Etruscan_PhrasesTranslation of the Tavola Eugubine Script "R" by Mel Copeland
About the TranslationThe words are selected from the Etruscan_Phrases_a.html, Indo-European Table 1 and the translation has been updated using our new Etruscan Glossary and Etruscan Grammar. Script G repeats some of the phrases in this script.
End of Tavola II A, para. 1 R219 to the Ionians of the flesh I dispatch the matters of the Atigerie of Achaia (Greece) they hold dear the Araklum End of Tavola II para. 2 R339 .the fount/source of Katle the branch there; prominent she is; I am the entrances End of Script R
R1 ESV Ki: 8RATER: ATIIERI VR [Translation: I go out, go away, go forth, pass state to state, come to an end, to become known (It. escire [uscire]; L. exeo-ire-li [ivi]-itum) or alternatively, I long for/hunger (L. esurio-ire) that (L. qui, quae, quod); brother (L. frater-tris; It. m. fratello); to the Atigeri, name of gens. I speak (L. oro-are)] R6 EI TIPES PLENAS IER: VR NAS IER: Vø TRE TIE [Translation: himself (L. DAT. ei) the figure on the model (L. typus-i, m.; It. tipo, m.; Fr. type, m) full (L. plenus-a-um) of yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.); I speak (L. oro-are) of the birth (L. nascor-i, natos & [gnatus] natus-a-um) yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.); of the goddess Oph (L. Ops, goddess of abundance) you take up, bring forth (L. traho, trahere; It. attirare; Fr. tirer; Gr. trabo; Welsh, dragio) the day (L. m. dies-ei)] R16 Ki: Te KASTRV bIIE (GIIE) AR8ERTVR: PISI PVLPE: [Translation: that (L. qui, quae, quod); It. che) your (L. te) castle (L. castrum) of Gaia (Roman praenomen, f. m. Gaia) of the arbitrator (L. arbiter-tri); to the people of Pisa the flesh, pulp (L. pulpa-ae; It. polpa; Fr. pulpe)]; R23 8VST EIK CASE SE ATIIER IER: ERE: ESVNE: [Translaton: the stock, shaft (L. fossa-ae; It. fusto; Fr. fut; Sanskrit, yasti) I cast out (L. eicio-icere-ieci-iectum) the case, cause (L. casus-us) cause (L. causa-ae) itself (L. se or sese) Atiger of yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.) you err (L. erro-are); you celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonui)] R31 KVRAIA PRE PHABIA (øABIA): PIRE: VRA KV: RI ESVNA: [Translation: the senate/senate's meeting place (L. curia-ae) before (L. adv. prae) Phabia (L. Phoebe-is, sister of Apollo, the Moon goddess Diana); to the funeral pire (L. pyra-a, f.); she speaks (L. oro-are) whereby/because (L. quo); to these things (L. f. res, rei) she celebrates (L. sono, sonere, sonui)] R39 SI: PHER (øER) TE ET PVRE: ESVNE: SIS: SAKREV: [Translation: itself (L. se, sese; It. si; Fr. se) the light/lighthouse (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) your (L. te) and indeed (L. et) you purify/purely (L. purgo-are; adv. pure); you celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonui) to wish/ordain (L. si, vis, sis = si vis) the consecrated / sanctuary (L. sacer-cra-crum; sacrarium-i; It. sacrario, m.)] R47 PER AKNEV: VPETV: RECES TV: PVRE: TER TE [Translation: through, by (L. per) the lamb (L. agna-ae, f. an ewe lamb; m. agnus-i; It. agnello, m.; Fr. agneau, m.); to die (L. oppeto-ere; possibly L. obeo-ere, obitus-us, death); request, to require (L. requiro-quirere; It. requisire; Fr. requirer) of thine (L. tu); you purify/purely (L. purgo-are; adv. pure) thrice (L. ter) yours, thine (L. te)] R55 ERV: EL ANTVR: øER (PHER) TE: ET PI øA (PHA) KLV PVNE: [Translation: to wander (L. erro-are); her (It. ella; Fr. elle, elles) I go before, excel (L. anteeo-ire-li; anteeor, Indic.) the light/lighthouse (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) yours, thine (L. te); and indeed (L. et) the pius (L. pius-a-um) of Pha (the goddess) I am named, called (L. clueo-ire, am named; It. cloe, namely) you put in place/settle (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum])] R65 TRIB RIGV (RIbV): 8VI EST: AKRV TV: RECES TV: [Translation: the tribe (L. tribus-us; It. tribu; Fr. tribu) I water/moisten (L. rigo-are); Boii (Celts of N. Italy, L. Boii-orum) she is (L. est); the land (L. ager, agri; It. m. agro) of you (L. tu); she takes to herself (It. recare; recasse, Conj. Imperf.) alternatively, the recess, retreat (It. recesso; L. recessus-us, retreat, quiet place) of you (L. tu)] R73 EL ANTV: øER TE: AR8ERTVR PISI: PVLPE [Translation: her (It. ella; Fr. elle, elles) I go before (L. anteeo-ir-ii); the light/lighthouse (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) of yours (L. te) ; to the arbitrator (L. arbiter-tri) of the people of Pisa;the flesh, pulp (L. pulpa-ae; It. polpa; Fr. pulpe)] R80 8VST: EREK: ESVNES KV: CE PVRVS: 8ELeS CAI [Translation: the stock, shaft (L. fossa-ae; It. fusto; Fr. fut; Sanskrit, yasti); I raise (L. erigo-rigere-rexi-rectum); you (pl.) celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonui) because (L. quo); to us (It. ce) the pure (L. purus-a-um); the light-armed infantry (L. veles-itis, m.) which (L. quae)] R88 ARPV TRATI 8RATRV: ATIERIV: PRE øVBIA: [Translation: the tree/ship (L. arbor [arbos] -oris) I / you handed over (L. trado [transdo]-dere-didi-ditum) of the brotherly/cousins (L. fraternus-a-um); Atijerius; before (L. adv. prae) Phobia (probably the god Phobos [panic], son of Ares, who with his brother Demius [fear] drove their father's chariot into battle. They figure in myth as personifications of the emotions commonly felt in war; It. fobia, f. phobia)] R94 ET NVRPENER PRECER: PVSTI: KASTRV CV8: [Translation: [and indeed (L. et) to Norpener Precer, precer, the beggar, requester; alternatively, to beg/entreat/pray (L. precor-ari); thereafter (L. postea); the castle/camp (L. castrum) I cover/protect (It. covare, brood, cherish; Fr. couver, brood; couvrir, cover)] R100 8RATER ATIIERIE VR ESV EI TIPES PLENAS IER [Translation: to the brother (L. frater-tris; It. m. fratello) of the Atigerie I speak (L. L. oro-are; Palaic, wer) I long for (L. esurio-ire) himself (L. DAT. ei) the figures on the wall/models (L. typus-i, m.; It. tipo, m.; Fr. type, m) full/pregant (L. plenus-a-um) of yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.)] R109 VR NAS IER Vø TRE TIE Ki Te KLV: CI IER: KVLeN Aø [Translation: I speak (L. oro-are) of the birth (L. nascor-i, natos & [gnatus] natus--a-um) yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.) the goddess Oph you pull, take up (L. traho, trahere; It. attirare; Fr. tirer; Gr. trabo) day (L. m. dies-ei) wherewith/that (L. qui, quae, quod; It. che) to you (L. te) I name(L. clueo-ire) they who (L. qui, quae, quod; It. chi) yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.) they worship (L. colo, colere, colui, cultum) the goddess Aph] Note: An alternate rendering could be VRNAS (you adorn, equip L. orno-are) but it would have to be in past tense case to agree with IER, "yesterday." R122 KLE: ATIIERIE VKRE: EIK CASE SE: ATIIER IER [Translation: you are named (L. clueo-ire, am named; It. cloe, namely); to the Atigerie you prophesy (L. auguror-ari); I cast out (L. eicio-icere-ieci-iectum) the cause (L. causa [caussa]-ae, f. or alternatively, case, instance, L. casus-us) itself (L. se or sese); Atiger of yesterday (L. heri, adv.; It. ieri, adv.; Fr. hier, adv.)] R121 APE APE LVS Te: LVNE KLV: øABIA NVPER [Translation: go away (L. abeo, abi-itum) the light (L. lux, lucis; Tocharian, luks; Lycian, luga; Hittite, lukkai) you, yours (L. te) the moon (L. f. luna-ae) I name (L. clueo-ire, am named; It. cloe, namely) Phabia (L. Phoebe-is, sister of Apollo, the Moon goddess Diana) lately/not long ago (L. nuper)] R128 PRECER: PVSTI KASTRV CV8: ET APE PVRTITV: [Translation: Precer, precer, the beggar, requester; alternatively, to beg/entreat/pray (L. precor-ari); thereafter (L. postea); the castle/camp (L. castrum) I cover/protect (It. covare; Fr. couvrir); and indeed (L. et) you go away (L. abeo, abi-itum) the gates (L. porta-ae) yours (L. tu)] Note: If PVRTI is "gates" then "your" would presume to agree in number and gender, suggesting