A (L. a, in, at, to from, of, on; It. a, ad, prep. to, at, in, by, for, on; Fr. à, prep. at, in, to, from, on, for, by, with; à la française, French style; tasse à thê, teacup; au, aux = à + le, les ; Found at: Z92, Z1153, Z1372, Z1553, TC61, TC90, TC108, TC127, J8, J19, J25, J29, J36, J39, Au90, Au102, AF-13, AN-12, AN-102, NA-371, N21, N206, N711, Q376, Q388, Q701, Q717, R381, R499, R542, R584, K100, )
AB (R314)
AP (L. a, ab, abs, prep. with abl. (1) of motion or measurment in space: from, away from (2) of time: from, after (3) of separation, difference, change: from; so of position or number: counting from; and of the relation of part to whole: out of, of (4) of origin and agency, especially with passive verbs: by, at the hands of, because of (5) viewed from, on the side of: a tergo, in the rear; hence in connexion with, as regards; It. a, ad, prep. to, at, in, by, for, on. Q253, Q396, Q767, Q908)
AC (L. ac, atque, and, and also, and indeed. In comparisons: of similarity, with such words as aequus or idem, as; of difference, with such words as alius or secus, than, from. Z54, Z432, Z1183, Au-1, TC46)
AK ( Z489, Z508, Z1139)
ACA (Acca Larentia, a Roman goddess, also called Larentalia or Accalia-ium. Her festival in Rome is in December. acer-cris, cre, sharp, cutting, keen; of sight, keen; of emotions: painful, of understanding or character, quick, vigorous, energetic; accio, ire, ivi, itum, to call, to summon; Found at Z572, TC46, Au67, Au90)
ACIS (R349)
ACI (Z582)
ACES (acquo-are, (1) to make level or equal (2) to compare (3) to equal, come up to; aequas-a-um, adj. equal, equal in itself, even level. N462)
ACIE (Achaia or Achaia-ae, f. the Greek country of Achaia or in gen. Greece; N149, R219, R238)
AKaPa (L. Ago-agere, to set in motion. M24, N160)
ACEIRI (L. acerra-ae, f. a casket for incense; Auarius-a-um, belonging to water, m. as subst. a water carrier or an inspector of conduits. Q543)
AKER (L. ager, agri, land, territory, as cultivated: a field, open country; It. agro, (1) m. land, field (2) m. sourness. adj. sour; agricolo, adj. agricultural; Fr. agricole, adj. agricultural, farming; agriculture, f. agriculture, husbandry, tillage, farming; N173, N4335)
AKRV (It agro, (1) land, field; (2) sourness, sour. R65)
ACERN (L. auguro-are, dep. to act as an augur, take auguries; locus augurator, the place is consecrated by auguries; in gen. to have a forboding, an presentiment. DL-2)
ACIL (Z591, Z1161, Z1168, Z1662)
ACILaR (Z812, Z826)
ACILV (possible name Acilus, L. Aquila-ae, eagle, celer -eris -ere, swift, quick rapid; adv. celere and celeriter; agellus-i, a little field, agilis-e, easily moved; It. f. aquila, eagle. Found at: J23)
AKiM (Lemnos Script; L. ago, agere, egi, actum, to set in motion, drive, of animals, to drive on hunt, se agere, to go, animen, to give up the ghost, radices, to strike root; transf. to incite to action, to deal with, be engaged upon, to treat of a subject, hoc agere, to attend to the matter in hand; pass., to be concerned, be at stake, actum est de, it is settled about, so it is all over with; bene agere cum homine, to treat a person well; grates, gratias, to express thanks; pacem, to keep the peace; of time, to spend; so absol., to spend time, live; on the stage, to act, play; primas partes, to play the leading part; legal and polit., to take a matter up publicly; agere [iure or lege] to go to law; agere causam, to plead a cause. Pres., part., agens-entis, as adj. effective; agger-eris, heap, mound, milit. rampart. Z681)
ACI8 (L. aequo-are, (1) to make level or equal; (2) to compare; (3) to equal, come up to; aqua-ae, f. water, esp. the water of the sea, a lake, a river, or rain; in plur. (medicinal springs; often water in the water clock; N74)
ACL TiN (L. Aglaia-ae or Agliaie-es, f. one of the Graces. She is mentioned in the Zagreb Mummy Script associated with the Etruscan god Tin. She was also called Charis (Grace) by Homer in the Iliad and named Aglaea by Hesiod [late 8th century B.C. According to Hesiod she was the wife of the god of fire and metal working called Hephaestus [Mulcier and Vulcan by the Romans]. Hephaestus was thrown out of heaven by Zeus and believed to make his home on the island of Lemnos. Conversely his home is believed to be Mt. Etna in Sicily. He is a forger of weapons and tools and one of his noteworthy creations was the formation of the first woman, Pandora. He is also reported to have been married to Aphrodite. When he fell from heaven he aquired a limp and all of his children inherited the limp. According to Hesiod the Graces were three in number. They are depicted in the nude dancing in a circle. They gave beauty to young girls and dispensed gentle and lovely qualities on appropriate occasions.Z1183)
ACNE (L15)
AKNE (Name, L. agna-ae, f. an ewe lamb, agnus-i, m. lamb; Ignis-is, fire, conflagration, a watch-fire, a firebrnd, hence, lightening; in gen. glow, glitter; transf. a firebrand of war, glow of passion, the beloved; It. agnello, m. lamb; Fr. agneau, m. lamb. R258, R334)
AKNEM (R306)
ACNESEM ( Z1153)
ACNI (L. agna-ae, f. an ewe lamb; This word in the Zagreb Mummy Script is used in the context of her soul being returned to join the lambs of the Veleri [8ELERI]; then we have the phrase, AGNI CN = the lambs of CN, an abbreviation for the corpse. Z990, Z1153, Z1792)
ACNAS (Au-58)
AYENASV (L. agnascor-nanasci -natus, dep. of children, to be born after their father's will. M. of partic. as subst. agnatus-i, a relation descended from a common ancestor in the male line; a child born into a family where a regular heir already exists. Found at: J3)
AD (L. ad, prep. with acc. (1) of motion: towards, to a person or place; ad me, to my house (2) of rest: at or near (3) of time: either to, until, or at, about; (4) of other relations: towards, for a purpose: concerning, bearing on, compared with, in addition to; in conformity with: approximating to, about; in consequence of an event: as far as, up to a certain degree; ad summam, on the whole; ad verbum, literally; It. a, ad, prep. to, at, in, by, for, on; Fr. à, prep. at, in, to, from, of, on, for, by, with; au, aux = à + le, les. J48)
AEKiS (L. aegis-ides, f. an aegis or shield , esp. that of Jupiter or Minerva; transf. a protetion, bulwark. Z40)
AFEF (L. aveho-vehere-vexi-vectum, to carry off, bear away, pass. to ride or sail off; Z1300)
AFIL (L. habeo-ere-ui-itum, to have, hold, possess; habito-are, to inhabit, dwell; habilis-e, easily managed, handy, suitable, fit, convenient; abeo-ire-li-itum, to pass away, die. It. abile, adj. able, capable, fit, apt; abilità, f. ability, skill; avere (1) possessions; (2) to have, to get, to own; aver ragione, to be right; avere 30 anni, to be thirty years old; abbellire, to embelish, adorn; abbigliare, to dress; Fr. habiller, to dress, to clothe, to prepare, to trim, to fit; aviler, to debase, to degrade, to lower; avilissement, m. debasment, degadation, depreciation; avoir, to have, possess, hold, etc.note: this word is used in Script AN, Tomb of Anina, Tarquina, in the context of years the person lived. The years are expressed in Roman Numerals, i., AN-11 is XXXIX [39]; Z102, M1, AJ-9).
AFILS (Z84, Z103, Z300, Z953, M74, AN-5, AN-28, AN-55)
A8 (L. aveo-are, to long for, desire; N100, N112, N160, Q863)
A8A (L. avia-ae, f. a grandmother; avus-i, m. a grandfather; poet., in gen., an ancestor; It. ava, f. ancestress; avo, m. ancestor; Z981, AP-1)
A8V (L. avus-i, grandfather, ancestor. J33, J39, K13, K92, K131)
A8aRA (L. n. avaras-a-um, covetus, greedy; It. avere, to have, to get, to own; avido, adj. greedy, eager; Fr. avide, adj. greedy, eager [for], keen [on], avidité, f. avidity, greediness, eagerness; H3)
A8ERaS (M24, M74)
A8ERYM (N100)
AFRATVM (L. auratus-a-um, golden or adorned with gold;It. affranto, adj. weary, broken; affrettare, affrettarsi, to hasten, hurry, speed; Fr. afférent, relevant, applicable. Z1146
AGE (Fr. âge, m. age, period, epoch; It. agio, m. ease, comfort, time: non trovarsi a proprio agio, to be ill at ease. R248, R334)-
AGES (R661)
AI (L. ai, oh!, interjection of grief; It. ahi, interj. (1) ah!, aha! (2) ouch! oh!; aia, (1) f. yard, threshing floor (2) f. governess; Fr. ahurir, to dumfound, to daze, to bewilder, to flabbergast; aïeul, aïeule m. grandfather, f. grandmother; [pl. aïeux] ancestors, forefathers; aile, f. wing, pinion, sail, whip, blade, aisle, brim, fluke. Z530, TC71, TC127, TC260, Au55)
AICI (L. aeger-gra-grum, sick, ill, physically or mentally; Aegaeus-a-um, Aegean; Aegaeum-i, the Aegean Sea; L-1)
AIR (L. aer, aeris, m. the lower air, the atmosphere; It. aire, swing, start, course; Fr. air, m. air, wind, appearace; look, tune,; avoir L'air, to look, to seem; aire, f. area, space, surface, threshing floor; eyrie [aigle]; note: this word appears once and is written upside-down. J52)
AIS (L. aes, aeris, n. copper ore and the alloy of copper, bronze; means anything made of bronze; a vessel, a statue. This word is used frequently in the Zagreb Mummy Script in the context of several different images. Z255, Z263, Z432, Z614, Z681,Z887, Z1080, Z1274, Z1410, Z1591, Z1864)
AITV (L. aestas-atis, f. summer; hence summer weather, summer heat; Hades, Tartarus [os]-i, m. plur. Tartera-orum, n. the infernal regions; adj. Tartareus-a-um. Note that Hades was the god of the underworld. The Greeks were hesitant about using the name in speech, apparently out of fear of attracting the attention of the awsome lord of the dead. Therefore they generally referred to the god as Pluto [also called Dis by the Romans and sometimes Orcus. The Greek underworld became known as Hades. Hades, a son of Cronos and Rhea, was swallowed buy his father, together with his brother Poseidon and sisters. The youngest brother, Zeus, escaped this fate and forced Cronos to vomit up his children. The three brothers divided up the universe by casting lots. Hades received the underworld, Poseidon the sea, and Zeus the sky. Olympus of the earth was the joint domain of the three. Hades, who preferred never to leave the underworld, left it or met Heracles at the gate and was wounded by him. He left it again with his 4 horse chariot to abduct Persephone. After the abduction she was allowed by Hades to leave the underworld on the condition that she return to him for 4-6 months each year. Hades had a three-headed dog named Cerberus which helped to make sure no dead ever escaped his locked domain. He also supervised the punishement of malefactors. It. estate, f. sumer; Fr. été, m. summer. N311, N378)
AL (It. al, prep., to the; this word appears to be a contraction of A LE and A LA, at it, at him, at her; Z180, TC19, TC180, TC137, TC266, TC279, TC283, TC290 TC327, Au43, Au49, Au58, M32, AF-1, AE-1, AH-1, AJ-9, AL-1, AN-20)
ALC ( L. aliqui, aliquae, or aliqua, aliquod, adj. some; aliquis, aliquid, pron. someone, something, anyone, anything; N. aliquid, often with partitive genit., a certain amount or number of; as adv. in any respect. Transf. somebody or something great or significant. Hence adv. aliquo, some whither, in some direction; adv. aliqua, by some road, in some way; aliquamdiu, for some time; adj. aliquammultus, considerable in number or quantity; aliquot, indecl. some, several. TC290, TC327, AN-20)
ALKVS (L. aliquis, aliquid; pron. someone something. Z1097, Z1654)
ALKVS (Z1088)
ALKVS (Z1410)
ALE (L. alo, alere, alui, altum, [for alitum] to nourish, support, rear, feed; hence in gen. to strengthen, increase, promote, advance; partic. altus-a-um, grown, great; of character: dignity rank: lofty, noble; Z622, Au49)
ALENI ( L. alieno-are, to make something another's, let go, transfer, to estrange one person from another, to put a thing out of one's mind, forget, with mentem etc., to cause a person to lose his reason; pass. alienari, to go out of one's mind; m. as subst. alienus-a-um, belonging to another, aes, another's money, and so debt, in gen., strange, foreign, unrelated, esp. of persons, not at home, unfamiliar or estranged, unfriendly; of things: unforvourable; m. as subst. alienus, a stranger; n. as subst. alienum, another person's property. M45)
ALeR (L. alo, alere, alui, altum [or alitum] to nourish, support, rear, feed; hence, in gen. to strengthen , increase, promote, advance; As seen from below, high, hence of the voice, shrill, of character: dignity, rank, lofty, noble; as seen from above, deep, hence of quiet, deep of thoughts, secret, deep-seated, of time: reaching, far back, ancient; N. as. subst. altum-i, either height or depth, adv. alte, highly or deeply.M67)
ALTV (Q871)
ALTI ( Z1654)
AL8V (L. alveus-i, m. a hollow, cavity, trough; hence, boat, etc.; albus-a-um, white, dead white; hence pale or bright;N. as subst. album-i, a white colour, a white writing tablet, fortune, list; )
AM (L. amo-are, to love [passionately], be fond of; amare se, to be selfish or pleased with oneself; amabo te, or amabo, please, be so good; with infin., to like to do a thing, also to be wont, be accustomed; partic. amans-antis, loving, fond; as subst. a lover. Adv. amanter, lovingly, to love; its various tenses are used in all scripts. Z170, Z1628, Au27, AJ-1, N230)
AMA (Z1227, J36, K26, Q521, Q551, Q775, R584, R607, TC327)
AMaPA (Q351, Q424)
AMaPa (J8, N216, Q84, Q95, R499, R644)
AMaPEN (R394)
AMAR (M78, Q692)
AME (TC127, TC161, K6, Au35)
AMEM (N173)
AMI (Z1359)
AMV (Au95, N173)
AMVER (L. amor-oris, m. love, passion, fondness, desire; meton., an object of love, darling; personified love: Cupid; It. amore, m. love, fondness, sake; un amore di bambino, a charming baby; Fr. amour, m. love, affection, passion; mal d'amour, lovesickness; s'amouracher, to fall in love [de, with]; amourette, f. passing fancy, crush; amoureux, adj. loving, enamoured; m. lover, sweetheart)
AN (L. an, conj. or, whether; this word is used like a preposition, i.e., "in;" used in many scripts.Z10, Z19, Z224, Z439, Z681, Z648, Z1662, Z1809, Z1835, AN-42, N100, Q253, Q360, Q369, Q396, Q416, Q813, Q863, N462, R359, R394, R542, K20, L59, APH-18,TC108)
ANA (L. Anna-ae, f. sister of Dido: Anna Perenna, an Italian goddess; person's name, Anna. AJ-17)
ANNA ( (L. annus, anni, year. K1, K26)
ANAS (L. annus, anni, year. Au22)
ANE (L. annus, anni, year-an unusual declension-with regard to its absence from other scripts. Z648)
ANEI (Capua Tile)
ANI (L. annus-i, a circuit of the sun, year; annos LXX natus, seventy years old; year of office or of eligibility for office; poet., time of year, season. Z92, Z489, Z508, TC248, AN-1, AN-12, AN-31)
ANIA (L. Anio-enis, and poet.; Anienus-i, m. the Anio, a tributary of the Tiber; Anius, son of a poet who had a gift of prophesy. Z1578)
ANV8 (L. annuus-a-um, lasting for a year; returning every year, annual. N. plur. as subst. a salary, pension; annona-ae, f. yearly produce, crop, esp. of grain; the price of provisions [esp. corn], the cost of living; annalis-e, lasting a year, or relating to a year. M. as subst., usually plur. annales-lum, yearly records, annals. TC108)
ANCe (It. anca, f. hip, haunch; anche, adv. conj. also, too, even like. Z516. Z598)
ANCFIS (L. ango-ere, to press tightly, of the throat, to strangle, throttle; in gen. to hurt, distress, of the mind: to torment, make anxious; anguis-is, a snake; in astronomy the constellation Drako or Hydra or the Serpent, Z10)
ANGI8 (Anzio? [Groliers 2000]: Anzio is a town on the Tyrrhenian Sea in Roma province of the Lazio (Latium) region in central Italy. It is a seaside resort about 48 km (30 mi) south of Rome; its main industry is fishing and it is older than Rome, by which it was conquered (circa. 340 A.D.). Anzio was a year-round resort for wealthy Romans. Emperors Nero and Caligula were born there. Among the extensive Roman ruins is Nero's villa, in which was found the famous Greek statue of Apollo Belvedere. The city was abandoned in the early Middle Ages after being destroyed by the Saracens and was not revitalized until Pope Innocent XII ordered the construction of a new port in 1698. In World War II, American and British troops seriously damaged most of the old town when they landed at Anzio beach on Jan. 22, 1944, as part of their successful effort to break through to Rome; L. ango-er, to press tightly, of the throat: to throttle, strangle; in gen. to hurt, to distress; of the mind: to torment, make anxious. R447)
ANS (L. ansa-ae, f. a handle; hence occurance or opportunity. TC170)
ANT (L. ante, adv., before, of place or time. Prep., before, or place or time; ante urbem conditam, before the found of the city; of preference: sooner than, above; antea, before, formerly. N391)
ANTA (N363, R644)
ANTER (L. anteo-ire-ii, to go before, in space or time; hence to excel [with dat. or acc.]; It. anteriore, adj. earlier, fore, front; Fr. antérieur-e, adj. previous, former, anterior, prior; antériorité, f. priority. N74, R349)
ANTV (G39)
ANTVR (R56, R72)
APA (L. abeo, abi-itum, to go away, abi, be off with you; abi in malam rem, go to the devil; Transf. to retire from office, to deparet from life, die; in discussion: to digress; in form: to change; of things: to pass away, disappear, vanish; to pass over from owner to owner; AF-1)
APE (Q253, Q263, R121, R128, R142, R156, R294)
APEN (Q460)
API (N670, N700, N738)
