Poetry for
People, Dragons
Part 1, "The_baptism_of_Eli"
Part II,
III, "Eli's_Search_for_Funny_Bald_Men"
Part IV,
Part V,
Part VI,
VIII, "Impressions_of_Cambria"
Painting by Maravot from the 60's |
In a world of
great sorrow and despair,
Among a mass of greed everywhere,
(where vanities and machines ruled over vice)
Stood a very tiny hamlet of tiny people
Who erected a broken dish over a teetering
Against all that's wrong and for all that's
And behold!
Around the plain prominence,
Where the broken
dish spewed its eminence,
Grew the
treasured lotus of virgin white
Unraped by
greed's insatiable passion,
Beyond dark
shadows in the fertile sun,
Untainted by the
Lotus-Eaters' slimy bite.
Aye! Though
exposed to nature's whims and ways,
Blossoms unfurled
and lit the baleful haze
Of mankind's
polluted minds and actions,
Slowly seeping
through every crevice,
Trying to
saturate the lighted bliss,
It was enough to
sponge the light as it runs.
And as they
glowed, butted against the haze,
The fuzzy red
light of promising days
Telegraphed over
the land of the Lotus-Eaters
(Where thieves
and Hawks were rampant indeed
For tantalizing
wisps of Lotus seed).
"Danger's about"
said the hamlet's leaders.
It soon came to
pass when blood stained eyes
Peered with pain
through foreboding overt lies
To see still
standing on a tree studded plane
That worthy
monument in the hamlet square
Which suckled a
happy thoroughfare,
Giving hope to
the poor and relief from pain.
It came to pass –
we knew it would–
That the
Lotus-Eaters would seek more dead wood,
Exhausting the
soils and a kingdom's life,
Consuming Truth's
stalks and childish dreams;
They groveled in
haste to cross our streams,
Playing songs of
the dead composed on a mute fife.
They crept
through dead thickets and parched earth,
Down rocky scarps
broken by stubbled mirth,
They came upon a
good lad hard at work,
Tilling the soils
of his promised land.
Plowing he
stopped (and with calloused hands)
And set to sow
the crops of a united kirk.
Eli was on the
tractor at the time
Seeding the
golden fields through this rhyme
When he spied
beady eyes and an eagle nose
Peering over the
crest of a rock nearby.
"Where are you
headed?" he sought to pry;
The hooked nose
answered, "to the Lotus groves."
The beady eyes
rose above the mossy rock
Wringing bloody
hands; he was the Head Hawk.
Saliva dripped
down lips nervous with lust
While words of
deception slipped through the air:
"Good lad, we'd
love to worship your flower."
Said the lad,
"It's at the hamlet; honor it I trust."
Eli was a
trusting lad, you know
(As would be of
the men the hamlet did grow);
And, unsuspecting
no evil intent,
He queried no
more of the wicked throng
And passed
singing the thresher's song
Long ago written
in a pauper's tent.
His tractor
chugged on to nourish the soil,
Filling dark
nuggets with a golden toil,
On through the
day, until the night,
When the boy
could see the waning sun
Warning with long
shadows of the day to come,
The day of the
Silently slipping
by the dusk covered him,
And hid the
shadows of the parasites grim,
Whose hellish
scent of death's decay,
Whisked over
brown hills darkening to deeper hues,
From reddish
brown to purple and the deepest blues.
And the trailing
dust was silent by the way.
Dusk signaled the
time to quit and go home
To rest the day's
labors in the deep black loam.
The boy stretched
his aching back and yawned but twice,
Glad the day was
over and his labor done.
Dismounting the
tractor, he left it to run,
And shook off the
dust of his paradise.
Dusk greeted creatures the field over,
Telling rabbits
and field mice in deepening clover
"All was now
safe, come out and feed,
In my soothing
mantle broad and black."
At the sounds of
nature's bric-a-brac
Eli drank in the
sounds of nature's mead.
Enraptured by the
muffled chirps of glee,
He sat for awhile
by an old oak tree,
Staring placidly
down the dusty road
Not suspecting
the fate of the endangered town.
He did not know
the torrent yet to drown
The hamlet nor
the Lotus-Eater's leader's mode.
Rubbing hands
dirtied by a good heart
(though dirty by
sight, clean in greater part)
He heard behind
him a far off rustle
And turned around
to see a distant spark:
A light in the
mountain showed its mark:
The gods and
Prometheus all in a tussle.
