PH: Mural from the Tomb of
Orcos with the name of
Phersipnei (Persephone),
Hades (Aita) and the
three-headed giant Geryon
(Etr. Cervn) who complains
to Hades, that Hercules
stole his cattle (Hercules'
10th labor).
(Aphrodite, goddess of erotic
love, born of the sea -foam, Gr.
"aphros," near Cyprus, from the
genitals of the god Uranus; she
favored the Trojans and caused the
Trojan War by rewarding Paris in
The Judgment of Paris with the
love of Helen), Apolo, Aplo
(Apollo, son of Zeus and the
Titaness Leto, god of youth,
music, prophecy, archery and
healing; he was born with his
sister, Artemis, on the island of
Delos. At an early age he traveled
to Delphi and killed there a huge
snake; later a temple was raised
at Delphi for him, attended by a
Pythia, or prophetess, who
delivered his oracles. He
supported the Trojans in the
Trojan War.); Artumes (Artemis,
daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess
of the hunt whose arrow never
missed its mark; unusualy jealous
over the honors given her, she was
offended by Agamemnon and
Admetus); Feltune
(Poseidon, a god of the sea, of
earthquakes, and of horses, may be
his equivalent, and Fel tune may
represent the words, "great
thunder," — i.e., to
thunder: L. tono-are; It. tonare;
Fr. tonnerre, thunder —, and we see
in a mirror Feltune standing,
overlooking a haurspex, or augur,
as he examines a liver in the
presence of Tarkonos [Tarquin].
The Roman version of Poseidon is
Neptune [L. Neptunus-i], a name
curiously similar to Feltune.);
(Heracles, a
hero involved in many Etruscan
myths; son of Zeus and Alcmene, he
was hated by Hera who attempted to
prevent his birth and then, after
Hera had been tricked by Alcmene's
nursemaid, she put snakes in
Heracle's crib; he had to perform
10-12 labors for Eurystheus, often
facing hardship during them which
was caused by jealous Hera; Zeus
tricked Hera one day, causing her
to suckle the babe Heracles while
she was sleeping – the milk
spilled and caused the Milky Way.
An Etruscan mirror shows Heracles
suckling at the breast of Hera as
an adult! In the mirror, Tinia
(Zeus) holds a writing tablet
describing the odd situation; Atle
(Atlas, a son of the Titan Iapetus
by the Oceanid Clymene or by Asia,
was the father of the Oceanid
Pleïone, by Calypso, of the
Pleiades, and some say, of the
Hyades. His name is related to the
Greek word "to bear," and is known
as the divine giant that stood
near the Pillars of Hercules
holding up the world. While on the
way to fetch the golden apples of
the Hesperides, Heracles came
across Atlas holding up the world.
Atlas offered to fetch the apples
for Heracles provided he held up
the world for him. Heracles took
the world on his shoulder while
Atlas went on his mission. Atlas
came back with the apples and
suggested that he could deliver
the apples to Eurystheus himself.
Heracles saw that he was being
conned and realized that he had to
trick Atlas into taking the burden
back on his shoulders, otherwise
he would be stuck with the job. So
Heracles asked Atlas to hold the
earth while he put a cloth on his
head to soften the weight of the
world on his head. Atlas felt that
he could at least do this for his
friend and took over the weight.
Heracles bade him goodby.);
(Semele, daughter of Cadmus, king
of Thebes and Harmonia; mother of
Dionysus by Zeus; jealous Hera got
Hermes to kidnap Semele's
six-month-old child from the womb
and he sewed the child in Zeus'
thigh); Euple
(Euippe, also called Athamas, was
a king of Orchomenus, son of the
powerful king Aeolus. For all of
his prestige Athamas was one of
the most unlucky men who ever
lived. His troubles began with his
decision to take a second wife
while his first, Nephele, still
lived. Athamas brought Ino, one of
Cadmus' daughters, from Thebes and
installed her in his palace. She
bore him two sons, Learchus and
Melicertes, but could not rest
content while Nephele's children,
Phrixus and Helle, lived,
presumably because Phrixus might
be expected to succed his father
as king. Phrixus and Helle were
saved from Ino's plot when a
miraculus ram appeared where they
were about to be sacrificed and
they climbed on its back. The ram
with the golden fleece flew off.
Helle fell off the ram, however,
as it crossed over the Hellespont,
but Phrixus continued riding the
ram until it came to rest in
Colchis. Later, Jason, a grandson
of Aeolus, led the Argonauts to
Colchis to steal the golden
fleece. After the ram died, the
king of Colchis, Aeëtes, had
placed the pelt in a tree in a
sacred grove, guarded by a dragon.
Jason was able to kill the monster
and steal the fleece through the
help of the king's daughter,
Medea, who was a sorceress.); Fufluns
(a name of Dionysus, the god of
wine and vegetation); Efan
(Euan, another name of Dionysus — The Romans
called him Bacchus and Euan);
(Adonis, a vegetation god that
died too young; the red anemone
sprouted from the spot where his
blood was spilled and he was
worshipped in "gardens of Adonis."
He is similar to the
Sumero-Akkadian god of rebirth,
Tammuz or Dimuzzi. There
are two versions of the love affair
between Aphrodite and Adonis. One
version has her turning the child
over to Persephone for safe keeping
in Hades, because he was so
beautiful. Persephone refused to
give the boy up, and a judgment was
called where Zeus may have had the
Muse Calliope arbitrate the matter.
She assigned half of the boy's time
to each goddess, and Aphrodite was
so furious over the ruling she
caused the death of Calliope's son,
Orpheus. The other version says that
when Aphrodite saw Adonis for the
first time he was already a handsome
youth. She fell in love with him and
spent much time with him. He loved
to hunt and ignored her pleas to
chase only small game. As a
consequence he was killed by a boar.
Aphrodite grieved for him
inconsolably and caused the
blood-red anemone to sprout from his
blood.); Mehar
Snenar (Myrrha,
mother of Adonis. Although
Adonis in the Catalogues of Women is
said to be the son of Phoenix and
Alphesiboea, or according to
Apollodorus, Adonis is a son of
Cinyras, king of Paphos, in Cyprus,
and Metharme, daughter of Pygmalion,
the usual tradition is that he is
the son of the incestuous union of
Cinyras or Theias, king of Assyria,
with his daughter, named Myrrha or
Smyrna [Gr. smyrna = myrrh]. For not
giving honor to Aphrodite, Myrrha
was punished by the goddess with an
uncomfortable love for her father.
Myrrha satisfied her desire with the
help of her nurse and became
pregnant. When the father learned
what had happened, he pursued the
girl with a sword. The gods changed
her into a myrrh tree, which split
open in due course, revealing the
infant Adonis inside.); Snenar /
Snenao or Snenath (Goddess unknown, seen in
Script DR. She holds a wand and
unguent bottle like the goddess Lasa
and is associated with the lovers
Atunis and Turan. She may be Myrrha.
See Script DR and DO for Atunis
and Snenar, and DS for Atunis and
Lasa); Tul Thieth (Theias, king of Assyria,
husband of Myrrha and father of
(Icarius, the first disciple of
Dionysus who set off in a wagon
filled with wineskins, with his
faithful dog Maera, to spread the
gospel of wine-making. He first
met up with shepherds who, being
drunk from the wine because they
drank it unwatered, thought he had
tried to poison them. They
bludgeoned him to death with clubs
and buried him. His daughter,
Erigone, looked everywhere for him
and finally went to the place
where she heard the wailing dog
and saw her dead father's grave.
In grief she hanged herself from
the tree that grew over his grave.
His faithful dog Maera jumped into
a well in grief. Ever since then,
in remembrance of the tragedy, a
festival was held each year in
Athens where the young girls were
placed in swings in trees where
they would swing to the
accompaniment of flutes and
panpipes); Oso
(Mt. Ossa in North Magnesia. This
name appears on the "Icarius
Mirror" which depicts Icarius
driving a chariot pulled by two
Centaurs. The home of the Centaurs
is on Mt. Ossa. Ossa was one of
the three mountains that Otus and
Ephialtes piled up when they
attempted to storm heaven. The
Centaurs, descended from
Centaurus, a son of Apollo, and of
Stilbe or of Ixion and the cloud
that Zeus substituted for Hera in
Ixion's bed. The tribe of Centaurs
are principally known for their
famous battle with the Lapiths,
another Thessalian mountain tribe.
The conflict began when
Peirithoüs, a Lapith king,
inherited the rule of a pat of
Thessaly from his father, Ixion.
The Centaurs, who were also
Ixion's sons (or grandsons),
claimed a share in the rule. War
ensued, but a peace was arranged.
Later Peirithoüs invited the
Centaurs to his wedding. Unused to
wine, they became violent and, led
by Eurytion, tried to carry off
the Lapith women. The result was a
bloody battle, which ended with
the Centaurs being drived out of
the region by the Lapiths.
