying, building up paving, bridging; a fortification; munus-eris, an office, function, duty, a charge, tax, service, favor, gift, present, public show, esp. by gladiators publicaly; It. munire, to provide, equip, furnish, supply [with]; Fr. munir, to furnish, supply, to fit, to equip, to provide [de]; to arm, to fortify [mil.]; munis, first and second person Present. K74)
MVNV (M13)
MVR (L. mora-ae, f. delay, hindrance, any space of time; murus-i, m. a wall, bank or dyke; fig. protection, defence; Fr. mur, m. wall; murer, to wall, block in; mûre, adj. ripe, mellow, mature; It. muro, m. wall. Z1378, Z1600, Z1615)
MVRS (Z692)
MVRFE (L. Morpheus-eos, m. the god of dreams. APH-18)
MVSEI (L. mos, moris, the will, inclination; morem homini gerere, to humour a person; custom, usage, wont, rule; in plur., ways, conduct, character, morals; Mosa-ae, f. a river in Gaul [now the Meuse]; Musa-ae, f. a muse; a goddess of music, literature and the arts; musaeus-a-um [or museus-a-um] poetical, musical; mus, muris, a mouse or rat; It. mossa, f. move, movement, gesture; essere sulle mosse, to be about [to]; musa, f. Muse, inspiration; muso, muzzle, face, snout, nose; Fr. muse, m. musk, musk-deer, museau, m. muzzle, snout, nose; muser, to idle, to dawdle; Muse, Meuse River, Muse, f. Muse. Q46)
MVSV (Zignago stelae inscription with a female head which reads as follows: ME SVNE MVSV; alt: MESVNE MVSV; L. musso-are, to murmur, mutter, whisper, to keep quiet about a thing; to be at a loss; massa-ae, a lump, boulder; It. masso, m. boulder; Fr. muser, to idle, to dawdle; maison, f. house, firm, home, household, family; masse, f. mass, bulk, heap, crowd)
MVTIN (L. moveo, movere, movi, motum, to move, set in motion, stir; to remove, disposses, dislodge; to move mentally, influence, affect, excite, to cause a result; to change, shake; politically: to arouse, disturb; muto-are, to move, shift, to change, alter, to exchange, barter, to give or to get one thing in eschange for another; Mutina-ae, f. town in Cisalpine Gaul [now Modena]; It. mouvere, to move; muta, f. change, shift, outfit; pack of hounds, relay of horses; set of sails; Fr. mouvoir, to drive, to propel, to actuate; se mouvoir, to move, to stir; mutin, adj. unruly, mutinous; mutiner, to incite to rebellion; muter, to transfer; mutation, f. change, mutation, alteration, transfer. Z133, Z234)
NA (L. (1) ne [nae], used before pronouns,: indeed, truly; (2) ne, not, that not, lest; ne...quidem, not even, no...either; It. (1) ne, adv. from there, therefrom, from here; (2) pron. particle, his of [about] him, her, of [about] her; its, of [about] it; their, of [about] them; (3) partitive pron., any, some, none; (4) [pleonastic, not to be translated] me ne vado: I am going away; ne va del mio onore, my honor is at stake; (5) nè, neg. conj. niether, nor; Fr. (1) né, adj. born; il est né, he was born; (2) ne, adv. no, not. ZB-3, Z10, Z40, Z272, Z561, Z568, Z681, Z1080, Z1088, Z1397, Z1591, Z1647, TC28, TC103, TC213, K79, K86, K92, K131, K136, AH-1, N469, J45)
NE (L. (2) ne, not, that not, lest; indeed, truly; Z543, Z918, K113, N417, N647, Q53, Q74, Q84, Q95, Q661, Q692, Q726, Q745, Q821,Q847, R248, R286, R325, R359)
NI (L. ni [nei] and nive, if not, unless; quid ni? why not?; nihil [nil] nothing, nihil non, everything; non nihil, something; nihil, as internal acc., or adv., not at all; It. niente, m. nothing, naught; trifle; non fa niente, it does not matter; adj. no; un uomo da niente, a good-for-nothing; no, adv. no, not; dir di no, to say no; se no, otherwise; Fr. ni, conj. nor, or, neither....nor; ni moi non plus, nor I either; néant, m. nothingness, naught, nullity. Used in phrase, SAC NI CLERI. See SAC. Z386, AU13)
NAC (L. nascor-i, to be born, to come into existence, arise, be produced; It. nascere, to be born, to spring, sprout, to derive, to originate, preceed; It. nuotare, to swim Fr. naître, to be born; né, p.p., naquis, first & second person singular preterite; nato-are, to swim, to float, to stream, flow, to swim with, to be full of [with abl. ]f. pl. of partic., natantes, fish;. nage, swimming, rowing, pulling [naut.]; stroke [natation], nager, to row, to stroke, to swim, to wallow [in opulence], to be all at sea; . Z263, Z432, Z1227, Z1591, Z1623, Au-1, Au55, Au74, L15, AH-3)
NAKFA (Z522, Z905)
NACFS (It. nascesfe, you arose. M32)
NAK ( nascor-i, to be born, to come into existence, arise, be produced; It. nascere, to be born, to spring, sprout, to derive, to originate, preceed. Z887, Q303)
NAI (N100, N112, N469)
NACRFM (Fr. nacre, f. mother of pearl, nacré, adj. nacreus, pearly; nage, f. swimming, rowing, pulling [naut.], stroke [natration], rowlock, en nage, bathed in perspiration; to tow, to pull, to scull, to swim, to wallow in [opulence], to be all at sea [fam.)
NA8E (It. nave, f. ship, boat. Fr. navire, m. vessel. Q152)
NAL (L. naulum-i, fare, passage-money. TC80, TC103, TC236, TC248, TC260, TC271, TC327, TC338, AN31)
NAM (L. nam, and namque, conj. for. Z1319)
NANIE (L. naenia = nenia-ae, f. a funeral song, dirge, an incantation, nursery ditty, lullaby; It. f. nenia, dirge. Q53)
NAPH (Lemnos Script)
NAPHAR L. navo-are, to do energetically; nefas, n. what is contrary to divine command: sin, crime, abomination; per fas et nefas: by fair means or foul; as interj.: monstrous! dreadful; nefarius-a-um, impious, abominable; adv. nefarie; nefastus-a-um, forbidden, unholy; unlucky, sinful, dies nefasti, days on which no public business could be transacted; It. nefasto, adj. ominous, unfortunate; nefando, adj. nefarious, unspeakable; nefandezza, f. nefariousness; Fr. néfast, adj. ill-omened, baneful; ill-fated, pernicious. N184)
NAPTI (L. neptis-is, a grand-daughter. Z1334)
NAR (L. narro-are, to make known, to say, speak; naris,-is, nares-ium, the nostrils, nose; gnarus-a-um, act. knowing, aquainted with, expert; pass. known; It. nare, narice, f. nostrile; narrare, to recount, narrate, relate; Fr. narrer, narrate; narine, f. nostril; Note this appears to be a person's name. Z648, AJ-17)
NARA (Q65, Q74, Q95, Q460)
NAS (L. nascor-i, natos and [gnatus] dep. to be born, to come into existence, arise, be produced; hence, part. natus-a-um, born, naturally, fitted or constituted; pro re nata, under present circumstances; annos prope XC' natus, almose ninety years old; as subst. m. a son; f. a daughter; It. nascere, to be born, to spring, sprout, to derive, to originate, proceed; Fr. naître, to be born, to originate, to begin, to dawn. TC170, TC231, J35, K13, AD-1, AE-1, AK-1, AN-1, AN-12, AN-31, R5)
NATINE (It. nazione, f. nation; Fr. nation, f. nation. Q243, R565)
NATV (L. natio-onis, f. being born, birth; a tribe, a race, people, esp. uncivilized; species, stock, class; TC-61)
NATVR (L. nature-ae, f. birth, nature, natural qualities or disposition, character; an element, substance, essence; rerum natura nature, the world or universe; It. natura, f. nature; Fr. nature, f. nature, kind, constitution, character, temperament, disposition; naturel, adj. natural, unaffected, native, innate, illegitimate [enfant], m. naturalness, character; naturellement, adv. naturally. R156)
NAVeS (L. navis-is, f. a ship, vessel, a transport; It. navire, m. ship, vessel; Fr. nave, f. ship boat, vessel; navire, m. ship, vessel)
NECE (L. neco-are, to kill, slay, put to death; nego-are, to say no, deny, so say that or not to deny a request, refuse to give or do; It. necrologia, f. necrologio, m. obituary; Fr. nécrologe, m. obituary list; nécrologie, f. necrology, obituary)
NEKIE (Z692)
NEIP (L. ni [nei] and nivi, if not, unless, also in the sense of nei, q.v. quidni? why not? R212)
NEIR (The nymph Naear; Evadne. Q906)
NEN (L. nenia, -ae, f. a funeral song, dirge; an incantation, nursery ditty, lullaby; It. nenia, f. dirge)
NEPOS (L. nepos-otis, m. a grandson, a nephew, a descendant, a spendthrift; It. nepote, nipote, m. f. nephew, niece, grandchild, grandson, granddaughter; Fr. neveu, m. nephew)
NERTRV (L. narrator-oris, a relator, narrator; narratio-onis, f. telling, relating, a narrative; It. narrare, vt., to recount, narrate, relate; narrative, adj. narrative; narratore, m. narrator, storyteller; narrazione, f. naration, story; Fr. narrer, to narrate, to relate, to tell; narrateur-trice, m.f., narrator, relator, teller; narration, f. narration, narrative. N725)
NERE (Script "F")
NERI (L. Nero-onis, a cognomen in the gens, Claudia; neo, nere, nevi, netum, to spin, to interweave; niger -gra -grum, black, dark-coloured, blackening; bad, unlucky; n. as subst. a black spot; It. nero, m. black, blackness; adj. black, dark; Nerone, m. Nero; Fr. noir, adj. black, dark, gloomy, wicked; noircir, to blacken, to darken, to sully, to besmirch. Z1300, Z1319)
NERIS (Z1300)
NERVNS (Z791, Z851, Z975, Z1013, Z1040)
NES (L. nescio-ire, not to know, to be ignorant, to fail to recognize; with infin.: to be unable to do; nescio quis, quid, etc., I know not who or what, somebody, something; nasus-i, m. the nose; It. nesci, m. know-nothing; It. naso, m. nose; Fr. nez, m. nose, snout [animaux], nose [bateau]; nez à nez, face to face. K58)
NETI (It. nettare, vt. to clean, cleanse; netto, adj. clean, net, clear, marked; Fr. net, nette, adj. clean, spotless, clear, plain, distinct; adv. flatly; nettoyer, v. to clean, to clear, to scour, to plunder; It. nettamente, adv. cleanly, markedly, utterly, clearly. Z1088)
NI (L. ni [nei] and nive, if not, unless; also in the sense of ne, : quid ni? why not?; Fr. ni, conj. nor, or; neither...nor; ni moi non plus, nor I either. See SAC. TC38, L1)
NY (J48)
NIA (L. nai = ne; ne (nae) used before pronouns, indeed, truly; (2) ne, not, that not, lest; ne...quidem, not even, not...either; (3) -ne (sometimes n') interog., enclitic particle; Fr. nia, third person singular preterite of neir, to deny, to repudiate; L. nego-are, to say no, to deny, to deny a request, refuse to give or do; It. negare, to deny. APH-1)
NICS (L. nixor-ari, dep. to lean upon, to strive, to strain; nitor, niti, nisus or nixus, dep. (1) to rest, lean, support oneself [on], to trust [in], depend [on] (2) to strive, exert onself, make an effort, of movement: to press on, climb up. Z1265)
NIF (L. nive = ni, q.v. or neve, niveus-a-um, of snow, snowy; ni (nei) and nive, if not, unless; quid ni? why not?; It. nix, nivis, snow. J43)
NIVL (L. nihil, nil, nothing; nihil non, everthing; non nihil, something; adv. not at all; Fr. nier, to deny; It. niuno, nessuno, adj. no; pron. nobody, no one, none, any anybody, anyone; nessuna cosa, nothing ; in nessun luogo, nowhere; a nessun patto, by no means. M78)
NIFL (Z606, J43)
NIMV (L. nimis, very much, too much, excessive; nimius-u-um, very great, too great, excessive, intemperate, immoderate; n. as subst. a great deal, much, also, excess, too much. L71)
NIS (L. nisi, if not, unless; after negatives and questions, except; nisi quod, except that; nisus [nixus] -us, m. pressing, straining, effort; nitor-oris, m. brilliance, brightness, splendour, glow, elegance; naris-is, f. usually plural, nares-ium, the nostrils, the nose; It. naso, m. nose; Fr. nex, m. nose, snout [animaux] [bateau] Z591)
NISA (L. nissus-a-um, partic. from nitor [nitor, niti, nisus or nixus, dep. (1) to rest, lean, support oneself [on]; to trust [in], depend [on] (2) to strive, exert oneself, make an effort, of movement: to press on, climb up; (AG-1)
NV (Fr. non, adv.no, not; It. no, adv. no, not; dir di no, to say no; L. no, nare, navi, to swim. Transf. to sail, flow, fly; It. nuotare, to swim; Fr. nager, to swim. M50)
NVA (It. nove, m. adj. , nine; Fr. neuf, m. adj. nine, ninth; neuf, neuve, adj. new, brand new; L. novem, nine; novo-are, to make new, renew, revive, to change, alter; to invent; novare res, to make a revolution. Z522)
NVCIS ( L. noceo-ere, to hurt, injure, harm; nocuus-a-um, hurtful, injurious; It. nocivo, adj. harmful, detrimental; nuocere, to be detrimental [to]; nox-noctis, f. night; meton., sleep, darkness, gloom, death; abl. form as adv. noctu, by night; Fr. noce, f. wedding, spree; nocoeur, m. reveller. R447)
NVMEM (L. nomem-inis, n. a name; nomem Romanum, the Roman power; nomine meo, in my name, on my behalf; It.nome, m. name; fame, repute; nume, m. diety, god; Fr. nom, m. name; nommer, to name, to mention, to appoint. N184)
NVN (L. non [old forms noenum, noenu] not; non; Fr. non, adv. no, not; It. non, adv. not, no; un non so che, something [indefinable] Z40, Z54, Z150, Z176, Z190, Z206, Z347, Z327, Z357, Z369, Z439, Z446, Z1846, Z1853, Z1869, APH22)
NVPER (L. nuper, lately, not long ago. R121, R133, R150)
NVRA (It. nuora, f. daughter-in-law; L. nurus-us, f. a daughter-in-law; any young married woman. TC61)
NVRE (TC201)
NVRPENER (Possibly a person's name; L. penarius-ium, of or for provisions. R94)
NVS (L. nos, pl. of ego [ I ]: our; Fr. nos, poss. adj. pl. our; [see also notre]; It. nostro, nostri, nostra, nostre, our. Z133)
OPI (L. opus-eris, work, labour; work done, finished work, a building, a literary work or a work of art; plur. milit, works, lines, siege engines. L20. L58; Note: "o" = a loop)
OPNEI (L. obnitor-niti-nixus, dep. to press against, strive against, to take up a stand, maintain a firm position, adv. from partic. obnixe, firmly, vigorously. TC461)
Etruscan phrases6.html
PAF (TC38)
PAFA (L. paveo, pavere, pavi, intransit., to quake with fear, panic; transit, to quake at; Fr. paver, to pave; peur, f. fear, dread, fright; avoir peur, to be afraid; faire peur, to frighten; de peur que, lest; de peur de, for fear of; peureux, adj. fearful; It. paura, f. fear, dread; fright, scare; paventare, to fear, to be afraid. DL-9)
PAIE (Lemnos Script; see PAYKeS)
PAINIEM (L. paean-anis, m. the healer, a surname of Apollo, hymn, paean; Appenninus-i,, m. the chain of the Appennines. Z591)
PAYKeS (L. pagus-i, m. a village or country district; a canton; paganus-a-um, belonging to a village; It. pago, adj. satisfied, content; paese, n. country; pagar, to pay, to pay for, to reward; Fr. pays, m. country, land, region, fatherland, home, birthplace; mal du pays, homesickness; paysage, m. landscape, scenery; paysan, m. adj. peasant, rustic, countryman; pacage, m. pasture-land, pasturage; payer, to pay, to pay for, to remunerate, to requite, to expiate, to atone for; payer d'audace, to brazen it out)
PALAS (L. Pallas-adis and ados, f. Athene, the Greek goddess of wisdom; Minerva. Au13)
PANES (L. penes, prep. with acc. in the possession of, in the power of, belonging to; penes se esse, to be in one's senses; It. panare, vi. to suffer, to find it difficult. AN-12, AN-37)
PANE (L. pango, pangere, panxi, to fasten, fix, drive in; transf. to compose, write; in perf. agree upon; pepigi and supine partum, to fix, settle. N404)
PANIEM (Possibly refering to Pania, a town near Chiusi; It. pannia, f. time. Z591)
PANTA (L. pando, pandare, pandi, pansum and passum, (1) to stretch out, spread out, extend; (2) to throw open, lay open, reveal, disclose. Hence partic. passus-a-um, spread out esp. spread out to dry; n. as subst. raisin-wine; pandus-a-um, bent, curved, crooked; pendo, pendere, pependi, pensum; transit., to cause to hang down; to weigh, to pay out money; to weigh, consider, judge, value, esteem; poenas supplicia, to pay a penalty, suffer punishment; intransit., to weight. Hence partic. pensus-a-um, weighed, esteemed, valued, prized; nihil pensis habere, to put no value upon, be indifferent about. N. as subst. pensum-i, wool weighed out to a spinner; hence, a day's work, task, duty. G9, G14)
PAPEN (L. pappo-are, to eat. L44)
PARF (Z92)
PAR8AM (L. parvus-a-um, (see also MINMV), little, small, slight, weak; of time: short; of age: young; of value: poor, insignificant; n. as subst. a little. Compar. minor, smaller, less; of time: shorter; of age: minor [natu]; younger, of value, inferior. Superl. minimus, smallest, least; n. as adv. minimum, very little. Rare superl. parvissimus-a-um. N139)
PATRE (L. pater-tris, m. father, sire; founder, head; plur. patres; It. padre, m. father, pl. forefathers; Fr. père, m. father, sire; pl. forefathers; patria- ae, f. fatherland; It. patria, f. country, fatherland; patrio adj. patrial, paternal; Fr. patrie, f. fatherland, native land, mother country, home. Q53, Q162, Q171, Q209, Q243, Q416)
PAVE (L. paveo, pavere, pavi, intransit. to begin, to quake, take fright,; transit. to be alarmed by)
PE (see also PI, PV; PE seems to be used as a preposition, for, by; PV may be L. per, prep. with acc.: of space, through, along, over; sometimes before, in the presence of; of time: throughout, during; in the course of, in a time of; of means or instrument: through, by, by means of, with, by way of; of cause: because of, on account of; per me licet, you may as far as I am concerned; in entreaties, oaths, etc., in the name of; It. per, prep. for, by, to, on, from, out of, on account of, through, during, along, towards, in, into, in favor of, as, about to; per natura, by nature; poco, little; con quel po' po' di patrimonio, with such a fortune. Z272, Q33, Q468, Q701, Q763, Q829, Q837, R13, R72, G21, K31)
Pe (TC236, N160, N206, N254, N268, N417, L71)
PE8eNeS (L. pervenio-venire-veni-ventum, to come through, to arrive at, reach, attain tok be passed to; K20)
PEIA (L. beo-are, to bless, enrich, make happy; beatus-a-um, happy, blessed, prosperous, well off, as a subst.: n. happiness; adv. beate, happily; pellis-is, f. a hide, skin; dressed hide, leather, felt; milit., a hut covered with skins; It. benedire, to bless; bene, m. good, love, gift, blessing, possession, welfare: beni mobill; pelle, f. skin, hide, peel, rind; Fr. bénir, to bless; blessed, adj. béni; peau, f. skin, hide, pelt, leather [animal]; rind, peel, husk [fruit, legume], coating, film [lait])
PEIS (Z1292)
PEIV (See L. malus-a-um, comp. peior-us; peius, superl. pessime, badly, ill. N268)
PEL (It. pel, comp. prep. for the; see per; It. pelle, f. skin, hide, peel, rind; L. pellis-is, f. a hide, skin, dressed hide, leather, felt; milit. a hut covered with skins; Fr. peau, pellicule, skin f. peler, to peal to skin, to stri. N660, Q500, R270)
PEMTE (Gr. pente, five)
PEN (L. penna-ae, f. a feather, a wing; penis-is, m. a tail; It. pena, f. punishment, penalty, pain, ache, distress, pity, trouble, pains: a mala pena; penna, f. feather, pen; Fr. pénal, adj. penal; pénaliser, to penalize; peine, f. punishment, penalty, pain, affliction, grief, sorrow, trouble, difficulty, labour, toil; a peine, hardly, scarcely; faire de la peine à,to hurt, to grieve; être en peine de, to be at a loss to; valoir la peine, to be worthwhile; se donner la peine de, to take the trouble to; sous peine de, under penalty of, under pain of; peiner, to pain, to grieve, to toil, to labour; se peiner, to grieve, to fret; pene, m. bolt, latch; empenner, to feather one's nest. Z1337)
PENES ( penes, prep. with acc.: in the possession of, in the power of, belonging to; penes se esse, to be in one's senses; poenio, punio, and punior-iri, to punish, avenge. Q253, K86)
PENSIN ( (L penso-are, to weigh carefully, to estimate, ponder, consider, to counter balance, require, to pay for, purchase one thing with another; It. pensare, to think, to conceive, to intend, to mean, to believe, suppose,to devise, think up, to take care of see that, to mind; Fr. penser, to think, reflect, to consider. Z19)
PER (L. per, prep. with acc.: of space: through, along, over; sometimes: before, in the presence of; of time: throughout, during, in the course of, in a time of; of means or instrument: through, by, by means of, with, by way of; of cause: because of, on account of; per me licet, you may as far as I am concerened; in entreaties, oaths, etc. in the name of; It. per, prep. for, by, to, on, from, out of, on account of, through, during, along, towards, in, into, in favor of, as, about to, per natura, by nature; Fr. par, prep. by, per, through, from, par exemple, for example. Z26, z1146, Z1378, K136, N-11, N41, N63, N100, N469, N491, N513, N543, N573, N590, N595, N615, N647, N660, N676, N711, Q53, Q117, Q335, Q406, Q424, Q433, Q475, Q512, Q713, R49, R229, R248, R258, R306, R334, R521, K26, K79, K86, K136)
PERA (L. pareo,-ire-ii and ivi, itum [often as pass. of perdo], to go to waste, be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die; It. pera, f. pear; perire, to perish, die; Fr. périr, to perish, to die. N404, N444, Q53, Q84, )
PERE (L. pereo-ire-li-ivi-itum, to go to waste, be ruinded or lost, pass away, perish, die; often as pass. of perdo; It. perire, to perish, die; Fr. périr, to perish, to die. Z508, Z1097, N194, R238)
PERI (N689, N725)
PERV (R294, R437, R474)
PERAE (the port, Perae, or its region. R314, R325)
PERK (L pergo, pergere, perga, perrectum, to continue, proceed, go forth. N160)
PERCE (Fr. percer, to pierce, to bone, to drill, to perforate, to broach, to penetrate, toopen, to become known, to break through, to cut through [crue]; L. pungo, pungere, pupugi, punctum, to prick, puncture, stab, to push, move, penetrate, to sting etc.)