APH (APH is the name of a major Etruscan goddess. In Greek mythology there is Aphaea, later known as Britomartis, a Cretan goddess, daughter of Zeus and Carme, daughter of Eubulus. She loved the hunt and was the favorite of Artemis. Minos, king of Create, pursued the young woman amorously until, in desperation, she leaped into the sea. She fell into the nets of fishermen and in one version was saved. In what may be the original version she became immortal at the moment of her supposed death. Her title as a goddess was Dictyana which the Greeks translated as "Lady of the Nets." This title was also given by some late classical writers to Artemis, whose cult absorbed some of the features of the Cretan goddess cult. Britomartis was worshipped on the island of Aegina under the name of Aphaea. She had shrines at Sparta as well. APH seems to be connected to Cybele and in the Pyrgi texts Cybele and Aph are mentioned; in the Punic tablet Ishtar is mentioned. All represent the mother goddess. Z19, Au102, N123, Q433, Q475, R306, R314, R347, R447, R521, R596)
APNE (L38)
APNI (L. abnuo-nuere-nui, future part. nuitrus, to refuse by a jesture, deny. TC71)
APNIS (Z508)
APRV8 (L. approbo-are, to approve of, assent to, to prove, establish, to make acceptable to another. N268, N341)
APRaTV (L. abrado-radare-rasi-rasum, to scrape off, shave; transf. to squeeze out, to export; apparatus-us, m. abstr. preparation, preparing, concr. provision, equipment, apparatus, esp. on a pretentious scale; hence, splendor, magnificence, pomp, parade. N216)
AR (L. aro-are, to plow, to farm, cultivate; transf. to furrow, wrinkle; of ships: to plow the sea. Z842, Z1662, TC266, N206, Q821)
ARaN (TC144)
ARA (Latin, ara, f. altar; hence, refuge, protection; arae, plur., name of certain rocks at sea; arare, to plow; aratio, subst. ploughing, arator, plow; aro-are, to plow, farm, cultivate. Transf. to furrow, wrinkle; of ships, to plow the sea; areo-ere, to be dry; partic. arens-entis, dry, thirsty; It. ara, (1) area [surface measure]; (2) f. altar; arare, to plow; aratro, m. plow; era, f. era; Fr. era, f. era. Z40, Z1274, Z1386, K31, TC80)
ARAI (Lemnos Script)
ARAS (K31)
ARI (TC220, N63)
ARAKLVM (L. argilla-ae, f. white clay, potter's clay; Aglaia-ae, or Aglaie-es, f. one of the Graces; Fr. argile, f. clay; It. argilla, f. clay. Unknown word. R219)
ARC ( L. arcus, a bow, arch, arc, especially a rainbow) TC127, TC236, TC260)
ARCA (arceo-ere-ui, (1) to shut in, (2) to keep at a distance, hinder, prevent, keep away; arcanus-a-um, shut, closed; hence, silent, secret. N. as subst. a secret; adv. arcano, secretly; arcas-icis, m. and adj. subst. /arcadian, an Arcadian; note: this word and its declensions below may be Latin arcanus, shut, secret; Greek , arkhe, beginning; English, archaic;)
ARCE (N53, Q117, Q521, Q683, R499)
ARCES (N31, N290, N320, N341, N500, N529, N561, N598, N632, R278)
ARCIA (N21, N53, N280, N476, N522, N660, Q65, R370, R437)
ARCIV (N304, N333, N543, N582, N632, Q273, R270)
ARCV (R314)
ARCVS (L. Argos and Argi-orum, Argos, capital of Argolis in the Peloponese. TC7)
ARE (L. area-ae, f. a level or open space, site, court-yard, threshing floor; esp. a playground; hence, in gen. play, scope; areo-ere, to be dry; partic., arons-ontis, dry, thirsty. Z769)
ARELIS (L. erilis-e, of a master or mistress; Aurelius-a-um, name of a Roman plebian gens. Z963)
AREPE (L. erepo-repere-repsi-reptum, to creep out, to creep up or over. N290, N444, R278)
AREPES (This word appears to be L. Erebus-i, m. a god of the lowerworld, hence the lower world; adj. Erebeus-a-um; N31, N500, N561, N598, N632)
ARES (L. Ares-is, m. the Greek god of war; Latin, Mars. N529)
AR8ERTVRE (L. arbiter -tri, m. a witness, spectator, ; legal: an umpire, arbitrator; hence, any judge, ruler, master; appears in the Tavola Cortonensis, Script TC where it is used in the context of the arbiter of Pisa. N417, R13, R72, R349, R417, G14, G30)
ARIPHMV (noun/name used as an ephitet. R644)
ARMV (L. armo-are, to provide with arms, arm, equip, fit out. Q53)
ARN (L. Arnus-i, m. chief river of Etruria [now the Arno] TC144)
ARNA (Z737)
ARNO (AE-1, AN-1)
ARNVI (Au102)
ARNSA (It. arnese, m. implement, tool. TC103
ARPA (L. n. aeripes, brazen-footed; erepo, repere, repsi, reptum, to creep out, to creep up or over; It. arpa, f. harp; arpia, f. harpy Fr. arpent, m. acre; arpète, f. milliner's apprentice; eripo -riper-ripui-reptum, to snatch away, to tear out, in a good sense, to free, rescue; hence, partic. ereptus-a-um, snatched away or rescued)
ARPE (Q183, Q713, R530, J48)
ARPV (L. arbor [arboris]-oris, f. a tree; also any wooden object, such as an oak, mast, ship; arbor infelix, the gallows; It. albero, tree, shaft, mast m.; Fr. arbre, m. tree, arbor, shaft, spindle, axle.R88,
(L. eripo -riper-ripui-reptum, to snatch away, to tear out, in a good sense, to free, rescue; hence, partic. ereptus-a-um, snatched away or rescued.L44)
ARS (L. ars-tis, f. (1) skill, method, technique; ex arte, according to the rules of are (2) an occupation, profession (3) concrete, in pl. works of art (4) conduct, character, method of acting; bonae artes, good qualities; AN-31)
ARV (L. aro-are, to plow, to farm, cultivate; transf. to furrow, wrinkle; of ships: to plow the sea; arvus-a-um, ploughed; n. as subst. arvum-i, plowed land, a field; in gen. a region. Q283, Q488)
ARVS (Z1153)
AS & AS (L. as-asgis, m. a whole unit, divided into 12 parts [uncia], ex asse, sole heir, as a small coin, as, as a weight, a pound. Z984, N74, Q531, Q692, Q775, R607)
ASA ((L. ascio-scire, to take to oneself, adopt as one's own. Z638, Z1345, Z1784, Q424, Q775, R596, R607, R653)
ASE (TC46)
ASE (Q416, R381)
AZIA (L. Asia-ae, (1) a town and district in Lydia, (2) the continent of Asia, (3) the peninsula of Asia Minor, (4) the Roman province of Asia, formed in 133 B.C.; hence, adj. Asianus, Asiaticus and Asius-a-um; subst. Asis-idis, f. poet., Asia; It. asiático, adj. Asiatic ascia-ae, f. a carpenter's axe, a mason's trowel; It. ascia, axe; Fr. hache, f. axe, hatchet; hacher -é, to chop, to hew, to hack up, to hash [viande], to mince; hachereau, m. hatchet; hachoir, m. choppper, chopping board; hachuré, adj. streaked. N647)
ATE (gens of King Attis [Atys]; other possibilities: L. adeo-ire-li-itum, to go or come to, approach, visit; in ius, to go to law; of business, etc. to undertake, undergo, involve; adire hereditatem, an inheritance; It. attirare, vt. to draw, attract, lure; Fr. attiser, to stir up, to poke, to arouse; L. aetas-itis, it is an age of human life, either a life time, of life, age; id aeatis, of that age; bona (or iniens) aetas, flos aetatis, youth; aetas ingraves cens, or provecta, old age; aetas puerilis, boys; meton. the persons of a particular age; in gen. time, age, period of time, epoch. N160, N349, Q46)
ATES (N462, R359)
ATI (Q11)
ATENTV (L. attento or attempto-are, to try, test, essay, to tamper with, try to corrupt or to attack. Q263, Q369)
ATE IVIES (name, Ioies; possibly L. Iuppiter, Jovis, m. Jupiter, the Roman supreme god; sub. love, in the open air)
ATER (L. ater, atra, atrum, dead black, dark; poet., clothed in black; transf. dark, gloom, sad; malicious poisonous. N404)
ATHINEM (Athena or Athene, The virgin goddess of arts, crafts and war and patroness of Athens; identified by the Romans as Minerva; L7)
ATIIERIA (ephitet: Atigeria, sons of the Etruscan patriarchal King Atys (Attis) of Lydia; L. gero-onis, m. a carrier. Q11, Q24)
ATIIERIE (R100, R114, R219, R229, R238)
ATIIERIER (R114, R405)
ATIIERIV (Q243, R88, R181, R195, R565, G21)
ATRV (L. ater, atra, atrum; dead black, dark, clothed in black; poet. transf. f. dark, gloomy, sad, malicious, poisonous; It. atrio, m. entrance hall, hall. N311)
AVA (Latin, avia, grandmother; It. ava, f. ancestress; evo, m. age, time, era)
AVIM (L. aveo [haveo]-ere, to be well, found only in imperative and infin. Ave! hail! or farewell!; aveo-are, to long for, desire; aveho-vehere-vexi-vectum, to carry off, bear away; pass. to ride or sail off. L71)
AVL (L. aule, lord, prince; L. aula-ae, f. a forecourt, courtyard; poet. atrium, an inner court; transf. a palace, royal court; meton., courtiers; used in several scripts in the sense of "lord, prince.")
AFLE (TC90, TC103, TC241, TC290, T1)
AVLE (K46, AF-1, AL-1)
AVRA (L. aura-ae, air, esp. air breathed or blowing, breath, wind; poet. esp. plur. upper air, heaven, superas ad auas, to the light of day; ferre sub auras, to make known; poet. [rarely] smell, glitter or echo.
BALEPI (Balae-arum, f. pl. a holiday resort on the coast of Campania; adj. Balanus-a-um; balo-are, to bleat. L59)
BeLeM L. bello-are, and belior-ari, dep. to wage war, fight; bellum-, war, fighting, in bello or loc. belli, in time of war; bellum-i, [old form duellum] war, fighting. M67)
BeLE (M13)
BeNI (L. bene, adv. comp. melius; supi. optime; well, rightly, properly; bene rem gerere, to succed; with adj. or adv.: thoroughly, very; as an exclamation: good, excellent; bene facis, I am obliged to you; bene facta (or benefacta) good deeds, benefits. It. bene, good; Fr. bien, m. good, welfare, possession, estate, property, wealth, goods; adv. well, right, proper, really, many comfortable; un homme de bien, a good man; faire de bien, to do good; bénir, to bless, to consecrate; Dieu vous bénisse! God bless you!; bénitier, m. holy water vessel, stoup; bon, bonne, m. order, voucher, bond, draft; adj. good, simple, kind, clever, fit, proper, right, witty, large, fine, well paid,; adv. well, nice, fast. M78)
BENV ( It. bene, good; Fr. bien, m. good, welfare, possession, estate, property, wealth, goods; adv. well, right, proper, really, many comfortable. R181, R204, G30)
BERCA (used twice in the texts; It. barca, f. boat; Fr. barque, f. boat, barque; bien conduire sa barque, to manage one's affairs well. R459, R542)
BERVS (It. barrire, to trumpet; barra, f. bar, rod, [naut] tiller; bere, to drink, to swallow; Fr. boire, m. drink, drinking; to drink, to absorb, to imbibe, to swallow [insults], to drink in; boire comme un trou, to drink like a fish; beriue, f. faulty vision; avoir la beriue, to get things all wrong; L. bibo, bibere, bibi, bibitum, to drink, drink in. R426)
BRVTOS (name of gens of Brutus; in Script "F" it is the signature of a grandson in his note to his grandfather)
BVRIS (L. n. buris, the crooked hinder part of the plough; Boreas-ae, m. the north wind; meton., the north; adj. Boreus-a-um, northern; It. buria, f. joke, jest, trick, prank; buriare, to make fun of, to jeer, poke fun at; boria, f. conceit, haughtiness, borra, f. flocks, stuffing, hair; borsa, f. purse, pouch, bag, sack; Fr. bourre, f. fluff, flock [laine], padding, floss, cotton-waste, wad; bourreau, m. hangman, excecutioner, tormentor; bourrer, to stuff, to pad, to cram, to ram in, to beat, to trounce; bourru, adj. shaggy, rough, rude, surly, peevish. M19)
Etruscan_Phrases 2.html:
CA (This and the following declensions appear to be used as pronouns; L. quia, because; qua, abl. f. of qui, as adv. relati. by which, why, where; also, whereby, or: as far as; indef., quae or qua, any, some; relat. who which what, that; in any way, at all; Fr. ça, [sa] (cela; demonstrative pron. that; c'est cela, that is it; that's right; comment cela? what? how so? comme et, come ça so, so; comme ça, thus, like that; ça y est! that's that); çà, adv. here, hither; çà et là, here and there.Au35, N74 , Q468, Q488)
CE (L. -ce, a demonstrative particle joined on to pronouns and adverbs; e.g., hisce; It. ce (1) adv. there; non ce n'cè, there is none; (2) pron. us, to us: egli ce lo diede, he gave it to us; ce lo dissero, they told us so; Fr. c' and ce [ s' ]; becomes c' before etre; demonstr. pron. he, she, it, this, that, they, these, those, which, what; c'est un livre, it is a book; c'est une femme, she is a womance sont des hommes, they are men; qu'est-ce que c'est? what is it?; ce, cette, pl. ces; [ce becomes cet before a word beginning with a vowel or a mute h] demonstr. adj. this, that, pl. these those; ce chien-ci, this dog; cet homme, this man; cette femm-là, that woman. Z1097, Z1410, TC71, TC90, TC179, TC213, TC260, M1, AJ-1, AJ-9, AK-1, Au74, Au86)
KE (It. che, conj. that, as to, to, for, when, at, like, than, whether; tanto che, so much that; à tempo che tu parta, it is time for you to leave; chè, conj. because, for, since; checchè, pron, indef. whatever. R661, TC150, TC241, TC236)
Ke (First word of Script R1)
Ce (Fr. ici, here. Z224, Z1553, TC46, TC56, TC127 TC190, TC201, TC220, TC236, TC241, TC248, TC327 Au27, Au95, L59, APH22)
CI (L. qui, quae, quod, interrog., adj. which? ? what? kind of?; exclam., what!; indef., [with . quae or qua] any, some; relat., who, which, what, that. Z290, Z1282, Z1310, Z1438, Z1654, TC327, K136, AJ-9)
CI (It. chi, pron. relat. demonst., who, whom, whose, he who (that), him who, he whom, she who, her who, she whom, they who, those who, those whom, whoever, whomever, one who, some. R108)
CACE (L. caeco-are, to make blind; caecus-a-um, blind, not seeing, uncertain; Fr. cache, hiding place. (M8)
CAF (This word is followed by broken text, in the Zabreb Mummy text, ZA-3)
CA8E (L. caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum, to be one one's guard; with acc. to be on one's guard against; cave ignoscas, take care not to forgive; with ut and the subj., to take care that; with dat. of person: to take care for, provide for; commercial and legal: to give security or to get security; also to provide, order, in a will, treaty or law. Partic. cautus-a-um, of persons, etc.: cautious wary, careful; of property: made safe, secured. Adv. caute, cautim, cautiously or with security; cavo-are, to hollow out, excavate, pierce; Fr. cave, f. vault, wine-cellar, cellar; adj. hollow; caverne, f. cavern, cave; It. cave, f. quarry, mine; caverna, f. cavern, cave; cavernoso, adj. cavernous, hollow; cavita, f. cavity, hollow, cavo (1) m. rope, cable, hawser; (2) m. adj., hollow; cavare, to pull out, draw out, to get, to dig, hollow out; cavar sangue, to bleed; cavarsi ia voglia di, to gratify one's desire for; N41, N553, N624)
CA8ER (N483)
KABRV (Q162)
CA8RV (Q232)
CAI (L. quae, any, some; relat. who, which, what, that; Fr. quay, wharf, embarcadero, f. R80)
KAINA (Person's name, Chaina. AB-1)
CAITIM (L. caedes-is, f. cutting down, killing, slaughter; transf. persons slain, blood shed in slaughter; caedo, cadere, cecidi, caetim (1) to cut (2) to beat, knock about (3) to kill, slay. Z674)
CAL (Z1408)
CaLA (L. calo-are, to call, summon; calleo-ere, to be thick-skinned. Transf. , intransit.: to be practiced, experienced; transit.: to know by experience, understand; calo-onis, a soldier's servant; in gen., a drudge; calor-oris, m. warmth, heat, glow, passion, excitement; caleo-ere-ui, to be warm, to glow; of feeling, etc.: to be inflamed, aroused, excited; cella-ae, shrine of god in a temple; It. cala, f. creek, hold; Fr. cale (1) f. hold [bateau]; cale sèche, dry dock; (2) f. wedge, chock; prop, packing; calé, adj. well versed, well up p. p. of caler; caler, to draw water, to have draught [naut.]; caler, to wedge, to chock, to prop up, to jam, to lower, to adjust, [pop.] to flinch. Z463, Z540, Z1408)
CaLa (K46)
KaLA (N149, Q737, R542)
KaLaS (N533)
KaLE (R114)
KaLV (Q369, Q388, R56, R108, R121, R133, R150, G1)
KALI (L calare, to lower, to strike; to descend upon, to decline, to set, to drop, to decrease; il calare della notte, nightfall; calarsi, to let oneself down, to dive. Q360)
CALVS (Possibly a name. L. callosus, hard skinned, solid; Fr. calleux, adj. horny, callous, hard; It. callosita, f. callosity, callus; calloso, adj. corny, horny; callo, m. corn; fare il callo a, to become inured to; calle, f. lane. M1)
CaMaReM (L. camera, a vaulted chamber, vault. M74)
KAMITV (L. gemmatus-a-um, set or adorned with jewels; gemitus-us, m. a sigh, a groan, of things, groaning, roaring. Q543)
CaNA (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum, to sing, play; intransit. to sing, of cocks, to crow; of frogs, to croak; also with abbl.: to play on an instrument; canere receptui, to sound the signal for retreat; of instruments: to sound. Transit: (1) to sing with the voice, (2) to sing of, celebrate in song; (3) to sound or play an instrument; (4) to prophesy; canor-oris, m. melody, song, sound; canorus-a-um, melodious, harmonious, sweet-sounding; n. as subst., harmonious sound; see also canto-are; canis-whitish grey, aged; canna-ae, reed. Transf. a reed pipe, a small boat; canis-is, dog, hound; of persons as a term of abuse, in dice the worst; It. cantare, to sing; canto, m. (1) song, singing (2) m. corner, slide; cantante, m., f. singer; canna, f. cane, reed, pipe, pole; cane, m. dog, unskilled person, ass., bad actor; Fr. chanter, to sing, to crow [coq], to celebrate; si ça vous chante, if it suits you; faire chanter, to blackmail; chanteur, singer, crooner ; chant, m. singing, song, canto [poeme]; canne, f. cane; cane, f. duck; chien, m. dog)
CANFA (L. canus-a-um, whitish grey, hence aged; m. pl. as subst. grey hair; quamvis, as much as you please, ever so much, as conj. , however much, although; person's name, Canova? Z1319)
KANE (L. cano, canere, cecin, cantum, to sing, play; intransit. to sing, of cocks, to crow; of frogs, to croak; also with abbl.: to play on an instrument; canere receptui, to sound the signal for retreat; of instruments: to sound. Transit: (1) to sing with the voice, (2) to sing of, celebrate in song; (3) to sound or play an instrument; (4) to prophesy. Q46)
KANETV (L. canities, acc. em, whitish-grey color, esp. of the hair; meton., grey hair, old age. Q887)
KaNE (Q65, Q74,Q84, Q95,Q416, Q717, Q775, Q795, Q829, R405)
KaNE8 (Q821)
KaNI (Q442, Q452, Q460, Q805, R596, R607)
KaNIS (Q847, R574, R584)
CANIN (place name; L. Cannae-arum, f. pl. town in Apulia where Hannibal defeated the Romans [216 B.C.]; Adj. Cannensia-e; canna-ae, f. reed. Transf., a reed-pipe, a small boat; It. canna, f. cane, reed, pipe, pole; It. Italian town Canino where the ruins of Vulci are. It lies along the Fiora river in one of the most picturesque districts of Central Italy; Fr. canne, f. cane, stick, rod, walking-stick; canne à peche, a fishing rod; canin, adj. canine, dog. Found at: Z19, Z29, Z1177 which use it as a place name.)