Though a tiny
object far from our view,
Seeming too
distant for us to hear too,
The assembly was
seen and heard by Eli.
It's possible to
do so my good lads:
Stop the motors
of your costly Cad's;
Listen and you'll
hear much has gone awry!
Eli had not seen
such assemblies before
Upon that white
crest of immortal lore
(Though we dare
say before that night
His days were of
work and study beyond his reach).
He listened
closer and heard human speech;
Curious he lifted
his way up the great height.
Climbing higher,
the light broke the bounds,
Showing a man
burning a book unbound.
He stepped into
the clearing near the pyre,
Asking, "Why are
you working so late and alone
On this frozen
waste even the sheep disown?"
The tender left
to find more wood to fire.
Perplexed and
taken quite aback
At this silent
keeper firing the black,
Who rudely tended
his duties that eve,
With not even a
greeting or care for a friend,
Eli had never
seen the like and was quite chagrined.
Yet he persisted
and he did not take his leave.
He waited for the
man's soon return,|
And basked in the
fire's warmth, the glow and the burn;
But, alas, the
flame weakened and embers began to set;
He feared they'd
die. Subtly glancing
He saw the flames
tire of dancing,
And shaking he
looked for wood to get.
searching, to no avail,
He looked for
fuel: the scarp was cleaned and pale;
He saw some pages
from a tattered blue book
And tossed them
on the withering red coal
In hope to
preserve the light on the knoll!
The impatient
flames then leapt with a hook.
The pages in air
were snatched to the embers
And might have
rested on the glowing timbers,
There was hardly
any life or breath,
And the book
would have remained alive, unread,
Were it not for
the flame from the fire's bed
Which struck from
below to offer life in death.
A burst, a boom,
a frightful resonance,
Froze the youth,
Eli, in an awesome trance.
Flames grew over
his head to treetop heights
And threatened to
burn the crowns around
And even then it
browned the snow white ground.
The hamlet below
saw even then those heavenly lights.
Eli stared at the
scorching inferno;
Feigning to
leave, he saw assemblies within glow,
Dimming the
blinding hues of reds and white:
He saw his
village, a theft in the square;
He saw rape and
pillage scorch, indiscriminate care:
would fire the world that night!
He wiped his eyes
in guarded disbelief.
A panorama of the
morrow's grief
Swept before him
as would an unsheathed knife
Cutting in twain
tongues of fire from light.
Then, behold!
Midst this inferno in the night
Stood the
apparition of eternal life.
Midst the
seething waves of burning heat
Stood tall and
solemn Pandora's help meet.
Aye! It was
Prometheus of our Golden Age,
Whose drapery of
sheer white Damask cloth
Wavered in a gale
of gassy froth,
While beneath him
still burned that awesome page.
beckoned Eli forward
Into the coals
fed by the morrow's charred.
Eli's heart
thumped and his temples thundered,
Finding no
retreat from the lapping flame.
"Eli, Eli, come
hither into fame,"
Echoed the
rapture of peoples encumbered.
"Come to me son;
you must not fear me!"
Urged the voice
from the Hellish possibility.
Aren't you feared
Lucifer; what do you want?"
Queried the boy.
The Titan cried, "Come here!
Come, show me
your trust. You I must endear;
Compare mine not
to hell's fiendish haunt!"
The voice was
strong and sweet to Eli's ear.
Enraptured, Eli
drew ever nearer
Wrapped in an
invisible white swaddling,
Warming his soul
like unto no heat
Not like fire
from Satan, a falsehood and cheat.
The magnetic
charge drew being to being.
Like an
apparition himself the boy slipped
Over to his fiery
host and his hand gripped
The hand of the
holy Titan of light.
"Your faith is
good; your soul shall not be burned,"
The Titan said,
as curtains of flames churned
All around the
hallow core of heavenly light.
"I feel not the
feared heat of your great flame!"
Cried Eli, in
disbelief, as he became
One without body,
yet with nerves feeling
Every grief and
despair which betide
The sufferings of
hate below which deride
The doomed to a
pit without a hope of healing.
For from below
his feet, from a gaping hole,
Streamed ghostly
revelations of death's toll:
Past, future, and
present at one sighting.
And around him
swirled a dizzy portent
Of things begun
in the passing present,
Showing people
and beasts going into hiding.