PERSNIMV (This is part of an ephitet following a name in the Tavola Eugubine; it is spelled both ways and also interchanged with PESNIMV; It. personifcare, to personify; personificazion, f. personification; Fr. personnifier, to personify, to impresonate, to embody. N230, Q726, Q713)
PERSNIPHMV (Q737, Q829, Q887, R11, R521, R574, R607, R644)
PESNIMV (N320, N333)
PERSTV (L. persto -stare-stiti-statum, to stand firm, remain standing, to remain unchanged, last, endure, to stand firm, persist, persevere; It. persistere, to persist; Fr. persister, to persist; R530)
PERSVN (L. persono-sonare-sonui-sonitum, to resound, sound forth, to shout; to perform upon a musical intrument; transit: to make, resound, to proclaim loudly; persona-ae, f. a mask, esp. as worn by actors; hence role, part, character, personality; personatus-a-um, masked, disguised, counterfeit; It. persona, f. person, fellow body, size; Fr. personne, f. person, body, indef. pron. m., no one, nobody, not anyone. Q784, Q805, Q813, R511)
PERTENTV (L. pertempto-are, to prove, test, try; to weigh, consider, examine, to assail; pertendo, to push on, proceed, continue; It. pertanto, conj. therefore; non pertanto, nevertheless; Fr. pertinent, adj. pertinent, relevant)
PERV (L. pero-onis, m. a boot of untanned hide; peroro-are, to speak from beginning to end, to plead a cause throughout, explain or state thoroughly; to conclude a speech, wind up, close; pererro-are, to wander through, ramble over, to look over, scan; It. pero, m. pear tree; però, conj. but, yet, still, therefore; perorare, to plead; Fr. perorer, to perorate. J48, R294)
PERVM (N689, N725, Q424)
PES (L. pes, pedis, m. the foot; translated as "army." TC19, TC38, TC190, TC271, N63, N670, N700)
PERSNIPHMV; L. pes, pedis, m. the foot; nimis, very much; too much, excessively; nimius-a-um, very great; too great; excessive; intemperate, immoderate. N. as subst. a great deal, much; also excess, too much, R474, R499, R511)
PESNIMV (Person's name/epithet.N21, N290, N320, N444, N529, N553, N598, N632, Q162, Q171, Q194)
PESNIMv (N500, N660)
PESTV (It. pesto, Genoese sause; adj. crushed, battered; ossa pesta, aching bones; passato, m. past; adj. past, previous, former, withered, faded, overripe, gone by; l'anno passato, last year; Fr. pester, to swear, to rave [contre, at]; pas, (1) m. step, pace, stride, gait, walk; footprint; threshold [seuil]; pass, passage, straits [geog.] thread [vis.]; adv. no; not; faux pas, slip, misstep; (2) adv. not, no, none; passe, f. passing, passage, permit, pass; thrust, pasado [escrime]; situation, predicament, navigable channel [naut]; adv. all right, let it be so; mauvaise passe, bad fix; mot de passe, password; passe-droit, unjust favour, passe-temps, pastime; passé, adj. past, gone, vanished, faded; m. past, passer, to pass, to go, to cross, to die, to pass away, to vanish, to fade, to spend [temps]; to sift [farine]; to strain [liquide]; to put on [vêtement]; to take, to undergo [examen]; to excuse [erreur]; se passer, to happen to take place, to cease, to elapse [temps]; se passer de, to do without, to dispense with, to refrain from. Q183)
PET (L. peto-ere-ivi-and -li-itum, to make for, got to, to attack, assail, to seek, strive after, to ask for, beg, request, demand after, to ask for, beg, request, demand; polit., to stand for, canvas for; legal, to sue for; sometimes to fetch, derive;TC260)
PETeNA (L. patina-ae, f. a dish; pecten, comb; Pitino, town near San Severino; It. patina, f. film, gloss; petine, m. comb; Fr. peigne, m. comb; patiner, to skate, to skid, to slip. Z1227)
PETR ( It. pietra, f. stone, pietra da affiliare, whetstone, hone; pietra delle scandalo, shame; Fr. pétrin, m. kneeding-trough; mess; petrir, to knead, to mould; piètre, adj. shabby, paltry, poor, lame, wretched; paitre, to graze, to crop, to feed, to put to grass, to browse, to graze on; pierre, f. stone; pierre à aiguiser, grind stone; pierre à fusil, flint; pierre de taille, free-stone; Gr. petra, rock. Z1854, TC61, TC137)
PETRV (TC-120)
PETRVS (TC38, TC61, TC144, TC190)
PETRVNIA (L. Petronius-i, name, m. late Romaan gens, esp. of a satirest under Nero; Patronia-ae, f. a protectress, patroness; patronus-i, m. a protector, defender, patron, esp. an advocate in a court of law; It. patrono, m. patron, saint, counsel; Fr., patron, m., patron, protector, master, proprietor, boss, skipper, pattern, mask; R565)
PEV (Fr. peu, m. little, few, a little, bit; adv. little, few, not veery; peu de chose, mere trifle; peau, pellicule f. skin, hide; L. pellis-is, f. a hide, skin, dressed hide, leather, felt; milit. a hut covered with skins; It. pelle, f. skin hide, peel, rind. TC220, L31)
PFIA (see PVIA; It. poi, adv. after, afterwards, then, later on, next; Fr. puis, then, afterwards, next, following. Z1780)
PFNE (L. pugnon-are, to fight, to give battle, to struggle, contend, fight, to strive, exert onself; punio ( poenio)-ire, and punior-iri, to punish, to avenge; J-4)
PHA (Etruscan goddess; appears in several scripts; AN-20, N638, N670, N738, R56)
PHABAS (L. Phoebus-i, m. Apollo the Sun god; hence subst. Phoebas-adis, f. a priestess of Phoebus, a prophetess; adj. Phoebeius and Phoebeus-a-um, of Phoebus; Phoebe-is, f. the sister of Phoebus, the Moon-goddes, Diana; Some early writeres identified Phoebus Apollo with the ancient sun god Helios. Eos (Dawn) and Selene (moon) were his sisters. Q906)
PHABE (N160, N194)
PHABETV (Q217, Q253, Q263, Q468, Q893, Q899)
PHABIA (R31, R121, R133, R150)
PHATV (L. fatum-i, an utterance, esp. divine utterance; destiny, fate; Fata, the Parcae or Fates: doom, fate, natural death, misfortune, ruin, calamity; Phaethon-ontis, m. the son of Helios (the sun god) killed trying to drive the chariot of his father; It. fata, f. fairy; Engl. fay, fairy; N112, N428)
PHER (L. Pharus -[os]-i, f. rarely m., an island off Alexandria with a lighthouse; hence in gen. a lighthouse; It. faro, m. beacon, light, lighthouse; Fr. phare, m. beacon. N206, R40, R56, R72, R619)
PHERI (Z516, N483, N624, Q74, Q84, Q202, Q854, G39)
PHERIS (N53, N483)
PHeTV (L. fetus-a-um, (1) pregnant, fruitful, fertile teeming with, full of (2) that has brought forth, newly delivered; R413, R459, R644)
PHV (a goddess, N428, Q209)
PHVBIA (Gr. phobos, fear; It. fobia, f. phobia; note: this appears to be a god's name; Phobos (Gr. panic), a son of Ares and Aphrodite. He and his brother Demius (Gr. fear) were constant companions to their father and often drove his chariot into battle. They figure in myth as personifications of the emotions commonly felt in war. R88)
PHVCE (L. phoca-ae and phoce, f. a seal. Q784)
PHVNT (N254, Q899)
PHVNTE (L. fontanus-a-um; of a spring or fountain; fons-fontis, m. a spring or fountain; It. f. fonte, spring, fountain, source; Fr. fonte, f. melting, smelting, casting, cast iron, fount. N31, R394, R554)
PH (person's initial? Z508)
PHVR ( first person singular present, to rage/ be frantic; L. furo-are Z489)
PHVRIE (L. furia-ae, f. usually plur. rage, frenzy, madness, passion; personif., of the mythological Furies, avenging deities; fig., of persons; furio-are, to make furious, madden,; partic. furiatus-a-um, raging; furo-ere, to rage, rave, be mad; often of impassioned persons, to rave, be frantic; furere aliqua, to be madly in love with. Adv. from partic. furenter, furiously; furor-ari, dep. to steal, pilfer; fig., to steal away, withdraw, to counterfeit, impersonate; It. furia, f. fury, wrath, vehemence, hurry; aver furia, to be in a hurry; Fr. fureur, f. fury, rage, passion; faire fureur, to be all the rage; furie, f. fury, rage; furieux, adj. mad, furious, raging. N11)
PHTA8 (Phthia? The principle city of Phthois or Achaea, the adopted home of Peleus. R554)
PI (L. pius-a-um, dutiful, godly, holy, patriotic, devoted, affectionate; in gen. honest, upright, kind; Fr. pieux, adj. pious, devout; pie, magpie, adj. piebald; It. pio, adj. pious, merciful, charitable. R56)
PIA (L-1, L-11)
PI8IATV (It. piu, m. most; piva, f. bagpipe; Fr. pivot, m. pivot, spindle. N149)
PIPHAS (name; Phthia, chief city of Achaea. N63 )
PIKVN (This may refer to the people or the Picene region which includes the town of Piceno; L. picus-i, woodpecker; piger-gra-grum, sluggish, unwilling slow; adv. pigre ; (1) pic, m. pick, pickaxe, mountain peak; (2) woodpecker; picorer, to pick; It. piccone, m. pick, pickax; picco, peak; picca, f. spike, spite; Fr. pic, m. pick, pickaxe; peak [montagne]; à pic, steep, sheer, vertical; in the nick of time, just in time. Z1386)
PINA (N357, N363, N738)
PINAM (L. pinna-ae, f. a feather, a feathered arrow, a wing, a battlement along the top of a wall; pinniger-gera, feathered, winged; piscus, having fins; pinetum-i, a pine-wood; pineus-a-um, made of pine-wood; pinifer and piniger-gera, producing pines; It. pineta, f. pine wood; pinna, f. fin; Fr. pinède, f. pine wood)
PINA8 (N638, N670)
PINAS (Z1397)
PINE (Z122)
PINIE (N294)
PINCA (L. pingo, pingere, pinxi, pictum, to paint, to draw, to embroider, to stain, dye, to decorate, adorn, in speech or writing: to embellish, depict. J35)
PINCIM (It. pingue, adj. fat, sustainable. Z1080)
PIR (L. Piraeus and Piraeus-i, m. the Piraeus, the main port of Athens; pirum-i, a pear; pirus-i, a pear-tree; pyra-ae, f. funeral pyer; peior, adj. worse; It. pira, f. pyre, funeral pile; Fr. pire, adj. worse, le pire, the worst. N123, N381, Q107, Q335, L71)
PIRE (Z781, R31)
PIRI (Q406, Q908)
PISI (Name of town, people of Pisa. R13, R72)
PITE (L. pietas-atis, f. dutifulness, dutiful conduct, piety, patriotism, devotion, kindness; Fr. pitié, f. pity, mercy, compassion; It. f. pieta, compassion. Q763)
PITI (TC338)
PITHIA (L. Pytho-us f. the old name of Delphi; adj. Pythieus, Puthius-a-um, Delphic, relating to Apollo; f. as subst. the priestess of Apollo; n. pl. the Pythian games celebrated every fourth year in honor of Apollo)
PLAK (L. placeo-ere-ui and itus, um, itum, to please, be agreeable to, impers. placet, it seems good, it is agreed or resolved; hence, partic. placitus-a-um, pleasing, agreed; as subst., what is agreeable; plur. opinions, teaching; placo-are, to soothe, calm, to recocile, appease; hence, partic. placatus-a-um, smoothed, appeased, calm, gentle, quiet; adv. placate. Q351)
PLANV (part of a name; L. planus-a-um, even, flat; n. as subst. a plain level ground; de plano, off-hand, easily; transf. plain, clear; adv. plane, distinctly, intelligibly, wholly, quite thoroughly; in answers: certainly. N87)
PLANES (N469, N505)
PLATV (L. plaudo [plodo], plaudere, plausi, plausum, to strike, bet, clap together, to make a clapping noise, clap, applause. N139)
PLE (L. pluo, pluit, it rains, ploro-are, to lament, wail; transit.: to weep over, deplore; Fr. pleurer, to weep; pli, fold, pleat, wrinkle, pucker, crease, habit, cover, letter, note; pliable, adj. pliable, foldable, fexible; plaie, f. wound, sore, plague, scourge, affliction; plier, to fold, bend; poli, polished; ployer, to bend, to bow, to give way, to yield, to ploy [milit.]; pleurer, to weep, to cry, to mourn; pleuvoir, to rain; It. plangere, to weep; piovere, to rain, to pour; L71)
PLENAS (L. plenus-a-um, full, full of [with genit. or abl.] complete, plump, thick, pregnant, filled, satisfied, well stocked, rich; of age, , mature; of the voice, strong, loud; full copious; adv. plene, fully, completely. R5)
PLVTIN (L. pluteus-i, m., and pluteum-i, shelter; milit.: penthouse, shed, mantlet, breastwork, battlement. Transf. a board, couch, bookshelf; Pluto-(on)-onis, m. the king of the lower world; adj. Plutonius-a-um; It. plotone, m. platoon; Fr. plutöt, adv. rather, sooner; on the whole, instead. Z1265)
PRE (L. prae, adv. before, in front; prep. with, abl. before. N435, N469, Q162, R31, R88, L65)
PREC N533, N607, N676)
PRECE (L. precor-ari, to beg, entreat, pray, invoke; precarius-a-um, begged for, or got by entreaty, uncertain, precarious; precario, adv. by entreaty; praeco-onis, m. a public crier, herald; preacordia-orum, the midriff, diaphragm, the stomach, the breast, heart [as seat of passions]; It. precario, adj. precarious; prece, f. prayer; precorrare, to forerun, Fr. précaire, adj precarious, risky, insecure, delicate [santé] précurseur, m. forerunner, precursor; adj. premonitory. R294)
PReK (L38)
PRECE8I (L. precaveo-cavere-cavi-cautum; intransit., to take precautions, be on one's guard; transit., to beware of, guard against beforehand)
PREPHTV (L. praefor-iari-fatus, dep. to speak before, to say beforehand, esp. of prayers, divos, to invoke. N230)
PRESTA (L. praesto, adv. present, at hand, ready; with esse, to be at hand, be ready to help; praesto-stare-stiti-stitutum, (1) to stand before, to be outstanding, surpass, excel; impers: praestat, it is better, preferable; (2) transit: to become surety for, answer for, be responsible for; Transf: to perform, execute, fulfil, to show, manifest, exhibit, to offer, present; with se and acc. to show oneself, behave as; It. prestare, to lend; prestarsi, to lend oneself [itself], to volunteer; prestante, adj. personable; Fr. preste, adj. nimble, agile, deft, quick, brisk, quick-witted; préter, to lend, to ascribe, to attribute, to impart, to bestow, to stretch, préter serment, to take an oath, to swear. N294)
PRETEN (L. praetero-ire-ivi and oftener -it, itum, to go by, pass by; transf. to escape the notice of a person; to pass by, pass over, omit, to surpass, to transgress, hence part. praeterius-a-um, past, gone by)
PRI RAM (L. prae, adv. before, in front, prae quam, in comparison with; abl. before, prae se ferre, to show, exhibit, in comparison with, on account of, because of)
PRIR (L. priere, f. supplication, prayer boot, ritual; It. preghiera, f. prayer, request, entreaty; pregare, vt. to pray, to beg, to entreat; farsi preghiera, to deny onself; vi., prego! please!; Fr. prier, to pray, to entreat, to beseech, to request, to beg, to invite; je vous en prie, I beg of you, you are welcome, don't mention it; prier, f. prayer, request, entreaty)
PRVCV (L. proco-are and procor-ari, dep. to ask, demand. Z1080)
PRVKIS (L. procer-eris, m. a chief, noble, prince; procax-acis, shameless, bold, impudent; adv. procraciter; Fr. procès, a lawsuit, action, trial, case, to institute proceedings. Z272)
PRVPE (L. prope, adv. & prep.; compar. propius, superl. proxime; adv. near, in space of time, nearly, propius, more nearly, more closely; proxime, of time, just now; prep. with accus. near to, in space or time in gen., approximating to, not far from; Fr. propre, adj. clean, neat, tidy; proper, correct, fitting appropriate; own, peculiar, right [sens]; m. charactaristic, atttribute, property, proper sense; propreté, f. cleanliness, neatness, tidiness, honesty, decency. Q908)
PRV (L. pro, prep with abl., before, in front of, for, on behalf of, in favor of, in place of, like, as good as; se pro cive gerere, to behave as a citizen; as a reward for, in proportion to, according to, by virtue of, pro virili parte, to the best of one's abilities; pro eo quantum, in proportion as. AN-5)
PRVSE (L. prefix, pro-forth, for, forward; prorsus [prosus] a, um; straight forward, in style, prose; It. pro, (1) m. advantage, avail, good, benefit, profit: a che pro? what is the use? (2) prep. in favor of, for; prosa, f. prose, drama; Fr. prose, f. prose. Q512, R487)
PRVSV (Q829)
PRVSIKVREN (L. proseco-secare-secui-sectum, to cut off, to plough up. N. of partic. as subst. prosectum-i, part of a victim cut out to be offered to a god; the entrails. R188, R204)
PRVRvSE (L. proreta-ae and proreus-i, m. a look-out man, proruo-ruere-rui-rutum; intransit., to rush forth, to fall down; transit. to fling forwared or down, overthrow, destroy; prorsum & prorsus, L forward, straight ahead, transf. utterly, wholly, in a word, to sum up. Z1250)
PRVSVM (L. prosum, prodesse, profu, to be useful, do good, benefit [with dative])
PV (It. poco, little; con quel po' po' di patrimonio, with such a fortune; Fr. peu, m. little, a litle bid; adv. little, few; not very, peu de chose, mere trifle. Q534, Q452, Q661, Q683, Q72 6, Q737, Q745, Q763, Q837, Q847, Q854)
PVE (N194)
PVIA (L. poi, interjection, by Pollux!, truly, really!; It. puer-i, m. a child; in plur: children, esp. a boy, lad; a puerro, a pueris, from boyhood. Transf. a serving-lad, page, slave; poi, , adv. after, afterwards, then, later (on), next; d'ora in poi, from now on; d'allor in poi, since then; prima o poi, sooner or later; puerile, adj. childish; Fr. puis, adv. then, afterwards, next, following; puer, to stink; puéril, adj. childish; puits, m. well, shaft, pit [mine]. TC144, AH-1, AJ-1)
PVCI (L. puga (pyga)-ae, f. the rump, buttocks; pugio-onis, m. a dagger, dirk, poniard; pocillum-, a little cup; poculum-in, a drinking-cup, goblet; a drink, draught; It. poco, m. little, pochi m. pl. few [people]; con quel po' po' di patrimonio, with such a fortune; adj. little, some, any, small, scarce, short; adv. little, little [while]; slightly, some, any, cheap, cheaply; da poco tempo, not long ago; Fr. pochade, f. rapid sketch, rough sketch; pochard, m. drunkard, sot; poche, f. pocket, pouch, sack, bag. N533, N615)
PV8 (L. pubes and puber-eris, arrived at the age of puberty, adult, ripe; m. pl. as subst. puberes-um, the men, the adult male popluation; pubes-is, f. the signs of puberty, growth of hair, etc.; the youth, adult male population)
PV8E (N341)
POLE (L. polio-ire, to polish, file, make smooth, esp. to cover with white, whiten, to adorn, to finish off; politus-a-um, polished, refined, accomplished; polleo-ere, to be strong, powerful, able; partic. pollens-enis, powerful, mighty; It. pulire, to clean, cleanse, to wipe, to polish; pularsi, to clean oneself; Fr. polir, to polish, to buff; L-11)
POLEM (Fr. polemos, controversy; polémique, controversy; one of the nine muses, Polymnia; It. polemica, polemic, controversy)
POLEMI (Script "L")
PVLVMeK (Au71, Au99)
PVMPERIAS (L. pompa-ae, f. a solemn procession, suite, retinue, display, parade, ostentation; It. pompa, f. pomp, display; eroe, m. hero; Fr. pompe, f. pomp, ceremony, display, parade, state; person's name. Q11)
PVMPVI (L. Pompeius or Pompeius-a-um, name of a Roman gens; Pompeii-orum, m. a town in Campania; L. 4th decl. dative = ui. TC90)
PVNE (L. pono, adv. behind, at the back; prep. with acc., behind; pono, ponere, posui, [posivi], positum [postum], to lay, put, place, set, to put in place, settle, to put aside, lay down, discard, to lay to rest, lay out for burial; milit.: to post, station, invest; of money, etc.: to store, deposit, invest, to stake, wager; of food: to put on table, to serve; of buildings: to found, set up: of laws, etc.: to establish, ordain; of persons: to appoint; of an artist: to represent, picture, to reckon, count, regard; to lay down, assert, cite; partic. positus-aum, in place, of places, situated; punio [poenio]-ire, and punio-iri, to punish, to avenge; It. punire, to punish; Fr. punir, to punish, to chastise; pondre, to lay eggsN1, N100, N112, N123, N160, N206, N341, N553, Q127, Q152, Q202, Q209, Q893, R56, R278, R370, R542, R619)
PVNES (Q209, Q906, R633)
PVNI (N21, N63, N216, N280, N333, N444, N483, N522, N582, N624, N660, N725, Q74, Q194, Q273, Q311, R278, R314, R325, R394, R437, R447)
PVNIG (L. puniceus-a-um, purple, red; Punicus [Poeni-orum], m. pl. the Carthaginians; sing. Poenus-i, m. adj. Poenus, Punicus, Poeniceus-a-um, Punic, Carthaginian. N160)
PVNTIS (L. pontus-i, m. the sea. Q286, Q320)
PVP (L. popa-ae, m. a junior priest or temple servant. Q460, Q671, Q726, Q737, Q745, Q754, Q837, R13, R72)
PVPvLV (L. populo-are and populor-ari, to lay waste, devastate, plunder, to ruin, spoil, rob; populus-i, m. a people, political community, nation; as a section of the community: the people; in gen.: the people, the public; hence any crowd, host, multitude; populus-i, f. a poplar tree; It. popolana, m. plebeian; popolare, to become populated; popolo, m. people; Fr. populace, f. populace, mob; population, population, populo, m. [fam.] riff-raff, rabble. N11, N41, N404)
PVPvLYM (N100)
PVR (L. porro, forward, further, next, again, in turn, in time: far back, long ago or in the future; porrico-ricere-rectum, to offer as a sacrifice; It. poro, m. leek, wart; porre, to put, place, to suppose, to pay (attention); pure, adv. conj. also, too, even, yet, still, only, likewise, as well as, by all means; fate pure!, dite pure! go ahead!; Fr. pore, m. pore; poreux, adj. porous, permeable, unglazed. ZB-1, Z834)
PVR (N294, G30)
PVRA (Q171, R437, R447, R521, R596, R633)
PVRE (purgo-are, (1) to clean, cleanse, purify. Hence to excuse, defend, justify, to allege in defence; (2) to clear away, wash off; purus-a-um, clean, pure, cleared. transf. without addition, simple, plain; morally upright, pure; of style: pure, faultless; legally: without conditions, absolute; as a subst.: the clear sky. Adv. pure and poet. puriter, purely, cleanly; of style, faultlessly; purgare, to purge; Fr. pur, adj. pure, innocent, downright, sheer, stark; purifier, to purify, to cleanse, to refine. Z1006, N216, Q290, R40, R49, R181, R204, R459, G21)
PVRI (Z859)
PVRVS (L. purus-a-um, clean, pure, cleared; transf. without addition, simple, plain; morally upright, pure; of style, pure, faultless; legally without condition, absolute; N. as subst. the clear sky; adv. pure and poet. puriter, purely, cleanly; of style, faultlessly. R212?)