that "tu" is plural, but this does not work, since the word "vos" would apply. The alternative suggests the "result" or an adj., worn, inclined (It. portato); thus, "you go away worn." R135 8VST LVNE KLV: øABIA NVPER TVCLER [Translation: the staff (L. m. fustis-is) of the moon (L. f. luna-ae) I am named (L. clueo-ire, am named; It. cloe, namely); Phabia (L. Phoebe-is, sister of Apollo, the Moon goddess Diana) lately/not long ago (L. nuper) to remove (It. togliere) or alternatively, a name, Tocler?] R141 PVSTI KASTRV CV: ET APE SVBRA: SPA8V: 8V [Translation: in the rear (L. post [older, poste] adv.) of the castle/camp (L. castrum) I assemble (L coeo-ire); and indeed (L. et) you go away (L. abeo, abi-itum) above, beyond, of the upper side (It. sopra [sovra]); to frighten (L. pavor, It. m. spavento, fright; It. spaurire, vt. to frighten); I eat greedily/ swallow up (L. voro-are)] R149 LVNE KLV: øABIA: NVPER TRIPLER PVSTI: [Translation: the moon (L. f. luna-ae) I am named (L. clueo-ire, am named; It. cloe, namely); Phabia (L. Phoebe-is, sister of Apollo, the Moon goddess Diana); lately/not long ago (L. nuper) to tripple (L. tripulus-a-um, threefold; Fr. tripler, to tripple) behind (L. post [older, poste] adv. behind, in the rear);]
R163 Eø CEL KLV: 8EIA 8RATeR EKS: VTE: Ki CESTVR: [Translation: the goddess Eph those (It. quel, quelle) I name(L. clueo-ire); to Veii (Etruscan town) the brother (L. frater-tris; It. m. fratello) you leave (L. exeo); you are at leisure (L. otior-ari); wherewith (L. qui) the magistrate (L. quaestor-oris);] Note: EKS VTE may be EKSVTE, you find hidden, shake out, investigate (L. exutio-cutere), but the punctuation argues against this. R173 SCE: REøTE: KVRATV: SI: SCE: TESTRV: KARV: [Translation: you know (L. scio, scir, scivi or scli, scitu); Rephte; arising (L. coorior-ori-ortus, to appear; coortus-us, arising, breaking forth); yes (L. si) (L. ita este; It. si; Fr. si, oui) you know/understand (L. scio, scir, scivi or scli, scitu) I testify/bear witness (L. testor-ari); dear (L. adj. carus-a-um; It. caro)] R180 8RATRV: ATIIERIV: PVRE VLV: BENV RENI: [Translation: brother (L. fraternus-a-um, cousin; brother, frater-tris; It. m. fratello); Atigerius; you purify / are purified (L. purgo-are) of oil (L. oleum-i; It. olio; Fr. huile); properly (L. adv. bene) you ruled (L. regno-are; rego, regere; It. reggere; Fr. regler; Sanscrit, raj)] R186 PRVSIKVREN REøTE: KVRATV: ERV: EREK: [Translation: they cut off / offer to a god (L. proseco-secare-secui-sectum and partic. as subst. prosectum-i, part of a victim cut out to be offered to a god, the entrails) of Rephte; arising (L. coorior-ori-ortus, to appear; coortus-us, arising, breaking forth) I / to wander/err (L. erro-are); I raise, set up, cheer (L. erigo-rigere-rexi-rectum)] R191 IRV 8ESI: SCELES R204 (IV) PVRE: VLV: BENV RENV: PRVSIKVREN [Translation: you purify (L. purgo-are); the pot-herb (L. [olus], holus-eris); properly (L. adv. bene) of the monarchy (L. regnum-i); they cut off/offer to a god (L. proseco-secare-secui-sectum and partic. as subst. prosectum-i, part of a victim cut out to be offered to a god, the entrails)] R212 KVRA TV REø TE: NEIP ERV: ENVK 8RATA [Translation: she appears (L. coorior-ori-ortus) of you (L. tu) Reph of yours (L. te) if not (L. ni [nei] and nivi) to wander (L. erro-are); I explain in detail (L. enucieo-are) the hedge (It. f. fratta)]
