Etruscan_PhrasesTranslation of the Tavola Eugubine Script "N" by
Mel Copeland
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are updating Script N, Q, R and G (Tavola Eugubine)
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End of script "N"
N1 CVKV KVM: IVCI PVNE VCE8 8VR8AR: TRE8 CITLV8: TVRV8: [Translation: I/to collect together (L. cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum) with (L. cum [older form quom]; It. come) the knights (L. eques-itis); you put in place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) they harrow (L. occo-are) of ardour (L. fervor-oris, m. boiling heat, seething, foaming, ardour, passion); the truce (I. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve) of Citlov the stern/grim (L. torvus-a-um; It. adj. torvo)] N11 MARTE øVRIE (PHVRIE): 8ETV PVPvLV PER TVTAS: VII: CINAS: TVTA PER IKV CINAS: [Translation: to war (the god Mars, L. Mars, Martis, old form Mavors; transf. to fight, wage war, battle) you were impassioned (L. furio-are or furo-ere); I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, vetitum) the people (L. populus-i, m.; It. popolo, m.) in the presence of (L. per) the whole (L. totus-a-um; everyone); It. da per tutto, everywhere) seven or the ego (L. ego, alter ego, the second self) or the liver, the seat of the passions (L. ego, iecur, iecoris and iocineris) you eat (L. eno-are); the whole (L. totus-a-um; everyone) by the ego (L. ego, alter ego, the second self) or the liver, the seat of the passions (L. ego, iecur, iecoris and iocineris) you eat (L. ceno-are)] N21 A TVCA 8E RINE 8ETV: PVNI: 8ETV: ARCIA: VSTENTV: KVTEP PESNIMV [Translation: in/at (L. a) the toga (L. toga-ae) to you (It. ve, vi) the queens/mistresses (L. regina-ae) It. regina; Fr. reine) I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, vetitum); I ordained (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, vetitum) he/you kept away (L. arceo-ere-ui); the portent (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum; ostentum-i, a prodigy, portent) of Kotep Pesnimus] N31 AREPES ARCES: CVKV KVM: KVRE TIES TRE8: CITLVP: TVRVPa: øVNTE bE (PHVNTE GE) [Translation: (Arepes--probably L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower world; also the lower world) you should keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to join together (L. cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum) with (It. come); Kore (Persephone/the maid) or you pay attention to (L. curo-are) the days (L. dies-ei) of the truce I. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve); Citlop; he dried up (L. torreo, torrere, rorrui, tostu--toropa/torrobat) the fountain (L. m. fons-fontis] of Ge (Ge or Gea, the goddess of the earth, known to Romans as Terra or Tellus)] N41 8I: 8ENV: PVPLV PER TVTAS VII CINAS: TVTA PER VII CINA: CATV CA8E [Translation: to you (It. ve, vi, m., f. ) I come (L. venio, venire, veni, ventum) of the people (L. populus-i, m.; It. popolo, m.) in the presence of (L. per) the whole (L. totus-a-um; everyone); It. da per tutto, everywhere) seven or the ego (L. ego, alter ego, the second self) or the liver, the seat of the passions (L. ego, iecur, iecoris and iocineris) or seven you eat; the whole (L. totus-a-um in the presence of (L. per) the seven he eats (L. ceno-are) Cato you provide for (L. caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum)] N53 (8E; see line N41) RINE 8ETV ARCIA VSTENTV: TENS ITIM: ARCE ITV øERIS: CINV: øERIS: [Translation: the queens/mistresses (L. regina-ae) It. regina; Fr. reine) I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, vetitum) he kept away (L. arceo-ere-ui); I present/reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum; ostentum-i, a prodigy, portent) the car on which the images of the gods are carried (L. f. tensa-ae) likewise (L. item) you keep away/prevent (L. arceo-ere-ui) the departure (L. itus-us; ito-are, to go) among the lights (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare); I eat (L. ceno-are) among the lights (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare)] N63 PVNI: 8EITV KVTE8 PER SeNIMV ARI PES: ARCIS: INV CVKAR PIøAS: 8VST: [Translation: I placed/laid out for burial (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); blessed (L. beatus-a-um) Kotev