Heracles encountered the Centaurs
in western Arcadia. He was being
entertained by Pholus, a civilized
member of the tribe, when the
other Centaurs, aroused by the
odor of wine, broke up the feast.
Heracles killed many of them and
drove away the others. Nessus
ended up in Aetolia, where he
ultimately took revenge uupon
Heracles. Among many incidents,
Heracles inadvertently caused the
death of the wise Centaur,
Cheiron, the king of the Centaurs
who had reared Jason and Achilles.
(Aethra, daughter of Pittheus,
king of Troezen, married to
Aegeus, king of Athens, mother of
Theseus by Zeus; abducted by
Helen's brothers, "the Dioscuri"
and given to Helen as a slave; she
accompanied Helen when she was
abducted by Paris and taken to
Troy), These
(Theseus, king of Athens, son of
Aethra and the sea-god Poseidon,
hero who wanted to be as great as
Heracles: He killed the Minotaur
that was fed the flesh of Athenian
children in the Labyrinth of king
Minos of Crete; he abducted Helen
with his friend, Peirithoüs, when
she was a child but released her,
then the two went down into the
Underworld to abduct Persephone
where both were frozen in their
stone seats called the "seats of
forgetfulness"; Theseus was later
rescued by Heracles who entered
the Underworld to capture the
three-headed dog, Cerberus; he
accompanied the Argonauts, he was
on the Calydonian Boar Hunt, and
he accompanied Heracles in the War
against the Amazons; and he was
part of the Embassy to Achilles to
persuade him to get back in the
battle in the Trojan War);
(Hermes, messenger of the gods,
was the son of Maia, a daughter of
Atlas and Pleïone, and a nymph
that was visited in the night by
Zeus whilst Hera was sleeping. He
was precocious and a trickster
even in the crib, noted for having
left his crib one night and stole
50 head of cattle belonging to
Apollo); Mean
(another name for Artemis, the
huntress), Maris
(Ares, the only son of Zeus and
Hera, the god of war, lover of
Aphrodite; he opposed Athena in
the Trojan War and was wounded by
Diomedes and later flattened by
Athena), Menrfa
(Athena, goddess of crafts and
war, born from the first wife of
Zeus, Metis. Fearing a prophesy
that his son would overpower him
(Zeus had overthrown his own
father) Zeus swallowed the
pregnant Metis, but began to
repent it and asked either the
Titan Prometheus or craftsman-god
Hephaestus to extricate him from
the predicament. One or the other
took an axe and split open his
head and out jumped Athena,
dressed in full armor. She, with
Hera, sided with the Greeks in the
Trojan war. Hephaestus made the
prized armor of Achilles, over
which Ajax committed suicide.);
(Agamemnon, king of Mycenae who
commanded the 1,000 ship army that
invaded Troy; who offended Artemis
by claiming to be equal to her in
archery; she required him to
sacrifice his eldest daughter,
Iphigenia); Menle
(Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon,
husband of Helen of Troy and king
of Sparta); Cluthumustha
(Clytemnestra, wife of King
Agamemnon, daughter of Tyndareüs,
king of Sparta, and Leda; and she
was the sister of Helen of Troy. She
bore several children to Agamemnon:
Iphigeneia, Electra (Laodice),
Chrysothemis, and Orestes. Agamemnon
deceived her into sending Iphigeneia
to Aulis, on the pretext of marrying
her to Achilles; in reality he was
preparing to sacrifice her to
Artemis [Agamemnon had offended
Artemis by boasting that he was a
better archer than she, so she asked
him to sacrifice his beloved
daughter to make things right]. When
Clytemnestra discoverd this
treachery she conceived a great
hatred for her husband and plotted
with her lover, Aegisthus, to kill
him on his return from the Trojan
War. When Agamemnon returned,
accompanied with his new concubine,
Cassandra, daughter of King Priam,
the two lovers killed him in his
bath and Clytemnestra, herself, is
reported to have killed Cassandra.
Aegisthus and Clytemnestra had two
children, Erigone and Aletees.
Orestes had been sent away as a
child to Phocis by his sister
Electra. There he was raised by
Strophius, who had married
Agamemnon's sister, Anaxibia or
Astyoche. Orestes and Strophius'
son, Pylades, became loyal friends,
and Pylades accompanied Orestes in
nearly all his subsequent
adventures. Eight years after his
escape from Argos, Orestes, now a
young man, went to Delphi to ask of
the oracle what it was his duty to
do about his father's murderers, who
were prospering in Agamemnon's
palace. Apollo commanded him to kill
them both. With many misgivings
Orestes journeyed to Argos with
Pylades and there made himself known
to Electra, whom Aegisthus had
married to a commoner or otherwise
humiliated. Urged on by Electra,
Orestes killed Clytemnestra and her
lover.); Orste
and Orosthe
(Orestes, son of Agamemnon who
killed his mother Clytemnestra
over her adultry), Elchsuntre,
Elchintre, Elachsntre (Alexander,
Paris, prince of Troy, the second
son of Priam, king of Troy and
Hecuba. Alexander — whose name
means, "defender of men," — had an
inauspicious birth. His mother had
a disturbing nightmare that she
had given birth to a firebrand and
her daughter, Cassandra, a
soothsayer, warned that the child
to be born would be the
destruction of Troy. After the
child was born he was exposed,
then given to be killed to a
shepherd on Mount Ida. Instead of
killing him, the shepherd raised
the child. When he reached
adulthood Cassandra recognized him
and he was welcomd back into the
family. He was considered to be
the handsomest man on earth and
was selected as Zeus to judge who
was the most beautiful of the
goddesses, Hera, Athena or
Aphrodite. Aphrodite was given the
prize in exchange for the promise
that she would deliver the most
beautiful woman in the world to
him. Fulfilling her promise,
Aphrodite caused Paris to fall in
love with the beautiful Helen,
queen of Sparta, when he was a
guest at the castle of Menelaus
and Helen, in Sparta. Menelaus had
to leave for Crete to attend his
father's funeral, leaving his
beautiful wife alone with Paris.
Paris and Helen got together, fell
in love, and he carried her and
Menelaus' treasure off to Troy.
Alexander the Great popularized
the name, with many cities in the
ancient world, such as Alexandria,
Egypt, named after him. Kandahar,
Afghanistan, is another
"Alexandria" founded by his army.
Modern Iran has a Russian-made
(2004) missile, Iskander,
named after Alexander, such are
the variants in the spelling of
the name.); Ralna,
or Thalna (Nemesis, goddess of
retribution, mother of Helen of
Troy by Zeus; she changed into a
goose trying to evade Zeus, Zeus
changed into a swan and, aided by
Aphrodite, he raped Nemesis. The
egg produced by the goose hatched
into Helen, the most beautiful
woman in the world); Latfa
(Leda, mortal mother of Helen of
Troy, wife of Tyndareüs), Tuntle,
Tuntles (Tyndareüs, king of
Sparta, mortal father of Helen who
is shown in Etruscan mirrors
holding or receiving the egg that
contained Helen); Elinei and
Elinai (Helen
of Troy, daughter of Zeus and
Nemesis, raised by Leda and
Tyndareüs of Sparta);
(Amphiaraüs, Argive warrior and
greatest seer of his day; in
Script DC he is involved in a
scene with Ajax who seems to be
lamenting the loss of Achilles
armor and contemplating suicide.
Although the seer is not described
in the Greek myths involving Ajax,
the reputation of Amphiaraüs being
a great seer and officiating at
funerals may apply here.); Tute
(Tydeus, on of the Seven Against
Thebes, married king Adrastus'
daughter, Deïpyle); Atrste
(Adrastus, king of Argos and
leader of the Seven Against
Thebes, driven from his throne in
a feud with Amphiaraüs); Meliaphr (Meleager
was a son of Oeneus, king of
Calydon, and Althaea, daughter of
Thestius. Immediately after the
birth of the infant Meleager, the
three Fates appeared in the mother's
room. Clotho and Lachesis predicted
that the child would be noble and
brave, but Atropos, pointing to a
stick burning in the fireplace,
added that he would die the moment
the brand was consumed. Althaea
leaped from her bed, put out the
flames, and hid the stick somewhere
in the palace. He participated in
the Calydonian Boar Hunt and is
credited with having killed the boar
that had been terrorizing his
father's land. But a quarrel broke
out between the Calydonians and
their arch enemies over the prize
from the hunt, and Meleager killed
Thestius' sons, his mother's
brothers. His mother cursed him and
remembered the brand that the Fates
had said was the key to Meleager's
life. She took it from its hiding
place and flung it into the fire.);
Atlenta (Atalanta, the virgin
huntress, gained fame from the
Calydonian Boar Hunt. She was the
daughter of either Iasus, king of
Tegea, or Maenalus, by Clymene,
daughter of Minyas. Her father could
also have been Schoeneus, a son of
Athamas. Wanting only sons,
Atalanta's father exposed his infant
daughter in a forest, but she was
suckled by a bear and eventually
found by hunters who brought her up.