R219 IVNE: KARNE: SPETV RIE ATIIERIE ACIE KAREN ARAKLVM [Translation: to the Ionians (L. m. Iones-um) of the flesh (L. caro, carnis) I forward/dispatch (It. spedire; Fr. éxpedier) the matters (L. f. res, rei) of the Atigerie of Achaia (L. Achaia or Achaia-ae) they hold dear (L. curo-are; Fr. chérir) the Araklum] R229 CVRTVS ES TV ESVNV: 8ETV: 8RATRVS PER: ATIIERIE: EV ESVM [Translation: of Gordos? the procession (It. corteo, m.; Fr. cortége, m.); you are (L. es) of you to celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonui); I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); the brothers through; the Atigerie; on that account (L. eo) we long for (L. esurio-ire)] R238 ESV: 8RATRV PERE KARNE SPETV RIE ATIIERIE ACIE KATE: [Translation: I long for (L. esurio-ire) brother (L. frater-tris; It. m. fratello) you perish/waste away (L. pereo-ire-li-ivi-itum) of the flesh (L. caro, carnis) I forward/dispatch (It. spedire; Fr. éxpedier) the matters (L. f. res, rei) of Achaia (L. Achaia or Achaia-ae) Atigerie of the people of Cato] R248 AIV: VRTV: 8E 8VRE 8ETV: PVSE NE: PER ETV CESTI bES (GES) AbE (AGE): [Translation: to affirm (L. aio) the arrangement (L. ordo-onis, m.); to you (It ve, vi, m. f.; adv.) you consume/eat greedily (L. voro-are) I forbid/prevent (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); you may/are able (L. possum, poisse, potui) not (L. ne); in the course of time (L. per) I bring forth (L. edo-edere-didi-ditum) these (L. questi) people (L. f. gens-gentis) of the age/time (Fr. m. âge; It. m. agio, time)] R258 SAKRE IVCE PATREBVM PER AKNE RESTA TV [Translation: you sacrifice to the god (L. sacro-are) of the knight (L. eques-itis) of the fatherland (L. f. patria-ae) by means of (L. per) the lamb (L. f. agna-ae) it survives/rests (L. resto-stare-stiti) of you (L. tu)] R270 IVCIE: VNV E RIE TV SAKRE: PEL SANV 8ETV: ARCIV: VSTENTV: [Translation: to the mares (L. equa-ae, f.); the only one(s) (L. unus-a-um, genit. unius, dat. uni) out of (L. e, ex) the matters (L. res, rie) of you (L. tu) you consecrate/sacrifice (L.sacro-are); the skin (It. f. pelle; L. pellis-is; Fr. f. peau, pellicule) sound/healthy/uninjured (L. sanus-a-um) I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); I keep at a distance/hinder (L. arceo-ere-ui); to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum)] R278 PVNI: 8ETV: TAbES (TAGES) PESNIMV: AREPE ARCES: PVNE PVRTI IVS: [Translation: I put in place/ordained (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]; I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); to the god Tages Pesnimus; Erebus (L. Erebus-i, the god of the lower world; hence the lower world) you keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui); you put in place/ordain (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum] the gates L. porta-ae) of the law (L. ius, iuris)] R286 VNV SVR VP ESV TRV: 8ETV: TIKAM NE: IVCIE: KAPIRE: [Translation: the one and only (L. unus-a-um, genit. unius, dat. uni) sister (L. soror, It. suora; Fr. soeur) the goddess Ops (L. Ops - Opis, f.) I long for (L. esurio-ire) to carry/pull (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum); I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); to the Ticam (gens, Tico?) that not; the mares (L. equa-ae, f.); you understand (It. capire)] Note: from this phrase forward the text recalls the arguments at the end of script N; i.e., N706. R294 PERV: PRECE: 8ETV: APE: PVRTI IVS VRV: ERVS: TETV ENV KVMA [Translation: I perish (L. pereo-ire-ii and ivi, itum, to go, to waste, be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die); you pray (L. precor-ari); I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); you go away/depart/change (L. abeo, abi-itum); the gates L. porta-ae) of the law (L. ius, iuris) to speak (L. oro-are); the lord/Eros (L. erus-i; Eros); the hideous/disgraceful (L. taeter-tra-trum; adv. taetre; Fr. adj. têtu, stubborn, headstrong, wilful, obstinate) I swim back/flee; she/he adorns (L. como, comere, compsi, comptum)] R306 LeTV KVMATE PESNIMV: Aø TV IVCI Pe: VCE PER AKNEM [Translation: the goddess Leto (mother of Apollo and Artemis) of the hairy (L. comatus-a-um) Pesnimus (probably refers to the hairy child god Tages who rose up out of the ground from Erebus); the goddess Aph of you (L. tu) of the knights (L. eques-itis) in the presence of (L. per); you harrow (L. occo-are) for (L. per) the lambs (L. m. agnus-i)] R314 PERAE 8ETV: PVNI 8ETV: ARCV VSTENTV PVNI: 8ETV: Aø TV MARTI: AB RVNV [Translation: [the town of] Perae I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); I