through (L. per) the decline (L senium-i) of the altars (L. ara-ae, f.) of the army (L pes, pedis, m.); you prevented/kept away (L. arceo-ere-ui); I sail over (L. inno-nare) to join (L. cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum) Piphas (possibly L. Pytho-us f. the old name of Delphi; Pythieus, Pythius-a-um, Delphic, relating to Apollo) of the stick/club (L. m. fustis-is)] N74 ETV: ESV MEK ESVNV: ANTER CA KASE CA bE TVM (GETVM) IS E ACI8 AS ERIATV: [Translation: I bring forth/make known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) to pass from state to state (L. exeo-ire-li (ivi)-itum) with me (It. meco) to celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonni, sonitum) to go before/excel ( L. anteo-ere-ii) by which/wherefore (L. qua, qui) you seek (L. quaeso-ere) by which way (L. qua) we cast/throw it/this thing (L. is, ea, id) out of (L. e, ex) the water/sea/lake (L. aqua-ae) of the whole of the twelve parts (L. as-asgis) wandering/straying (L. errratio-onis, f. and erratus-us, m. )] N87 ERY 8E TRE PLANV: KVCERTV: RESTE8 ESVNE 8EITV: [Translation: to wander/be mistaken (It. erro-are) there (I. ve) the three/thrice (L.tres, tria; It. tre, m. adj) the level ground (L. planus-a-um) connectedly (L. conserte) you survived (L. resto-stare-stiti); you sing/celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonni, sonitum) blessed (L. beatus-a-um)]
N112 PVST NAI A8 PVNE: KVCVR TVSK REN KATRVM øATV ENV MEK [Translation: after (L. post (older poste) the birth (Fr. adj. né, born) I long for (aveo-ere) you place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); to connect (L. consero-serere-serui-sertum) of the Tuscan (L. Tusci-orum, m. the Tuscans, Etruscans) I reign (L. regno-are) the fort (L. castrum) or troop/crowd (L. caterva-ae) of the fate (L. fatum-i) I flee (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco)] N123 PIR: Aø (APH) TIMEM EN TENTV: PVNE: PIR: EN TELVS Aø (APH) TIMEM: [Translation: the funeral pyre (It. f. pira) of the goddess Aph we fear (L. timeo-ere; subj. case?) Behold! (L. en) I direct my course (L. tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum and tensum); you place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) the funeral pyre (It. f. pira) Behold! (L. en) the earth (L. tellus-oris) of the goddess Aph we fear L. timeo-ere)] N139 ENV MEK: STE PLATV PAR8AM: TESCAM TE8E: TVTE IKV CINE: [Translation: I escape (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco); you stand (It. stare) to strike at (L. plaudo (plodo), plandere, plausi, plasum) the poor/insignificant (L. parvus-a-um); the skulls (It. m. teschia) the small/weak (L. parvus-a-um); of the skulls (It. teschio, m.) you turn aside (L. deverto (devorto)-vertere-verti-versu; It. deviare); the entire (L. totus-a-um) ego (L. ego) you eat (L. ceno-are)] N149 CAP E8EM ACIE KLV8E KVM PI8IA TV CEA: ACIE KaLA: ESVNV ME: ETV [Translation: the course/heading (L. caput-itis, It. cappa, head, course) we sail (L. eveho-vehere-vexi-vectum) of Achaia/Greece (L. f. Achaia or Achaia-ae) of Clove or Clotho (one of the Fates, daughter of Nix (night) together with (L. cum [older form quom] Pivia or Phthia (chief city of Achaea) of you where (L. qua) she summons (L. calo-are); to celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonni, sonitum) of me; I bring forth/make known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum)] N160 Pe RINV CATV ETV TV: PERK A8 øABE (PHABE) TVTV: PVNIb (PVNIG) ATE PVNE: MENES: [Translation: by means of (L. per) to direct/rule over ( L. rego, regere, rexi, rectum) Cato I bring forth/make known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) of you; I go forth (L. pergo, pergere, perrrexi, perrectum) I long for (L. aveo-ere) Phoebus (Apollo the Sun god, L. Phoebusi) completely (L. totum-i; It. per toto) the purple (L. puniceus-a-um) of Ate (of the gens of King Atys) you place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); you could/would lead (It. menar; Fr. mener)] N173 AKER VNI AMEM ENV MEK: ETV RST AMV: TVTA TARINA TRI8V [Translation: [the territory (L. ager, agri) of the goddess Uni we love (L. amo-are; first person subj.?) I flee (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco), I bring forth/make known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) RST