Atalanta grew to adulthood loving
the hunt above all other things and
wished to remain a virgin in oarder
that she might continue to enjoy the
sport. Some say that an oracle
warned that disaster would result if
she married. She participated in the
Calydonian Boar Hunt together with
some of the most famous men of her
age. Her participation led to the
death of some of the men, including
the sons of Thestius and perhaps
also of Meleager, who had falled in
love with Atalanta.); Athrpa (Atropos, one of the
three Fates. Clotho and Lachesis
predicted that the child Meleager
would be noble and brave, but
Atropos, pointing to a stick burning
in the fireplace, added that he
would die the moment the brand was
Telmonos, or Aifas (Ajax
Telemonos, hero of Troy who
committed suicide), Thethis
(Thetis, a sea-nymph, daughter of
Nereis. She was the mother of
Achilles, the sulking hero of Troy
who was killed by an arrow shot by
Paris); Pele (Peleus,
son of Aeacus, king of Aegina, and
Endeïs, was the husband of Thetis
and father of Achilles. He was a
never-do-well in his youth, who,
with his brother, Telemon, thought
to kill their half-brother,
Phocus. He wandered in exile and
finally returned to Phthia where
he became king. In the mean time
Zeus had fallen in love with
Thetis — who had
been raised by Hera — and this,
of course, encouraged Hera's
wrath. The sea-nymph was a bit of
trouble to both of them. Zeus had
been warned that the child of
Thetis would be greater than his
father, so they decided they would
pawn her off on a mortal. There
was a problem with Thetis,
however, since she changed shape.
Zeus and Hera advised Peleus that
he could probably win her — who would
be unwilling to wed — if he would
catch her when she was sleeping
and hold her down. He caught her
in her cave, and held her tightly
while she was asleep. While
holding her firmly she changed
into fire, water, a lioness and a
tree. After she succumbed to the
idea of marriage, they invited all
of the gods to their wedding. They
did not invite Eris, the goddess
of discord, and thus caused the
discord that caused the Trojan
War.); Achle
(Achilles, son of Peleus and
Thetis — hero of the
Trojan War who at first sulked
over the death of his friend
Patroclus and killed the Trojan
hero Hector), Eris,
(Eres, goddess of discord who
caused the Trojan War by throwing
a golden apple inscribed with the
words, "for the fairest" in the
wedding of Thetis and Peleus.
Hera, Aphrodite and Athena fought
over who should receive the
(Jason was the son of Aeson,
half-brother to Pelias,
king of Iolcus. Pelias and his twin,
Neleus, had been exposed at birth
and a horse herder accidentally
discovered them, but a mare had
trampled on Pelias' face, leaving a
livid mark (pelios). When grown,
Pelias revealed his violent nature
by killing the stepmother of his
mother, who was Tyro, daughter of
Salmoneus and the god Poseidon.
Pelias became one of the most
powerful Greek kings of his day, but
a prediction by the Delphic oracle
came to his attention, that an
Aeolid wearing one sandal would one
day bring about his death.
The prophesy came true the day Jason
returned to claim the throne of
Iolcus. In crossing a stream on the
way to the city he lost a sandal,
and went on without it. The king was
not present in the city when Jason
entered it, but an official of the
city heard the young man who was
missing a sandal declaring his right
to the throne, and he reported his
sighting to King Pelias. Pelias
recognized the boy and tricked him
into going to Colchis to recover the
Golden Fleece —
which Pelias
believed would be Jason's last
voyage. While Jason was gone on his
adventure with the Argonauts Pelias
killed Jason's father, Aeson, and
his brother Promachus, a mere boy.
Aeson's wife committed suicide.
Pelias had from an early date
offended Hera, in refusing to
sacrifice to her, so Hera had taken
sides with Jason, greeting him at
the stream where he lost his sandal,
and she contrived a complex plan of
revenge against Pelias: to cause
Jason to abduct the sorceress,
Medea, who was the daughter of the
king of Colchis where the Golden
Fleece was kept. Hera caused Medea
to fall in love with Jason, and
Medea continued to be the main help
for Jason, to kill the dragon that
guarded the Golden Fleece and to
deliver the poison that would take
Pelias' life. After Pelias was
killed Jason and Medea took the
throne of Iolcus and then went to
Corinth to claim the throne there
that had been in Medea's inheritance
(Her father, Aeëtes, had been king
of Corinth before he took the throne
of Colchis). There presence in
Corinth was not well received by the
(Alcestis, daughter of king
Pelias, wife of Admetus who was
willing to die to save his life
and then resurrected, either
through the hand of Heracles or
Persephone. Admetus had offended
Artemis by not performing the
proper rites honoring her at his
wedding. She put snakes in his bed
in revenge and he fell deathly
ill. Pressed to save the repentent
young man's life, Artemis
consented that his life could be
saved if someone were to die in
his stead. Admetus asked his old
parents if they might be willing
to give their life for him. They
declined, but his lovely wife,
Alcestis, was willing to give her
life up so that he could live.); Atmite
(Admetus, king of Pherae, husband
of Alcestis; he offended Artemis
during his wedding night); Pheris (Pheris,
father of Admetus who refused to
give his life for his son); Chalchas
(Calchas, seer who fortold the
Trojan War), Charon
(Charon, ferryman of Hades who hit
souls on the head when they
reached the Underworld, to make
sure they were dead), Himrae
(Hemera, goddess of the day; when
she leaves the goddess of the
night, Nyx, enters and she often
spells doom), Tuchulcha (The
Gorgons may be a form of this
demon. Tuchulcha threated souls
entering Hades with the three
snakes that grew out of his head);
(Eos, goddess of the dawn, also
called Aurora by the Romans, with
her brother and sister,
Helius[sun] and Selene [moon]),
was a child of the Titans Hyperion
or Pallas and Theia or
Euryphaëssa. She personified the
day and was thought to accompany
Helius on his journey through the
sky. She is often seen at the top
of Etruscan mirrors, driving her
four horsed chariot. This is to be
expected, since everyone uses a
mirror and more often than not the
mirror is used in the morning as a
person grooms for the coming day.
Women comb their hair and put on
makeup, and men shave or trim
their beards. A mirror is, of
course, no good at night and thus
would represent the dawning day.
Those of you who review the Rig
Veda, quoted somewhat in the
Banquet.html, will find that the
goddess of the dawn held an
important place in the worship of
the early Aryans of India. Many
verses are dedicated to her. The
reason for this is due to the fact
that their first and foremost
worship service was held at dawn,
when the worshippers prepared a
special feast for the gods to
attend, including Indra, who was
the hero that defeated the dragon
in the mountains. In the ceremony
horses and other animals were
sacrificed and vats of a liquor
called Soma —
made out
of the marijuana plant — were
offered to the gods who were bid
to the feast, along with those in
attendance. The early Persians had
a similar practice, described in
the Avesta, and they shared
similar gods. Their god, Mithra,
was the same as the Aryan god
Mitra. Mithra was a member of the
ahuric triad who maintained order
in the universe and in his
capacity he was the protector of
truth and justice and the source
of cosmic light. Because of the
antiquity of this character, his
equivalent ought to be somewhere
in the Etruscan mythology. In the
course of time, as with the Greek
gods, their were wars in heaven
and gods, like Cronus, were
overturned. Saturn, Zeus, Cronos,
etc. in Greek mythology attempted
to consume their own children. The
same battles, the overturning of
gods, appear in the verses of the
Rig Veda. The same contests
between the sons of light and the
sons of darkness also come into
play and appear to be strong
themes in the Etruscan
presentations. The murals in
Etruscan tombs are quite grim in
some cases and one might wonder
who on earth would want to be
buried in a tomb with Tuchulcha or
Typhon painted on the wall. In
contrast to the grim murals from
the Etruscan tombs, we have
Etruscan mirrors portraying with
the dawn the glory and loves of
the day. Of interest is a phrase
used several times in the Tavola
Eugubine that refers to Eos and
Phaebeto (See Etruscan Glossary
spreadsheet for locations of the
epithets), dawn and the sun god,
perhaps Apollo?); Tages (no
Greek equivalent) was a god of
boundaries who appeared in a field
one day as a child with a full,
grey beard. He set the boundaries
of the Etruscan cities.);
(Perseus was a king
of Mycenae and Tiryns. His mother,
Danaë, bore him in a brazen cell in
which her father, Acrisious, king of
Argos, had imprisoned her on
learning from an oracle that a son
of Danaë would kill him. Although
Danaë claimed that Perseus was a son
of Zeus, who had visited her as a
shower of gold, Acrisius set mother
and child adrift in a chest. Zeus
saw to it that the chest containing
Perseus floated safely across the
sea to the island of Seriphus, where
it was found by a kindly fisherman,
Dictys., who took them in and raised
the youth to adulthood. One day King
Polydectes, Dictys' lustful brother,
saw Danaë and wanted to marry her,
but she was unwilling and the king
did not dare to oppose Perseus, who
defended his mother's decision. He
therefore falsely announced that he
intended to sue for the hand of
Hippodameia, daughter of the Pisan
king Oenomaüs, and required all of
his subjects to contribute horses
toward the bride-gift. Perseus, who
owned no horses, rashly promised to
bring anything else that the king
might ask, even to the head of the
Gorgon Medusa. Polydectes eagerly
accepted this offer, knowing that no
man had ever returned alive from an
encounter with the Gorgons. The
Gorgons were an invincible foe for
an ordinary mortal: on foot he could
not get near them; to esacpe after
battle would be impossible, for they
would follow on golden wings. To
kill Medusa one would need to attack
invisibly and then flee faster than
her sisters could fly. Moreover,
anyone who glimpsed a Gorgon's face
would instantly be turned to stone.
