Question: Has Bush caused the US to be dangerously compromised? The main Trend we have seen at Maravot News is that Bush's hostile policies worldwide have created new alliances among the EU, China, India, Russia and the Middle East. The Monroe Doctrine has been challenged in South America, with realignments away from the US. The disasters of Iraq, spreading Islamic terrorism, Hurricane Katrina and economic blunders represent an incompetence in Bush and his administration perhaps unparalleled in US history. Mel Copeland |
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April 25 A man identifying himself as al-Qaeda's Iraq frontman Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has appeared in an internet video, vowing to defeat the Unit ed States in Iraq.
"When the enemy entered into Iraq, their aim was to control Iraq and the area," the man said in the video. "But here we have been fighting them for the last three years." He lashed out at the Iraqi government for collaboration with what he called "Western crusaders." [More>> ; See also] 4.25.06 Gulf women enraged over Islamic ruling on strings-free marriage DUBAI (AFP) April 26 An Islamic tribunal's ruling that allows Sunni men to marry without having to live with or financially support their wives has enraged Gulf women's rights activists who say Islamic marriage is unfair enough already. The Mecca-based Islamic Jurisprudence Assembly announced on April 12 that so-called Misyar marriage from the colloquial Gulf Arabic word for visitor was permitted, drawing the ire of women in the region. 4.25.06 Update Triple terror strike in Egypt: 30 arrested DAHAB, Egypt (AP) April 25 Egyptian authorities, already struggling with elusive terror cells in the rugged Sinai Peninsula, moved quickly Tuesday arresting 30 men in the triple bombings that ripped apart a crowded resort town, killing 24 on a tranquil holiday evening. Radical Muslim groups moved just as rapidly to distance themselves from the Dahab attacks. The leader of Egypt's banned Muslim brotherhood condemned them as "aggression on human souls created by God." The militant Palestinian Hamas organization called them a "criminal attack which is against all human values."
4.24.06 Warriors of the future will 'taste' battlefield PENSACOLA, Florida (AP) April 24 In their quest to create the super warrior of the future, some military researchers aren't focusing on organs like muscles or hearts. They're looking at tongues. By routing signals from helmet-mounted cameras, sonar and other equipment through the tongue to the brain, they hope to give elite soldiers superhuman senses similar to owls, snakes and fish. Researchers at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition envision their work giving Army Rangers 360-degree unobstructed vision at night and allowing Navy SEALs to sense sonar in their heads while maintaining normal vision underwater -- turning sci-fi into reality. 4.24.06 California becomes second state to introduce Bush impeachment April 24 David Swanson of reports: Joining Illinois, California has become the second state in which a proposal to impeach President Bush has been introduced in the state legislature. And this one includes Cheney as well. California Assemblyman Paul Koretz of Los Angeles (where the LA Times has now called for Cheney's resignation) has submitted amendments to Assembly Joint Resolution No. 39, calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney. The amendments reference Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives, which allows federal impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature. 4.24.06 Escaped Yemeni Al-Qaeda convict surrenders SAN'A, Yemen (AP) April 24 A Yemeni member of al-Qaeda, one of 23 who escaped from a prison here earlier this year, has surrendered to authorities, security officials said Sunday. Khaled Mohammed Abdullah al-Batati turned himself in during the past two days, a security source said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. Al-Batati was the eighth to turn himself in from the group that broke out of a heavily guarded Yemeni prison in February. 4.24.06 Al Qaeda mystery man described in documents WASHINGTON, April 24 When Mohamedou Ould Slahi's name appeared on the list released last week of Guantanamo Bay detainees, the Pentagon was officially confirming that one of Al Qaeda's most mysterious figures had been in custody since late 2001. And recently declassified documents show that Slahi has been talking to interrogators the whole time. But the documents also show that the puzzle of a man US terrorism experts believe was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks and the millennium plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport seems only to grow deeper. 