Poetry for
People, Dragons
Timon wasn't the only one that day who wanted
For many sought it
but failed to increase
It at all during
Eli's troubled time.
Eli's people were a
very strange lot,
As they had strange
ways of getting what they sought:
Seeking peace with
swords and justice with crime!
it was that Eli's freedom loving land sought war
To secure harmony
It began, it seems,
over the Lotus eating.
The dispute, subtle
at first, came about
When three Lotus
eating leaders were out
Searching for Lotus
(which they called "Lotus Beating").
is said that they got a big haul that day,
As each approached
their smoky camp with a big bouquet.
They all sat down
after their long greedy quest;
And, resting in a
bed of dry leaves,
One of them snuffed
a blossom and sneezed,
Causing blossoms to
fly around that evil nest.
was late in the evening and still quite still,
A full moon was
over a ruminate hill,
And only a crackle
from their campfire
Decried in the
darkness that the Lotus-eaters were there.
Now, when one
sneezed blossoms went everywhere,
But circled
eventually to the flames, igniting the others'
may recall Lotus-eaters consume
Lotus as snuff
(through the nose like perfume),
By smoking it
wadded in brown paper wrappers,
Or eating it, which
was preferred over all.
But in terms of
this practice they had a protocol:
First eat, then
smoke, then snuff and damp the wrapper in the
idiot!" cried the angry two men,
"You've violated
protocol again!"
The guilt laden one
jumped up, saying, "But I like snuff!
I don't want to eat
the junk anyway;
I'm sick of eating
the blossoms all the live-long day.
Go on, take them,
you can have the stuff!"
stormed and stomped throughout the night
In such a fit that
the others' appetite
For the Lotus was
quite ruined, alas,
And they all spent
the eve in fuming rage,
Threatening their
union; they would disengage,
Where each would
lead his own Lotus eating class.
it came to pass, their world was parted,
And, for the sake
of peace, war was started.
One Lotus-eater
formed a snuffing camp,
Another of Smoke,
and the last would eat
The tasty little
petals in his six by six's seat;
And each, of
course, had his people's ways to revamp.
first the war was a cold play on words,
And the three odd
camps added vinegar to the others' curds.
The eater faction
feared the snuffer the most,
Whilst the snuffers
and smokers feared the greed
Of the eaters,
since they ate more than they should need.
Anyway, this is the
charge I heard from each post.
it was, I fear, a very true claim
That the Eaters
were greedy! Put the snuffers to shame.
This was not
unforeseen, since Lotus-eaters have unusual thirst
Above all other
men; it is only natural
For them to thirst
to the extreme, to have even the gall
To strive among
themselves to be the worst.
this day, over this nature, the Lotus-eaters reek
The greedy greed
ingratiates them to such a peak
That everywhere
darkness appeared, distrust ruled the gloom,
And their words
grew hotter, as tempers flared,
Until, alas, one
camp began running scared
And built itself a
great weapon called "DOOM."
readers, should I tell you now
Of the fear the new
device was to endow?
There just was no
greater horror
That swept over the
world, from pole to pole;
The device was so
terrible its toll
Was nothing less
than suicidal war!
ruined the rules of war; it was no longer a game
Of heroes and
statesmen in search of fame;
It became a
struggle where the stakes were so high,
That there would be
total destruction everywhere,
Unless, of course,
the Lotus-eater leader were to share
His secret of doom
so mankind need not totally die.
was the thought in each camp anyway.
So everywhere spies
sought to betray
One another for the
secret and the gain.
Then there was
success! Deceit had stolen the great "DOOM"
And planted it in a
Snuffer's spies' room
Who carried it away
to his desmesne.
despair, the secret was out. A curse
Of DOOM was
everywhere to coerce
Everyone now. And
such fear then grew
That none of the
war camps dared use the pernicious tool!
"But someone might
– But who? – He'd only be a fool!"
Was their thinking.