But Perseus had the help of Athena,
who had her own reasons for killing
Medusa. She appeared to him and
explained how to proceed against the
Gorgons. Their hair was surrounded
with the petrified forms of men and
animals that had looked at the
Gorgons' faces. Perseus avoided this
danger by keeping his eyes on the
highly polished surface of his
shield, in which the scene was
clearly but safely reflected.
Invisible, he soon found the
Gorgons, hideous monsters with hands
of brass and wings of gold; huge
tongues lolled from their mouths
between swine's tusks, and their
heads were entwined with snakes.
Perseus waited until they were
asleep; then, avoiding the two
immortal Gorgons, Stheno and
Euryale, he crept toward Medusa.
Watching her in his shield, he cut
off her head with a single blow of
the sikcle, stuffed it into the
wallet, and felw off. The other
Gorgons rose into the air, but,
unable to pursue an invisible
attacker, they returned to mourn
their sister.); Metus (Medusa was one of the
three snaky-haired monsters known as
the Gorgons. Medusa, unlike her
sisters, Stheno and Euryale, was not
immortal. In late versions of the
myth, she is said to have once been
a beautiful maiden. Pursued by many
suitors she would have none of them,
until Poseidon lay with her in a
flowery field. She incurred the
enmity of Athena, either because the
goddess envied her beauty or because
Medusa had yielded to Poseidon in
Athena's shrine. In any case, the
goddess turned Medusa's lovely hair
into serpents and made her face so
hideous that a glimpse of it would
turn men to stone. Having snatched
away the head of Medusa, Perseus
happened by Atlas who was king of
the Hesperides and also was holding
up the world. He also was guardian
of the Golden Apples of the
Hesperides and feared that Perseus
might attempt to snatch them too. He
had been told by the goddess Themis
that a son of Zeus would attempt to
steal them one day. The two began to
wrestle but Perseus knew he would be
no match for the Titan, so he drew
the head of Medusa out of its pouch
and showed it to Atlas. Atlas was
instantly turned into a mountain,
known today as Mount Atlas.);
(Geryon, king of Cadez whose
cattle Heracles raided as part of
his 12 labors. In script PH we see
Geryon standing before Hades,
complaining to him about the theft
of his cattle by Heracles. This is
important to recognize, since one
might have thought that he would
have appealed to Zeus, king of
heaven. But Hades was also the god
of wealth, so it would follow that
his appeal in the Etruscan view of
things would be to Hades. The
Romans called Hades by the name
Pluto, meaning wealth. Cernnunos,
the Gaelic horned god, is pictured
with coins and a cornucopia, and
it may be that the Celts appealed
to Cernnunos in issues involving
cattle raids, etc., just as Geryon
did in the Etruscan mural before
Hades.); Nike
(Nike, Greek goddess of victory.
Nike, though called a daughter of
Pallas and Styx, was more a symbol
than a mythological character.
Like her brothers, Cratus
[Strength] Boa [Force] and Zelus
[Emulation], she was a constant
companion or atribute of Zeus.); Tarkonos
(Tarquin, king of Rome) and Tarkie (the
Tarquins), Tankuilos (Tanaquil,
Etruscan queen, wife of Tarquin
the Elder, 5th king of Rome).
To help you appreciate this work
observe "The Battle of the Greeks
and Amazons" from a sarcophagus from
Tarquinia, now in the Archeological
museum in Florence: There were two
major mythological battles of the
Amazons. The earlier involved a
battle with Priam, king of Troy, in
his youth. A later battle took place
when the Amazons invaded Attica
(Athens). "The Battle of the Greeks
and Amazons" seems to have been
misnamed as the text appears to
relate to the abduction of Hecuba,
the wife of King Priam of Troy,
following the destruction of Troy by
Agamemnon's Greek alies. To view
more murals and paintings click on
the panel below:
![]() |
![]() |
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There are
many myths about the origin of the
Etruscans, as will be discussed on
this site, but the Battle of the
Greeks and Amazons says it all.
The words above the battle are
reconciled through the overall
Etruscan vocabulary developed by
the author through Table 1 and
refined in the Etruscan Glossary).
The script above this battle scene
reads, as shown in Translation_Short_Scripts.html,
"I have/ am of Tirai (Tyrsenus)
the king of the cause of Ati
(Atys) born of the god royal."
This scene leads us back to the
old myth involving kings Priam and
Atys the Lydians. There are
several references to Ati, and the
sons of Ati, the locations of
which can be determined using Etruscan
Glossary spreadsheet. Many
of the mythological stories
recounted on this site are based
on The Meridian handbook of
Classical Mythology
(Originally published as Crowell's
Handbook of Classical Mythology),
by Edward Tripp, 1970. The photo
of the Battle of the Amazons is
courtesy of the Skira book on Etruscan
Painting, a volume of the
Collection, The Great Centuries of
Painting, 1952. Many of the
paintings and murals in the
Etruscan tombs deal with Trojan
themes. Probably emulating the
Etruscan tombs were Thracian
tombs. To view a Thracian mural
click here.
A theme in the Etruscan tombs
follows the principal line of the
Rig Veda, which I call, Banquet of the
gods. Many stories in
mythology begin with a banquet of
the gods, and the heros and kings
of men are immortalized within
that theme. Also associated with
the Banquet of the gods.html is a
separate work on Hittite &
Mitanni documentes, Hittite_Treaties.html.
The Hittites and the Mitanni help
set an important date with regard
to the formation of the
Indo-European languages,
particularly with respect to their
relationship to the Latin-Etruscan
and Germanic languages. The Treaty
of Mitanni, for instance,
invokes the gods Indra, Mithra,
Varuna and the "twins," of the Rig
Veda. The treaty dates to
about 1380 B.C. For more details
see our Phrygian.html
and Lydian.html,
people who were contemporaries of
the Etruscans and spoke a similar
"The Banquet of the gods" is a
term used in the Rig Veda
but is most appropriately viewed
in Etruscan murals. While the
Etruscan murals certainly reflect
Greek mythology, the scenes of a
banquet in death are best matched
with those of the Egyptian tombs.
Nothing reminds us of this close
relationship more than the Zagreb
Mummy text, a text written in
Etruscan on a woman's mummy found
in Egypt. A significant
breakthrough occurred with the
translation of a text on a mirror,
MS 565 /2 in the possession of the
Schoyen Collection. The mirror
contains a scene involving
Icarius, the disciple of Dionysus,
who set off with his faithful dog
to spread the knowledge of wine
making. Because we knew the
subject of the mirror from the
illustration, and because words in
the text are used in other texts,
we were able to make a literary
step in proving the Etruscan
Glossary. Of interest in MS 565/2
is a particular word, 8RATER
(brater, frater), meaning
"brother." This word declines in
the Tavola Eugubine, scripts N, Q,
R and G (see glossary). The Tavola
Eugubine contains many names of
gods and goddesses, Greek
references, and is highly
religious in nature, containing
considerable repetition, as would
be expected in religious tracts.
Battle of the hero god with the dragon: the victory of light over darkness
Herodotus tells us through his inquiries in Egypt he believed that the Greeks got their gods directly from Egypt (except for Poseiden, who came from Lybia, it was claimed). In The Histories (440 B.C.), he says:
Book II.L. In fact, the names of nearly all the gods came to Hellas from Egypt. For I am convinced by inquiry that they have come from foreign parts, and I believe that they came chiefly from Egypt. Except the names of Poseidon and the Dioscuri, as I have already said, and Hera, and Hestia, and Themis, and the Graces, and the Nereids, the names of all the gods have always existed in Egypt. I only say what the Egyptians themselves say. The gods whose names they say they do not know were, as I think, named by the Pelasgians, except Poseidon, the knowledge of whom they learned from the Libyans. Alone of all nations the Libyans have had among them the name of Poseidon from the beginning, and they have always honored this god. The Egyptians, however, are not accustomed to pay any honors to heroes.