4.24.06 Iranian president says Israel cannot continue to exist (AP) April 24 In wide-ranging remarks, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Monday that Israel was an artificial state that could not continue to exist. "Some 60 years has passed since the end of World War II, why should the people of Germany and Palestine pay now for a war in which the current generation was not involved," Ahmadinejad told a press conference. "We say that this fake regime cannot not logically continue to live," he said. 4.24.06 Abbas gets tough with Hamas ANKARA, Turkey (AP) April 24 Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview aired Monday that he has the authority to remove the newly elected Hamas government from power, and warned the government that it had little choice but to negotiate with Israel. "The constitution gives me clear and definite authority to remove a government from power, but I don't want to use this authority. Everyone should know that by law this power is in my hands," Abbas said in an interview with CNN-Turk that was recorded before he arrived in Turkey on Sunday. [More>>Jerusalem Post] 4.24.06 Iran president vows not to abandon nuclear enrichment TEHRAN, Iran, April 24 Iranıs hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected on Monday a demand by the Untied Nations Security Council for the Islamic Republic to suspend its uranium enrichment activities by April 28. "Iran must have its own nuclear fuel," Ahmadinejad told reporters at a press conference. He called on the West not to stand up to Iran over its sensitive nuclear work. "Iran is a nuclear country," Ahmadinejad said. 4.24.06 Seven car bombs rock Baghdad as US steps up pressure BAGHDAD (AFP) April 24 Car bombings and shootings in Baghdad left 15 dead and 100 wounded as Washington stepped up pressure for Shiite premier designate Jawad al-Maliki to form a government and halt Iraq's slide into a civil war. Insurgents set off seven car bombs, including a double car bombing at a Baghdad university, security officials said. Five people died in the coordinated attack on the Mustansiriya University that also wounded 25. In another car bomb attack three people died and another 25 were wounded in the capital's northern Bab al-Muhaddam neighborhood, while 15 people were wounded in a yet another car bombing on Baghdad's central Tahrir Square. 4.24.06 Hamas rejects bin Laden message April 24 Hamas and a Sudanese rebel group have distanced themselves from a statement from Osama bin Laden condemning the West for its actions in both countries. In an audiotape message broadcast by Aljazeera on Sunday, the al-Qaeda leader said the decision by Western governments to halt aid to the Hamas-led government and impose other sanctions proved the West was in a "crusader war" with Islam. Commenting on bin Laden's message shortly afterwards, Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for Hamas, said the group's ideology was "totally different" from that of bin Laden and al-Qaeda. "What Osama bin Laden said is his opinion, but Hamas has its own positions which are different to the ones expressed by bin Laden," he said. However, he said that what he called the "international siege on the Palestinian people" would inevitably lead to tensions in the Arab and Islamic world. [More>>] 4.24.06 Sixteen-year-old Pak girl raped, jailed in Saudi Arabia KARACHI (AFP) April 24 Isma Mahmood's world has come crumbling down, her hopes dashed to the ground. And all for no specific fault of her own. Isma, 16, was deported to Pakistan last month after having served six months in shackles and handcuffs in a prison in Saudi Arabia. Her crime being raped by a Saudi man. "It's difficult for me to talk about what happened to me, from rape to prison and from prison to deportation," Isma said, in the office of a rescue trust in Karachi where she sat with her sister Muna, 18, who was also deported. 4.24.06 Sudan Islamist branded apostate for pro-women views KHARTOUM, Sudan (AFP) April 23 A Sudanese Islamist leader who once protected Al Qaeda supremo Osama Bin Laden was branded an apostate by the country's Muslim scholars on Sunday for taking a liberal stand on women's rights. The clerics proposed trying Hassan Al Turabi for apostasy following recent declarations by the Popular Congress Party leader that women were equal to men, had the right to marry a Christian or a Jew and could even lead prayers. 4.24.06 Intellectuals warn of mob rule, disintegration of nation JAKARTA, April 24 Painting an ominous picture of religious intolerance and national disintegration, a group of activists and intellectuals warned Saturday that Muslim hard-liners threatened to hijack the country's hard-won unity. Speaking at a one-day seminar here, they said that sharia-based ordinances being adopted by an increasing number of local administrations and the controversial pornography bill represented a danger to national unity. The seminar featured young intellectuals from the Indonesian Youth Circle, which brings together pro-democracy activists from the country's two largest Muslim organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, as well as from civil society NGOs and academia. 4.24.06 Human trafficking is 'slavery that shames world' April 24 Almost every country in the world is affected by the scourge of human trafficking, a UN report will reveal today. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which has compiled the first such study from open sources, there are 127 countries of origin, mainly developing countries, and 137 destination countries, mainly in the industrialized world. The report also highlights 98 transit countries. "The fact that slavery in the form of human trafficking still exists in the 21st century shames us all," said UNODC's chief, Antonio Maria Costa. 