or the rural, rustic (L. rusticus-a-um) to love (L. amo-are); the whole (L. totus-a-um) of Tarina of the tribe (L. tribus-us)] N184 TARINA TE: TVRS KVM: NAøAR KVM NVMEM IAPUS KVM NVMEM: [Translation: Tarina thine (L. te); I twist (It. torcere; Fr. tordre; torsade, f. twisted, fringe) together with (L. cum) Naphar together with (L. cum) the name (L. nomem-inis) Japos (L. Iapys-pygis m. a west-north-west wind) together with (L. cum) the name (L. nomem-inis)] N194 SCEPIS øABE PVRTA TVLV: PVE MERS EST 8EITV: VRV: PERE MERS EST: [Translation: the staff/wand (L. scipio-onis, m.) of Phoebus (Apollo the Sun god, L. Phoebusi) the door/gate (L. porta-ae) to bear/sustain (L. tolero-are) by Pollux, truly! (L. poi) to the goods/wares/merchandise (L. merx [mers] mercis) he is (L. est) blessed (L. beatus-a-um); to speak (L. oro-are) you die (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi, itum) the goods/wares/merchandise (L. merx [mers] mercis) he is (L. est)] N206 PVNE Pe RINV CATVS: STA øER EN: TERMeNES KV: ENV MEK AR MANV: [Translation: you place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) whereby (L. per) to reign over ( L. rego, regere, rexi, rectum) the Catos; he stands/lives (It. stare) of the light (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i] behold! (L. en); to the boundary marks (L. m. terminus-i) I form an alliance (L. coeo-ire); I escape (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco) I farm (L. aro-are) to endure (L. maneo, manere, mansi, mansum) or by hand (L. manu)] N216 CATE RAMV IKV CINV: EV (ENV) MEK: APRaTV TVRES: ET: PVRE: PVNI: AMaPa RE8V [Translation: cunningly (L. cate) of the branch (L. ramus-i, m.) of the ego (L. ego) I eat (L. ceno-are); I go (L. eo, ivi and li, itum) or I escape (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco); the magnificence/pomp (L. m. apparatus-us) you watch over (L. tueo-ere) and indeed (L. et) you purify (L. purgo-are); you placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); he loved (L. amo-are) to dream (Fr. rever)] N230 VS: PERSNIMV: ENV MEK: ETA TV: IKV CINVS Te TRI IVPER: AM PREøTV: [Translation: of the bones (L. os, ossis) of Persnimus; I escape (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco); he brings forth/makes known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) of you; the ego (L. ego) of your ashes (L. cinis-eris, rareley f. ashes) to you (L. te) three (L. tes, tria) of the beaming light/radiance/heavenly body (L. iubar-aris); I love (L. amo-are) to speak before/invoke in prayer (L. praefor-ari-fatus)] N244 TRI IVPER ETA TV: IKV CINVS ENV MEK: [Translation: three (L. tes, tria) of the beaming light/radiance/heavenly body (L. iubar-aris) he brings forth/makes known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) of you; the ego (L. ego) of the ashes (L. cinis-eris, rareley f. ashes) I escape (L. eno-are) with myself (It. mecco)] N254 RINV CATVS bIMV (GIMV): ETA TV: ERA øVNT: CEA bIMV (GIMV): ETV TV: Pe RINV CATVS [Translation: to reign over ( L. rego, regere, rexi, rectum) the Catos I sigh (L. gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitum); he brings forth/makes known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) of you; the lady/ mistress (L. era-ae) of the fountain (L. fontanus-a-um; It. fonte) where/by which (L. qua) I sigh (L. gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitum); I bring forth/make known (L. edo-edere-didi--ditum) of you (L. tu) for/through (L. per) to reign over ( L. rego, regere, rexi, rectum) the Catos]
N280 CATV CV: 8ERI ME 8ETV ARCIA VSTENTV: PVNI: 8ETV: Translation: [from Cato whereby (L. quo) the Springs (L. ver, veris) of me (L. me) I forbid L. veto (voto) votare, votitum) I have kept at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, votitum) ] N290 IAPES PESNIMV: AREPE: ARCES: Translation: [ Iapyx (L. iapyx-pygis, m. a west-north-west wind) Pesnimus of the god of the lower world (L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower world; also the lower world) you should keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui)] N294 RV PINIE E TRE PVR KARV 8RA VTE PEIA 8ETV: PRESTA TE: Translation: [ I moisten (L. roro-are) the arrows/battlements (L. pinna-ae) in regard to (L. e, ex) the three