Poetry for
People, Dragons
Part V
Redemption of Anna
over the side of a dream-swept yacht
Eli fell into a
bottomless, slippery slot,
a gossamer, ether
betwixt extreme,
Falling, falling,
I think, from bliss to Lucifer.
As he fell he
dreamt he was with another,
The fair Anna
whom he'd soon redeem.
could see the fiery furnace below,
Where sinewy
hands stretched to him in woe,
Trying to drag
him to their burning coal.
Eli fell through
eternity, well beyond the moor,
Seemingly to
infinity's further shore,
Like Satan
himself thrown to Hell's ragged shoal.
plunged into the infernal chasm,
Down, down, down
he fell in body, retching, spasm,
Until he found
himself in a boiling flood
Burning his hide
like he'd never dreamt,
Singing him with
Hell's most heinish contempt,
Until he became a
scabbed corpse without any blood!
fiendish face then occupied his eye,
While Eli heard
him cry out, "This one's dry!"
Eli's body was
then hooked from the Styx
And thrown upon
the shore where vultures sate
In suffocating
heat to celebrate
This latest
offering and crucifix.
vile smelling, bat-faced, red cloaked demons
Stretched Eli's
remains over a cross of corroded bronze,
Whilst another
singed his limbs to its frame!
Then he was
placed upside down without a drink
And left-over
coals to shrivel and to shrink,
While bats sucked
moisture from the drippings off the frame.
Anna had set sail to the below,
To serve her
sentence with the vile and low,
And standing on
the black "Bellerophone"
(The yacht of
treachery and fiendish deceit)
With all of her
possessions near her feet,
Anna watched Eli
plunge through Hell's fiery cone.
yacht stopped at a bleak, humid harbor,
Where Anna donned
a black robe to transfer
In dark confusion
to that ominous red pit,
Wherefrom she was
placed in a diving bell:
Windowless and
alone she was dipped into Hell,
With, of course,
her jewelry to purchase her permit.
door of the bell clanged open before long
And she was
pushed through a gate midst a circling throng.
As she passed by
the gatekeeper, thereupon he cried,
"Gate number one,
six more to go; your gems
Miss and be
quick; the fare's twelve diadems!"
Anna paid her
fare as she was pushed aside.
that path to the Halfway House man,"
Said the guard to
Anna, "Go on, now scram!"
She wept along
the loathsome path to Hell,
Over a dusty,
lifeless mount's suffocating path,
Which caused her
tongue to swell from the reeking wrath
Her throat
speechless, hoarse and dry, too dry to foretell.
mouth, no feeling as if it were filled with
She slowly
dehydrated, a corpse almost rotten,
Led away to meet
her earthly damnation.
The dusty path
led her spiraling downwards to a blacker gate,
Whereupon more of
her gems were swiped in rebate
As she roamed on
farther in further privation.
next path led her through a lightless cave
Where she heard
screams and pain from an old grave,
A field of the
dead not yet dead, an eternal torture,
Where dead men
pierced the darkness in battle,
Being sent to
slaughter as we send forth our cattle,
Whilst their hate
raised even more the cave's temperature.
gate showed itself, Anna paid the fare,
And, with four
more gates to go, she's now gasping for air,
Staggering in a
desert heat and void,
Yet tantalized by
mirages of palm-shrouded streams.
She swooned, only
to be revived by the screams
Of demons who
drenched her with dew from the bodies just
stumbled on to the sixth gate to find
But one gem left
from the fives gates which tithed her behind,
And stripped
naked, she begged, "Oh, guard, this walk, I
How much further,
my Lord, is the torment?"
"Take the lower
path through the great battlement
And you will soon
arrive there," he replied, "If you prefer."
path led through hot, sticky, boiling mud,
Where leeches
gripped her flesh and sucked her eyes of blood;
But she had been
deceived there by the gatekeeper
And had been sent
down the most hellish path:
Getting only one
small gem at his gate drew his wrath;
The gatekeeper
resents tithers who are cheaper.
it is a fact, Hell has seven levels,
And each of the
levels had its devils,
Some more vile
than others, but lower found;
But the halfway
house was nearer the sixth gate.