PVRTA (L. porta-ae, a gate; portus-us, m. harbour, port; porto-are, to bear, carry, convey, bring; It. porta, f. door, doorway, gate; portare, to bring, to fetch, to take [away], to carry, to wear, to move, to drive, to lead, portarsi, to bring, take along, to behave; portata, f. reach, power, strength, capacity, range, purport, scope, course, dish; a portata di mano, within one's reach; portato, m. result; adj. worn, inclined; portus-us, harbour, port; haven, refuge; porto, m. (1) carriage (2) m. harbor, part, haven; (3) m. port [wine]; (4) pp. of porgere, to hand, to hold out, to offer; Fr. porte, f. gate, door, gateway, doorway, entrance; porté, adj. inclined, disposed, prone, carried, worn; portée, f. bearing, span, litter, brood, projection, reach, scope, comprehension; a portée de la main, within reach; porter, to carry, to bear, to support, to wear, to take, to bring, to strike, to deal, to aim, to inscribe, to enter, to induce, to incline, to prompt, to produce, to pass judgment, to shoulder arms. N194, N670)
PVRTV (Q7, Q95, Q162, Q263, Q512, Q543, Q671, Q692, Q795, Q806, Q821, R128, R437, R499)
PVRTI (N700, N738, Q899, R278, R294, R653)
PVRTINGVS (L. porticus-us, f. a portico, colonade, arcade, gallery. Transf. the Stoic school of philosophers; It. portico, m. portico, porch; Fr. portique, m. portico, awning [chemin de fer])
PVSC (posco, poscere, poposci, to ask earnestly, request, call upon; poscimur, we are asked to sing; esp. to demand for punishment or challenge to fight, of things: to demand, require. N505, N563, N638)
PVS (L. pus, puris, corrupt matter, bitterness; R530, R619)
PVSE (L. possum, posse, potui, to be able, one may, one can, to avail, have influence; partic. potens-entis, able, powerful, capable, influential, efficacious; with genit.: master of. Adv. potentier, strongly, efficaciously; It. posa, f. posture, attitude, pose, pause, rest; Fr. pose, f. putting, laying, posting, stationing [milit.] pose, attitude, posture, posing, affectation; poser, to put, to set, to lay, to rest, to lie, to pose, to ask [question], to post, to station [milit.] N349, Q74, R248, J43)
PVST (L. post [older poste]. Adv. behind, in the rear; of time: afterwards; multo post, much later. Prep., with acc.: behind; of time: after; in rank, etc., next after; postea, thereafter, afterwards, next; It. posto, (1) m. place, spot, room, seat, job, situation; (2) pp. of porre, to put, place, to supose, to pay [attention]; posta, f. mail, post, stake, size;postare, to establish, post; Fr. poste, m. post, station, job, guard-house, guards [mil.], quarters [naut.]; poster, to post, mail; postérieur, adj. posterior, subsequent, later, behind, back; m. behind, backside, rear. N112, N349, N363, Q183, Q754, R447)
PVSTE (N647)
PVSTI (L. postea, thereafter, afterwards, next. R94, R128, R142, R150
PVSTER (L. posterus [poster]-a-um, subsequent, following, next, future; in posteum, for the next day or for the future; m. pl. as subst. posterity; Compar. posterior-us, next, later; inferior, worse; n. acc. as adv. posterius, later. Superl. postremus-a-um, hindmost, last, lowest, worst. N. abl as adv. postremo, at last; n. acc. postremum, for the last time; ad postremum, at last. Superl. postumus-a-um, the last, last-born [esp. of children born after the father's will or death; It. posteri, m. pl. posterity; posteria, f. general store; posteriore, adj. posterior, behind, back; Fr. postérieur, adj. posterior, subsequent, later, behind, back; m. behind, backside, rear. N404)
PVT (Z1319)
PVTE (L. potio-onis, f. drinking, a drink, a draught, esp. a love-draught, philtre; potio-ire, to put in the power of; potior-iri, to get possession of, to obtain, to possess, be master of; potior-us, preferable, better; n. acc. as adv. potius, rather , preferably. Superl. potissimus-a-um, best of all, chief, principal; n. as adv. potissimum, chiefly, above all; poto-potare-potavi-potatum & potum, to drink, esp. to drink heavily; of things, to absorb; partic., potus-a-um, pass., drunk, drained, act., having drunk, drunken; potus-us,m. a drinking, draught; It. potere (1) can, may, to be able, to be allowed; non posso, I cannot; potesta, f. power, authority; potabile, drinkable; potare, to prune, top; potente, adj. powerful, mighty, inflential; potenza, power, might, strength; Fr. pot, m. pot, jar, jug, can; potable, adj. potable, drinkable, acceptable; poteau, m. post, stake, pole; adj. potential, potential; potion, f. potion, draft. Z84, Z211, Z214, Z308, Z953, Z1319, Z1797, Z1813)
PVTS (L. potis, pote, able, capable. Z1607)
Etruscan Phrases 7.html
RA (L. rea-ae, f. reus-i, m., a party in a law-suit, whether plaintiff or defendant; esp. a defendant, accused person, in gen.: one bound or answerable; rado, radere, rasi, rasum, to scrape, shave, graze, to erase, to hurt, offend; rex, regis, m. ruler, king, prince, chierf, monarch, tyrnant; It. re, m. king; reato, m. crime; Fr. rayer, to strike, to streak, to cancel, to scratch, to score, to erase, to expunge, to strike out, to suppress; je raie, I scratch/score; roi, m. king. Z761, K36, K113, TC120)
RAE (Z412)
RAC (L. racemifer, bearing clusters; racemus-i, m. a cluster, esp. of grapes; It. raccapezzare, to gather, raccapezzarsi, to find one's bearings; raccattare, to pick up; racchio, adj. [slang] ugly, ratty, poor, atrocious, crummy; racchiudere, to contain; raccogliere, to gather [up]; to collect, to assemble, to pick up to reap; raccontare, to tell, to relate; Fr. raconter, to relate, to tell, to narrate, to recount; recueil, m. collection, selection, assortment, miscellany; recueillir, to gather, to get together, to assemble, to collect, to receive, to acquire, to take in, to reap, to shelter, to harbour, to inherit; se recueillir, to collect one's thoughts, to wrap oneself in meditation; Engl. rack, a framework, stand or bar on which to hold, display, or hang something; instrument of torture on which the victim's body was stretched; to strain with great effort; probably related to MDu. rakke, framework; also this word may be related to an Indo-European root, "to speak." Z1292)
RAK (Z263, Z336, Z412, Z516, z582, Z1048)
RAK (Q335)
RAKaR (Z164, Z170, Z190, Z327, Z405, Z969, Z1013, Z1016, Z1027, Z1846, Z1869)
RAF (AN-42)
RA8A (L. rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum, to seize, snatch, tear away, to plunder a place, to hurry along a person or thing; It. rapire, to take away, to abduct, kidnap, to enrapture; Fr. ravir to ravish, to abduct, to kidnap; to rob of; to charm, to delight, to enrapture, rapine, f. rapine, extortion; rapiner, to plunder, to pillage. Au74)
RAL (Fr. railler, to banter, to scoff at, to gibe, to heckle, to jest; rallier, to rally, to rejoin; se rallier, to rally, to assemble, to hug the shore [naut.]; royal, adj. royal; It. reale, adj. real, royal. TC283, TC327, K58, TC80)
RALISA (to rally oneself, name on mirror. TC80)
RALNA (Etruscan goddess, wife of TINI; see Divine_Mirror.html)
RAMA (L. remeo-are, to go back, return. Au7)
RAMV (N216, Au74)
RAMVR (L. remoror-ari, to remain behind, linger, loiter; transit.: to obstruct, hinder; remora-ae, f. delay, hindrance; ramus-i, m. a bough, branch, twig; It. remora, f. delay, hinderance; rame, m. copper; ramare, to coat with copper; ramo, m. branch, trade; un ramo di pazzia, a streak of madness Fr. ramure, f. boughs, antlers; rame, f. oar, rame, f. stick, rame, f. ream [papier], convoy, string [bateaux]; lift, line [trains]; rameau, m. bough, branch; sub division. Z817)
RAN (L. rana-ae, f. a frog; renes-um, m. pl. the kidneys; harena, saburra, sand; renes-um, m. pl. the kidneys; It. rana, f. frog; rene, m. kidney; reni, f. pl. loins; rena, f. sand; ranno, m. lye; Fr. grenouille, f. frog; rein, m. kidney; pl. loins; sable, m. sand; note: this word appears to behave like a verb; re: also L. iecur, iecoris, liver--the supposed seat of the passions; Fr. fole, m. liver; It. fegato, liver. Z378, Z1444, Z1861)
RANES (Au55)
RANeS (Z214, Z308, Z953, Z1057)
RANI (Z84)
RANV (L. ranno, m. lye. Q183)
RAPiN (see also REPEN; L. rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum, to seize, snatch, tear away, to plunder a place, to hurry along a person or thing; N. of paretic. as subst., raptum-i, plunder; se rapere, to rush off; transf. to pervert, lead astray; se rapere, to rush off; transf. to pervert, lead astray; rapin-ae, f. robbery, pillage, booty, plunder; It. rapire, to take away, to abduct, kidnap, to enrapture; rapinare, to plunder, rob; rapina, f. robbery, plunder; Fr. rape, f. grater, rasp; stalk; râper, to grate, to rasp, to make threadbare; rapine, f. rapine, extortion; rapiner, to plunder, to pillage. Z1292)
RAPiNES (Z1345)
RAR (L. rarus-a-um, loose, thin, scattered, scanty, far apart; milit.: in loose order; in gen.: rare, infrequent, sometimes extraordinary, distinguised; Adv. raro, rare, seldom, rarely; It. raro, adj. rare, unusual, seldom, rarely; Fr. rare, adj. rare, uncommon, unusual, few, scarce, scanty, sparse, slow; raréfier, to rarefy. DL-7)
RASR (L. rado, radere, rasi, rasum, to scrape, shave, graze, to erase, to hurt, offend; rasilis-e, scraped, smooth; It. raso, adj. shaven, short; even, level, brimful, pp. of radere, rasoio, m. razor; raspa, f. rasp, scraper; raspare, to rasp, to pinch, to scratch about; razza, race, breed, kind; Fr. ras, adj. close-shaven, smooth-shaven, close-cropped, close-napped, shorn, bare, smooth, flat, low; rasade, f. glassful, brimmer, brim-full; raser, to shave, to raze, to tear down, to graze, to skim, to hug, to skirt; rasoir, m. razor. Z709)
RASaNA (Rasna/Rasana = the name the Etruscans called themselves; It. razza, race, breed, kind. Z1578, TC38)
RASaNE (K26, K119, K124)
RAT (L. reor, reri, ratus, to think, suppose, judge; pp. ratus-a-um, determined, settled; ratum facere, to ratify, confirm, make valid; pro rata, in proportion; It. rata, f. installment, ratifica, f. ratification, ratificare, to ratify; Fr. rater, to misfire, to fail in, to miscarry; ration, f. ration, allowance, share; rationnel, rational, reasonable; rationner, to ration. Z1805)
RATV (Q232)
RATVM (Z1274)
RATvM (TC170, TC307)
RE, REI (L. res, rei--see RES below; thing, object, matter, etc. R219, R238, R270) (See RES)
RE (L. rex, regis, m. ruler, king, prince, chief, monarch, tyrant; It. Re, m. king; reame, m. realm, kingdom; It. Fr. roi, m. king; royame, m. kingdom. Used frequently in most scripts; too many times to list. Q295, Q683)
REI (Fr. raie, f. parting [cheveux], streak, stripe, line, stroke, furrow; It. raggio, m. ray, beam, spoke of a wheel; razza, race, breed, kind; L. res, rei--see RES below; thing, object, etc.; Vedic, a_r, ara_, spoke of a wheel)
REC (L. recens-entirs, new, fresh, young, recent, vigorous; as adv, recens, lately, recently; recessus-us, m. going back, retreat, withdrawal; a place of retreat, quiet place; It. recare, to bring, carry, to bear, to convey, take; recarsi, to go, betake oneself; rinculo m. recoil; rinculare, to recoil, to fall back, to withdraw; Fr. reçu, adj. received, admitted, recognized, customary, usual; m. receipt; au reçu de, upon receipt of; recul, m. recoil, falling-back, retreat, kick [fusil]; reculer, to draw back, to put back, to defer, to postpone, to extend [limites], to retreat, to fall back, to recede, to recoil, to flinch, to go backwards, to rein back [cheval]; a reculons, backward. Z1292)
REK (It. recare, to bring, carry, to bear, to convey, take; recarsi, to go, betake oneself; L. rex, regis, m. king. Q500, R542)
RECES (R49, R65)
RE8A (Fr. rever, to dream, to muse, to rave, to be light-headed, to ponder, to long, to yearn. Au17, Au74)
RE8V (N216)
REV (L. reus-i, m., and rea-ae, f. a party in a law-suit, whether plaintiff or defendant; esp. a defendant, accused person; in gen., one bound or answerable; rivus-i, m. stream; reor, reri, ratus, dep. to think, to suppose, judge; ratus-a-um, to ratify, confirm, make valid; It. rio, (1) m. brook, creek; reo, m. culprit, adj. guilty (2) adj. guilty, wicked; Fr. rivière, river, stream; rever, to dream, to muse, to rave, to be light headed, to ponder, to long, to yearn)
REVS (Z1591)
RIE (L. rivus-i, m. stream; It. rio, (1) m. brook, creek; (2) adj. guilty, wicked; Fr. rivière, river, stream)
REPH (Note: this may be a person's/god's name; the Ø = PH seems to be associated with names. R173, R188, R212)
REGL (L. recolo-colere-colui-cultum, to cultivate or work again, to resume, to set up again, rehabilitate, to reflect upon, to recall. Q534, Q661, Q726, R22)
REGLE (Q784, Q805)
REGLV (Q754)
REN (It. regnare, to reign, to rule, to prevail; regno, m. kingdom, reign; L. regno-are, to be a king, reign, to be master, be a tyrant, to prevail; transit.: in pass. regnari, to be ruled by a king; regnum-i, (1) royal power, monarchy, supremacy, tyranny (2) a realm, kingdom, estate; rex, regis, m. ruler, king, prince, chief, monarch, tyrant; It. reggere, to support, bear, carry, to hold up, to manage, to govern, rule; to require, to stand, resist, to last, to endure; regia, f. royal palace; regina, f. queen; regio, adj. royal; regno, kingdom, reign; regola, f. rule, example, moderation, guidance, order; re, m. king; regina, f. queen; Fr. reine, f. queen; règne, m. reign, prevalence, duration, influence; régner, to reign, to rule, to hold away, to prevail, to reach, to extend; roi, m. king; kingdom, m. royaume. Z150, Z176, Z206, Z369, Z665, Z913, Z1049, Z1853, AN-112)
L. reno (rheno) onis, m. a garment made of fur; renuo-nuere-nui, to deny, refuse, reject; renovo-are, to renew, restore, repair; to repeat; It. rinnovare, to renew, to rennovate; rinnovarsi, to renew, to recur, be repeated; Fr. rénover, to renew, to renovate, to revive; rener, to deny, to disown, to disavow, to abjure, forswear)
ReN (Script "L")
RENE (Z40)
RENeR ( Z327, Z347, Z439, Z446, Z1016, Z1021, Z1623, Z1846, Z1869, Z1905)
ReNI (AP-1)
RENI (L. reno-nare, to swim back. Z508, Z1097)
RENV (R204, G30, G39)
RYNA (L. Rhenus-i, m. the Rhine; runa-ae, f. a dart; Fr. ruine, f. ruin, shambles, decay, decline, overthrow, destruction, down-fall; ruiner, to ruin, to wreck, to lay waste, to spoil, to overthrow, to destroy; It. rovina, f. ruin; rovinare, to ruin, to spoil, wreck, to crumble [down]; see also RINA, RINV which are probably the term for reign, since the word is part of an ephitet preceeding a name)
REPIN (reperio, reperie, repperi, repertum; to get again, to find, discover, ascertain, invent. Z308, Z378, Z1825)
REPINE (L. rapina-ae, f. robbery, pillage, booty, plunder. Z1006, Z1057)
REPLIV (L. repleo-plere-pleri-platum, to fill again, fill up, to make full, satisfy; hence partic. repletus-a-um, filled, full. K43)
RES (L. res, rei, f. a thing, object, matter, affair, circumstance; pro re, according to circumstance, esp. the real thing, fact, truth, reality; re vera, in truth; possession, property, wealth; interest, advantage, benefit; in rem, to one's advantage; cause, ground, reason; qua re, quam ob rem, wherefore; a matter of business; a law-suit, action; res publica or respublica, the republic, state, commonwealth; e republica, in the public interest; see also RE, RI. It. reso, pp. of rendere, to render, to make, do, to give back, to reciprocate, to bring, yield, to convey; to pay, bring profit; resa, f. surrender, yield, return; Fr. ressae, m. surf; resserrer, to draw closer, to bind tighter, to coop up, to pen in, to restrain, to confine, to condense, to compress, to contract. Note: RES, RI & REI are used so frequently in the scripts it is unnecessary to list the locations. AH-1, Q171, Q701, Au55)
RESA (L. resero-are, to unbolt, open up, disclose, reveal; It. reso, pp. of rendere, to render, to make, do, to give back, to reciprocate, to bring, yield, to convey; to pay, bring profit; resa, f. surrender, yield, return; Fr. ressae, m. surf; resserrer, to draw closer, to bind tighter, to coop up, to pen in, to restrain, to confine, to condense, to compress, to contract; rendre, to render, to return, to restore, to give back, to repay, to refund, to bring in, to yield, to produce, to make, to cause to be, to vomit, to void, to exhale, to emit, to express, to convey, to translate; to give [verdict], to bear [témoinage]; to do [hommage]; to pay [visite, honneur]to dispense [justice] ; rendre l'ame, to die; note: this French verb in comparison to the Italian shifts its particles to rend; no res. TC108)
RESAN (Z439, Z1423, Z1444)
RESI (Z19)
RESERI (L. reservo-are, to lay up, keep back, reserve; to save, preserve, keep. Z1423)
RESaNES (L. resanesco-sanescere, sanui, to become sound again; resigno-are, to unseal, open, reveal; to cancel, annul; to transfer, give back, resign; resina-ae, f. resin; It. resa, f. surrender, yield, return; resina, f. resin; rendere, to render, to make, do, to give back, to reciprocate, to bring, yield, to convey, to pay, bring profit; reso, pp. of rendere; Fr. résignation, f. resignation, relinquishment, renunciation; résigner, to resign, to relinquish, to renounce, to give up, to abdicate se résigner, to resign oneself, to be resigned, to submit, to put up [with]; raisin, m. grape, raisins sec, dry grapes.)
RESiNS (Z1408)
RESIN (L. resina-ae, f. resin; acinus, grape; uva, bunch of grapes; It. resina, f. resin; acino d'uva, pl. grapes; uva; un grappolo d'uva, a bunch of grapes Fr. résine, f. resin; résineux [e] adj. resinous; raisin, m. grape; raisins secs, raisins.)