the pure (L. purus-a-um; Fr. adj. pur) beloved (L. carus-a-um) brother (It. fra, frate, m.) you are at leisure (L. otior-ari) he makes you enriched/blessed (L. beo-are) I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, votitum); you surpass (L. praesto-stare-stiti-stitutum) yourself (L. te)] N304 bER8IE (GER8IE) bER8E (GER8E) MARTIES: PERIAI 8EITV ARCIV VSTENTV: [Translation: you gave birth you give birth (L. gero, gerere, gessi, gestum) to those of Mars/by Mars (L. adj. Martius and Mavortius-a-um); I have wasted away/died (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi, itum) blessed (L. beatus-a-um) I keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum)] N311 KATI SAKRA: AITV: CESK LV CETV ATRV AL8V: PVNI: 8ETV: Translation: [to the Kati (possibly a family name; L. Chatti [Catti]-orum, m. a Germanic people) he dedicates/sacrifices (L. sacro-are); of Hades (L. Tartarus [os]-i, m. plur. Tartera-orum) everyone/everything (L. quisque) of it (It. lo) I yield/surrender (L. cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum; It. cedere) of the dark (L. ater, atra, atrum) the dead white/white writing tablet (L. albus-a-um; album-i); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, votitum)] N320 TAbES (TAGES) PESNIMV: AREPER ARCES; Translation: [the god Tages (Tages, an Etruscan god who rose up out of the ground and set the boundaries. He had the body of a young boy and the beard and hair of an old man) Pesnimus; to creep out (L. erepo-repere-repsi-reptum) you should keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui)] N324 TRA: SATE TRE8: CITLA8: 8EITV: TVSE: bER8IE (GER8IE) bER8E (GER8E) MARTIES: Translation: he pulls/draws/breathes in air (L. traho, trahere, traxi, tractum); you are filled (L. satio-are) of the truce (I. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve); of Citlav; blessed (L. beatus-a-um); you shear (the sheep); you gave birth you give birth (L. gero, gerere, gessi, gestum) to those of Mars/by Mars (L. adj. Martius and Mavortius-a-um)] N333 ERAIA: 8EITV: ARCIV: VSTENTV: PVNI: 8ETV: TAbES (TAGES) PESNIMV: [Translation: mistresses (L. era-ae f.); blessed (L. beatus-a-um); I keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum) I was placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) I forbid (L. veto (voto) votare, votitum); Tages (Tages, an Etruscan god who rose up out of the ground and set the boundaries. He had the body of a young boy and the beard and hair of an old man) Pesnimus] N341 AREPER ARCES: PVNE: PVR TINbVS (TINGVS): KARETV: PV8E APRV8 [Translation: to creep out (L. erepo-repere-repsi-reptum) you should keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui); you place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) the pure (L. purus-a-um; Fr. adj. pur) we wet/dye/imbue (L. tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum) of esteem/affection (L. caritas-atis); the adult males (L. pubes-is or pubes and puber-eris) I establish/approve (L. approbo-are)] N349 8AKVRENT: PVSE: ERVS TERA ATE ERVS TERVS Te PVST RV: [Translation: they will wander (L. vagor-ari); you influence (L. possum, posse, potui) the god Eros of the country (L. f. terra-ae) of the people of Atys, Eros/the lord (L. erus-i, master, owner, lord) you wear out (L. tero, terere, trivi, tritum) yourself (L. te); afterwards (L. Post) I moisten (L. roro-are)] N357 IVCI 8IATV: RV PINA ME: ERVS: TERA: ENE: TRA SAø TA (SAPH TA) KVPI 8IA [Translation: the knights (L. m. eques-itis) of the journey (L. viaticus-a-um); I moisten (L. roro-are) wing [of troops] (L. pinna-ae) my/mine (L. me); Eros/the lord (L. erus-i, master, owner, lord) of the earth (L. f. terra-ae) you escape (L. eno-are); he pulls/draws (L. traho, trahere, traxi, tractum) Zephyr (Zephyrus or Zephyr--the west wind and the god of the west wind) of you of the abundance/forces (L. copia-ae) of the way (L. f. via-ae)] N363 ERVS TERA: ENV: RV PINA ME PVST RV KVCER TV: ANTA KRE [Translation: Eros/the lord (L. erus-i, master, owner, lord) of the earth (L. f. terra-ae); I escape (L. eno-are); I moisten (L. roro-are) wing [of troops] (L. pinna-ae) of me/mine (L. me) afterwards (L. Post) I moisten (L. roro-are) to think (L. coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum) of you (L. tu) before (L. ante, adv./prep.) you make/create (L. creo-are)] N378 CVMATE PESNIMV ENV KATI: SAKRA AITV CESK LV CETV: [Translation: the hairy (L. comatus-a-um) of the people of Atys Pesnimus I escape (L. eno-are) of the Kati (possibly a family name; L. Chatti [Catti]-orum, m. a Germanic people); he dedicates/worships (L. sacro-are) of Hades (the god of the underworld) everyone/everything (L. quisque) of it (It. lo) I yield (L. cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum)] N391 ENV: SATA ME KVCER TV: ANT KRE: KVM ATE: PESNIMV: ENV ESVNA: [Translation: I escape (L. eno-are); he satisfies (L. satio-are) of me/mine to think (L. coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum) of you (L. tu); before/earlier (L. ante, adv./prep.) you make/create (L. creo-are) with (L. cum) the people of Atys; Pesnimus; I escape (L. eno-are) he/she celebrates (L. sono, sonere, sonni, sonitum)] N403 VCTITV 8VST: Translation [the eighty (L. octogina) of the club (L. fustis-is)]
N404 PVSTER TIV PANE: PVPLV: ATER A8VS Te KEKA PERA KRE TVS ETV [Translation: following/afterwards (L. posterus [poster]-a-um) by day/a long time (L. diu, adv.) you fix/compose (L. pango, pangere, panxi) the people/nation (L. populus-i, m.); dark (L. ater, atra, atrum) grandfather (L. avus-i) of yours (L. te) whatever/however (L. quacumque [-cunque]; It. checche, pron. indef. whatever; Fr. quelque, adv.) he perishes (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi) you create (L. creo-are) thine (L. tuus-a-um) I bring forth (L. edo-edere-didi-ditum)] N417 SVPER KVM NE AR8ERTVR Pe RINV CATV: TV8: TVS ETV TV: [Translation: moreover (L. super, adv.) with (L. cum [older form quom]) not (L. ne) the arbitrator/judge/master (L. m. arbiter-tri) by/through (L. per) to rule (L. rego, regere, rexi, rectum) Cato of the tufa (L. tofus [tophus]-i, m.) thine (L. tuus-a-um) I bring forth (L. edo-edere-didi-ditum)] of you] N428 øV TRA 8VRVS Eø MENIAR: øATV TV: Eø EA8 KEKA: Translation: [Pho (a god/goddess?) he/she pulls/hauls/attracts (L. traho, trahere, traxi, tractum) the north wind (L. Boreas-ae) of the goddess/god Eph to beg earnestly (L. mendico-are and medicor-ari; It. mendicare; Fr. mendier); the fate (L. fatum-i) of you; the god/godess Eph I deny (L. eiuro and eiero-are) however (L. quacumque [-cunque]; It. checche, pron. indef. whatever; Fr. quelque, adv.)] N435 PRE AKER VNI: E: 8ETV TVS E IVCIE ARCIV VSTENTV: Translation: [ before (L. prae) the territory (L. ager, agri) of the goddess Uni; since (L. e, ex) I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) thine (L. tuus-a-um) from (L. e, ex) the mares (L. equa-ae, f.) I keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum)] N444 PVNI 8ETV: PERA AI 8ETV: TAbES (TAGES) PESNIMV: AREPE ARCES Translation: [I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); he/she perishes (L. pereo-ire-li-ivi-itum) ai! I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) Tages (Tages, an Etruscan god who rose up out of the ground and set the boundaries. He had the body of a young boy and the beard and hair of an old man) Pesnimus of the god of the lower world (L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower world; also the lower world) you should keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui)] N453 KES TRE TIE: VSAIE SPESV CVC bIST ITIS TE TEI ES; Translation: [I seek for (L. quaeso-ere) the three (L. tres, tria) of the day (L. m. dies-ei, m. or f.); the bones (L. os, ossis) spent (L. adj. speso) I cook/burn (L. coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum) I carry about (L. gesto-are) going (L. itus-us, m.) your (L. te) of the gods (L. m. deus, divus; pl. di [dii] divi) you are (L. es)] Table Ia