Among the major gods and godesses in Egypt Herodotus links Dionysus with Osiris, Isis with Demeter. The children of Osiris and Isis are Apollo (Egypt. Horus) and Artemis (Egypt. Bubastis). The nurse of Horus is the goddess Leto, of whom Herodotus says:
Leto, one of the eight gods who first came to be, who was living at Buto where this oracle of hers is, taking charge of Apollo from Isis, hid him for safety in this island which is now said to float, when Typhon came hunting through the world, keen to find the son of Osiris. Apollo and Artemis were (they say) children of Dionysus and Isis, and Leto was made their nurse and preserver; in Egyptian, Apollo is Horus, Demeter Isis, Artemis Bubastis. It was from this legend and no other that Aeschylus son of Euphorion took a notion which is in no poet before him: that Artemis was the daughter of Demeter.
Leto is mentioned in
the Etruscan scripts and among the (Greek)
legends shown in Etruscan tomb murals is
Typhon. The Greeks called Leto "the
goddess of the night," says Herodotus. It
may be that the Etruscans will be a link
between the Greek and Egyptian memories of
these myths.
The battle of the hero with a dragon, as
Osiris (Dionysus) with Set (Typhon),
refers us back to the common formative
theme in the Rig Veda of Indra and
Vrtra, and other Indo-European myths,
including Beowulf and Grendel. The
Dragon-killer motif is also Mesopotamian,
being a core theme in the Gilgamesh Epic,
in the story of Ishtar and Tammuz. Tammuz
was a diety of agriculture and flocks,
personifying the creative powers of
spring. His consort was the goddess Ishtar
who is reported to have gone into the
underworld to recover him when he died (as
Isis recovered the body of her husband,
Osiris or as Persephone helped
restoreTheseus and Alcestis.).
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Dumuzi, left, bound in hands and feet, before a god(dess) flanked by snakes. A storm god (right) stands atop a dragon (from bibleorigins.net; See also the seal of Ningishzida: http://www.bibleorigins.net/TammuzDumuziDamuSeal.html) |
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Ningishzida with serpent dragon heads on his shoulder presenting King Gudaea of Samaria. Note dragon later known as the god Marduk on the left. (from bibleorigins.net) |
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Tile of Marduk from the Ishtar gate of Babylon |
Tuchulcha threatening Theseus; Etruscan Tomb of Orcos, Tarquinia. See Etruscan_Murals.html. A similar scene, Script V, "Alcestis and Admetus" shows Tuchulcha threatening Admetus while his wife Alcestis offers to die in his stead. Like Theseus who was rescued from Hades by Heracles, Alcestis is said to have been rescued from Hades by Persephone. Another script that has an illustration corresponding to the text is Script MS, "Ikarius" the disciple of Dionysus. |
1: When King Astyages was laid with his fathers, Cyrus the Persian received his kingdom.
2: And Daniel was a companion of the king, and was the most honored of his friends.
3: Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel, and every day they spent on it twelve bushels of fine flour and forty sheep and fifty gallons of wine.
4: The king revered it and went every day to worship it. But Daniel worshiped his own God.
5: And the king said to him, "Why do you not worship Bel?" He answered, "Because I do not revere man-made idols, but the living God, who created heaven and earth and has dominion over all flesh."
6: The king said to him, "Do you not think that Bel is a living God? Do you not see how much he eats and drinks every day?"
7: Then Daniel laughed, and said, "Do not be deceived, O king; for this is but clay inside and brass outside, and it never ate or drank anything."
8: Then the king was angry, and he called his priests and said to them, "If you do not tell me who is eating these provisions, you shall die.
9: But if you prove that Bel is eating them, Daniel shall die, because he blasphemed against Bel." And Daniel said to the king, "Let it be done as you have said."
10: Now there were seventy priests of Bel, besides their wives and children. And the king went with Daniel into the temple of Bel.
11: And the priests of Bel said, "Behold, we are going outside; you yourself, O king, shall set forth the food and mix and place the wine, and shut the door and seal it with your signet.
12: And when you return in the morning, if you do not find that Bel has eaten it all, we will die; or else Daniel will, who is telling lies about us."
13: They were unconcerned, for beneath the table they had made a hidden entrance, through which they used to go in regularly and consume the provisions.
14: When they had gone out, the king set forth the food for Bel. Then Daniel ordered his servants to bring ashes and they sifted them throughout the whole temple in the presence of the king alone. Then they went out, shut the door and sealed it with the king's signet, and departed.
15: In the night the priests came with their wives and children, as they were accustomed to do, and ate and drank everything.
16: Early in the morning the king rose and came, and Daniel with him.
17: And the king said, "Are the seals unbroken, Daniel?" He answered, "They are unbroken, O king."
18: As soon as the doors were opened, the king looked at the table, and shouted in a loud voice, "You are great, O Bel; and with you there is no deceit, none at all."
19: Then Daniel laughed, and restrained the king from going in, and said, "Look at the floor, and notice whose footsteps these are."
20: The king said, "I see the footsteps of men and women and children."
21: Then the king was enraged, and he seized the priests and their wives and children; and they showed him the secret doors through which they were accustomed to enter and devour what was on the table.
22: Therefore the king put them to death, and gave Bel over to Daniel, who destroyed it and its temple.
23: There was also a great dragon, which the Babylonians revered.
24: And the king said to Daniel, "You cannot deny that this is a living god; so worship him."
25: Daniel said, "I will worship the Lord my God, for he is the living God.
26: But if you, O king, will give me permission, I will slay the dragon without sword or club." The king said, "I give you permission."
27: Then Daniel took pitch, fat, and hair, and boiled them together and made cakes, which he fed to the dragon. The dragon ate them, and burst open. And Daniel said, "See what you have been worshiping!"
28: When the Babylonians heard it, they were very indignant and conspired against the king, saying, "The king has become a Jew; he has destroyed Bel, and slain the dragon, and slaughtered the priests."
29: Going to the king, they said, "Hand Daniel over to us, or else we will kill you and your household."
30: The king saw that they were pressing him hard, and under compulsion he handed Daniel over to them.
31: They threw Daniel into the lions' den, and he was there for six days.
32: There were seven lions in the den, and every day they had been given two human bodies and two sheep; but these were not given to them now, so that they might devour
33: Now the prophet Habakkuk was in Judea. He had boiled pottage and had broken bread into a bowl, and was going into the field to take it to the reapers.
34: But the angel of the Lord said to Habakkuk, "Take the dinner which you have to Babylon, to Daniel, in the lions' den."
35: Habakkuk said, "Sir, I have never seen Babylon, and I know nothing about the den."
36: Then the angel of the Lord took him by the crown of his head, and lifted him by his hair and set him down in Babylon, right over the den, with the rushing sound of the wind itself.
37: Then Habakkuk shouted, "Daniel, Daniel! Take the dinner which God has sent you."
38: And Daniel said, "Thou hast remembered me, O God, and hast not forsaken those who love thee."
39: So Daniel arose and ate. And the angel of God immediately returned Habakkuk to his own place.
40: On the seventh day the king came to mourn for Daniel. When he came to the den he looked in, and there sat Daniel.
41: And the king shouted with a loud voice, "Thou art great, O Lord God of Daniel, and there is no other besides thee."
42: And he pulled Daniel out, and threw into the den the men who had attempted his destruction, and they were devoured immediately before his eyes.
We do not know why
Heracles is in the scene in Script MR, since
he is not mentioned in the stories passed
down to us by the Greeks and Romans of the
wedding of Thetis and Peleus. However,
Heracles is not mentioned in other stories
covering the causes the Trojan War, and the
Etruscans seem to have created several
mirrors / stories that are unique to them.
In any event the Etruscans have involved him
in the "wedding" stories and several
Etruscan versions are peculiar to the
Etruscans. Script MS , "Icarius,
the first disciple of Dionysus," for
instance, is another mirror that carries a
story peculiar to the Etruscans, where it
combines two events in spreading the gospel
of wine introduced by Dionysus: 1) the
murder of Icarius with his faithful dog
Maera, by shepherds, the first to get drunk
from wine, and 2) the wedding of the Lapith
king Peirithous, who was a son of Ixion and
had inherited a part of Thessaly from his
father. He invited the Centaurs — also
sons of Ixion and bitter over the
inheritance — to
his wedding. (They had previously engaged in
war over the inheritance, but peace was
arranged). Wine was served at the wedding
and the Centaurs, being unused to wine,
became violent, and, led by Eurytion, tried
to abduct the Lapith women. The result was a
bloody battle, which ended with the Centaurs
being driven out of the region by the
Later Heracles encountered the Centaurs in
western Arcadia. He was being entertained by
Pholus, a civilized member of the tribe of
Centaurs, when the Centaurs, aroused by the
odor of wine, broke up the feast. Heracles
killed many of them and drove away the
others, most of whom fled either to Malea,
to Mount Pholoe (named after Pholus), or to
Eleusis. Nessus, however, went to Aetolia,
where he ultimately took a terrible revenge
on Heracles. In Heracle's war with the
Centaurs, Pholus had accidentally dropped
one of the guest's poisoned arrows on his
foot. (The poisoned arrows Heracles carried
that were dipped in the blood of the Hydra
somewhat bind the stories together).