"What," they asked, "can we do?"
everyone could not release DOOM
The whole world
became a terrified tomb,
And deceit began
wisping through men's brains,
Until, at last, the
Lotus-eaters chose
To war against
DOOM! Why? Only heaven knows.
So new machines
were built for the new campaigns.
this war of words and machines
Sapped the whole
world of its glorious liens
On peaceful living
and prosperity.
For it came to pass
that warriors with weird stuff from their pit
Smote the spreaders
of the snuffing habit,
So we are told by
the Eater's somewhat biased history.
be sure, the Snuffers had gained some ground
On the Eaters, who,
in turn, would surround
The world with
their Eating habits (knowing might makes right).
And it came to pass
that the Eaters strengthened their camp
Of War throughout
the world and sought to stamp
Out those who dared
to even snuff Lotus with all their might.
course the Snuffers came to fear as much
The Smokers, whose
towns had a dingy smut
From the grayish
brown haze milking their air.
And the Smokers
great population mass
Grew more a threat,
exploding from their constant gas.
This, to the
Snuffers, only increased the threat of warfare.
as well, set machines of war in gear
And to the
battlefront began to steer.
Oh, horror! The
battle was immanent;
Butchers lurked all
over the land,
Waiting for the
coming bloody command
And heroic call of
their government.
battle was launched. Glory, Peace,
Blood, Anguish,
Rape, Famine, Money (they loved it; will it never
These things ripped
apart the green countryside,
But the
Lotus-eaters did not enter the fight! Why not?
Deceit! They
tricked humans to fight for their lot
And made them
commit the brutal homicide!
humans cared not to smoke, snuff, or eat
The Lotus, so its
beauty to entreat;
They were told a
lie to fight a false cause!
(They would never
destroy for the cause so stated)
And what's this?
The Cause was never debated!
It was not declared
by the human's laws!
grief, such despair! Will deceit never end?
It is a fact, The
Lotus-eaters did send
The humans to death
through words of deceit.
It is not worthy to
humans, as written in their law, to fight
Until a act of law
is debated and voted upon and passed right.
This unworthy
battle was charged with Opinion and a bloody
Eli was an offspring of war,
Since it is said
his generation was born to restore
The population of
his slaughtered state,
To replace the dead
of the last crusade
Against a mad
lotus-eating renegade,
Who infected all
humanity with the morbid desires of humans hate.
this time Eli's people, still humanely good,
Had endeavored to
war for brotherhood,
As their eyes were
clear then and saw deceit
Easily when it
meddled near their door:
As when the
Lotus-eating renegade snuck up from Hell's lowest
And being seen
through by the humans was forced to make his
part this devil, being an early
Lotus-eater to
invade humanity, was the key
To the vicious
deceit which later came,
Since it is said
the humans who put the devil down
Feared he would
return again to claim the crown;
The humans were
tricked, as the devil came by another name!
dear reader, it is true, Lucifer is sly!
He sent hellions
masked, creeping through the rye,
While the watchmen
of the humans were watching for the old fiend!
The hellions
crawled past even our noble youth
Who labored in his
field to sow Hope and Truth:
The Fruit of the
pure Lotus which Prometheus had weaned.
we saw earlier, Eli did see through those masks
When he peered into
the Promethean fire and was given the task
To go forth to tell
the humans what he saw: to show the truth to
But he failed! He
failed to reveal the awful and defiled
He was put through
hell, subjected to torture and reviled,
And simply beyond
the smoky, dreamy human mind.
it was that Eli was born midst a great war,
To replenish man's
terrible toll of gore,
And grew up midst
silent battles of many words,
Called Cold Wars by
the Lotus-eaters many states.
Eli did not know,
however, as he escaped Hell's gates,
That the long Cold
War had turned violent and smoke rose heavenward.
it came to pass that our young Eli
Strolled out of
Hell's clutches into the depths of a lie,
Stepping not into
flowered meadows white
From Lotus blossoms
in their springing charm,
But rather to a
bloody battle's enchanting harm
And the sounds of
sacked temples bombed in the dead of night.
he crossed over a hill's rolling feathery crest
He saw gaunt
apparitions of unrest.