placed (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]) to forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); I shut in/keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui) to reveal (L. ostendo-tendere-tendi-tentum and tensum) I placed/ordained (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]; I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); the goddess Aph of you (L. tu) of Mars (L. Mars, Martis, m. Mars; Martialis-e, of Mars; Martius-a-um, adj. from Mars); at the hands of (L. ab) I watch, patrol (It. ronda, f. rounds, watch, patrol) or alternatively trim/prune (Fr. rogner)] R325 PERAE 8ETV: PVNI 8ETV: TRA: EKCI: NE: 8ETV: [Translation: [the town of] Perae I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum); I ordained (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum] to forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum) he/she carries/pulls (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum); I searched through/I examined (L. exquiro (quaero)-quirere-quisvi-quistum); that not (L. ne); I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum)] R334 AbE (AGE) TVS PER AKNE: 8ETV: [Translation: the age/times (Fr. m. âge; It. m. agio) thine (L. tuus-a-um, possesive pron. of the 2nd person sing., thy, thine, your) by (L. per) the lamb (L. f. agna-ae); I forbid (L. veto [voto]votare, vetitum)]
R349 ANTER: MENS ARV bERS (GERS) ARV: øERII EI: 8AbIV (8AGIV) AR8ERTVR: ACIS: [Translation: to go before (L. anteeo-ire-ii); understanding (L. f. mens, mentis) I cultivate (L. aro-are) you bear/give birth to (L. gero, gerere, gessi, gestum) I cultivate (L. aro-are); the lights/lighthouses (L. Pharus-[os]-i, f.; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) of it (L. ei); to whimper as a child (L. vagio-ire) of the arbitrator/witness (L. m. arbiter-tri) you call (L. accio, ire, ivi, itum)] R359 AN SERI ATES: MENS NE KVRb (KVRG) LASIV: 8AbIA (8AGIA): TIbI (TIGI) Te: øVNTIA: 8ERTV: [Translation: whether (L. an) I sowed (L. sero, serere, sevi, satum) of Atys; the understanding(L. f. mens, mentis) indeed (L. ne [nae] I set right (L. corrigo-riger-rexi-rectum) of the oratorical attack (L. laesio-onis, f.);she whimpered; the branches/trunk (Fr. f. tige) of you the founts/springs/sources (L. m. fons-fontis; It. f. fonte; Fr. f. fonte, melting, smelting, casting, cast iron, fount) I interpret/turn around (L. verto [vorto]-vertere, verti, versum)] R370 KATLV: ARCIA STRVøbLA (STRVøGLA) 8IKLA: PVNE: CINV: MALV: MALE TV: [Translation: Catelus (person's / family name, or small dish (L. m. catillus-i ); he kept away (L. arceo-ere-ui) Strophgla (Name possibly related to (L. f. stropha-ae, a trick, artifice) and It. gli, m. pl. art. the; pron. pers. him, to him, to them) of the village/hamlet (L. viculus-i; It. m. villagio; Fr. m. village); you serve (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); to incinerate/burn (L. incendo-cendere-cend-census) the evil (L. malum-i; It. m. male; Fr. m. mal); badly (L. male) of you (L.tu)] R381 MANTeR Aø KaLV: CESK LA: SaNATA: A SaNATA: VMEN: 8ERTV: PIR: ASE [Translation: to remain/wait for (L. manto-are) to entrust (L. mando-are) of the goddess Aph I call (L. calo-are); everyone (L. quisque, quaesque, quidque adj.) of her; senate (L. senatus-us [or -i]) to (L. a) senate; the omen/ sign (L. omen-inis); I interpret/turn around; the funeral pyre (L. f. pyra-a) you take to yourself (L. ascio-scire) R394 AN TENTV: ESVNV: PVNI: 8EITV: øVNTE: IVCIE: AMaPEN TV: KATeLV [Translation: whether (L. an) I attempt/direct (L. tendo, tendi, tetendi, tentum and tensum) to celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonuui) I served (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); blessed/happy (L. beatus-a-um); the fount/spring/source (L. m. fons-fontis; It. f. fonte; Fr. f. fonte, melting, smelting, casting, cast iron, fount) of the mares (L. eques-itis, knight, rider; f. equa-ae, mare); they loved (L. amo-are) Katelus (person's name? or small dish (L. m. catillus-i )] R405 SAKRE SECA KaNE: PETR VNIA PER: NATINE: 8RATRV: ATIIERIV: ESVNV: [Translation: you dedicate (L. sacro-are); thirsting/ simply/plainly (L. siccus-a-um) you sing/prophesy (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum); the rock (It. f. pietra; Fr. f. pierre; Gr. petra) weighed you down (L. onero-are) through (L. per) the nation (L. natio-onis, f.; It nazione, f.; Fr. nation, f.) of the brothers/cousins (L. fraternus-a-um); of Atijerius; I celebrate (L. sono, sonere, sonuui); ]. Note: the verses now are recalling verses in Script "Q," Q424 etc. R413 PERAE 8VTV: KATLES: SVPA øA øeTV: [Translation: to Perae I vow (L. voveo, vovere, vovi, votum) the young animal, esp. a whelp, puppy (L. catulus-i, and catella-ae, m.); he puts to sleep/renders senseless (L. sopio-ire) of the goddess Pha the newly delivered (L. fetus-a-um)] R426 BERVS AP LENIES: PRVSE bIA (GIA): KAR TV: KRE MATRA: AP LENIA: SVTEN TV: [Translation: we trumpet (It. barrire) because of (L. a, ab, abs) you made straight (L. lineo-are); before the goddess Gea; beloved (L. carus-a-um) of you (L. tu); you beget/bring forth (L. creo-are) of the mother (L. mater, matris, f.; It. madre, f.; Fr. mère, f.) out of (L. ab) the line/thread (L. f. linea-ae); they are accustomed (L. suesco-suescere, suevi, suetum) of you] R437 PERV: MERITV: ARCIA: PVNI: PVRTV: CITV: CESTI KATV Aø (APH) TRE PVRA [Translation: I perish (L. pereo-ire-ii and ivi, itum, to go, to waste, be ruined or lost, pass away, perish, die); rightly (L. merito); you kept away (L. arceo-ere-ui); I served/layed down (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); the harbour/gate; (L. m. portus-us) to summon (L. cito-are); this (L. questi) of Cato of the goddess Aph you carry/pull (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum) she purifies (L. purgo-are)] R447 TV: PVST IN: ANbI8 (ANGI8): CINV: NVCIS Aø (APH) TRE PVRA TV TIV: PVNI: TIV: CINI: [Translation: of you; afterwards (L. post [older poste] in (L. in) Angive (name of a town/place. Anzio?); I incincerate (L. incendo-cendere-cend-census); the night/sleep/gloom (L. f. nox-noctis) of the goddess Aph you carry/pull you carry/pull (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum) she purifies (L. purgo-are) of you by day/for a long time (L. diu); I served/layed down (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum]); by day/for a long time (L. diu); I incinerated (L. incendo-cendere-cend-census)] R459 TEI TV: BERCA 8RE øeTE8 8ERTV: PVRE NVCI ME 8ER EST: KRE MATRV8: [Translation: the goddess (L. f. dea; It. f. dea; Fr. desse) of you; the boat (It. f. barca; Fr. f. barque) you revere (L. vereor-eri-itus) fruitful (L. fetus-a-um) I turn around (L. verto [vorto]-vertere, verti, versum); you purify (L. purgo-are) the nights (L. f. nox-noctis) my/of me (L. me) the Spring (L. ver, veris) she is (L. est); you beget/bring forth (L. creo-are) of the motherly (L. f. mater, matris; It. f. madre; Fr. f. mère)] R474 SVME Le 8ERTV CESTI GIA: PERV ME: PERSNIøMV: KATLES: TVCA: TE8RA [Translation: I am (L. sum) there I turn around (L. verto [vorto]-vertere, verti, versum) this (L. questi) of the earth mother goddess Gea or Ge; I waste away mine/of me/myself; Persniphmus; Kateles name/a young animal, esp. a whelp, puppy (L. catulus-i and catella-ae, m.); she touches (It. toccare); she wastes/consumes (l. devoro-are)] R487 ERTI: ERVS: PRVSE KATV: ISVNT: KRE MATRV: PRVSE KaTV: STRvøbLA: [Translation: the ascents/slopes (It. f. erta); the god Eros; straight forward (L. prorsus [prosus]-a-um) of Cato; they are (L. sunt); you beget/bring forth (L. creo-are) maternal? (L. f. mater, matris; It. f. madre; Fr. f. mère) straight forward (L. prorsus [prosus]-a-um) of Cato; Strophgla (Name possibly related to (L. f. stropha-ae, a trick, artifice) and It. gli, m. pl. art. the; pron. pers. him, to him, to them);] R499 8IKLA: ARCE ITV KATLV: PVRTV CITV: AMaPa ERIA: PERSNIøMV A