"Halfway" it was
called: half filled with jealousy and half
filled with hate!
Who did not chime
in to castigate were simply gagged and bound.
was slushing through that house , its mud and
And found a grove
of wretched peaches
Midst a field
spewing eye burning vapors
(Which burned off
the leeches) but left her on the edge
Of Hell's great
fiery pit of Sacrilege!
It was the vilest
place of all of all the Devil's floors.
pined for a drink and spied the fruit:
Groping at the
precipice and destitute
She grasped the
juicy morsel, ate therefrom,
And, nauseated
from the smell she fell
Over the pit's
edge to the lowest of Hell!
She landed, dear
reader, in the scum.
fear I'll turn your stomach, to tell you more,
For this
wrenching story we all deplore:
The scum was
foaming with writhing maggots and crawling lice!
And fair Anna,
attacked through nose and ears
With worms even
chewing about her tears,
Fell into the
Styx scratching, yes scratching, and even her
himself, pleased at her pointless distress,
Watched her fall
in error to his throne of duress;
And noting how
fair the young damsel was,
He ordered her to
be hooked from the bubbling deep,
Scalded and with
bloody eyes – she can no longer weep –
She sits
sightless beneath his viperous dripping claws.
at the foot of Lucifer's serpentine throne
Rested his pet
Basilisk coiled and hissing its glutted groan,
In a heavy, toxic
sleep. Its glance, we warn you, dear reader,
Would be fatal
and so too his vile breath;
With the head of
a snake his bite surely means death,
His dragon
breath, enticing, a lure, a man eater!
was trapped, having no way to leave,
Even with eyes it
would be hard to conceive
An escape from
Lucifer's monstrous guard.
So she wept blood
red tears, though oddly without pain,
And despaired
among Hell's fiendish insane!
Then one time
some wine Satan thought to discard.
last, she was offered a drink! Though it was
By the tempter
Lucifer. None the less, she scanned
And probed the
ground with her fingers and would drink her
Lucifer knew that
a flask each day
Would before long
bribe the sightless damsel his way.
So each day he
grogged her to his will.
it came to pass during an unplanned orgy,
Where Satyrs
raped and drank in Platonic glee,
That Lucifer's
Basilisk deigned to romp
Amongst the
proceedings and went astray.
While he was gone
Anna heard someone pray!
"What's this?"
she thought, "Who prays midst this piss and
crawled to the mournful pleas to God
With her hair
dragging behind in the blood soaked sod.
Her silent hands
searched the bleak hideaway
Through sharp
edged rocks, pitch, and hot boiling tar.
Then, behold, Her
heart leaped; she found the bronzed spar
That held the
charred body of the love the proud betray.
nimble fingers crept over dying coals
Which were placed
below Eli's simmering and shriveled jowls.
Still hanging in
death but yet alive, as the cold
Metal members
which drew the last warmth from his flesh.
"Eli?" whispered
the fair lass, with words suppressed but fresh
And hair wisping
with spring's last offering from the marigold.
parched lips, broken with death's rasp and
Eli released a
clatter-choked murmur,
A strangling
voice, Death's Great Rattle.
"Eli," it is I,"
said Anna, and she offered him Lucifer's wine;
She raised the
sweet nectar over his dried lip,
Slowly it flowed,
a drip, another drip;
He coughed, and
he vomited, now free of death's brine.
silently returned to the throne,
And waited for
her chance, most unbeknown
To Satan, to
bring Eli's corpse to the wake,
And whilst each
Bachallinean delight
Amused Satan's
kennel and appetite,
Anna stole Eli
from Satan and his fiery lake.
came to pass to Lucifer's woe,
That Anna plotted
the pit's overthrow,
Bringing Eli back
to strength with the discarded wine
Which Lucifer had
tossed in hope that he
Would keep Anna
drunk and diseased indefinitely.