Heracles had also inadvertently caused the
death of the wise Centaur Cheiron, who had
reared Jason and Achilles. When Heracles met
Nessus again it was at the river Evenus,
where Nessus provided a ferry service.
Heracles hired Nessus to carry his new
bride, Deianeira, across the river, and as
Nessus was wading across the river Heracles
heard his wife cry out. He went to the far
shore and shot Nessus as he was in the act
of raping his beautiful passenger. As Nessus
lay dying he pretended to be remorseful and
asked Deianeira to take his bloody tunic and
smear it on Heracle's tunic. He told her it
would serve as a love potion to keep his
fidelity, as she was already concerned over
her philandering husband who had earlier
taken a concubine. However, the Centaur's
blood had been poisoned by the deadly venom
of the Hydra that Heracles had put on his
arrow. Deianeira kept the tainted tunic
aside, but when Heracles took another
concubine, named Iole (the daughter of
Eurytus, king of Oechalia, who owed her to
him for winning an archery contest) , she
sent the tunic to him. At once the Hydra's
venom, which Heracles had used to destroy so
many enemies, began to do its work, eroding
his skin. He tore off the tunic, but the
flesh came away with it. The dying Heracles
returned to Trachis, where Deianeira,
learning of the horror that she had
unknowingly worked, killed herself. As a
babe Heracles was known as Alcaeus.
Only once before had the gods attended a
wedding: that of the mortal Cadmus, founder
and king of Cadmeia (Thebes), and the
goddess Harmonia, daughter of Ares and
Aphrodite. The wedding gifts for Harmonia,
which included a lyre from Apollo and a
necklace made by Hephaestus, proved to be a
curse to those who later wore them – which
is why the wedding of Thetis and Peleus was
met with some misgiving. But the gods
brought a number of splendid gifts in any
event, among them a jeweled crown for Thetis
and the immortal horses Xanthus and Balius
for Peleus. Peleus and Thetis later bore a
son, Achilles. It is believed that Thetis
placed the infant, her only child, in the
fire at night and anointed him with ambrosia
by day, hoping by these means to make him
immortal. Thetis knew that Achilles would
die if he went to the Trojan War and thus
attempted to make him immortal. (Another
account claims that she dipped the baby in
the river Styx, thus immortalizing every
part of his body except the heel by which
she held him.)
Achilles was the reluctant hero of the
Trojan War, who grieved over the burial of
his companion, Patroclus, and finally
entered the battle when his mother, Thetis,
brought him a shield and armor made by
Hephaestus. Achilles finally engaged Priam's
eldest son, Hector, brother of Paris and son
of Hecuba, before the gate of Troy and,
aided by Athena (Etr. MENRFA), killed him.
He stripped Hector of his armor and dragged
his body behind his chariot to his camp by
the ships. He later defiled Hector's corpse
and refused to give it up for burial, but
finally ransomed it, heeding the advise of
his mother, Thetis, to old king Priam.
Eris, the goddess of discord, was not
invited to the wedding of Thetis – probably
because of the prior adversity occasioned by
the wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia – but
went to the event anyway. She was refused
admittance and in spite threw a golden apple
inscribed, "For the fairest," among the
guests. Three goddesses claimed the golden
apple: VNI (Hera), TVRAN (Aphrodite) and
MENRFA (Minerva). They asked Zeus to judge
which of them deserved the apple.
As a side note, and to consider other
possibilities for understanding the
character, we note that AECAI in Script DM
could be Aeacus, the first king of Aegina,
who was the son of Zeus and Aegina. In his
isolation as a youth he prayed for company
and was blessed with a people who later
became known as Myrmidons (from myrmex,
"ant"). He acquired a reputation for piety
and his respect for justice, and his prayers
later relieved the Greek lands of drought.
When Apollo and Poseidon were building the
walls of Troy, they called on Aeacus for
help. The walls were scarcely erected when
three snakes attacked them. Two fell dead,
but the third, which had assaulted the part
that Aeacus had built, was able to enter.
Apollo correctly interpreted this omen to
mean that the descendants of Aeacus would
bring destruction on Troy during three
generations. After his death Aeacus is
believed to have become either a gate-keeper
or judge of Hades. Of interest, with regard
to this and the "three snakes" version of
this story, there is the Etruscan demon, TVCHVLCHA,
who is seen brandishing three snakes at
Theseus when he entered Hades to rescue his
Since Apollo was involved in the "Aeacus"
story, we would expect him to be one of the
characters shown in the Divine_Mirror,
Script DM. Apollo is not in the scene
of Script DM, so we should identify the
character AECAI as the son of Priam,
Aesacus, who warned specifically against
Paris of Troy. It is noted that in Script DM
both the names of Aeacus and Helen carry the
suffix, "ai." This suffix appears to be the
"accusative" case and is no doubt the neuter
gender since it is used with both feminine
and masculine names.
We see here how the illustrations on mirrors
help us understand Etruscan declension
patterns and how an understanding of
mythology is important to the understanding
of Etruscan texts. Now the Etruscans would
not have had to review both of the stories,
of Aeacus and Aesacus, to understand Script
DM. We, on the other hand, are attempting to
understand how Aesacus shifts to AECAI in
Etruscan, when Aeacus shifting to AECAI
would represent a more logical spelling. To
reconcile the differences we need more
mirrors explaining how the Etruscans viewed
the episodes.
Script MG, an Etruscan
mirror, "Judgment of Paris," (one of several
mirrors on the subject) follows the
conventional story that has come down to us,
where Paris is asked to judge "the fairest"
of the three goddesses, TVRAN (Aphrodite),
MENRFA (Minerva) and VNI (Hera). In this
mirror we have a character who appears –
based upon the Declension Table – to be the
Titaness Rheia (L. Ops) mother of Hera, Zeus
and Tethys. The script near her head appears
to be a phrase: "AL RAIA," which involves an
interesting word, "al," that is used in the
scripts and appears to mean "to the." The
suffix to the name is "ia," following the
genitive case. She is standing behind the
seated TVRAN (Aphrodite) as VNI (Hera)
presents her with a crown. Behind VNI is
MENRFA (Minerva) and ELCINTRE (Paris,
Alexandar), who is holding a scroll, or
perhaps a perfume bottle. The Greek story
tells us that Zeus, wishing to avoid trouble
over Eris' spiteful act, asked Paris – the
handsomest man in the world in those days –
to judge which of them is fairest. He sent
Hermes, the messenger of the godes, to Mount
Ida, where Paris was keeping his flocks; and
Hermes – some say it was Apollo or possibly
both – persuaded him to judge the beauties.
The contestants immediately attempted to
bribe Paris: Hera promised to make Paris
ruler of the world, Athena vowed that he
would always be victorious in war, and
Aphrodite promised him the love of the most
beautiful woman in the world, Helen,
daughter of Tyndareus, king of Sparta.
Paris gave Aphrodite the award. But Helen –
who had most of the princes of Greece as her
suitors – had chosen Menelaus, the brother
of King Agamemnon, for his money. In Script
DM, below the panel of the gods, are thus
the main characters to the story of Helen of
Troy: AECAI (Aeacus), MEAN (Artemis),
ELCHINTRE (Paris, Alexander), ELINAI
(Helen), MENLE, (Menelaus), and ACHMEMNVN
(Agamemnon) and above them the gods, TVRAN
(Aphrodite) HERCLE (Heracles), TINIA (Zeus)
and the mother of Helen, RALNA (the goddess
of retribution, Nemesis) whose child by Zeus
was turned over to Leda, wife of King
Tyndareus, who raised Helen as her own. In
the scene ACHMEMNVN is shaking hands with
ELENAI while MENLE seems to be touching her
head, unaware of the crowning on the other
side of the room. A household goddess, LASA
(L. lasa) HIMRAE is leaving the room
carrying a wand and either a perfume bottle
(for the anointing) or the purse. AECAI, who
wears a Phrygian hat, holds his hand over
his forehead in shock. MEAN (Artemis, the
huntress) awards ELCHINTRE (Paris) with a
laural crown, showing that he is the victor.
But the prophet AECAI knew, and he also knew
why MEAN (Artemis) was crowning Paris. For
Artemis was remarkably jealous of her
honors. The name Menle confirms the "e"
declension applying to Pele discussed above.