"It is not my
flame you have entered, Eli,
But the fuel of
the wicked who lies
Burning in the
horrors of his own crime;
Fear not, good
lad, your heart is pure and clean
And cannot be
tainted by what you have seen,"
Said Salvation's
eternal Paradigm.
"You, Eli, have
seen all that I disdain,
The true
collection of all that I find bane,"
Said Prometheus
with lightening candor.
"Can you now see
the effects of faithless fastings?"
Eli cried, "But
these bleak passings
Were not my
doing; this is not my gore!"
"How is it that I
stand accused this day?"
Cried Eli in
every mortal agony.
The Titan
replied, "It is not hollow shells
Which I accuse,
but that of the body!
I, your judge,
shall judge everybody,
One and all, you
are my multitude, my cells.
"And just as your
soul now feels heaven's wrath,
Your day comes
when this signal shall telegraph
Through every
part of your people's souls.
Here! I show you
the happening, to wit:
Put your eyes on
all the wrongdoings writ
In this book,
awaiting the loathsome coals.'
Eli shuddered as
it all came to him,
While words
echoed with a deafening din,
From the good
Titan atop his flaming log.
"Now tell me, do
you know the spiteful and the wrong;
Do you know how
to good belong?"
Asked the Titan,
holding his decalogue.
"Aye! It is sad,
but true," sighed the young Eli.
"Good is found
after wandering where evils lie!"
The Titan's
bronzed fist unwrapped a scroll,
From whence he
read the ten righteous laws
Which would lead
Eli from Hell's grasping claws.
"Now," the Titan
said, "you have eaten of the good role."
"But these
commandments I honor; they are my tools;
There was no need
to repeat those ten rules,
Since I knew
already the way to Salvation!"
Cried Eli,
alarmed at the blessings and curses of the
"You may know
this humble list I've cataloged,
But ," the Titan
complained, "These precepts your people shun!"
"They started a
fire which will soon burn your soul,
As a cancer from
an infected mole,
On your innocent,
tender skin..
Unless you rally
the good in your kind
To oppose the
Evil in that book I signed.
Stop the
infectious cancers of sin!
"Your body shall
not obtain Salvation's Womb
Until it is
cleansed of the wicked, the doom,
The agony of the
Abyss below.
Go! Toss off the
Lotus-Eaters and thieves;
Shed them as you
would burn Autumn leaves;
Be quick, for
Hell's fingers are spreading aglow."
"But how can one
stop them, my Lord; must man once again kill
And Crusade as in
the aeons before; has not death had its fill?
Is this God's
cause? Must we stop blood with shedding more
Argued the
confused youth. "Can't you see the dead?"
Replied the
Titan: "It is as I've past said,
"The dead
condemned themselves, frozen down there in the
"Here now, can
you feel the wind of the future blow?"
Then a slight
wind over the book began to flow,
Making certain
pages turning glowing red,
Hotter than the
tip of a fire brand.
"Run now, across
the world; show me good's hand:
Grasp the living
from the fire, the living from the dead."
Then the flames died, leaving Eli alone, but free,
To seek the living among the dead.
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Poetry_for_People3.2html: Part II of the
Prometheid, entitled "The Dog Killer"
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Poetry_for_People 3.3html: Part III of the
Prometheid, "Eli's Search for the funny bald
send me on to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People_3.4html:
Part IV of the Prometheid, "Eli's journey up the
river Styx."
send me on to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People_3.5html:
Part V of the Prometheid, "The Redemption of
send me on to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People_3.6html:
Part VI of the Prometheid, "Spiteful Timon."
send me on to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People_3.7html:
Part VII of the Prometheid, "The War."
send me on to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People_3.8html:
Part VIII of the Prometheid, "Impressions of
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send me to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People2.html
send me to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People4.html,
some poetry for creatures and kids.
send me to Maravot's_Poetry_for_People5.html,
a story from ~1972 about Ivan Ivanovitch and his
terrible robots.
send me to Maravot's_Romance_of_Anais.html,
a story of Camelot never revealed before.
Launched 10.12.97; updated
11.1.97; 5.31.99; 5.27.2000; 3.16.05; 3.27.05;
Copyright ©
1964-2014 Mel Copeland. All rights reserved.
Copyright ©
1964-2014 Maravot. All rights reserved.