RESINE (Z865, Z990)
RESiN (Z412)
RESTA (R258)
RESTE8 (L .(L. resto-stare-stiti (1) to make a stand, resist, appose (2) to stand still, stay behind, to be left over, survive, to remain available or possible; of the future, to await, to be in store; restauro-are, to restore, rebuild; restio-onis, m. a rope-maker; resis-is, a rope, cord; restito-are, to remain behind, linger; It. resta, f. beard, fishbone, string; restare, [rimaner] to remain, stay, to stop, to be left; Fr. reste, m. rest, remainder, residue, trace, vestige, pl. includes mortal remains; du reste, au reste, besides, furthermore, moreover; de reste, spare, remaining, over and above; rester [é] to remain, to stay, to be left, to dwell, to continue. N87)
REYK SINA (L. rogus-i, m. funeral pile; ruber-bra-brum, red, ruddy; rosa-ae, f. a rose, a garland of roses, a rose-tree; It. rogo, m. pile, stake; ruggine, f. rust; rugginoso, adj. rusty; ruggire, to roar, ruggite, m. roar, roaring; roso, adj. gnawed, eaten; pp. of rodere; rosso, m. red; adj. red; Fr. roche, f. rock, boulder, stone, stony mass; rocher, m. prominent rock, high rock; rocheux, adj. rocky, stony; pieu, m. stake, pile, post; rugir, to roar, to bellow; rugosité, f. rugosity, roughness, unevenness; rugeux, adj. rough, uneven, rugose, gnarled [arbre]; rouge, adj. red; m. red colour, redness, blush; roux, rousse, adj. red-haired, reddish [-brown], russet; m. reddish colour, red-head [personne] brown sauce; Note: this could be a name, i.e. Rosanna, Roxanne see SINE)
REVS (L. reus-i, m. and rea-ae, f. a party in a law-suit, whether plaintiff or defendent, esp. a defendent, accused person, in gen., one bound as answerable. Z522)
RFE (L. refero, (1) to carry back, bring back; (2) to bring again, restore, repeat, to echo, to reproduce, recall; (3) to say back, answer; (4) to bring as expected, pay up, to deliver, to bring back a message, report; to refer a matter to authority, to enter in a record, etc., register, put down, enter, to assign to a cause; reveho, to carry back; pass., to drive back, ride back; ruro-are, and ruror-ari, dep. to live in the country; It. refe, thread; riferire, to relate, report, to refer; rifare, to remake, do again, to retrace, to imitate, to indemnify, make good for; rifarsi, to start, move from, to recoup; Fr. rever, to dream, to muse, to rave, to be light-heated; to ponder, to long, to yearn [for]; référer, to refer, to allude, to impute, to ascribe; se référer, to refer, to relate, to leave it [to]; s'en référer, to confide, to trust [to]; refaire, to remake; note: see RI8VLIN)
RI (see RES, RE; It. rio, m. brook, creek; rio, adj. guilty, wicked. See comment at RES. Some of the many locations are: Z54, Z144, Z378, Z1615, Z1787, Jll, Au102, AN20, N462, R31, Au22, Au74, L44)
RIE (J19)
RII (K52, K79)
RIC (L. rica-ae, f. a veil; rigo-are, to lead or conduct water, to wet, moisten, bedew; rigor-oris, m. stiffness, hardness, esp. from cold. Transf. sternness; rex, regis, m. ruler, king, prince, chief, monarch, tyrant; It. ricco, adj. rich, wealthy; riga, f. line, row, stripe, ruler; rigare, to rule, to streak; rigirare, to turn again, over; to surround, gird, to turn; rigirarsi, to turn around; rigido, adj. rigid, stiff, unbending, strick, severe, rigorous; Fr. riche, adj. rich, wealthy, opulent, abundant, copious, precious, costly, valuable; richesse, f. riches, wealth, opulence; copiousness, richness, costliness; rigide, adj. rigid, stiff, firm, erect, taut, tense, strict, severe, unbending, unyielding; rigidité, f. rigidity, stiffness, sternness, harshness, strictness, severity. Z308, Z378, Z842, Z1352, Z1825)
RIK (AF-1)
RIKE (Q460, Q726, Q837)
RIKES (Q671, Q737, Q745, Q754)
RICA (reicio-icere-ieci-iectum, to throw back, throw behind, throw away; to drive off; of a storm: to drive back, cast up. Transf. to throw off, reject, to refer; in time: to put off; legal: to challenge a juror;TC190)
RIGE (L. Riguus-a-u m, act. watering; pass. well-watered, irrigated.)
RiGES (Q854)
RIGV (L. rigo-are, to water. R65)
RIFA (L. rivus-i, m. stream; It. riva, f. shore, bank, waterfront; Fr. rive, f. bank, shore, strand. Z1310)
RI8 (L. rivulus-i, m. small brook, rivulet; rivus-i, m. stream; It. rio, m. stream, brook; Fr. rivière, f. river, stream. J11. See RIV)
RILiS (L. rilassare, to relax, to slacken, to weaken; relasciare, to free, to grant; It. rilassare, rilassarsi, to relax, to slacken, to weaken; rilasciare, to free, release, to grant; rilasciarsi, to relax, to slacken; Fr., relâcher, to slacken, to loosen, to relax, to sag, to release, to liberate, to unbend [esprit], to abate, to touch port. K52)
RIMAT (L. rimor-ari, dep. to cleave to, probe, pry into, examine. TC327)
RIN (regno-are, to be a king, reign; to be master, be a tyrant; to prevail;Z1203)
RINES (Z1378)
RINA (L. regina-ae, f. queen, princess, lady, mistress, sovereign; [regia] regius-a-um, of a king, royal, regal, splendid, magnificent; regia-ae, palace, court, the royal family, capital city; adv. regie, royally, tyrannically; transit.: in pass.: regnari, to be ruled by a king; regnum-i, n. (1) royal power, monarchy, supremacy, tyranny; (2) a realm, kingdom, estate; rego, regere, rexi, rectum, to guide, direct, to rule, govern, administer; It. re, regno, king; regina, f. queen; regio, adj. royal, reggere, to support, bear, carry, to hold up, to manage, to govern, rule; regno, kingdom, reign; Fr. reine, f. queen; règne, m. reign, prevlance, duration, influence; régner, to reign, to rule, to hold sway, to prevail, to reach, to extend; régir, to rule, to govern, to administer. Z530, TC201, J19, K6, K86, K92, K100, K113, M50, K31, K46, K86, K107, K113, TC103)
RINF (Z960, K46, K67)
RINE ( L. regina, f. queen, mistresses. N21, N53, N553, N624, Q488)
RINV ( rego, regere, rexi, rectum, to guide, direct, to rule, govern, administer; N160, N206, N254, N417)
RINVR (Z432)
RINE (L. ringor-i, dep. to show the teeth, to snarl, be angry; It. ringhio, snarl, growl; ringhiare, vt. to snarl, to growl. J18)
RINVS (the Rhine (L. Rhenus-i. Z1571)
RIP (L. aripa-ae, f. bank, shore; It. ripa, f. bank, quay; rebeoo-are, to echo, resound, to make to resound; It. riparare, vt. to protect, to shelter, to repair, mend, to redress, make good for; to repent an examination; vt. to remedy, to take refuge, repair; ripararsi, vt. to take shelter; Fr. réparer, to repair, to mend; Am. to fix, to make amends for, to retrieve [pertes] to rederess [torts] to recruit, restore [forces]. AE-6)
RIS (L. ridere, risi, risum; to laugh, smile, look cheerful; with dat.: to please; transit.: to laugh at; It. ridere, to laugh; risata, f. laughter; Fr. rire, to laugh [de] ; to be favourable, to be propitious, to jest, to joke, to mock, to scoff; rire, m. laugh, laughter, laughing; risée, f. laugh, laughter, mockery, derision; gust, squall [naut.]; risette, f. smile)
RISERAS (L. rixor-ari, dep. to quarrel, brawl, contend. M50)
RITE (L. rite, in due form, with proper ceremonies, properly, fitly, rightly; ritus-us, m. usage, ceremony, rite; abl.: ritu, with genit.: after the manner of; It. rito, m. rite, ceremony; Fr. rite, m. rite, ceremony, ritual. Z748)
RITV (Q351)
RIV (L. rivus-i, m. stream; It. riva, f. shore, bank, waterfront; ripa, f. bank, quay; ripario, river; rio, m. brook, creek; rio, adj. guilty, wicked; Fr. rive, f. bank, shore, strand; river, to clench; rivière, f. river, stream; necklace [coller] Z317, zZ386, Z439, Z508, Z1553, Z1571, TC307, J45)
RYV (M8)
ROS NA (Probably ROS NA; seems to be a name in Script "F"; L. ros, roris, m. dew)
ROS HE (Probably ROS HE seems to be a name in Script "F"; L. ros, roris, m. dew)
RV (L. roro-are, to drop dew, drip, be moist; to bedew, moisten, water; to drip, let fall in drops; ros, roris, m. dew, moisture; ruo, ruere, rui, rutum, to rush down, fall, collapse, be ruined; to rush along, to be precipitate; transit: to hurl down, also to cast up; It. rogo, m. pyre, stake; rovinare, to ruin, to spoil, wreck; to crumble [down]; rovinarsi, to ruin oneself; rovina, f. ruin; Fr. rue, f. street, thoroughfare; ruée, f. rush, surge, flinging, hurling, stampede [chevaux]; ruine, f. ruin, shambles, decay, decline, overthrow, destruction, downfall; ruiner, to ruin, to wreck, to lay waste, to spoil, to overthrow, to destroy; ruer, to fling, to hurl, to kick [chevaux, to deal [coups]; se ruer, to throw oneself, to rush. Z1628, N268, N339, N357, N363, N738)
RVFAS (L. rufus-a-um, red, ruddy; probably a person's name. Au30)
RV8 (L. Robigo (Rub)-in, Robiscus (Rub)-i, m. a diety invoked to preserve grain from mildew; rubeo-ere, to be red, to blush; partic. rubens-ontis, red, blushing. N268, N476, N607)
RVC ( L. rogo-are, to ask, inquire, to ask for, request; rogus-i, m. funeral pile; Fr. ruche, f. hive; frill, rucher, m. set of hives; to frill; roc, m. rock; roche, f. rock, boulder, stone, stony mass; rocher, m. prominent rock, high rock; rocheux [é] adj. rocky, stony; rugir, to roar, to bellow; It. rocca, f. rock, fortress, distaff; roccia, f. rock, cliff;; ruggire, to roar)
RVK (TC161, TC170, TC298)
RVCA (Z1314)
RVCV (Z1146, Z1227)
RVCIV (It. roccioso, adj. rocky; Fr. rocheux-e, adj. rocky, stony. TC90)
RVDAS (L. rudis-e, rough, raw, uncultivated, unrefined, unskilled, awkward)
RVDVS (L. rodo, rodere, rosi, rosum, to gnaw, nibble at, to corrode, consume, to disparage, backbite, slander. AG-1)
RV8 (L. rubeus -a -um, of bramble; rubor -oris, m. redness, a blush, modesty, shame, disgrace)
RV8ATV (L. rubeta-orum, n. pl. bramble, thickets. Q139)
RFES (L. rufus-a-um, red, ruddy; It. rovinare, to ruin, to spoil, wreck; vi. to ruin, to crumble down; ruinarsi, to ruin oneself, to get spoiled; Fr. ruer, to fling, to hurl, to kick [chevaux] to deal [coup]; rue, f. thoroughfare; rouge, m. red)
RVI (Fr. roi, m. king; L. rex, regis, m. ruler, king, prince, chief, monarch, tyrant; It. re, m. king, regina, f. queen. Z606, Z1161, Z1310, Z1334, Z1386, Z1578, Z1780, TC28, TC179, AH-1)
ROI (L-31)
RVIS (Z1623)
RVIVM (Z1243)
RVM (L. Roma-ae, f. Rome; adj. Romanus-a-um; Rumina-ae, f. a Roman goddess; It. romano, adj. Roman; Fr. romain, adj. Roman. Z1216, Z1310, Z1770)
RVMA (Z1641)
ROMaNA (Probably ROS NA; seems to be a name in Script "F"; L. ros, roris, m. dew)
ROMHE (Probably ROS HE seems to be a name in Script "F"; L. ros, roris, m. dew)
RVMI (Z1372, Z1553, J33)
RYMIA (Au13)
RVN ( L. runa-ae, f. a dart; runco-are, to weed, thin out; ruina-ae, a falling down, collapse, ruin, destruction, the ruins of a building, debris; It. ronda, f. rounds, watch, patrol; Fr. rond, adj. round, circular, rotund, plump, frank, open, plain dealing, even [somme]ring, circle, disk, orb; ruer, to fling, to hurl, to kick [chevaux], to deal [coups]; se ruer, to throw oneself, to rush; rogner, to pare, to crop, to trim, to clip, to prune, to lop, to curtail, to retrench. This word is used as a verb which I have translated, to make the rounds, to guard, to watch. Z123, Z224, Z530, Z1600)
RVNA (Z1615, Z1623)
RVNE (Z1600)
RVNeS (Z568, Z1430)
RVNEM (Z1438, Z1654)
RVNI (Z727, Z769)
RVNV (R314)
RVNT (L. erunt, they will be. Q543, J48)
RVNTV (It. ronda, f. rounds, watch, patrol; Fr. rond, f. Q683)
RVPH (L. rufus-a-um, red, ruddy. Q543)
RVR (L. roro-are, intransit. to drop dew, drip, be moist; transit. to bedew, moisten, to drip water, to let fall in drops. J43)
RVRAS (K31, K113)
RVS (L. rus, ruris, n. the country, a country-sea, farm, estate; acc.: rus, to the country; locative, ruri [or rure] in the country; ros, roris, m. dew, moisture; rosa-ae, a rose, a garland of roses; of a rose-tree; roseus-a-um, of roses, rose-colored, rosy; Fr. rosée, f. dew; rosser [é] to thrash, to flog, to drub, to cudgel; roseau, m. reed; It. roso, adj, gnawed, eaten, pp. of rodere; rosa, f. rose, m. pink; adj. pink, rose-colored. R542 (See Anrus) )
RVSE (Z8565)
RVT (L. ruta-ae, the herb rue; bitterness, unpleasantness; rota-ae, f. a wheel; poet., a chariot; rudis-e, rough, raw, uncultivated, unrefined,unskilled, awkward; rudis-is, a small stick; a foil given to gladiators on their discharge; rudo, to bellow; rudus [rodus]-eris, broken fragments of stone; raudus [rodus, rudus]-eris, a rough mass, lump, esp. of copper money; It. rotta, rout, course, route; rotabile, f. highroad; rotare, to rotate, revolve; Fr. roue, f. wheel; roué, adj. crafty, artful, cunning, sharp; rake, profligate; trickster; rouer, to break upon the wheel; to thrash, to coil; rôti, m. roast, roast meat; rôtir, to roast, to broil, to grill, to toast, to scorch, to parch. Z133)
RvTEF (M24)
RVTA (L roto-are, to whirl around, swing, brandish; pass. rotari, to revolve, to roll around. Z1168, Au17, Au22)
RVTE (Z84)
RVTAS ( K131)
RVDAS (L rudis-e, rough, raw, uncultivated, unrefined,unskilled, awkward; probably a name. K113)
Se (TC298, K86, K124)
SA & SA (Z522, Z842, Z1317, TC12, TC28, TC201, TC307, K107, Au17, AN-28)
SE ( L. se, or sese, acc. sing. and pl. sui, genit., sibi, dat.; se or sese, abl. reflexive pronoun of third person, himself, herself, itself, themselves; strengthened forms, sepse, semet; secum equals cum se; inter. se, reciprocally; It. se. m. if; conj. if; whether, provided, in case, providing, if at all, if by any chance; pron. refl. oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves; si (1) adv. yes, (2) adv. & adj. [cosi] so, thus, this way, like this, like that, such; siccè, conj. so that, so; Fr, sa, poss. adj. his, her, its, one's; se, refl. pron. m. himself, itself, oneself; f. herself, itself; pl. themselves, each other, one another; si, conj. if, whether, what if; adv. yes [after a negative question]; so, so much, however much; yes, indeed, si bien que, so that. Z103, Z1310, J23, K6, Q805, R22, R114)
SESE (Q424, Q661, Q767)
SI & SI (It. si, refl. pron. oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves; indef. pron. one, people, they; recipr. pron. each other, one another. Z72, Z103, Z144, Z234, Z300, Z844, Z880, Z1793, TC170, TC220, J18, K20, K46, K124, AL-1, AN-41)
SAC ( L. sacco-are, to strain or filter; sacculus-i, m. a sack, bag, esp. a purse; It. sacco, m. sack, bag, plunder, heap, lot; Fr. sac, m. sack, bag, purse, haversack [mil.] valise, satchel, wallet, pouch [animal], sackcloth, sacking, pillage; vider son sac, to get it off one's chest. Z308, Z328, Z1139, Z1825, Z2192)
SAC (Z290, Z317, Z386, Z463, Z540, Z638, Z842, Z872, Z922, Z937, Z960, Z1106, Z1065, Z1292, Z1662,
SACE8 (N100)
SAK ( L. sagax-acis, keen, acute, esp. keen-scented; mentally acute, shrewd, clever; saga-ae, f. a prophetess, fortune-teller; sagum-i, a cloak of coarse wool, as worn by servants and esp. by soldiers; saga sumere, to take up arms, prepare for war; It. saggio, (1) m. sage, wise man; adj. sage, wise, judicious; (2) m. essay, trial, test, specimen; saggiare, to try, test; Fr. sage, adj. wise, sensible, sage, sapient, discreet, good, well-behaved, virtuous, modest, quiet, gentle [animal]; m. wise man, sage)
SAKRA (L. sacer-cra-crum, sacred, holy, consecrated; in a bad sense, accursed, devoted to destruction, horrible; n. sing. as subst. sacrum-i, a holy thing or place; a sacrifice or victim; n. pl. sacred rites, worship; sacerdos-dotis, a preist, priestess; sacrarium-i, (1) a place where sacred things are kept, sacristy; (2) a place of worship, chapel, shrine; sacricola-ae, a sacrifyicing priest or preiestess; sacrifer-fera-ferum, carrying sacred things; sacrificalis-e, of sacrifices, sacrificatio-onis, f. sacrificing, sacrificium-i, sacrifice; sacrificio-are, to sacrifice; sacro-are, (1) to dedicate to a god, consecrate, to devote, allot, to doom, curse (2) to make holy, make inviolable, to immortalize; sacratus-a-um, holy, consecrated; It. sacrario, m. sacrarium, sanctuary; sacrificare, to sacrifice, sacrificarsi, to sacrifice oneself; sacrifizio, m. sacrifice, privation; sacro, adj. sacred, holy; sacrosanto, adj. sacrosanct, sacred; Fr. sacre, m. consecration, anointing, coronation, oath, swear word; sacré [é] , adj. sacred, holy, consecrated [pop. cursed, damned] sacrer [é] to consecrate, to anoint, to crown [pop. to curse, to swear]; sacrifice, m. sacrifice, privation, renunciation, oblation; sacrifier [ye], to sacrifice, to immolate, to renounce, to give up, to devote. N311, N378)
SAKRE (Q303, Q311, Q375, Q416, Q481, R258, R270, R405)
SAKRE8 (N598)
SAFE (L. saevio-ire-it-itum, to rage, be furious, take violent action; saevitia-ae, f. rage, ferocity; saevus-a-um, raging, fierce, furious, violent, savage, cruel adv. saeve and saeviter; savior-ari, tokiss; savium [suavium]-i, a kiss; Fr. sauvage, adj. savage, wild, untamed, uncilvized, rude, barbarous, shy, timid, unsociabnle; sauver, to save, to rescue, to salvage, to deliver, to preserve [apparences], to spare; se sauver, to escape, to run away; sauveur, m. saver, deliverer, Saviour )
SAPH TA (Possibly Zephyrus or Zephyr, the west wind and god of the west wind. Like his brother, Boreas, he was often personified and played some part in myth. He was a son of Eos and Astraeus. He impregnated the harpy Podarge by the river Oceanus, and she gave birth to two immortal horses, Xanthos and Balius. Zephyrus was said by some to have caused the death of Nyacinth through jealousy of the youth's lover for Apollo. N357)
SFE (Z122; See SVE, SFE)
SAIH (Lemnos Script)
SA8ELeS (L. sabelli-orum, m. poetic name of the Sabines; TC103)
SA8V (L. savior-ari, dep. to kiss; saevio-ire-li-itum, to rage, be furious, take violent action. K58)
SaGAN (L. sagina-ae, f. fattening, cramming, food, nourishment)
SAGE (L. sagax-acis, keen, acute, esp. keen-scented; mentally acute, shrewd, clever; saga-ae, f. a prophetess, fortune-teller; sagum-i, a cloak of coarse wool, as worn by servants and esp. by soldiers; saga sumere, to take up arms, prepare for war; It. saggio, (1) m. sage, wise man; adj. sage, wise, judicious; (2) m. essay, trial, test, specimen; Fr. sage, adj. wise, sensible, sage, sapient, discreet, good, well-behaved, virtuous, modest, quiet, gentle [animal]; m. wise man, sage. Q224)
SAGI (N573, Q162)
SAIN (or SA IN; L. sanus, adj. healthy; It. sanare, to cure, heal, to reclaim, to remedy, to settle; sano, adj. healthy; Fr. sain, adj. healthful, healthy)
SAL ( L. sal, salis, m. salt, brine, sea-water, fig. sing and plur, wit; salio-salire-salui-saltum, to spring, leap, bound; f. pl. of partic. as subst. salientes-ium, fountains; ; salus-utis, health, soundness, safety, welfare, well-being, salvation, a wish for a person's welfare, salutation, greeting; salum-i, the open sea; sale, salt, wit; salire, to rise, to mount, to ascend, climb, to go up; Fr. salé, adj. salted, salt, briny, pungent, broad, loose, coarsem. salt pork; saler [é] to salt, to overcharge [pop] to fleece; saline, adj. saline, salt, briny; salir, to dirty, to soil, to stain, to taint, to sully, to tarnish; salle, f. hall, large room, ward. Z1274, Z1282, Au22, TC56, TC307)