KANTVR (L. Cantor-oris; singer, poet, musician. Q311)
CAP (L. caput-itis, the head; meton. a living individual esp. of human beings; also of a person's life, existence, esp. in Rome a man's political or social rights; transf. of lifeless things, the top, the summit, extremity, of rivers, etc., the source; of person and things, the head, leader, chief, headquarters, chief point, of places the capital; It. cappa, head [naut.], course; cape, f. cape, hood, cloak, gown; capio, capere, cepi, captum, to take (1) in gen. to take, seize; of places: to choose, reach, or take possession of; of business: opportunities, etc. to take up, take in hand, adopt; of persons: to choose; (2) to catch, take in a violent or hostile manner; hence, to attack, injure; pass. capi, to be inquired or diseased; oculis et suribus captus, blind and deaf; also to charm, captivate, take in; at law: to convict; (3) to receive, esp. of money; in gen., to suffer, undergo, take on; (4) to take in , hold, contain, keep in; mentally: to grasp, comprehend; capis-idis, f. a one-handed vessel; Fr. cape, f. cape, hood, cloak, gown; rire sous cape, to laugh up one's sleeve; être à là cape [naut.], to be hove to; capter, to collect, to canalize, to recover, win insidiously. N149)
CAPARI (Z-B4, Z842, Z1770)
CAPE (K74)
CAPER (L. caper-ri, m. he-goat; It. capro, caprone, m. he-goat; captare, to intercept; Fr. capre, f. caper [bot.] Found at: Z532, Z674 )
CAPERI (ZB-4, Z842, Z1770)
KAPIRE It. capire, vt. to understand, comprehend, to perceive, to realize; vi. to enter [into]; Fr. comprendre, to understand, to grasp, to comprehend, to include, to cover; se comprendre, to be understood; to understand each other; compris, p.p. adj. of comprendre; non compris, exclusive of; y compris, including; L. comprehendo-prehendere-prehendi-prehensum and comprendo-prendere-prendi-prensus, to grasp, to take together, unite; hence to embrace, include; to take firmly, seize N689, N725, R286, R554, R633)
CAPVI (Au-67)
CAPVTIS (L. caput-itis, the head, leader, source; It. capo, m. head, top, end [geog.] cape; chief, boss, item; da capo a fondo, from top to toe; da capo, over again; capotare, to capsize; Fr. capote, m. hooded greatcoat; cloak, bonnet, cover; capot, m. faire capot, to capsize, to turn turtle; capoter, to capsize, to overturn, to turn turtle [naut.] to heel right over. Q117)
CAPVTV (Q84, Q162)
CAR (L. careo-ere-u, to be without (with abl.), of a place to be absent onself from.. Z582)
CARA (used in the sense of to take care of; L. careo-ere-u, to be without (with abl.), of a place to be absent onself from; cura-ae, f. care (1) care taken, carefulness, pains, attention, minding of things or persons; of business: management, administration; meton.: an object of care, or a guardian, care-taker; (2) care felt, anxiety, worry, disguist; curo-are, to care for, pay attention to, trouble about; to minister to, cure, rest; curare Romae, to be in charge at Rome; part. curatus-a-um, cared for, showing care; adv. curatius, more carefully)
CARV (carus-a-um, adj. high-priced, dear, costly. Transf. dear, beloved. K13)
KAR (L. carus-a-um, adj. high-priced, dear, costly. Transf. dear, beloved; caritas-atis, f. dearness, high price; esp. high cost of living. Transf. affection, love, esteem; It., curare, to take care of, manage, to edit, to treat, nurse, to cure; curaro, m. curare, curari; caramente, adv. dearly; Fr. cher, adj. dear, beloved, costly, expensive; adv. dear, dearly; moins cher, cheaper; rendre cher, to endear; chère, f. living, fare, cheer; faire bonne chère, to live well, to fare well; chéri, m. adj. dearest, darling; chérir, to cherish, to love dearly)
KARE (L. curo-are, to care for, pay attention to, trouble about; to minister to, cure, rest; Fr. chéri, m. adj. dearest, darling; chérir, to cherish, to love dearly. Q406)
KAREN (R219)
KARV (N294)
KARETV (L. caritas-atis f. dearness, high price, esp. high cost of living; transf. affection, love, esteem. N341)
KARVN (Greek god of the underworld, Charun, known as the ferryman. You have to pay him to get across the river Styx, to Paradise; otherwise he will club you over the head to make sure you stay in hell; name appears on the wall of a tomb; see Miscellaneous_Scripts.html)
CARNA (Z1216)
CARNAL (L. n. caro, carnis, flesh; Fr. f. chair, flesh; charnel, adj. carnal, sensual; charnier, m. charnel-house; charnu, adj. fleshy, brawny, pulpy [fruits]; charogne, f. carrion; carnage, m. carnage, slaughter, butchery, raw meet; It. carne, f. meat, flesh; carneficina, f. slaughter; declensions appear frequently in the Tavola Eugubine and in the Zagreb Mummy Script: Z1243)
CARNIS (Z1177)
KARNE (R219, R238, R511)
CARPE (L. carpo,carpere, carpai, carptum, to pluck, pull off, select, choose out and so to enjoy; of animals: to graze; transf. to proceed on a journey, to pass over a place, to carp at, slander a person, to weaken, annoy, harass an enemy, to break up, separate, divide forces; It. carpa, carp; carpire, to extort, to wheedle; Fr. carpe, m. wrist; carpe, f. carp [poisson]; Z1607-- associated with the word KIM, peak, summit)
CARRA ( L. carrus-i, m. a four-wheeled baggage -wagon; carruca-ae, f. a four-wheeled carriage; currus-us, m. a chariot, car; esp. one used in racing, or war, or at a triumph; meton., a triumph. Transf. a plough with wheels, a ship; caro-ere, to card; caro, carnis, f. flesh; careo-ere-ui, to be without [with abl.]; This may refer to the town Carrara; It. carro, m. cart, truck, lorry; [astr. the Great Bear; carráia, f. cartway; Fr. char, m. chariot, waggon; chariot, m. waggon, carriage [mech.], cradle [naut]; carré, m. square, landing [maison]; adj. square, well-set, downright, straight-forward; carreau, m. window-pane, floor, square brick, tile, pit-head [mine] se tenir à carreau, to be cautious; rester sur le carreau, to lie dead. Z1641)
CARSI (L. caries, acc.-em, abl. -e, f. rottenness, decay; carex-icis, f. rush, sedge; carcer-eris, m. prison cell, in plur. carceres, the starting point of a race course; careo-ere-ui, to be without [with abl.] of a place, to absent oneself from; Fr. carrer, to square, se carrer, to swagger, to recline; Z1319)
CASA (Q433, Q475)
CaSA (L. casa-ae, f. hut, cottage, cabin; caseus-i, m. cheese; casses-ium, m. pl. a net, a trap, snare; also a spider's web; cassis-idis, and cassida-ae, f. a metal helmet; cassus-a-um, empty, hollow; with abl. devoid of. Transf. worthless, useless, vain,; in cassum, as adv., in vain; It. casa, house, building, home; casco, helmet; caso, m. case, chance, event; instance; Fr. case, f. hut, small house, compartment; pigeon-hole, square [échecs]; box [poste]; cas, m. case, instance, circumstance; en aucun cas, under no circumstances; faire cas de, to think highly of; faire peu de cas de, to make light of; au cas où, ,in case; en tout cas, at all events, in any case; both spellings appear in most of the scripts. M1, M45)
CaSa (L. casa-ae, f. hut, cottage, cabin--used as "house." Z133, Z224, Z421, Z990, Z1835, J33, AN-37, TC56)
CASE (L. causor-ari; to plead, give as a reason, pretend; causa [caussa]-ae, f. a cause, in all senses of the English word. R22, R114)
CASI (M13)
KASE (L. quaeso-ere, to seek for, ask for; first person sing., quaeso, I beg; N74)
CASVS (L. casus-us, m. a falling, fall. Transf. (1) what befalls, an accident, event, occurence; (2) occassion, opportunity; (3) destruction, downfall, collapse and in gen. end; in grammar, a case; It. caso, m. case, chance, event, instance; cassa, f. case, box, cash, coffin; cassare, to quash, cancel; Fr. cas, m. case, instance, circumscance; case, f. hut, small house, compartment. Q821)
KASTRV (L. n. castrum, castle, camp, fort; Fr. castel, m. castle, manor; château, m. castle, palace, country seat, manor; châtelain, m. squuire, lord of the manor, land-owner; It. castello, m. castle, manor, scaffold, Z446, Z489, Z1088, Z1393, Z1608, R13, R94, R128, R142, R156)
CATE (name of a gens of Cato; L. catus-a-um, sharp, cunning; adv. cate; caude, [coda]-ae, f. the tail of an animal; catulus-i, m. a young animal, esp. a whelp, puppy; Z1586, N216)
CATES (name of a gens of Cato; AN-20, AN-37)
CATV (N41, N160, N280, N417, N483, N553, N624)
CATVS (N206, N254)
KATE (people of Cato/Kato. R238, R653)
KATI (N311, N378)
KATV (Q334, Q512, R437, R521, R565, R584)
KaTV (R487)
KATeLE (L. catillus-i, m. a small dish or plate; catelle-ae, a little chain; It. cautela, f. caution, care; cautelare, to protect; cautelarsi, to take precautions, provide [against]; family name, Catele; R339)
KATeLES (L. catulus-i, and catella-ae, m. a young animal, esp. a whelp, puppy; R413, R474)
KATeLV (name, Catelus. R370, R394, R499)
CATeNE (L. catena-ae, f. a chain, fetter. Transf. (1) restraint; (2) a series; catenatus-a-um, chained, bound, linked together, labores, continuous; catine, a deep dish or bowl; It. catena, f. chain, bondage; range [of mountains]; catino, m. basin; Fr. chaine, f. chain, link, fetters, necklace, sequence, bondage, [warp [text.] boom [port]; series, range [montagnes]; chainette, f. small chain; chainon, m. link; châtaigne, f. chestnut; châtain, adj. brown, chestnut-brown, light-brown. Z1386)
CATeNIS (Z1326)
CATRA (L. caterva-ae, f. crowd, troop, flock; cautor-oris, m. one who is on his guard or who gives bail for another; It. caterva, f. crowd; heap, pile; Fr. châtrer, to castrate, to gelt [animaux]; to prune; chatteries, f. pl. delicacies; chatoyer, v. to shimmer, to gleam, to glisten, to sparkle; châtier, to punish, to chastise, to improve [style]; catarrhe, m catarrh. Q488)
KATRV (Q84, Q253, Q273)
KATRVM (N112, Q1)
CAVIN (L. cavo-are, to hallow out, excavate, pierce)
CAVRA (L. caurus [corus]-i, m. the north-west wind; used in the Novilara script)
CAVTHAS (L. cautes-is, a rough sharp rock; cautio-onis, f. caution, care, foresight, precaution; legal: security, bail, bond. M38)
CE (It. ce, pron. us, to us Z111, Z219, Z289, Z421, Z737, Z674, Z709, Z937, Z1088, Z1097, Z1591, Z1835, TC179, K119, AF-1, AD-1, N311, Q217, Q784, R633, Au43)
CI (L. qui, quae, quod, interrog. adj. which? what? what kind of?; exclam., what!; indef., [with f. quae or qua] any, some; relat., who, which, what, that. Accn. n. sing., quod, as adv.: quod sciam, as far as I know. Abl. quo, with comparatives: quo celerius, eo melius, the faster the better; It. ci; pron.that, it, about it, of it; che; conj. that, as to, to; for; when, at; like ; than, whether; also because, for since; ce; adv. there; pron. us, to us; qui, adv. here; questo, queste, questi, this, these; f. this one, the latter, It., che, conj. because, for, since; See KESTI; Fr. ce, c', demonstr. pron. he, she, it, this, that, they, these, those, which, what; c'est un livre, it is a book; ce, cette, pl ces [ce becomes cet before a word begingging with a vowel or a mute h] demonstr. adj. this, that; pl. these, those; ce chien-ci, this dog; cet homme, that man; cette femme-là, that woman; que, (1) [qu' before a vowel], rel. pron. whom, that, which, what; interrog. pron, what? why? (2) que, adv. how, how much, how many; (3) quel, adj. what, which, what a; quel dommage! what a pity! Z522, Z1284, Z1438, TC327, K136, M78, AJ-9)
KE (It. che; conj. that, as to, to; for; when, at; like ; than, whether; also because, for since; TC150, TC236, TC241, Au7
CEA (L. qua, abl. f. of qui, as adv.: relat., by which way, where; also whereby, or as far as; interog. , by what way? how?; indef. in any way, at all; It. qua, adv. here; di qua e di là, on both sides; per di qua, this way; ecco qua! here; N149, N254)
KEBV (L. cibus-i, m. food, fodder, nourishment, sustenance. Q829)
CEI (L. quae, any, some, relat. who, which, what, that. Q65, K119)
CEIA ( L. quia, because; Z606, Z614, Z622, Z629)
KEKA (L. quacumque [-cunque] wherever; by whatever way; It. checche, pron. indef. whatever; Fr. quelque, adj. some, any, whatever, whatsoever; pl. a few; adv. however, some, about; quelque chose, something; quelquefois, sometimes, at times, now and then, quelque part, somewhere, anywhere, quelqu'un, someone, anyone, somebody, anybody; pl. some, any)
CEK (Z64, Z648, Z1628)
CEPHES (possibly the Greek god Cepheus who married Cassiopia. She bore him Andromeda who became the wife of Perseus after he bargained with Cepheus for her when he saved her from drowing in the sea. Poseidon placed the father and mother as constellations when Cepheus and Cassiopia died. N469)
CEPHII (N607, N638)
CEL (It. quegil, quel; adj., m. pl. those; quel, quelle, adj. m., quella adj. f., that; pron. m. f. that one, the former; quelil, pron. adj. m. pl., quelle, pron. adj. f. pl., those, the ones. R164, G1, TC325)
CELeRIM (Z582)
CELI (L. celo-are, to hide, cella-ae, f. a roof garret, a mean apartment; in a temple, the shrine of a god's image; celer-eris, ere, swift, quick, rapid, in a bad sense, hasty, rash; adv. celere and celeriter; It. celere, adj. quick, swift; Fr. célérité, f. speed, swiftness, rapidity, alacrity; celer, to hide, to conceal; Z180, Z197, Z263, Z357, Z412, Z421, Z1040, Z1337, Z1345)
CELV (Z727, Z897, Z1203)
CELTV (L. celator, a concealor. Q813)
CEM (Z263, Z432, Z887, Z1192, Q701)
CEMV (L. gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitum; intransit. to sigh, groan; of lions: to roar; of doves: to coo; of things: to creek; transit. to sigh over, lament, bemoan; gemitus-us, m. a sigh, a groan, of things: groaning, roaring; It. gemere, vi. to groan, lament; Fr. gémir, to moan, to grown, lament, wail. K36)
CEN (L. cena-ae, f. dinner, the main Roman meal; meton., a dish or course at a meal; ceno-are, intransit., to dine, sup; transit, to dine on, to eat. Perf. partic., with middle meaning, cenatus, having dined, after dinner; It. cena, f. supper; AL-8))
CENE (TC150)
CENI (AN-49)
CENV (N216, K52)
CEP (It. ceppo, m. stump, log, pine stock, beams, chopping block; anchor stock; pl. bonds, chains; Fr. cep, m. vine-stock; cépage, m. vine-plant; CEPEN is also used in the Magliano disk and the group appears to be a verb, perhaps like English, "to chop," relating to L. separo-are, to separate, to consider or treat separately; hence, part. separatus-a-um, separate, distinct; compar. adv. separatius, less closely; Z737)
CEPE (Z709? Q162)
CEPEN (Z656, Z665, Z709, Z1139, Z1250, Z1359, M74)
CERE (Z133)
CEREN (Z665, Z737, Z755, Z769)
CERES (N505, N563
CERI (L. cero-are, to smother or cover with wax; Ceres-eris, Roman goddess of Agriculture; transf. bread, grain, corn; queror, queri, questo, dep. to complain, lament, bewail; of animals, to make a plaintive sound; It. cera, f. wax, polish, look; cerare, vt. to wax; Fr. cire, f. wax, cirer, to wax, to polish; Z665)
CERNI (L. Quernus-a-um, of oak, oaken; It. cernere, to choose, to sort; cernita, choice, selection; Fr. cerne, m. ring, circle; cerné, adj. encircled; cerner, to surround, to encompass, to hem in. Q21)
CERT (L. certo-are, to settle by contest, struggle, dispute; hence, to control; certus-a-um, adj. settled, resolved, decided; of projects and persons: definite, certain, fixed; sure, to be depended on; of things as known: undoubted, sure; certum scio, I know for certain; pro certo habeo, I feel sure; of persons knowing: sure, certain, certiorem facere, to inform; adv. certe and certo, certainly, assuredly; R565, R574)
CES (TC327)
CESA (L. cesso-are, to leave off, cease work, be idle, rest; of things: to be left alone, do nothing; so of land: to lie fallow; It. cessare, vi. to cease, stop, discontinue, quit; cesso, m. privy, water closet; Fr. cessant, adj. ceasing, suspending, cessation, f. cessation, suspension, stoppage; cesse, f. cease, ceasing; cesser, to stop, to cease, to leave off. Z1265. Z1310)
CESV (Z489, TC170, TC298, F-13, AG-1, Q661, Q692, Q726, Q745, Q847, R661)
CESVM (town of Chiuso?)