Similar declensions involve "le" as in
When Admetus (See Script V, "Alcestis and
Admetus") inadvertently failed to
include Artemis among those to whom he
sacrificed at his wedding, he led his bride
to their bedchamber only to find it filled
with snakes. Oeneus, king of Calydon, once
neglected to dedicate the firstfruits of the
year's harvest to her and was punished when
his entire land was ravaged by a monstrous
bear. Agamemnon received even more severe
treatment for idly boasting that he could
hunt as well as Artemis. The goddess sent
unfavorable winds to keep the entire Greek
fleet, which Agamemnon commanded, at Aulis.
She then demanded — if
the priest Calchas (Etr. CHALCHAS)
was to be believed — the
sacrifice of Agamemnon's fairest daughter,
Iphigeneia. Some say that when the sacrifice
was carried out, she substituted a deer on
the altar and spirited Iphigeneia away to
the land of the barbaric Taurians to be her
priestess there. Some accounts claim that
the original cause of Artemis' enmity toward
Agamemnon was no act of his but rather the
failure, long before, of his father, Atreus,
to sacrifice the best lamb of his flock to
the goddess. He had promised it to her, but
when it was born with a golden fleece, he
hid it instead of sacrificing it.
The identification of HIMRAE was a problem,
as the character "H" is difficult to read
and contained in a cartouche of sorts. There
are versions of the "H" with all sides
closed, allowing us to read the character as
an "H." HIMRAE is probably the goddess of
the day, Hemera. She was born, together with
Aether, from Erebus (Darkness) and Nyx
(Night), and regularly emerged from Tartarus
as Nyx entered it, and returned as Nyx was
leaving. Since Eos (Dawn) was thought of as
accompanying the Sun as well as heralding
his rising, she tended to usurp the
functions of Hemera and was often identified
with her. In Script DM HIMRAE is exiting the
room, and since she is Day, then what
follows is Nyx (Night). Nyx was born,
together with Erebus (Darkness), Ge (Earth),
Tartarus and Eros (Love), out of Chaos.
Apart from Aether (Upper Air) and Hemera
(Day) she spawned a large and generally
unpleasant brood that included Moros (Doom),
Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), the Fates,
and Nemesis. The suffix, "ae" of Himrae
occurs in the Declension Table, but only in
a few instances at the moment.
Knowing that HIMRAE is leaving the room
where terrible betrayals and bargaining is
taking place, the story in the
Divine_Mirror, Script DM, is clear. As
HIMRAE leaves the room love will take over
and bring forth Chaos. There will be Doom,
Death and, for those wondering where it all
began, you can look to RALNA (Nemesis) who
was desired by Zeus at one time. She changed
into verious forms in order to escape him
and when she changed into a goose he changed
into a swan, caught her and raped her. The
result of this union was an egg that was
given to Leda, the wife of King Tyndareus.
The egg hatched into Helen, the most
beautiful woman in the world. Thus, we have
many directions to which the tale on the
Divine_Mirror, Script DM points. And we have
only discussed some of them! What master
storytellers the Etruscans were, to have put
all this into one mirror!
Agamemnon's fate in the story is death. He
and his younger brother Menelaus were known
as the Atreidae, that is, sons of Atreus.
Agamemnon took his father's throne, ruling
over Mycenae and possibly Argos and became
the most powerful king of the Greeks. He led
the expedition to Troy and was married to
Helen's sister, Clytemnestra. Because he had
offended Artemis, however, his fleet was
delayed in Aulis by violent storms and he
was forced to sacrifice his daughter,
Iphigeneia, to appease Artemis. This induced
the implacable hatred of his wife
While Agamemnon was engaging the Trojans,
Thyestes' son Aegisthus, ignoring a warning
from Hermes, killed a minstrel guarding
Clytemnestra, seduced her, and made himself
ruler of Argoplis. There are several variant
stories as to how the seduction took place,
and why Clytemnestra was unfaithful to her
husband. One story suggested that Agamemnon
was bringing Cassandra, Priam's daughter,
back as his concubine. In any event, the two
lovers, Aegisthus and Clytemnestra,
maintained a watch for the return of
Agamemnon over the course of the year and
had contrived a plan to murder him. This
included killing Cassandra and her children
by Agamemnon, Teledamus and Pelops. One
version of the murder describes the lovers
throwing a robe over Agamemnon while he was
at bath and killing him with an axe. They
would no doubt have killed Orestes as well,
but his sister Electra or some loyal
retainer sent him away secretly to the court
of Strophius, king of Phocis, where he grew
to manhood. The vengeance of brother and
sister on the murderers of their father is
next taken up by the story of Orestes.
The Etruscans left us a mirror covering Orestes, Script MM, a
mirror in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York. This mirror contains the following
names: ELENEI
(Helen of Troy), PHERIS, (Pheris, founder
and king of Pharae inThessaly who faced the
challenge of dying for his son Admetus.
Admetus was Pheris' eldest son and crewed on
the expedition to Colchis by the Argonauts.
It turns out that Admetus had a reputation
for piety as a young king but failed to pay
homage to Artemis during his marriage rites
to Alcestis. Apollo interferred on his
behalf and got Artemis to agree that the
dying young man could be saved if someone
were to volunteer to die on his behalf. His
aging parents were not willing to die for
him, but Alcestis was, so she thus
accompanied Thanatos, the implacable god of
death, when he came to escort her to the
Underworld. Admetus, though plunged into
grief, did not refuse his wife's
self-sacrifice. She was saved from her fate
either because Heracles wrestled with
Thanatos and brought her back or because
Persephone, queen of the Underworld, sent
her up again to the world of the living.
Admetus and Alcestis are principal
characters in Euripides' play, Alcestis,
which tells of her death and resurrection.
Other names on Script MM are VReSTE
(Orestes) and MELPE, a name we cannot yet
Now we may wonder whether the lamb hidden by
Agamemnon was the same as the ram with the
golden fleece that miraculously appeared to
save Phrixus, the son of Athamas and
Nephele. Ino, the second wife of Athamas,
had forced him to sacrifice Phrixus, but the
boy was saved at the appearance of the ram
which carried him and his sister, Helle, off
through the air. The ram flew over the
strait now known as the Hellespont, and
Helle fell off, but Phrixus safely reached
Aea, capital of Colchis (now Georgia), a
land at the eastern end of the Black Sea. At
the ram's bidding, Phrixus sacrificed it and
hung its fleece in a sacred grove of the god
Ares. King Aeëtes welcomed Phrixus to his
land and gave him his daughter Chalciope or
Iophossa as his bride, and some say that
Aeëtes killed Phrixus, having learned from
an oracle that he would die at the hand of a
foreigner. When Jason and the Argonauts
arrived in Colchis and lifted the Golden
Fleece from its grove, where it was guarded
by an unsleeping dragon, they also abducted
the daughter of Aeëtes, Medea, who was a
sorceress, and took the son of Phrixus as
Aeëtes had formerly been the ruler of
Corinth, and Medea had a strong claim to the
throne. How Medea came to fall in love with
Jason when he ventured to the land of Aea
involves the nemesis of many Greek heroes:
Hera. Hera made many attempts to destroy
Heracles, and she was no more fond of
Pelias, who had usurped the throne of
Iolcus, in Thessaly, which should have
fallen to Aeson as eldest son of Cretheus,
the previous king. Aeson was the grandson of
Aeolus.The deposed king continued to live in
Iolcus and when his wife gave birth to a son
they pretended the infant, Jason, had died
and secretly sent him to Cheiron the Centaur
in order to protect him from the enmity of
Pelias. When Jason reached his twenty-first
year, he determined to declare his right to
the Iolcan throne, and this desire played
right into the hand of Hera. For it turns
out that he chose the festival in honor of
Poseidon as the time when he would make his
move to reclaim the crown. Pelias assured
that all the gods would be given their due
respect at the festival, except Hera, whom
Pelias had scorned throughout his life. On
the way to Iolcus, from the hills where he
had been a shepherd, Jason had to cross the
Anaurus river. Unbeknown to him an old
woman, who was Hera in disguise, met him
there and asked him to carry her across the
stream. As he crossed the stream he lost his
sandal. He went on without it, however, as
he was running late for the festival.
For some reason Hera believed that only the
sorceress Medea, granddaughter of Helius,
the sun-god, would be clever enough to
overthrow the powerful and treacherous king.
But Medea lived in Colchis, at the farthest
end of the Black Sea, and the inhabitants of
Aea had a reputation for killing strangers.
Hera contrived an elaborate plan to get
Jason and the Argonauts to make the
dangerous journey in spite of the
After Jason arrived at the festival he laid
claim to the kingdom. There had been a
prophesy known to Pelias that a descendant
of Aeolus — a man
without a sandal — would
one day cause his death. Someone noticed the
young man without a sandal and, knowing
about the oracle, quickly reported the
sighting to King Pelias. The king then drove
straight to the festival in his mule-drawn
chariot. There he saw the a youth wearing
the rough trousers and a pantherskin cloak
of a Magnesian. One of his feet was bare.