SaLE (It. sala, hall, room. K13)
SALV ( Note: The S = circle with an x; L25)
SALINI (TC71, TC279; person's name)
SALINIS (L. salinae-arum, f. salt-works, brine pitss, salinum-i, n. a salt-celler, sailine, saltern, salt-pond; salino, adj. salty, saline; Fr. saliere, f. salt-celler, salt shaker; salin, f. salt works, salt marsh. TC290)
SALT (L. salto-are, to dance, esp. with gesticulation; with acc. to represent in pantomime; to sing with gestures; saltus-us,m. a forest or mountain pasture, a pass, dale, ravine, glade; It. saltare, vi. to jump, jump over, to skip; vi., to spring, leap, to vault, to explode; Fr. assault, m. assault, attack, on-slaught, match, bout; donner l'assault, to storm, charge; sauter, to jump, to leap, to bound, to blow up, to explode, to omit, to leave out, to vear, shift [naut.] to fry quickly [cuisine] TC179)
SALSV (L. salsus-a-um, salted, salty, hence, sharp, biting, witty; adv. salse Z648)
SAM ( It. zampa, f. paw, leg; Fr. jambe, f. leg, shank, stone; plur. jambon, ham; word is associated with the word for he-goat. Z842, Z1770, AN49)
SANA (L. sano-are, to heal, cure, restore, repair; sanus-a-um, sound, healthy, uninjured, of sound mind: rational, sane, of style: correct; adv. sane, rationally, sensibly. Transf. really, indeed, to be sure; with imperatives: then, if you will; sane quam, exceedingly, extremely; sanna-ae, f. a mocking grimace; sanguis-inis, m. [and sanguen] blood. Transf. blood-relationship, race, family, progeny; life-blood, strength, vigour; sanies-ei-a, corrupted blood, venom, poison; It. sanare, to cure, heal; to reclaim, to remedy, to settle; sangue, m. blood; Fr. sang, m. blood, race, parentage, ancestry; sante, f. health; sain, adj. healthy. N660)
SANV (Q500, R270)
SANS (L. sanguis-itis, m. and sanguen, blood, transf., blood-relationship, race, family, progeny, life-blood, strength, vigor; It. m. sangue, blood; Fr. sans, prep., without, free from; sans coeur, heartless person, sans gene, handedness, off-handed; sang, m. blood, race, parentage, ancestry. AL-8, R653)
SANTI (L. sancio, sancire, sanxi, sanctum, [sancitum]; to consecrate, hallow, make inviolable, confirm, ratify, decree; also to forbid on pain of punishment, provide against; partic. sanctus-a-um, consecrated, holy, sacred, pure, virtuous; adv. sancte, solemnly, conscientiously; It. santo, m. saint; santificare, to sanctify; Fr. saint, adj. holy, sacred, saintly; sainted, sanctified; m. saint; sainteté, f. holiness, saintliness, sanctity; santé, f. health. Z1282)
SANTIS (Used with the the name of the god Dis (Pluto, the phrase being, the wine consecrated of the god Dis. Z1337)
SAR (Name? Z1853, TC28)
SAR (L sero, serere, sevi, satum, to sow, set, plant. pl. of partic. as subst.: sata-orum, standing corn, crops, to beget, engender, bring forth; partic. satus-a-um, sprung, born, in gen.: to produce, give rise to; sarculum, marra, hoe; seria-ae, f. a large jar; serum-i, whey; It. sarchiare, to weed; sarchiatrice, f. weeder; Fr. sarciage, m. weeding; sarcier, to weed; sarcioir, m. hoe, sarment, m. vine-shoot, vine-branch, sarmentum; sérum, m. serum; It. serrare, to shut, close, to lock [up], to tighten, to press; siero, m. serum, whey. TC28)
SaRAN (K79)
SARI (L. sarrio [sario]-ire-ui and -ivi, to hoe, weed. Z981)
SARIS (Z776)
SARV (Z1282)
SARRVM (Z572, Z1378)
SARINA (name of an Etruscan queen. K46)
SAS (TC150)
SASE (It. sasso, m. stone, cobble, rock; restar di sasso, to stand against. Au49)
SAT (Z865)
SATA (L. satio-are, to satisfy, fill, to satiate; satus-a-um, partic. from sero, serere, serui, sertum, to join together, put in a row, connect; sertus-a-um, connected; It. saziare, to sate, to satisfy; Fr. satisfaire, to satisfy, to please, to give satisfaction, to make atonement, to appease. N391)
SATE (N324)
SATI (Z865)
SATITIS (L. satias-atis, f. sufficiently, abundance, satiety)
SATV (R554)
SATINAS (L. satis, sat, enough, sufficient; as adv. enough, sufficently, fairly, quite; satius, better, more advantageous; satine, satin = satisne, introducing question; satis [or sat] ago or satago--agere, to satisfy or pay a creditor; to have enough to do, have one's hands full; satis do dare, to give bail or security; satisfacio or satisfacio-facere, to give satisfaction, satisfy, pay up, make amends; also to prove sufficiently; It. saziare, vt., to sate, to satisfy, to cloy; saziarsi, vr. to sate oneself)
SATENE (name of an Etruscan King)
SATeRS (L. Satyrus-i, m. a satyr, transf. Greek Satyric drama. Z1571)
Etruscan Phrases 8.html
SCATIN (L. scateo-are and scato-ere, to gush, spout up, to teem, abound)
SCE (L. scio, scir, scivi or scli, scitu, to know, understand; with infin., to know how to, with adv., scire Graeco, to undersand Greek; hence partic. sciens-entis, knowing, aware; understanding, versed in, acquainted with [with genit.]; adv. scienter, for scitus-a-um, see scisco. TC-1, TC140, R173, AH9)
SCI (J4, J29)
SCIS (Q127, Q139)
SCEPIS (L. scipio-onis, m. a staff, wand; Scipio-onis, m. a family of the gens Cornelia; Scipiades-ae, of the the family of the Scipios, the Scipios. N194, Q854)
SCETAS (L. scitus-a-um (scisco) scisco, sciscere, scivi, scitum; to investigate, inquire, polit. to vote, ordain, resolve; hence partic. scitos-a-um, knowing, shrewd, judicious, pretty, finde; adv. scite, skillfully; n. of partic. as subst. a decree, statute; plebis scitum, a decree of the people of Rome)
SKeLVM (L. scelero-are, to pollute with guilt. Partic. sceleratus-a-um, polluted with guilt; impious, wicked; tiresome, noxious; adv. scelerate, impiously, wickedly; scelus-eris, a crime. transf., misfortune, calamity. As a term of abuse, scoundrel, rascal; sigilla-orum, n. pl. small figures, images, a seal; It. sigillare, to seal; sigillo, m. seal; siglare, to initial; scégliere, to choose, select, sort out; scelta, f. choice, selection, option; scelto, adj. choice, chosen, selected; pp. of scegliere; Fr. scélérat, m. scoundrel; scéléatesse, f. villainy; scellé, m. seal; sceller, to seal [up], to fasten, to fix [construction], to confirm. N462, Q183, Q335, Q406)
SCELES (Q837, R195)
SKLES (Q717)
SCRIATV (L. scripo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum, to engrave, draw lines, write, write on, write about; polit.: to draw up laws; as subst. scriptum-i, a mark or line, a composition, piece of writing, esp. of decree or law; scriptura-ae, a piece of writing, composition, a testamentary dispensation, a rent paid in public pastures; It. scritta, f. inscription, notice; scritto, m. writing; adj. written pp. of scriver; Fr. écrire, to write, to write down, to compose; écrit, m. writing, pamphlet, adj. written; écriture, of writing documents, records. N100)
SCVRPI (L. scorpio-onis and scorpios [os]-i, m. a scorpion; milit. an engine for throwing missiles, a salt-water fish, perhaps the sculpin; It. scorpione, m. scorpion; Fr. scorpion, m. scorpion. AN-20)
SEC (L. seco, secare, secui, sectum, to cut, amputate, to wound, hurt, to divide, part; hence to settle disputes, to cut out, make by cutting; sicco-are, to make dry, to dry, to staunch, to drain; siccus-a-um, dry, thirsting, thirsty; of health: sound, sober, temperate; of style: plain, simple; adv. sicce; It. seccare, to dry [up], to bore, annoy, to bother; secchia, f. pail, bucket; secco, adj. dry, lean, hard, sharp; adv. dryly, curtly; seco, pron. with him, with her, with them, with oneself; Fr. sécher, to dry, to dry up; to cure, to season, to shun, to avoid, to wither; sec, sèche, adj. dry, arid, plain, cold, unfeeling; adv. dryly, sharply; m. dryness, dry weather. Z990)
SECA (Q65, Q84, Q829, Q416, Q442, Q452, Q460, Q717, Q775, Q795, Q805, Q821, Q829, Q847, R405, R574, R596, R607)
SECVM (N491)
SKAL (L. scalae-arum, f. pl. a flight of stairs, ladder; milit. scaling ladders. Q767)
SEGELES (L. sigilla-orum, n. pl. small figures, images, a seal; It. seggio, m. seat, chair, see; segale, segale, f. rye; Fr. siège, m. chair; seigle, m. rye. Q701)
SEGETA (L. seges -etis, f. a cornfield, standing corn, a crop, in gen., field, ground, soil, source, origin, profit; R499)
SEI (It. adj. six; Script "F")
SEL (L. sella-e, f. a seat, chair, stool; sella gestatoria, a sedan-char; sella curulis, a magistrate's seat; Fr. selle, f. saddle, stool; seller [ I ], to saddle; It. sel, m. adj. six; sella, f. saddle, sellare, to saddle)
SELA (Au86)
SeLA (Z1386, Z1397)
SELE (Au58)
SELARA (L. cellarius-a-um, of a store-room; as subst. a cellarer; Fr. cellier, m. cellar, store-room)
SELFR (Z692)
SEMENIES (L. semen-inis, n., seed, a seedling, scion, shoot, a stock, race, an element, a cause, origen, an author, instigator; It. seminatore, m. sower; semenza, f. seed, seeds, origin; Fr. semis, m. sowing, seedbed, seedling; semeur, m. sower, disseminator. Q-1)
SeNATA (R381)
SeNATE (L. senatus-us [or-i] a council of elders, the Senate; senatus [senati] consultum, a formal resolution of the Senate. senectus-a-um, old age, f. as subst. senecta-ae, old age. R584)
SeNATES (Q717, R584)
SeNIMV (N63)
SEPDIV (name of the 7th god? K43)
SEPI (L. separo-are, to serve, separate, to consider or treat separately; hence, partic. separatus-a-um, separate, distinct; compar. adv. separatius, less closely. Z1088)
SEPeLES (L. sepelio-pelire-pelivi and pelii-pultum, to bury, to ruin, destroy; partic. sepultus, buried, sunk, immersed; It. sepolcreto, m. cemetery, sepolcro, m. sepulcher, grave; sepolto, adj. buried--pp. of seppellire, to bury, to hide. Q369)
SER (L. sero, serere, serui, sertum, to join together, put in a row, connect; sertus-a-um, connected; sera -ae, a bar or bolt; seria-ae, f. a large jar; series, acc. -em, abl. -e -i, a row, chain, series, a line of descent, lineage; sero, serere, sevi, satum, to sow, set, plant; n. pl of partic. as subst. sata-orum, standing corn, crops, to beget, engender, bring forth; partic., satus-a-um, sprung, born; in gen., to produce, give rise to; serus -a -um, late, too late; n. as subst. serum-i, a late hour; n. abl. sing. as adv. sero, late, too late; It. série, f. series, set, succession, line, row; di série, current, standard; serio, adj. serious, earnest, trustworthy, reliable, grave; sul sério, in earnest, really; serrare, to shut, close, to lock [up]; to tighten, to press; Fr. serre, f. squeeze, pressure, talon, claw [oiseau]; greenhouse, conservatory; serrer, to press, to tighten, to squeeze, to serry, to grip, to condense, to oppress [coeur], to close [rangs]; to clench [dents, poings]; to skirt, to hug [côte]; to take in [voiles], to apply, to put on [freins]; se serrer, to contract, to crowd, to grow tighter, to sink [coeur]; serrure, f. lock; série, f. series, succession, sequence; en série, standardized, sérier, to seriate. TC241, AH-1)
SeRAN (TC28)
SeRAN (K79)
SERE8 (N647, N738, N748)
SERI (Z289, Z463, Z543, N462, R359)
SERVM (Z1153)
SERAMV (L. serum-i, whey. Z64)
SeRELVS (L reluceo-lucere-luxi, to glitter; probably a name)
SEReN (L-1)
SeREN (L. sereno-are, to make clear, make bright; serenus-a-um, clear, bright, fair; as subst. fair weather; It. sereno, m. serene; adj. serene, clear, cloudless; Fr. serein, adj. serene, placid; Z-1, Z-5, Z29, Z170, Z180, Z336, Z1021, Z1846, Z1861, AH-1)
SERPHVE ( Possibly Seriphus, an island in the western Cyclades of Greece. In mythology it is the site of certain adventures of Perseus. I translated it as a person's name, associated with the name Aquila, the eagle; L. servio-ire, to be a slave, to serve, help, gratify; legal, of buildings, etc., to be subject to certain rights, e.g., to be mortgaged; servo-are, to watch over, observe, to keep, protect, save; to lay up, reserve, to keep, retain a promise, etc.; to keep to, stay in place; servus-a-um, adj. serving, servile, subject; legal of lands, etc. subject to other rights; m. and f. as subst. a slave, servant; It. servire, to serve, to help; to be of use, help; servitore, m. servant; servitu, f. servants; servitude, bondage, slavery; servizio, m. service, favor, outfit, set; Fr. servir, to serve, to wait on, to help to, to be of service, to assist, to supply, to work, to operate, to be useful, to be in the service [mil]; serviteur, m. servant; servitude, f. servitude Z1168)
SESTV (L. Sestius-a-um, name of a Roman gens; sessito-are, to sit much, sit often; sex, six, sextus, sixth; It. sei, m. adj. six, sesto, m. adj. sixth; Fr. six, m. , adj. six, sixth; sixièm, m., f., adj. sixth; Sestus, a city on the Thracian coast of the Hellespont. Sestus was an ally of Troy in the Trojan war. It is best known as the home of Hero in the Hellenistic romance of Hero and Leander. It is a name. Q209, Q224)
SETI (L. sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum, to sit, to sit in council or judgment, to sit about, be inactive; milit.: to remain encamped; of things: to be settled, stay fixed; of resolves: to be firmly determined; saeta -ae, f. a bristle, stiff hair, part of an angler's line; septem, seven; sedes-is, f. a seat, a chair, a throne, an abode, home, of things: place, seat, base, foundation; sedes, sella, seat; It. sete, f. thirst, craving, longing; sétola, f. hair, bristle; setta, f. sect, faction; sette, m. adj. seven; sedere, to sit [down], to take one's seat, to be situate, to be sitting; sedia, f. chair; Fr. sédentaire, adj. sedentary; fixed, settled; sept, m., adj. seven; seventh [titre, date] Z1835)
SETuM (TC103)
SEV (L. sive and seu, or if; whether .....or; seorsum, sorsum, sorsus, apart, separately; sevum [sebum-i] tallow, fat; It. sego, m. tallow; Fr. suif, m. tallow. Z359, Z396)
SEVS (Note: this appears to be the name Zeus, which appears only in the Zagreb Mummy script following the name is the word, diu [TIV] Z336, Z446, Z1591, Z1861)
SF (AP-1)
SFA (L. suo, suere, sui, sutum, to sew, stitch together, join together; sui, gen. refl. pron., himself, herself, itself; suavise-e, sweet, pleasant; adv. suaviter; sudo-are, intransit., to sweat, perspire, to make a great effort, to drip with moisture, to drip from, distil; transit., to sweat out, to excude, to soak with sweat; It. sudare, to sweat, perspire, to exude, to toil; sua, suo, poss. adj. his, her, its; poss. pron. his, hers; the one belonging to it; sfare, to undo, to melt; sfarsi, to become undone, to melt, to decay; Fr. suer, f. sweat, perspiration, to ooze [mur]; défaire, to undo, to defeat, to pull down, to unpack; se défaire, to come undone, to come apart, to get rid, to take one's coat off; défait, adj. undone, defeated, drawn [visage], wan, wasted [traits]; défaite, f. defeat, evasion, shift, poor excuse, disposal [comm.] AF-1, AF13, AJ-9)
SFE (Z122, Z224, Z412, Z1809)
SFEM (L. suemus, pl. as from sueo, we are accustomed. This may be to join together. Z656, Z1835, Z1770)
SFERA Probably a name, Severus. K31)
SFLA (Probably a name, Sulla TC19)
SI ( L. si, if, supposing that. Q53, Q283, Q303, R40, R53, R173, R195, G14, Q45, K46, K52, TC170)
SIA (It. sia, conj. whether; sia...sia, whether...or; both ...and. K107)
SIC (L. sic, so, thus, in this way; like this, as follows, in that case, with this limitation; leading up to consecutive clause, so much, to such a degree; interrog. sicine, is it thus that? It. sicche, conj. so that. Z357, Z396, Z405, Z1417)
SIC (TC150, TC179)
SICA (L. sica-ae, f. dagger, dirk, poinard; It. sicario, m. hired assassin; sicché, conj. so that, so; siccome, adv., conj. as, since; sicuro, m. safety; adj. safe, secure, sure, certain, reliable, bold, firm, steady; adv. [also di sicuro] sure, certainly; Fr. si bien que, so that. J52)
SICAL (L. Sicilia-ae, f. [Siculi]-orum, m. pl. the Sicilians; adj. Siculus-a, um, Sicilian; subst. Sicilia-ae, f. Sicily. Q795, Q805)
SIK (Z1787)
SIKNE (Note: this may be sicine; however the following may apply: (L. signo-are, to mark, inscribe, to seal, to seal up, to coin, stamp money; transf. to press, indicate, observe, notice; It. segnare, to mark, to note, jot down, to record, to sign, to indicate, to point out, to score; segno, m. sign, mark, token, trace, boundary, target, aim; per filo e per segno, in detail; Fr. signe, m. sign, signal, mark, token, emblem, symbol, indication, badge, clue, omen; signer [é], to sign, to subscribe, to put one's name to. Z1835)
SI8I (L. sive & seu, or , if; sive [seu] sive [seu] whether...or; SIC (; sigia, f. monogram, cipher, abbreviation, initials)
SI8 (L. sive and seu, or if; whether...or; intransit. sibilo-are, to hiss, whistle, transit., to hiss at; It. sibilare, to sibilate, to whizz, hiss; Fr. siffler, to whistle, to hiss, to pipe [oiseau], to whizz, to wheeze, to hiss, to boo [theat.]. N505, N563)
SILiCI (L. silex-icis [rarely f.] any hard stone, such as flint, crag, rock, cliff. Z-1, TC283)
SILAR (L. sileo-ere-ui, to be still, silent; with acc. to be silent about; to be still, rest, be inactive; partic. silens-entis, silent, still; pl. as subst. the dead; silex-icis, m. any hard stone, such as flint; crag, rock, cliff; silicernium-i, a funeral feast; It. silenzio, m. silence, quiet; silenzioso, adj. silent, quiet, noiseless; silice, f. silex, flint; assailire, to attack, assail [fig.] to seize; Fr. silence, m. silence, stillness, quiet, secrecy, pause, reticence, rest; silencieux [yé], adj. silent, quiet, still, taciturn, noiseless; silex, m. silex, flint; assaillir, to attack, to besiege, to assault, to assail. TC213)
SiLAPI (L. syllaba-ae, f. a syllable; in plur. verses, poems)
SIM (L. 1st person singular subj. 'to be.' Z1, Z897, Z1192, Q-1)
SIN (L. sin, conj. but if, if however; sine, prep. with abl. without; It. sino [fino] prep. until, till, as far as, so far as, up to, down to, as much as, even; Fr. sinon, conj. else, or else, otherwise, if not, except, unless. Z19, Z245, Z255, Z289, Z396, Z405, Z516, Z1073, TC266)
SINA (Z805, Z817)
SINE (L. sino, sinere, sivi, situm, to let alone, leave; to let, allow, permit; partic. situs-a-um, placed, laid down, lying, situated. Z133 )
SINIA (K100)
SIP (ZB-1)
SIPA (L. saepe, often, frequently; saepen umero, repeatedly, again and again; saepes (sepes) -is, f. hedge, fence; saepio, saepire, saepsi, saeptu, to hedge in, enclose, surround, confine; adv. of partic. as. susbt. saeptum-i, barrier, wall enclosure; in plur. the end closure where the Romans voted at the comita; siparium-i, a curtain, a drop-scene at a theatre; separo-are, to sever, separate, to consier or treat separately; It. sipario, m. curtain. K26)
SIRES (name, Sirius, the dog star? Z872)
SIRFE (see also SERFE; )
SIS (L. si vis; see volo; volo, velle, volui (vin = visne; sis = si vis; sultris = si vultis); to be willing, to wish, want, to will, ordain, to suppose, maintain that; sibi velle, to mean, signify; hence partic. volens-entis, willing, favourable; (2) second sing. of pres. subj. of sum; q.v. (3) dat. or abl. plur of suus; q.v. TC56, R40)
SIS (L1)
SISI (Z64?)