SEbETA (SEGETA): [Translation: the village/hamlet (L. viculus-i; It. m. villagio; Fr. m. village); you keep away (L. arceo-ere-ui) I go (L. ito-are) of Kateles name/a young animal, esp. a whelp, puppy (L. catulus-i and catella-ae, m.) or a small dish or plate (L.catillus-i, m.); I carry (L. porto-are) to call forward (L. cito-are); she loved (L. amo-are) she wandered/was mistaken(L. erro-are); Persniphmus at the crop/field (L. f. seges-etis)] R511 KARNE PERSNIøMV: E EN PERSVN TRA PERSNIøMV: SVPA SPANTEA [Translation: to the flesh (L. caro, carnis; It. f. carne; Fr. f. chair) of Persniphmus; immediately after (L. e, ex) behold (L. en [sometimes em] behold! the person (L. persona-ae, f.; It. persona, f.; Fr. personne, f.) she carries/pulls (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum) of Persniphmus; she appeases/submits to (It. sopire; subire) Spantea (name of a town/gens?; name related to It. spandare, to diffuse, spread, scatter; spento, adj. extinguished, put out, dead, lifeless)] R521 PER TENTV CESK LES CV8 ETES: PERSNIøMV: CESTI KATV: Aø (APH) TRE PVRA TV [Translation: in the presence of (L. per) I extend (L. tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum and tensum) everyone (L. quisque, quaeque, quidque) of them (Fr. les) I cover/cherish (It. covare; Fr. couvrir) you breath your last/die (L. edo-edere-didi-ditum); Persniphmus; these (L. questi, adj.) of Cato; the goddess Aph you carry/pull (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum) she purifies (L. purgo-are) of you] R530 ARPE LeTV STATITA TV: SVPA: PVS TRA: PERSTV: IEPRV ERVS: MANI KVCE ITV [Translation: the brazen footed (L. aeripes) of the goddess Leto (L. Leto or Latona, mother of Apollo and Artemis) the abode (L. sto, stare, steti, statum; statio-onis, f.) of you; she appeases/submits to (It. sopire; subire); the corrupt matter/bitterness (L. pus, puris) she carries ((L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum); to remain unchanged/last/endure (L. persto-stare-stiti-statum); Jepro of the god Eros; you endured (L. maneo, manere, mansi, mansum) you meditate (L. coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum) to go (L. ito-are)] R542 SPINA MAR ETV: TVCE: REK AN RVS: PVNE 8ERTV: BERCA: KaLA CLA8: A [Translation: Spina (the city) of the sea (L. mar-is, the sea) I bring forth (L. edo-edere-didi-ditum); you touch/call at (L. toccare); the king (L. rex, regis, m.) or the country (L. rus, ruris) or alternatively Anros, (name); you serve (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum] to turn around (L. verto [vorto] vertere, verti, versum); the boat (It. f. barca; Fr. f. barque); he calls (L. calo-are) the staff/ cudgel (L. f. clava-ae) to (L. a)] R554 AN8E øTA8: CESK LV: SATV A SATV: VMEN: 8ERTV: KAPIRE: øVNTE: [Translation: name, Anve; of Phtau/Phtav (Phthia? the principle city of Phthiois or Achaea and adopted home of the hero Peleus); everyone (L. quisque, quaeque, quidque) of him (It. lo) I satisfy (L. satio-are); on (L. a) I satisfy (L. satio-are); the omen (L. omen-inis); I turn around (L. verto [vorto] vertere, verti, versum); you understand/realize (It. capire); the fount/source (L. fontanus-a-um; m. fons-fontis; It. f. fonte; Fr, f. fonte)]
R565 IVCIE CESTI KATV: PETRVNIA CERT: NATINE 8RATRV: ATIIERIV: BERVS: [Translation: the mares (L. f. equa-ae) these (It. queste, questi, adj.) of Cato; the patron/protector (L. m. patronus-i; possibly the Latin gens Petronius-i) I settle (L. certo-are); of the nation (L. f. nation-onis; It. nazione, f.; Fr. nation, f.) of the brother/cousin (L. frater-tris; fraternus-a-um; It. m. fratello) of Atijerius; we trumpet (It. barrire)] R574 SECA KaNIS: PERSNIøMV: CERT SPINIA: ISVNT KLACLES: PERSNIøMV: [Translation: thirsting/ simply/plainly (L. siccus-a-um) you sing/prophesy (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum); Persniphmus I settle (L. certo-are) of the people of Spina; they are (L. sunt) in secret (L. clanculum); Persniphmus;] R584 CESK