K ES (Probably Ki ES = who is, that is, etc.; see KI and Ki below; L. queror, queri, questus, dep. to complain, lament, bewail; of animals: to make a plaintive sound; queo,quire, quivi and qui, quitum, to be able; queis = qui, who, which, what, that; Acc. n. sing., quod, as adv., quod sciam, as far as I know; Abl., quo, with comparatives: quo celerius eo melius, the faster the better; Quies-etis, f. rest, quiet, peace, sleep, resting place; Fr. chez, prep, at, with, to, in among, at the house, at home, in the works of [letters] as in chez Racine. Z1578)
CESK (L. quisque, quaeque, quidque; adj. each, every, everyone, everything. (N311, N378, Q171, R21, R554, R381, R584 )
CESTI (It. questo, pron. m. this; f. this one, the latter; questa; f. adj. this questi, adj. m. pl. these queste; adj. f. pl. these; cesta, f. basket, hamper. N590, N676, N711, Q805, R248, R437, R474, R521, R565, R584)
CESTVR ( L. questus-us, m. complaint, lament; queror, queri, questus, dep. to complain, lament, bewail; of animals: to make a plaintive sound;Fr. quêter, to go in quest of, to beg, to make a collection; quêteur-oer, m. alms-collector, sidesman, collection taker; It. chiedere, to ask for, inquire about, to question, to beg for. R164, G9; Note: R164 and G1 repeat the same phrase)
KES (L. quaeso-ere, to seek for, ask for; quaestor-oris; magistrate; It. estro, m. whim, inspiritation, fancy, imagination, impulse; N453, N563)
CETA (L. cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum , to go, proceed, of things: to turn out, happen; to fall to the lot of a person; to change into something else; to go away, withdraw, retire; with dat., to give ground to, submit to; hence, to be inferior to; transit. to grant, yield; It. cedere, vt., vi., to cede, yield, to surrender, to transfer, to give in, to stink; Fr. cédant, m. assignor, grantor; céder, to give up, to transfer, to hand over, to yield, to submit, to resign, to give way)
CETV (N311, N378, Q162)
CEVS (L. chaos, acc. chaos, abl. chao, boundless empty space, the father of night & Erebus; the shapeless mass out of which the universe was made)
KFA (Fr. choyer, to fondle, to pet, to cherish. Note both KFA and CFE are applied at Z1250 and are thus different words. Z19, Z40, Z191,Z674, Z1250, Z1607, Z1623)
KFE (Fr. choyer, to fondle, to pet, to cherish. Z29, Z40)
CF (L.coeo-ire-ivi-itum, to go or come together, assemble, of enemies to engage, of friends, etc., to unite, combine. Z234, Au-76, Au-86)
CFA (L.coeo-ire-ivi-itum, to go or come together, assemble, of enemies to engage, of friends, etc., to unite, combine; transit. societatem coire, to form an alliance; of things to unite, come together, of blood, to curdle, of water, to freeze; caveo, cavere, cavi, cautum, to be on one's guard, with accus. to be on one's guard against; cave ignoscas, take care not to forgive, with ut and the subj. to take care that, with dat. of person, to take care for, provide for; commercial and legal, to give security or to get security; also to provide order in a will, treaty or law; hence, partic. cautus-a-um, of persons, etc., cautious, wary, careful; of property, made safe, secured; adv. caute, cautim, cautiously or with security; Fr. cuire, to cook, to bake [flour], to boil [eau] to burn [soleil], to smart; It. cucinare, to cook, to dress. Z1, Z656, Z784, Z1183)
CFE (Z180, Z336, Z1137, Z1236, Z1861, J18, Au35, Au49)
CFE TV (Z1137)
KFLIN (L. culina-ae, f. kitchen; meton. food, fare. L7)
Etruscan Phrases 3.html
CI (See comment above at CE. Z290, Z1282, Z1310, Z1654, TC327, R108)
KI (Note: what is interesting in this word is the sound chi, as in Italian, shifting to qui in Latin and French. L. qui, quae, quod: interrog. adj. which? what? what kind of? ; exclam., what!; indef. [with f. quae or qua] any, some; relat., who which what, that. Acc n. sing., quod, as adv.; quod sciam, as far as I know. Abl. quo, with comparatives: quo celerius eo melius, the faster the better; qui, [old ablative of qui]: interrog., in what manner? how?; relat., wherewith, wherefrom; indef., somehow; quia, because; It. chi, pron. rel. demonstr. who, whom, whose, he who [that], him who, he whom, she who, her who, she whom, they who, those who, those whom, whoever, whomever, one who, some: che è, who is he? di chi parli? of whom are you speaking? di chi è questo libro? whose book is this? chi sarà mai? who [ever] can it be? chi di loro? which of them? Fr. qui, (1) interrog. pron. who [sujet], whom [complément direct]; à qui est-ce? whose is it? (2) rel. pron. who, which, that, whom; qui que ce soit, anyone whatever Z1161, M67)
Ki ( L. qui, quae, quod: interrog. adj. which? what? what kind of? ; exclam., what!; indef. [with f. quae or qua] any, some; relat., who which what, that. It. chi, pron. rel. demonstr. who, whom, whose, Z29, Z489, Z665, Z709, J11, M67, M74, AE-1, AN-5, AN-55, R13, R108, R164, G9)
Ki (note that the K in the Tavola Eugubine becomes K in the Zabreb Mummy Script. Q21, Q65, Q74, Q84, Q95)
CIA (L. cieo, ciere, civi, citum, to move, stir, agitate; transf. to give rise to, excite, arouse, to summon, to call by name; quia, because; It. chialda, water, chiarire, to clarify, make clear, clear up, to explain,; chiaro, m. light, brightness, chiaro di luna, moonlight; adj. chiaro e tondo, bluntly; chiarore, m. light, glimmer; ciao, [slang] hello, hi, by-bye, so long. Z54, Z681, M74, Q326, Q458, J29)
CIEM (Z1088, Z1097)
KIAN ( L. ciaro-are, to make bright or clear. Transf. to make plain to the mind; to make illustrious; clareo-ere, to be bright, to shine. Transf. to be evident, to be distinguished; claritas-atis, f. clearness, brightness. Transf. clearness to the mind, plainness, fame, celebrity; It. chiarire, to clarify, make clear, clear up; to explain; chiaro, light, brightness; Fr. clarté, f. light, clearness, brightness, gleam, limpidity. TC 190)
KIKVI (L. cicer-erus, a chick pea; cicur-uris, tame; gigno, gignere, genuii, genitum, to beget, bear, bring forth, to cause. M78)
CIE (L. qui, interog. in what manner? how?; relat. wherewith, wherefrom; indef., somehow)
CIEM (L. queo, quire, quivi and quii, quitum, to be able; place? cieo, ciere, civi, citum, to move, stir, agitate; transf. to give rise to, excite, arouse, to summon, to call by name; hence, partic. citus-a-um, quick, speedy; adv. cito, quickly; Per Herodotus the town Chemmis near Thebes, Egypt is the home of Danaus and Lyneus. Perseus stopped there and was so admired by the Chemmites he was worshipped by them. Z1088)
KIEM (K67)
CIES (L. quies-etis, f. rest, quiet, peace, sleep a dream, a resting place)
CIFA (L. cibus-i, m. food, fodder, nourishment, sustenance; It. cibare, vt. to feed, cibarsi, vt. to feed on, to live on; Fr. civet, m. stew. Z648)
CILeR (celero-are; transit. to make quick, accelerate; intransit., to hasten, be swift;Z317, Z386, Z470, Z701, Z1006, Z1065, Z1662, Z1800)
CILeReS (celero-are; transit. to make quick, accelerate; intransit., to hasten, be swift;Z317, Z386, Z470, Z701, Z1006, Z1065, Z1662, Z1800Z290,Z872, Z937, Z999, Z1386 Z1807),
CILFA` (L. quilibet, quaelibet, quodibet [subst. quidibet], any you will, anyone, anything; scelero-are, to pollute with guilt; It. qualcosa, f. something, anything; qualcuno, qualcuna, pron. someone, somebody, some, anyone, anybody, any; Fr. quolibet, m. quibble, gibe; quelque chose, something, anything; cil, m. eyelash; ciller, to blink, to wink. Z1310)
KIM (Fr. cime, f. top, summit, peak; It. cima, f. top, summit, apex, vertex [navy], rope [bot], cyme, f. genius. Z1607)
KIMI (Z591)
KiMIA (Au90)
KIMeR (L. chimaera-ae, f. a monster killed by Bellerophon. It is reputed to have had three snakes on its head and components of other animals in its body; see the 'Chimaera of Arezzo,' Chimera.html in the links above. Z1203, Z1562, K131)
CINA (L. Cinna-ae, m a Roman cognomen, esp. of L. Cornelius Cinna; cinis-eris, m. rarely f. ashes; ceno-are, to dine, eat; however this word is used in the context of a sacrifice, i.e. incendo-cendere-cend-census, to kindle, set fire, to burn, to make bright, illumine, to fire with passion, excite, incense;It. chinare, vt. to bend, chinarsi, to bend, stoop; incindiare, to set on fire; cenere, f. ash, ashes; Fr. incendie, m. fire, conflagration, arson; incendier, to set fire to; cendre, f. cinders, ash. TC46, N41, N491, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N689, N711, Q435, Q442, Q481)
CINE (N139)
CINI (R447)
CINV (N53, N216, N483, N624, Q84, Q127, R370, R447, R607, R619)
CINVS (L cinis-eris, m. rareley, f. ashes; N230, N244)
CIS (L. quis, quid,; pron. interog. who? what? which? indef. anyone, anybody, anything; n. nom. and acc. quid? what? with genit. how much? how many? Some times, why? quid ita, why so? Q117)
CIS (Z606, Z614, Z622, Z629, Z638, Z776
CiS (K79)
CIS (L. cis, prep., with acc., on this side of, within; quies-etis, f. rest, quiet, peace, sleep, a dream, a resting place; quiestco-escere-etum, to rest, to be at peace, to sleep, to cease from action; a frequently used word in the Zagreb Mummy Script)
KIS (L. quis, quid, pron. : interrog., who? what? which?; indef. anyone, anybody, anything. N. nom. and acc. how many? sometimes: why?; quid ita? why so? quis = quibus; cis, prep. with acc. , on this side of, within; see qui)
KIS (It. chiesa, f. church; Fr. chaise, f. chair, seat. Z84, Z103, Z255, Z300, Z369, Z396, Z880, Z953)
CISVM (L cisium-i, a light two-wheeled vehicle; possibly a place name, Chiuso, it may be used in the Zagreb Mummy Script in the context of a chariot of god. Two thoughts are repeated in the script of the location of the vases [8ASIE] of CISVM and the sublime idea that the soul of the Zagreb mummy, at least at the end of the script, becomes one with the AIS, the bronze, therefore escaping the underworld torments. In one verse it is assembled to the bronze of the god Zeus, a god frequently mentioned in the script. The transfer to the bronze is associated in many ways, often with the kidney(s), which in the script seem to be the seat of the soul, which become one with the vase(s) which contain them. The Zagreb Mummy Script reveals the concepts of preserving the body, the importance of the salt bath to obtaining eternal life, and how the joining of the separate panels of script to the body will assure her [a daughter of a king] assent to the heights alive and not dead, to the land of the living. In this context the wrapping reflects upon many Etruscan places, Rome, etc., as being returned there again. Z84, Z111, Z214, Z308, Z378, Z455, Z953, Z1057 )
CIT (L. citer-tra-trum, on this side, usually compar.: citerior-us, genit. -oris, on this side, nearer; superl. citimus-a-um, nearest; cito (1) adv. from cieo-ciere, civi, citum, to move, stir, agitate. Transf. to give rise to, excite, arouse; to summon, to call by name. Hence partic. citus-a-um, quick, speedy. Adv. cito, quickly; citius quam, sooner than, rather than; (2) cito-are, to put in motion, excite, start up; to summon, call forward, esp. for legal, political or military purposes; hence, to appeal to, point to authorities, etc. Partic. citatus-a-um, quick, speedy; citato equo, at full gallop; adv. citatim; It. citare, to quote, cite, to sue, to serve a summons; città. f. city, town; Fr. citer, to quote, to summons [jur]; to cite, to mention, to subpoena [jur]; cité, f. city, large town, group of dwellings, housing development; worker's flats, students' hostels; droit de cité, rights of a citizen; citadelle, f. citadel; citadin, m. townsman. Q202, Q224)
CITA (L. cito-are, (1) to put in motion, excite, start up; (2) to summon, call forward, esp. for legal, political or military purposes; hence, to appeal to, point to authorities, etc. Partic. citatus-a-um, quick, speedy; citato equo, at full gallop. Adv. citatim ; cieo, cieve, civi, citum, to move, stir, agitate; transf. to give rise to, excite, arouse, to summon, call by name; It. citare, to quote, cite, to sue, to serve a summons; città. f. city, town; Fr. cité, f. city, large town, group of dwellings; citer, to quote, to summon, [jur.] to cite, to mention, to subpoena [jur.]. J54)
CITFES (L. quivis, quaevis, quidvis, adj. quodvis, whoever, whatever, whatsoever. Z937)
CITI (Z439; Z421)
CITV (Q512, Q543, Q692, Q775, Q795, Q821, R437, R499)
CITHV (Q806)
CITLA8 (Name, Citlav. N324)
CITLV8 (Name, Citlov. N1)
CITLVP (Name, Citlop N31)
CITRES (L. citrens-a-um, belonging to the Citrus tree or a Citron tree)
KLACLES (L. clanculum, adv. secretly, in secret; prep. with accus. unknown to. R574)
CLA8 (L. clava-ae, f. staff or cudgel; It clava, f. club. Z1334)
CLE (It. f. chiave; Fr. f. clé or clef, key. K74, K92)
CLEF (L. clava-ae, f. staff or cudgel; clavis-is, f. a key; clavus-i, m. d (1) a nail spike (2) a tiller or rudder, helm; (3) a stripe of purple on the tunic, worn broad by senators, narrow by knights; It. f. chiave; Fr. f. clé or clef Pyrgie #2. Z681)
CLEFA (Au82)
CLENAR (Probably a name, Clenar. AF-1)
CLENaRVN (Probably a name, Clenaron. K64)
CLENSI ( Probably a name, Clensi. AL-1)
CLERI (L. clareo-ere, to be bright, to shine, transf. to be evident, to be distinguished; clarus-a-um, bright, clear; distinct; poet. of the wind, making clear, bringing fair weather; transf. to the understanding, clear, evident, plain; of reputation: illustrious, distinguished; in bad sense, norotious; hence, adj. clare, clearly, brightly, distinctly, illustrously. Z317, Z380, Z960, Z1006, Z1065, Z1801)
CLES (L. clavis-is, f. a key; transf. a stick for trundling a hoop; It. chiave, f. key, wrench; Fr. clé or clef, f. key, spanner wrench, clef [music]. Q737)
CLETRAM (L. clatri-orum, m. pl. trellis, grating; used frequently in the Zagreb Mummy Script with regard to reaching peace with the gods, one of whom, Zeus, is mentioned. The soul appears to arrive at a summit, where there is a wall, where it faces a grating. Interestingly, many Etruscan designs carry borders resembling a trellis. It arrives at Zeus' grating, for instance. See Z1861, the first wrapping on the body. Z1, Z5, Z29, Z155, Z180, Z186, Z1021, Z1846, Z1861)
CLF (L. clueo-ire, am named, hear myself called. AJ-9)
CLV (L. clueo-ire, am named, hear myself called. Au27)
CLVCeR (L. cloaca-ae, f. sewer, drain; Fr. cloche, f. bell, dish-cover, bell-jar [pop], idiot, dope; clocher, to limp, to hobble. Z834)
KLV8E (Possibly one of the Fates, Clotho. She with Lachesis and Anthropos were daughters of Night [Nyx] N149)
CLvTRA (Z805)
CLVTRAS (L. claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum and cludo, to close, shut up, make inaccessible; of military positions to blockade, invest; of prisoners, etc. to shut in, confine; transf. to conclude, agmen, to bring up the rear; hence, partic. clausus-a-um, of character: close, reserved; no. as subst., an enclosed place; claustrum-i, gen. plur. a means of closing or shutting in, a bolt, bar, an enclosure, prison, den, a barricade, dam, fortress; milit. the key to a prison)
CN (abbreviation referring to the departed. Z190, Z289, Z851, Z897, Z929, Z1168, Z1203, Z1236, Z1359, Z1372, K107, K136, AJ-17)
CRA (Z561)
CRE (L. creo-are, to make, create, produce, to elect to an office, of parents: to beget, bear; It. creare, vi. to create, to appoint; Fr. créer, to create, to bring out; creux, m. hollow, cavity, trough [vague]; pit [estomach]; adj. hollow, empty, sunken, slack [periode] Fr. crier, to cry, to shout, to scream; crieur, bawler, hawker; cri, m. cry, shout, shriek. Z412)
CRI (M67)
KRA (May be the beginning of another word--damaged text. Z929)
KRA (N476, N533, N615)
KRE ( (L. creo-are, to make, create, produce, to elect to an office, of parents: to beget, bear; It. creare, vi. to create, to appoint; Fr. créer, to create, to bring out; creux, m. hollow, cavity, trough [vague]; pit [estomach]; adj. hollow, empty, sunken, slack [periode] N363, N391, N404, R426, R459, R487)
KRI (Q253)
CRAP (L. crapula-ae, f. drunkenness, its after effects, hangover; Fr. crapaud, m. toad, low arm chair; crapule, f. debauchee, blackguard, crapulex, debauched, lewd, filthy, foul; crépi, rough-cast; crépir, to rough cast; crépu, adj. crips, fuzzy (cheveux), crincled; It. crapulone, m. debauchee, crapula, crapulence, debauchery. Z47, Z155, Z206, Z245)
KRVT (L. cruento-are, to make bloody, stain with blood. L15)
CV (L. coeo-ire, to go or come together, assemble, unite, combine, form an alliance; quo, because, whereby; quominus, by which the least, so that not. N280, Q488, R142, R607, R661 )
CVI (It. coi, comp. prep. with, by the; K36)
KV (L. coeo-ire, to go or come together, assemble, unite, combine, form an alliance, K64, N206, N689, N725, Q406, Q887, R31, R80, R607, G30)
CVC (L. cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum, to bring, drive, or draw to one point, to collect, bring close together, compress, of liquids, etc. to thicken, curdle; milit. agmen cogere, to bring up the rear. Transf. to restrict, confine, compel; It. congelare, congelarsi, to freeze, congeal; Fr. congeler, to congeal, to solidify, to freeze; coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum, to cook, to prepare food, to burn, ripen, to digest mentally, to think of, meditate, continue a thing, to harass a person; coquus [cocus-i] m. and coque-ae, f. a cook. TC201; N453--coquo)
CVKVMEN (Note: the suffix, men, appears to be L. mini, passive, 2nd person pl.Q396)
CVKE (Q406)
CVKV (N1, N31)
KVCVR (N112)
CVGI (Q243)
KVCE (R530, R619)
KVCER ( L.coquo, coquere, coxi, coctum, to cook, to prepare food, to burn, ripen, to digest mentally, to think of, meditate, continue a thing, to harass a person; coquus [cocus-i] m. and coque-ae, f. a cook; consero-serere-serui-sertum, to connect, join, twine together, milit., to join in conflict; esp. manu [or manus] concerer, to engage, hence from particle, adv. conserte, connectedly. N87, N363, N391, R607)
CVKIE ( It. cocca, f. notch, bowstring, corner; coccio, m. earthen pot. Z59)
CV8 ((L. converro, to sweep together, brush up; to beat thoroughly, to scrape together; Fr. couver, to sit on [oeufs], to brood, to hatch [complot], to brew [orage], to smoulder; couver des yeuz, to gaze at, to gloat over couvée, f. clutch, brood; It. covare, vt. to brood, to sit on, to harbor, to cherish, to smoulder embers; cova, f. brooding, brood; coprire, to cover, to hide, to fill an office, to coat, to clothe; coprirsi, to cover oneself, call on, to put on one's hat; Fr. couvrir, to cover, to refresh [frais], to wrap or protect, to screen, to roof; N607, R94, R128)
CV8RV (Q202, Q224)
KVLEM (L. collum-i; neck; colo, colere, colui, cultum, to cultivate, till, tend, dwell in, inhabit; attend to, foster, honor, worship, court; hence, partic. cultus-a-um, cultivated, tilled, planted; n. pl. as subst. cultivated land; transf. physically, tidy, well-dressed, smart; mentally: refined; adv. culte, elegantly; Fr. coller, to stick, to paste, to glue, to clarify [vins], to fit closely; se coller, to cling together; collier, m. necklace, collar; colon, colonist, settler, planter; côlon, m. colon [anat.]; col, m. neck [bouteille]; cou, m. neck; cou-de-pied, instep; colonne, f. column; It. collo, m. neck, parcel; colonia, f. settlement, colony; colonico, adj. farm; colono, m. settler, farmer; colonna, f. column, pillar, post. Z1600)
KVLeN (L. colo, colere, colui, cultum, to cultivate, till, tend; to dwell in, inhabit a place; in gen. to take care of, attend to, foster, honor, worship, court. Hence partic. cultus-a-um, cultivated, tilled, planted; n. pl. as subst. cultivated and transf. physically tidy, well dressed, adv. culte, mentally, elegantly refined. R114)
KVLeRE (K64)
CVM (L. cum, [older form quom] conj. when, whenever, since, although; cum...tum..., both...and....; cum, prep., with abl., with, together with, at the same time as; cum eo quod, ut or ne, on condition that; It. comare, f. housewife, godmother; It. come, adv. how, as, like, as good as, as soon as; conj. that, how, why; as; Fr. comme, adv. as, like, how, in the way of; conj. as. N378)
KVM (N1, N31, N149, N184, N391, N417, Q297, Q303, Q468, Q871)
KVMA Q871, R294, R633)
KVMIA8 ((L. como, comere, compsi, comptum, to put together, make tidy, arrange, adorn; esp. of the hair. Hence, partic. comptus-a-um, formed, framed, adorned, neat; It. comporre, to compose, to compound, to arrange, settle; comporsi, to consist [of]; Fr. compter, to reckon, to count, to rely. N505)
KVMV (N748)
CVMATE (L. comatus-a-um, hairy; comata silva, in full leaf; committere, to commit; commeto-are, to go frequently; commetior, to measure, compare; comito-are, to accompany, esp. as partic. comitatus-a-um, accompanied; It. combat'tare, vt., vi., to fight, to struggle [against]; Fr. combattre, to fight, to contend, to oppose, to struggle. N378)
KVMATES (Q887, R644)
KVMATeS (N748)
KVMITE (L. comito-are, to accompany, esp. as partic. comitatus-a-um, accompanied. APH-1)
CVN ( It. compire [complere], to accomplish, fulfill, complete, perform; L. coniuro-are, to take an oath together, in a bad sense, to plot, conspire; perf. partic. coniuratus-a-um, sworn, united by oath; m. pl. conspirators)
CVNA (K32, K131)