SITI (L. sino, sinere, sivi, situm, to let alone, leave, to let, allow, permit; paretic., situs-a-um, placed, laid down, lying, situated)
SITO (Script "F"; It. sito, m. place, spot; adj. situated; situare, vt. to place)
SLANSV (It. slanciare, vt. to throw, to thin out, taper, to streamline; slanciarsi, vr. to rush, to venture, to get more [slender] TC108)
SN (an initial. Z489)
SPA8V (It. spavento, m. fright, fear, terror; spaurire, vt. to frighten; spavaldo adj. bod, defiant. R142)
SPANSA (Z1781)
SPANTI (L. spado-onis, m. an eunuuch; It. spandersi, vt. to spread; spandare, vi, to spread, to diffuse, to scatter, to send forth, to shed, spandere, past. spandei or spansi, spandesti, spande or spanse; to squander; spento, adj. extinguished, put out; dead, lifeless; pp. of spegnere, to extinguish, put out, to quench,; spegnersi, to go out, to fade, fall, to die, to die away; Q512, Q521, Q551)
SPARSE (L. spargo, spargere, sparsi, sparsum, to scatter, sprinkle, throw about, to spread, circulate, distribute, to dissipate; with abl. to besprinkle with. TC150, TC170, TC298)
SPI (L. spes-ei, f. expectation of good things, hope, of bad anticipation, foreboding. AJ-1)
SPESV (L. spes-ei, f. expectation, of good things, hope; of bad: anticipation, foreboding; speso, adj. spent; pp. of spendere; It.. spezzeria, f. grocery, drugstore; spesso, adj. thick: spesse volte, often; adv. frequently, often ; Fr. épais, adj. thick, dense, stout, dull [espirit]; épaisseur, f. thickness, depth, density, dullness; épaissir, to thicken, to become dense, to grow stout. N453)
SPETV (It. spedire, to dispatch, to send, to ship, forward; Fr. expédier, to dispatch, to send off, to forward, to expedite, to ship, to hurry through, to clear [navire], to draw up [acte]. R219, R238)
SPI (L. spira -ae, f. a coil, a twist; spiro -are, intransit., to breathe, blow, draw breath; to be alive, to have inspiration, be inspired; transit., to breathe out, exhale; It. spia, f. spy, informer, spiare, to spy; spira, f. spire, coil; spiarare, to blow, to expire, die, to issue, send forth, exhale; Fr. spirale, f. spiral; respirer, to respire, to breathe, to inhale; respiration, f. respiration, breathing. AJ1)
SPINA (Name of the town, Spina, which is not far from Venice; L. spina -ae, f. a thorn, prickle; a thornbush; in pl. anxieties, difficulties, perplexities; spineus -a -um, of thorns, thorny; It. spianare, to smooth, to level, to settle, to raze, demolish; spiano [a tutto] adv. profusely, abundantly, with a will; spino, m. thorn; Fr. épine, f. thorn, prickle; épine dorsale, backbone; épineux, adj. thorny, prickly, ticklish, knotty [question] R542)
SPINI (R524)
SPFVLIN ( L. spolio-are, to strip, despoil, plunder, rob; It. spogliare, vt. to strip, to despoil, to plunder; spogliarsi, to undress, to give up, to seprive oneself, get rid of; Fr. spolier, to despoil, to plunder, defraud. T8)
SPYR (L. spuo, spuere, spui, sputum, to spit out; sputum-i, spittle; Gr. spora, seed; It. sport, m. sport, gave; per sport, for pleasure; sporta, f. shopping bag; sportive, sportsman; sporto, m. jut, projection; adj. out-stretched, pp. of sporgere, vt. to thrust out, to lodge [a complaint]; vi. to jut, to protrude; sporgersi, vi, to lean out; Fr. sport, m. sport; sportif, adj. sporting; m. sports lover. Z1334)
SPVRA (Z470)
SPVRE (Z1065)
SPVRERIM (Z317, Z386)
SPVRES (Z72, Z290, Z872, Z945, Z999)
STAKAS (It. staccare, vt. to detach, to separate, to put off, to tear away, to disconnect, to take down; vi. to contain; staccarsi, vt. to become detached or fall off from; stacco, see spicco, m. relief, prominence; Fr. stage, m. stage, period. TC190, TC298)
STA8LI (L. stabilis-e, firm, steady, stable; adv. stabiliter; It. stabile, m. building, adj. stable, steady, permanent; Fr. stable, adj. steady, stable, lasting, steadfast. N700)
STA (N206, TC25)
STAR (It. stare, vi. to stand, to be, to stay, to lie, to sit, to go on, keep; to live, to last, to be up to, to be in proportion to; stare seduto, to be sitting; stare in piedi, to stand. TC190, TC298)
STAReS (TC298)
STAI (Z638)
STE (N139)
STI (Z47, Z155, Z206, Z245, TC283, K79)
STATITA (L. sto, stare, steti, statum, to stand, stand still, remain standing, to stand up stiffly; milit. to be stationed or to stand firm; naut. to lie at anchor; of abstr. things: to remain, be fixed, stand firm, persist; to be resolved; with abl. cum pro, to stand by, support, favour; with abl. of price, to cost; per hominem stare, to happen through a person's fault, be due to a person; statuo -uere -ui -utum, to cause to stand, place, set up, to establish, settle a point, to give a ruling, make arrangements, to decide [on] a course ofr action or matter of fact; Stator -oris, m. stayer of flight, a surname of Jupiter; stator -oris, m, a magistrate's attendant; statio-onis, f. a standing still, a place of abode; milit. post, station or picket; naut. a roadstead, anchorage; statim, m. firly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once; It. stare, to stand, to be, to stay, to lie, to sit, to go on, keep, to live, to last, to be up to, to be in proportion to; statico, adj. static, statical; Fr. stationner, to station, to stop, to stand, to park; statique, adj. static. Q183, Q714)
STELE (L. stella-ae, f. a star; stella comans, a comet; It. stella, f. star; stelo, m. stem, stalk)
STEP (L. stipo -are, to press closely, compress, to crowd a place; to press round a person, accompany, attend; stipes -itis, m. a log, stump, tree-trunk, a branch, post, club; a blockhead; stips, stipis, f. a small coin, gift, etc. stirps [stirpes, stirpis], stirpis, f. rarely m., the stock or stem of a plant; a young shoot; of men, stock, source, origin, of things: root, foundation; It. steppa, f. steppe; Fr. steppe, f. steppe)
STIC (Script "F"; L. stingua-ere, to extinguish, annihilate; sedicula-ae, f. a low seat)
STINTV (It. stinto, adj. faded; p.p. stingere, vi, to fade. Q376, Q388, Q396)
STRETA (L. sterno, stenere, stravi, stratum, to stretch over, spread; se sternere, to lie down, to strike down, lay down, overthrow, to make smooth, to calm, allay, to strew, spread a thing with something else; lectum, to make, make up, equos, to saddle, viam, to pave; n. of partic. as subst. stratum-i, a coverlet, blanket, a bed, a saddle-cloth, saddle, a pavement; It. stretta, f. tightening, hold, grasp, grip; streto, (1) m. straight, (2) adj. narrow, tight, close, strict, stingy. Z1571)
STRETER (L. strictus, tight; stringo, stringere, strinxi, strictum, (1) to draw tight together, to bind, tie (2) to strip off pluck, prune, esp. to draw a weapon from its sheath (3) to graze, touch lightly, to affect, injure, in speech: to touch upon; hence, partic. strictus-a-um, close, tight, strict; of style, brief, concise; It. stretta, f. tightening, hold, grasp, grip, pang; stretto (1) m. [geog.} straits (2) adj. narrow, tight, close, strict, stingy;Z500)
STRVGLA (L. struo, struer, structum, to put together, arrange, to pile up, to build, erect, construct, to devise, contrive; name; Q521, Q671)
STRVPHGLA (name; possibly based on, L. stropha-ae, f. a trick, artifice; It. strofa, strofe, f. strophe [stanza of a poem]; gli, art. m. pl., the; pron. pers. him, to him, to them. R370, R427, R498)
STV (L. sto, stare, steti, statum, to stand, stand still, remain standing, to stand up stiffly; milit., to be stationed or to stand firm; naut. to lie at anchor; of abstr. things to remain, be fixed stand firm, persist, to be resolved; with abl. cum, pro, to stand by, support, favor; with abl. of price, to cost; per hominum stare, to happen through a person's fault, be due to a person. Q303)
STVR (L. storea [storia], f. a rush mat; soter-eris; acc.-era, m. a saviour; It. stura, f. dare las stura a, to uncork; to set off, start; Fr. sauter, to jump, to leap, to bound, to blow up, to explode; to omit, to leave out, to tumble [theat.], to veer, to shift [naut.], to fry quickly [cuisine]; sauter aux yeux, to be self-evident, to be obvious; sauterie, f. dancing party, hop; salvatore, m. savour; saveur, m. saver, deliverer, savior)
SV (It. su, prep. on, upon, over, above, about, against, after; sui mezzogiorno, about noon; sulla cinquantina, about fifty; sul serio, in earnest; sui due piedi, right away; offhand; adv. up, over, upstairs, overhead; sui, comp. prep. on the; suo, sua, poss. adj. his, her, its; poss. pron. his, hers, the one belonging to it; suócera, f. mother-in-law; suócero, m. father-in-law; Fr. au-dessus de [en] adv. over, above; soi, pers. pron. oneself, himself, herself, itself, self; cela va de soi, that goes without saying; soi même, oneself. TC307)
SVI (L. sui, gen. refl. himself, herself, itself; It. sua, suo, poss. adj. his, her, its; poss. pron. his, hers, its
SVBA (L. subo-are, to be in heat; subeo-ire-li or ivi-itum, (1) to go under, pass under, of a bearer: to go under and support; to undergo, to submit to, take upon oneself; (2) to come from under, approach, advance, mount, climb; of thoughts, etc., : to come into or come over the mind; (3) to come on after, to follow, sometimes to come and support; partic. subitus-a-um, as adj. sudden, coming suddenly, taking by surprise; pass. suddenly done, hastily contrived, improvised. N. as subst. a sudden appearance, emergency; It. subire, to undergo, to suffer, to bear with it; Fr. subir, to undergo, to submit to, to take an exam. R633, R644)
SVBRA (L. subruo -ruere -rui -rutum, to undermine, overthrow, destroy; sobrius -a -um, sober, without wine; moderate, frugal; sober-minded, reasonable, sensible; adv. sobrie; It. sobrio, adj. temperate, sober, quiet; Fr. sobre, adj. sober, moderate, well-balanced, temperate, abstemious, frugal, restrained, sedate. R142)
SFEM (L. suemus, plur. as from sueo, we are accustomed; See SFE)
SVKATV (L. succutio-cutere-cussi-cussum, to shake from beneath. Q775)
SVCI (L. succurro -curre -curri- cursum, (1) to run beneath, go under, to undergo; of ideas: to come into the mind; (2) to come to aid, succour, help, assist; socio-are, to unite, combine, associate; socius-a-um, sharing, associate, allied; m. as subst., a partner, comrade, associate, ally; It. succhiare, to suck [up]; fig. to put up with; soccorrere, to succor, help; to occur; Fr. souci, m. anxiety, care, bother, worry; solicitude, concern,; soucier, to trouble, to upset, to bother, to worry; se soucier, to care, to mind, to be concerned, to be anxious. Z665, Z719)
SVCRI (L. socrus-us, f. mother-in-law; suggero-gerere-gessi-gestu, to bring up, supply, provide; to add, attach, to place next; It. suocera, mother-in-law. Z798)
SV8ERA (L. subeo-ire-li or ivi-itum, (1) to go under, pass under; of a bearer, to go under and support; to undergo, submit to, take upon oneself; (2) to come from under, approach, advance, mount, climb; of thoughts, etc., to come into, or come over the mind; (3) to come on after, to follow; sometimes to come and support; partic. subitus-a-um, as adj. sudden, coming suddenly, taking by surprise; pass., suddenly done, hastily contrived, improvised. N. as subst. a sudden occurrence, emergency. N. abl. as adv. subito, suddenly; It. sobbarcarsi, to take upon oneself, to shoulder; sovra [sopra] upper side, prep. on, upon, over, above, beyond, about; al di sopra di, above; passar sopra a, to pass over; adv. above, over, upstairs, overhead; il plano di sopra, the upper floor; andare di sopra, to go upstairs; Fr. sobre, adj. sober, moderate, well-balanced, temperate, abstemious, frugal, restrained, sedate; souverain, m. sovereign, adj. souvereign, supreme, highest, extreme, without appeal [jur.]; souveraineté, f. sovereignty, dominion; probably a person's name: Sovera. Q369, Q388)
SYL (L. sol, solis, m. the sun; poet, a day; personif. the Sun-god; solus-a-um, alone, only, sole; of places, solitry, uninhabited. N. acc. as adv solum, alone, only; It. sole, m. sun, sunshine; solo, m. [the] only one; adj. alone, lonely, only, single, one, sole; Fr. sol, m. ground, soil; solo, adj. solo, solaire, adj. solar, sun [rayons]; soleil, m. sun. Z308, Z1250)
SVLA (Z598)
SvLE (see also SaLE)
SVLvS (Z1177, Z1334)
SVLV (L. solo-are, to make solitary. Z1161)
SVM (L. sum, first person singular, "to be": I am; Fr. sommes, first person plural, "to be": we are. N522, N582)
SVME (Q278, R339)
SVNT (L. sunt, third person plural "to be"; Fr. sont, third person plural, "to be." Q701)
SVN (See also ESVNV; L. sonns, sontis, guilty; sonus-i, noise, sound, tone, character, style; sono, sonare, sonui, sonitum, to sound, resound, make a noise, to sing of, to celebrate, of words: to mean; sonitus -us, m. a sound, noise; sonipes -pedis, sounding with the feet; m. as subst. a horse; It. sonare, to sound, to ring, to play; sonda, f. probe, sound; sonoro, adj. sonorous; sonno, m. sleep; Fr. son, poss. adj. m. [f. sa, pl. ses] his, her, its, one's; son, m. sound, noise; sonner, to sound, to ring, to toll; sonore, adj. sonorous, resonant, deep-toned; songe, m. dream, dreaming; songer, to dream, to muse, to ponder, to think, to imagine. Z1417)
SVNA (Z530)
SVNE (Z64)
SVPA (L. sopio-ire, to put to sleep, lull to sleep, quieten, to stun, render senseless; sopor-oris, m. deep sleep, laziness, a sleeping draught; It. sopore, m. drowsiness;. N522, N582, R511)
SVPV (L. It. sopire, to appease, calm. Fr. subir, v. to undergo, to submit to, to take [examen]; It. subire, vt., to undergo, to suffer; vt. to bear. Q784)
SVPES (Q713)
SVPER (L. super, adv. over, above, besides, beyond, moreover, remaining over, over and above. Prep.: with abl., of place, over, above; of time: at, concerning, about: besides, beyond; with acc., of place: over, above, upon, besides, beyond; of time: during: of superiority, above, more than; supero-are, to go above, overtop, project, to prevail, conquer, to abound, to remain, be over, esp. to remain alive, survive, to be too much, to exceed; transit., to rise above, surmount, overtop, pass, to surpass, excel, exceed, to overcome, conquer; compar. of pres. partic. super-anitor-oris, more dominant; It. superare, to surpass, to overcome, to get over, to negotiate, to exceed, to get the better of, to pass, to outrun, to outspeed, to climb over, to leave behind; Fr. superbe, adj. superb. N417, Q805)
SVPRV (L. supra, adv. over, on the top; of time: before, previously; in writing: above; of amount, etc.: over, more, beyond; supra quam, more than; prep. with acc. above, over; of time: before; of amount: more than, above, beyond; It. sopperire, to provide [for]; soprusso, m. offense, outrage; supporre, to suppose, to surmise; sopra, m. upper side; prep. on, upon, over, above, beyond, about; al di sopra di, above; passer a sopra, to pass over. Q661)
SVR (L. soror, a sister; It. suora, f. nun, sister; sorriso, m. smile; sorridere, to smile; Fr. soeur, f. sister, nun; sûr, adj. sure, certain, safe, secure, assured, reliable, trustworthy; infallible; sur, prep. on, upon, onto, above, over, towards, about; sur-le-champ, right away, immediately; sourire, to smile, to be faborable; m. smile. Z170, Z197, Z272, Z327, Z347, Z357, Z378, Z412, Z1016, Z1040, Z1797, Z1825, AN12, N738, R286)
SVRVM (N670, N700)
SVRvM (AN37)
SVRI (L. sura-ae, f. the calf of the leg; risor-oris, m. a laugher, a mocker, risio-oris, f. laughter; Fr., souire, to smile, to be favorable to; m. smile; It. sorridere, to smile. TC161. AN49,)
SVRV (R286)
SVRV8 (N738)
SVRaNVS (L. surena-ae, m. a Parthian grand vizier; nos, pl. of ego; It. noi, pl. of io; Fr. nous, pl. of je )
SVS (Z1853, Z1027)
SVS (L. sus, suis, a sow, swine, pig, hog; a kind of fish; It. It. sosia, m. double suisare, to misrepresent, to alter; Fr. sous, prep. under, beneath, below, on, upon, with, by, in; sous peu, before long; sou, m. [monnaie]; penny, copper. Z981)
SV8ERA (Name. Q369)
SVS (L. suus-a-um, reflexive possesive pronoun of 3rd person, his, her, its, their [could often be strengthend by -pte or-met, sometimes proper, due, suuitable, favorable, independent, as subst. one's own people, property, etc.)
SVTEN (L. suesco-suescere, suevi, suetum, intransit., to become accustomed; transit., to accustom; hence, partic. suetus-a-um, accustomed, customary, usual. R426)
SVTANAS (It. sottana, f. petticoat, skirt, cassock; Fr. soutane, f. cassock, soutane. Z263, Z405)
SvTANAS (This is probably a person's name; Fr. sot, sotte, adj. stupid, silly, foolish, ridiculous, absurd; m. fool; suttise, f. foolishness, silliness, nonsence; see also SaTANE, SaTANES)
STRVPHGLA (Script R, name; see STRVGLA)
SVPHI (L. sophia-ae, wisdom)
SVTHI (L. sutilis-e, stitched together, fastened together; sitis -us, m. (1) layout, site, position, situation; (2) being left, neglect, dirt, decay, mental rusting, dullness; It. sotto, adv. prep. under, underneath, beneath, below; sito, m. place, spot; adj. situated; Fr. soute, f. bunker [charbon]; store-room; site, m. site, location. A-2, AF-1)
SVTRA (Q139, Q171)
SVTRV (Q117)
SOTER (L. soter-eris; acc.-era, m. a savior; It. salvatore, m. savior; sottrarte, vt. to subtract, to steal, to deduct, to rescue, save, to snatch; sottrari, vv, sotrarsi, to escape, evade, to shirk; Fr. saveur, m. saver, deliverer, savior)
TA (Fr. ta, poss. adj. f. thy, your. Z1334. Z1397, N357, Q290, Q320, Q326, Q671, Aph-3, TC61)
TE (L. te, 2nd person personal & reflexive, Acc. & Abl., you; It. te, pers. pron. you [fam. sing.]; particle, [to] you; Fr. te, pers. pron. you, to you; thee, to thee, yourself, thyself. Z1, Z111, Z284, ZZ727, Z776, Z897, Z1192, Z1265, Z1300, TC179, M45, N184, N294, N453, Q11, Q21, Q33, Q46, Q209, Q283, Q521, Q551, Q671, R40, R49, R56, R72, R173, R188, R212, R229, R270, R339, Au39, L15)
Te (TC61, TC71, TC80, TC108, TC120, TC144, TC170, TC201, TC231, TC260, TC298, TC327, K86, AP-1, N230, N349, N404, Q806, R13, R108, R121, R258, R306, R359, K74, K86, Au90)
TI (L. tibi, 2nd person personal & reflexive, Dat. you; It. ti, pers. pron. you, to you, yourself. Z84, Z103, Z300, Z572, Z737, Z880, Z945, Z1386, Z1770, Z1818, K79, AG-1, AK-1, TC161, Q232, Au85, TC41, TC46)
TV (L. tu, 2nd person personal & reflexive, Nom. you; tui, 2nd person personal & reflexive Gen. you; It. tu, pers. pron. you [sing.]; [poet.] thou; tuo, adj. poss. your [poet] thy; poss. pron. yours [poet] thine; i tuoi, yours, your people; Fr. toi, pers. pron. you, possessive; c'est à toi, it is yours, it is thine; tu, pers. pron. you; tu, p.p. of taire, to keep secret, to hush up, to suppress, to keep dark; se taire, to be quiet, to fall silent. Z656? TC161, TC108, TC170, TC201, N149, N160, N230, N244, N254, N363, N391, N417, N522, N582, N748, Q53, Q65, Q74, Q95, Q107,Q171, Q217, Q224, Q273, Q311, Q351, Q406, Q442, Q460, Q754, Q899, R49, R65, R128, R173, R188, R212, R314, R370, R394, R426, R447, R459, R521, R530, R596, R607, R619, R633, R653, )
THV (M78)
VI (plural, you?)