LES SeNATE A SeNATES: SECA KaNIS: SPINI AMA: PERSNIøMV: CESTI KATV: [Translation: everyone (L. quisque, quaeque, quidque) of them (Fr. les) senate (L. senatus-us [or -i]) to (L. a) the senates; thirsting/ simply/plainly (L. siccus-a-um) you sing/prophesy (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum); the people of Spina she loves (L. amo-are); Persniphmus; these (L. questi, adj.) of Cato] R596 Aø (APH) TRE PVRA TV: SPINAVM TV: VMNE SECA KaNI: PERSNIøMV: MAN8 E ASA [Translation: the goddess Aph you carry/pull (L. traho, trahere, taxi, tractum); she purifies (L. purgo-are) of you (L. tu); of the city of Spina of you (L. tu); to the people (L. homo-onis; It. m. uomo; Fr. m. homme) thirsting/ simply/plainly (L. siccus-a-um) I sang/prophesied (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum); Persniphmus by hand (L. manu) she adopts to herself (L. ascio-scire)] R607 CV TV: AS AMA: KVCER TV: ASA KV: CINV: SECA KaNI: TAGES: PERSNIøMV: Translation: [I assemble/unite (L. coeo-ire) of you (L. tu); the whole unit divided into 12 parts (L. m. as-asgis) she loves (L. amo-are); to think of (L. coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum) of you (L. tu); she takes to herself (L. ascio-scire) to unite (L. coeo-ire); I incinerate (L. incendo-cendere-cend-census); thirsting/ simply/plainly (L. siccus-a-um) I sang (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum); of Tages (the god from the underworld) Persniphmus] R619 ES V8 PVS ME: øER TER ERVS: KVCE ITV TER TV: CINV: PVNE: TER TV: Translation: you are the egg (L. ovum-i) of bitterness (L. pus, puris) of mine (L. me) the light/lighthouse (L. f. Pharus-[os]-i; It. m. faro; Fr. m. phare) three times (L. ter) of Eros/the lord (L. m. erus-i); you think (L. coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum)(to go (L. ito-are) three times (L. ter) of you; I incinerate I incinerate (L. incendo-cendere-cend-census) you place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum] three times (L. ter) of you] R633 STRVøbLAS (STRVPHGLAS) 8IKLAS: SV8A 8IAS KVMA LeTV: KAPIRE: PVNES: CE PVRA TV: [Translation: the Strophglas of the villages/hamlets (L. viculus-i; It. m. villagio; Fr. m. village); she supports/submits to (L. subeo-ire-li or ivi-itum); in the ways/streets (L. f. via-ae) she/he adorns (L. como, comere, compsi, comptum); you understand (It. capire) you serve/place (L. pono, ponere, posui [posivi], positum [postum] to us (It. ce) she purifies (L. purgo-are) of you] R644 ANTA øES KVMATES PERSNIøMV: AMaPa ARIøMV: STATITA SVBA øeTV: ESVNE [Translation: before (L. ante) the tired (L. fessus-a-um) of the hairy (L. comatus-a-um, hairy) of Persniphmus; she loved (L. amo-are) Ariphmus; standing (L. sto, stare, steti, statum) she submits to (L. subeo-ire-li or ivi-itum) the newly delivered (L. fetus-a-um); you sing] R653 PVRTI TV 8VSV: KATE Le ASA KVPE Le SANS 8VTV: [Translation: of the gates (L. porta-ae) of you of the ditch/grave (L. f. fossa-ae; It. f. fossa, m. fosso, ditch; affosare, to dig; affossatore, grave-digger); to the Kate there she adopts to herself (L. ascio-scire) the abundance (L. copia-ae) there of the family (L. sanguis-itis and sanguen, m.; It. m. sangue, blood; Fr. m. sang) I pray (L. voveo, vovere, vovi, votum)] R661 KE ES TRE TIE VS AbES (AGES) CESV CV EbIS (EGIS) TIPE TIES [Translation: since (It. che) you are (L. es) the three/third (L. tres, tria; It. m. tre) of the day (L. m. dies-ei) the bone (L. os, ossis) or mouth/voice (L. os, oris) of the ages/times (Fr. m. âge; It. m. agio) to rest/cease (L. cesso-are) I unite together with/ assemble with (L. coeo-ire) the shield/protection, especially that of Jupiter or Minerva; some believe the shield to be the private thundercloud of Zeus/Jupiter whose unfailing weapon was lightning (L. f. aegis-idis) of the model/symbol (L. typus-i, a figure on a wall; It. m. tipo, type, model, standard, specimen, fellow; Fr. m. type, standard, model, symbol, fellow) of the days (L. m. dies-ei)]