Such is our
testimony to the ignorance of Satan and his
every eve at half past the rape
(Satan keeps his
time through this and the grape)
New souls are
dumped into the seventh pit
From the lost
beings of levels above
As tormented
boatmen down the Styx would shove
To keep the
kindling fresh in Satan's turning spit.
do most people (or devils ) know
That Lucifer's
fire continues its glow
Through the
constant surging of hardened sin
Down the lower
branch of the river Styx.
Aye, it is so,
the guiltiest are the sticks
Which are the
best to stack in Hell's fuel bin.
boatmen who veer from the guilt they'd see
In the tunnel of
sin are more rapidly
Conveyed through
the Styx's fieriest gate
And down the
channel to the bottom floor
Right to the
worst pit and the oven's quickly closing door!
Yet, though vile
it may be, there's still a worse fate!
there are such men encrusted in guilt
Where their soul
burns on, disdaining to silt,
And would
incinerate mayhaps forever
Were Hell's
devils impatiently begging to heat
Their notorious
den, Lucifer's sweaty suite,
To intolerable
heights too hot to bear.
deigning not to let the fire cool down,
Lucifer lets hard
souls reach golden brown,
And, seeing them
not turn to a hellish red dust,
Has them cast
from the ovens into the gloated stream
So to float out
from Hell and life redeem –
That is to say –
to continue on earth his hellish lust.
it is so that skulls float to the sea,
To be replanted
there midst the debris
Of man's eternal
and infernal, his wars, hatred, and spite.
Now, on the other
hand, there are some souls
That are far too
cool to warm Satan's ghouls,
Who are not
hardened and ripe as the sinner's proselyte.
it is in hell that Lucifer grogs
The stumbling
fools to be inane hogs,
Until the searing
pit should encrust one's skin
Enough to serve
more fuel to his foul way;
So it is in hell
that spirits decay
Until his fiery
pit would consume all men!
it came to pass that Eli espied
The stoker of the
furnace of Satan's favorite fried
And beseeched
Anna to lure him away,
Leaving no tender
to catch scream-laden boats
Plunging down the
Styx. So they lured and smote
Him and escaped
through Anna's negligee!
it was that the two made their escape
By stealing a
boat through the lust and desire to rape,
And riding the
two way river off current
From the pit of
hate to the waiting sea,
Where the first
door stood to eternity,
Between two
extremes: Charity and Torment.
woe unto poor Anna, oh, we fell, remorse:
As they opened
the door there came a mighty force
Which cast them
into the cavern's outer room,
Where nothing
stood between them and fresh air,
Where they heard
the Titan guard cry, "Eli, beware!
Go not outside,
for it will be to your doom!"
the guard referred to his charred but renewed
Knowing not that
the guard referred to the dame,
Eli and Anna sped
down the great chiming hall.
At last, light!
Caressed by virgin sunbeams
The loving two
stood freed of both extremes
As one – until
weak Anna began to fall!
horror! For Anna's face turned yellow
And her body from
weakness began to bow;
Ugly features
began to cross her face
And, like a
writhing hag of Hecate's brood, I'd remark,
She took
repulsive shapes hideous and stark,
And crawling on
the floor returned to disgrace!
cried Eli, "Come back!" But she left
The light and her
lover Eli bereft,
And crawled,
slithering and limping back into Hell,
To repay the
torment listed in the great Book,
To replace
whatever her weakness took,
And to earn her
own chance to in peace dwell.
Eli! Again alone, but now free,
He became another
in our epoch of the refugee:
He fell exhausted
on the stony shore,
Wailing in a most
delirious and, for Timon, an obnoxious way,
Over his lost
love and the failures of his day;
He gave up, so it
seems, at fortune's door.
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10.25.97; updated 5.27.2000; 3.17.05; 5.29.14
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