4.24.06 Bird flu cases multiply around Pakistani capital ISLAMABAD (Reuters) April 24 Pakistan reported mounting cases of the deadly H5NI bird flu virus in poultry on Monday after discovering more infected farms near the capital. "Now, we have total nine poultry farms (near Islamabad) where H5N1 virus has been confirmed," Mohammad Afzal, the ministryıs livestock commissioner, told Reuters. He said more than 40,000 chickens had been culled after new outbreaks were discovered in the past week at eight farms located in Tarlai and Sihala, two areas near Islamabad where poultry farms are concentrated. [More>>] 4.23.06 Official: Slain Syrian had ties to al-Qaeda leadership ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) April 23 A Syrian terrorist killed in northwestern Pakistan was a close aide of al-Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri, a top minister said Sunday. Marwan Hadid al-Suri, 38, was killed Thursday in a shootout in Bajur, a tribal region along the Afghan border. Al-Suri ran al-Qaeda operations there and was behind attacks on Afghan and coalition forces in Afghanistan, officials have said. Al-Suri was "an important man" in al-Qaeda believed to have run a financial network for the terror group, Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said Sunday. [More>> ; See also] and related al-Qaeda story,, April 23, "Turkey arrests 'al-Qaeda' suspects." : Turkish police have arrested six suspected al-Qaeda members they say were planning a series of attacks. The six, five Turks and a foreign national, were detained in the southeastern city of Gaziantep in a raid on a house, the Anatolia news agency reported...] 4.23.06 Bin Laden : West waging a crusade April 23 Al Jazeera television has received an audiotape apparently from Osama bin Laden accusing the West of waging a "crusader war" against Islam. In the recording, aired on Sunday, the al-Qaeda leader said the boycott and cutting off of aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government reaffirmed the West's "crusader war on Islam." 4.23.06 Despite US ire, Iran-India gas link deal close Dhoha, India (Reuters) April 23 Iran, India and Pakistan are close to signing a gas pipeline deal, the Iranian and Pakistani oil ministers told Reuters on Saturday, defying US opposition to the project. The plan to pump Iranian gas to India through Pakistan was first proposed more than a decade ago, but progress has been slow because of hostility between India and Pakistan and, more recently, US opposition to Iran because of its nuclear programme. Iranian Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri said he had an understanding with India and Pakistan and was unconcerned by US opposition. "We have a very good understanding," Iranian Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri told Reuters. "They are willing and Iran is ready." [More>>] 4.22.06 'CIA warned Bush of no WMD in Iraq' WASHINGTON (AFP) April 22 The Central Intelligence Agency warned US President George W. Bush before the Iraq war that it had reliable information the government of Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, a retired CIA operative disclosed. But the operative, Tyler Drumheller, said top White House officials simply brushed off the warning, saying they were ³no longer interested² in intelligence and that the policy toward Iraq had been already set. 4.22.06 Illinois legislators introduce bill for Bush impeachment April 22 David Swanson of reports: Three members of the Illinois General Assembly have introduced a bill that urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the US House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States, George W. Bush, for willfully violating his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and if found guilty urges his removal from office and disqualification to hold any other office in the United States. 4.22.06 Dollar too unstable to be reliable Russian minister WASHINGTON(RIA Novosti) April 21 Russia cannot consider the dollar as a reliable reserve currency because of its instability, the finance minister said Friday. "This currency has devalued by 40% against the euro in recent years," Alexei Kudrin told a news conference in Washington on the occasion of the opening spring session of the International Monetary Fund. According to the Central Bank of Russia, the dollar accounted for 70% of Russia's gold and currency reserves, euro for 25% and other assets for 5% in late 2005. As of April 14, 2006, the reserves were $212 billion. [] 4.22.06 Brazil nearing nuclear enrichment RESENDE, Brazil (AP) April 22 As Iran faces international pressure over developing the raw material for nuclear weapons, Brazil is quietly preparing to open its own uranium-enrichment center, capable of producing exactly the same fuel. Brazil like Iran has signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and Brazil's constitution bans the military use of nuclear energy. Also like Iran, Brazil has cloaked key aspects of its nuclear technology in secrecy while insisting the program is for peaceful purposes, claims nuclear weapons experts have debunked. 4.22.06 Israel to target 'terrorists' in Hamas-led government JERUSALEM, April 22 Israel has threatened to target any Hamas minister or official it believed was involved in violence against the Jewish state. A senior military commander also disclosed that his troops were making contingency plans to reoccupy the Gaza Strip if Palestinian militants continued firing rockets across the border. 