N469 PER NAI ES TVS NA ES: PRE CEøES: TRE PLANES: [Translation: through birth (L. Nascor-i) you are (sum, esse, fui, futurus) thine (L. tuus-a-um) indeed (l. ne [nae]) you are (L. es); before (L. prae) Cephes (Cepheus who married Cassiopia and fathered Andromeda. Later Perseus was given the hand of Andromeda for having saved her in her father's attempt to sacrifice her to the sea. All are constellations in the sky) three (L. tres, tria) planes (L. planus-a-um)] Note: "tre planes" might be the Etruscan expression for "three constellations" of which Cepheus is one of the three. August through September you see the family in the northern sky below Ursa Major: Cepheus in the west, in the form of a house with a high pitched roof, then Cassiopia in the form of a "Z" or "W" on its side and then their daughter Andromeda to the east of Cassiopia, and she has a linear form like a snake. In the constellation Andromeda one can sometimes see with the naked eye a white fuzzy star which is the galaxy, Andromeda, which is similar to our own.] N476 IVCE KRA IVCI TRE RV8: 8ETV: ARCIA VSTENTV: [Translation: the knight (L. m. eques-itis) he creates (L. creo-are) the knights (L. m. eques-itis) three of Rub (L. Rub-i, m. a diety invoked to preserve grain from mildew); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); I have kept at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum)] N483 CATV CA8ER ME: 8EITV: øERIS CINV: øERI PVNI: [Translation: Cato to provide (L. caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum) of me/mine; blessed (L. beatus-a-um); among the lights (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) I eat (L. ceno-are); the lights (It. faro, m.; Fr. phare, m.) I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum])] N491 VKRI PER 8ISIV TVTA PER IKV CINA: 8EITV: SECVM: [Translation: I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per) appearance (L. f. visio-onis) the whole (L. totus-a-um) throughout (L. per) the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are); blessed (L. beatus-a-um); we dry up (L. sicco-are; It. seccare; Fr. sécher] N500 KVTE8 PESNIMv AREPES ARCES; Translation: [Kotev Pesnimus of Erebus (L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower world; also the lower world) you should keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) ] N505 PVSC ERES: TRE PLANES: TRE8 SI8: KVMIA8: 8EITV: [Translation: I ask earnestly (L. posco, poscere, poposci) you wander/err (L. erro-are) the three (L. tres, tria) planes (L. planus-a-um); the truce (It. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve) of Siv; you put together (L.como, comere, compsi, comptum); blessed (L. beatus-a-um)] N513 TRE8E: IVCIE: VKRI PER: 8ISIV: TVTA PER: IKV CINA: [Translation: to the truce/rest (It. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve); the mares (L. equa-ae, f.); I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per); the appearance (L. f. visio-onis); the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per); the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are)] N522 SVPA SVM TV: ARCIA VSTENTV: PVNI 8ETV: [Translation: he is lulled to sleep/calmed/appeased (L. sopio-ire; It. sopire) I am (L. sum) of you; I have kept at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) I/to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum)] N529 KVTE8 PESNIMV: ARES ARCES; Translation: [ Kotev Pesnimus; Ares (L. Ares-is, m. the Greek god of war; Latin, Mars) you should keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui)] N533 PREC: ERES: TESENA KaLaS TRE8 V8: 8ETV: MARTE: KRA PVCI; [Translation: I pray/entreat (L. precor-ari); you wander/err (L. erro-are); of ten years (L decennis-e) you call (L. calo-are) the truce (It. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve) I enter upon (L. obeo-ire-ivi-itum); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); the war (the god Mars, L. Mars, Martis, old form Mavors; transf. to fight, wage war, battle) he creates (L. creo-are) of few [people] (It. m. pochi) or alternatively of the dagger (L. pugio-onis, m.)] N543 8ETV: VKRI PER 8ISIV: TVTA PER IKV CINA: ARCIV: VSTENTV [Translation: I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per) the appearance (L. f. visio-onis); the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per); the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are); I keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum)] N553 CATV CA8E RINE: 8ETV: PVNI 8ETV: KVTE8: PESNIMV [Translation: Cato you provide for /guard against (L. caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum) the queens/mistresses (L. regina-ae; It. regina; Fr. reine); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); Kotev Pesnimus)] N561
[Translation: Erebus (L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower
world; also the lower world) you should keep away (L.