KVNIKAF (Latin, conicio,-icere-ieci-iectum; to throw together, to cast lots; mentally to put two and two together, guess, to interpret dreams; in gen. to throw, hurl; of abstract things, to bring up, bring in; of money, to throw away; It. conico, adj. conical; Fr. conique, adj. conical. Q767, Q795, Q805)
KVPE (L. copo, copona; a small shopkeeper or inn-keeper; copia-ae, plenty, aundance, supplies, troops, forces; Transf. means, opportunity; It. coperto, m. shelter, safety, cover; copia, f. copy, plenty; Fr. copeau, m. shaving, chip [bois], cutting; copie, f. copy, imitation, transcript; copier, to copy, to transcribe, to reproduce, to imitate; copieux, adj. copious, abundant, plentiful; copiste, m. copier, copyist. R653)
KVPI (N357)
KVR (L. cor, cordis, the heart; also emotions or thought, as heart, mind, judgment; It. cuore, m. heart, soul: amico del cuore; Fr. coeur, m. heart, courage, feelings, core [centre]; de bon coeur, gladly, heartily note: this entire group seems to relate to curia-ae, curo-are. Au43)
KVRE (L. curo-are; to care for, pay attention to, manage, administer. N31)
CVRE (Z92)
KVRA (L. curia-ae, senate or the meeting place of the senate; curo-are; to care for, pay attention to, manage, administer; coorior-ori-ortus, dep., to arise, come forth together; of things, to appear, to break out; of people, to rise for insurrection or fight; cur [quor] why? wherefore? currus-us, m. a chariot, car, esp. one used in racing, or war, or at a triumph; meton., a triumph. Transf., a plough with wheels; a ship; curro, currere, cucurri, cursum, to run, hasten; esp. to run in a race; at sea, to sail; of time, to pass; curo-are, to care for, pay attention to, trouble about; with gerundive, to see to a thing being done; of business: to manage, administer; physically: to minister to, cure, rest; business: to provide or prcure money;)
KVRAIA (L. curia-ae, senate or the meeting place of the senate. R3)
KVRE (Kore is a title of Persephone, the underworld goddes [see AITV]. She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter and was worshipped at Eleusis as Kore [meaning "maid"]. Her annual return to the upperworld from Hades symbolized the yearly growth of the crops)
KVReK (L. corrigo-riger-rexi-rectum, to put straight, set right, reform, amend; charagus-ae, m. he who pays for a chorus; It. correggere, to correct, amend, to rebuke; Fr. corriger, to correct, reform, adjust, punish (Z1250)
KVReG (R359)
CVRTVS (It. corteo, m. procession, train, parade [I] cortese, adj. kind, polite. obliging; Fr. cortége, m. retinue, procession; cortége funèbre, funeral; capital of Lydia, Gordos? R229)
CVSV (L.causor-ari, to give as a reason, or pretext, to plead, pretend; aliquid, nonnihil, something; res, thing; It. causa, f. cause, motive; causare, to cause; cosa, f. thing, matter, work; che cosa? what? qualcha cosa, something; cosi, adv. adj. so, thus, this way, like this, like that, such; cosicche, conj. so that; coso, m. thing; causare, Fr. causer. TC127, TC241, TC271 TC279, TC307)
CVSVR (TC56, TC 161, TC179)
KVTE8 (person's name, Kotev N63, N500, N529, N553, N598, N632)
KVTEP (name of person, Kotep; N21)
DIYNE (L. Dione-es and Diona-ae, the goddess Venus or mother of Venus. M-8)
DV (L. duo-ae, two; Script "F")
E (L. e, ex,; prep. from or out of, opposite, since, immediately after; when denoting origin: from, away from, out of, of; to denote advantage; in regard to, with respect to; It. e, ed, conj. and; tutti e due, both of them, tutti e tre, the three of them; Fr. et [é] conj. and; et...et, both...and. Found at: Z64, Z289, Z317, Z386, Z1600, Z1641, Z1615; TC56, TC61, TC120,TC127, TC290,TC307, Au74, Au82, Au99, M78, N294, Q11, Q21, Q33, Q107, Q253, Q263, Q335, Q521, Q661, Q726, Q754, Q784, Q805, R22, R270, R5121, R596, L59, L65, APH-3)
ET (L. et, adv., also, even; conj. and; and indeed, and then, and yet. R40, G39)
EA8 (L. eiuro and eiero-are, to refuse or deny on oath; in general, to give up, disown)
EC (L. exeo -ire -li (ivi) -itum, intransit. "to go out, go away, go forth, to pass from state to state, to get out, to become known; of time: to come to an end, pass away; transit. to pass over, also to ward off; eques-itis, horseman, rider, knights; equus-i, m. [older forms equos and ecus] a horse; equa-ae, f. mare; equus bellator, a war-horse; equis virisque, with horse and foot, with all one's might; ecce, behold!, lo! see; It. equestre, adj. equestrian; Fr. échoir, v. to fall due; to expire [bail]; to befall; écot, m. share, quota, reckoning, shot; It. ecco, adv. here, there, that's well; eco, m. echo; far eco, to echo; eccomi, here I am; eccoli, here [there] they are; ecco fatto! that's done! Z103)
ECA (equa-ae, f. mare M74, K113)
ECE (Q95, Q127, Q139)
ECS ( (L. exeo -ire -li (ivi) -itum, intransit. "to go out, go away, go forth, to pass from state to state, to get out, to become known; of time: to come to an end, pass away; transit. to pass over, also to ward off; equus-i, m. [older forms equos and ecus] a horse; M60)
EK (L. ecce, Behold, lo! See! Q674)
EKS (R164, G1)
EKS (L. exeo -ire -li (ivi) -itum, intransit. "to go out, go away, go forth, to pass from state to state. Z1334)
EKCI (L. exquiro [quaero]-quirere-quisvi-quistum (1) to search for, look for, ask for (2) to search through, examine; hence part., exquistus-a-um, sought or worked out, choice, exquisite, artificial, adv. exquiste, accurately, carefully; equis, ecquid, interog. pron., is there any that? does anyone? Hence, ecquid or ecqui, at all? or whether? ecqud, whither?; It. esequire, vt. to execute, affect, carry out, to fullfill, discharge, to perform, make; Fr. exquis, adj. exquisite, delicious, delightful, choice. R325 )
EPH (Name of a goddess Eph . She is associated among the godesses of the earth, as opposed to the celestial and infernal regions. Perhaps the name is related to L. effor [ecfor] -fari -fatus, dep. to speak out, express, speak; in logic , to state a proposition; in religion, formally to dedicate a place; hence partic. [in pass. sense] effatus-a-um, pronounced, dedicated. TC242, Q360, Q376, Q767, Q806, Q899, R164)
EF (APH-22)
EFA (L. eveho -vehere -vexi-vectum, to carry out or up; of ships: to sail away, of riders: to ride away; aevus-i, eternity; Transf. time, lifetime or time of life; a period of time; evoe, euoe, shout of the Bacchantes; Euan or Euhan, m. a name of Bacchus; It. evo, m. age, time, era; Evo Antico, ancient times; Fr. voile, sail; m. veil, pretense; Z1274)
EFE (Z1161)
E8EM (N149)
EFI (TC127)
EFN (M45)
EFIS (Lemnos Script; see E8IS)
EFEREI (L. everro-verrere-verri-versum, to sweep out, plunder; M78)
EFETI (L. everto-everti-vertere-verti-versum; to turn out, dislodge, eject, to turn up, stir, overturn, throw down, demolish, destroy, ruin; Fr. évider, to hallow out, to groove, to cut away; Z701)
EFITI (L. evito-are, to avoid, shun; It. evitare, to avoid; to shun, dodge,to spare; to prevent, to refrain from; Fr. éviter, to avoid, to shun, to doge, to swing [naut.]; éviction, f. eviction; évincer, to evict; M19)
EFITVS (Last word on an inscription of a statue of an augur; L. evidens-entis, visible, clear, plain, evident; adv. evidenter; evidentia-ae, f. distinctness of language; It. evidente, adj. evident, obvious; evidenza, f. evidence, obviousness; Fr. évidemment, adv. evidently, obvously, of course; évidence, f. evidence, obviousness, conspicuousness; évident, adj. evident, plain, conspicuous, obvious)
EI (L. ai, oh!, ei, woe, an interjection of grief; ei, personal Dat. pronoun, he, she, it; It. ehi!, interj. hey!; ei, pron. pers. he, they. Z192, Z446, Z1430, Q21, R5, R100, R349, Au22, L31, L65)
EIAS (L. eius, personal gen. pronoun, he, she, it. Q1)
EIC (Q551)
EICE (Zagreb Z981)
EIK (L. eicio-icere-ieci-iectum, to throw out, cast out, eject; vocem, to utter; armum, to dislocate; se eicere, to rush out; naut., to bring to shore; pass., to be cast ashore, stranded; eiectus, a shipwrecked person. Transf., to drive out, expel, disposses; domo, to divorce; ex patria, to banish; of feelings, to cast out, put aside; Fr. éjecter, to eject. Q433, R22, R114)
EIKV (J54, TC150)
EIFES (L. aevus-i, eternity; Transf. time, lifetime, or time of life; Fr. affaisser, to weigh down, to overwhelm; s'affaisser, to sink, to sag, to give way, to become depressed)
EIFI (Pyrgi #1, Au22)
EIM (L. eum, eam, id, acc. himself, herself, itself. Z180, Z347, Z1027)
EIS (L. eiuro and eiero-are, to refuse or deny on oath; in gen. to give up, disown; escarius, relating to food or bate; esu, in the eating; esurio-ire, to be hungry, desire food, long for; eicio-eicere-ieci,-iectum, to throw out, cast out, eject, [vocem] to utter; se eicere, to rush out; naut.: to bring to shore; pass.: to be cast ashore, stranded; ejectus, a shipwrecked person. Transf., to drive out, expel, dispossess, domo, to divorce; ex patria, to banish; of feelings: to cast out, put aside; aes, aeris, copper ore, bronze; Transf. anything made of bronze; a vessel, statue trumpet, kettle;eis, pers. pron. plural; Dat. & Abl.; eis, , pers. pron. pl. Dat. & Abl. to them; Fr. essor, m. flight, soaring, scope, prendre son essor, to take wing, to leap into action; aise, f. ease, comfort, convienience, content; adj. glad, well-pleased; aisé, adj. easy, comfortable, free, well-to-do, well-off; Z272, Z446, Z561, Z1088, Z1192, Z1292, Z1393, Z1688, M19)
EISER (Z357, Z396, Z405)
EGIS (L. aegis-idis, f. an aegis, or shield esp. that of Jupiter or Minerva; transf. a protection, bulwark. R661)
EL (It. ella, pers. pron. she; Fr. elle, elles, pron. she, her; it; pl. they, them; elle-meme, herself, itself; this pronoun and IL appear in four different scripts and are rare; both are used in the context of his or her; Z776, K1, G1)
IL (It. il, def. art. m. sing, the; egli, he; Fr. il, ils, pron. he it, pl. they, them. J1)
EMeR (L. emereo-ere-ui-itum and emereor-eri-itus, dep. to obtain by service, earn completely, to deserve well of a person; milit. to earn pay, to serve, finish one's time; hence partic. emeritus-a-um, m. as subst. a soldier that has served his time, a veteran; as adj. worn out, finished with; emo, emere, emi, emptum, to buy, purchase; male or magno, dear; bene or parvo, cheap; transf. to bribe, buy. L20)
EMICI (Capua Tile; L. emico-micare-micui-micatum, (1) to spring out, leap forth (2) to gleam, shine forth, be conspicuous)
EMVNE (Warning L. emoneo-ere, to warn, admonish; hemina-ae, f. a measure of capacity, about half a pint; eminentia-ae, f. standing out, prominence, the lights of a picture; Fr. emmener, to take away; to lead away, to take; eminent; It. emanare, vt. to issue, to diffuse, issue from, to spring; eminente, adj. eminent, outstanding. Q452, Q683, Q726, Q745)
EMVNES ( Warnings. Q661, Q737, Q745, Q854)
EN (Fr. en, prep. in, into, to, in the, in a; at, of, by like, whilst, while with, within, from; pron. en, of him, of her, of it, of them, for it, for them from there some, any; L. in, into, on to, towards, against, until for, in turn, in, on, among, in, at, within, in the case of; (2) in, without, not; It. in, prep. in, at, to, within, into, with, by, inside, on, upon, against; L. en [sometimes em], lo!, behold!, see!; interrog., look, say; with imperat., come! N123, K36, K52)
ENAC (L. enascor, nasci, natis; dep. to grow out, spring forth, arise; It. nato, adj. born, arisen, risen; pp. of nascere, to be born, to spring, sprout, to derive, to originate, proceed, to rise; far nascere; to give birth to; Fr. naissance, f. birth, extraction, beginning, rise; naitre, to be born, to originate, to begin to dawn. Z681)
ENAK (Z1607)
ENEK (L. eneco-necare-necui-nectum, to kill off, to wear out, exhaust, torture. Q396)
ENA (Z1628)
ENAS (L. eno-are, to swim out, escape by swimming, flee; used freqently in the Zagreb Mummy Script in the context of escaping wrath/the underworld; Z144, Z245, Z272, Z300, Z327, Z396, Z470, Z1326, Z1571)
ENE (Z709?, N357)
ENV (N112, N139, N173, N206, N216, N230, N244, N363, N391, Q202, R294)
ENETV (L. eniteo -ere-ui, to shine out, shine forth, be conspicuous; enitor-nit-nisus or -nixus, dep. to work one's way up, struggle up, ascend; with acc., to climb; in gen. to strive, strugle, make an effort; also transit., to bring forth, bear. Hence partic. enixus-a-um, strennuous, eager; adv. enixe; eneco-necare-necui-nectum, to kill off, to wear out, exhaust, torture; It. annientare, to annihilate; inetto, adj. inept, worthless; Fr. inepte, adj. inept, stupid, idiotic, fatuous; ineptie, f. ineptness, ineptitude, absurdity; annihiler, to annihilate, to annul; see INVK)
ENiTV (Q424)
ENVK (L. enucieo-are, to take out of the kernel, hence to explain in detail; partic. enucleatus-a-um, straight forward, simple, clear, enucleate. N700, N738, R212)
EP (It. epa, f. belly; eppure, adv. still, nevertheless, yet, however; epurare, to purify, to purge; Fr. épuration, f. purifying, refining, filtering, purge; épure, f. diagram, plan, working-drawing; épurer, to cleanse, to purify, to refine, to filter, to clear, to purge; Fr. épi, m. ear, cob, cluster [diamants] ; spike [bot.]; épée, f. sword, rapier; épier, to spy upon, to watch out for, to watch; EP, EPE is also the name of a god and in the divine_mirror.html we see him as a cherub with wings with the words EPE VR above his head. Z421, R72)
EPE (Divine Mirror.html)
EPIC (L. epicus-a-um, epic; It. epica, f. epic, epic poetry; Fr. épique, adj. epic eventful. K58
ER (Latin, erro-are, to wander, stray rove; transit. to wander over; Transf. to waver, to err, be mistaken; erratum-i, a fault, error; erro-onis, a wanderer, vagabond; error-oris, wandering about; transf. , wavering, uncertainty, error, mistake, source of error, deception; It. errare, to wander, ramble, to sin, to err, be mistaken, to be wrong; errante, adj. wandering, errant; cavallere errante, knight-errant; Fr. errer, to err, to be wrong; to stray, to wander, to stroll; erreur, f. error, mistake, slip, fallacy; errone, adj. erroneous, mistaken, wrong. R22, L38)
ERR (Z103, Z897)
ERAS (Z446, Z1591, Z1861Z1861)
ERE (Z945, N700, Q500, Q683)
ERES (N505, N533, N607, N638 )
ERvS (L. erus-i, lord, master. Au62)
ERIA (R499)
ERIATV (L. erratio-onis, f. and erratus-us, m. wandering, straying; N74)
ERV (N87, Q209, Q488, R56, R188, R212)
ERA (L. era-ae, f. mistress, lady; eruo-ruere-rui-rutum, to tear out, dig up, of buildings: to raze, demolish; It. era, f. era; Fr. ère, f. era; éreinter, to break the back of, to ruin, to tire out, to fag, to slate, to pull to pieces, to run down. Z64, TC56, N254, Q543)
ERAIA (N333)
EREK (L. erigo - rigere -rexi -rectum, to set up, place upright, erect, raise; milit.: to march a body of soldiers up a height; transf. to arouse, excite, encourage, cheer; hence, partic. erectus -a -um, raised, upright, erect, high, elevated, proud; alert, anxious, intent, with minds on the stretch, resolute, cheerful; It. eriger, to erect, build, raise; erigersi, to set up [for]; eretto, adj. erect, upright, erected, built, pp. of erigere; Fr. ériger, to erect, to set up, to institute, to raise. Q335, Q512, Q534, Q661, Q813, Q908, R72, R80)
EREK ( Q511)
ERIC (L. erigo-riger-rexi-rectum to set up, place upright, erect, raise, as it is used in that sense. Z144, Z969, Z1016, Z1065, Z1832, TC38)
ERENI (L. Erinys-yos, f. one of the Furies; plur. Erinyes, the Furies, transf. scourge, curse. Z1146, Z1378)
ERTI ( L. erado-radere-rasi-rasum, to scratch out, to destroy, get rid of; It. erta, f. ascent, slope, erta! interj. beware!; stare erta! to be on the look out; erto, adj. steep, sloping; pp. of ergere; eretto, adj. erect, upright, erected; egere, vt., to raise, gersi, vi., to raise oneself, rise; Fr. érienter, to break the back of [fam.], to ruin, to tire out, to fag, to slate, to pull to pieces, to run down; versant, m. slope, versant. R487)
ERTV (M78)
ERV (L. Hero-us, f. a priestess at Sestos loved by Leander; It. m. eroe, hero; a name of an arbitrator. R188)
ERVK (L. erogo-are, to ask for and obtain; used in the sense to pay out money, esp. from public funds; It. erogare, vt. to distribute, to deliver. Q351)
ERVS (L. erus-i, master, owner, lord; or the Greek god of love, Eros, called Amor or Cupid by the Romans. He existed almost from the beginning of time, being born together with Ge (Earth) and Tartarus (Hades), out of, or at the same time as, Chaois. Later writers describe him as Aphrodite's roguish little boy, but he was on hand to meet her at her birth. The ancient poet Olen said he was the son of Eileithya, the goddess of birth. He is depicted as the youngest of the gods, an archer with gold tipped arrrows which could make even gods fall in love. He made Apollo fall in love with Daphne. N349, N357, N363, N738, Q202, Q253, Q763, Q863, R294, R487, R530, R619)
ERvS (Au62)
ES (L. sum, esse, fui, futurus, to be; es, second person singular, to be; It. essere; Fr. être; Z347, Z439, Z470, Z561, Z572, Z784, Z1027, Z1378, Z1410, Z1438, TC61, N453, N469, N607, N638, N676, N767, Q46, Q202, Q209, Q217, Q224, Q311, Q543, R229, R619, R661, K43, TC61)
EST (L. third person sing. est, to be; Fr. third person sing. to be. Q821, R65, R459)
ESTE (L. este, imperative plural, to be. N462)
ESARI (L. exaro-are, to plough up, dig up, to produce by plowing; hence, to write on waxen tablets; escarius-a-um, relating to food or bait; exuo-uere-ui-utum, (1) to lay aside, put off, put away (2) to strip, deprive of a thing. Q863)
ESFIS (exeo-ire-li-[ivi]-itum, intransit. to go out, go away, go forth, to pass from state to state, Z206, Z255, Z369, Z396, Z1049)
ESI and ESI (It. escire [uscire] vi. , to get out, issue, to go out, to come out, to flow out, to be issued, to escape; exeo-ire-li-[ivi]-itum, intransit. to go out, go away, go forth, to pass from state to state, to get out, to become known; of time: to come to an end, pass away; transit. to pass over; also to ward off; It. escire (uscire) vi., to get out of, issue, to go out, to come out, to flow out, to be issued, to escape Z537, Z918, Z1203, Z1282, Z1326, TC38)
ESV (L. esu, abl. sing. m. in the eating; esurio-ire, to be hungry, desire food, in gen. to long for; exeo-ire-li-[ivi]-itum, intransit. to go out, N74, Q887, R1, R100, R238, R286)
ESVNA (L. sono, sonere, sonui, to sound, resound, make a noise; to sing of, to celebrate; of words, to mean; sonor-oris, m. sound, noise, din; It. sonare, to sound; to ring, to play; sonda, f. probe, sound, sounding line; Fr. sonner, to sound, to ring, to toll, son, m. sound, noise; N391, Q278, R22, R31, R40)
ESVNE (N87, Q278, R644)
ESVNV (N74, N149, Q351, Q893, R229, R394, R653)
ET (L. et, as adv., also, even; as conj. and, and indeed; in narrative, and then, occassionaly adversative: and yet; N216, Q701, Q745, R40, R94, R128, R142, R160; TC-1, See E)
ETA (L. edo-edere-didi -ditum, to put forth, give out; to breathe one's last, die (1) to bring into the world, to bring forth, give birth to; of things, to produce (2) to make known; of writings: to publish; of ideas and information: to divulge, spread, to proclaim (3) to bring about, cause, produce; of magistrates: to provide games for the people; It. età, f. age; nel fiore deli' età, in the prime of life; in età minore, underage; in età maggiore, of age; ette, m. nothing, anything. N230, N244, N254)
ETES (R521)
ETV (N74, N100, N149, N160, N254, N404, N417, Q65, Q84, Q95, Q107, Q320, Q326, Q355, Q396, Q416, Q813, R49, R248, R542)
ETR (Possibly L. Etruria-ae, f. district in North West Italy of the Etruscans; hence adj. and subst. Etruscus-a-um; Q521)
E (Au85)
E TvNAM (This word is two words and resolved as E TvNAM = from/out of (L. e, ex, out of, from) the thunder (L. tono-are-ui-itum, to thunder). See TVN, TVNA, TvNAM. The Etruscan Haruspes divined based upon lightning bolts (called a fulguriator). The supreme Greek god, Zeus, whose name is mentioned in the Zagreb Mummy text, punishes with thunder and lightening; his equivalent Etruscan god is Tin or Tini. Z1352, Z1410, Z1590 See TVNAM)
EVS (Eos is also L. dawn; eous-a-um, belong to the morning, or eastern; sister of Helios, an ancient sun god. Q253, Q263)
Etruscan Phrases 4.html
FA (L. facio, facere, feci, factum; [the pass. is fio] to make, form, do, perform, of feelings and circumstances: to cause, bring about; to give a chance, grant permission to bring into the power of, represent that a thing is so; to act on the side of, support, to sacrifice, to be serviceable, to suit, help, be of service; It. fare, to do, to make, to act, to work, to manufacture, to gather, to form, to play, to be, to practice, to get, to cause, to order; che mestiere fai? what is your trade? Fr. faire, to make, to do, to cause, to get, to bring forth, to suit, to fit, to manage, etc. )
FAC (L. facio, facere, feci, factum; [the pass. is fio] to make, form, do,...to sacrifice, help. Used in the expression FAC Le, I make/do--I sacrifice. Z19, Z29, Z412, Z439, Z551, Z614, Z629, Z727, Z779, Z834, Z842, Z1146, Z1337, Z1352, Z1386, Z1674, AN-42, Aph29)
FACA (L. vaca-ae, f. a cow.Au90)
FACIE (fascis-is, m. a bundle, packet, plurl. fasces, bundles of sticks with an axe projecting, carried by lictors. J11?)