For below him stood
an embattled plain
Which convulsed
under brackish fires and powder
Bubbling over the
souls of Hecate's chowder,
Stirred up savagely
with her ladle of pain.
Who goes there?" came a cry threatenly,
Rattling Eli from
the hills windless lee.
Eli turned around
to see a bayonet
Flashing its
burnished death beam from below.
A drab green
uniform stepped forward, saying, "So!"
"He's a deserter!"
cried the soldier; "a filthy coward I bet."
stammered, "No, no, sir. I'm just lost,
I did not know
that.." The angry soldier crossed
His chest with his
rifle, saying, "Come here,
If you're no
deserter, where is your pass?"
Eli searched his
pocket, "Pass?" he asked, "alas,
I have no pass."
The soldier cried, "I've got a mutineer!"
soldiers gusted up the hill at the cry
And apprehended the
deserter called Eli.
"Where's your
uniform? How come yer naked?"
Asked one of the
men binding Eli's hands.
Eli, being confused
over the commands
Said no more as he
was carried away naked and blinded.
lord, Eli was hustled into the war.
It was the very
thing that his soul did abhor!
Down he was led,
lower into the nauseous smoke,
Midst swirling
confusion, a raging mob,
The din of canons,
angry men in trenches which sob,
And he was now in
the grasp of the embattled folk.
was jerked through a large oiled tent. His head
From the hysterical
yelling in his face; a loud slam
Of the door behind
him jolted his nerves;
Another tent,
dimmed lights, distant faces,
Gunfire beyond, all
gathered by thousand-fold disgraces:
This was more of a
wrack than anyone deserves.
a dark blanket was thrown at his feet,
He was shoved
through a metal door and faced the heat
Of a bright lamp
over a metal chair.
"Sit down!" they
said, and he trembled with fright
As questions were
launched at him left and right,
While a soldier
secured him by the hair.
they pried. "No? Draft dodger then!
No?" they pounded
him and hit him again and again.
Their wrath began
to boil: "Then he's a spy!"
The examiner
sneered. Sentence was then
Served on him. Eli
was mistaken
For a liar himself
and condemned to die!
was led through the malicious compound,
Walking in misery,
head down, with both hands bound,
An innocent found
without a right plea,
Forever to be
entrapped by hate's awful aura,
To reside among the
trampled flora
Behind the trail of
the Lotus-eater's inhumanity.
it came to pass that he was denied,
Thrown to a turbid
wind behind the tide
Of bloody hands
reaping nature's silent bud
Into one huge
basket of broken bones,
The sole testament
of a jillion groans
And an endless
river of flowing blood.
was hurled into a long deep pit
Covered with steel
bars designed to permit
The foulest
atrocities one could bring to mind,
For it gave no
shelter, exposed him to rain,
Exposed to the sun,
and even the urine of the insane
Guards! Such was
the state of the Lotus-eater's kind.
was confined there nearly forty days,
Eating once each
day from filthy tin trays,
Wondering the while
why he was kept alive.
He queried the
guard above, only to receive a blank reply,
And stood in
anguish for the trumpet, the call when he should
Then one morning he
heard a train arrive.
rusty iron grating above his head clanged apart,
The guard yelled,
"Come on, it's time to depart!"
And threw down a
wooden ladder for Eli to scale.
Eli weakly climbed
from his deep, muddy pit,
And was hustled to
the train and transit
From the filthy pit
to even greater travail.
train chugged across a desolate plain
Filled with the
booty of a long campaign,
Speeding its
freight to the Lotus-eaters death factory.
And Eli, packed in
an old cattle car,
Waited silently,
knowing death wasn't far
And holding Hope's
solitary light in the crowded quarters of
came to pass that the train's mortal cargo
Was disembarked to
the cue of the factory yard. Oh,
Would I paint for
you the bleak stone walls,
The chimney stacks
fuming their mortal smoke,
To portray a just
description of the horror,
In a fitting canvas
of our Lotus-eating conqueror.