4.22.06 Russian bombers flew undetected across Arctic AF commander MOSCOW (RIA Novosti) April 22 Russian military planes flew undetected through the US zone of the Arctic Ocean to Canada during recent military exercises, a senior Air Force commander said Saturday. The commander of the country's long-range strategic bombers, Lieutenant General Igor Khvorov, said the US Air Force is now investigating why its military was unable to detect the Russian bombers. "They were unable to detect the planes either with radars or visually," he said. [More>>] 4.21.06 Al-Qaeda to 'move fight' to Saudi Arabia PARIS (AFP) April 22 A suspected senior Al-Qaeda operative who escaped from a US airbase in Afghanistan last July called on members overnight in a video statement to move to fight in Saudi Arabia, predicting they would soon overcome US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 4.21.06 CIA fires employee for media leak WASHINGTON (CBS/AP) April 21 The CIA has fired an employee for leaking classified information to the news media, including details about secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe, officials said Friday. A federal criminal investigation has also been opened. As best as the CIA can determine, this is the first time it has ever fired one of its officers for unauthorized contacts with reporters, CBS News correspondent Jim Stewart reports. Officials would only identify the fired officer as a female who had "acknowledged a pattern of discussions ... with more than one reporter," Stewart adds. 4.21.06 FBI says 2 US citizens plotted terrorist attacks ATLANTA, April 21 A 21-year-old Georgia Tech student and another man traveled to Canada to meet with Islamic extremists to discuss ³strategic locations in the United States suitable for a terrorist strike,² according to an affidavit made public Friday. Both men are charged in the case in an indictment returned under seal on March 23 and unsealed by the court Thursday. 4.21.06 Olmert accuses Syria and Iran for Tel Aviv suicide bombing April 21 Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Friday accused the Syrian and Iranian governments of involvement in the Tel Aviv suicide bombing that took place Monday. "The order for the Tel Aviv suicide bombing came from Damascus and when the operation was complete the report went back to Damascus," Olmert told a visiting group of U.S. senators, according to his office. Olmert also said Iran, which provides funding to Islamic Jihad, and the new Hamas-led government bear responsibility for the attack. "There is a channel of communication between Iran, Syria and the Palestinian Authority," he said. The Islamic Jihad militant group claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed nine people. The group is headquartered in Damascus. [ ; See more details, Jerusalem Post] 4.21.06 Israel threatens to retake Gaza Strip JERUSALEM (AP) April 21 Israel Preparing to Retake Gaza; Lawmaker Says Palestinian Cabinet Could Be Assassination Target. In a growing barrage of Israeli pressure against Hamas, a senior military commander said Israel is actively preparing to reoccupy the Gaza Strip and a powerful lawmaker said the entire Palestinian Cabinet could be targeted for assassination after the appointment of a wanted militant to head a new security force. 4.21.06 Al-Qaeda suspect killed in Pakistan April 21 A foreign militant who is thought to have strong links with the al-Qaeda leadership has been killed in northwestern Pakistan, security officials say. The suspect, thought to be Saudi-born Abu Marwan al-Suri, was killed on Thursday close to the Afghan border. Major-General Shaukat Sultan, the Pakistan army spokesman, said al-Suri was in a vehicle on the outskirts of Khar, a town near the Bajur tribal region. Al-Suri opened fire when he was asked to stop his vehicle at a roadblock. He killed a Pakistani security official and wounded two others before he himself was killed. [More>>] 4.21.06 Nepal's King bows to protests and restores democracy April 21 Nepal's embattled King Gyanendra today caved in to growing pressure for a return to democratic government in a last-gasp attempt to end two weeks of strikes and bloody civil unrest. The King finally bowed to demands from protesters on the streets and the international community to hand control of the Himalayan kingdom back to the people. This evening, in a televised address, he called on the seven opposition parties who have co-ordinated 16 days of strikes and demonstrations to nominate candidates for a new prime minister. The King sacked the previous prime minister and dismissed parliament 14 months ago, ostensibly because politicians had failed to suppress a Maoist insurgency. [More>>] 4.21.06 Jordan says Hamas weapons cache came from Syria AMMAN, Jordan, April 20 A Hamas weapons cache that Jordan said was discovered on its territory likely came into the country through Syria, a lawmaker quoted the prime minister as saying on Thursday. Prime Minister Maaruf Bakhit said "the seized weapons traveled through Syria," according to Islamist MP Azzam Al Huneidi. "The people who brought in the weapons have relations with Hamas," Bakhit reportedly said, adding that an investigation was continuing. [More>>] 4.21.06 Iran shells Kurd positions in Iraq Kurd official SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) April 21 Iranian forces shelled Iranian Kurdish guerrilla positions inside mountainous northern Iraq early Friday morning to repel an attack, an Iraqi Kurdish official said. "This morning Iranian Kurdish fighters infiltrated the border into the Iranian side and the Iranian army bombed the area and repelled them. The shelling hit Iraqi land at Sidakan," said Saadi Pira, an official in the leading PUK Kurdish party. There was no word on casualties in the shelling of the Iranian Kurdish rebels of the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK). Sidakan is about 80 km (50 miles) north of the northern Iraqi city of Arbil and about 10 km (6 miles) inside Iraq from the Iranian border. 