FAK (For this group see FA, L. facio, to make, to do, etc.; L. vagor-ari, dep. to wander, ramble, rove; vagio-ire, to whimper as a child. Z272)
FAKiR (Z656)
FAKiR (K6)
8A (L. vari-are, transit. to vary, diversify, change, alter, do or say differently; pass. veriari, to waver, be divided, vary; intransit., to be different; vae, interj. Alas! woe! It. va, 3rd person present indic. andare, to go; Fr. va, 3rd person singular of aller, to go; It. ve, vi, m. f. pron. you, to you; adv. there, here. Z455, Z1397, N582)
8ACA (L.vacca-ae, a cow; ; baca [bacca]-ae, f. a berry, fruit; a pearl; Baccha-ae, f. a Baccante, female worshpper of Bacchus; bacchor-ari, dep. to celebrate the festival of Bacchus; as passive, of places, to be made the scene of Bacchic revels; in gen., to rage, rave like a Bacchante; It. vacca, f. cow; Fr. vache, f. cow, cow-hide; vacher, m. cowherd)
8ACI (Z1216)
8ACE (vaco-are; to be empty; to be vacant, to have no master; to be free from anything; be without, to be free from work, to be free from work, to have time for. Z500)
8AK (L. vagor-ari, to wander, ramble, rome; vagus-a-um, wandering, roaming, fickle, diffuse, aimless; adv. vage, dispersedly. Q899)
8AGI (L. vagio-ire, to whimper as a child; vagor-ari, to wander, ramble, roam; vagus-a-um, wandering, roaming, fickle, diffuse; vage, adv. dispersedly; It. vagire, to wail; Fr. vagir, to wail; vagissement, m. wailing. Q84)
8AGV (Q209)
FAI (It. fare, to make, to do; fai, 2nd person sing, pres. indic. Au71)
FAL (L. fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsum, to deceive, lead astray, cause to be mistaken; to disappoint, fail in, to beguile, wile away, to escape the notice of, be concealed from non fallit me, I am not aware; hence, partic. falsus -a -um, (1) wrong, mistaken, misled; n. as subst., a mistake; abl. as adv. falso, falsely, mistakenly. (2) false, untrue, spurious; (3) deceitful, lying; n. as subst. a like; abl. as adv., falso, falsely, fradulently; adv. false; It. fallare, to err, make a mistake; Fr. faute, error, mistake; falloir, to be necessary; il faut que'elle vienne, she must come; il fallait appeler, you should have called; comme il faut, proper, correct, respectable, gentlemanly, lady-like; Note: in the Zagreb Mummy script there are interchanging phrases involving FALE; i.e. FILE FALE; thus , L. filia-ae, f. daughter; filius-i, son, filum-i, a shread; transf., form, shape; of speech or writing, texture, thread; It. filia, f. daughter, figlio, m. son; fila, f. line, row; filare, to spin, to run, to run away; [naut.] to sail, to flirt, to shadow: fila! scat! Fr. fille, f. girl, maid, daughter; fils, m. son, boy, lad; fil, m. thread, wire, edge [lame], string, linen, grain [bois], clue, course; filin, m. rope. Au95)
FALE (Z614, Z629)
8aLERES (L. Valerius-a-um, name of a Roman gens. Possibly the town, Falerri. It is used in the Zagreb Mummy Script in the sense of a gens and associated with the word wine, i.e. the wine of the Falerri or Veleri. See 8ELERE.)
8AL (K79)
8ALAS (L.vallo-are, to fortify with a palisade, to strengthen; valles-is, a vale, valley, hollow. K67)
8ALTA (L. fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsum, to deceive, lead astray, cause to be mistaken; of abstr. things, to disappoint, fail in, poet. to beguile, wile away, to escape the notice of, be concealed from; impers. non fallit me, I am not unaware. Hence partic falsus-a-um, (1) wrong, mistaken, misled; n. as subst., a mistake; abl. as adv. falso, falsely, mistakenly; (2) false, untrue, spurious,; (3) deceitful, lying; n. as subst. a lie; abl. as adv. falso, falsely, fraudulently; adv. false; valde, in replies, intensly, very much, certainly, very much so; vallo-are, to fortify with a pallisade, to strengthen; It. valere, to be worth, to deserve, to be equal to, to be valid, to succed, to be of advantage, to be equivalent to; falda, f. brim [of a hat], flap [of a garment] tail [of a coat]. snowflake, slope, slice, layer; Fr. valoire, to be worth, to cost, to be equal to, to be as good as, to deserve, to procure, to furnish; à valoir, on account. M50)
8AM (L. fama-ae, f. talk, report, rumour, tradition; fama est, there is a rumour; fames-is, f. hunger, famine, insatiable desire, poverty of expression, famished; It. fama, f. fame, notoriety, reknown; reputation, rumor, report; fame, hunger; avere fame, to be hungry; Fr. fameux, adj. famous, renowned, clebrated; faim, f. hunger; avoir faim, to be hungry. Suspect word.)
FAMI (L. fama-ae, f. talk, report, rumor, tradition; fama est, there is a rumor; public opinion, standing in public opinion, good or bad, repute, good or bad; fames-is, f. hunger, famine, insatiable desire, poverty of expression; It. fama, f. fame, noteriety, renown, reputation, rumor, report; fame, f. hunger, famine, longing)
FAMAR ( fames-is, f. hunger, famine, insatiable desire, poverty of expression; It. fame, f. hunger, famine, longing)
8AMERIAS (person's name. Q11)
8ANV SE (L. vanus-a-um; empty, void, vain, idle, worthless, meaningless; of persons: ostentatious, boastful, unrelaiable; fanum-i, a temple with the land round it, a holy place; It. vansio, adj. vain, foppish; Fr. vain, adj. vain, fruitless, sham, shadowy; idle, frivolous, vainglorious; en vain, in vain; fane, f. top, haulm; faner, to cause to fade; to droop; faneur, m. haymaker; van, m. winnowing baske, vanne, f. water-gate. Z1300, Z1345)
FAR (L. far, farris, n. spelt, grain, meal; facio, facere, feci, factum, to make, form, to do, to cause, bring about, grant permission, to experience, suffer [troubles] to regard, esteem, value; It. fare, to do, to make, to act, to work, to manufacture, to gather, to form, to play, to be: to practice, to get, to cause to order; faro, m. beacon, light, lighthouse; farina, f. meal, flour; Fr. faire, to make, to cause, to get, to bring forth, to do, to perform, to suit, to fit, to manage, to be [temps], to go [distance] to persuade; fait, m. fact, deed, act, feat, achievement, case, matter, point; adj. made, done, settled, used, ripe, grown; phare, m. beacon; farine, f. meal, flour; Z180, Z197, Z357, Z1027, Z1040, Z1097, Z1430, TC327, Au43)
8AR (Note how this word declines like PHER. L. vario-are, to vary, diversify, change, alter, to or say differently; variari, to waver, be divided, vary, be different; It. varo, m. [naut] launch; vario, adj. various, different; vari, varie, several; Fr. varier, to vary, to diversigy, to fluctuate, to disagree, to differ [opinions]; varié, adj. varied, various, sundry, variegated, miscellaneous. Z369)
8ARRAN (used in the Zagreb Mummy Script in the context of "they--the gods-- change or transform the soul. Z327, Z1013, Z1861)
FAS (L. fas, indecl. divine command or law, fate, destiny, right, lawful, fas est, it is allowed, lawful; fascis-is, m. a bundle, packet; plur., fasces, bundles of sticks with an axe projecting, carried by lictors before the chief Roman magistrates; hence high office, esp. the consulate; It. fasciare, to wrap, to swaddle [as an infant], to bandage, dress; fascio, m. bundle, beam [of light]; fasces, pl. fase, f. phase, stage; Fr. fascicule, m. small bundle, part, section [publication]; phase, f. phase, stage, period. TC190)
8AS (L. vado-ere, to go, hasten, rush; vas, vadis, m. a bail, surety; vas, vasis, a utensil, vasa-orum, war materials, equiment; It. vaso, m. pot, vessel, vase; vasca, basin, tub, pond, pool; vassolo, m. tray; vassallo, vassal; Fr. vas, second person singular, present, tu vas, you go.)
8ASE (Z255, Z263, Z405)
8ASEI (Z72, Z190, Z214, Z289, Z455, Z1013, Z1049, Z1853, Z1869)
PHASEI (L. fascia-ae, f. a bandage, band, girdle, girth; fascis-is, m. a bundle, packet, plur. fasces, bundles of sticks with an axe projecing, carried by licotrs before the chief Roman magistrates; It. fascia, f. band, belt, bandage; pl. swaddling bands. Z180, Z347, Z1027)
PHAST (L. fasti-orum, fastus-a-um, court days, list of legal days and festivals, calendar, a register, record, list of magistrates; It. fasto, pomp, display; Fr. faste, m. pomp, display, ostentatin; adj. lucky, auspicious;)
FE (L. veho, vehere, vexi, vectum, to carry, convey; pass. to sail, ride, drive;Z5, Z929, TC161, TC236, TC266, Au67, AL-1)
8E ( It. ve, vi, m. f. pron. you, to you; adv. there, here; see also 8I. N21, N87)
FEIRA (L. veho, vehere, vexi, vectum, to carry, convey; pass. to sail, ride, drive; . feriae-arum, festival; Fiora, river passing through Canino and the Etruscan ruins of Vulci; It. fiera, f. wild beast; (2) fair, market;)
FEIFES (L. vivax-acis, long-lived, lasting, enduring, brisk, lively, vigorous; Z1423)
FEI (L. Veii-orum, m. Etruscan town? L. vita-ae, f. life; It. via (1) f. street, road, way; (2) adv. away, off; via!, go away!; It. vita, f. life, living, livelihood; lifetime; fare, to make, to do; snd pers. pres. indef. fai; Fr. vie, f. life, lifetime, existence, days, vitality, livelihood, living, food, substistence, profession, way of life; spirit, animation, noise; en vie, alive; gagner sa vie, to earn one's living. APH18)
8EI (possibly the city Veii; L. via-ae, a way, passage, highway, road, street, means, method; L. vita-ae, f. life; It. via (1) f. street, road, way; (2) adv. away, off; via!, go away!; It. vita, f. life, living, livelihood; lifetime; Fr. vie, f. life, lifetime, existence, days, vitality, livelihood, living, food, substistence, profession, way of life; spirit, animation, noise; en vie, alive; gagner sa vie, to earn one's living. N689 )
8EIA (R164, G1)
8EIV (Q243)
FEIFES (L. vivax-acis, long-lived, lasting, enduring, brisk, lively, vigorous. Z1423)
FEIRA (See also FERE. L. ferio-ire, to strike, knock, hit, esp. to strike dead, slay, kill; fero, ferre, with perf. tuli, supine latum, (1) to bear, bring, carry, prae se ferre, to display, make public; often to endure, submit to, esp. with adv. ferre aegre, to take ill, be vexed at, (2) to bring forth, produce, (3) to bring to a place or person, fetch, offer; suffragium, sententiam, to vote; legem, to propose a law, ferre ut, to propose that; commercial, expensum ferre, to set down in an account-book as paid; to cause, bring about; to report to others, spread abroad, speak of; fama fert, the story goes, esp. to publish a person's praises, (4) to bear away, carry off, ferre et agere, to plunder; transf. to win, get, centuriam tribus, to gain the votes of, (5) to bear along, move forward, put in motion; milit. signa ferre, to march; transf. to move, impel, carry away; without object, to lead, tend; ferramenta-orum, n. pl. tools made of or shod with iron; ferrarius-a-um, of iron; m. as subst. a blacksmith; f. pl. as subst. iron-mines; ferratilis-e, in irons, of slaves; ferratus-a-um, furnished or covered with iron; servi, in irons; m. pl. as subst. soldiers in armour; ferreus-a-um, of iron, made of iron or like iron; hard, unfeeling, cruel, immovable; ferrum-i, iron, hence any iron instrument, plough, ax, scissors and esp. sword; It. fiera (1) wild beast, f. (2) fiera, f. fair, trade exhibition, market; ferire, vt. to wound, to hurt; fereo, adj. iron [also fig.]; ferriera, f. ironworks, iron mine; ferro, m. iron, tool, implement, swords; Fr. féru, adj. smitten, struck; fer, m. iron, sword, shoe [cheval]; curling-tongs, flat-iron; pl. fetters, chains, captivity, forceps [med.] fil de fer, wire; fer forgé, wrought iron; ferraille, f. scrap-iron, old iron, junk; ferré, adj. fitted with iron, shod, well up in [fam.], hob-nailed [soulier]; ferrer, v. to fit with iron, to shoe [cheval], to strike [poisson], to metal [route]; ferrure, iron fitting, iron-work; faire, to make, to do, etc foire, f. fair, spree; also there is a major Etruscan site at Vulci on the Fiora river. Vulci was a major bronze producer and stretched between the towns of Montano di Castro and Canino. Fiera and Canin are mentioned together at Z1177, Z1292)
8EITV (Note: this word does not decline and tends to introduce phrases as at N333: 8EITV: ARCIV: VSTENTV; N328: 8EITV: TVSE: GER8IE: GER8E MARTIES ERAIA: 8EITV: L.. beo-are, to bless, enrichy, make happy. Hence partic. beatus-a-um, happy, blessed, prosperous; well off; as subst. happiness. Adv. beate, happily; fetus-a-um, (1) pregant, fruitful, fertile (2) that has brought forth, newly delivered; fetus, m. the bringing forth or hatching of young; [of the soil] bearing, producing; Transf. that which is brought forth: offspring, brood, [of plants,] fruit, produce, shoot; vates-is, a prophet, seer, a bard, poet; It. beato, adj. blessed, blissful; beato te! you lucky man! feto, m. foetus; Fr. fête, f. feast, festival, holiday, birthday; fêter, to entertain, to celebrate; bénir, to bless, to consecrate. dieu vous bênisse! God bless you! N63, N194, N268, N304, N324, N333, N483, N491, N505, N700, N725, Q488, Q500, R394)
FEL (L. vel, conj. [singly] or, [doubled] either or; adv. even, actually, for example; veles-itis, m. usually plur., velites, light-armed infantry, skirmishers; velifer-fera-ferum, carrying sail; valeo-ere, to be strong, vigorous, in good health, well; to have force, avail, prevail, be able, to be worth; of words: to mean, signify, as a farewell greeting, vale, or valeas, farewell, good-bye; valere iubere, to bid farewell, say good-bye to. Hence partic. valens-entis, strong, powerful, healthy; adv. valenter; It. valente, adj. clever, skillfull; valere, to be worth, to deserve, to be equal to, to be valid; to succed, to be of avail, to be equivalent to; vale a dire, that is to say; farsi valere, to push oneself forward; far valere, to enforce; Fr. valeur, f. value, worth, weight, import, meaning,; valour, bravery, asset; valoir, to be worth, to cost, to be equal to, to be as good as, to deserve, to procure, to furnish; cela vaut la peine, that is worthwhile; valoir mieux, to be better; faire valoir, to make the most of, to turn to account; belle, beau [bel, m. before a vowel or a mute h]; m. beau, beautiful, fine [temps], beauty, ; adj. beautiful, fair, handsome, smart, fashionable, elegant, fine, noble, good [temps], splendid, excellent, comfortable; une belle occasion, a fine opportunity; au beau meilleu, in the very middle; de plus belle, more than ever; tout beau, carefull; j'ai beau cherecher, it is no use my looking; beau-file, stepson, beau-frère, brother-in-law; beau-père, step-father, father-in-law; Note: at AN-39 we have the combination: FEL: FELVS; K-32 is a usual form of this word: FEL RINA ARA SaFERA; K10: FEL RINA SE SeKeLA. Script K is a small history lesson on kings and a queen Sarina who is listed at K49: FEL RINF SARINA. The term FEL, used as an adjective for both men and women, is probably a word relating to valeur. This word appears in many scripts and generally preceeds a name and is translated as "great." Z530, Z748, Z1378, TC90, TC241, TC307, K6, K46, K67, K86, K92, K107, K113, K131, AB-1, AG-1, AN-12)
FELeR (TC103)
FELARA (It. m. vellero, sailing ship; velare, vt. to veil, to conceal, disguise; velarsi, vt. to veil oneself, to become veiled; L. velarium-i, an awning in a theatre; vel, conj. singly, or; doubled, either or, adv. even, actually; for example; Fr. voilier, m. sailing boat; voilure, f. sails, wings; voiler, to veil, to conceal, to obscure, to blur, to cloud, to muffle, to shade [lumière], to buckle, to bend, to warp [mech.]; veiller, to sit up, to stay up, to keep awake, to watch, to be on the look-out,[mil. naut.] to attend to [malade], to watch, to, to look after; velours, m. velvet; velouté, adj. velvety, downy; mellow [vin]; velu, adj. hairy, shaggy. TC80, TC220)
FELeRA (name, Z1192)
FELeRE (name, Z1236)
FELI (L. velo-are, to cover, veil, hide. Au74)
FELS (L. velox-ocis, quick, rapid, swift; adv. velociter; It. veloce, adj., quick, fast, speedy, swift; Fr. velocité, f. velocity; vite, adj. fast, swift, rapid, speedy, quick; adv. fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, quickly; vitesse, f. speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness, fleetness, clerity, velocity. Z1809)
FELVS (L. vellus-eris a fleece, skin, hide; velo-are, to cover, veil, hide; It. vello, fleece; vela, sail, to sail; Fr. voile, sail [on a boat] ; volé, to fly, steal, cheat; veilén, vellum. TC108, AN-1, AN-12, AN-31)
FELVCI (L. velox-ocis, quick, rapid, swift; adv. velociter)
8EL (L. violare, to violate [break a treaty: foedus violare]; bellus-a-um, colloq., pretty, handsome; adv. belle; fel-fellis, the gall-bladder, gall, bile, poison, venom, bitterness; feles-is, a cat; also a thief; veles -itis, m. usually plur., velites, light-armed infantry, skirmishers; It. violare, to break; violer, to violate, transgress, to break [a promise], to rape, ravish, outrage [a woman]; Fr. féler, to crack;)
8ELeS (R80)
8ELCIA (L. velheo-are, to pluck, twitch, to taunt, criticise. AH-1)
FELKES (ancient town of Velcha? of Campania. TC307)
8ELE (L. vello, vellere, velli, [vulsi, volsi], vulsum [volsum]; to pull, twitch, to pluck out; partic. vulsus-a-um, plucked, smooth; velo-are, to cover, veil, hide. Veles-itis, m. usually pl. velites, light armed infantry, skirmishers.)