TAES (L. dea-ae, f. goddess; Fr. déesse, f. goddess; It. dea, f. goddess)
TA8LE (L. tabella-ae, f. a small flat board or tablet; a writing-table; a document, letter, record; a votive tablet; It. tabella, f. table; schedule, list; tavola, f. table, plank; plate, board; tavolo, m. table; Fr. table, f. table, meal, plate [metal; table des mattères, table of contents. Q107)
TAGES (Etruscan god who sprung out of the ground in a child's body but with white hair and beard; he set the boundaries of the land. N320, N353, N444, N660, Q863, R278, R607)
TAILE (It. taglio, m cut, cutting, clipping, fissure, edge; tagliare, vt. to cut, to clip, to sever, to split, to cross, rent; Fr. taille, f. cutting, pruning, trimming, clipping, cut, shape, edge [couteau], tally, waist, figure, stature, height, size, measure; tailler, to cut, to prune, to trim, to clip, to tally, to carve, to sharpen [crayon], to cut out, to tailor)
TAITeR (L. taeter-tra-trum, foul, hideous, offensive, disgraceful, abominable; adv. taetre. Z421)
TAL (It. tale, adj., pron. such, like, similar, same, certain; Fr. tel, telle, adj., suck, like, similar; pron. such a one. TC161)
TALENA (L. talio-onis, f. retaliation; It. taluno, adj. pron. someone; Fr. talion, m. retaliation. Q33, Q46)
TAMIR (L. temero-are, to darken, to defile, to dishonour; L31)
TAN (It. tana, f. lair, hole, den; tanio, f. stench; Fr. tanière, f. lair)
THANCHVLIVS (Tanaquil was a high-born, ambitious Etruscan woman married to the fith king of Rome, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus. She urged her husband to move from Tarquinia to Rome in order to advance his fortunes. She was trained in the Etruscan art of augury and often aided her husband in his affairs. At his death her strong-mindedness and quick thinking saved the throne to their son-in -law, Servius Tullius. A1)
TAPIS (L. tapeta-ae, m. tapeta-orum, n. pl. and tapeti-ium, n. pl. drapery, tapestry; It. tappezzare, vt. to tapestry, to paper, to upholster; tappezzeria, f. tapestry, wallpaper, upholstery; Fr. tapis, m. carpet, rug, cover, cloth; tapisser, to hang with tapestry, to carpet, to paper. Q893)
TAR (L. taurus-i, m. a bull; tarentum-i, n. a coastal town of southern Italy [now Taranto]; It. taurino, adj. bull-like, taurine; toro, m. bull; tara, f. tare, disease, stigma, brand; tarare, to tare, to adjust; tarato, adj. branded, stigmatic; Fr. taureau, m. bull; tare, f. tare [poids]; defect, blemish, taint; taré, adj. degenerate, corrupt. Z10, Z150, M-1)
TARKIE (possibly L. Tartarus-(es)-i, m. pl. Tartara-orum, m., Tartareus-a-um, the infernal regions. DL-10)
TARINA (Name? N173, N184)
TAS (L. taceo-ere-itum, to be silent, say nothing, to be still, quiet; transit.: to be silent about, pass over in silence; partic. tacitus-a-um, pass.: passed over in silence, unmentioned; implied, tacit, secret, concealed; act.: silent, mute, still, quiet; adv. tacite; Fr. tacite, adj. tacit; It. tacere, to withhold, omit; , to keep silent, be silent, hold one's tongue, to stop [talking], to say nothing; far tacere, to silence; tacete!, shut up; tacito, adj. tacit, silent, implied. Z1168, Au30)
TeC (Lemnos Script)
TEC (L. tego, tegere, texi, tectum, to cover, to bury, to conceal, to shield, protect; partic. as adj. tectus-a-um, covered, concealed, close, reserved, cautious. N. as subst. tectum-i, a roof or ceiling, a shelter, dwelling; adv. tecte, covertly; decoro-are, to embellish, beautify, adorn; It. teco, pers. pron. with you [poet.] with thee; decorare, to decorate; Fr. décor, m. decoration; set [theat.] pl. scenery; décorateur, m. décorator, stage-designer; décoratif, adj. decorative, ornamental; décoration f. decoration, insignia, medal; décorer, to decorate, to ornament. Z111, Z122, Z214, TC266)
THeK (M74)
TEK (Q1; possibly a name, TEKEIAS)
TEKVRIES (L. decuria-ae, f., a body of ten men; a class, division, esp. of jurors; a party, club. Tectorius-a-um, used for covering, of or for, plastering; n. as subst. plaster, stucco, fresco, painting, cosmetic. Q1)
TECVM (L. decoro-are, to embellish, beautify, adorn; It. decorare, to decorate. Z1615, Au13)
TEI (L. m. deus, divus, numen [divinum], god; the gods, di [dii] divi, numina, caelestes, supers; ita me deus, so help me god; dea, diva, goddes; It. dio, m. god; dea, f. goddess; Fr. dieu; pl. dieux, m. god; deesse, f. goddess; see TIV and declensions. Z1326, Z1562, Z1853, Z1869, TC170, N453, Q53, Q442, R459, K20, Aph-1)
TEF (AN-20)
DEVI (K136)
TEIS (Z1243, K129)
TEIS (K124, M19, K20)
TEIM (Z1265)
TEI TV (L. divinitas, divinity; It. divinita, f. divinity, deity; Fr. f. divinité, déité, deity; note: translates as TEI TV)
TE8 ( L. tabum-i, corrupt, moisture, matter; a plague, pestilence; deverto [devorto] -vertere -verti -versu; to turn aside, esp. to turn aside to a lodging, to put up at, stay with; transf. to digress; devius -a -um, off the beaten track, out of the way, solitary, retired, in mind: erroneous, unreasonable; It. tabù, m. taboo; deviare, vt. to deviate, turn aside; vi. to deviate, swerve, depart [from]. N95 )
TE8E (N139, Q224)
TE8RA (L. devoro-are, to swallow, devour, seize upon; of words: to articulate badly, mispronounce; of property: to consume, waste; of disagreeable things: to swallow, accept, put up with;It. divorare, to devour, gobble up; to squander; Fr. dévorer, to devour, to consume, to squander [fortune]; to swallow [insulte]; dévorer des yeux, to gloat over, to gaze upon. Q500, R474)
TE8RE (N638)
TE8RI (N676)
TEL (L. tellus-oris, f. earth, soil, land, a country, the world; telum-i, n. a missile, a dart, javelin, spear; any weapon, a beam of light; It. tela, f. linen, cloth, painting; telaio, m. loom, frame, framework; telo, m. piece of cloth, sheet; Fr. tel, telle, adj. such, like, similar; pron. such a one; tel que, such as, like; tel quel, such as it is, just as it is; de telle sorte que, in such a way that. TC170)
TeLEIV (TC144)
TELVS (N123)
TEM (L. temo-onis, m. a pole, the pole of a waggon; K100)
TEMAPa (L. temere, adv. blindly, by chance, casually, heedlessly; non temere, not for nothing, not lightly, not easily; temero-are, to darken, to defile, dishonour; temno, temnere, tempsi, temptum, to despise; It. tema (1) theme, subject (2) tema f. timore, m. fear, dread, awe; temere, to fear, be afraid [of]; to dread; Fr. timoré, adj. timourous)
TEN (L. teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum, to hold, to possess, keep, preserve, maintain, to understand, grasp, know, remember, to contain, comprise; milit.: to occupy, garrison, to master, restrain, keep back; to charm, amuse; intransit.: to keep on, persevere, persist, endure; tener-era-erum, tender, delicate, soft, young; adv. tenere; It. tenere, to hold, to keep, to sustain, to wear, to contain, to stand, to follow, to observe, to make, to consider, think; to be valid, to hold, resist; tener posto, to take room; la via da tenere, the way to be followed; Fr. tenir, to hold, to have, to possess, to seize, to grasp, to occupy, to take up, to keep, to keep in, to manage, to retain, to deem to regard, to look upon, to maintain, to side with, to hold fast, to adhere, to stick to hold together, to depend, to result, to be held, to remain, to persist, to withstand, to be desirous, to be anxious [to] ; to sail close to the wind. TC46)
TENA (Z1553, Q671)
TENE (K107)
TENV (Q893)
TENeR (TC7, TC19, TC46)
TENS (L. tensa-ae, f. a car on which images of the gods were carried. N53)
TENTA (Q283)
TENTV (L. tempto-are, to prove, try, test, attempt, to test by attack, to assail, to work upon, tamper with, excite, disturb; tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum and tensum, transit. to stretch, extend, spread, to direct, present, give barbiton, to string; preaetorium, to pitch, tintransit.; to direct one's course, tend, make towards, to be inclined, aim at, strike after; with intrans. to try, to attempt; milit. to pitch one's camp, encamp. Q360, Q369, Q713, Q813, Q863, R394, R521)
TeP (L. tepeo-ere, to be warm or luke warm; L71)
TER (L. ter, three times, thrice; It. terzo, third; tre, three; Fr. trois, troisième, third; trois, adj. three. Q311, R49, R619)
TERA (L. terra-ae, f. earth, land, ground, soil, a country, land, region,; orbis terrarum, the whole world; It. terra, f. earth, land, ground, soil, floor; Fr. terre, f. earth, ground, land, shore, soil, loam, clay, world, estate, grounds, property, territory; terrer, to earth up. to clay; se terrer, to burrow, to dig in, to entrench oneself; terrestre, adj. terrestrial, earthly, worldly; ground. N349, N357, N363)
TERI (Z1216)
TERIM (Q806)
TERM (L. termes-itis, m. a branch, esp. of olive; termino -are, to limit, set bounds to, restrict, define, close; terminus -i, m. a boundary-mark, limit, end; personif., the god of boundaries; Fr. term, m. term, relationship, termination, end, bound, limit, due date, appointed time, word, expression, pl. state, terms, condition, à long terme, long-dated; It. terme, f. pl. thermae, thermal springs, bathing establishment, spa; termine, m. term, limit, boundary end)
TERTI (L. territo-are, to frighten, intimidate, scare; tertius -a -um, third; acc. n. sing. tertium, for the third time; abl. tertio, for the third time, thirdly; It. terso, n. agg. third; Fr. terrifier, to terrify; troisième, m. adj. third; trois, adj. m. three. Z1600, Z1644, Q551)
TERTV (Q871)
TeRVR (L . tero, terere, trivi, tritum, to rub, to whet, smooth, to grind, thresh, to wear out, use up, spend; hence partic. as adj. tritus-a-um, worn, frequented, practised; of words, etc.: trite, well-known; terreo, terrere, to frighten, terrify, scare away, to deter; terror-oris, m. fright, fear, terror, a frightening object; Fr. terreur, f. terror, fright, fear, dread, awe. Z432)
TERVS (L. tero, terere, trivi, tritum, to rub, to whet, to smooth, to grind, thresh, to wear out, use up, spend; hence partic. as adj. tritus-a-um, worn, frequently practiced; of words, trite, well known. N349)
TERS (L. teres-retis, rounded, polished, well-turned, smooth, refined, elegant'; tergeo-ere and tergo-ere, tersi, tersum, to wipe, scour, clean, partic. tersus-a-um, clean, neat, perfect. Z530, TC28)
TES (L. texo, texere, textum, to weave, to twine together, plait, to put together, construct, build; of speech or writing: to compose. N. of partic. as subst. textum-i, woven cloth, a web, fabric; of composition, style; It. tesere, to weave; testa, f. head; teste, m. witness; testè, adv. a short time ago; just now; Fr. tes, poss. adj. pl. thy, your; thèse, f. thesis; tête, f. head, head-piece, cranium, leader, head of an establishment, head of hair, front, beginning, summit, crown, top, vanguard, brains, sense, judgment, presence of mind, self-possession. Z1359, AP-1)
TESAM (It. tesa, f. brim [of a hat]; teso, adj. tight, taut, strained; pp. of tendere)
TESI (L. thesis, f. a proposition, thesis; It. f. tesi, f. thesis; Fr. thése, f. thesis. Au43)
TESIM (Z674, Z7290)
TESCAM (It. teschio, m. skull. N139)
TESENA (L. testula -ae, f. a potsherd; decet-ere-uit, it is proper, it is fitting, [physically or mentally]; hence, partic. decens-entis, proper, fit; adv. decenter; decennis, of ten years; Fr. tesson, m. potsherd, shard. N533, N563)
TESeN (Fr. dessein, m. design, scheme, project, plan, intention; a dessein, on purpose; sans dessein, unintentionally foolish, stupid; avoir le dessein de, to intend to; dessin, m. drawing, sketch, plan, pattern, desiner, to draw, to sketch, to design, to lay out, to show, dessiner, to stand out, to loom up, to appear, to take form; It. m. disegno, drawing, ouline, plan, scheme. K124)
TESeNE (L. designo-are, in gen. to point out, indicate, to portray, deliniate; polit. to nominate, elect; part. designatus, elected, designate; K113, K119, K124)
TESTRE (L. testor-ari, (1) to bear witness to, give evidence of, to make known, publish, declare; as pass.: to be attested, declared; (2) to make a will; (3) to call to witness; It. testificare, to testify, teste, m. witness, testè, adv. a short time ago; just now; testa, f. head; essere in testa, to have the lead; testo, m. text, contents; Fr. test, m. test, trial; témoigner, to testify, to bear witness to, to show, to prove, to evince, to be a sign of; témoin, m. witness, spectator, evidence, proof, mark. Q253, Q263)
TESTRV (N689, Q424, Q767, R173)
TETV (L. taeter-tra-trum, foul, hideous, offensive, disgraceful, abominable; adv. taetre; taeda-ae, f. pine-wood, a board, a torch, esp. as used in weddings; It. tetto, m. roof; Fr. teter, to nurse, to such, to suckle; têtu, adj. stubborn, headstrong, wilful, obstinate, mulish, pig-headed; têt, f. head, head-piece, cranium, leader, head of an establishment; head of hair, front, beginning, summit, crown, top, vanguard, brains, sense, judgment, presence of mind, self-possession. Q202, R294)
TFA (AH-3)
TFE (L. tueor [or tuor] tueri, tuitus and tutus, dep. and tueo-ere, to look at, regard, esp. to look after, watch over, guard; perf. partic. as pass. adj., tutus-a-um, watched over, hence safe, secure, out of danger; watchful cautious. N. as subst. tutum-i, a safe place, safety. N. abl, tuto, and adv. tute, safely; It. tuo, adj. poss. your [poet] thy, poss. pron. yours [poet] thine; i tuoi, yours; your people; Fr. toi, pron. thou, you; tuer, to kill, to slay, to slaughter, to butcher, to bore to death, to while away [temps]; se tuer, to kill oneself, to commit suicide, to be killed, to get killed, to wear oneself out; tuerie, f. slaughter, massacre; tuile, f. tile, bad luck. See TVE. Z1021, Z1846)
TFS (Z5)
TFRI (L. tuor or tueor, tueri, tuitus and tutus, dep.; and tueo-ere, to look at, regard, esp. to look after, watch over, guard; See TVR. Z981)
TIA (K107)
THIA (L. Dia-ae, f. mother of Mercury. M45)
TIARI (L. tiara-ae, f. and tiarus-ae, m. a turban)
TIC (L. tigilum -i, a beam; tignarius-a-um, of beams, a carpenter; It. ticchio, m. whim, fancy; Fr. tic, m. tic, twitch; tique, f. tick, cattle -tick; tige, f. stem, stalk, tige; trunk [arbre]; shaft [colonne]; shank [ancre]; leg [botte]; stock [famille] AF-13)
TIKAM (R286)
TICNeR (Z1359)
TICV (L. Tico, name of kings)
TIKV (TC150)
TIE (L. dies-ei, m. or f. daytime, day; a day, period of twenty-four hours; diem ex die, from day to day; in dies, daily, esp. of a continuing process of change; in diem vivere, to live for the day; in gen. time. Esp. a particular day, fixed date, a historic day, day of death, anniversary, esp. birthday; It. dì, m. day; giorno, m. day; di, prep. of, by, with, than, from, out, out of, to, on, about, at, after, in; Fr. jour, m. day, daylight, light, lighting , dawn, day-brak, day time. Z1216, Au7, N453, R5, R108, R661)
TIES (AG-1, N312, Q263, R661)
TIV (L. diu, adv. (1) by day (2) for a long time (3) a long time ago; compar. diutius, longer, too long; superl. diutissime; It. diuturno, diuternus, unrelenting; Fr. diurne, adj. diurnas, day. N404, R447)
TIGEL (L. tigillum-i-a, small beam; tignum-i, a beam; It. tigiloso, adj. fibrous, sinnous, tough)
TIGA (Fr. tige, f., stem, stalk, trunk, [arbre], shaft [colonne], shank [anacre], leg [botte], stock [famille]. Q117)
TIGE (R339)
TIGI (R359)
TIGLV (L. tilia -ae, f. linden or lime-tree; It. tigilo, m. lime tree, lime; tigiloso, tough; Fr. tilleul, m. lime-tree, linden-tree. Q209, Q442, Q460)
TIMEM (L. timeo-ere, to be afraid, fear, dread; partic. timens-entis, fearing fearful; timor-oris, m. fear, dread, an object exciting fear. N123)
TIN (The Etruscan Zeus/Jupiter whose name is Tin, Tini. Z72, Z103, Z300, Z8800, Z945, Z999, Z1793, TC283, M24, J39)
TiN (an abbreviation of Tin. See TN. Z638, Z1183, Z1359)
TINI (Z1097, TC318)
TINA (J39)
TINiR (L. tinnio-ire, to ring, tinkle, to talk shrilly, to make to chink, hence to pay money; tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum, to wet, moisten, to dye, colour, imbue; It. tinta, f. dye, hue, color, tinge; tingere, to dye, to paint, to stain; tintinnare, to tinkle, to clink; Fr. tinter, to ring, to toll, to tinkle, to jingle, to chink, to clink, to buzz; teindre, to dye, to tint, to tinge, to tincture; teint, m. color, tint, dye, hue, shade, complexion; teinter, to tint, to tinge)
TINiRS (Z522)
TINeS (Z439, Z572)
TINIVS (L. tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum, to wet, moisten, to dye, color, imbue)
TIPA (L. typus-i, a figure on a wall; tibea-ae, the shin-bone, a pipe, flute (originally made out of a hollow bone; It. tipo, m. type, model, standard, specimen, fellow, guy; Fr. type, m. type, standard, model, symbol; fellow, chap, guy)
TIPE (R661)
TIPES (R5, R100)
TIR (It. tirare, vt. to draw, pull, to stretch, to take in, to move, to trace, to fling, hurl, shoot; vi., to pull, to tend, to blow, to shoot; Fr. tirer, to draw, to stretch, to pull out, to pull off, to draw [ligne], to shot, to firee, to infer, to deduce, to print, to get, to derive, se tirer, to extricate oneself, to get out, to recover [santé]. Z969,, Z1789, K58, TC46)
TIRI (L38)--------------
TIS (Q433, Q475)
TIS (L. Dis, Ditis, m. a name of Pluto, god of the Lower World; dis, ditis (contracted from dives), rich, having or containing or bringing wealth. Z5, Z206, Z1337, Z1345, TC150)
TISIM (Z1153)
TISTER (L. distro-are, to be apart, be distant, to differ, be distinct, impers. distat, there is a difference; distraho-trehere-trexi-tractum, to pull apart or pull to pieces, of associations to break up or dissolve; of persons, to draw away, estrange, also to distract; of property, to sellup, gram. to leave a hiatus; in a verse; It. distare; Fr. distraire, to separate, to divert, to amuse, to entertain, to distract; note: used as an ephitet of the fertility goddess Aph. Q453, Q475)
TIV (L. dius-a-um, divine, god-like; hence fine, noble; also [apparently] out of doors, in the open air; dea-ae, f. goddess, diu, adv. (1) by day, (2) for a long time (3) a long time ago; comparat. diutius, longer, too long; superl. diutissime; divus-a-um, as adj. divine or deified; as subst. m. a god and f. a goddess; often as ephitet of dead or deified emperors; sub. divo, in the open air; It. Dio, m. God, Lord, divino, adj. divine, heavenly, wonderful; Fr. divin, adj. holy, divine, sublime, heavenly; Dieu, Deus, m. a god, a diety; meliors [ferrant], God forbid. M60)
TIVA (L. divus-a-um, as adj. divine or deified; as subst. m. a god and f. a goddess;TC46)
TIVS (N738)
TITV (L. Tities-ium, and Titenses-ium, m. p. one of the three original tribs of Rome; Titus-i, m. a Roman praenomen. N738)
TN (abbreviation for the god Tin, Tini. See TIN. Z638, Z1183, Z1359)
Etruscan Phrases 9html
TRA (L. traho, trahere, traxi, tractum, to trail, pull along, to drag, pull violently, to draw in, take up; of air: to breathe, to draw out; hence to lengthen, to draw together, contract; transf. to draw, attract, to take in or on, assume, derive, to prolong, spin out; to ascribe, refer, interpret. Hence partic. tractus -a -um, of speech, fluent, flowing. N. as subst., a flock of wool; It. tra/fra, (1) prep. in, within , between, among, amid; tratta, f. pull, jerk; tratto, m. stroke, pull, jerk, stretch, distance, way; while, part, passage, manner, bearing, gesture; Fr. traité, f. stage, stretch [voyage]; draft. bill [comm.]; milking [lait]; tout d'une traite, at a stretch, straight off, at a sitting. TC46, N324, N357, N428, Q388, Q485, Q837, R325)
TRAV (Z272, Z1080)
TRAS (Z1717)
TRAM (Z190)
TRAKS (Z432)
TRE (Q813, R437, R447, R521, R596)
TRV (AP-1, N670, Q360, Q376, Q784, R195, R286, G21)
TRVM (N700)
TRATI (L. trado (transdo)-dere-didi-ditum, to hand over, give up, surrender, betray, hand down an accurance of an event, to report, relate, teach. R88)
TRE (L. tres, tria, three; It. tre, m. adj. three; Fr. trois, m. adj. three; third [titre, date]. N87, N294, N453, N469, N476, N505, Q11, Q21, Q33, Q46, Q127, Q767, R5, R108, R661)
TREI (Z72, Z180, Z347, Z1027
TRES (Z290, Z872, Z945, Z990, Q376, Q763)
TRE8 (L. Treveri [Treviri]-orum, m. pl. a Germanic people; It. trebbia, f. flial; tregua, f. truce, rest, respite; trebbiare, to thresh; Fr. trêve, f. truce. N1, N324, N505, N533, N563, N607, N638)
TRE8E (N512)
TRE8IPER (Probably a name of a god; L. vipera-ae, f. a viper, a snake, serpent; this may refer to a three-headed viper; It. vipera, f. viper; Fr. vipère, f. viper; vipérin, adj. viperine, venomous, viperous. Q442, Q481)
TRE PLANV (L. plango, plangere, planxi, planctum, to beat, strike, esp. noisily, to strike the breast, head, etc.; as a sign of grief; hence plangere and pass. plangi, to bewail; planus -i, m. a vagabond, a charlatan; planus -a -um, even, flat; n. as subst. , a plain, level ground; de plano, off-hand, easily. Transf. plain, clear, intelligible. Adv. plane, distinctly, intelligibly, wholly, quite, thoroughly, in aswers: certainly; It. planare, glide, to level off; piano, (1) m. plain, plan, project, level, footing, surface, plane, story, floor, layer; (2) adj. plane, level, flat, plain, clear; (3) adv. slowly, softly; Fr. plan, m. plan, scheme, project, plane surface; map, distance, ground [tableau]; adj. even, level, flat, premier plan, foreground; arrière plan, background; planche, f. plank, board, shelf, plate [metal]; bed [légumes]; pl. stage [theat.]; plancher, m. floor. N87)
TRI ( L. tres, tria, three; Fr. tri, m. sorting, choosing. N230, N232, N244, Q232, L71)
TRIA (Q551)
TRIN (L. trin-ae-a, three at a time. Z47, Z197, Z897, Z975, Z1615)
TRINVM (Z421, Z1183)
TRINeR (L. Trinacria-ae, f., Sicily/the triangular land; Gr. Thrinacia? Z622, Z638)
TRIS (L. tristis-e, sad, gloomy, dismal, forbodding, harsh taste or small, harsh, bitter; n. acc. triste, used like adv. harshly; Fr. triste, sad, sorrowful, dejected, doleful, downcast, glum, blue, moping, woeful, woebegon [visage] cheerless, gloomy, unfortunate, painful, mean, wretched, paltry; It. trute, sad, sorrowful, gloomy. Q376)
TRI8 (N268)
TRIB (R65)
TRI8V (L. tribus-us, f. a tribe, a division of the Roman people. N173)
TRIPLER (L. triplus-a-um, threefold, triple; It. triplice, adj. threefold, triple; triplo, adj. tripple; piloarom, m. pylorus; Fr. piler, to pound, to crush, to pulverise, to grind; pilier, m. pillar, column, post, prop; supporter; triple, adj. triple; tripler, to tripple. R150)
TRIIVPER (Probably the name of a god, tri juper; L. iuppiter, iovis, m. Jupiter, the Roman supreme god; sub love, in the open air; Fr. jupe, f. skirt)
TRVS (L. trus, trucis, savage, fierce, with reflexive, to commit, surrender devote oneself; Tros, Trois, m. a king of Phrygia fter whom Troy was named; Troia or Troia-ae, f. the town of Troy beseiged and finally captured by the Greeks; adj. Trous, Troius, Troicus, Troianus--um, Trojan; subst. Tros, Trois, m. a Trojan; f. adj. and subst. Troas-ados, Trojan, Trojan woman; Fr. Tros, Trois, the king of Troy after whom Troy was named; Tros, Trois, m. a Trojan.)