arceo-ere-ui)] N563 PVSC ERES: TESENA KES TRE8 SI8: 8ELI V8: 8ETV: [Translation: I ask earnestly (L. posco, poscere, poposci) you wander/err (L. erro-are); of the ten years (L decennis-e) I seek for (L. quaeso-ere) the truce (It. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve) of Siv; the light armed infantry (L. veles-itis, m.) I go against (L. obeo-ire-ivi-itum); to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum)] N573 8ISE SAbI (SAGI) VKRI PER 8ISIV: TVTA PER IKV CINA: [Translation: you go to see (L. viso, visere, visi, visum) the prophetesses (L. f. saga-ae) I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per) the appearance (L. f. visio-onis); the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per); the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are)] N582 PVNI 8ETV SVPA: SVM TV: ARCIV: VSTENTV: ME 8A: [Translation: I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) he is lulled to sleep (L. sopio-ire); I am (L. sum) you; I keep at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum); woe is me! (L. vae!)] Note: ME8A declines: ME8A, ME8E, and it may be "he/she mistrusts" (Fr. méfier). N590 CESTI bA (GA) VSTENTV: 8INEI 8ETV: VKRI PER: 8ISIV 8ETV: [Translation: of this fellow/these people (It. questi) when (It. che) I reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum); the vineyard (L. vinea-ae) I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum throughout (L. per); the appearance (L. f. visio-onis) to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum)] N598 SAKRE8: TVTA PER: IKV CINA: KVTE8: PESNIMV: AREPES ARCES: [Translation: the sacred/sacrifice (L. sacrificium-i; It. m. sacrifizio; Fr. m. sacre, consecreation; m. sacrifice, privation, oblation); the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per) the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are) Cotev Pesnimus Erebus (L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower world; also the lower world) you should keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui)] N607 PREC ERES: CEøII (CEPHII) ES: TRE8: 8V8 (or BV8) KALE RV8: 8ETV: CV8: IVNE [Translation: I pray/entreat (L. precor-ari); you wander/err (L. erro-are); of the family of Cepheus (the Greek God Cepheus/constellation Cepheus) you are (L. sum, esse, fui, futurus); the truce (It. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve); I vow (Fr. m. voeu; L. voveo, vovere, vovi, votum, to vow, promise to a god, to pray for, wish) you summon (L. calo-are) Rub (L. Rub-i, m. a diety invoked to preserve grain from mildew); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); I cover/protect (Fr. couvrir; It. coprire); Ionia (L. Iones-um; Ionia-ae the Ionian country) or alternatively, a name, June)] N615 KRA PVCI: VKRI PER: 8ISIV: TVTA PER: IKV CINA: [Translation: he creates (L. creo-are) of few [people] (It. m. pochi) or alternatively of the dagger (L. pugio-onis, m.); I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per); the appearance (L. f. visio-onis); the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per) the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are)] N624 CATV CA8E RINE: 8ETV: øERI: CINV: øERI: PVNI: Translation [Cato you provide for /guard against (L. caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum) the queens/mistresses (L. regina-ae; It. regina; Fr. reine); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); the lights (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) I eat (L. ceno-are); the lights (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum])] N632 ARCIV VSTENTV: KVTE8: PESNIMV: AREPES ARCES: Translation: [ I keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum); Kotev; Pesnimus; Erebus (L. Erebus-i, a god of the lower world; also the lower world) you should keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui)] N638 PVSC ERES: CEøII (CEPHII) ES: TRE8: øA PINA8: 8ETV: TE8RE: IVCIE: [Translation: I ask earnestly (L. posco, poscere, poposci) you wander/err (L. erro-are); of the family of Cepheus (the Greek God Cepheus/constellation Cepheus) you are (L. sum, esse, fui, futurus); the truce (It. f. tregua; Fr. f. trêve); the goddess Pha of the feather/arrow//battlement (L. pinna-ae, f.); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); you devour (L. devoro-are); the mares (L. equa-ae, f.);] N647 VKRI PER 8ISIV: TVTA PER IKV CINA: PVSTE: AZIA NE: 8ETV: SERE8: 8ETV: [Translation: I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per) appearance (L. f. visio-onis); the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per) the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are); you establish (It. postare; Fr. poster) Asia (L. Asia-ae) not (L. ne) or alternatively, indeed (L. ne [nae]); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); the series/line of descent (L. series, acc.-em, abl.