8ELI (N563)
8ELERE (This appears to be a family name and is associated in script Z with FINVM [vinum]; see FEL above, valere, valeur, valeo-ere; otherwise this could be a reference to the town Falerri. It is also in the inscription at the base of a bronze statue of an orator [AL-8])
8eLER (Z111, Z543, Z551,Z561, Z1423)
8eLERE (Z47, Z195, Z245, Z842, Z851, Z975, Z1073)
8eLEREI (Z1013)
8eLERES (AL-8)
8eLERI (Z1430)
8eLERS (Z568)
8ELSeNI (possibly the name of a people. TC103)
FENE (L. venio, venita, veni, ventum, to come; in course of time: to happen, come, arrive, to grow, arise; It. venire, to come, to turn out; Fr. venir, to come, to be coming, to arrive, to reach, to occur, to happen, to grow, to issue, to proceed, to be descended; je viens de voir, I have just seen; venir chercher, to call for, to come and get; faire venir, to send for; fenaison, f. haymaking; see 8ENV)
FENI (M81)
FENIAS (L. venia-ae, grace, indulgence, favor, permission, pardon, forgiveness. Au27)
FNI (the goddess Uni. Au67)
8ENV (L. venio, venire, veni, ventum, to come, in course of time: to happen, come, arrive, to grow, arise; It. venire, to come, to turn out; Fr. venir, to come, to be coming, to arrive, to reach, to occur, to happen, to grow, to issue, to proceed, to be descended; je viens de voir, I have just seen; venir chercher, to call for, to come and get; faire venir, to send for. N41)
8eNES (K43)
8eNSI (Veneti? K52)
8eNV (N268)
8eNER (Z150, Z1853)
8ENVS (L. venus-iris, f. charm, lovliness, love, a loved one; personif. Venus, goddess of love, the highest throw of the dice; adj. Venereus-a-um, of Venus or of a love. Q152)
FENE (L. venio, venire, veni, ventum, to come, in course of time: to happen, come, arrive, to grow, arise; AK-1)
FENI (M78)
FERA (L. fero, ferre, with perf. tuli, supine latum (1) to bear, bring, carry; prae se ferre, to display, make public, often to endure, submit to, esp. with adv., ferre aegre, to take ill; be vexed at (2) to bring forth, produce (3) to bring to a place or person, fetch, offer; ferre ut, to propose that; expensum ferre, to set down in an account-book as paid to cause, bring about, to report to others, spread abroad, speak of; fama fert, the story goes, esp. to publish a person's praises (4) to bear away, carry off, ferre et agere, to plunder, transf. to win, get (5) to bear along, move forward, put in motion; milit., signa ferre, to march; transf. to move, impel., carry away; without object, to lead, tend; ferio-ire, to strike, knock, smite, hit, esp. to strike dead, slay, kill. TC56)
FERS (L. verso [vorso]-are, to turn about, turn this way and that, to bend, to ply, twist, to influence, agitate, to turn over in the mind, think of , to be above, hover, resort, to be enganged, take part, be employed; fers, 2nd person active indicative, fero, ferre, tuli, latum, to bear, bring, carry, to display, make public; often to condone, submit (2) to bring forth, produce, (3) to bring t a place or person, fetch offer (4) to bear away, carry off)
FERSVM (L. versum = versus = versus [vors] and versum [vors], towards, used esp. after an accusative or prep and acc. sursum versus, upwards; Z1781)
8ER (L. ver, veris, Spring; primo vere, in the beginning of Spring; ver sacrum, an offering of the firstlings; verus-a-um; true, real, genuine, truthful, veracious, just, reasonable; right duty; adv. vero, in truth; adv. vere, truly, really, rightly; veritas-atis, f. the truth, reality, truthfulness, telling of truth; in gen. honesty; It. verita, f. truth, verity, actuality; in verita, really, actually, as a matter of fact; vero, m. truth, reality adj. true, real, veritable, genuine; dal vero, from nature, from life; primavera, f. spring, springtime; Fr. vérité, f. truth, verity, fact, truthfulness, sincerity; en vérité, trully, really; vérifier, to verify, to inspect, to check, to test, to audit, scrutinize; ver, m. worm, maggot, mite, grub, larva, moth; vers, m. (1) verse, line; (2) prep. towards, to, about; printemps, m. spring, springtime; vrai, adj. true, correct, proper, right, accurate, real, veracious, genuine, authentic, downright, arrant, regular, very, legitimate [théâtre]; adv. truly, eally, indeed; m. truth. Q107, Q342, Q360, Q376. R459)
8ERI (N280)
8ERIER (L. vereor-eri-itus, dep. to be afraid, fear; to have respect for, revere; gerundive verendus-a-um, venerable, reverend; vitrum, glass; It. venerare, to revere; vetro, m. glass, pane; vetraio, m. glass manufacturer, glassblower; Fr. révéer, vénére, to revere, venerate; verre, m. glass; verrière, f. glass casing, ; verrierie, f. glassmaking, glassworks, glass-ware. Q278)
8eRV (vero, in truth; AP-1)
8ERTV (L. verto [vorto] - vertere, verti, versum, to turn, turn around, turn up; intransit., to turn oneself; milit., vertere in fugam, to put to flight, rout; terga vertere, to flee; to interpret, construe, understand in a certain way, to impute, to alter, change, to translate, to change for another, exchange,vertex solum, to go into exile; to upset, overthorw, pass., or intransit., of time, to roll round; pass., to move in a certain sphere, to depend on, centre in; Vertumnus [vor] -i, m. god of the changing year; this seems to translate as L. veritas-atis, truth; Q107, Q117. Q127. Q139, Q152, R359, R381, R459, R474, R542, R554)
PHES (L. fessus-a-u, weary, tired, exhausted. R644)
FESE ( (L. fessus-a-u, weary, tired, exhausted; fesa aetas, old age; res fessae, distress; vesco-i, to eat, feed on, to use, enjoy; vescus-a-um, act., consuming; pass., wasted, thin; vesica-ae, f. the bladder, a purse, a lanter of style, bombast; Fr. fesse, f. buttock; fesser, to spank.; L. vexo-are, to shake, toss, jostle; to harass, annoy; It. vessare, to harrass, to wrong; vescica, f. bladder; Fr. vexation, m. annoyance; vessie, f. bladder;TC-1)
8ES (Q95, Q152)
8ESI (L. vescor-i, dep. to eat, feed on, to use, enjoy; vescus-a-um, act. consumming; pass. wasted, thin. Z1326)
FESNI (Faliscian town, Fescennium? See PHSeNES below; Z929)
PHESeNES (L. Fescennia-ae, f. a town of Etruria famous for verse dialogues; adj. Fescenninus-a-um. Q376, Q388)
FET (Fr. vetir, to clothe, to dress; to put on, to don; faire, to make, to do, to cause, to get, to bring forth, to suit, to fit, to manage, etc. festus-a-um, of a holiday, festive, keeping holiday; n. as subst. a feast; festivus-a-um, of a holiday, festive, merry, good humored, cheerful; adv. festive; Fr. féte, f. feast, festival, to entertain, celebrate; It. festa, festino, feast, holiday, birthday, party, festival; festino, m. banqueet party; festeggiare, to celebrate, to welcome, to applaud. Z1430, TC80)
8ETA (L. veto (voto) votare, vetitum, to forbid, prohibit; n. of perft. part. as subst. vetitum-i, that which is forbidden, prohibited; vetus-eris, old, ancient; superl. vetterimus, of long standing, experience; m. pl. as subst. the ancients; L. fatum-i, an utterance, esp. a divine utterance, destiny, fate, the Fates, doom fate, natural death, misfortune, ruin, calamity; Fr. fatal, fatal, inevitable; It. fato, m. fate, destiny, lot. Q117, Q217)
8ETES (Q847)
8ETV (N11, N21, N53, N280, N294, N363. N435, N476, N522, N533, N543, N553, N582, N590, N607, N624, N638, N647, N660, N676, Q53, Q74, Q84, Q273, R229, R270, R278, R286, R294, R314, R325, R334)
FETRA (L. fetus-a-um, (1) pregnant, fruitful, fertile, teeming with, full of; (2) that has brought forth, newly delivered; fetus-us, m. the bringing forth or hatching of young; of the soil, bearing, producing; transf. that which is brought forth, offspring, brood; of plants: fruit, produce, shoot; fetura-ae, f. the bringing forth of young, breeding; meton., brood, offspring; It. feto, m. foetus; Fr. foetus, m. foetus. Z489)
FI (AP-1; see 8I, DL-1. L15, Au30?)
FIA (L. fio, fieri, factus sum, used as pass. of facio. (1) of persons and things, to be made, come into existence; with predicate, to become, be appointed; with genit. to be valued at (2) of actions, to be done, of events, to happen; with abl., quid illo fiet? What will happen to him? and feri ut, to come about that; fieri non potest quin, it must be that. Z1780)
8I (Fr. faire, to make, to do, to cause, to get, to bring forth, to suit, to fit, to manage, etc; It. vi, (1) pers. pronoun, you, to you; (2) adv. here, there: eccovi infine! there you are at last! N41)
8IE (L. vita, life; It. vita, f. life, living, livelihood, lifetime; Fr. vie, f. life, lifetime, existence, days, vitality, livelihood, living, food, substance, profession, way of life, spirit, animation, noise, biography, memoir. Q11, Q33)
VI (L. vis, acc. vim, abl. vi; plur. vires-ium, f. force, power, strength, might, influence; in sing. also violence; a large number, quantity; the force; ve, enclitic, or, or perhaps; It. vi, ve, pers. pronoun, you, to you; adv. there, here Script L)
8IA (L. via-ae, f. a way, passage, a highway, road, street; a course, march, journey; means, way, method; It. via (1) street, road, way (2) adv. away, off: via! go away!; viaticas, relating to a journey; Fr. voie, f. way, highway, path, means, channel, course. N357) )
8IAS (R633)
8IATV (L. viator-oris, m. (1) a traveller, wayfarer (2) an apparitor, messenger; viaticus-a-um, relating to a journey, n. as subst. journey, money, also savings or prize money. N357)
8IKiLA (L. viculus-i, a little village, hamlet; It. vicolo, m. lane, alley; villaggio, m. village; Fr. ville, town, city; village, m. village. R370, R487, R499,)
8IKiLAS (R633)
8IKTV (L. victus-s, m. living; manner of life, nourishment, food; victor-oris, m., victrix-tricis, f. conqueror, victor; It. vicissitú, f. dine; Fr. victuailles, f. pl. victuals. N676, N711)
FIL (J36)
FILAO (L. filius-i, son; filia-ae, daughter; Fr. fils m., son; fille, f. daughter; It. figlio, m. son; figlia, f. daughter; AE-1)
FILaR (TC318)
FILAR (It. filare, (1) vt., vi, to spin, to run, to run away; naut. to sail; to flirt, to shadow; Fr. filer, to spin, to draw out, to pay out [cable], to spin out, to shadow, to flow, to sneak away, smoke [lampe], to run off to; filare, m. row, line)
FILE (L. filia-ae, f. daughter; It. figlia, f. daughter; Fr. fille, f. girl, maid, daughter, sister [religieuse] [fam.] whore. Z629, AH-1)
FILVI (L. filius-i, m. son; see FILAO above. L44)
8ILiK L. felix fetura, fruitful offspring Z489, Au95)
FILiK (L. felix-icis, fruitful, fertile,; transf. f. lucky, successful; felix, "The Lucky One," surname of Sulla; adv. feliciter, fruitfully, auspiciously, favorably, luckily, successfuly. TC127, Au95)
8ELIC (K58)
FIN (L. vinum-i, wine, wine-drinking; vinea-ae, f. a vineyard; milit. a mantlet, penthouse; finis-is, m. & f., boundary, limit, border, summit, end, object, aim; in pl. enclosed area or territory; Fr. m. vin, wine; fin, (1) f. end, termination, conclusion, close; object, aim, purpose, extremity; à la fin, in the long run; at last; mettre fin à, to put an end to; (2) adj. fine, refined, pure, choice, slender, sly, aretful, subtle, delicate, small, keen, quick [oreille]; adv. fine, finely, absolutely; It. m. vino, wine. Note: in the Zabreb script [Z] FINVM is used often in connection with a name 8ELERE; see also FELARA; Z1397, TC120)
FINVM (Z47, Z64, Z164, Z197, Z272, Z1073, Z1352, Z1337)
8INEI (L. finio-ire, to bound, limit, enclose, restrain, to define, determine, appoint, to put an end to, conclude, finish, esp. to finish speaking or to die; pass. to end, cease; vinea-ae, f. a vineyard; milit. a mantlet, penthouse; vinum-i, wine, wine-making; It. finire, to finish, end; to get over, end, to come to an end; be over, to die, to turn into, to wind up; It. m. vino, wine FR. fini, m. finish, finishing touch, adj. ended, finished, settled, over, accomplished, finite; finir, to finish, to end, to cease, to leave off, to be over, to die; Fr. m. vin, wine. N590)
8IPER (L. f. viper-ae, a snake, serpent; see TRE 8IPER; the head of the demon Tuchulcha had three snakes coming from it. Q442, Q481)
8IR (L. vir, viri, a man, male person esp. a grown man; a husband, a man of charactor or courage, a soldier. Z719)
8IRA (L. vireo-ere, to be green, vigorous, healthy, fresh; peculiar to the Zagreb Mummy Script; Z1780)
8IRIN (L. vir, viri, a man, male person esp. a grown man; a husband, a man of charactor or courage, a soldier; virilis-e, manly, male, virile, of a grown man, adult; courageous, spirited; pro virili parte, to the best of one's ability; adv. viriliter, manfully; virilitas-atis, f. manhood, virility; viritim, man by man, individually;748, Z761)
8ISE (N573)
8ISIV ( viso, visere, visi, visum, to look at, look into, see after, to go to see, visit, call upon; visus m. seeing, sight; an appearance; visio-onis, f. seeing, view; appearance, notion, idea; Fr. viser, to aim at, to sight, to take a sight on, to concern, to allude to, to refer to; fissio-onis, f. splitting, cleaving, dividing. N491, N513, N543, N573, N590, N615, N647, N676, N711)
FIT (L. vita-ae, f. life; figo, figere, fixi, fixum, (1) to fix, fasten, make fast, attach, affix, esp. with oculos, to fix the gaze; (2) to thrust home a weapon, etc. so as to stick fast; (3) to transfix; hence partic. fixus-a-um, fixed, firm, immovable; fido, fidere, fissus, sum, to trust, believe, confide in; with dat. or abl. fidens-entis, without fear, confident, courageous; adv. fidenter)
FITA (Z776)
FITI (Z446, Z455 Z784)
FITIS (L. vitis-is, f. a vine; centurion's staff)
FLA (L. oleo-ere, to emit an odour; to smell of, smack of; partic. olens-entis, smelling, fragrnt or stinking. Fr. flair, m. scent, sense of smell, flair; flairer, to smell, to scent, to detect. TC190)
8R (Q899)
8RA (L. vereor-eri-itus, dep. to be afraid, fear, to have respect for, revere; gerundive verunaus-a-um, reverable, reverend; frio-ere, to rub, crumble; It. fra, (1) prep, in, within, between, among, amid (2) fra--see frate, frate, m. friar, monk, brother. N294)
8RE (R459)
8RAT (It. fratta, f. bush, hedge.TC179)
8RATA ( It. fratta, f. bush, hedge. R212)
8RATER (L. frater-tris, a brother; fratres, brothers and sisters; also a cousin or brother-in-law. Transf. a comrade, compatriot, ally; fraternitas-atis, f. brotherhood, fraternity; fraternus-a-um, of a brother, brotherly, fraternal; sometimes of a cousin. Transf. of a related person, of some thing related to another. Adv. fraterne, in a brotherly manner, like a brother; bracchium-i, n. the forearm, arm from elbow to wrist; any limb of a living creature, any other thing like an arm, e.g. branch, spur, yard, outwork of a fortification, mole; fratello, m. brother; fratelli, pl. brothers; fraternità, , f. fraternity, fraterno, adj. fraternal, brothely; Fr. frère, m. brother; fraternel, adj. brotherly, fraternal; fraterniser, to fraternize, fraternité, f. brotherhood, fraternity; bras, m. arm, handle, hand; brachage, m. branches, boughs [arbes], branchery; branche, branch, bough, arm; brancher, to roost, to perch, to connect.Q290, R1, R100, R156)
8RATeR (R164, G1)
8RATRV (fraternal/cousin Q243, Q294, R88, R565)
8RATRVM (of the brothers.Q320)
8RATRVS (brothers. Q424, Q468, Q5221, Q551, R229)
FSI (Lemnos Script; It. uscio, m. door, entrance; this may not be a word)
PHTA8 (Phthia? place. R554)
8V (L. voro-are, to eat greedily, swallow up, consume, devour. R142)
8VRE (R156)
8VI (L. vos, you, plur. of tu; It. voi, pers. pron., you; Fr. vous, pers. pron. you. R65)
8VIA (Possibly L. Boii-orum, m. pl. a Celtic people of north Italy, Germany and Gaul. Q278)
8V8 (L. voveo, vovere, vovi, votum, to vow, promise to a god, to pray for, wish; Fr. m. voeu, vow. N607)
FVL (L. follis-is, m. a leather bag, a puffed out cheek; It. folla, f. crowd, throng, host; Fr. fou, folle, adj. [fol] m. before a vowel or a mute h]; mad, insane, crazy, wild, frantic, silly, stupid; enormous, tremendous, passionately fond; m. f. madman, madwoman; f. lunatic, maniac, jester, gannet [oseau] bishop [échecs]; devenir fou, to go mad; rendre fou, to drive mad; maison du fous, lunatic asylum, madhouse, un monde fou, a fearful crowd. L25)
FVLC (L. Volcanus [Vulc]-i, m. Vulcan, the god of fire, husband of Venus. Z1265)
8VLIN (L. volo, velle, volui, (vin = visne; ais = si, vis; sultris = vultris; to be willing, to wish, want, to will, ordain, to supose, maintain that; sibi velle, to mean, signify; hence partic. volens-entis, willing, favorable)
8VR8AR (L. fervor-oris, m. boiling heat, seething, foaming, ardour, passion. N-1)
8VRE (L voro-are, to eat greedily, swallow up, consume, devour; R248)
8VRVS (L. Boreas-ae, m. the north wind; meton. the north; adj. Boreus-a-um, northern. N428)
8VS LE (L. vos, you plur. of tu; fossa-ae, f. ditch, trench, channel; fusio-onis, f. pouring-out, out-pouring; fusus-i, m. a spindle; fusus-a-um, partic. from fundo, to pour, pour out; [of metals] to melt, cast, to rush, stream [of sounds] to utter, to spread, extend, scatter; milit.: to rout, defeat, scatter, put to flight; fuse, adv. widely, copiously; It. fossa, f. pit, hole, grave; fosso, m. ditch; affossare, to ditch, dig; affossatore, grave-digger; fusello, m. bobbin, axle spindle; fuso, m. (1) spindle, distaff, shaft, shank (2) adj. fused, melted, blended, cast; pp. fondere; Fr. fosse, f. pit, hole, trench, grave, den; fossé m. ditch, trench, moat; fossoyeur, m. grave-digger; fossette, dimple; fuseau, m. spindle, fuselé, spindle-shaped, tapering, slender [doigts]. K20, K67)
8VSV (L. fossa-ae; It. fosse, f. pit, grave; R653)
8VST (L. fustis-is, m. a stick, cudgel, club; It. vostre, poss. adj. your, of yours, poss. pron. yours; fossato, m. ditch; fusto, m. trunk, stalk; shaft, bar, frame, barrel, cask; fustigazione, f. scourging; Fr. fût, m. stock [fusil], handle, shaft [colonne], barrel, cask, tun; futé, adj. sharp, cunning; fusiler, to shoot; fouetter, to scourge, to whip, to lash, to flog, to birch, to stimulate, to rouse, to beat [oeufs]; fouet, m. whip, lash, birch, whipcord. N63, Q294, R22, R80, R133)
8VTV (L. voveo, vovere, vovi, votum, to vow, promise to a god, to pray for, wish; votive, vowed; votum-i, a vow, promise to the gods, a votive offering; in gen., prayer, wish, desire; futatim, abundatly; foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum, to warm, keep warm, caress; fig., to stay constantly in a place; in gen., to foster, cherish, support, encourage; fotus, partic. of foveo; It. voto, m. vow, wish, prayer, mark, vote; vuoto, m. empty space, gap; vuotare, to empty; Fr. vote, m. vote, voting, balloting; voter, to vote, to ballot, to pass, to carry [projet de loi]; votif, adj. votive; vouloir, to want, to wish, to intend, to require, to need, to resolve, to determine, to try, to seek, to attempt, to endeaavour, to admit, to grant; m. will; il veut, he wishes. Q351, Q908, R413, R653)
GA (It. che, conj. that, as to, for, when, at like, than whether. N590, N711, Q784)
GAM (L. quam, adv. how, in what way; interog. how much? how? exclam. how!; relat. of correspondence, as[ often with tam] with superl. adj. on, adv. as; of comarison, than, as. N676)
GE (L. Ge or Gea, the goddess of the earth known to the Romans as Terra or Tellus. N31)
GIA (Q763, R426, R474)
GER8E (L. gero, gerere, gessi, gestum, (1) to carry, bear, esp. to wear. (2) to bear, give birth to. Transf. to carry about, display an appearace; to carry on conduct, manage business; res gestae, exploits, esp. warlike exploits; gero-onis, a carrier; gerrae-arum, f. pl. wattled twigs; transf., trifles, nonsense; gerro-onis, m. a trifler, idler; It. gerarchia, f. hierarchy; germe, m. germ, seed, embryo; Fr. gerbe, f. sheaf, spout [eau], shower [étincelles]; spray [fleurs]; germe, m. germ, shoot, seed, origin; germer, to germinate, to shoot, to sprout; gérer, to manage, to administer. N268, N304, N324)