TRVTAN (Z1345)
TRVTVM (L Trous, Troius, Troicus, Troianus--um, Trojan. Z1337)
TVCA (L. toga-ae, f. the white woolen upper garment worn by Roman citizens; tugurium-i, a peasant's hut, cottage; tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum, to touch, to strike, put, hit, a boundery, to reaach, to steal, to defile, to taste, to affect the feelings, to touch upon a subject; It. toccare, vt. to touch, to concern, to call at; vi. to happen, befall, to be up [to], to have [to], to belong [to]to be awarded, to be one's turn; tocco (1) touch, stroke; (2) adj. crackbrained, touched; (3) m. chunk, toque, mortarboard; toga, f. gown, toga; Fr. toc, m. sham goods; toge, f. toga, gown; toque, f. toque, cap; toqué, adj. crazy, cracked, goofy, nuts; touche, f. touch, touching, assay, trial, stroke, style [peinture]key [clavier], look, mien; toucher, to touch, to handle, to finger, to feel, to move, to affect, to try [metal], to receive [aregent], to hit [escrime], to drive [bétail], to call, to put in [naut.]; toucher à, to touch on, to allude to, to concern, to regard, to meddle in, with; to draw near, to approach, to be like. Z903, N21, Q500, Q521, R474)
TVCE (Q183, Q717, R542)
TVCES (Q388)
TVKLA (L. togula-ae, f. a little toga. Z1417)
TVCLER (This appears to be a person's name; It. togliere, to take away or off, to remove, to subtract; togliersi, to get off, to take off, to deprive oneself. R133)
TVE (L. tueor [or tuor] tueri, tuitus and tutus, dep. and tueo-ere, to look at, regard, esp. to look after, watch over, guard; perf. partic. as pass., adj. tutus-a-um, watched over, hence safe, secure, out of danger; watchful, cautious, n. as subst. tutum-i, a safe place, safety; n. abl. tuto and adv. tute, safely. Q74)
TVFE (L. tofus-i, m. tufa); Lemnos Script)
TVIS (L. tuus-a-um, posses. pron. of the second person sing., thy, thine, your)
TVL (L. tolero-are, to carry, bear, endure, sustain, to support, keep up; pres. partic. tolerans-antis, enduirng, patient; adv. toleranter, perf. part. toleratus-a; tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum (1) to lift up, raise, elevate; in crucem, to crucify, tollere ancoras, to weigh anchor; of children: to acknowledge as one's own, to bring up; (2) to take away, remove, carry off, steal, to destroy, abolish; Tullius-a-um, the name of a Roman gens; esp. of Servius Tullius, sixth king of Rome; It. tollerare, to endure, tolerate; Fr. tolérer, to tolerate, to allow, to suffer, to endure, to bear, to put up with, to wink at. Z84, Z180, Z190, Z214, Z347, Z378, Z1027, Z1040, Z1430, Z1813)
TVLV (N194)
TVLeRAN (Z1797)
TVM (L. tum, then, at that time, next, thereupon, afterwards; cum...tum, both...and especially, or not only...but also; tumeo-ere, to swell, be swollen, be puffed up; to swell with pride, anger or excitement; of style: to be pompous, tumid; It. tumulare, to bury. Z1352, Z1623, Z1641)
TVN (L. tunc, then, at that time, next; tono-are-ui-itum, to thunder. Transf.: instransit.: to make a loud noise; transit.: to thunder forth; It. tuono, m. thunder, roar; tonare or tuonare, to thunder, to roar; tuono, m. thunder, roar; tonante, adj. thundering; Fr. (1) ton, poss. adj. m. ton; f. ta; pl. tes; (2) ton, m. tone, intonation, manner, style, pitch [mus.]tint, color, shade; tonalité, f. tonality; tonnerre, m. thunderr, thunderclap, thunder bold; coup de tonnerre, clap, peal of thunder. Z1553, Z1832)
TVNA (Au82, APH29)
TVNAM (Z327, Z551, Z776, Z1417, Z1423, Z1444, Z1647, Au38)
TVNI (Q139)
TVR (L. tuor or tueor, tueri, tuitus and tutus, dep.: and tueo-ere, to look at, regard,, esp. to look after, watch over, guard. Perf. partic. as pass. adj. tutus-a-um, watched over; hence safe, secure, out of danger; watchful, cautious. N. as subst. tutum-i, a safe place, safety. N. abl. tuto and adv. tute, safely; see TFE; turris-is, f. tower, esp. as used in military operations; sometimes howdah. Transf. , dove-cote; taurus, bull; It. torre, f. tower, steeple; toro, m. bull; astr. Taurus; torrente, m. turrent, stream; Fr. tour, f. tower, rook, castle [échecs]; taureau, m. bull. Z190, Z1352, Q297, Q303, Q805)
TVRA (Z164, Z1243, Z1846, Z1869)
TVRES (N216)
TVRE (Z582)
TVRI (Z500; See also TFRI. Z981)
TVRV (AK-1, Q286)
TVRVPa ( torreo, torrere, torrui, tostum, to burn, parch, dry up; partic. as adj. torrens-entis, burning, hot, parched, rushing, seething; as a subst. a torrent; third person preterite tense; i.e. toroba. N31)
TVRS (L. tortilis -e, twisted, twined; torris, is, m. a firebrand; torus -i, m. any round protuberance, a muscle, a bed, sofa, a marriage couch, a bier, a mound; fig., an ornament; It. torso, m. [anat.] trunk, torso; vt. torcere, to twist, wring; torcersi, vi., to writhe, twist, to squirm; Fr. torse, m. torso, trunk, chest; torsade, f. twisted, fringe, twisted cord, coil [cheveux] N184)
THVRASI (L. thorax -acis, m. a breasplate, cuirass)
TVRV8 (L. torvus-a-um, savage, grim, fierce; It. torvo, adj. grim, surly, stern. N-1)
TVRvM (L. turris-is, f. tower, esp. as used in military operations. TC231)
TVRINES (This group appears to be the town, Turin, and its people; AL-8)
TRINVM (L. trini -ae -a, three at a time, three together; triennium -i, a space of three years)
TVS (see TA, TE, TI; L. tuus-a-um, posses. pron. of the second pers. sing., thy, thine, your; tus [thus] turis, n. incense, frankincense' tussio-ire, to have a cough, to cough; tussis-is, f. a cough; duo, two; dos, dotis, f. a dowry, marriage, portion, a gift, quality, endowment; It. tossare, to shear; It. due, two; Fr. tuer, to kill, to slay, to slaughter, to butcher, to bore to death, to while away [temps]; se tuer, to kill oneself, to commit suicide; to be killed, to get killed, to wear oneself out; tu tues, you kill; tu tuas, you killed; deux, adj. two. Z1013, N112, N404, N417, N435, N469, R334, Au27)
TVSE (It. tossare, vi., to shear; Fr. tondre. N324, K136)
THvS (M32)
TVSK (L. Tusci-orum, m. the Tuscans, Etruscans, inhabitants of Etruria; adj. Tuscus-a-um, Etruscan. N112)
TVTA (L. tutus-a-um, partic. from tueo; see TFE; totus-a-um, genit. totius, dat. toti; whole, complete, entire; whole-hearted, absorbed. N. as subst. totum-i, the whole; ex toto, in toto, the whole; It. tutto (1) m. everything, whole; (2) adj. all, whole; tutti m. pl. every; (3) pron. all, everything; tutti, m. pl. all, everybody, everyone; (4) adv. quite, all, wholly, fully, deeply in tutto e per tutto, completely; da per tutto, everywhere tut'altro che, far from; Fr. total, adj. total, whole, entire, complete, utter, universal; m. whole, total, sum-total; totaliser, to totalize, to add up; tutelle, f. tutelage, guardianship, protection; tuteur, m. guardian; tutrice, f. guardian. N41, N173, N491, N513, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N676, N711, Q342, Q433, Q475)
TVTAS (N11, N41)
TVTE (N139)
TVTHI (M38, M60)
TVTIN (L. tutor-ari, dep.; also tuto -are, to protect, watch, keep. Transf., to guard against. Z656)
TVTV (N160)
VC (L. occo-are, to harrow; It. oca, f. goose; Fr. ole, f. goose)
VCE (L. occo-are, to harrow. R306)
VCE8 (N-1)
VCEM (Q303, Q320, Q335, Q452, Q488)
VCI (Q468)
VCTITV (or VC TITV. L. octogina, eighty. N403)
VK (It. uggia, f. aversion, dislike. Z626, Z817, Z1789)
VKR (L. occurro -currere -vurri -vursum, to run to meet, to fall upon, attack, to work against, oppose, counteract; of things: to crop up, occur, come to mind; It. ocra, ocher, occorrere, to be necessary, must, shall, ought to, to want, be in need of: occorre che lo, I must; mi occorre, I want need; Fr. ocre, f. ochre; occurrence, f. occurrence, emergency, juncture, occasion; en l'occurrence, under the circumstances. N676)
VKRI (N491, N513, N543, N573, N590, N615, N647, N711, R114)
VCVM (L. occumbo-cumbre-cubui-cubitum, to fall down, sink down, esp. to fall down dead; occo-are, to harrow)
V8 (L. ovum-i, an egg; N533, N563, N767, N738, Q821, R619, TC108)
VFE (Z234)
V8E ( L. ob, prep. with acc., in front, before, in return for, because of, on account of; ob ram, to the purpose, with advantage; obeo-ire-ivi-itum, intransit. to go to, go to meet, go against, of heavenly bodies, to set; of the living, to die; transit., to go to, go over, traverse; encompass by looking or speaking; to enter upon, execute a task; ovatio-onis, f. an ovation, a kind of lesser triumph; ovans-antis, patriotic rejoicing, esp. celebrating the minor triumph, the ovatio; It. ove, adv. where, when; conj. if, in case; ovo, m. egg; ufo, ufa, adv. for a thank-you, free; Fr. oeuf, m. egg. TC120)
V8LI ( obliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus, dep. to forget; obligo -are, to tie, bind up, bandage; transf. to bind, make liable, oblige, to make liable to punishment, make guilty. Hence partic. obligatus -a -um, bound, under an obligation; It. oblio, m. oblivion; obliare, to forget; obbligare, to compel, force, obbligarsi, to undertake, to bind oneself, to guarantee [for]; Fr. obliger, to oblige, to constrain, to bind; oublir, to forget, to neglect, to overlook. Z1397)
VLA (L. [olus], holus-eris, vegetable, pot-herb; oleo-ere, to emit an odour; to smell of, smack of; partic. olens-entis, smelling, fragrant or stinking; olor-uris, cycnus or cygnus -i, m. the swan; ollus, olle, obsolete form of ille, that, that one; It. oleario, adj. oil; oliare, to oil; cigno, m. swan; Fr. oléagineux, adj. oleaginous, m. oil-seed; cygne, m. swan. TC46, )
VLES (L. oleo-ere, to emit an odour; to smell of, smack of. TC318)
VLV (L. [olus], holus-eris, vegetable, pot-herb. R181, R204, G21)
VLV (L. ollus, olle, obsolete form of ille, that, that one. J11)
VM (Q754)
VMA (L. umeo [hu] -ere, to be moist, part. umens-entis, moist; umor [hu]-oris, m. moisture, fluid; umbra -ae, f. a shade, shadow, shady place, protection, idleness, pleasant rest; a phantom, ghost shade, semblance;an uninvited guest; It. ombra, f. shadow, shade, umbrage; Fr. ombre, f. shadow, shade, gloom, ghost [revenant]; omoplate, f. shoulder blade, scapula, omoplate. Q534, Q661, Q726)
VMAI (Lemnos Script)
VME (Z92, Q512)
VMERIC (L. adj. Homericus-a-um, Homeric; appears to be VME RIC. Z92)
VMEN (L. omen-inis, an omen, sign, prognostication. R381, R554)
VMNE -L. homo-inis, a human being, man, mortal; in pl. man, people, the world; used like a pronoun, he, him; milit. in pl. infantry)
VN (L. unus-a-um, genit. unius, dat. uni, one only one, one and the same; any oneZ54, Z206, Z913, Z1057, Z1586, Z1607, Z1623, J25, J29, Au86, AF-1, AN-49, N670, N700, Au86)
VNE L. unus-a-um, genit. unius, dat. uni, one only one, one and the same; any one; ad unum omnes, all to a man; in unum, into one place; uno tempore, at the same time. Adv. una, in one, together; It. un, uno, una, indef. art. a, an, one,; uno, m. una, f. adj one; indef. pron. one; l'un l'altro, each other; unire, unirsi,to unite, join to marry; Fr. un, une, indef. art. one, a, an; adj. pron. one, first; un à un, one by one; les uns les autres, one another; unir, to unite, to join, to combine, to connect, to make one, to smooth; s'unir, to unite, to join forces, to marry. Z851, Q194, Q452)
VNI (Etruscan goddess of childbirth, known as Eileithyia, daughter of Zeus and Hera, in Greek mythology and Lucina--often identified with Juno in Latin mythology. The Lycian poet Olen said that Eileithyia was older than Cronus and called her the mother of Eros. Eros is mentioned frequently in the Etruscan texts. Uni attended the birth of Apollo. On the Volterra Mirror you can see her suckling Heracles. Z1654, TC71, N173, N435, J25, AH-7)
VNV (R270, R286
VNCE (L. ungo (unguo) unguere, unxi, unctum, to annoint, besmear; part. unectus-a-um, besmeared, anointing, greasy, rich, copious; n. as subst. a scruptuous repast)
VNTeS (L. undecim, eleven; It. undici, m. eleven; Fr. onze, m. adj eleven. TC1)
VNER (L. onero -are, to load, burden, to fill, weigh down, to oppress, overwhelm, to make worse, aggravate; onerosus -a -um, heavy, burdensome, troublesome; onus -eris, a load, burden, weight, a trouble, charge; a public burden, tax; onustus -a -um, laden, loaded, full; onerarius-a -um, of burden, freight, jumenta, beasts of burden [navis] oneraria, a merchant or transport ship; It. ónere, m. onus, burden; Fr. onéreux, adj. onerous, burdensome, heavy, costly)
FNIA (Pyrgi #1)
FNITIA (L. uniter, in one, together; unitas-atis, f. unity, oneness; It. unire, vt. unirsi, vi., to uinite, join; Fr. unir, to unite, to join, to combine, to connect, to make one, to smooth, s'unir, to unite, to join forces with [à], to marry. M67)
VNVM (Z446)
VNVR (L. honore-are, to honor, show honor to, adorn, dignify, parti honorates-a-um, honor ed, distinguished, respected, or in act. sense conferring honor ; adv. honorate; honos and honor-oris, m. honour, a mark of honour or repsect, distinction; honoris causa, with due respect; to honor or for the sake of; personif. Honour; frequently, an office of dignity, a public office; also an offering to the gods, sacrifice; poet. beauty, grace; It. onorare, to honor, to be an honor to; onorarsi, to take pride [in]; to be proud of, to; Fr. honorer, to honour, to respect, to do honour to, to be an honour to, to meet [obligation]; s'honorer, to pride onself [de, on] Z1216)
VNVPA (Aph.html)
VP (Aph. html; L. Ops-Opis, f. in nom. sing. the goddess of abundance, other cases opem, opis, ope, might, power, esp. power to aid, help, support; plur. opes, resources, means, wealth. Q1, Q65, Q95, Q320, Q335, Q416, R286)
VPH L. offa -ae, f. a pellet, mass, lump; a swelling; It. ufo, ufa, adv. for a thank-you, free; Goddess, Oph. Q297, Q286, Q303, R5, R108, APH29)
VR (L. ora-ae, f. edge, rim, boundary, esp. coast-line, coast; in gen. , region, clime, country; the people of a disctrict; aurum-i, gold, anything made of gold, gold place, coin, a cup, ring, etc.; the golden age; oro-are, to speak, esp. to speak as an orator; with acc. to treat, argue, plead, to beg, pray, entreat, beseech; It. ora (1) hour, time; (2) adv. [adesso] adv. now, at present, nowadays; per adesso, for the moment; orio, m. edge, margin, verge, rim, brim, brink, hem; oro, gold, money; pl. gold works; Fr. or, m. adj. gold; or, conj. now, but; orée, f. verge, skirt, edge, border; heure, f. hour. Note in the Divine_Mirror.html a cherub-like boy is held in the hands of the god Heracles who presents the cherub to the god Tinia, and above the cherub's head is written EPE VR; the notation seems to refer to "the birth of EPE." Z308, Z421, Z1789, TC 19, TC266, Q217, R-1, R-5, R108, Au85)
VRIM (L. oro-are, to speak, esp. to speak as an orator; with acc. to treat, argue, plead, to beg, pray, entreat, beseech. Z84, Z103, Z300, Z880, Z945, Z1818)
VRA (R31)
VRAS (TC19, TC161, TC179, TC213, M19)
VRES (Q906)
VRVS (TC318)
VRV (N194, R294)
VRE (L. orior, oriri, ortus, dep. to rise: to spring up, be born, proceed from a source or cause; part. oriens-entis, rising. N. as subst. the rising sun, the east, the morning. Z144)
VRSvM (L. orsa-orum, the beginning/understanding. Z1654)
VRK (L. orca-ae, f. a pot or jar with a large belly; orchas-adis, a species of olive; orcus-i, m. orcus, the infernal regions; transf. the god of the underworld, death; orgia-orum, n. pl. a secret festival, mysteries, orgies; It. orzo, m. barley; Fr. orge, f., barley. Z489, Z508, Z761)
VRETV (L. oro-are, to speak, esp. to speak as an orator; with acc., to treat, argue, plead; to beg, pray, entreat, beseech; It. oratore, m. speaker, orator; oratoria, f. oratory, eloquence; Fr. orateur, m. orator, oratoire, adj. oratorical; oratory, m. chapel)
VR8ETA (L. orbator-oris, m. one who deprises another of children or parents; orbitas-atis, f. bereavement, loss of children or parents)
VRIFE ( Probably VR IFE; L. ibi, adv. there, at that place; then, thereupon, therin, in that matter of person; orbis -is, m. a circle, ring, disk, orbit, coil; orbis signifer, the Zodiac; orbis terrae, terrarum, the world; transf. rotation, round, of style: roundness; It. orbe, f. orb, sphere, globe; orbita, f. orbit, eye socket; sphere, range, Fr. orbe, m. orb, globe, sphere; orbite, f. orbit, socket [anat.])
VRN (L. orno -are, to equip, furnish, fit out; also to adorn, decorate, embellish; to honour, distinguish; hence partic. ornatus -a -um, furnished, equipped, provided, adorned, decorated, embellished. Adv. ornate, splendidly, elegantly; urna -ae, f. a jug, pitcher, jar, pot, urn; It. ornato, m. ornamental design, ornament; adj. ornate, decked, adorned; ornare, to adorn, deck; urna, f. urn, ballot box; Fr. ornement, m. ornament, adornment, embellishment, trimmping; orner, to ornament, to adorn, to decorate, to trim, to enrich [fig.]; urne, f. urn, vessel, ballot-box. ZB-1, Z834)
VRS (L, orsus -us, m. a beginning, undertaking. TC7)
VRSM (L. orsa-orum, from ordior, ordiri, orsus, dep. to begin, esp. to begin speaking; n. pl. of partic. as subst. orsa-orum, beginning, understanding, esp. words uttered, speech. Z1654)
VRTAS (L.orior, oriri, ortus, dep. to rise, to spring up, be born, proceed from a source or cause; hence, particle, oriens-entis, rising. m., as subst. the rising sun, the east, the morning; ortus-us, m of heavenly bodies, rising, of persons, origin, birth; in gen., origin, source; ortus-a-um, partic. from orior)
VRTES (Q286)
VRTV (L. ordo-onis, m. a series, line, row; milit. a line, a rank, file, ordinem ducere, to be a centurion; polit. and socialy, an order, rank, class, in gen. order, arrangement; ordine, in turn, in due order, regularly, extra-ordine, m. in an unusual, irregular manner)
OS (L. os, oris, (1) the mouth, hence voice, talk, uno ore, unanimously; in gen., mouth, opening, source (2) the face, countenance, presence, sight; expression, boldness of expression, impudence, a mask; os ossis, a bone; osseus-a-um, bony; osor-oris, m a hater; It. osseo, adj. osseous, bony; osso, bone, stone [of a fruit]; in carne e ossa, in flesh and blood; Fr. oser, to dare, to venture; os, m. bone)
VS (ZB-3, Z176, Z455, Z1006, Z1243, Z1386, TC260, TC271, AJ17, DL-7, N236, R661)
VSAIE (N453)
VSE (L. uro, urere, ussi, ustum, to burn, to dry up, to parch, chafe, gall, to disturb, harass. J45)
VSI (Z47, Z681, Z834, TC201)
VSIA ( J25)
VSFIS (L. osseous-a-um, bony)
(L. uro, urere, ussi, ustum, to burn, to dry up, to parch, chafe, gall, to disturb, harass. Z47, Z681, Z834; TC201)
VSTENTV (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum, to hold out, to show, to reveal, present. N. of partic. as subst. ostentum-i, a prodigy, portent; It. ostentare, showy; Fr. ostentateur, ostentous, showy.N21, N53, N280, N333, N435, N476, N522, N533, N582, N632, N660, Q290, R270, R314)
VST (Q899)
VSTI (L. ostium-i, door; in gen., entrance, fluminis, mouth; Ostia-ae, f and Ostia-orum, the harbour and port of Rome at the mouth of the Tiber; ustulo-are, to burn, scorch, singe; ustor-oris, m. a burner of corpses; It. ustionare, vt. to burn, scorch; oste, m. innkeeper; ostare, to be in opposition [to]; to prevent [from] Q283, R339)
VSTE (Q74, Q273)
VSTIS ( ostium-i, door; in gen., entrance, fluminis, mouth. Z1326)
VTE (L. otior-ari, dep. to be at leisure; uti [ut]; Oeta, Mt. Oeta, the mountain range N.E. of Aetolia. King Ceyx's city of Trachis was at the foot of Oeta when Heracles was going up the mountain to his funeral pyre. N268, N294, R164, G9)
VTIN (Z1835)
VTVR (L. utor, uti, usus, dep. to use, employ; to possess, enjoy; of persons: to associate with, or with a predicate, to find. Hence partic. utens -entis, possesing. Q139)
Y (Last character after the signature, Brutus, in Script "F")

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