When Pelias demanded to know his name, Jason
not only gave it but announced that he had
come to claim the kingdom. Recognizing the
difficulty of destroying the lad in the
witness of the crowd at hand, Pelias asked
Jason what he would do if there were an
oracle that said a certain citizen were to
kill him. The youth replied without
hesitation, "I would order him to bring back
the golden fleece." Seizing upon these
words, the king commanded him to do
precisely that. When he reached Colchis Hera
made Medea fall in love with Jason, and
through her sorcery — she
killed Pelias by a trick — she
allowed the band of fifty-two Argonauts to
take the city. But Jason and Medea did not
stay there for long and moved to Corinth
where, by some accounts, he became king of
the city by virtue of Medea's hereditary
claim. He turned over the Iocan throne to
Acastus, but when Jason's son Thessalus
returned to Iolcus he is believed to have
succeeded Acastus on the throne.
According to Greek and Roman writers, such
as Herodotus and Strabo,
the Etruscans — who
called themselves Rasna — came
from Lydia, migrating to Italy because of a
long drought following the Trojan War. The
war lasted ten years, suggesting that the
countryside would have been plundered and
ravaged throughout those years. As a
historical fact, as evidenced in the ancient
"Linear B" scripts from Mycenae — as
well as the fortified towers that arose
after ~1180 B.C. — the
whole region, from the Hellespont to Italy
was being raided by pirates, etc. The Trojan
War, perhaps, is the recollection of the
early days of the raids of the Sea Peoples
recorded by the Egyptians and others. As it
turns out the Etruscan mirrors reflect a
strong bias, favoring the Trojans and the
distribution of the mirrors was as far as
the further reaches of the Black Sea. Of
interest is Virgil's work, the Aeneid, which traces
Roman ancestry to Aeneas, who led refugees
from the ruined country of Troy to Italy and
founded Rome. Other mythologies, such as the
Parisians,' trace their ancestry to Trojan
Etruscan language is Indo-European, as
confirmed herein
A recent
study published by a professor at Stanford
University claims that the Etruscans were
not Indo-Europeans. The article based its
conclusions on DNA analysis of selected
Etruscan remains (about 27 samples dating
from an unspecified period of time).
![]() |
charateristics – images of Etruscans
by Etruscan painters, indicating a
fair-haired people.
Studying the
Etruscans and their Indo-European relations
through Table 1.
Indo-European Table 1 is a map showing
the relationships of the words found
in the Etruscan vocabulary. Because the
Etruscan language is frozen in time (~500
B.CS.), it is a good reference on the
evolution of related Indo-European languages.
Just as we now utilize maps of genetic
movement through populations, so too can we
map the flow of words through populations
using a map similar to Table 1.
A major effort is now being exercised in
mapping languages. Thus, Table 1 follows, and
is a part of, that effort; and there are many
discoveries in Table 1 which are fascinating
and bear further investigation. Watching the
table evolve I am most curious in the part
Albanian is playing in it. While one can see a
distinct and dominating "red line" running
through the table showing Etruscan words and
their relatives, mainly Latin, French and
Italian, Albanian comes into view as a link
between the Italic languages and the Germanic
tongues. Those who are proficient in English
will appreciate how many Albanian words in
Table 1 are familiar to English speakers.
Albanian is particularly interesting since the
language has survived since before Roman
times, and the placement of the Albanian
homeland has always been in dispute. Several
ancient cartographers placed Albania north of
the Caucaus mountains. To see such a map click
here: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/eastern_roman_empire.jpg.
The Albanians occupy an area which used to be
called Illyria. Some of the people from that
area moved across the Adriatic sea into
Northern Italy, near Venice, and southern
Italy (Apulia), and to this day a dialect of
Albanian survives in those regions. The people
that occupied Illyria in the first millennium
B.C. buried their dead in dolmens and barrows
(tumuli), and similar constructions can be
seen in Apulia. The Etruscans modified the
barrow by digging into the tufa and adorning
the tomb with wonderful frescos and reliefs.
The Albanians have been in the cross-roads of
history, having been occupied by the Greeks,
the Romans, and the Turks (They were under
Turkish rule for 500 years), and in spite of
the long occupations by each conqueror, their
language has survived. In Table 1 you can
discern Albanian words which are no doubt from
Latin, a few words that are close to Greek,
and a lot of words which relate to English
roots. Albanians, after a manner of speaking,
have experienced — perhaps
more so —
cultural mixing like the ancient English
speaking group(s). Like English, in spite of
all the external influences and attempts to
displace the root language, the root remains
and is quite discernable. We can call those
roots "cognates," words that have a similar
sound and meaning between two or more
languages. Mapping the cognates can reveal how
a language spread. Again, since we know that
Etruscan is a dead language and has remained
as such since before Cicero's time (43 B.C.),
we have in Etruscan a [scientific] blind
against which we can measure the other
languages in Table 1.
What is shown in Table 1 is a map of three
Indo-European linguistic strands: an
Eastern (Blue), a Middle (Green), and a
Western group (Red). The Slavic language
group, which is in the main represented in
Table 1 by Polish, appears in the "green"
zone. Sanskrit, Avestan and Persian I placed
in the "blue" zone. What is interesting about
Table 1 is that some of the solid "green" and
"red" zone languages have words that fall into
the "blue," Sanskrit zone. German and Gaelic — including
Old English — fall
solidly into the (Green) zone, and French,
Italian, Etruscan and Latin represent the
strongest band in Table 1: the red zone.
As in Albanian and English, the Poles have
been occupied by Roman and Germanic interests;
so it is no surprise to see a strong
representation of those languages in its
language. French has from the beginning had a
most curious interplay in the Etruscan
Vocabulary and Table 1, for there are many
Etruscan words whose only cognate is, at the
moment, found only in the French language.
Some of these cognates tie into the Green
strand through Gaelic. Italian cognates also
fit into this French-Etruscan map, and many of
the cognates fit into the "blue," Eastern
field of the Indo-European language map of
Table 1.
The Gaelic (Celtic) languages, while fitting
solidly into the "green" field of Table 1,
seem to have a stronger bias towards the
"blue," Eastern field. Welsh, of those Celtic
languages most represented in Table 1, harbors
a perspective of a group of people with a
long-standing presence in the center of the
Indo-European migration patterns.
The name of Tini, Tinia is possibly related to
the Latin verb, tinnio-ire, to ring, pay money.
If the Phrygian language is related to the
Etruscan, as shown in our Phrygian.html, there
may be a connection in the name TINI and VTIN.
VTIN, seen in the Phrygian.html may be related
to the Teutonic Odin, Wodin, who
is the Teutonic father of the gods, comperable
to Zeus. However, Odin is not a storm god, and
is known as a one-eyed wise old man, defender of
the Asas, who rides on a horse with eight legs
and who gave mankind the knowledge of the Runes.
The Runes are essentially the Etruscan alphabet
which is patterned perhaps after the Greek and
more explicitly after the Phoenician and Aramaic
alphabets. The Runes appear to have come into
use about the 6th century A.D., about 800 years
after the Etruscan alphabet ceased to be used.
Associated with the mystery of transfer of the
Runes to the Teutonic peoples is the Serbian
alphabet which also uses characters common to
the Runes.
Of interest is the tradition in the Teutonic
myths that Odin emigrated to Scandia
(Scandinavia) from Troy (Phrygia). The Baltic
Sea peoples were the source amber, highly prized
by the Mycenean Greeks as well as the
Mediterranean littoral. Because of the trade in
amber no doubt there was considerable movement
of traders in the Mediterranean during the
Bronze and Iron Age. Metals from Anatolia,
Thrace and the Alps no doubt flowed up the
riverine systems of Europe in exchange for amber
and other Teutonic goods.
Etruscan murals and mirrors depicted people
wearing the distinctive Phrygian hat, and
Etruscan legend owes the source of the Etruscans
to be in the land of Lydia. The Phrygians are
believed to have moved from southeastern Europe,
Thrace, to Anatolia, including the region known
as the Troad which Virgil's "Aeneid" refers to
as Phrygia. Because of these connections the
origin of the Etruscan and Phrygian gods may
include Teutonic influence.
Glossary with link to Excel spreadsheet
Etruscan GlossaryA.xls or the same spreadsheet as a Google
Grammar with link to Excel spreadsheet
Etruscan Grammar.xls.
view the Etruscan alphabet as used in these
scripts click
here, Lemnos Script.html
the Vocabulary words > L, (no longer
current; see Grammar and Glossary) which laid the
foundation for Table 1.
To Vocabulary
words L> (no longer
current; see Grammar and Glossary)
The University of California's Press,
book (out of print) which alleges that Etruscan
is not an Indo-European Language (Latin is an Indo-European language,
for those who aren't sure): http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/2495.html
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