GER8IIE (N304, N324)
GERS (R156, R349)
GETA ( L. iacio- iacere, to throw, cast, toss, fling away, to diffuse, spread, scatter, to harass, disturb a person, to boast of; to gesticulate etc.; It. gettare, to throw, cast, fling, to toss, to shoot, to send forth; gettarsi, to throw, fling oneself, to rush, to flow out, into; getarsi; Fr. jet, m. throw, cast, jet, gush, spurt, flash, casting shoot, sprout; jeter, to throw, to fling, to cast, to toss, to hurl, to throw away, to cast down, to let go, to drop, to utter a cry, to lay [foundations], to jettison [naut.] Q767, Q795, Q805)
GICE (L. iacio, (1) to lay, (2) to throw, cast, hurl, to fling away, shed, to scatter, diffuse, to let fall in speaking, utter; ciatrix-icis, f. a scar; on plants a mark of incision; also a patch on an old shoe, cicer-eris, a chick-pea; cicur-uris, tame; Gigas-ganas, m. a giant; adj. Giganteus-a-um; Gegeneus, (earthborn) a group of giants killed by Heracles and the Argonauts; It.chicco, m. grain, seed; chicco d'uva, grape; chicca, f. sweet, candy; ciccia, f. meat, fat; cicca, f. stump, butt, quid; cicatrice, f. scar, cicatrice; Fr. cicatrice, f. scar; cicatriser, to heal up to scar; chic, m. chic, high style, adj. chic, stylish, smart; chiche, adj. miserly, stingy, mean, niggardly; pois chiches, chick peas; Chiche! I dare you! Q95)
GIIE (It. gia, adv. already, once, formerly, previously; Gr. Gaea or Ge, the earth and the goddess of the earth; Ge was known to the Romans as Terra or Tellus. Ge, together with Tartarus and Eros, was born from Chaos, or at the same time, according to Hesiod. Note: Tera is a common word in the Etruscan texts and Eros is also mentioned with the name of the goddess of the dawn, Eos; Gaius, a Roman praenomen f. m. Gaia. R13)
GIMAE ( L. gemo, gemera, gemui, gemitus; intransit, to sigh, groan; of lions, to roar; of doves, to coo; of things, to creak; to sight over, lament, bemoan; gemmo-are, to bud; gemmans-antis, set with jewels, glittering like jewels; gemma-ae, f. a bud or eye of a plant; Transf. a jewel, gem, a precious stone, a jewelled goblet; a seal-ring, seal; a literary gem; It. gemere, to groan, moan; gemma, f. gem, [bot.] bud; Fr. gémir, v. to moan, to groan; to lament, to bewail; gemme, f. gem; )
GIMV (N254)
GIST (L. gesto-are, to carry, bear about; pass. to ride about; quis, quid, pron. interrog. who? what? which?; indef. anyone, anybody, anything; nom. quid? what? how much? how many? why; quid ita? why so? L. itus, m. movemnt, going departure; Tities-ium, m. pl, one of the three original tribes of Rome; cytisus-i, clover or lucerne; It. questo, adj. m, questa, adj. f. this; pron. m., f., this one, the latter; questi, pron. m. sing, this, this fellow, he; pron., m. pl. these, these people; questi, adj. m. pl, queste, aj. f. pl., these; cisti, f. cyst; cistite, f. cystitis. N453)
GLAS (L. glaesum-(glesum)-i, amber. Q543)
GLATA8 (L. gladius-i, sword. Q821)
HA (L. habeo-ere) to have, hold, to have about one, carry, wear; to contain, to possess, have power over; absol., to possess property, be wealthy; of places: to own, inhabit, or rule over; of persons: to keep; It. avere, , to have, to get, to own; Fr. avoir, m. poperty, possession, credit, fortune; v. to have, to possess, to hold. Z111, Z214, Z1310, Z1326, Q232, K9, K136)
HAM (L. hama (ama)-ae, f. bucket, esp. a fireman's bucket. Z500)
HE (Z421, Z522, Z681, Z1352, Z1623, Z1641, K113)
HES (K136)
HIA (Z606, Z614, Z622)
HV (Z64, Z591, Z805, K86, M32, K86)
HVS (Z64)
HALT (L. halo-are, to breathe out, exhale; halitus-us, m. breath, vapor; It. alt, interjection, halt; alto, m. height, top; Fr. haut, m. height, top, summit; adj. high, tall, lofty, elevated, important, eminent, great, loud [voix], erect [tête], haughty; adv. high, high up, haughtily, aloud, en haut, upstairs, up above, at the top. Z1282)
HAM (L. hama (ama)-ae, a bucket, esp. a fireman's bucket. Z543)
HAMPHERIS (Note: this appears to be a name; or it may be HAM PHERIS = bucket of light. See PHERIS L. hamus-i, a hook, esp. a fish-hook, a talon, a thorn; Fr. hameçon, hook, fish-hook, bait; L. ferreus-a-um, furnished or covered with iron; this word also appears in the Tavola Eugubine. This could be Amphiaraüs. He was an Argive warrior and seer, son of Oïcles and Hypermnestra and a descendant of Melampus. He was the great diviner of his day, loved by both Zeus and Apollo. He received his second sight from Zeus, hunted the Calydonian boar and drove Adrastus from the Argive throne. He helped officiate at the funeral of Oedipus, was involved in the campaign of the Seven against Thebes. Zeus saved the seer from the shame of being speared in the back by Periclymenus by splitting the earth with a thunderbolt. Amphiaraüs, together with his chariot, charioteer and horses vanished forever. Creoesus found his oracle as relaible as that of Apollo at Delphi. Z1586, Z1571)
HANeRIN (Appears to be the name of a people. Fr. haine, f. hate, hatred, detestation; haineux, adj. hateful, full of hatred; L Henna (enna), a city in central Sicily. Henna, one of the more widely agreed upon of the possible sites of Hades' abduction of Persephone; was an ancient cult center of Demeter and her daughter Z1345, Z1372)
HARE ((L.haereo, haerere, haesi, haesum, (1) to stick, cleave, adhere, hang on to a person or thing; (2) to come to a standstil, get stuck, be embarrased; haurio, haurire, hausi, haustum, to draw up, draw out or in; to drink up; absorb, swallow; to shed blood; to drain, empty a receptacle; in gen. to derive, take in; also to exhaust, weaken, waste. This could be a person's name. Z953, Z1006, Z1057
HARaR (Z308, Z378, Z1825)
HAVS (L. haustus-us, m. drawing of water, legal: the right to draw water or air, inhaling of drink, drinking, a draught, of solids:a handfull; haurio, haurire, hausi, haustum, to draw up, draw out or in, to drink up, to absorb, swallow, to shed blood, to drain, empty a receptacle; in gen., to derive, take in; also to exhaust, weaken, waste--Z1300)
HEKeS (L. sexus-us, m. six; Gr. hex, six ; Z1177, Z1256, Z1352)
HEKSeR (L. hexeris-is, f. a gally of six banks of oars. Z164, Z197)
HERAM (L. Hera-ae, f. the Greek goddess identified with Roman Juno; Heraea-orum, n.pl. her festival. Au62)
HERCLE (L. Hercules-is, m. the son of Jupiter and Alcmena; voc. Hercules or Hercule or Hercle, used as an oathy, by Hercules; It. Ercole, m. Hercules; Fr. m. Hercule. According to the Greek myth, Alcmena was married to her cousin, Amphitryon . The Taphians had murdered her brothers, so Alcmena refused to lie with her husband until he had taken revenge on the Taphians. Successfully coming back to her bed from the war, Amphitryon discovered someone else had slept with her. It turned out to be Zeus. He slept with her anyway. Alcmena gave birth to twins, Hercules and Iphicles. Hercules was the son of Zeus and Iphicles the son of Amphitryon. In the Divine_Mirror.html we see HERCLE presenting EPE to TINIA the Etruscan Jupiter/Zeus)
HETReN (Fr. Hêtre, m. beech, beech tree. Z432, Z880, Z890, Z1183)
HILAR (L. hilaro-are, to make joyful, to cheer up; Fr. hilarant, adj. mirth-provoking, exhilarating; It. ilarita, f. mirth, hilarity, laughter; hillae-arum, f. pl. intestines of animals; a kind of sausage; Note in the Zagreb Mummy Script the word is used in the context of the soul rejoicing as it ascends from the underworld. The Etruscan god, comparable to Hermes, the Greek messenger god, who brought Persephone up out of the underworld, can be seen by clicking here, Hermes.html. Z1578, Z1600, Z1615, Z1623, Z1641, Z1777)
HINeRA (L. hinnio-ire, to neigh, whinny; inruo-ruere-ruui, transit. to fling in; intransit. to rush in; gigno, gignere, genuii, genitum, to beget, bear, bring forth, cause; It. nitriere, to whinny; Fr. hennir, to whinny; K74)
HINeR (person's name; Z1080, Z1203, Z1292, Z1628)
HINeRV (person's name; Z1236, Z1397
HIPA (Capua Tile; Gr. hippo, horse; Fr. hippique, adj. hippic, equine; hippodrome, m. hippodrome; L. hippodromos-i, m. hippodrome, race course; It. ippodromo, m. race track)
HVR (L. hora--an hour, the 12th part of a day or night; in gen. time, season,; personif. the Hours, goddesses who presided over the seasons; horreo-ere, to breistle, be rough, of the hair: to stand on end; of persons: to shudder, dread; gerundive as adj. , horrendus-a-um, horrible, dreadful, awful, worthy of reverence; It. orso, m. bear; Fr. ours, m. bear, f. ourse. On a pair of ivory dice from Tuscania the word HVR is written on one of the faces. Z791)
HVRSI (L. horsum, in this direction. Z834, Z1628)
HVS ( (name? Fr. housse, f. covering, dust-sheet; Am. slip-cover, garment-bag, cover, saddle cloth)
HVSTIS (L. hostia-ae, f. an animal slain for sacrifice, a victim; hostis-is, a stranger, but esp. an enemy, foe, opponent; hustio-ire, to requite recompense)
I (Fr. y, adv. there, here, thither, within; pron. to it, by it, at it, in it; il y a, there is, there are; il y a dix ans, ten years ago; pendant que j'y pense, while I think of it; ça y est!, it's done! Q701)
IAKVI (L. iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum, (1) to lay, (2) to throw, cast, hurl; to fling away, shed; to scatter, diffuse, to let fall in speaking, utter; iacto--alternate spelling of iacio; seiugarus-a-um, separated; Fr. jeter, to throw; It. gettare, to throw. L65)
IAN (J20, APH1)
IANVS (L. ianus-i, m. a covered passage, arcade; Ianus, Janus, an old Italian deity with two faces; ianuarius, January. Au22)
IAPES (N290)
IAPVS (L. iapyx-pygis, m. a west-north-west wind; iaspis-idis, f. jasper; Fr. japper, to yelp, to yap. N184)
IK (L. egeo-ere-ui, to wander, to be in need; with genit. or abl. to be in want of, to be without, not to have, also to desire, to want; hence part. egens-entis, needy destitute; with genit. in need of; icio or ico, ici, ictum, to strike, hit, smite, esp. to strike again; hic [and heic], here, in this place, in this matter, hereupon; strengthened, hice and interrog. hicine. Note this word seems to be used in the sense of Fr. ici. Z540, Z761, Z1192, Z1310, Z1359, Z1591, Z1647 )
IC (Fr. ici, adv. here, now, at this point; ici-bas, on earth. Z719, Z784, Z851, Z1800 )
IC (L. icio or ico, ici, ictum, to strike, hit, smite, esp., to strike a bargain. L15)
IKIHI (L. Achaia or Achaia-ae; the Greek country of Achaia; or in gen. Greece; acies, f. keeness, edge; of the mind: penetration, insight; of the eye: a piercing look or keen vision; sometimes the pupil of the eye, or the eye itself; milit., battle-line, hence battle, battlefield. T-11)
IkV (Q433)
IKV (ego, I, plural, nos alter ego, my second self. N11, N41, N139, N216, N230, N244, N491, N513, N543, N573, N598, N615, N647, N689, N711, Q442, Q481)
IEK (L. iecur, iecoris and iocineris, the liver, supposed seat of the passions; eicio-icere,-ieci,-iectum, to throw out, cast out, eject; to utter, to dislocate, to rush out; naut: to bring to shore; pass: to be cast ashore, stranded;Transf.: to drive out, expel, dispossess, to divorce, to banish; of feelings: to cast out, put aside; It. esiliare, to banish, excile; Fr. exiler, to exile. Q475)
IER (R5, R100, R108
IERI ( It. ieri, adv. yesterday; Fr. hier, adv. yesterday; Q406)
IERIA (Suffix--see ATIGERIA; L. gero, gerere, gessi, gestum, Lit. (1) to carry, bear, esp. to wear (2) to bear, give birth to; transf. to carry about, display an appearance; personam gerere, to act a part)
IEPI (L. iuba-ae, f. mane, crest; name, Jepi. L65)
IEPV (name, Jepo. L59)
IEYPV (L. iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum, to order, command, bid; salvere iubere, to greet; polit. to ratify an order, hence, from perf. part., iussum-i, an order, command. L15)
I8 (L. ibi, adv. there, at that place, then, thereupon, therein, in that matter or person; iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum, to order, command, bid; salvere iubere, to greet; polit. to ratify an order. Hence, from perf. partic. iussum-i, an order, command; It. ivi, adv. there)
I8E (Q107, Q117)
IF (J54)
IFA (L. iuvo-are, iuvi, iutum, (1) to help, assist, aid; (2) to delight, please, gratify)
IFE (L. aevum-in, also aeus-i, m. eternity; transf. time, lifetime, or time of life; flos aevi, youth; in gen. a period of time. Z170)
IFETSeM (L. evito-are, to avoid, shun; It. evitare, to avoid, to shun, dodge, to spare; to prevent [from] ; to refrain [from]; Fr. éviter, to aoid, to shun, to dodge, to swing [naut.]. Z812)
IL (L. il, ille, is; eius, illius, suus-a-um, him; It. lu, lo, gli, him;e; Fr. il, ils, pron. he it; she, pl. they, them; le, lui, celui, him. J1, APH25, APH29)
EL (It. ella, pers. pron. she; her, pers. pron., f. lei, la, le; agg. poss. f. suo, sua, suoi, sue Fr. elle, elles, pron. she, her; it; pl. they, them. K1)
ILA (L. illa, by that way, Ille, Illia, (older form olle and ollus);Au35, Au49)
ILAC (L. illac, by that way, there; illac facere, to belong to that party. illa, by that way, Ille, Illia, (older form olle and ollus); pron. that, that younder, that one, emphatically that well known, in contrast with hic, the former (sometimes the latter, ille qua, he who, the one who Au55))
IN (L. in, prep. (1) with acc., into, on to, towards, against; of time: until; in omne tempus, forever, of tendency or purpose: for; in adverbial phrases, indicating manner or extent: in universum: in general in vicem, in vices, in turn; (2) with abl. in, on, among; of time: in, at , within; in relation to a person: in the case of; in, inseparable particle, without, not; It. in, prep. in, at; to within, into, with by, inside, on, upon, against; eravamo in tre, we were three; Fr. en, dans, a, de, [adv. dedans]; en, pron. of him, of her, of it, of them, for it, for them, from there, some, any; il en parle, he is speaking of it; en, prep, in, into, to, in the, in a , at, of, by, like, whilst, while, with, within, from; aller en Amérique, to go to America; en avant, forward. Z47, Z155, Z211, Z206, Z245, Z263, Z289, Z572, Z1378, Z1423, Z1562, TC56, TC103, TC108, TC266, TC298, J11, J29, J39, M32, M60, AP-1, Q396, R447, K100)
INiC (inicio..ineve-ieci-iectum; to throw in, put in or into; Transf. to cause, inspire, occassion; in conversation, to throw in, to throw on or over; manum inicere, to lay hands on, appropriate, take possession of, transf. to impose, lay on; Z19)
INV (L. inno-nare, to swim in or on, to flow over, to sail over, navigate; hymnus, hymn; It. nuotare, to swim; inno, m. hymn, anthem; Fr. nager, to swim; hymne, hymn. N63, Q311, Q326, Q452, Q551, Q784, Q795, Q829, Q837, Q854, Q863, Q871)
INIC (Z19)
INVK (L. enucieo-are, to take out the kernel; hence to explain in detail; enucleatus-a-um, straighforward, simple clear; It. enunciare, to enunciate; Fr. énoncer, v. to enunciate; to express, to state. Q286, Q297, Q303, Q360, Q754, Q763)
IPA (Z1153, Z1183, Z1227)
IPEI (L. ibis, genit. ibis & ibididis, f. the ibis. Z1168)
IPI (L. ibi, adv. there, at that place, at that moment, in that matter. TC71, L20)
IPS (L. ipse-a-um, self, ego ipse, I myself; the very actual; with numbers: etc.: just, exactly; of action, by oneself, of one's own accord; It. ipso facto, adv. pronto, right away; L. ibis, genit. ibis and ibidis, f. the ibis. AJ-1)
IR (L. ira-ae, f. wrath, anger, rage; meton., cause of anger; ire, to go, vado-ere, to go, hasten, rush; It. ire, to go; Fr. aller, to go; irai, future of aller. J4)
IRI (Z10 Z54 Z245, Z606, Z1807, AP-1)
IRV (L. iruo-are, to swear to, make an oath; in verbs to swear after a prescribed formula; in act. sense, iuratus-a-um, having sworn under oath; also having been sworn. R195)
IRECER (L. irascor-i, dep. to grow angry [with dat.]; partic. iratus-a-um, angry; It. irascibile, adj. irascible, irritable. R128)
INRVK (L. inrogo-are, to propose a measure against anyone, inflict, impose. TC161)
IS (L. is, ea, id, he, she, it; this or that [person or thing]; [with qui or ut] one of those who, such as; [with et]: et que, etc. and that too, and what is more; n. sing., id, on that account; id temporis, at that time: in eo est, the position is such, or it depends on this; id est, that is, in explanation; It. issare, to hoist. Z405, Z561, Z572, Z1562, TC1, TC28, TC56, AP-1, N74, Q671, J29, L25)
ISLE (L. insula-ae, f. an island; transf. a detached house or block of flats; It. isola, f. island, isle; Fr. ile, f. island; Z929, Z1216)
ISTI (L. iste, ista, istud, demon. pron. or adj., that of yours, that beside you, in speeches referring to parties opposed to the speaker (opp. to hic, my client) often contemptuous. Z47, Z561)
ISVNT (L. sunt, third person plural: they are. Q360, Q369, R487, R574)
ITA (L. ita, so, thus, interog. itane?
ITALA (L. Italius-a-um, Italain. Au48)
ITE (L. ito-are, to go; It. ire, to go)
ITV (N53, Q117, Q521, Q683, R499, R530, R619)
ITVN (AK-1, Q117)
ITIS (L. itus-us, m. movement, going, departure. TC290, TC310, N453, N670)
ITEK (L. itaque, and so; therefore, for that reason. Q899)
ITIM (L. item, also, likewise. N53)
ITVNIM (L. idoneus-a-um, fit, appropriate, suitable; adv. idonee; It. idoneo, adj. qualified, suuitable, fit for. Au62)
IVKA (L. ugo -are, to bind together, connect, couple; iugum-i, 1) a yoke or collar, transf. a team of oxen or horses, a pair, couple; a chairot; any bond, union, the bond of love, marriage-tie; the yoke of slavery; 2) a cross-bar, esp. the yoke under which the vanquished were sent; the beam of a pair of scales; a ridge between mountains; poet. mountain heights.Q468)
IVCA (L. seiugis-is, m. a chariot drawn by 6 horses; see IAKVI also for the relationship; eques-itis, knight, rider, calvaryman; polit. equites, the knights, order between Senate and the Plebs; also collectively in sing.; the word seems to be pronounced like the word, Engl. jockey.)
IVCE (N476, Q53, Q162, Q209, Q243, Q416, R258)
IVCES (N7ll)
IVCI (J25, AE-6, N1, N357, N476, N676, R306, K36)
IVCV (K36, Q217
IVCIE (L. equa-ae, f. a mare; equus-i, m. [older forms equos and ecus] a horse. N435, N513, N638, R270, R286, R394)
EVKI (M78)
IVNES (L. Iones-um, m. the Ionians; Ionia-ae, f. their country in Asia Minor; onero-are, to load, burden; to fill, weigh down, to oppress, overwhelm; to make worse, aggrevate; onus-eris, a load, burden, weight, a trouble, carge; a public burden, tax; onustus-a-um, laden, loaded, full; It. onere, m. onus, burden; Fr. on, indef. pron., one, people, they, we, you, men, somebody; on dit, it is said; on-dit, rumour)
IVNE (N607, Q253, R219)
IVNAS (L iuno-onis, f. the goddess Juno, Greek Hera, sister and wife of Jupiter; adj. iunonius-a-um, Junonian. Au76)
IVI ( (L. ibi, adv. there, at that place, then, thereupon, there in, in that matter or person; It. ivi, adv. there. Q46, L65)
IVPATER ((L. Iuppiter, Jovis, m. Jupiter, the Roman supreme God; Q224)
IVPV (L15)
IVPER (L. iubeo, iubere, ussi, iussum, to order, to command, bid; polit, to ratify an order; hence perf. part. issum-ii, an order; iubar-aris, a beaming light, radiance, a heavenly body, esp. the sun. N230, N244; See TRIIVPER)
IVR (L. iuro-are, to swear, take an oath, in verba, to swear after a prescribed formula. Q232)
IVRN (L11)
IVS (L. ius, iuris, broth, soup; ius, iuris, right, law, a court of justice, jurisdiciton, right as conferred by law; iure, rightly. N700, R278, R294)
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