4.21.06 Russia toughens opposition to UN sanctions on Iran TEHRAN (AFP) April 21 Hardening its opposition to sanctions against Iran, Russia said on Friday only proof that the Islamic Republic was seeking atom bombs could justify consideration of such measures by the UN Security Council. The council is awaiting a report on April 28 from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on whether Tehran is meeting its demands for a halt to uranium enrichment and answers to queries about its nuclear programme. The United States, Britain and France want the Security Council to weigh sanctions if, as widely expected, IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei concludes Iran has not met UN demands. [More>>] 4.21.06 Saudi Arabia, Iran among world's top executors LONDON (AFP) April 21 China carried out 80 percent of the world's 2,148 known executions last year, while Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States accounted for most of the rest, Amnesty International said Thursday. The London-based human rights group said in a statement that these countries bucked a steady two-decade trend toward the abolition of the death penalty throughout the world, with Mexico and Liberia the most recent examples. 4.21.06 India Supreme Court: India is secular, behave NEW DELHI, India (PTI) April 20 India's Supreme Court on Friday directed the Orissa government to provide police protection to a Muslim couple who were forced to separate after local clerics issued a fatwa that they were divorced even though they wanted to live together. The husband of petitioner Nazma Biwi had pronounced triple talaq in an inebriated condition in 2004 but later realizing his mistake, he decided to live with his wife and three children. However, local clerics at Bhadrak issued a fatwa that they were divorced and hence could not live together. Thereafter the couple was forced to live separately by the community. 4.21.06 Four bird flu deaths in Egypt April 21 The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed today that there have been 12 human cases of bird flu in Egypt, four of them fatal. This took the global total to 113 deaths out of 204 cases since 2003, the United Nations agency said. Egyptian officials had previously announced all 12 cases, including the fourth fatality, an 18-year-old girl from a province north of Cairo who died a week ago. The WHO said one of its collaborating laboratories in Britain had now "fully validated" the test results obtained in Egypt. [More>> ; See related story,, April 20, "China confirms 12th human bird flu death."] 4.21.06 Bush, Hu produce summit of symbols April 21 Protester Screams At Chinese President. President Bush pressed China's visiting President Hu Jintao yesterday to open up markets, expand freedom and do more to curb nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea but came away with no specific agreements in a summit emphasizing symbolism over breakthroughs. LISBON, May 21 Adam Porter reports: Labour politician and former UK environment minister Michael Meacher has slammed Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George Bush for starting a war, he says, to secure oil interests.
08.09.05 Understanding terrorists' use of the Koran what constitutes extremist activity August 9 (Maravot News, Mel Copeland) A trend in combatting terrorism has to do with what constitute's extremist activity, including teachings by immams, publication of books and retail book stores, etc. Statements like (8.09.05) Bakri Mohammed's, " would be 'against Islam' for him to inform the police of any terrorist attacks that he knew were being planned in Britain..." are better understood through an examination of modern scholastic trends in reinterpreting the Koran. See:
6.17-05 Federal Debt not a concern of the press SAN FRANCISCO, June 17 Update. While the Federal Reserve continues to increase interest rates, the Exponentially rising Federal Debt is not being reported. What is not being reported is the fact that interest rates are tied to the US National Debt. This year the deficit is expected to exceed $420 billion, and interest on the debt which exceeds $8.2 trillion, is about $1 billion per day. Because the annual deficits are financed via the bond market, and because the amount of the bonds being sold exceeds demand, it is necessary to raise interest rates to attract investors in the US bonds financing the US debt. This routine of increasing debt on an exponential scale was experienced under the administration of George H. W. Bush. I predicted increasing interest rates "to sell bonds" in my conversation with Wm. F. Buckley Jr. at that time, in 1993, and I have repeated the prediction with regard to the current Bush administration's excesses and need to sell more bonds to finance the extraordinary deficits. The rate increases will continue in order to sell the overabundant US bonds. In a few words, George Bush's debt is causing your mortgage rates to increase, and they will continue to increase until the US assumes fiscal responsibility. Click here for details on this trend. Mel Copeland EDITORIALS 02.08.06 Iran misunderstanding "Holocaust" means "whole burnt offering"
Launched: 10.25.04 / 11.02.04
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