Poetry for
People, Dragons
plant clinging to sea wrought cliffs,
Tiny buttercups
tucked midst sea born drifts;
And winding foot
paths framing the living prints
Lead the
wayfarers to a wandering bliss,
Silent, yet
deafened by an eternal tidal mist
Which surfs day
and night, pounding moments into events.
trees cling to the traveling soil,
Leaning away from
the surf's mighty toil,
And midst rocky
fingers of land's treeless end
Stand an
occasional form woven from two,
Two lovers
clinging as love is want to do,
Rooted in the
calm of the beach's gentle bend.
by Mel Copeland, early 60's
weathered eye surveys the action-less scene,
Waiting to spy
movement midst the patched green;
A screeching gull
warns the ebbing flow,
As he swoops upon
his foamy cape,
But nothing moves
to change the casual shape,
Which invites the
basking seals on the volcanic rocks below.
kelp mounds sweep the restless sand
As scalloped
currents caress the land,
Mixing the wash
from cove to cove;
Yet, quietly,
quietly, crystal grains ebb and seep,
Counting the time
where the tiniest creep
By trailings
anew, of large and small treasure trove.
moment is stopped as the watchful lie
Before a stone
black, curious, lidless eye;
Two lovers kneel
in a curious gaze
At nervous
antennae probing from the moonstone holes.
A click of the
shutter sends tiny claws to deeper shoals,
Away and into the
womb of the foamy haze.
shoe on the beach, a sail coasting afar,
Two more in
embrace before their car;
All watching the
watchers and tide's afternoon,
Waiting for
sunset and its hallowed reddish sky;
Emerald flows
meeting lapis deeps,
Until the
retreating light levels graying keeps,
Silently guarding
the blue-red dye.
by Mel Copeland, 1974
two still entwined on lands end, head shouldered
to head,
Souls yet moved
by raptures anew, a glowing bed,
Stand as vigils
before the dusky shore,
Waiting forever
until the sands below
Mark the moment
of a new orb's evening glow,
In the haunting
stillness, repeating the eve before.
removes her hand from a youthful waist,
And leads her
down the walk in haste
To catch the
vantage of a moonlit sky
Casting its light
over the breaker's last points.
He grips her hand
and her tears he anoints
By his tender
lips on cheeks preparing to cry.
is Cambria," Eli whispered to his dear,
"Cry not my love
lest others hear,"
He wiped the
tears off her cheek, one by one,
Gathering to his
finger dew, as dew upon leaves;
"This is Cambria,
which no one, having seen it, leaves:
The truth that
all yearn, a rest in peace, my Cambrian son."
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Launched 10.25.97;
Updated 5.27.2000; 3.17.05; 5.29.14
Copyright © 1997-2014 Maravot.
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1997-2014 Mel Copeland. All
rights reserved.