Alas! The cold
works freeze my every brush stroke!
Eli and his human death mates were driven
Through the yard,
Eli saw the oven
Which burned
incessantly as if Hell
Itself were burning
in his mortal view.
In timid horror (he
could not betray his horror) he cringed and
Looking to escape,
his eyes searched the citadel.
on the fringe of the denuded crowd,
He saw a lonely
woman with head bowed,
Praying and holding
filthy rags not fit to wear.
Eli walked closer
so to comfort her,
And behold! It was
fair Anna, still so demur
And fragile, with
her blue-black silken hair!
said Eli, "Is it really you?
My eyes deceive me.
Is it really true?
He took her hand,
her shallow eyes stared back.
"Speak to me," said
he, "I thought you condemned
To the monstrous
Halfway House with Hell's eternally damned!"
She said nothing,
staring back with eyes cold and black.
shook her soft bared shoulder. "My dear,
Speak to me, you
must!" Then a small tear
Trickled down her
cheek, resting upon her upper lip.
"Eli?" she
questioned, "Is it Eli, I pray?"
He squeezed her
long quivering fingers. "Aye!"
Their tears
blended, cheek upon cheek, lip upon lip.
you weren't condemned to the Halfway House!
I'm so glad," he
answered. "Eli, my lost spouse,"
Said she, "You are
wrong, I was damned to dwell
Therein. It is
true. I was damned to such hate
Vile Lucifer
himself would celebrate.
Love! I prayed
you'd come to release the spell!
prince, you did not come! I cried out for you!
I despaired near
here. If you only knew!"
Eli was puzzled. "I
don't understand,"
Said he. "Oh, my
love," said she, "I was married,
I lived, I was
betrayed and so terribly harried
By the man to whom
I gave my wedded hand!
was the war which begot my torment.
I was so happy
until then and and very content.
But I wasn't of my
ruthless husband's faith,
And he turned me
over to the police, in fear of his peers,
So not to suffer
the state's scorn and the Lotus-eaters smears.
He saved his own
life and delivered me to the wraith.
now we share the identical Spector,
You the innocent
and I the nectar
Of life's
unsweetened, unmilled, chastity.
Alas, maybe it was
fated. I was paid in kind
For my own
weaknesses. It was designed
That I suffer from
what I deigned to be!
my love, my innocent young Eli,
My heart is heavy
more because you also must die!"
He folded his arm
around her shaking form,
And they stepped as
one into the mass slowly moving
Towards a gate to
the camp's outer wing;
He Innocent and she
Penitent Reform.
procession stepped through the heinous gate,
And before them
stood, but a moment's wait,
Two terribly long
lines waiting to die,
Facing a monstrous
trench half filled to the brim
With naked bodies
so horribly grim
Eli cried out,
"This is not true; it's my lie!"
is a nightmare, it cannot be real;
Oh, my God, I pray
to you, I beg that you repeal
This mad dream. I
beseech you, Awaken me!"
A guard came and
struck him on the forehead
With a gun. "Quiet,
you, or your next," he said.
And Eli slumped
towards Anna's trembling knee.
pulled her lover back to his feet,
Drawing him to her
breast to sooth the beat
Of her heart as it
pounded its last languid notes.
Gunshots cracked in
the factory's stale air
As two victims were
released from their despair.
Two more fell with
death's rattle in their throats.
two lovers stepped to the trench's bleak red skirt
And kneeled in
prayer in the blood soaked dirt.
The clouds wept,
shedding tear drops on the ground,
As cold gun barrels
rested against each innocent's head.
Two blasts deafened
their ears and they were dead,
Falling as one to
the pit's dreadful, bleeding mount.
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Part VIII,
"Impressions of Cambria."
Launched 10.25.97;
Updated 5.27.2000; 3.17.05; 5.29.14
Copyright © 1997-2014 Maravot. All
rights reserved.
Copyright © 1997-2014 Mel Copeland. All rights