-e, -i) I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum)] N660 PEL SANA: 8ETV: ARCIA: VSTENTV: PVNI 8ETV: TAbES (TAGES) PESNIMv [Translation: the skin (It. f. pelle; L. f. pellis-is; Fr. f. peau, pellicule) he heals/restores (L. sano-are); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) I have kept at a distance (L. arceo-ere-ui) ; to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) to forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum); Tages (the Etruscan god who had the body of a child with grey hair and beard) Pesnimus] N670 LARI PER ARCIS: API: øA PINA8: PVRT ITVS SVRVM PES VN TRV [Translation: of the gods (L. Lar, Laris, m., usually plur., Lares) by means of (L. per) you prevented/kept away (L. arceo-ere-ui); be off with you /he went away (L. abi; abeo, abi-itum); the goddess Pha of the feather/arrow/battlement (L. pinna-ae, f.); the port/gate (L. porta-ae) movement (L. m. itus-us) of the sisters (L. soror, f.; It. suora, f.; Fr. soeur, f.) the army (L. pes, pedis, m. "foot") one (I pull along/direct (L. traho, trahere, traxi, tractum)] N676 8ETV ES MIK CESTI bAM (GAM) PRECE 8IKTV: TE8RI: IVCI: 8ETV: VKR ; Translation: [I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) you are (L. sum, esse, fui, futurus) a morsel/grain/crumb (L. mica-ae, f.); of this fellow/these people (It. questi) how much! (L. quam adv, & adj.) you pray/entreat (L. precor-ari) of the living/nourishment, food (L. m. victus-us); I devoured (L. devoro-are); the knights (L. m. eques-itis); I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum) I oppose/run to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum)] N689 PER: 8ISIV TVTA PER: IKV CINA TESTRV KV: PERI KAPIRE PERVM 8EI; Translation: [through (L. per); the appearance (L. f. visio-onis) whole (L. totus-a-um) throughout (L. per); the ego (L. ego) he eats (L. ceno-are); I bear witness (L. testor-ari) I form an alliance (L. coeo-ire); I perished (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi, itum, to go, to waste , be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die) you understand/realize (It. capire) we plead/speak from beginning to end (L. peroro-are) or alternatively we perish (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi, itum, to go, to waste, be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die) of Veii] N700 API ERE Le PVRTI IVS ENVK SVRVM: PES VN TRVM: 8EITV STA8 [Translation: be off with you /he went away (L. abi; abeo, abi-itum) you (sing.) wander/err (L. erro-are) there of the ports/gates (L. porta-ae) of the law (L. ius, iuris) I take out of the kernel, hence, explain in detail (L. enucieo-are) of the sisters (L. soror, It. suora; Fr. soeur); the army one we pull/lead; the blessed (L. beatus-a-um) firm/lasting (L. stabilis-er; It. stabile, Fr. stable)] N711 LI IVCES MIK CESTI bA (GA) A 8IKTV: VKRI PER: 8ISIV TVTA PER: IKV CINA [Translation: for the female riders (L. m. eques-itis) a morsel/grain/crumb (L. mica-ae, f.) of this fellow/these people (It. questi) like (It. che) to (L. a) the living/nourishment/food (L. m. victus-us); I opposed/ran to meet (L. occurro-currere-vurri-vursum) through (L. per) appearance (L. f. visio-onis) the whole (L. totus-a-um) in the presence of (L. per) the ego (L. ego) he burns (L. indendo -cendere -cendi, census)] N725 A 8EITV NERTRV KV: PERI KAPIRE: PERVM 8EITV: PVNI: 8ETV [Translation: [the blessing (L. beatus-a-um) the narrative (L. narratio-onis; It. f. narrazion; Fr. f. narration) I assemble (L. coeo-ire) I perished (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi, itum, to go, to waste , be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die) you understand/realize (It. capire) we plead/speak from beginning to end (L. peroro-are) or alternatively we perish (L. pero-ire-ii and ivi, itum, to go, to waste, be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die) of the blessed (L. beatus-a-um); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]; I forbid (L. veto [voto] votare, vetitum)] N738 API: SVR V8 PVRTI TIVS: ENVK øA PINA RV: ERVS: TITV: SERE8 [Translation: be off with you /he went away (L. abi; abeo, abi-itum) I go against (L. obeo-ire-ivi-itum) or alternatively of the egg (L. ovum-i) of the gates (L. porta-ae) divine (L. divus-a-um; dius-a-um); I explain in detail (L. enucieo-are) of the goddess Pha of the feather/arrow/battlement (L pinna-ae) I moisten/bedew (L. roro-are); lord (L. Erus-i, lord) Titus (L. Titus-i, m.) of the series/line of descent (L. series, acc.-em, abl.-e, -i)] N748 KVMV Le: TV SERE8 KVMATeS: PESNIMV: [Translation: I arrange/adorn (L. como, comere, compsi, comptum) there to you of the series/line of descent (L. series, acc.-em, abl.-e, -i) of the hairy/Komates (L. comatus-a-um, hairy) Pesnimus] (End of script Ia, "N") Mel Copeland transcripti on
follows, for reference
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